3-bit switched-capacitor, circuit, 376
8-bit, nonlinear transfer function, 367–368
12-bit, SFDR, FFT, 286–287
architecture, 340–369
R-2R ladder, 349–352
basic, diagram, 340
charge-redistribution, 376, 377
current-output architecture, 345, 346
deglitcher, using SHA, 555
digital interfacing, 360–364
distortion, 474, 477
double buffered, 360–361
complex input structures, diagram, 361
dynamic performance, 474
fully decoded, 345–347
gain, in R-2R ladder, 350
general nonlinear, diagram, 369
glitch impulse area, 475–476
high speed:
alternate loading, diagram, 361, 362
buffering using differentia amplifier, 360
output, model, 357
ideaI 12-bit, SFDR, output spectrum, 283
input and output definitions, 309
intentionally nonlinear, 367–369
in feedback loop, 160, 161
performance, 161
nonlinear 6-bit segmented, diagram, 368
buffered with op amps, 356–357
graph, 366, 377
output compliance voltage, 357
ping-pong, 361, 362
settling time, 475
SFDR, 474, 477–479
test setup, 478
SNR, 477–479
measurement, analog spectrum analyzer, 479
string, 341–342
switched capacitor, 376
thermometer, 345–347
transitions, with glitch, graph, 475–476
DAC-08, block diagram, 350, 351
Dale Electronics, Inc., 740
Damped oscillation, 52
Damping ratio, 589
Damping resistor:
fast logic, minimizing EMI/RFI, circuits, 858
series, high speed DSP interconnections, 856
Darlington NPN, pass device, 686
Darlington pass connection, 687
Data bus:
interface, example, 504
parallel versus serial, 509, 511
Data converter, 339–511
ac errors, 443–480
ac specifications, 490
analog switches and multiplexers, 531–553
choosing, 509–511
code transition noise and DNL, graphs, 437
dc and ac specifications, 431
dynamic performance, 447
table, 447
gain error, 319–320
intercept points, significance, 456
least significant bit, for 2V full scale input, table, 431
logic, timing, 364
metastable comparator output, error codes, diagram, 473, 474
offset error, 319–320
offset and gain error, graphs, 433
parameters, 509–511
part selection, 511
primary dc errors, 433
resolution, 509
table, 431
sample rate, 509
SHA circuits, 555–564
specifications, defining, 431–432
static transfer functions and dc errors, 433–441
support circuits, 513–580
thermal considerations, 891–895
timing specifications, 483–485
transfer functions for non-idea 13-bit DAC and ADC, graphs, 435
voltage references, 515–530
Data directed scrambling, 427
Data distribution system, using SHA, 555
Data ready, 372
Data scrambling, 427
Data sheet:
absolute maximums, 75–77, 494–495
application circuits, 170–171
circuit description, 501, 503
defining the specifications, 496
equivalent circuits, 496, 498
evaluation boards, 507
front page, 69, 487, 488
graphs, 77–78, 498–499, 500, 501, 502
how to read, 487–508
interface, 503–504
main body, 78, 500
for op amp, 78–79
ordering guide, 77, 495–496
pin description, 496
reading, 69–79, 487–508
register description, 505, 506
specification tables, 69–75, 487–494
Dattorro, J., 408
DC error source, in amp, 101–104
DC errors, 433–441
DDS, 477
aliasing, 284–285
basic system, high resolution, 283
flexible system, diagram, 282
fundamental, 281
harmonics, 285
versus PLL-based system, 285
RF/IF circuit, 281–287
sampled data system, 281
tuning equation, 283
DDS system:
ADC clock driver, 285–286
ampli tude modulation, 286
dither, for quantization noise and SFDR, 287
harmonics, 286
SFDR considerations, 286–287
Dead time. DAC settling time, 475
Decimation, 411–412
Decoupling, 881–884
inadequate, effects, 882–883
local high frequency, 881–883
supply filter, circuits, 882
PCB, 881–884
power line, forms resonant circuit, 884
surface-mount multilayer ceramics, 881
voltage reference, 515
Decoupling capacitor, in amp, 103, 178–179
Decoupling point, 870
Del Signore, B.P., 408
Delay constant, surface microstrip, 852
Delay dispersion, graph, 138
Delay skew, 860
Delta modulation, 407
circuit, 407
quantization, graph, 408
Delta phase register, 282
Delyiannis, T, 643
Dempsey, Dennis, 344
Demultiplexed data bus, 860
Denormalization, filter, 599
Derating curves, 887
Detecting, architecture, 265
Detecting log amp, 126, 127
Detector, Tru-Power, RF/IF circ uit, 271–273
Dielectric, types, 756–760
Dielectric absorption, 761, 762–763
