

absolute links and targets, 52–53

access key support, 202


Alt tags for image, 132–134

difficulties with media, 225

Flash movies and, 231

forms and, 200–202

frames and, 84

giving titles to Flash Text objects, 227

link display options for, 186

setting up text fields and text areas for, 205–206

table design and issues of, 79

text area validation attributes for, 218

titles for Flash buttons, 229

Accordion widget, 242


form, 214

triggering with events, 246–247, 248, 249

active links, 52, 186, 187–188

Adobe applications. See specific application by name

Align pop-up menu, 139, 141


cells vertically, 78–79

multiple AP Divs, 99

text and images, 139–141

Alt tags, 132–134

Animated GIF images, 146–147


defined, 249

timeline, 254

AP (Absolute Placement) Divs

about AP objects, 93–94

defining, 95–101

Div tags for, 106–111

editing attributes of, 111

finding invisible, 100

formatting in Property Inspector, 102–103

managing, 104–105

overlapping, 102, 103

positioning, 109

AP Divs panel, 103

AP Elements panel, 100, 104–105

Assets panel, 162–163

attaching style sheets, 174, 175

automatic check-in/check-out feature, 28

autostretch column widths, 75



color of collapsible panel, 243

defining color of cell, 82

setting color for page’s, 179

transparency for GIF image, 146

backing up Web sites, 14


creating timelines, 254–256

defined, 249

deleting, 257

designing rollovers, 258–259

navigation bars, 260–261, 262

opening browser windows, 251–252

pop-up message, 253

selecting browsers for, 250

Behaviors panel

changing events that open browser window, 252

choosing Spry effects in, 245

designing pop-up messages, 253

editing jump menu on, 197

removing behavior in, 257

blank templates, 55–57

blockquote HTML tags, 118

Body tag, 178–180, 271


color of cell, 82

defining between frames in frameset, 88

showing/hiding table, 80

thickness of box, 67

Bridge, 39

Brightness and Contrast tool (Dreamweaver), 136


absolute text formatting in, 124

access key support for, 202

checking compatibility of, 264–265

defining for behaviors, 250

designing pages readable in, 171

ensuring borders not displayed in, 80

grids, guides, and rules invisible in, 114

importance of safe CSS style displays, 122, 123

need consistent use of .htm/.html files, 12

previewing AP Divs in, 100

rollover testing in, 258

testing for media support, 271–272

time for page opening in, 33

unreliable support for jump menu Go button, 194


check boxes vs. radio, 207

defining images for states of, 261

Flash, 228–229

Go, 194

image fields for, 213

List Values, 211

radio, 207, 208–209

Reset, 213

Submit, 213, 221

Text Indent and Outdent, 118

This document only radio, 183


Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS


adjusting vertical alignment in, 78–79

defining properties for, 82–83

generating table to define, 71–72

setting padding and spacing for table, 67–68

splitting, 83

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts, 198

check boxes, 207, 221–222

check-in/check-out feature, 28


periods in names of, 108

using styles vs. HTML tags for, 182

Clean Up Word HTML dialog, 4, 268–269

client-side scripts, 193, 194–197

Code Inspector window, 38

Code view, 38, 212

Collapsible Panel widget, 243, 244


applying to fonts, 119–120

changing tabbed panel background, 239

collapsible panel’s background, 243

defining cell’s border and background, 82

setting page’s background, 179

Color Wheel, 119

columns, 73–76

compressing images, 5, 128, 129

connections to remote servers, 16–21


character input in forms, 218, 219–220

page width display, 68


collecting site, 2–5

creating one-cell table for, 66–69

dragging to Library window, 161–163

editing in Document window, 37–38

e-mail collection of, 199

entering into tabbed panel, 238–239

generating library items from scratch, 163–164

inserting into positioned Div, 111

synchronizing local and remote, 26–28

templates lack, 55

type placed in noneditable regions, 154–155

viewing remote site’s, 20

Contribute, 158

copying and pasting

Photoshop images in Dreamweaver, 145, 148

text on page, 3

creating Web sites, 1–28

collecting site content, 2–5

configuring remote server connection, 16–18

connecting to remote servers, 19–21

defining local site first, 6–7

file transfer between remote and local sites, 22–25

managing site views, 10–13

options for managing Web sites, 14–15

organizing local site, 8–9

synchronizing local and remote content, 26–28

Crop tool (Dreamweaver), 136

cropping Photoshop images, 148–149

.css files, 172, 174

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). See also external style sheets

adding styles to existing, 176–177

AP objects and, 93–94

applying to links, 186–188

attaching style sheets, 174, 175

creating styles for individual pages, 183

defining for printable pages, 189–192

designing pages readable in browsers, 171

difficulties displaying actual fonts with, 226

formatting page elements with style sheets, 172–177

generating CSS file from sample, 61–64

global style application with, 125

HTML text tags formatted with, 181–183

linked vs. imported, 64

Menu Bar widget styles formatted in, 241

page break style, 192

periods in class and style names, 108

safe browser displays of styles, 122, 123

setting attributes for inline text, 121–125

styles applied to Body tag, 178–180

using with Image or Table tags, 176, 184–185

CSS Rule Definition dialog

defining rules in, 175

formatting options available in, 181

inline text attributes defined from, 123–124

page break style rules, 192

positioning Divs from, 109

selecting formatting options for link state, 188

setting page background color in, 179

CSS Styles panel

collapsible panel formatting on, 243

defining new style in, 122–123

displaying, 121

editing style attributes in, 175

formatting Spry widgets on, 237

formatting tabbed panels, 238

Menu Bar widget formatting on, 241

opening New CSS Rule dialog from, 173

tabbed panel formatting in, 239

viewing Accordion widget styles, 242

custom class styles, 182


dates, 45

defining Web sites

before creating pages, 1, 48

defining remote server connection, 16–18

importance of local site creation, 6–7


behaviors, 257

item on jump menu, 195

list items, 210

Spry effects, 248

Spry widgets, 244

tabbed panels, 238

Design Notes, 270

Design view

selecting and deleting Spry widgets in, 244

working in, 37

designing Web pages, 65–114

Accordion widget panels in design, 242

Body tag styles for, 178–180

combining fixed and flexible table columns, 73–76

configuring table properties, 80–81

creating from scratch, 48–51

deciding on site compatibility, 264

defining Absolute Placement objects, 95–101

Div tag definitions for AP Divs, 106–111

embedding tables within tables, 77–79

features of Insert menu for, 44–47

formatting collapsible panels, 243

formatting framesets, 87–90

generating from sample starter pages, 58–60

managing AP Divs, 104–105

page margin setup, 180

readable in browser, 171

role of tables and framesets in, 65

rollovers for, 258–259

rulers, guides, and grids for, 112–114

setting up links between frames, 91–92

styling individual pages, 183

tables created in Layout mode, 70–72

tables created in Standard mode, 66–69

templates for generating new pages, 55–57, 157–158

using Web-safe color, 119, 120

without relying on AP objects, 94

Device Central, 266


fonts with CSS or Flash Text, 226

image spacing, 141

links, 52, 186

page width using constraints, 68

Property Inspector, 75

Div tags

defining, 106–111

widget, 244

Divs. See AP Divs

Document toolbar

about, 39, 40

defining browsers for compatibility check, 264

illustrated, 40

Document window, 29–64

about, 1, 29

appearance of template pages in, 153

blank templates to create pages in, 55–57

creating new page from scratch in, 48–51

defining links, 52–54

editing page content in, 37–38

examining toolbars, 39–41

features of, 30–33

generating pages from sample starter pages, 58–60

Insert menu features, 44–47

moving or relocating AP Div in, 95

optional display of form outlines in, 200

panels and Property Inspector in, 34–36

sample style sheets and framesets available in, 61–64

using Insert toolbar, 42–43

documents. See also Document window; New Document dialog

choosing DTD for, 49

importing from Word and Excel, 3

PDF, 124

saving before inserting Spry widgets, 237, 238


files from remote server, 24–25

interlacing, 146

QuickTime Player for Windows, 234

dragging content to Library window, 161–163

Draw AP Div tool, 97

drawing AP Divs, 95


background file transfer in, 23

copying and pasting Photoshop images into, 145, 148

defining forms in, 200–202

editing images in, 135–138

library items as proprietary objects in, 165

pasting Word text into, 268

Dreamweaver Exchange site, 47

DTD (document type definition), 49

.dwt files, 156


Edit tool (Dreamweaver), 135, 136

editable regions

adding content with Contribute, 158

defining, 152, 154

templates and, 56, 57


cell content in Standard mode, 72

content in Document window, 37–38

Design Notes, 270

events that open browser window, 252

fieldset legends, 204

Flash buttons, 229

images in Dreamweaver, 135–138

jump menus, 197

navigation bars, 262

order of jump menu items, 196

Photoshop PSD files in Dreamweaver, 136

single radio button, 209

Spry effects, 248

Spry validation rules, 220

Spry widgets, 237

tabbed panel background color, 239

effects. See Spry effects


collecting content via, 199

validating addresses for, 216

embedded pages, titles for, 88, 89

embedding. See also media

AP Divs, 100–101

CSS formatting, 179

editable regions in other editable regions, 155

Flash and Flash Video files, 230–232

Flash buttons, 228–229

images in pages, 130–131

media, 225–236

QuickTime media, 233–234

tables, 70, 77–79

Windows Media files, 235–236


page titling for embedded pages, 89

scrollbars for frame, 90

Enctype field (Property Inspector), 214

errors defining link targets, 92

events, 246–249, 252

Excel files, 3

Expanded Tables mode, 79


image files to various formats, 5

Web site settings with Manage Sites dialog, 14, 15

extensions on Dreamweaver Exchange site, 47

external style sheets

advantages of, 183

attaching, 174, 175, 176–177

defined, 172

defining in New CSS Rule dialog, 108

global application of styles with, 125

overriding with embedded page styles, 179



about Insert Jump Menu dialog, 194

adding form, 200

collecting information in text, 205–206

FreeFind search, 198–199

hidden form, 212

image, 213

inserting updatable, 45

validating text, 215–217

fieldsets, 203–204

file field forms, 210–211


page titles vs., 50

Web page, 49


automatic check-in/check-out feature, 28

background transfer of Dreamweaver, 23

best formats for, 146, 147

creating print.css, 189–191

.css, 172, 174

.dwt, 156

Excel, 3

finding and uploading modified pages to server, 169–170

FLV, 230, 231

.htm/.html, 12

JPEG, 5, 126, 146

.lbi, 165

loading Flash, 227, 229, 231

naming Web page, 49

organizing local site, 8–9

placing Photoshop files in Web pages, 145–150

PNG, 5, 126, 147

PSD, 136, 145–150

saving Photoshop files in other formats, 145

selecting newer files on local site, 26–28

spacer image, 76

SWF, 226, 227, 228, 230

transferring between remote and local sites, 22–25

unlimited characters in name of uploaded, 211

uploading dependent, 24

Web formats used for images, 5

XML, 15

Files panel

choosing Local view in, 27

connecting to remote server from, 20

expanding files from, 12

generating links in, 13

menu for, 8, 26–28

selecting files for uploading, 23–24

Files window, 1, 10–13

firewalls, 18

fixed columns, 73–76

Fixed Left sample frameset, 85

fixing broken links, 267


assigning titles to Flash Text objects, 227

embedding Flash Video files, 230–232

Flash Text in Dreamweaver, 226–227, 228

formatting Flash Text, 227

using Flash buttons, 228–229

Flash Accessibility Attributes dialog, 229

Flash Player, 226, 231

FlashPaper documents, 124

flexible columns, 73–76

floating Divs, 106

FLV files, 230, 231


local site, 9

saving image files in site, 131


applying color to, 119–120

displaying with CSS or Flash Text, 226

tips for absolute text formatting, 124

form actions, 214

form fieldsets, 203–204

formatting, 171–192

Accordion widget panels, 242

applying CSS to links, 186–188

Body tag with page styles, 178–180

defining CSS for printable pages, 189–192

fonts with color, 119–120

framesets, 87–90

global vs. local styles for, 125

HTML text tags with CSS, 181–183

image and page styles, 184–185

Menu Bar widgets, 241

page elements with style sheets, 172–177

setting options for CSS rules, 124

