Subject Index

Page numbers in italics indicate figures or tables.

A. C. Nielsen Company 2930, 30, 31; see also Nielsen

AAAA (American Association of Advertising Agencies) 21, 23, 263

AA (Audience Appreciation) data 264

ABC network 34, 345, 2212, 222

A/B testing 73

accidental samples 268

Action for Children’s Television (ACT) 246

action research 45

active audience 94, 956, 263; see also least objectionable program (LOP); passive audience

active/passive (A/P) meters 68, 264

AD (audience deficiency) 264

addressable advertising 1945

ADI (Area of Dominant Influence) 263

adjacency 263

adjusting data 801, 138, 139

ADS (alternate delivery systems) 183

Advertiser Looks at Radio, The (Crossley) 21

advertising: about 1902, 191; addressable 1945; banner 127, 265; cinema 193; communication technologies and 1923; display 589, 127, 269; Internet 1935; limits on 248; movie theater 193; paid search 158, 276; revenues 175, 2401, 241; worldwide 1905; see also advertising research

advertising agencies 21, 25, 141, 263

advertising research 173203; about 1734, 175; advertising worldwide 1905, 191; local markets 185, 18890; national markets 174, 17685, 17881, 1867; research questions 195203, 196, 197, 2001; see also advertising

Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) 60, 264

adware 263

affiliates 104, 106, 263

AGB (Audits of Great Britain) 32, 33, 39

age, median 133, 1337, 135, 136

algorithms 156, 263

all barter 184

alternate delivery systems (ADS) 183

American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) 21, 23, 263

American Idol 192, 210

America Now 186

American Research Bureau (ARB) 25, 27, 31, 264; see also Arbitron

American Urban Radio Networks 177

AMOL (Automated Measurement of Lineups) 263

ANA (Association of National Advertisers) 201, 23, 263

Anderson Analysis of Broadcasting 25

A/P meters (active/passive meters) 68, 264

applied research 45

apps 74, 264

AQH (average quarter hour) 121, 122, 148, 148, 264

ARB (American Research Bureau) 25, 27, 31, 264; see also Arbitron

Arbitron: about 9; cume duplication 148; cume ratings 147; defined 264; diaries 64, 645; GRP sampling error study 143; history 27, 28; Maximi$er 219; peoplemeters 251; portable peoplemeters 70, 71; qualitative ratings 60; radio 208; radio network audience 177; software packages for manipulating data 138

Area of Dominant Influence (ADI) 263

area probability samples 456, 264; see also cluster samples; probability samples

ARF (Advertising Research Foundation) 60, 264

Arianna 264

ascription 801, 264

Asian population in U.S. 99

Associated Press 177

Association of National Advertisers (ANA) 201, 23, 263

AT&T 19

audience: active 94, 956, 263; available 99101, 100, 101, 128, 129, 265; exclusive cume 271; importance of 3; passive 94, 277; potential 989; projected 11819, 278; shrinking 34, 345; size of 1956, 196; target 21415, 216, 217, 283; total 57, 284; unduplicated 147, 284; value of 238, 239, 240; see also specific topics

Audience Appreciation (AA) data 264

audience availability 99101, 100, 101, 128, 129, 265

audience behavior 87115; audience factors 98103, 100, 101, 104; exposure to media 8792, 89, 90, 91; integrated model of audience behavior 11115, 112; media choice theories 928; media factors 10410, 105, 107, 108, 110

audience deficiency (AD) 264

audience duplication 1615, 162, 164, 264; see also audience flow; channel loyalty; inheritance effects; recycling; repeat viewing

audience factors: individual determinants 1023, 104; structural determinants 98102, 100, 101, 104

audience flow 163, 2212, 222, 264; see also audience duplication; inheritance effects

audience fragmentation 34, 345, 2645

audience guarantees 182

audience loyalty 154, 202, 21718

audience measurement business 1840; beginning 1820; challenges of new media environment 34, 346; diaries 268; evolution 2033; institutional factors 3840; measurement strategies 368; meters 2833, 30; personal interviews 246; telephone interviews 204; today 3340, 34

audience measurement methods: about 42; production 76, 7983; sources of error 423; see also measurement; sampling

audience members 1989, 2001, 202

audience polarization 265; see also channel loyalty; channel repertoire

audience research: in advertising 173203; applied versus theoretical 45; in financial analysis 22542; importance of 3; methodological 4; micro versus macro 68; in programming 20424; quantitative versus qualitative 56; in social policy 24354; syndicated versus custom 8, 911, 1213; types 38, 911, 1213

