
3–point perspective, from freehand drawing, 252f

Abbey, Edwin Austin, 147

Accent cut, for scene, 75f

Act, 78, 31

story, 3244, 36f

systems within systems, 4449, 46f

Airbrush, 21, 21f

Allegory of Painting, 8

Amateur storytelling, 33

Angle, 121


departmentalization, 5

design, 4

farm and woods backgrounds on, 209

film production, 5, 6f

form following gesture in, 255

secret of, 263264

storytelling form, 3942

working notes for, 206215

Animation cel, 289f

Aquapasto, 21, 21f, 186

Around the Color Wheel Shadowing chart, 170f

Art, 25

artistry, 269270

surface, 268

Art Deco, 147

Articulated, 24, 24f

Artist, 4, 179f

list of, 8590

Artistic creativity, 200

Artistry versus routine convention, 196f

Art Nouveau color schemes, 166167

analysis of, 166f

Atlantis, development notes for, 212f, 213f

Atmosphere, 89

effect of, on color, 169f

scene, 56f

sketches, for original story, 282f

Auerbach-Levy, William, 85

Babbitt, Art, 256


for animation, 209

thematic color for, 168f

Barton, Ralph, 85

Beauty, three qualities for, 146147

Birren, Faber

color analysis of, 161f

Blick, 122

composition of, 123, 125f

design, 126f

examples, 122123

related to Townscape, 124

style of, 123

Blue Lobster Inn, 138141

Booth, Franklin, 85

Brangwyn, Frank, 147

Brunelleschi, Umberto, 85

Brush strokes and lines, 190f

Business, 9

Camera, placement of, 33

Caricature, 1011, 24f, 25, 79, 81107, 216217, 241f

of cartoonists, 107f

character drawing, 94107

color in, 93

contrast, 9091

emotional heightening, 10

form, 8590

geometry chart, 88f

gesture and expression, 8283

gesture distortion, 10

heightening, 91

light for, 93

mermaid sketches, 92f

metaphor, 10, 8385

notes on form in, 8990f

organic and geometric, 10

perspective in, 10

possible effects, 8182

promotional piece, 101f, 102f, 103f, 104f

proportion, 10

synopsis, 105f, 106f

warm up on, 82f

Cartoon composition. See Composition

Cartoon concepts. See Concept art

Cartoonists, caricature of, 107f


ideas and rules for, 207f

workflow procedure example, 27f

working notes for, 206215

Catastasis, 91

Character design, 4, 9, 32

Character drawing

caricature, 94107

cartoon stocky characters, 99f

costume, 96f

facial and eye expression, 100f

sides and fronts, 94f

women, 98f

Charting the hue, value, temperature and intensity of color, 162

Charts painted, on heavy folded paper, 233f

Chiaroscuro, 147

Circular composition. See Composition

Clarity of form, 146152

Clarity of tone, 146152

Clichés, 266

Collage, 16, 16f

Color, 155, 201

Around the Color Wheel Shadowing chart, 170f

Art Nouveau color schemes, 166167

analysis of, 166f

backgrounds, thematic color for, 168f

caricature, 93

color/changing value, neutralizing, 162167

composition, 1621, 156f, 169f

Edgar Payne, advice from, 160161

effect of light and atmosphere on, 169f

Faber Birren, color analysis of, 161f

folk art, 172f

hue, value, temperature and intensity of charting, 162

ideas, 158

inspiration, 172f

intensity, temperature, value chroma, 157f

neutral colors, 164166

optical mixing, 158160

choice of colors, 159

painting the sky, color mixtures for, 159

soup method, 158159

useful colors, 159160

picture plane, 165f

rendition, 2426

richer color, making, 171f

samples for charts, 240f

tone and, relationship of, 163f

tone domination, 138143

tracing paper overlay, use of, 170f

vibrating colors, 164f

Color hatching, 158159

Color sketches, 218

Color studies, 218220

Color temperature, diagram of, 243f

Comedy, 44, 267

Comics, 4041f

Coming apart, 23, 23f

Complement, 22, 22f

Complementary colors, visual reminder of, 241f

Composition, 12f, 1321, 109, 202, 218

based on teachings of Edgar Payne, 119f

blick, 122127

breadth and detail, 120121

color, 1621, 169f

hue scheme, 17, 17f

refraction, 17, 17f

value scheme, 17, 17f

dominance, 1314, 113f

examples, 118f

grid, 1314

movement, organization and notan, 116f

OAK formula, 121127

objectives, 111f

pictorial, 117f, 230f

for psychological effect, 115f