Spry widgets, 237

tabbed panels, 239

text with HTML attributes, 116–118

tips for absolute text, 124

forms, 193–224

about, 193

accessibility options for, 200–202

actions in, 214

buttons placed on, 213

check boxes in, 207, 221–222

constraining character input in, 218, 219–220

creating jump menus, 194–197

defining in Dreamweaver, 200–202

editing in Property Inspector, 36

form fieldset definitions, 203–204

hidden fields on, 212

linking embedded forms to server databases, 198–199

lists/menus and file field placement in, 210–211

optional display of outlines in Document window, 200

placing text fields and text areas in, 205–206

radio buttons in, 208–209

resources for scripting and hosting, 198

Spry Validation Text Field widget in, 215–217

text area rules defined for, 218–220

Frame Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 86


borders defined between, 88

defined, 84

defining attributes of framesets and, 90

disadvantages of designing with, 84, 85

enabling scrollbars for, 90

enhancing accessibility of, 88

links between, 91–92

previewing in framesets, 64

timelines and, 254

viewing set of sample, 85

Frames panel, 87


about, 65

attributes of, 90

defined, 84

defining borders between frames, 88

formatting, 87–90

generating from samples, 84–86

previewing sample, 64

saving, 86

FreeFind search service, 198–199

FTP connections, 17–18


GIF files, 5, 126, 146–147

global style application, 125

Go button, 194

grids, 112, 114

guides, 112, 113, 114


Hand tool, 32, 33


assigning with HTML tags, 116–117

types of HTML, 181

height of tables, 69

hidden fields on forms, 212

hiding. See showing/hiding

hint content for commentary field, 219

home page

index.htm or index.html as, 13

viewing in Site Map view, 12

home page names, 49

horizontal Menu Bars, 240

hotspots, 142–144

hover links, 52, 186, 187–188

.htm/.html files, 12

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). See also tags

cleaning up Word, 4, 268–269

formatting text tags with CSS, 181–183

saving Web text in, 3–4

text formatting with attributes of, 116–118



books on, 129

creating navigation bar images in, 260

Save For Web dialog in, 128

unable to copy and paste vector images from, 145

image fields, 213

image maps, 142–144

Image Preview dialog, 147–150

about, 145

converting Photoshop images in, 146

previewing four different image conversions, 150

using Selection and Crop tools in, 148–149

Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 134

Image tags, 176, 184–185


aligning and spacing, 139–141

background tiling for, 180

compressing, 128, 129

defining image maps, 142–144

displaying from thumbnails, 127

editing in Dreamweaver, 135–138

embedding, 130–131

exporting, 5

formatting, 184–185

making accessible with Alt tags, 132–134

navigation bar, 260–261

placing Photoshop files in Web pages, 145–150

preparing for Web sites, 126–129

previewing conversion options for, 150

print vs. Web, 5

reducing file size of, 127, 128, 129

reverting to original size, 135

sizing before importing into Dreamweaver, 135

spacer, 75–76

updating placed Photoshop, 148, 149

uploading dependent files for embedded, 24, 25

working with, 115


sized images into Dreamweaver, 135

spreadsheets and Word documents, 3

text into Dreamweaver, 2

Web site settings with Manage Sites dialog, 14

index.htm/index.html files, 13, 49–50

inline text attributes, 121–125

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 201, 202

Insert bar

creating table from Layout panel of, 66

Layout mode, 71

showing in Windows, 96

using, 42–43

Insert menu, 44–47

interactive navigation bars, 260–261

interactivity, 249, 260–261



browser support for Dreamweaver’s, 250

defining script for image used as button, 213

jump menus in, 194

JPEG files, 5, 126, 146

jump menus, 194–197

about, 193, 194

adding and deleting items on, 195

changing item order on list, 196

creating, 195

editing, 197



about, 254

defining timeline’s first and last, 255

using multiple, 256