audience turnover 14950, 265

audiometers 2930, 30, 66, 265; see also storage instantaneous audimeters (SIAs)

audio, online 208

Audit Bureau of Circulations 9

Audits of Great Britain (AGB) 32, 33, 39

Australia 25

AutoHop 237

Automated Measurement of Lineups (AMOL) 263

availabilities 128, 265

available audience 99101, 100, 101, 128, 129, 265

average 265; see also mean; median

average audience rating 121, 265

average page views 153

average quarter hour (AQH) 121, 122, 148, 148, 264

average time per page 153, 265

average unit rate 231

awareness of options 103

away-from-home listening 25, 265

banner advertising 127, 265

BARB (Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) 39, 265

barter syndication 1835, 1867, 265

basic cable 210, 221, 265

BBC 39

BBM Canada 191, 265

behavioral variables 199

BET network 177

Big Bang Theory, The 187

billboards 193

Birch/Scarborough Research 28, 266

block programming 221, 266; see also inheritance effects

Bluefin Labs 82, 211

bookmarks 110

bounce 130, 266

bounce rate 266

bounded rationality 103

broadband 73, 81, 266; see also cable systems

broadcast-based metrics: cumulative measures 14651, 148; gross measures 11820, 119, 121, 1225

Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB) 39, 265

broadcast networks: advertising research 174, 1767, 185, 1889; advertising revenues 241, 241; programming 20812; revenue report, sample 228, 229; television audiences 34, 345; see also radio; television

browsers 74, 76, 151, 152, 266; see also cookies

buffer samples 545, 266

Bureau of Applied Social Research 2434

buyer-graphics 199

C. E. Hooper, Inc. 22, 234, 267

C5 ratings see commercial ratings

CAB (Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting) 213

Cable Advertising Bureau (CAB) 193, 266

cable networks 177, 17881, 1812

cable penetration 54, 1401, 183, 266

cable systems 18990, 266

cable television: advertising research 177, 17881, 1812; advertising revenues 175, 241, 241; audience size 106; programming 210, 21213; see also television

CAC (Cinema Advertising Council) 193, 267

call-back 266; see also nonresponse error

call-out research 8, 206

Cantril, Hadley 243

Cartoon Network 177, 212

cash-plus-barter 184, 266; see also barter

Castle 187

CATV (community antenna television) 266

CBS network 12, 19, 26, 34, 345

census 43, 266

challenges of new media environment 34, 346

change management 3840

channel loyalty 166, 217, 267; see also audience duplication; inheritance effects

channel repertoire 110, 267

Chappell, Matthew 23

children’s daypart 1767

cinema advertising 193

Cinema Advertising Council (CAC) 193, 267

circulation 7, 36, 267; see also cume; reach

Clark, Montgomery 22

Clark-Hooper 22

clearance 104, 106, 267

click fraud 267

click rate 267

clicks 127, 267

clickstream 267

click-through 267

cluster samples 456, 267; see also probability samples

CMSA (Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area) 267

codes 267

cognitive dissonance 96

cohorts 267; see also longitudinal surveys

coincidental 212, 23, 62, 77, 267

collaborative filtering 267

COLRAM (Committee on Local Radio Audience Measurement) 246, 268

COLTAM (Committee on Local Television Audience Measurement) 2456, 268

COLTRAM (Committee on Local Television and Radio Audience Measurement) 268

commercial pods 202

commercial ratings 36, 378, 58, 121, 125, 268

Committee on Local Radio Audience Measurement (COLRAM) 246, 268

Committee on Local Television and Radio Audience Measurement (COLTRAM) 268

Committee on Local Television Audience Measurement (COLTAM) 2456, 268

Community 187

community antenna television (CAT) 266

comparisons: cumulative measures 15860, 159, 160; gross measures 12731, 129, 132, 133, 1339, 135, 136, 138

compulsory copyright license 253

computer meters 70, 723, 78

comScore 9, 33, 194

confidence intervals 50, 268

confidence level 50, 268

Conrad, Frank 18

Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) 267

content options 1067, 108

convenience samples 268

conversion rate 1534, 268

conversion ratio 227, 229, 278

cookies 74, 75, 152, 268

Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting (CAB) 213

copyright license, compulsory 253

Corporation for Public Broadcasting 60, 215

correlation 143, 268

cost-benefit analysis 2223

cost per action (CPA) 268

cost per gross ratings point (CPGRP) 124

cost per impression (CPI) 127, 269

cost per point (CPP) 1245, 231, 269

cost per thousand (CPM): about 124, 125, 127, 132; average in selected countries 238, 239, 240; defined 269

costs 2023

Council for Research Excellence 6

counterprogramming 215, 268

coverage 104, 105, 106, 268

CPA (cost per action) 268

CPGRP (cost per gross ratings point) 124

CPl (cost per impression) 127, 269

CPM see cost per thousand (CPM)

