Citations and Endnotes

Chapter 1

1. Daniel Mahler et al., “Green” Winners (Chicago: A.T. Kearney, 2009), retrieved from

2. Natural Capital Solutions, Sustainability Pays, Studies That Prove the Business Case for Sustainability (Boulder: Natural Capital Solutions, May 2012).

3. SRI in the Rockies: the premier industry conference for socially responsible investing in the United States.

4. US SIF Foundation, 2012 Report on Sustainable and Responsible Investing Trends in the United States, 2012, retrieved from and

5. Milton Friedman, “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Profits,” The New York Times Magazine (September 13, 1970).

6. Conference Board, “The Conference Board Leading Economic Index,” May 21, 2013, retrieved from

7. Kyle and Richard Rudden, “Sustainability Index Update,” Target Rock Advisors, October 10, 2012, retrieved from

8. Anonymous, “2011 World’s Most Ethical Companies,” Ethisphere, 2011, info available at

9. Gregory Stewart, Scott Bernard, and Ed Fruscella, Trends in Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing (New York: BNY Mellon, 2013), retrieved from

10. Spolanka, “Digital Textbooks and Open Educational Resources,” May 3, 2011, retrieved from

11. Carbon Disclosure Project Web site:

12. CDP S&P 500 Report 2011, “Strategic Advantage through Climate Change Action.”

13. Sara Stroud, “Shareholders Bring CSR to the Boardroom,” Sustainable Industries, May 19, 2011, retrieved from

14. Peter Lacy et al., “A New Era of Sustainability,” UN Global Compact & Accenture Report, June 2010.

15. Kelli Johnson, “National Green Buying Research Study,” Portland: Green Canary, retrieved from

16. Environmental Deference Fund Web site:

17. Cone Communications, “Consumers Take Responsibility for ‘Green’ Actions but Aren’t Following Through, According to Latest Cone Communications Research,” Boston: CONE, April 3, 2013, retrieved from

18. One news, “Environment, Social Factors Influence Consumers,” June 24, 2013, TVNZ, retrieved from

19. Jennifer Schwad, Fortune Green, Huffington Post, May 2013, retrieved from

20. Michael Rendell, Report: “Managing Tomorrow’s People,” London: PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008.

21. Michael Rendell, “Millennials at Work 2011,” Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, May 2012, retrieved from

22. Stanford, “MBA Graduates Want to Work for Caring and Ethical Employers,” Stanford Business School, January 1, 2004, retrieved from

23. L. Rowledge, Igniting the Core: Employee Engagement and Sustainability (Mercer Island, WA: EKOS International, 2010), retrieved from

24. Ibid.

25. David B. Montgomery and Catherine Ramus, “Including Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, and Ethics in Calibrating MBA Job Preferences,” Stanford Business School, December 2007, retrieved from

26. J. Hittner and G. Pohle, IBM Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility (Somers, NY: Institute for Business Value, 2008), retrieved from

27. Eddy S. W. Ng, Sean T. Lyons, and Linda Schweitzer, New Generation, Great Expectations: A Field Study of the Millennial Generation (Ottawa: Springer Science Business Media, February 16, 2010), retrieved from

28. E. Mills, “The Greening of Insurance,” Science 338 (December 14, 2012): 1424, retrieved from

29. Rosanne Skirble, “NASA: 2012 Was 9th Hottest Year on Record,” Voice of America, January 6, 2013, retrieved from

30. Bob Willard, January 23, 2013, videoconference interview.

31. International Financial Corporation Web site:

32. “A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change,” retrieved from

33. John Thavis, “Pope Urges International Agreement on Climate Change,” Catholic News Service, November 28, 2011, retrieved from

34. Julie Halpert, “Judaism and Climate Change,” Yale University, February 2012, retrieved from

35. “Weekly Retail Gasoline and Diesel Prices,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, retrieved May 2013 from

36. Weekly Reports, “Petroleum and Other Liquids,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, retrieved May 2013 from

37. “European Climate Registry,” Wikipedia, retrieved May 2013 from

38. Joseph Mangino, “Fact Sheet—Proposed Rule: Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule ACTION,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, retrieved May 2013 from

39. Phil Plait, “2011: The 9th Hottest Year on Record,” Discover Magazine Blog, January 20, 2012, retrieved from

40. “Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals,” Wikipedia, retrieved May 2013 from,_Evaluation,_Authorisation_and_Restriction_of_Chemicals.

41. Mitchell Katz, “FTC Issues Revised ‘Green Guides,’” Federal Trade Commission, October 1, 2012, retrieved from

42. C. Laszlo and N. Zhexembayeva, Embedded Sustainability, The Next Big Competitive Advantage (Stanford, CA: Greenleaf Publishing Limited, 2011), 79.

43. Ibid.

44. Interface, Environmental, retrieved May 2013 from

45. Jason D. Schloetzer, Matteo Tonello, and Melissa Aguilar, “CEO Succession Practices: 2012 Edition,” The Conference Board, April 2012, retrieved from

46. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, “Employee Tenure,” news release, September 18, 2012, retrieved from

Chapter 2

1. World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), Our Common Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), 43.

2. Eli Reich, August 21, 2012, personal interview.

3. Dawn Danby, December 11, 2012, personal interview.

Chapter 3

1. Hunter Lovins, “The High Rate of Return on Giving,” Sustainable Industries, September 18, 2012, retrieved from

2. C. Laszlo and N. Zhexembayeva, Embedded Sustainability, The Next Big Competitive Advantage (Stanford, CA: Greenleaf Publishing Limited, 2011), 85.

3. Ross Freeman, September 9, 2012, personal interview.

4. Peter Lacy, Tim Cooper, Rob Hayward, and Lisa Neuberger, A New Era of Sustainability, Accenture, 2010, retrieved from

Chapter 4

1. The Global Reporting Initiative, 2013, retrieved from

2. The Climate Registry, 2013, retrieved from

3. Carbon Disclosure Project, 2013, retrieved from

4. Janet Ranganathan et al., The Greenhouse Gas Protocol, World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development, March 2004, retrieved from

5. “Pareto Principle,” Wikipedia, retrieved May 2013 from

6. Ben Packard, January 07, 2013, personal interview.

7. