Chapter 10

Documenting simpleGame

In This Chapter

arrow How simpleGame is organized

arrow Main characteristics of the Scene class

arrow Using the Sprite class

arrow Working with the Timer and Sound objects

arrow Using the virtual joystick for mobile input

arrow Working with the accelerometer on mobile devices

arrow Creating virtual buttons

arrow Reading the keyboard

arrow Modifying the game engine

The simpleGame library streamlines HTML5 game development. It’s a powerful tool, and there are many details. This chapter simply walks through every single object and method in the library and explains how everything works in detail.

Overview of SimpleGame

The simpleGame.js library was designed with a few key features in mind:

check.png Ease of learning: Perhaps the most important design goal was to create a library that is easy to learn and use. The library has a relatively small number of objects, and it strives to use straightforward language whenever possible.

check.png Hiding complexity: Game programming often requires a great deal of complexity. HTML5 game development can be especially tricky. Many of the concepts needed in a game engine (collision detection, sound effects, vector projection) involve complex math and programming, which is hidden from the game developer when possible.

check.png Platform-agnostic: The library was designed to work as well as possible on many platforms. It works on most modern browsers as well as mobile devices.

check.png Mobile-friendly: The library aims to support not only traditional desktop web browsers but also mobile devices like cell phones and tablets.

check.png Reasonably powerful: On a modern computer, the library can perform about as well as many other web and mobile gaming platforms, including Flash.

check.png Object-oriented: The library uses objects throughout, with a consistent scheme. All the main features are supported by an appropriate object, which has properties and methods that allow you to manipulate the object.

check.png Free and open source: The simpleGame.js library is available for anyone to use for free. You can also modify the library and add your own features.

The Scene Object

The central object of the simpleGame library is the Scene. When you create a Scene object, two primary things happen: The Scene creates a canvas tag to hold all the visual aspects of the game, and it begins a timing loop that causes a function called update() to run 20 times per second.

You create the Scene object variable as a global variable so it is available to all functions. You’ll normally initialize Scene as the first line of your init() function. The Scene constructor requires no parameters. The Scene object is first described in Chapter 5, with more features described throughout the book.

Primary properties of the Scene object

The Scene object has a number of interesting properties you can read directly:

check.png touchable: The touchable property returns true when the browser detects a touch screen and false when there is no touch screen. This is an ideal way to determine if the game is currently being run on a mobile device. You should never change this property directly. Just use it to determine if the current device has a touch interface (usually with an if statement).

check.png canvas: The canvas property provides a reference to the canvas element produced by the scene. You can directly modify the canvas element (changing its size, for example), but it’s much better to use the various methods provided for this purpose.

check.png height, width: These two properties show the current height and width of the game area. Use the setSize() method to assign new values to height and width.

check.png top, left: These two properties are used to describe the current position of the playing area’s top-left corner. Use the setPosition() method to change the position of the game surface.

Important methods of the Scene class

Like most objects, the Scene object is controlled with methods, which are used to manage the scene and change its behavior and appearance.

check.png start(): The start() method is used to begin the game. Normally, you’ll call the start() method at the end of the page’s init() function, triggering the beginning of the game. The start() method adds the canvas to the page and begins the timing loop, which causes update() to be called 20 times per second. See Chapter 5 for more information on initializing a scene.

check.png clear(): This method clears the canvas, drawing the background color (use setBackground() to change the background color). Typically, you’ll call clear() at the beginning of the update() function. Failing to clear the scene can lead to trails of sprites drawn on the playing surface. Chapter 5 describes how to use the clear() method.

check.png stop(): The stop() function is used to end the game. The timing loop is no longer called, so the screen pauses. If you want to clear the screen, call clear() before stopping the game. If you want to reset the game, the easiest way is to reload the page: document.location.href = “”. You can find out more about stopping and restarting the game in Chapter 7.

check.png setSize(width, height): This method changes the size to the given width and height (measured in pixels). It may be necessary to adjust the size to make your game work well on mobile devices. This function is illustrated in Chapter 9.