CPP (cost per point) 1245, 231, 269

Crossley, Archibald 201, 59

Crossley Business Research Company 20

cross-sectional surveys 467, 269; see also longitudinal surveys

cross-tabs 1615, 162, 164, 269; see also audience duplication

Crystal Media Networks 177

CSM Media Research 9, 33

cultivation analysis 247

cume 147, 269; see also circulation; reach

cume duplication 148, 219, 269; see also exclusive cume

cume persons 147, 148, 148, 150

cume ratings 147

cumulative measures 1469; about 146; audience duplication 1615, 162, 164; broadcast-based metrics 14651, 148; comparisons 15860, 159, 160; gross measures compared to 902, 91; prediction and explanation 1659, 168; reach and frequency 1558, 157; types 90, 90; web-based metrics 1514, 152, 155

cumulative shares 149

Cumulus Media 177, 206

custom research 8, 12

daily patterns 100

data: adjusting 801, 138, 139; editing 76, 7980, 270; supplementing 813

data fusion 82, 83, 269

dayparts 147, 174, 1767, 269

daytime 176

DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite) 182, 269

demographic maps 1336, 135

demographic variables: advertising research 198; audience behavior and 99; defined 269; gross measures 1301, 133, 1337, 135, 136; program type preferences and 94; radio station format popularity 206, 215, 216

Designated Market Areas (DMAs): about 185, 188; advertising research 1989, 2001; defined 44, 270; New York 199, 2001; number of 99; rankings 25561

Dial Global 177

diaries: about 626, 63, 64; advantages and disadvantages 77; data, adjusting 80; data, editing 76, 79; defined 270; history 268

diary fatigue 66

differential survey treatment (DST) 270

digital video recorders (DVRs) 123, 1378, 138, 270

Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) 182, 269

DirecTV 182

Dish Nation 186

Dish Network 237

display advertising 589, 127, 269

dissonance reduction 96

DMAs see Designated Market Areas (DMAs)

domain consolidation level 270

domain name level 269

double jeopardy effects 15860, 159

DST (differential survey treatment) 270

duplicated audience see audience duplication

duplication of viewing law 1657

DVRs (digital video recorders) 123, 1378, 138, 270

EACA (European Association of Communications Agencies) 270

early fringe 205, 231, 270

EBU (European Broadcasting Union) 270

economic implications of social policies 2514

economic models of program choice 956

editing 76, 7980, 270; see also ascription

effective exposure 270; see also frequency

effective frequency 158

effective sample size (ESS) 56, 2701

82/22 distributions 1067, 107, 108

Elder, Robert 29

engagement 14, 270

enumeration surveys 54, 271

error: defined 42; nonresponse 536; sampling 4751, 48, 49, 52, 53; sources of 423

ESF (expanded sample frame) 270; see also sample frame

ESOMAR (European Society of Opinion and Marketing Research) 271

ESPN 177, 212, 237

ESS (effective sample size) 56, 2701

establishment surveys 54, 271

E.T.: The Extraterrestrial 192

ethnography 6, 271

European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) 270

European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 270

European Society of Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) 271

exclusive cume 148, 219

exclusive cume audience 271

exit rate 271

expanded sample frame (ESF) 270; see also sample frame

expected frequency 163

exposure 1415, 5960, 8792, 89, 90, 91

Facebook 1314, 73, 74, 154, 155

fault rates 79, 271

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 2445, 247, 2489, 2501, 252, 271

Fessenden, Reginald A. 18

financial analysis, audience research in 22542; about 2257; research questions 22742, 228, 232, 236, 239, 241

first copy costs 38

first-run syndication 185, 186, 210

Flintstones 51, 52, 53

focus groups 6, 206

forecasting errors 142

formats 2056, 207, 215, 216, 271

Fox News 177

frequency 1568, 157, 1968, 197, 271

frequency distribution 49, 271

fringe 205, 231, 271

fusion see data fusion

Gallup, George 21, 22

Gannett Co. 237

Garrison, Garnet 26

geodemographics 199, 271

geographic variables 1989

Gerbner, George 247, 248

GfK Group 9, 33

GfK Telecontrol 68, 69

Google 14, 56, 73, 74

government 2445

gratificationist theory 978

grazing 271

gross cinema points 193

gross impressions 119, 119, 271

gross measures 11744; broadcast-based metrics 11820, 119, 121, 1225; comparisons 12731, 129, 132, 133, 1339, 135, 136, 138; cumulative measures compared to 902, 91; prediction and explanation 13944, 142; types 8890, 90; web-based metrics 1257

gross rating points (GRPs): about 120, 1567, 157; calculating 121; defined 272; reach estimates 197, 1978; sampling error 143

group quarters 65, 272

group viewing 102

GRPs see gross rating points (GRPs)

hammocking 221, 272; see also audience flow; inheritance effects

Harris, Oren 31

Harris Committee 31

headends 190, 272; see also cable systems

heads of household 272

heterogeneity 51

Hispanics 99

hits 74, 126, 272

Hitwise 9

home county 272

home market 272

home market share ratio 227, 229, 278

home stations 272

Hooper, Claude 22, 234, 267

Hooperatings 22, 23

Hot in Cleveland 186

hourly patterns 100, 1001

household meters 67, 77, 80

households 1223, 272; see also group quarters

households per diary value (HPDV) 81, 272; see also projected audiences

households using television (HUT) 88, 89, 120, 121, 272

House of Cards 213

HPDV (households per diary value) 81, 272; see also projected audiences

Hulu 213

Hurricane Sandy 79

HUT (households using television) 88, 89, 120, 121, 272

hybrid studies 1213

hyperlinks 109

hypoing 272

IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) 246, 272


image recognition technology 6970

impressions: about 127; cost per 127, 269; defined 272; gross 119, 119, 271; served 589, 127; viewable 59, 127

Imus, Don 177

independents 273

indexes and indexing 1301, 137, 138, 139

individual determinants: audience characteristics 1023, 104; media environments 10910, 110

industry 2456

inertia 273

inheritance effects 167, 2201, 273; see also audience duplication; audience flow; channel loyalty

initially designated samples 53

institutional factors 3840

in-tab 53, 273

Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) 246, 272

Internet: advertising 589, 175, 1935, 241, 241; audience behavior 115; audience research in programming 21314; bookmarks 110; brands, long tail distribution of 106, 108; defined 273; structural features 109

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 9, 73, 110, 273

interviewer bias 273; see also response error

interviews 206, 273

IP address 74, 273

Ipsos 10

ISPs (Internet Service Providers) 9, 73, 110, 273

joint industry committees (JICs) 39, 1912, 273

Judge Judy 210

Junior Mints 192

Kantar Media 10, 33, 39

Katie 186

keyword search 273

Klein, Paul 94

Knowledge Networks, Inc. 10

Kodak 192

Last Shot with Judge Gunn 186

Las Vegas 189

late fringe 231, 273

late night (daypart) 176

Late Show With David Letterman 176, 220

Latinos 99

Lawyers, The 186

Lazarsfeld, Paul 2434

lead-in 220, 273; see also inheritance effects

lead-in effect see inheritance effects

least objectionable program (LOP) 94, 141, 274; see also passive audience

Lifetime network 177, 212

linear media 94, 99, 107, 273

“listening tables” 26

live-plus viewing 192

local cable systems 18990

localism 2489

local markets 185, 18890

local news and public affairs programming 2489

local peoplemeters (LPMs) 40, 55, 274

local radio 175

local television 11315, 175, 211, 278

longitudinal surveys 47, 274; see also cross-sectional surveys

long tail distributions 1067, 107, 108

LOP (least objectionable program) 94, 141, 274; see also passive audience

loyalty, audience 154, 202, 21718

LPMs (local peoplemeters) 40, 55, 274

macro-level research 6, 78

magazines 239

make-goods 182, 235

March Madness 1956, 196

marginals 162

market information regimes 16

Marketing Evaluations Inc. 10, 211

markets: home 272; local 185, 18890; national spot 185, 189; opportunistic 183, 276; scatter 1823, 281; television 99; upfront 182, 285; see also national markets

market segmentation 1989, 2001, 202, 274; see also demographic variables

M*A*S*H 209

Maximi$er 219

McNair Survey 25

mean 274; see also average; median; mode

measurement: about 578; defined 57, 274; item being measured 5861; see also measurement techniques