designing custom Submit button, 213

pop-up menu, 224

Layout CSS option (New Document dialog), 55, 56–57

Layout CSS pop-up menu, 57

Layout mode

about, 65

calculation of column widths in, 75

Insert bar in, 71

Standard mode vs., 72

tables created in, 70–72

Layout panel, 66

.lbi files, 165

legends, fieldset, 204

Library Item window, 165

library items

creating and placing, 161–164

CSS styles of, 164

function of, 151

including navigation in, 167–168

templates vs., 161

updating, 165–166

uploading, 167–168

linked vs. imported style sheets, 64


applying CSS to, 186–188

configuring between frames, 91–92

defining, 52–54

dependent files and, 25

Flash buttons and, 228

generating in Files panel, 13

hover, 52, 186, 187–188

image maps and, 142

providing between embedded forms and server database, 198–199

redefining file links, 9

relative and absolute, 52–53

states of, 52, 186

testing sitewide, 267

updating navigation, 167, 168

view of prototype page, 11

lists, 210–211

local site folder, 9

local sites

comparing content of remote and, 21

defining, 6–7, 48

organizing, 8–9

remote vs., 16

selecting newer files on, 26–28

synchronizing content with remote sites, 26–28

transferring files between remote and, 22–25

updating templates and library items automatically, 169

working without, 19


column widths, 75

guides, 114


Mac platform QuickTime Player, 234

magnification for zoom, 142

Manage Sites dialog, 14–15, 16

managing Web sites

backing up sites, 14

defining remote server connection, 16–18

managing site views, 10–13

options for, 14–15

margins for pages, 180

master tables, 77–78

media, 225–236

about, 225

Flash and Flash Video files, 230–232

Flash Text in Dreamweaver, 226–227

generating and embedding Flash buttons, 228–229

QuickTime movies, 233–234

testing browsers for media support, 271–272

Windows Media movies, 235–236

Menu Bar widgets, 240, 241

menus. See also pop-up menus

creating jump, 194–197

Files panel, 8, 26–28

Insert, 44–47

page design features of Insert, 44–47

placing in forms, 210–211

Special Characters submenu, 46

Microsoft Excel files, 3

Microsoft Word HTML cleanup, 268–269

mobile devices, 266

mouse click events, 246–247



Flash Text, 227

periods in class and style, 108

restricted characters for files, 12

saving Web pages before giving, 51

unlimited characters in uploaded file, 211

Web page file, 49


prototyping site, 11

updating links for, 167

navigation bars

creating interactive, 260–261

defined, 168

defining images for button states, 261

editing, 262

including in templates and library items, 167–168

New CSS Rule dialog

creating new style in, 123, 174–175

defining link state styles, 187–188

opening, 173

page break style defined in, 192

setting up class attributes for Divs, 108

using styling for Body tags, 178

New Document dialog

selecting pages using CSS without AP objects, 94

templates viewed in, 157

viewing sample frames in, 85

noneditable regions

about, 152, 153

type of content placed in, 154–155

updating template’s, 160


objects. See also AP Divs

assigning IDs to, 245

multiple behaviors for, 257

selecting in Tag Selector bar, 253

onClick events, 252

one-cell tables, 66–69

onMouseOver events, 252

Open Browser Window dialog, 252

open Web sites, 16


browser windows, 251–252

CSS Styles panel, 121

Jump Menu dialog, 197

New CSS Rule dialog, 173

Table dialog, 66

template pages, 159

Web pages with links, 91–92

Optimize tool (Dreamweaver), 135, 136

optional editable regions, 155

organizing local Web sites, 8–9

overlapping AP Divs, 102, 103


padding for table cells, 67–68

page breaks, 192

panels. See also specific panel by name

collapsible, 243

defined, 34

elements of, 34

Property Inspector, 36

separating from tabbed group, 35

tabbed, 238–239


QuickTime movie, 233, 234

Windows Media movie, 235, 236

Parameters dialog, 233–236

passwords for remote server connection, 18

Paste Special dialog, 268

PDF documents, 124

