3. Customizing a Pivot Table

Although pivot tables provide an extremely fast way to summarize data, sometimes the pivot table defaults are not exactly what you need. In such cases, you can use many powerful settings to tweak pivot tables. These tweaks range from making cosmetic changes to changing the underlying calculation used in the pivot table.

In Excel 2016, you find controls to customize a pivot table in myriad places: the Analyze tab, Design tab, Field Settings dialog, Data Field Settings dialog, PivotTable Options dialog, and context menus.

Rather than cover each set of controls sequentially, this chapter covers the following functional areas in making pivot table customization:

Image Minor cosmetic changes—Change blanks to zeros, adjust the number format, and rename a field. The fact that you must correct these defaults in every pivot table that you create is annoying.

Image Layout changes—Compare three possible layouts, show/hide subtotals and totals, and repeat row labels.

Image Major cosmetic changes—Use pivot table styles to format a pivot table quickly.

Image Summary calculations—Change from Sum to Count, Min, Max, and more. In a pivot table that defaults to Count of Revenue, change it to default to Sum of Revenue instead.

Image Advanced calculations—Use settings to show data as a running total, percent of total, rank, percent of parent item, and more.

Image Other options—Review some of the obscure options found throughout the Excel interface.

Making Common Cosmetic Changes

You need to make a few changes to almost every pivot table to make it easier to understand and interpret. Figure 3.1 shows a typical pivot table. To create this pivot table, open the Chapter 3 data file. Select Insert, Pivot Table, OK. Check the Sector, Customer, and Revenue fields, and drag the Region field to the Columns area.


Figure 3.1 A typical pivot table before customization.

This default pivot table contains several annoying items that you might want to change quickly:

Image The default table style uses no gridlines, which makes it difficult to follow the rows and columns across and down.

Image Numbers in the Values area are in a general number format. There are no commas, currency symbols, and so on.

Image For sparse data sets, many blanks appear in the Values area. The blank cell in B5 indicates that there were no Associations sales in the Midwest. Most people prefer to see zeros instead of blanks.

Image Excel renames fields in the Values area with the unimaginative name Sum of Revenue. You can change this name.

You can correct each of these annoyances with just a few mouse clicks. The following sections address each issue.


Excel MVP Debra Dalgleish sells a Pivot Power Premium add-in that fixes most of the issues listed here. This add-in is great if you will be creating pivot tables frequently. For more information, visit http://mrx.cl/pivpow16.

Applying a Table Style to Restore Gridlines

The default pivot table layout contains no gridlines and is rather plain. Fortunately, you can apply a table style. Any table style that you choose is better than the default.

Follow these steps to apply a table style:

1. Make sure that the active cell is in the pivot table.

2. From the ribbon, select the Design tab. Three arrows appear at the right side of the PivotTable Style gallery.

3. Click the bottom arrow to open the complete gallery, which is shown in Figure 3.2.


Figure 3.2 The gallery contains 85 styles to choose from.

4. Choose any style other than the first style from the drop-down. Styles toward the bottom of the gallery tend to have more formatting.

5. Select the check box for Banded Rows to the left of the PivotTable Styles gallery. This draws gridlines in light styles and adds row stripes in dark styles.

It does not matter which style you choose from the gallery; any of the 84 other styles are better than the default style.


For more details about customizing styles, seeCustomizing a Pivot Table’s Appearance with Styles and Themes,” p. 60.

Changing the Number Format to Add Thousands Separators

If you have gone to the trouble of formatting your underlying data, you might expect that the pivot table will capture some of this formatting. Unfortunately, it does not. Even if your underlying data fields were formatted with a certain numeric format, the default pivot table presents values formatted with a general format. As a sign of some progress, when you create pivot tables from PowerPivot, you can specify the number format for a field before creating the pivot table. This functionality has not come to regular pivot tables yet.


For more about PowerPivot, read Chapter 10, “Mashing Up Data with Power Pivot.”

For example, in the figures in this chapter, the numbers are in the thousands or tens of thousands. At this level of sales, you would normally have a thousands separator and probably no decimal places. Although the original data had a numeric format applied, the pivot table routinely formats your numbers in an ugly general style.