measurement error 274

measurement strategies 368

measurement techniques 6176; advantages and disadvantages 778; diaries 626, 63, 64; meters 6670, 69, 71, 72, 723; questionnaires 612; servers 736

measures, defined 274

“Measuring Media Plurality” 245

Media Audit, The 11

media choice theories 928

media effects 2479, 253

media factors, in audience behavior 10410, 105, 107, 108, 110

Mediamark Research (MRI) 26, 83

Mediametrie 10, 33, 39, 274

Media Metrix 194

median 133, 274; see also average; mean; mode

media owner committees (MOCs) 1912

media properties, value of 236, 2368

Media Rating Council (MRC) 31, 39, 274

meters: active/passive 68, 264; computer 70, 723, 78; defined 274; editing data from 79; history 2833, 30; household 67, 77, 80; as measurement technique 6670, 69, 71, 72, 723; see also audimeters; peoplemeters

methodological research 4

metro area 274

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) 275

metro ratings 274; see also ratings

metro shares 274

micro-level research 67, 8

Middle, The 221, 222, 222

minimum reporting standard 275

minority viewers 40, 251

MOCs (media owner committees) 1912

mode 274; see also average; mean; median

Modern Family 187, 221

mood management theory 97

mortality 274

movie theater advertising 193

MRC (Media Rating Council) 31, 39, 274

MRI (Mediamark Research) 26, 83

MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) 275

MTV 177, 215

multiple system operators (MSOs) 275

multiset households 275

multistage samples 456, 275; see also cluster samples; probability samples

Murder, She Wrote 210

NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) 2456, 2523, 271, 275

narrowcasting 212, 275; see also block programming


National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) 2456, 2523, 271, 275

National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) 184, 275

National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) 246, 271, 275

national markets: broadcast networks 174, 1767; buying and selling audiences in 1823; cable networks and alternate delivery systems 177, 17881, 1812; syndication 1835, 1867

National Public Radio (NPR) 208, 215

national spot market 185, 189

NATPE (National Association of Television Program Executives) 184, 275

NBC network 19, 27, 34, 345

NCAA basketball tournament 1956, 196

NCTA (National Cable and Telecommunications Association) 246, 271, 275

net audience see cume; reach

Netflix 160, 160, 213

Netscape 74

net weekly circulation 275; see also cume

network analysis 1678, 168, 275

networks: cable 177, 17881, 1812; defined 275; radio 177; social 103; television, long tail distribution of 106, 107; unwired 285; see also broadcast networks; specific networks

news 93, 96, 11315, 176, 239, 2489

New York DMA 199, 2001

Nickelodeon 177, 212, 215

Nielsen: about 10; acquisitions 234; channels, number of 249; competitors 27; computer meters 73; data fusion 83; diaries 28, 62, 63, 634; faults in data 79; GRP sampling error study 143; history 234, 27; institutional factors 39; live-plus viewing 192; local cable systems 190; meters 32, 33; multistage cluster sampling 45; peoplemeters 16, 40, 689, 81; projected audience 119; public broadcasting 217; sample weighting 81; satellite delivered programming 182; software packages for manipulating data 138; time-shifted viewing 123; video games, commercials in 193; see also Designated Market Areas (DMAs)

Nielsen, Arthur C. 2930

Nielsen Media Research 193

Nielsen Online 194

Nielsen Radio Index (NRI) 29, 30, 31

Nielsen Station Index (NSI) 30, 276

Nielsen Television Index (NTI) 30, 32, 276

noncooperating households 545

nonlinear media 356, 275; see also linear media

nonprobability samples 43, 275; see also convenience samples; purposive samples; quota samples

nonresponse 275

nonresponse error 423, 536, 276

normal distribution 276; see also skew

NPower 276

NPR (National Public Radio) 208, 215

NRI (Nielsen Radio Index) 29, 30, 31

NSI (Nielsen Station Index) 30, 276

NTI (Nielsen Television Index) 30, 32, 276

off-cable programs 210

off-network programs 1867, 20910, 276

online audio 208

online video destinations 160, 160

O & O (owned & operated) 104, 236, 276

opportunistic market 183, 276; see also scatter market; upfront market

Oprah Winfrey Show, The 220

Optimedia 211

optimizers 158, 276

options, awareness of 103

original research 12

out-of-home listening 25, 265

overnights 67, 276

oversample 276

owned & operated (O&O) 104, 236, 276

OzTAM 39, 276

page rank 276

page views 1267, 276

paid search advertising 158, 276

panels 47, 276; see also cross-sectional surveys; longitudinal surveys; trend analysis