check.png setPos(left, top): This method changes the position of the game surface to the given values.

check.png setSizePos(width, height, left, top): This is a utility function that allows you to change the size and the position at the same time.

check.png setBG(color): This method changes the background color of the playing area. You can use any of the normal CSS color values (named colors or hex values). The game canvas is repainted to the indicated color every time the scene’s clear() method is activated.

check.png hideCursor(): This method allows you to hide the mouse cursor. It is especially useful when the game uses mouse or touch screen information as an input.

check.png showCursor(): The showCursor() method makes the ordinary mouse cursor visible again after being hidden by hideCursor(). The cursor methods are detailed in Chapter 9.

check.png getMouseX(), getMouseY(): These two methods are used to return the position of the mouse on the game canvas. Note that these methods (unlike the joystick variations of the same methods) compensate for the position of the canvas. Mouse and joystick techniques are fully discussed in Chapter 9.

check.png hide(): Hides the game canvas. This is useful when you want to use the game’s timing loop but you don’t necessarily want to show the canvas. (I used this for a few examples throughout the book when the canvas itself wasn’t needed.)

check.png show(): Displays the game canvas after it has been hidden by hide().

The Sprite Class

Scenes provide the background of a game, but the other key element in simpleGame is the Sprite class. Nearly every game element is based on the sprite, so understanding what the sprite can do is the key to writing games in simpleGame. The Sprite class is first introduced in Chapter 5, and it is further described throughout the book.

The Sprite class is quite large, so the various properties and methods are broken into several different categories.

The sprite constructor has a number of important parameters:

mySprite = new Sprite(scene, imageFile, width, height)

You need to create each sprite as a global variable, and the sprites should all be initialized in the init() method. You must indicate all the required parameters when creating a sprite:

check.png scene: Sprites are always associated with a given Scene. Generally, you’ll create a Scene first and then create sprites attached to that scene.

check.png imageFile: This is the filename of the image the sprite will be based on. Typically, this will be a smaller image in a web-friendly format (.gif, .jpg, or .png). The .svg format is also allowed by most browsers. Usually, you’ll want to design your sprites so they face east by default. This will cause the direction properties to work as expected.

check.png width, height: These are the width and height of the sprite.

Main properties of the sprite

The sprite has a number of properties. You can read values from these properties, but it’s normally best not to change them directly. Instead, use the appropriate method to change the behavior or appearance of a sprite. Basic sprite methods are described in Chapter 5, but you’ll see more advanced techniques used throughout the book, especially in Chapter 8.

check.png canvas: The canvas element upon which the sprite is drawn.

check.png width, height: The width and height of the sprite. Important not only for the visual display of the element but also in collision detection.

check.png cWidth, cHeight: Size of the canvas containing the element. This information can be useful when you make a custom boundary action. See the checkBounds() method for more information.

check.png x, y: Position of the sprite. Do not change these values directly, but use one of the many sprite motion mechanisms. However, you can use these properties to discover the current position of the sprite.

check.png dx, dy: Motion of the sprite. Do not change these values directly, but you can use these properties to determine how quickly the sprite is moving vertically (dy) or horizontally (dx).

check.png speed: You can use this property to view the speed of the sprite, but do not change it directly. Instead, use one of the speed methods described later.

Appearance methods of the Sprite

Use these methods to change the appearance of the Sprite element:

check.png changeImage(imgFile): Changes the image to the image file. The file should be in a web-safe format, and should not be larger than the intended display size.

check.png setImage(fileName): Another name for changeImage(). Works exactly like changeImage().

check.png update(): This method draws the sprite on the screen. Typically, you will update each sprite at the end of the main program’s update() function. Sprites that are updated first appear at the bottom of the screen, so if you want a sprite to appear above another sprite, update it later.

check.png hide(): Hides the sprite. The sprite will still calculate speed and position, but it will not be displayed on the screen, and it will not collide with other sprites.

check.png show(): This function displays a sprite that was hidden with the hide() method.

check.png report(): This is a utility method that displays the current position, dx, dy, speed, and angle to the debugging console. It is intended only for debugging purposes, but can be quite handy when you’re trying to discover what a sprite is supposed to be doing.