You will be tempted to format the numbers using the right-click menu and choosing Number Format. This is not the best way to go. You will be tempted to format the cells using the tools on the Home tab. This is not the way to go. Either of these methods temporarily fixes the problem, but you lose the formatting as soon as you move a field in the pivot table. The right way to solve the problem is to use the Number Format button in the Value Field Settings dialog.

You have three ways to get to this dialog:

Image Right-click a number in the Values area of the pivot table and select Value Field Settings.

Image Click the drop-down to the right of the Sum of Revenue field in the areas of the PivotTable Fields list and then select Value Field Settings from the context menu.

Image Select any cell in the Values area of the pivot table. From the Analyze tab, select Field Settings from the Active Field group.

As shown in Figure 3.3, the Value Field Settings dialog is displayed. To change the numeric format, click the Number Format button in the lower-left corner.


Figure 3.3 Display the Value Field Settings dialog, and then click Number Format.

In the Format Cells dialog that appears, you can choose any built-in number format or choose a custom format. For example, you can choose Currency, as shown in Figure 3.4.


Figure 3.4 Choose an easier-to-read number format from the Format Cells dialog.


Although Excel 2016 offers a Live Preview feature for many formatting settings, the Format Cells dialog does not offer one. To see the changes, you must assign the number format, close the Format dialog, and then close the Value Field Settings dialog.

Replacing Blanks with Zeros

One of the elements of good spreadsheet design is that you should never leave blank cells in a numeric section of a worksheet. Even Microsoft believes in this rule; if your source data for a pivot table contains one million numeric cells and one blank cell, Excel 2016 treats the entire column as if it is text and chooses to count the column instead of sum it. This is why it is incredibly annoying that the default setting for a pivot table leaves many blanks in the Values area of some pivot tables.

A blank tells you that there were no sales for a particular combination of labels. In the default view, an actual zero is used to indicate that there was activity, but the total sales were zero. This value might mean that a customer bought something and then returned it, resulting in net sales of zero. Although there are limited applications in which you need to differentiate between having no sales and having net zero sales, this seems rare. In 99% of the cases, you should fill in the blank cells with zeros.

Follow these steps to change this setting for the current pivot table:

1. Right-click any cell in the pivot table and choose PivotTable Options.

2. On the Layout & Format tab in the Format section, type 0 next to the field labeled For Empty Cells Show (see Figure 3.5).


Figure 3.5 Enter a zero in the For Empty Cells Show box to replace the blank cells with zero.

3. Click OK to accept the change.

The result is that the pivot table is filled with zeros instead of blanks, as shown in Figure 3.6.


Figure 3.6 Your report is now a solid contiguous block of non-blank cells.

Changing a Field Name

Every field in a final pivot table has a name. Fields in the row, column, and filter areas inherit their names from the heading in the source data. Fields in the data section are given names such as Sum of Revenue. In some instances, you might prefer to print a different name in the pivot table. You might prefer Total Revenue instead of the default name. In these situations, the capability to change your field names comes in quite handy.


Although many of the names are inherited from headings in the original data set, when your data is from an external data source, you might not have control over field names. In these cases, you might want to change the names of the fields as well.

To change a field name in the Values area, follow these steps:

1. Select a cell in the pivot table that contains the appropriate type of value. You might have a pivot table with both Sum of Quantity and Sum of Revenue in the Values area. Choose a cell that contains a Sum of Revenue value.

2. Go to the Analyze tab in the ribbon. A Pivot Field Name text box appears below the heading Active Field. The box currently contains Sum of Revenue.

3. Type a new name in the box, as shown in Figure 3.7. Click a cell in your pivot table to complete the entry, and have the heading in A3 change. The name of the field title in the Values area also changes to reflect the new name.


Figure 3.7 The name typed in the Custom Name box appears in the pivot table. Although names should be unique, you can trick Excel into accepting a name that’s similar to an existing name by adding a space to the end of it.


One common frustration occurs when you would like to rename Sum of Revenue to Revenue. The problem is that this name is not allowed because it is not unique; you already have a Revenue field in the source data. To work around this limitation, you can name the field and add a space to the end of the name. Excel considers “Revenue” (with a space) to be different from “Revenue” (with no space). Because this change is only cosmetic, the readers of your spreadsheet do not notice the space after the name.

Making Report Layout Changes

Excel 2016 offers three report layout styles. The Excel team continues to offer the newer Compact layout as the default report layout, even though I continually hound them about the fact that people who work in the real world would rather use the Tabular report layout, or at least would like to have a choice about which one to use as a default.