reverse negatives, 1314

rhythm, 1314

shape, 1415

direction, 14, 14f

focus and eye path, 14, 14f

overlap, 14, 14f

perspectives, 14, 14f

vignette, 14, 14f

tension, 114f

texture, 16

collage, 16, 16f

contrast, 16, 16f

decoration, 16, 16f

line and tone, 16, 16f

thumbnail studies of, 110f

tone, 1516

lost and found, 15, 15f

massing of values, 15, 15f

notan, 15, 15f

silhouette, 15, 15f

skipped tones, 15, 15f

types of, 112f

Compound notan, 146, 147, 202

Concept art, 289f

beginning with thumbnail sketches, 208f

Walt Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 210f, 211f

Walt Disney’s The Little Mermaid, 297f

Contrast, 16, 16f

caricature, 9091

silhouette, 90f

Controlled lights with full darks, 141f

Cornwell, Dean, 147

Costume, 9

Covarrubias Duclaud, José Miguel, 85

Crawford, Will, 85

Creative process, 200

Creativity, 200

Cropping, 14, 121

Crosshatching, 23

Cullen, Gordon, 124

Dark colors, 158

Dark Shade tone, key dark at, 140f

Decorations, 16, 16f, 120, 123

Development art

animated commercial, 214f, , 215f

Captain Pistol series, 80f

Development sketches, 207f

Dialogue cuts, for scene, 74f

Direction, 14, 14f

Dollying camera, for scene, 72f

Dominance, 1314

in composition, 113f

Dramatic conflict, 44

Drawing, 206f, 219

character drawing, 94107

extreme drawing, 263

life drawings, 277f

Edges, 23, 23f

handling methods, 180f

styles, 181f

Edge treatment

color, 183f

examples, 182f

Effect of haze, creation of, 144

Effect versus detail, 120

Efficiency, role of, 5

Emmett, Rowland, 85

Entertainment, 267

Excitement montage, for scene, 75f

Expressionist color, 158

Extreme drawing, 263

The extremes, 24, 24f

Farm and woods backgrounds, for animation, 209

Fat and lean, 24, 24f

Favorite systems within a system, 45f

Feininger, Lyonel, 8586

Figure/ground versus compound notan, 146152

Film composition. See Composition

Film perspectives, for scene, 58f, 59f


grammar of, 4748f

observations on, 4041f, 41f

Film viewpoint, for scene, 8, 57f

Fine artist, 4

Finish, 121

Flat wash, 220

Flowcharts, 222f

composition, 47, 4f

interpretation, 47, 4f

rendition, 47, 4f

Focus and eye path, 14, 14f

Freehand drawing, deriving 3-point perspective from, 252f

Frisket, 220

Frost, A. B., 86

Fumetti, 38

Geometric caricature, 10

Geometric constructions and ratios, 250f, 251f

Geometry chart

for caricature, 88f

Gestalt, visual reminder of, 241f

Gesture, 9, 8283, 255

Glazing and toned paper, 193f

Golden Rectangle, 13

Grant, Vernon, 86

Graphic arts, 146

Graphic novels, 4041f, 41f

Graying, 162

Grid, 1314

Hard Light, 236

Harlequin, 236

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 283f

Heavy folded paper, charts painted on, 233f

Heightening, 91, 91f

Held John, Jr., 86

Highlight, 22, 22f

High-value colors, 158

Holtan, Gene, 86

Home value, 162f

Hue, value, temperature and intensity of color charting, 162

Hue families, 24, 24f

Hue scheme, 17, 17f

Hurter, Albert, 86


TV Guide Magazine, 286f, 287f

workflow procedure example, 27f

working notes for, 206209

In-betweening, 261

Inciting incident, 7

Ink, Maskoid, watercolor and gouache techniques, 189f

Insurance advertising campaign, 285f

Interiors, for scene, 60f

Interpretation, 5, 6f, 711

Irradiation, 24, 24f

Jokes, 267

Kley, Heinrich, 86

Klimt, Gustav, 147

Levine, David, 86

Levine, Jack, 86

Leyendecker, Joseph, 86

Life drawings, 277f

Lift technique, 220

Light, 9

caricature, 93

effect on color, 169f

relationship of shape and tone, 143f

shadow, rendering, 195f


notan, 150f

samples of, 240f

Light quality and value steps, 144145, 145f

Light-Struck, 236

Light tone, key light at, 139f

Light-value colors, 158

Lindsay, Norman, 87

Line, 132f, 134, 205

observations of, 133f

rendition, 2223

reversed negative, 151f

tone, 16, 16f

Line hatch, 23, 23f

The Little Mermaid, 297f

Locale, 32, 76

Local tone, 236

Logos, 2628, 26f

Lost and found tones, 15, 15f

Low Light tone, key light at, 140f

Low-middle values, 158

