Concluding Remarks

Though many of the observations and trends highlighted in our prior snapshot of the literatures in 2003 hold true today, there has been a proliferation of interest in different forms of knowledge transfer and learning. Moreover, the geopolitical and technological context has pushed the dissemination and practice of using IT mediated teams and supply chains. This has occurred faster than could have been anticipated in 2003, given that Web 2.0 was still in its infancy. Scholars seeking an integrative understanding of knowledge transfer and learning have a lot of diverse developments to catch up with out there ‘in the real world’ as well as within a larger set of conceptually complementary lines of research. Throughout we have repeatedly highlighted a number of aspects and avenues of inquiry that to our mind remain obscure and ripe for inquiry. Our recommendation in 2003 that scholars need to study a broader range of collaborative settings has occurred, though in piecemeal fashion. Our analysis confirms once again the reflection that the alliance literature in general pays insufficient attention to social processes (Doz, 1996). Research on learning in inter-organizational alliances remains overwhelmingly structural and macro in focus. One of the biggest gaps revealed time and again above is a relative lack of studies that look at inter-organizational collaborative learning at the intraorganizational, group, and individual levels of analysis; this gap recently has been acknowledged for research on outsourcing and offshoring ( Lewin et. al., 2010). The work by Lyles and Salk (1996) and Lane, Salk, and Lyles (2001) attempts to find rough and ready proxies for inter-group and interpersonal contact and things that might affect it. If we look further afield, the micro work on teams that we have highlighted in this review might be a good place from which to pick up and push toward better understanding of meso and micro collaborative processes.

The flip side of the large gaps in research and islands of specialized scholarship is that these conditions contain exceptional opportunities for innovative and high impact research. Throughout the chapter, we have suggested topics that are un- or underdeveloped. We want to lend our support to the contention that using network approaches and theory to study processes of knowledge transfer and learning in such settings, especially across levels of analysis, should reap rich dividends for the field. Collecting network and other original multilevel survey data admittedly is time consuming since they cannot be generated from secondary sources. Hence, there is a need for rigorously conducted and comparative case studies. It would be highly informative for theory building to seek out and conduct studies of ‘best practice’ and ‘worst practice’ in developing collaborative know-how. Comparing outliers offers different benefits for expanding our knowledge of collaborative learning than focusing, as does virtually all of the current research, on averages. Finally, some interesting preliminary insights on geographically dispersed teams have come out of experimental research traditions (for example, Kane, 2009, whose research connects superordinate identity formation to knowledge transfer and learning in teams and O’Leary and Mortensen, 2010, who look at social isolates’ team identity and performance). It is an important literature that finds insights and stimulation to begin filling in theory and an empirical agenda that crosses and connects levels of analysis.

In conclusion, while learning in alliances has deservedly captured the attention of management scholars, the boundaries of the phenomenon and the variables that need to be assessed to understand it holistically have not been encapsulated in one place. This is where we hope our inquiry will be of use. We have laid a foundation for new avenues of research and for more cross-fertilization and dialog across research paradigms and communities who, without explicitly acknowledging it, want to understand the same things.


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