If you consider three report layouts, and the ability to show subtotals at the top or bottom, plus choices for blank rows and Repeat All Item Labels, you have 16 different layout possibilities available.

Layout changes are controlled in the Layout group of the Design tab, as shown in Figure 3.8. This group offers four icons:

Image Subtotals—Moves subtotals to the top or bottom of each group or turns them off.

Image Grand Totals—Turns the grand totals on or off for rows and columns.

Image Report Layout—Uses the Compact, Outline, or Tabular forms. Offers an option to repeat item labels.

Image Blank Rows—Inserts or removes blank lines after each group.


Figure 3.8 The Layout group on the Design tab offers different layouts and options for totals.


You statisticians in the audience might think that 3 layouts × 2 repeat options × 2 subtotal location options × 2 blank row options would be 24 layouts. However, choosing Repeat All Item Labels does not work with the Compact layout, thus eliminating 4 of the combinations. In addition, Subtotals at the Top of Each Group does not work with the Tabular layout, eliminating another 4 combinations.

Using the Compact Layout

By default, all new pivot tables use the Compact layout that you saw in Figure 3.6. In this layout, multiple fields in the row area are stacked in column A. Note in the figure that the Consultants sector and the Andrew Spain Consulting customer are both in column A.

The Compact form is suited for using the Expand and Collapse icons. If you select one of the Sector value cells such as Associations in A5 and then click the Collapse Field icon on the Analyze tab, Excel hides all the customer details and shows only the sectors, as shown in Figure 3.9.


Figure 3.9 Click the Collapse Field icon to hide levels of detail.

After a field is collapsed, you can show detail for individual items by using the plus icons in column A, or you can click Expand Field on the Analyze tab to see the detail again.


If you select a cell in the innermost row field and click Expand Field on the Options tab, Excel displays the Show Detail dialog, as shown in Figure 3.10, to enable you to add a new innermost row field.


Figure 3.10 When you attempt to expand the innermost field, Excel offers to add a new innermost field.

Using the Outline Layout

When you select Design, Layout, Report Layout, Show in Outline Form, Excel puts each row field in a separate column. The pivot table shown in Figure 3.11 is one column wider, with revenue values starting in C instead of B. This is a small price to pay for allowing each field to occupy its own column. Soon, you will find out how to convert a pivot table to values so you can further sort or filter. When you do this, you will want each field in its own column.


Figure 3.11 The Outline layout puts each row field in a separate column.

The Excel team added the Repeat All Item Labels option to the Report Layout tab starting in Excel 2010. This alleviated a lot of busy work because it takes just two clicks to fill in all the blank cells along the outer row fields. Choosing to repeat the item labels causes values to appear in cells A6:A7, A9:A10, and A12:A15 in Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11 shows the same pivot table from before, now in Outline form and with labels repeated.


This layout is suitable if you plan to copy the values from the pivot table to a new location for further analysis. Although the Compact layout offers a clever approach by squeezing multiple fields into one column, it is not ideal for reusing the data later.

By default, both the Compact and Outline layouts put the subtotals at the top of each group. You can use the Subtotals drop-down on the Design tab to move the totals to the bottom of each group, as shown in Figure 3.12. In Outline view, this causes a not-really-useful heading row to appear at the top of each group. Cell A5 contains “Associations” without any additional data in the columns to the right. Consequently, the pivot table occupies 44 rows instead of 37 rows because each of the 7 sector categories has an extra header.


Figure 3.12 With subtotals at the bottom of each group, the pivot table occupies several more rows.

Using the Traditional Tabular Layout

Figure 3.13 shows the Tabular layout. This layout is similar to the one that has been used in pivot tables since their invention through Excel 2003. In this layout, the subtotals can never appear at the top of the group. The new Repeat All Item Labels works with this layout, as shown in Figure 3.13.


Figure 3.13 The Tabular layout is similar to pivot tables in legacy versions of Excel.

The Tabular layout is the best layout if you expect to use the resulting summary data in a subsequent analysis. If you wanted to reuse the table in Figure 3.13, you would do additional “flattening” of the pivot table by choosing Subtotals, Do Not Show Subtotals and Grand Totals, Off for Rows and Columns.

Controlling Blank Lines, Grand Totals, and Other Settings

Additional settings on the Design tab enable you to toggle various elements.

The Blank Rows drop-down offers the choice Insert Blank Row After Each Item. This setting applies only to pivot tables with two or more row fields. Blank rows are not added after each item in the inner row field. You see a blank row after each group of items in the outer row fields. As shown in Figure 3.16, the blank row after each region makes the report easier to read. However, if you remove Sector from the report, you have only Region in the row fields, and no blank rows appear (see Figure 3.17).


Figure 3.16 The Blank Rows setting makes the report easier to read.


Figure 3.17 Blank rows will not appear when there is only one item in the row field.


For those of you following along with the sample files, you may have noticed quite a leap from the pivot table in Figure 3.14 to the one in Figure 3.16, but it is still the same pivot table. Here is how to make the changes:

1. Uncheck Sector, Customer, Profit, and Cost in the Pivot Table Fields list.

2. Drag the Product field to the Columns area.

3. Recheck the Sector field to move it to the second Row field.

4. Make sure the active cell is in column A.

5. On the Design tab of the ribbon, open Subtotals and choose Show All Subtotals at the Bottom of the Group.

6. As shown in Figure 3.16, open the Blank Rows drop-down and choose Insert Blank Row After Each Item.

7. To get to the pivot table shown in Figure 3.17, uncheck the Sector field.

Grand totals can appear at the bottom of each column and/or at the end of each row, or they can be turned off altogether. Settings for grand totals appear in the Grand Totals drop-down of the Layout group on the Design tab. The wording in this drop-down is a bit confusing, so Figure 3.18 shows what each option provides. The default is to show grand totals for rows and columns, as in Figure 3.17.


Figure 3.18 The wording is confusing, but you can toggle off the grand total column, row, or both.

If you want a grand total column but no grand total at the bottom, choose On for Rows Only, as shown at the top of Figure 3.18. To me, this seems backward. To keep the grand total column, you have to choose to turn on grand totals for rows only. I guess the rationale is that each cell in F5:F8 is a grand total of the row to the left of the cell. Hence, you are showing the grand totals for all the rows but not for the columns. Perhaps someday Microsoft will ship a version of Excel in English-Midwest where this setting would be called “Keep the Grand Total Column.” But for now, it remains confusing.

In a similar fashion, to show a grand total row but no grand total column, you open the Grand Totals menu and choose On for Columns Only. Again, in some twisted version of the English language, cell B18 is totaling the cells in the column above it.

The final choice, Off for Rows and Columns, is simple enough. Excel shows neither a grand total column nor a grand total row.

Back in Excel 2003, pivot tables were shown in Tabular layout and logical headings such as Region and Product would appear in the pivot table, as shown in the top pivot table in Figure 3.19. When the Excel team switched to Compact form, they replaced those headings with Row Labels and Column Labels. These add nothing to the report. To toggle off those headings, look on the far right side of the Analyze tab for an icon called Field Headers and click it to remove Row Labels and Column Labels from your pivot tables in Compact form.


Figure 3.19 The Compact form introduced in Excel 2007 replaced useful headings with Row Labels. You can turn these off.


When you arrange several pivot tables vertically, as in Figure 3.19, you’ll notice that changes in one pivot table change the column widths for the entire column, often causing #### to appear in the other pivot tables. By default, Excel changes the column width to AutoFit the pivot table but ignores anything else in the column. To turn off this default behavior, right-click each pivot table and choose PivotTable Options. In the first tab of the Options dialog, the second-to-last check box is AutoFit Column Widths on Update. Uncheck this box.

Customizing a Pivot Table’s Appearance with Styles and Themes

You can quickly apply color and formatting to a pivot table report by using the 85 built-in styles in the PivotTable Styles gallery on the Design tab. These 85 styles are further modified by the four check boxes to the left of the gallery. Throw in the 48 themes on the Page Layout tab, and you have 65,280 easy ways to format a pivot table. If none of those provide what you need, you can define a new style.

Start with the four check boxes in the PivotTable Style Options group of the Design tab of the ribbon. You can choose to apply special formatting to the row headers, column headers, banded rows, or banded columns. My favorite choice here is banded rows because it makes it easier for the reader’s eye to follow a row across a wide report. You should choose from these settings first because the choices here will modify the thumbnails shown in the Styles gallery.