Movement methods of the sprite

One of the most important jobs of the Sprite object is to move around the screen in interesting ways. At its very essence, position is stored as an (x, y) coordinate pair. You can directly set the position of the sprite, but there are many convenience methods that give you better control of sprite motion. The basic motion format is a motion vector (dx, dy). You can set these values directly with appropriate methods, but sprites also have speed and angle attributes that can give much more interesting behavior. In fact, a sprite has two different angle measurements, the imageAngle and the moveAngle. The imageAngle determines which direction the sprite is facing, and the moveAngle determines the direction of motion. If you simply change the angle, you’re changing both the image and movement angles at once. All angles in simpleGame are measured in degrees using normal navigation formatting, with 0 degrees pointing up and 90 degrees pointing to the right.

check.png setPosition(x, y): Immediately changes the position of the sprite to the give X and Y coordinates.

check.png setX(newX), setY(newY): Allow you to change X and Y to some new value.

check.png setDX(newDX), setDY(newDY): Change motion in X or Y axis. If you set the dx value to 5, for example, the sprite will move five pixels to the right every frame until the dx value is changed again. The angle and speed settings of the sprite will be affected by changes in dx and dy. (This is why you must always use functions to change dx and dy — if you change the properties directly, the speed and angle will no longer be accurate.) The sprite will continue moving at the indicated speed and direction until DX or DY is changed again directly or indirectly.

check.png changeXby(newDX), changeYby(newDY): Immediately change the X or Y value by the indicated amount, but do not change DX or DY. After this method is called, the sprite will continue to move according to its DX and DY values.

check.png setSpeed(speed): Sets the speed to the indicated value. Speed is determined in pixels per frame. You can set speed to a positive or negative value. The speed will change immediately with this method. If you want a more realistic change in speed, use changeSpeedBy() or addVector().

check.png getSpeed(): Returns the current speed based on the current settings of dx and dy.

check.png changeSpeedBy(diff): Changes the speed by the diff amount. A positive value will cause the sprite to speed up in the moveAngle direction, and a negative value will slow the sprite down. It is possible to attain negative speeds, which will cause the sprite to move backward. You may want to assign top and bottom speeds to keep your sprite from moving so quickly that it is difficult to control.

check.png setImgAngle(degrees): Changes the angle at which the sprite is drawn. Does not affect the motion angle. Use this mechanism to rotate a sprite without changing its direction of travel. Immediately sets the image angle to the indicated angle. The degrees value should be an integer between 0 and 360, but larger and smaller values will be accepted and adapted to appropriate values. This method immediately turns to the indicated angle. Use changeImgAngleBy() for animated rotation.

check.png changeImgAngleBy(degrees): Changes the image angle by the indicated degree measurement. Use a positive value to rotate the sprite clockwise and a negative number to rotate counterclockwise.

check.png getImgAngle(): Returns the sprite’s current image angle in degrees.

check.png setMoveAngle(degrees): Immediately sets the sprite’s motion angle to the indicated angle. Does not affect visual rotation of the image, so this can be used when you want to decouple the direction a sprite is pointing and the angle at which it travels. (This technique is frequently used for skidding behavior, for example.)

check.png changeMoveAngleBy(degrees): Changes the movement angle by the indicated amount. You use it to modify the motion angle over time.

check.png getMoveAngle(): Returns the sprite’s current motion angle in degrees.

check.png setAngle(degrees): A utility function that sets both the image and motion angle. You use it when the sprite will be traveling in the same direction it’s pointing (as in most simple driving games without skidding).

check.png changeAngleBy(degrees): Changes both the motion and image angle at the same time. Used to turn the sprite gradually.

check.png turnBy(degrees): Another name for changeAngleBy().

check.png addVector(degrees, thrust): A very powerful method that adds a motion vector to the current sprite. The function applies a vector in the direction indicated by degrees and with the force indicated by thrust. Skillful use of this method can lead to many interesting physics-based behaviors. See Chapter 8 for a complete examination of this flexible method, which is used for gravity, skidding, and orbits, among other things.

Boundary methods of the sprite

With all this movement, it isn’t surprising that sprites sometimes leave the confines of the game canvas. Most boundary-handling behavior is automatic, but you can either change the default boundary-checking mechanism, or you can add your own. Note that each sprite has a different boundary-checking behavior, so you can have more than one boundary mechanism in the same game. (Bullets frequently die when they leave a screen, whereas spacecraft may wrap around, for example.)

check.png setBoundAction(action): Determines what the sprite will do when it hits a screen boundary. The action value can be one of the following:

WRAP: The sprite will keep the same speed and angle, but will appear on the opposite of the side it left. So if a sprite leaves the left side of the screen, it will appear on the right, but the speed and direction of travel will remain the same. WRAP is the default bound action.

BOUNCE: The sprite will stay in the same spot, but its direction will be reversed. If it bounces off the top or bottom of the canvas, the dy value is inverted. If it bounces off the left or right of the canvas, the dx value is inverted.

STOP: The sprite’s speed will be set to zero, and the sprite will stay at the spot where it left the screen. It may appear only partially onscreen. If you want a stopped sprite to move again, you’ll need to change its direction, position, or boundary action.

DIE: The sprite will stop moving and will be hidden. It’s not removed from memory, but it will no longer be displayed, nor will it register collisions.

CONTINUE: The sprite will continue to travel beyond the visible canvas. Use this option only when there’s some way of getting the sprite back (as in an orbit demonstration or when the off-screen coordinates are displayed, such as in an air-traffic control simulation). If the boundAction is set to some value the game engine does not recognize, CONTINUE will be set.

check.png checkBounds(): The checkBounds() function automatically uses the indicated bound action. If you need a custom bound action (for example, you want to wrap off the top and bottom but bounce off the sides), you can create your own checkBounds() method. However, you’re then completely responsible for ensuring that your method handles all the possible boundary conditions. Never call checkBounds() directly (it’s already called at the appropriate moment), but overwrite it if you need some sort of fancy boundary-checking behavior.

Collision methods of the sprite

The sprite has two main ways to check collisions. There is a standard ­collidesWith() method that checks for bounding-rectangle collisions. In addition, you can use the distanceTo() and angleTo() methods to get a better sense of the proximity of two sprites. Chapter 6 describes collision-detection in some detail.

check.png collidesWith(sprite): Returns true if this sprite’s bounding rectangle is currently overlapping the given sprite’s bounding rectangle. Note that this is a very fast collision routine, but it’s not pixel-perfect. In particular, long, thin sprites will have very different collision behaviors if they’re diagonal, vertical, or horizontal. If you need more uniform collision mechanism, use the distanceTo() method instead. If either sprite is invisible, a collision will not be registered.

check.png distanceTo(sprite): Returns the distance (in pixels) between this sprite and the target sprite. Useful for boundary-circle checking. If the distance between two sprites is less than some threshold, count it as a collision. Unlike the standard collidesWith() mechanism, the distance-based collision technique works the same regardless of the sprites’ orientations. This method works whether the sprites are visible or not.

check.png angleTo(sprite): Returns the angle (in degrees) from the current sprite to the given sprite. Use this method to have a guided missile that always points to a target or to apply a gravity vector between a planet and a spacecraft. This method works whether the sprites are visible or not.