capacitor, 762–763
circuit example, 762
material characteristic, 763
PCB, 838
circuit, 838
sample-and-hold errors, 762, 763
SHA, 561
circuit and graph, 561
Dielectric hysteresis, 762
Difference amplifier:
circuit, 92
definition, 92
Differential amplifier, 107–108
advantages, 107
Differential analog input capacitance, definition, 439
Differential analog input impedance, definition, 439
Differential analog input resistance, definition, 439
Differential analog input voltage range, definition, 439
Differential current-to-differential voltage conversion, 360
Differential DC coupled output:
with dual supply op amp, circuit, 358
with single-supply op amp, circuit, 359
Differential gain:
definition, 59, 480
example, 60
Differential input voltage, op amp, 36
Differential linearity error, 434
Differential nonlinearity, 434
ADC, 323
graph, 436
and code transition noise, 324
converter, 321
details, 322
graph, 435
distortion effect, 447–448
Differential nonlinearity error, in ADCIDAC, graphs, 447
Differential nonlinearity temperature coefficient, 439
Differential PCM, 407, 408
circuit, 407
Differential phase:
definition, 60, 480
specifications, 60
Differential transformer coupling, circuit, 358
Digiphase, 296
DigiTrim, in op amp, 29
Digital corrected subranging, 382
Digital crosspoint switch, 548–549, 550
Digital crosstalk, definition, 480
Digital current, high, multiple PCB, diagram, 874–875
Digital data bus noise, immunity in high-speed ADC IC, 870
Digital error correction, 382
Digital filter, in sigma–delta ADC, 418–419
Digital filtering, 411
Digital ground, 865
in mixed-signal IC, 868–869
Digital ground pin, circuit, 865
Digital interface, 360–364
Digital isolation:
AD260/AD261 high speed logic isolators, 114–115
ADuM130X/ADuM140X multichannel products, 119–121
ADuM1100 architecture, 116–119
in data acquisition system, 115
iCoupler® technology, 115–116
techniques, 113–121
using LED/photodiode optocoupler, 114
using LED/phototransistor optocoupler, 113
Digital noise, in mixed-signal IC, 868–869
Digital phase-frequency detector:
in PLL synthesizer, 291, 292
using D-type flip flops, circuit, 292
waveforms, 292
Digital phase wheel, 282
Digital phosphor scope, acquisition time measurement, 561
Digital PLL, 290
Digital pot, 344–345
two times programmable, diagram, 345
Digital potentiometer, 344–345
advantages, 344
internal timer, 344
Digital sampling scope, acquisition time measurement, 561
Digital signal processor, See DSP
Digital switch, crosspoint, 548–549
Digital word, 339
Digital output temperature sensor, 233–236
Digitally controlled VGA, 279–280
RF/IF circuit, 279–280
DigiTrim technology:
circuit offset adjustment, 29
schematic, 30
input protection, 781
junction capacitance, 786–787
for parasitic SCR latchup protection, 550, 551
Diode/op amp log amp, disadvantages, 265
Diode-ring mixer:
diagram, 251
performance limitations, 251
RF/IF circuit, 251–253
DiPilato, J., 424
Direct digital synthesis, See DDS
Direct IF to digital conversion, 333
Discrete time sampling, 328
Dispersion, comparator, 137
Dissipation factor, definition, 764
Distance, EMI, 803
CFB op amp, 16
harmonic, 48
intercept points, 48
intermodulation distortion, 48, 49–50
multi-tone power ratio, 48
op amp, definition, 48
SFDR, 48
SHA, 557
total harmonic, 48
plus noise, 48–49
Distortion products, location, graph, 448
Dither, 286
Dither signal, 444
circuit, 151
with multiplier and op amp, inverting/non-inverting modes, circuit, 150
and sampling clock jitter, quantization noise, SNR, and input noise, graph, 469
Dobkin, Robert C., 687
Doeling, w., 838
Dominant pole frequency, 25
Doublet glitch, 476
reference temperature, table, 525
voltage reference, 524–525
Drift with time, op amp, 28
hold mode, 560, 561
rate, 557
Dropout voltage, 686
grounding, 875, 876
output rise times and fall times, graph, 855
Dual amplifier bandpass filter:
design equations, 649
diagram, 639, 640
Dual-modulus prescaler, 294–295
Dual slope ADC:
advantages, 396
diagram, 397
integrator output waveforms, 397
Dual slope/multi-slope ADC, 396–398
Duty cycle, waveform, 19
Dynamic range, log amp, 267
Dynamic settling time, transient, charge coupling, graph, 539
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