As mentioned earlier, the PivotTable Styles gallery on the Design tab offers 85 built-in styles. Grouped into 28 styles each of Light, Medium, and Dark, the gallery offers variations on the accent colors used in the current theme. In Figure 3.20, you can see which styles in the gallery truly support banded rows and which just offer a bottom border between rows.


Figure 3.20 The styles are shown here with accents for row headers, column headers, and alternating colors in the columns.


Note that you can modify the thumbnails for the 85 styles shown in the gallery by using the four check boxes in the PivotTable Style Options group.

The Live Preview feature in Excel 2016 works in the Styles gallery. As you hover your mouse cursor over style thumbnails, the worksheet shows a preview of the style.

Customizing a Style

You can create your own pivot table styles, and the new styles are added to the gallery for the current workbook only. To use the custom style in another workbook, copy and temporarily paste the formatted pivot table to the other workbook. After the pivot table has been pasted, apply the custom style to an existing pivot table in your workbook and then delete the temporary pivot table.

Say that you want to create a pivot table style in which the banded colors are three rows high. Follow these steps to create the new style:

1. Find an existing style in the PivotTable Styles gallery that supports banded rows. Right-click the style in the gallery and select Duplicate. Excel displays the Modify PivotTable Quick Style dialog.

2. Choose a new name for the style. Excel initially appends a 2 to the existing style name, which means you have a name such as PivotStyleDark3 2. Type a better name, such as Greenbar.

3. In the Table Element list, click First Row Stripe. A new section called Stripe Size appears in the dialog.

4. Select 3 from the Stripe Size drop-down, as shown in Figure 3.21.


Figure 3.21 Customize the style in the Modify PivotTable Style dialog.

5. To change the stripe color, click the Format button. The Format Cells dialog appears. Click the Fill tab and then choose a fill color. If you want to be truly authentic, choose More Colors, Custom and use Red=200, Green=225, Blue=204 to simulate 1980s-era greenbar paper. Click OK to accept the color and return to the Modify PivotTable Quick Style dialog.

6. In the Table Element List, click Second Row Stripe. Select 3 from the Stripe Size drop-down. Modify the format to use a lighter color, such as white.

7. If you plan on creating more pivot tables in this workbook, choose the Set as Default PivotTable Style for This Document check box in the lower left.

8. Optionally edit the colors for Header Row and Grand Total Row.

9. Click OK to finish building the style. Strangely, Excel doesn’t automatically apply this new style to the pivot table. After you put in a few minutes of work to tweak the style, the pivot table does not change.

10. Your new style should be the first thumbnail visible in the styles gallery. Click that style to apply it to the pivot table.


If you have not added more than seven custom styles, the thumbnail should be visible in the closed gallery, so you can choose it without reopening the gallery.

Modifying Styles with Document Themes

The formatting options for pivot tables in Excel 2016 are impressive. The 84 styles combined with 16 combinations of the Style options make for hundreds of possible format combinations.

In case you become tired of these combinations, you can visit the Themes drop-down on the Page Layout tab, where many built-in themes are available. Each theme has a new combination of accent colors, fonts, and shape effects.

To change a document theme, open the Themes drop-down on the Page Layout tab. Choose a new theme, and the colors used in the pivot table change to match the theme.


Changing the theme affects the entire workbook. It changes the colors and fonts and affects all charts, shapes, tables, and pivot tables on all worksheets of the active workbook. If you have several other pivot tables in the workbook, changing the theme will apply new colors to all of the pivot tables.


Some of the themes use unusual fonts. You can apply the colors from a theme without changing the fonts in your document by using the Colors drop-down next to the Themes menu, as shown in Figure 3.22.


Figure 3.22 Choose new colors from the Colors menu.

Changing Summary Calculations

When you create a pivot table report, by default Excel summarizes the data by either counting or summing the items. Instead of Sum or Count, you might want to choose functions such as Min, Max, and Count Numeric. In all, 11 options are available. However, the common reason to change a summary calculation is that Excel has incorrectly chosen to count instead of sum your data.

Understanding Why One Blank Cell Causes a Count

If all the cells in a column contain numeric data, Excel chooses to sum. If just one cell is either blank or contains text, Excel chooses to count.

In Figure 3.23, the worksheet contains mostly numeric entries but has a single blank cell in G2. The one blank cell is enough to cause Excel to count the data instead of summing.