Animation methods of the sprite

The simpleGame library has limited support for sprite sheet animations. See Chapter 8 for a description of this technique. The following methods assist with animations:

check.png loadAnimation(width, height, cellWidth, cellHeight): Indicates that the image associated with the sprite is actually a sprite sheet. The first two parameters indicate the size of the overall sprite sheet, and the second two values indicate the width and height of a single cell within the sheet.

check.png generateAnimationCycles(): Generates a series of animation cycles. Default behavior presumes each row is a new state and each column is an animation within that state. Typically, rows indicate directions and columns indicate cells within the animation.

check.png renameCycles(cycleNameArray): This method allows you to set string names to each of the cycles. These usually indicate directions or behaviors.

check.png setAnimationSpeed(speed): This method indicates how quickly the animation will cycle. Setting a higher value will slow down the animation.

check.png setCurrentCycle(cycleName): Changes the animation cycle to the one indicated by the cycle name. They’re normally used to change animation state.

check.png PlayAnimation(): Begins (and repeats) the currently indicated ­animation.

check.png PauseAnimation(): Pauses the animation until it is restarted with a playAnimation() command.

Utility Classes

In addition to the main two classes, the simpleGame library includes a number of helpful utility classes. Use these classes to add features to your game, from sound effects to mobile device interface schemes.

The Sound object

The Sound class encapsulates the HTML5 audio object and makes it very easy to build sound effects. When you build a sound object, you’ll actually be creating an HTML5 audio object that isn’t displayed but that can be played with JavaScript code. Note that the sound object has the same limitations as HTML5 sound elements. Most importantly, no single audio format is guaranteed to play on every browser. For best results, create each sound effect twice (once in .mp3 and once in .ogg format) and create a Sound object for each. Use of the Sound object is described in Chapter 6.

check.png sndElement = new Sound(src): Creates a new Sound object. Generally, you’ll want to store the sound in a global variable. The src attribute indicates the filename of the sound. For maximum effectiveness, create two objects for each sound effect (one in .mp3 and one in .ogg).

check.png play(): Plays the sound effect encapsulated by the sound.

check.png showControls(): Shows the HTML5 control panel (a Play button and a simple scrubber) for the sound effect. By default, controls are turned off. This option was added as a workaround for an issue with iPhone and iPad browsers.

Note that the iPhone and iPad operating systems have a well-known problem playing back sound effects from JavaScript. IOS (the iPhone, iPad, and iPod operating system) refuses to preload a sound and will load the sound effect only after direct user feedback. In practice, this means you cannot load a sound in the background. However, there is a loophole. Use the Sound object’s showControls() method to make the HTML5 audio control panel appear for each sound. The user can then manually load each sound by playing it once. When the sound is in memory, it will play within the game with no problems. Each time the page is reloaded, you will need to reload the sounds.

See Chapter 6 for complete details on how to use the sound object.

The Timer object

The Timer is a simple object designed to give you an easy way to work with elapsed time. It has two methods, and they are both quite straightforward:

check.png reset(): This command resets the timer. Use it whenever you want to begin counting some amount of time.

check.png getElapsedTime(): This method returns the number of seconds since the timer was started or reset.

If you look at the source code, you’ll find another method, getCurrentTime(), but this is used only internally and isn’t likely to be useful as it is. (It returns the current time in a format that’s useful for calculations, but it’s not human-readable.)

The Timer is explained in Chapter 6.

The virtual joystick

One of the most interesting features of the simpleGame library is its support for mobile devices. Because these devices often don’t have keyboards, they rely on alternative input methods. The virtual joystick object is used to manage touch screen input.

check.png joystickName = new Joy(): Creates a virtual joystick object. Normally, it’s best to do this after checking for the touchable interface through the scene.touchable property. However, if you create a virtual joystick and the browser cannot support it, the joystick commands will simply be ignored.

check.png getMouseX(), getMouseY(): These methods return the X and Y position of the touch. If a virtual joystick is turned on, the scene’s getMouseX() and getMouseY() methods will reflect the mouse’s position. Note that with a real mouse, there is always a value for mouseX and mouseY. With a touch interface, there isn’t a meaningful value for mouseX and mouseY unless the user is currently touching the screen. Chapter 9 details the use of the touch screen and mouse.

check.png getDiffX(), getDiffY(): Return a value indicating how much the user has moved the mouse in X or Y since initially touching the screen. This is the foundation of the virtual joystick. See Chapter 9 for details on using the virtual joystick object.

check.png virtKeys: This is an ordinary variable. If you create a variable called virtKeys and set it to true before you create a virtual joystick, the joystick will automatically act like arrow keys. This is an easy way to build a multi-platform game. Use the arrow keys as the primary input interface, but add the virtual arrow key interface so mobile users can replace the keys with a virtual joystick. See Chapter 9 for more detail on using the virtual joystick in this way.