Massing of values, 15, 15f

Master shots, 76

Media expressive works, 146

Mermaid sketches

caricature, 92f

Metaphor, 10, 84f

caricature, 8385, 83f, 84f

Middle-values, 158

Mid Shade tone, key dark at, 139f

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 8

Miscellaneous notes, 249


gesture in, 255

ideas of, 264265

notes, 256

secret of, 263264


artistry, 269270

surface, 268

clichés, 266

comedy, 267

freehand drawing, deriving 3-point perspective from, 252f

geometric constructions and ratios, 250f, 251f

paradox principle, 271273

perspective, 253f, 254f

problems, approaching, 265

statement of theory, 271273

useful images, 265266

Montage, 122

for scene, 75f

Mottling, 2122, 21f

Natwick, Grim

drawing by, 263f

pace or timing, 260262

quotes from, 262263

Richard Williams studio, London, 257263

Negative shapes, 23, 23f, 239f

visual reminder of, 241f

Negative-space oriented art, 146

Neutral colors, 164

The New Yorker, 278f, 279f

Notan, 15, 15f, 116f, 146152, 187, 228f, 229f

compound notan, 146

figure/ground versus compound notan, 146152

lighting, 150f

reversed negative, 151f, 152f

styles of, 148f, 149f

OAK formula, 121127

Opaque accent, 220

Optical mixing, 158160

choice of colors, 159

painting the sky, color mixtures for, 159

soup method, 158159

useful colors, 159160

OPUS checklist, 223224

Organic caricature, 10

Overlap, 14, 14f, 121

Pace or timing, 260262

Paint-handling techniques, 21

“The paisley whale,” lessons from, 204205

Paradox principle, 271273

balance, 271

color, 271272

drawing, 272

surface versus illusion, 271

tone, 272273

Patchwork, 236

Pattern, 201

Pencil line, 220

Pencil rendering, on tracing paper, 219f

Perspective, 1011, 14, 58f, 59f, 253f, 254f

Phil Kimmelman and Associates, 214f, 215f, 289f

Pictorial composition, 117f

Pictorial storytelling, 3337

Picture plane

color and, 165f

pietre dure works, 146

Pirate song, 290f

Pistol’s Pirates, 138, 292f

The Sea Mutt, 291f, 293f

Werx Brothers, 291f

Place, 5254, 124

comedy disruption, 5475

Playboy, 185, 298f, 299f, 300f

Players, 9

Portfolio art, 284f

Posters, 244f, 245f

Preliminary color studies, 218220

Process, 199

animation, 206209

cartoons, notes for, 206209

creation, 200

farm and woods backgrounds, for animation, 209

illustrations, notes for, 206209

OPUS checklist, 223224

order of battle, 203f

step by step through flowchart system for The Traffic Witch, 216223

studio, working notes from, 201203

“The paisley whale,” lessons from, 204205

Promotional art, 295f

Props, 9, 53

Public Artwork Installation, designs for, 294f

Pyle, Howard, 147

Pyramus and Thisbe, 8

Ranging camera, for scene, 72f

Rectangle, 13

Refraction, 17, 17f

Relationship, importance of, 124

Rembrandt, 147

Remedy paradox, 272

Rendition, 18, 20f, 175, 176f, 177f, 219

additional rendering styles including glazing and toned paper, 193f

artistry versus routine convention, 196f

color, 2426

caricature, 24f, 25

hue families, 24, 24f

irradiation, 24, 24f

designs transposed to other renderings, 192f

detail, 194f

edge styles examples, 181f

edge treatment

examples, 182f

with color, 183f

form rendition, 178f

for story, 34

handling edges methods, 180f

inspiration from other artists, 179f

light and shadow, 195f

line, 2223

complement, 22, 22f

highlight, 22, 22f

self-line, 22, 22f

signature, 22, 22f

notes, 184f

paint handling, 190f

on toned paper, 191f

shape, 23

coming apart, 23, 23f

edges, 23, 23f

line hatch, 23, 23f

negative, 23, 23f

signature, 23, 23f

techniques, 2122

airbrush, 21, 21f

aquapasto, 21, 21f

mottling, 21f, 22

resist-ink, 21, 21f

spatter, 21f, 22

spot shadows, 21f, 22

tone, 2324

articulated, 24, 24f

extremes, 24, 24f

fat and lean, 24, 24f

surfaces, 24, 24f

transparent and opaque watercolor techniques, 185196

Resist-ink, 21, 21f, 276f

Reveals, for scene, 73f

Reverse negatives, 1314, 151f, 152f, 218

modified, 141f

visual reminder of, 241f

Rhythm, 1314

Saxon, Charles, 87

Scene, 810, 51

accent cut, 75f