Figure 3.23 The single blank cell in G2 causes problems in the default pivot table.

In Excel 2016, the first clue that you have a problem appears when you select the Revenue check box in the top section of the PivotTable Fields list. If Excel moves the Revenue field to the Rows area, you know that Excel considers the field to be text instead of numeric.


Be vigilant while dragging fields into the Values area. If a calculation appears to be dramatically low, check to see if the field name reads Count of Revenue instead of Sum of Revenue.

When you create the pivot table in Figure 3.24, you should notice that your company has only $562 in revenue instead of millions. This should be a hint that the heading in B3 reads Count of Revenue instead of Sum of Revenue. In fact, 562 is one less than the number of records in the data set; Excel doesn’t include the blank cell in the Count function.


Figure 3.24 Your revenue numbers look anemic. Notice in cell B3 that Excel chose to count instead of sum the revenue. This often happens if you inadvertently have one blank cell in your Revenue column.

To override the incorrect Count calculation, right-click any pivot table cell in the Revenue column. Choose Summarize Values By and then choose Sum (see Figure 3.25).


Figure 3.25 Change the function from Count to Sum in the Summarize Values By drop-down.

Using Functions Other Than Count or Sum

The settings for Summarize Values By and Show Values As were temporarily promoted to drop-downs in the Excel 2010 ribbon, but they are not in the ribbon in Excel 2016. All of the pivot table calculations icons for the Quick Access Toolbar were removed from Excel 2013 and are still gone in 2016. They were apparently removed to make space for Insert Timeline, Drill Down, Drill Up, and Recommended Pivot Tables. If you were a fan of Summarize Values By and Show Values As, you can continue to use them from the right-click menu or by selecting a cell and pressing Shift+F10. These options have always been available in the Value Field Settings dialog.

Excel offers six functions through the Summarize Values By command, plus five more options when you select More Options. The options available are as follows:

Image Sum—Provides a total of all numeric data.

Image Count—Counts all cells, including numeric, text, and error cells. This is equivalent to the Excel function =COUNTA().

Image Average—Provides an average.

Image Max—Shows the largest value.

Image Min—Shows the smallest value.

Image Product—Multiplies all the cells together. For example, if your data set has cells with values of 3, 4, and 5, the product is 60.

Image Count Nums—Counts only the numeric cells. This is equivalent to the Excel function =COUNT().

Image StdDev and StdDevP—Calculate the standard deviation. Use StdDevP if your data set contains the complete population. Use StdDev if your data set contains a sample of the population.

Image Var and VarP—Calculate the statistical variance. Use VarP if your data contains a complete population. If your data contains only a sampling of the complete population, use Var to estimate the variance.


Standard deviations explain how tightly results are grouped around the mean.

Adding and Removing Subtotals

Subtotals are an essential feature of pivot table reporting. Sometimes you might want to suppress the display of subtotals, and other times you might want to show more than one subtotal per field.

Suppressing Subtotals with Many Row Fields

When you have many row fields in a report, subtotals can obscure your view. For example, in Figure 3.26, there is no need to show subtotals for each market because there is only one sales rep for each market.


Figure 3.26 Sometimes you do not need subtotals at every level.

If you used the Subtotals drop-down on the Design tab, you would turn off all subtotals, including the Region subtotals and the Market subtotals. The Region subtotals are still providing good information, so you want to use the Subtotals setting in the Field Settings dialog. Choose one cell in the Market column. On the Analyze tab, choose Field Settings. Change the Subtotals setting from Automatic to None (see Figure 3.27).


Figure 3.27 Use the Subtotals setting in the field list to turn off subtotals for one field.

To remove subtotals for the Market field, click the Market field in the bottom section of the PivotTable Fields list. Select Field Settings. In the Field Settings dialog, select None under Subtotals, as shown in Figure 3.27.

Adding Multiple Subtotals for One Field

You can add customized subtotals to a row or column label field. Select the Region field in the bottom of the PivotTable Fields list, and select Field Settings.

In the Field Settings dialog for the Region field, select Custom and then select the types of subtotals you would like to see. The dialog in Figure 3.28 shows five custom subtotals selected for the Region field. It is rare to see pivot tables use this setting. It is not perfect. Note that the count of 211 records automatically gets a currency format like the rest of the column, even though this is not a dollar figure. Also, the average of $12,333 for South is an average of the detail records, not an average of the individual market totals.