Parks and Recreation 187

passive audience 94, 277; see also active audience; least objectionable program (LOP)

passive peoplemeters 6970

pay cable 210, 21213, 277

pay-for-placement see keyword search; paid search

pay-per-click 277; see also paid search

pay-per-impression 277

PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) 215, 217

people as unit of analysis 123

peoplemeters: about 12, 678; advantages and disadvantages 78; defined 277; functions 68; history 323, 40; local 40, 55, 274; minority audiences and 16, 251; passive 6970; photo 69; portable 33, 70, 71, 72, 78, 277; response error 689

periodicity 277

personal interviews 246

personal video recorders (PVRs) 279

persons per diary value (PPDV) 81, 278; see also projected audiences

persons using radio (PUR) 120, 279

persons using television (PUT) 120, 279

phone coincidental 212, 23, 62, 77

phone interviews 204

phone recall 212, 612, 77, 277; see also coincidentals

phones, smart 70

placement interviews 277

platforms 36, 277

pleasure seeking 967

PMSA (Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area) 277

pocketpiece 23, 277

pods 202, 277

polarization, audience 265; see also channel loyalty; channel repertoire

population 277

portable peoplemeters (PPMs) 33, 70, 71, 72, 78, 277

positioning 206

post-buy analysis 142, 1423, 189, 235, 278

potential audiences 989

power law 1067, 107, 108

power ratio 227, 229, 278

PPDV (persons per diary value) 81, 278; see also projected audiences

PPMs (portable peoplemeters) 33, 70, 71, 72, 78, 277

pre-buy analysis 2301, 232, 2335

prediction and explanation: cumulative measures 1659, 168; gross measures 13944, 142

preempt 235, 278

preferences 94, 102

Premiere Networks 177

Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) 277

primary research 12

prime access (in local television) 211, 278

prime time 176, 278

Prime Time Access Rule (PTAR) 2789

privacy, user 756

probability samples 43, 278; see also confidence intervals; confidence level; sampling error

processing error 80, 278

production 76, 7983

production error 43, 76

product placement 192

program analyzers 12

programming: audience research in 20424; block 221, 266; Internet 21314; investment, value of 22931, 232, 2336; radio 2056, 207, 208, 216; research questions 21424, 216, 222; social policy, audience research in 24951; television 20813

programs: off-cable 210; off-network 1867, 20910, 276; reality 210; see also specific programs

program scheduling 107, 109, 2202, 222

program type 934, 95, 278

projectable 278; see also probability samples; projected audiences

projected audiences 11819, 278; see also probability samples

psychographics 202, 278

PTAR (Prime Time Access Rule) 2789

public, the 246

public broadcasting 215, 217, 221

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 215, 217

Pulse of New York, The 245, 31

PUR (persons using radio) 120, 279

purposive samples 279

PUT (persons using television) 120, 279

PVRs (personal video recorders) 279

qualitative ratings 601, 279; see also engagement

qualitative research 56, 279

quantitative research 56

quarter-hour maintenance 218

questionnaires 612

quota samples 279; see also nonprobability samples; probability samples

RAB (Radio Advertising Bureau) 193, 279

RADAR (Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research) 28, 279

radio: advertising revenues 175, 241, 241; audience measurement history 1819; available audience 129; call-out research 8; CPM, average in selected countries 239; local markets 185, 188; programming 2056, 207, 208; program types 93; revenue report, sample 228, 229; social policy, audience research in 2434; station reps 189; see also specific topics

Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) 193, 279

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 70, 280

radio networks 177

Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research (RADAR) 28, 279

random digit dialing (RDD) 279

random samples see probability samples

rate cards 202, 279

rate of response 279; see also in-tab

ratings: average quarter-hour 121; calculating 88, 89, 121; commercial 36, 378, 58, 121, 125, 268; cume 147; defined 13, 88, 279; as gross measure 120; metro 274; qualitative 601, 279; revenues and 2402, 241

ratings distortion 279; see also hypoing

ratings research: about 1315; importance of 1517

rational choice models 103

rationality, bounded 103

RCA 28, 29

RDD (random digit dialing) 279

reach 1557, 157, 165, 1968, 197, 280; see also cume; frequency

reality programs 210

recency theory 158, 280

recommender systems 109

recruitment techniques 54

recycling 150, 218, 280; see also audience duplication

Reese’s Pieces 192

relative standard error 50, 280; see also sampling error

relative standard error thresholds 280; see also relative standard error

reliability 578, 280

Rentrak 10, 57, 75

repeat viewing 164, 280; see also audience duplication

rep firms 189

replication 280

research questions: advertising research 195203, 196, 197, 2001; financial analysis 22742, 228, 232, 236, 239, 241; programming 21424, 216, 222; social policy 24654

respondents 280

response error 43, 689, 280; see also interviewer bias

response rates 534

retransmission consent 2378

return on investment (ROI) 280; see also conversion rate; pay-per-click

revenues: advertising 175, 2401, 241; competition for 227, 228, 229; radio revenue report, sample 228, 229; ratings and 2402, 241; television station 236, 2367

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) 70, 280

rich media 280

Robinson, Claude 28

ROI (return on investment) 280; see also conversion rate; pay-per-click

rolling average 280; see also bounce

ROS (run of schedule) 281

Roslow, Sydney 245

roster recall 245

Roy Morgan Research 11

run of schedule (ROS) 281

sample balancing see sample weighting

sample designs 447

sample frame 281

sample performance indicator (SPI) 79, 282

samples: about 43; accidental 268; area probability 456, 264; buffer 545, 266; cluster 456, 267; convenience 268; defined 281; initially designated 53; multistage 456, 275; nonprobability 43, 275; probability 43, 278; purposive 279; quota 279; stratified 46, 283; systematic 445, 283

sample sizes 51, 52, 53

sample weighting 55, 81, 281

sampling 4357; about 434; census versus 567; error in 4751, 48, 49, 52, 536; sample designs 447

sampling distribution 49, 49, 281

sampling error: about 4751, 48, 49, 52, 53; defined 42, 281; predicting and explaining 143; sampling and 53

sampling frames 44

sampling interval 45

sampling rate 281

sampling units 281

Sandy, Hurricane 79

satellite radio 208, 281

satisficing 103

Saturday Night Live 210

Scarborough Research 11

scatter market 1823, 281; see also opportunistic market; upfront market

SE (standard error) 49, 4950, 282; see also confidence intervals; confidence level; relative standard error

search engines 109, 281

seasonal patterns 100

secondary analyses 1213

segmentation 1989, 2001, 202, 281; see also target audience

Seiler, James 27

Seinfeld 192

selective exposure 967, 2478

served impressions 589, 127

server-centric measurement 37, 42, 1512, 281; see also user-centric measurement

servers 56, 736, 78, 281

sets-in-use 281

set-top boxes (STBs) 33, 37, 567, 67, 82, 283

Sex and the City 210

shares 88, 89, 120, 122, 149, 274, 281

SIAs (storage instantaneous audimeters) 31, 282

Simmons 11

simple random samples 44, 282; see also probability samples

single source 82, 282; see also data fusion

skew 157, 282

SMART (Systems for Measuring And Reporting Television) 32, 39

smartphones 70

SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) 282

SNTA (Syndicated Network Television Association) 193, 283

social media 109, 211

social networks 103

social policy, audience research in 24354; about 2434; government 2445; industry 2456; public, the 246; research questions 24654

Sopranos, The 210, 212

Spanish-language programming 99

SPI (sample performance indicator) 79, 282

Spike TV 177, 212

spill 282

spin-offs 282

sports 176, 193, 2334

spyware 282

SRDS (Standard Rate and Data Service) 282

SRI (Statistical Research Inc.) 278, 32

standard deviation 49, 282

standard error (SE) 49, 4950, 282; see also confidence intervals; confidence level; relative standard error

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) 282

Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS) 282

Stanton, Frank N. 29, 243

Starch, Daniel 24

station reps 189, 282

station total area 282

Statistical Research Inc. (SRI) 278, 32

statistical significance 2823; see also confidence level

statistical thinking 7

STBs (set-top boxes) 33, 37, 567, 67, 82, 283

Steve Harvey 186

storage instantaneous audimeters (SIAs) 31, 282

strata 46, 57

strategic errors 1423

stratified samples 46, 283

stripped programming 209, 283

structural factors: audience 98102, 100, 101, 104; audience research in programming 2202, 222; media 104, 105, 1067, 107, 108, 109, 110

subscriptions 110

Suburgatory 221, 222, 222

Super Bowl 1378, 138

super stations 212, 283

supplementing data 813

surveys: cross-sectional 467, 269; enumeration 54, 271; establishment 54, 271; longitudinal 47, 274; web-based 62

sweeps 62, 142, 142, 283

syndicated exclusivity (Syndex) 252

Syndicated Network Television Association (SNTA) 193, 283

syndicated research 8, 911

syndication: advertising research 1835, 1867; advertising revenues 175; audience size 106; defined 283; radio 177; television 175, 20910