percentages for defining page width, 69


enhancing Flash file loading, 227, 229, 231

frames and improved, 84

image compression and, 128

time for page loading in browser, 33

periods in class and style names, 108


books on, 129

editing PSD files in Dreamweaver, 136

opening files in Dreamweaver, 126

placing files in Web pages, 145–150

Save For Web dialog in, 128

Photoshop Elements, 128

pixels for defining page width, 69


library items, 161–164

Photoshop files in Web pages, 145–150

planning and embedding site elements, 151–170

about, 151

creating and placing library items, 161–164

creating template pages, 152–156

generating new pages from templates, 157–158

including navigation in templates and library items, 167–168

updating library items, 165–166

updating templates, 151, 159–160

uploading templates and library items, 169–170

plug-in testing, 272

PNG files

about, 5

advantages of, 126

PNG 8 and PNG 32 options, 147

Pointer Hotspot tool, 142, 144

Polygonal Hotspot tool, 142, 143

pop-up menus

Align, 139, 141

Layout CSS, 57

Preview States, 217, 220, 222

Tag, 183

Target, 91

validating, 223–224

View, 20


designing messages for, 253

opening browser windows, 251–252

Preferences dialog

configuring form accessibility, 201

setting Flash button accessibility, 229

Preview States pop-up menu, 217, 220, 222


AP Divs in browsers, 100

blank template, 55

brightness and contrast changes, 137

compressed images, 128

Flash Text as generated, 226

image conversion options, 150

pages in Device Central, 266

sample framesets, 64

sharpness changes, 137

style sheets, 61

thumbnails, 127

print.css files, 189–191

printing Web pages, 189–192

Property Inspector

Action, Method, and Enctype fields, 214

adding and deleting Accordion widget panels, 242

adjusting size of Windows Media file, 235

aligning text, 139–141

Alt tags defined in, 133

applying HTML tags and attributes in, 117, 118

assigning Menu Bars properties, 240

cell properties defined in, 82–83

configuring check box states, 207

creating CSS formatting rules, 121

defining links between frames, 91–92

defining number of check boxes selected before submitting form, 222

dimension parameters for QuickTime movies, 233

displaying, 75

enabling scrollbars for frame, 90

Flash buttons edited in, 229

Flash Text formatting in, 227

formatting AP Divs in, 102–103

hotspot tools in, 142–144

illustrated, 36

image-editing tools in, 136

including hint content for commentary field, 219

links defined with, 52–54

List Values button of, 211

object IDs assigned in, 245

overriding style with attributes on, 125

pop-up menu validation set from, 223–224

preparing text to trigger open browser window event, 252

reverting image to original size, 135

setting properties for Flash movie, 230–231

single radio button edited in, 209

Spry widgets edited in, 237

Standard mode features for cell formatting in, 72

Submit and Reset buttons configured in, 213

tabbed panels set up in, 238

table column width set from, 74

table properties defined in, 80–81

text color assignments in, 119

text fields defined in, 205

using, 36

validating zip code input, 215, 216

prototyping site navigation, 11

PSD files. See also Photoshop

editing, 136

placing in Web pages, 145–150


QuickTime movies, 233–234

QuickTime Player, 234


radio buttons, 207, 208–209

reducing image file size, 127, 128, 129

relative links and targets, 52, 53

relative positioning of Divs, 106

remote servers

comparing content of remote and local sites, 21

connecting to, 19–21

dangers of working only on, 19

defining connections to, 16–18

downloading files from, 24–25

local vs. remote sites, 16

signing up for, 20

synchronizing content with local sites, 26–28

transferring files from local site to, 22–25, 170

updating edited templates and library items on, 169–170

uploading changed pages to, 159

removing sites in Manage Sites dialog, 14, 15

repeating regions, 155

Resample tool (Dreamweaver), 136

Reset button, 213


images in Dreamweaver, 135