Figure 3.28 By selecting the Custom option in the Subtotals section, you can specify multiple subtotals for one field.


If you need to calculate the average of the four regions, you can do it with the DAX formula language and PowerPivot. See Chapter 10.

Changing the Calculation in a Value Field

The Value Field Settings dialog offers 11 options on the Summarize Values As tab and 15 main options on the Show Values As tab. The options on the first tab are the basic Sum, Average, Count, Max, and Min options that are ubiquitous throughout Excel; the 15 options under Show Values As are interesting ones such as % of Total, Running Total, and Ranks.

For Excel 2010 only, these options appeared as two drop-down menus in the ribbon. They are not on the Excel 2016 ribbon, but they still exist in the right-click menu. Because many of the calculations require one or two additional settings, you end up back in an extra dialog anyway. If you get in the habit of using the Value Field Settings dialog, you will have access to all the settings in one dialog.

Six of the Show Values As calculations were introduced in Excel 2010, including % of Parent Item, Rank, and % Running Total In.

The following examples show how to use the various calculation options. To contrast the settings, you can build a pivot table where you drag the Revenue field to the Values area nine separate times. Each one shows up as a new column in the pivot table. Over the course of the rest of the chapter, you will see the settings required for the calculations in each column.

To change the calculation for a field, select one value cell for the field and click the Field Settings button on the Analyze tab of the ribbon. The Value Field Settings dialog is similar to the Field Settings dialog, but it has two tabs. The first tab, Summarize Values By, contains Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, Product, Count Numbers, StdDev, StdDevP, Var, and VarP. You can choose 1 of these 11 calculation options to change the data in the column. In Figure 3.29, columns B through D show various settings from the Summarize Values By tab.


Figure 3.29 Choose from the 11 summary calculations on this tab.

Column B is the default Sum calculation. It shows the total of all records for a given market. Column C shows the average order for each item by market. Column D shows a count of the records. You can change the heading to say # of Orders or # of Records or whatever is appropriate. Note that the count is the actual count of records, not the count of distinct items.


Counting distinct items has been difficult in pivot tables but is now easier using Power Pivot. See Chapter 10 for more details.

Far more interesting options appear on the Show Values As tab of the Value Field Settings dialog, as shown in Figure 3.30. Fifteen options appear in the drop-down. Depending on the option you choose, you might need to specify either a base field or a base field and a base item. Columns E through J in Figure 3.29 show some of the calculations possible using Show Values As.


Figure 3.30 Fifteen different ways to show that data is available on this tab.

Table 3.1 summarizes the Show Values As options.


Table 3.1 Calculations in Show Value As

The capability to create custom calculations is another example of the unique flexibility of pivot table reports. With the Show Data As setting, you can change the calculation for a particular data field to be based on other cells in the Values area.

The following sections illustrate a number of Show Values As options.

Showing Percentage of Total

In Figure 3.29, column E shows % of Total. Jade Miller, with $2.1 million in revenue, represents 31.67% of the $6.7 million total revenue. Column E uses % of Column Total on the Show Values As tab. Two other similar options are % of Row Total and % of Grand Total. Choose one of these based on whether your text fields are going down the report, across the report, or both down and across.

Using % Of to Compare One Line to Another Line

The % Of option enables you to compare one item to another item. For example, in the current data set, Anne was the top sales rep in the previous year. Column F shows everyone’s sales as a percentage of Anne’s. Cell E7 in Figure 3.31 shows that Jeff’s sales were almost 58% of Anne’s sales.


Figure 3.31 This report is created using the % Of option with Anne Troy as the Base Item.

To set up this calculation, choose Show Values As, % Of. For Base Field, choose Rep because this is the only field in the Rows area. For Base Item, choose Anne Troy. The result is shown in Figure 3.31.

Showing Rank

Two ranking options are available. Column G in Figure 3.32 shows Rank Largest to Smallest. Jade Miller is ranked #1, and Sabine Hanschitz is #12. A similar option is Rank Smallest to Largest, which would be good for the pro golf tour.


Figure 3.32 The Rank options were added in Excel 2010.

To set up a rank, choose Value Field Settings, Show Values As, Rank Largest to Smallest. You are required to choose base field. In this example, because Rep is the only row field, it is the selection under Base Field.