Synovate 11

systematic samples 445, 283

Systems for Measuring And Reporting Television (SMART) 32, 39

TAM (Television Audience Measurement) 283

target audience 21415, 216, 217, 283

Target Audience Ratings Points (TARP) 283

technologies: communication 1923; image recognition 6970; owned 104, 105, 10910; platforms 36

Telecommunications Act (1996) 245, 252

Telecontrol 32, 33, 70, 72

telephone coincidental 212, 23, 62, 77

telephone interviews 204

telephone recall 212, 612, 77, 277; see also coincidentals

television: advertising revenues 175, 241, 241; age of network audiences, median 136, 1367; audience fragmentation history 34, 345; available audience 100, 129; channel repertoire 110; channels available 34, 35; CPM, average in selected countries 239; group viewing 102; integrated model of audience behavior applied to 11315; localism 2489; local markets 185, 188; ownership restrictions 2523; programming 20812; program scheduling 107, 109; program types 93, 94; revenue potential of stations 236, 2367; station reps 189; technologies owned 104, 105, 109; see also cable television; specific topics

Television Audience Measurement (TAM) 283

Television Bureau of Advertising (TvB) 193, 284

Television City 12

television household (TVHH) 283

television markets 99

television networks, long tail distribution of 106, 107

television programming: broadcast 20812; cable 210, 21213; research questions 215, 2202, 222, 223

Terra Nova 223

terrestrial TV 177, 283

theoretical research 45

theory 4, 284

30 Rock 187

tiering 106, 284

time buyers 129, 189, 217, 242, 284

time period averages 284

time-shifted viewing 123, 1378, 138

time spent listening (TSL) 148, 1489, 153, 21718, 284

time spent viewing 149, 153, 15860, 159, 284

toll broadcasting 19

Tonight Show With Jay Leno, The 176, 220

total audience 57, 284

trend analysis 47, 284

tripartite research company contract (TRCC) 1912, 284

TSL (time spent listening) 148, 1489, 153, 21718, 284

turnover 21718, 284

TvB (Television Bureau of Advertising) 193, 284

TVHH (television household) 283

TVQ 211, 284

Twilight Zone, The 210

Twitter 82

Two and a Half Men 221

2 Broke Girls 221

ultra high frequency (UHF) 2523, 284

unduplicated audience 147, 284

uniform resource locator (URL) 285

unique browsers 152

unique cookies 152

unique devices 152

unique users 152

unique visitors 151, 284; see also cume; unduplicated audience

United Stations Radio Network 177

units of analysis 434, 284

universe see population

unweighted in-tab 55, 285

unwired networks 285

upfront market 182, 285

URL (uniform resource locator) 285

user-centric measurement 367, 285; see also server-centric measurement

user loyalty 154, 202, 21718

user privacy 756

uses and gratifications theory 978

validity 58, 285

value: of audience 238, 239, 240; of media properties 236, 2368; of programming investment 22931, 232, 2336

variability 51

variables 202, 285; see also demographic variables

very high frequency (VHF) 253, 285

video destinations, online 160, 160

video games 193

video on demand (VOD) 285; see also nonlinear media

viewable impressions 59, 127

viewer loyalty 154, 202, 21718

viewers per viewing household (VPVH) 285

views 1267, 153, 285

view-through 285; see also click-through

virtual billboards 193

visits 127

VOD (video on demand) 285; see also nonlinear media

VPVH (viewers per viewing household) 285

Warner Bros. 6

web analytics 73, 285; see also server-centric measurement

web-based metrics 1257, 1514, 152, 155

web-based surveys 62

web pages 285

websites 106, 286

weighted in-tab 286; see also sample weighting

weighting 286; see also sample weighting

welfare economics 250

WFA (World Federation of Advertisers) 38, 286

window 213

Woodruff, Louis F. 29

World Wide Web (WWW) 286

working theories of program choice 935

World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) 38, 286

WWW (World Wide Web) 286

YouTube 1267, 160, 160

zapping 138, 286

zip code information 131, 199, 219

zipping 286

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