atmosphere, 89, 8f, 56f

business, 9, 9f

costume, 9, 9f

dialogue cuts, 74f

dollying camera, 72f

excitement montage, 75f

gesture, 9, 9f

interiors, 60f

invisible elements, 11

light, 9, 9f

montage, 75f

perspectives, 58f, 59f

place, 5254

comedy disruption, 5455

players, 9, 9f

props, 9, 9f

ranging camera, 72f

reveals, 73f

season, 89, 8f

set dressing, 8, 8f

setting, 8, 8f

shots, 76

cuts, 74f

film aspects, 61f, 62f

pictorial aspects, 66f

subject matter, 63f, 64f, 65f

strip shots, 68f, 69f

stylization, 67f

swiveling camera, 71f

tilting and rotating, 71f

time, 89, 8f

truck in, 70f

truck out, 70f

viewpoint, 8, 57f

weather, 89, 8f

Schiele, Egon, 147

Searle, Ronald, 87

Season, 89

Segar, Elsie, 87

Self-line, 22, 22f, 220

Serial Vision, 124

Set dressing, 8

Shadow charts

ranging in intensity from diffused light to light in darkness, 232f

Shakespeare, William, 8, 44

Shape, 23, 132f

composition, 1415

rendition, 23

reversed negative, 151f


relationship to light, 143f

Shots, for scene, 76

cuts, 74f

film aspects, 61f, 62f

pictorial aspects, 66f

subject matter, 63f, 64f, 65f


in line, 22, 22f

in shape, 23, 23f

Silhouette, 15, 15f, 135137, 135f

contrast in, 90f

versus basic rendering, 136f

Simplicissimus, 87

Simplicity, 120

Six jugglers, 236237, 237f

Skipped tones, 15, 15f

Soft light, 236

Sorel, Edward, 87

Spatter, 21f, 22

Spot shadows, 21f, 22

Staccato Animation, 259

Stage drama, 37, 4041f

Statement of theory, 271273

Story, 3244, 36f, 4243

animation, 3942

camera, placement of, 33

chain of events, 34

chart for, 36f

focal points, 3435

focus, 35

forms of, 3738

pictorial, 3337

rendition, 34

subject matter, 3334

systems within systems, 4446, 46f

themes, 34

treatment, 3536

verbal, 37

Storytelling. See Story

Straights versus curves, 259

Strip shots, for scene, 68f, 69f

Studio posters and charts, 227

color temperature, diagram of, 243f

composition, of pictorial elements, 230f

lighting and color, samples of, 240f

notan/gestalt, 228f, 229f

shadow charts

ranging in intensity from diffused light to light in darkness, 232f

six jugglers, 236237, 237f

The Tavern, 238f, 239f

techniques and lighting effects, 234f, 235f

tone and color, advancing/receding contrarium of, 231f

value charts, 233f

watercolors, value chart of, 242f

Stylization, for scene, 67f

Sullivant, T.S., 87

Surfaces, 24, 24f, 268

versus illusion, 271

Surprise quality of beauty, 146147

Swiveling camera, for scene, 71f

Systems within systems, 8, 4446, 46f

play within play, 4446

Techniques and lighting effects, 201202, 234f, 235f

Tenggren, Gustaf, 87

Tenniel, John, 87


composition, 16

Theater drama, 37

Thematic color, for backgrounds, 168f

Thumbnail sketches, 208f, 216

Tilting and rotating, for scene, 71f

Time, 89

Tone, 130f, 205


advancing/receding contrarium of, 231f

relationship of, 163f

composition, 1516

domination of, on color, 138143

light quality created by value steps, 144145, 145f

Light tone, 141f

Middle tone, 141f

rendition, 2324

reversed negative, 151f

treatments, types of, 137f

The Traffic Witch, 216223

act, 216

caricature, 216217

preliminary color studies, 218220

reverse negatives, 218

scene, 216

values, 217

watercolor techniques in, 220223

Transitional wash, 220

Transparent and opaque watercolor techniques, 185193

Transparent watercolor, 220

Truck in, for scene, 70f

Truck out, for scene, 70f

TV Guide Magazine, 286f, 287f

Values, 201

visual reminder of, 241f

Value scheme, 17, 17f

Value study, 217

color sketch and drawing for a cartoon, 206f

Vermeer, Jan, 8

Vibrating colors, 164f

Vienna Workshop, 147

Viewpoint, 8, 57f

Vignette, 14, 14f

Walt Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, concept art for, 210f, 211f


techniques, 185196

examples, 188f

The Traffic Witch, 220223

value chart for, 242f

Weather, 89

The Whites of Their Eyes, 280f, 281f

Wiener Werkstätte, 147

Williams, Richard, 256

Wyeth, N.C., 147

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