These rank options show that pivot tables have a strange way of dealing with ties. I say strange because they do not match any of the methods already established by the Excel functions =RANK(), =RANK.AVG(), and =RANK.EQ(). For example, if the top two markets have a tie, they are both assigned a rank of 1, and the third market is assigned a rank of 2.

Tracking Running Total and Percentage of Running Total

Running total calculations are common in reports where you have months running down the column or when you want to show that the top N customers make up N% of the revenue. The Running Total In calculation has been in Excel for many versions. The % Running Total In setting was added in Excel 2010.

In Figure 3.33, cell I8 shows that the top four sales reps account for 76.97% of the total sales.


Figure 3.33 Show running totals or a running percentage of total.


To produce this figure, you have to use the Sort feature, which is discussed in depth in Chapter 4, “Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering Pivot Data.” To create a similar analysis with the sample file, go to the drop-down in A4 and choose More Sort Options, Descending, by Total. Also note that the % Change From calculation shown in the next example is not compatible with sorting.

To specify Running Total In (as shown in Column H) or % Running Total In (Column J), select Field Settings, Show Values As, Running Total In. You have to specify a base field, which in this case is the row field: Rep.

Displaying a Change from a Previous Field

Figure 3.34 shows the % Difference From setting. This calculation requires a base field and base item. You could show how each market compares to Anne Troy by specifying Anne Troy as the base item. This would be similar to Figure 3.31, except each market would be shown as a percentage of Anne Troy.


Figure 3.34 The % Difference From options enable you to compare each row to the previous or next row.

With date fields, it would make sense to use % Difference From and choose (previous) as the base item. Note that the first cell will not have a calculation because there is no previous data in the pivot table.

Tracking the Percentage of a Parent Item

The legacy % of Total settings always divides the current item by the grand total. In Figure 3.35, cell E4 says that Chicago is 2.75% of the total data set. A common question at the MrExcel.com message board is how to calculate Chicago’s revenue as a percentage of the Midwest region total. This was possible but difficult in older versions of Excel. Starting in Excel 2010, though, Excel added the % of Parent Row, % of Parent Column, and % of Parent Total options.


Figure 3.35 An option in Excel enables you to calculate a percentage of the parent row.

To set up this calculation in Excel 2016, use Field Settings, Show Values As, % of Parent Row Total. Cell D4 in Figure 3.35 shows that Chicago’s $184,425 is 10.59% of the Midwest total of $1,741,424.

Although it makes sense, the calculation on the subtotal rows might seem confusing. D4:D8 shows the percentage of each market as compared to the Midwest total. The values in D9, D11, D16, and D19 compare the region total to the grand total. For example, the 31.67% in D11 says that the Northeast region’s $2.1 million is a little less than a third of the $6.7 million grand total.

Tracking Relative Importance with the Index Option

The final option, Index, creates a somewhat obscure calculation. Microsoft claims that this calculation describes the relative importance of a cell within a column. In Figure 3.36, Georgia peaches have an index of 2.55, and California peaches have an index of 0.50. This shows that if the peach crop is wiped out next year, it will be more devastating to Georgia fruit production than to California fruit production.


Figure 3.36 Using the Index function, Excel shows that peach sales are more important in Georgia than in California.

Here is the exact calculation: First, divide Georgia peaches by the Georgia total. This is 180/210, or 0.857. Next, divide total peach production (285) by total fruit production (847). This shows that peaches have an importance ratio of 0.336. Now, divide the first ratio by the second ratio: 0.857/0.336.

In Ohio, apples have an index of 4.91, so an apple blight would be bad for the Ohio fruit industry.

I have to admit that, even after writing about this calculation for 10 years, there are parts that I don’t quite comprehend. What if a state like Hawaii relied on productions of lychees, but lychees were nearly immaterial to U.S. fruit production? If lychees were half of Hawaii’s fruit production but 0.001 of U.S. fruit production, the Index calculation would skyrocket to 500.

Next Steps

Note that the following pivot table customizations are covered in subsequent chapters:

Image Sorting a pivot table is covered in Chapter 4.

Image Filtering records in a pivot table is covered in Chapter 4.

Image Grouping daily dates up to months or years is covered in Chapter 4.

Image Adding new calculated fields is covered in Chapter 5, “Performing Calculations in Pivot Tables.”

Image Using data visualizations and conditional formatting in a pivot table is covered in Chapter 4.

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