The virtual accelerometer

In addition to touch input, mobile devices also include support for motion-detection with a built-in accelerometer. The accelerometer measures rotation around all three axes, but X and Y turn out to be most useful.

check.png AccelName = new Accel(): Builds a new accelerometer object called accelName. If the device does not support an accelerometer, nothing will happen (so you’ll want to include some other input type, such as the keyboard or buttons).

check.png getAX(): Gets acceleration around the X axis. Note that the X axis is side-to-side, so acceleration around this axis will often map to changes in Y.

check.png getAY(): Gets the acceleration around the Y axis, which is vertical. Normally, you’ll map acceleration around Y to changes in an object’s X or dx values.

check.png GetAZ(): Technically, this reads acceleration around the Z axis, which runs from the center of the screen to the user’s nose. In reality, this is rarely used because these rotations will usually also trigger an acceleration around Y.

check.png getRotX(), getRotY(), getRotZ(): These utility functions indicate the amount of rotation around each of the axes since the last frame. They’re provided as a service, but normally the getAX() and getAY() functions are sufficient for handling most rotation situations.

See Chapter 9 for more information on how to use the accelerometer for motion-sensing.

The game button

The game button provides a convenient button that can be used in both desktop and mobile games. It’s essentially a standard HTML button, but it’s optimized for game programming, especially on mobile devices as an alternative to keyboard input.

check.png buttonName = new GameButton(label): Creates a new button. The label text will become the text of the button.

check.png setPosition(x, y): Sets the position of the button to the indicated screen coordinates. The button can be placed on the playing surface or anywhere else on the screen.

check.png setSize(width, height): Sets the width and height of the button to the indicated values. Remember that buttons may be easier to press if they’re larger.

check.png isClicked(): Returns a true value if the button is currently pressed or false if the button is not currently pressed. Use this method to easily check the state of the button.

Note that the label can be any valid HTML text, including plain text or an image (using the standard <img> tag). You can also use CSS to style your labels (use the standard button style) to make them semitransparent if you prefer. You can find complete discussion of the GameButton class in Chapter 9.

Keyboard array

The keyboard is a primary input mechanism for the simpleGame engine, so it’s designed to be easy to use. As soon as the Scene is initialized, a special array called keysDown is created. There is an entry in this array for each of the main keys on the keyboard. Check the status of a key by using the keyboard constant as the index. The keyboard constants all begin with a capital “K,” followed by an underscore and the letter name (for example, the A key is K_A, and B is K_B). In addition to the letter and number keys, the following keyboard constants are defined:

check.png K_UP

check.png K_DOWN

check.png K_LEFT

check.png K_RIGHT

check.png K_SPACE

check.png K_ESC

check.png K_PGUP

check.png K_PGDOWN

check.png K_HOME

check.png K_END

Note that these keys are defined for a standard U.S. keyboard, and some behavior may be different on different keyboards.

This system (unlike standard JavaScript keyboard techniques) allows for multiple keys to be pressed at one time.

Chapter 5 describes how to read the keyboard.

Making the Game Engine Your Own

The simpleGame library is already pretty feature-packed. But there’s always room for improvement. If you’re interested (and willing to dig around a little bit), you can poke around the code yourself to see how it works. If you want to add your own features, you can do so. A few adventuresome developers are already working on improvements to the library including support for tile-based worlds and enhanced animation features.

By all means feel free to experiment. If you add something really great, let me know, and I’ll add it to the next version of simpleGame!

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