multiple AP Divs, 99

RGB color system, 120

rollovers, 258–259


invisible in browser, 114

selecting unit of measurement, 112

showing/hiding, 32

zero point for, 112–113


creating CSS formatting, 121

defining in CSS Rule Definition dialog, 175

editing Spry validation, 220

page break style, 192

text area validation, 218–220


sample frames, 85, 92

sample starter pages, 58–60

Save As Template dialog, 156

Save For Web dialog, 128

Save Style Sheet File As dialog, 189


before creating Spry widgets, 237, 238

framesets, 86

image file in site folder, 131

pages generated from basic starter page, 60

Photoshop files in other graphic formats, 145

Web pages first time, 51


CGI, 198

client-side, 193, 194–197

further reading on server-side, 202

resources for form, 198

using in jump menus, 194

scrollbars, 90

Select Image Source dialog, 130

Select Style Sheet File dialog, 63

Select tool, 32, 33

server-side services

about server-side forms, 193

FreeFind search engine for, 198–199

further reading on server-side scripts, 202

Set Magnification drop-down menu, 32, 33

Sharpen dialog, 137

Sharpen tool (Dreamweaver), 136


collapsible panels, 243

displaying Property Inspector, 75

finding invisible AP Divs, 100

rulers, 32

tabbed panels, 239

table borders, 80

Site Files view, 10

Site Map view

about, 10, 11

designing site using, 11–13

remote sites not seen in, 21

site navigation diagrams, 10

snippets, 165

spacer image files, 76


adding between text and images, 139, 141

blue line displaying image, 141

table cell, 67–68

special characters

restricted for file names, 12

using in Web page names, 49

viewing set of insertable, 46

Split view, 31, 38

Spry effects

attaching to page elements, 245

defining events for, 246–247, 248

editing and deleting, 248

types of, 245

Spry widgets

about, 193, 217

Accordion widget, 242

Collapsible Panel widget, 243, 244

creating and editing, 237

defining text area rules, 218–220

deleting, 244

editing rules for, 220

Menu Bar widgets, 240, 241

placing Text Field widget in form, 215–217

saving before creating, 238

setting up pop-up menu validation, 223–224

using tabbed panels, 238–239

using with check boxes, 221–222

Standard mode

calculating column widths in, 75

creating table in, 66–69

Layout mode vs., 72

Standard toolbar, 39

Starter Pages (Theme) options, 58–59


check box, 207

defining images for navigation bar button, 261

link, 52, 186, 187–188

status bar, 32–33

Style Rendering toolbar, 191

style sheets. See also CSS; external style sheets

attaching external, 174, 175, 176–177

considered dependent files, 25

defining, 108

global application of styles with, 125

linked vs. imported, 64

overriding external styles with embedded page styles, 179

previewing, 61

Submit button, 213, 221

SWF files, 226, 227, 228, 230

synchronizing local and remote content, 26–28


tabbed panels, 238–239

Table dialog

configuring table in, 66–69

defining fixed and flexible columns in, 73–76

opening, 66

Table tags, 176, 184–185


about, 65

combining fixed and flexible columns, 73–76

converting AP Divs to, 103

creating in Standard mode, 66–69

defining properties for, 80–81

designing in Layout mode, 70–72

editing in Property Inspector, 36

editing navigation bar, 262

embedded, 70, 77–79

setting up cell properties for, 82–83

Tag Bar, 244

Tag pop-up menu, 183

Tag Selector bar, 32, 253


advantages of HTML, 116, 117

Alt tags, 132–134

blockquote HTML, 118

Body, 178–180, 271

defining Div, 106–111

editing attributes in Property Inspector, 36

formatting HTML text, 181–183

headings assigned with, 116–117

Image and Table tags, 176, 184–185

text formatting with attributes and, 116–118

using, 116, 117

Target Browsers dialog, 41, 264–265

Target pop-up menu, 91


choosing for link in frameset, 91

relative and absolute, 52


blank templates vs., 56, 57

creating pages from, 55–57, 152–156

editable regions on, 56, 57, 152, 154

function of, 151

generating pages from, 157–158

including navigation in, 167–168

library items vs., 161

updating, 151, 159–160

uploading, 167–168

testing and maintaining sites, 263–272

adding Design Notes, 270

checking browser compatibility, 264–265

cleaning up Word HTML, 268–269

previewing in Device Central, 266

rollover testing in browsers, 258

sitewide link testing, 267

testing browsers for media support, 271–272

Testing Server view, 10


aligning and spacing images and, 139–141

applying color to fonts, 119–120

copying and pasting on Web pages, 3

embedding images at paragraph start, 131

formatting with HTML attributes, 116–118

importing, 2, 3

pasting from Word into Dreamweaver, 268

setting attributes for inline, 121–125

sources for Web site, 2–3

using Flash Text, 226–227

text areas

defining rules with Spry widget, 218–220

placing in forms, 205–206

text fields, 205–206, 215–217

Text Indent and Outdent buttons, 118


about, 129, 138

previewing images with, 127

timelines, 254–256

Timelines panel, 254


adding Web page, 49, 50

defining for embedded pages, 88, 89

entering, 51

filenames vs., 50


Insert bar, 42–43, 71, 96

Standard and Document, 39–41

Style Rendering, 191

transparency for GIF image backgrounds, 146

triggering events

actions, 246–247, 248, 249

page loading as, 252


underlining links, 186, 188

unit of measurement, 112

unvisited links, 52, 187–188


library items, 161, 165–166

navigation links, 167, 168

Photoshop images, 148, 149

templates, 151, 159–160


dependent files, 24, 25

entire Web site to remote server, 22–23, 169–170

user interface. See also Document window

elements of panels, 34

Insert menu features, 44–47

Standard and Document toolbars, 39–41

using Insert bar, 42–43



check boxes, 221–222

pop-up menus, 223–224

text area rules, 218–220

text fields, 215–217

zip code input, 215, 216

values, 224

vertical Menu Bars, 240

View pop-up menu, 20


designing site using Site Map, 11–13

Document window, 31

managing site, 10–13

visited links

defining style of, 187–188

display for, 52, 186


Web hosts, 19, 20

Web pages. See also designing Web pages; Web sites

adding titles to, 49, 50

attaching Spry effects to elements of, 245

checking browser compatibility of, 264–265

copying and pasting text on, 3

creating from scratch, 48–51

CSS styles of library items embedded in, 164

defining links to open, 91–92

embedding images in, 130–131

generating from templates, 157–158

importing spreadsheets and Word documents to, 3

placing Photoshop files in, 145–150

preparing images for, 126–129

previewing in Device Central, 266

sample starter pages for generating, 58–60

saving as template, 156

time before opening in browser, 33

updating Photoshop images on, 148, 149

using multiple timelines on, 256

using templates to create blank, 55–57

Web sites. See also planning and embedding site elements; Web pages

collecting content for, 2–5

connecting to remote servers, 19–21

defining before creating pages, 1, 48

defining local, 1, 6–7

defining remote server connection, 16–18

designing using Site Map view, 11–13

determining open, 16

managing, 14–15

managing site views, 10–13

organizing local, 8–9

preparing images for, 5

sitewide link testing, 267

synchronizing local and remote content, 26–28

transferring files between remote and local, 22–25

Web-safe color, 119, 120

widgets. See Spry widgets


adjusting table, 67

constraining page display, 68

using Property Inspector to set table column, 74

windows. See also Document window

behaviors opening browser, 251–252

Code Inspector, 38

defining Target window for link, 53–54

Files, 1, 10–13

Library Item, 165

opening browser, 251–252

Windows Media movies, 235–236

Windows platforms

downloading QuickTime Player for, 234

showing Insert bar in, 96


cleaning up HTML files, 4, 268–269

importing documents from, 3

saving files in HTML, 3


zero point for ruler, 112–113

Z-index values, 102, 103, 110

zip codes, 215, 216

Zoom tool, 32, 33

zooming to hotspots, 142

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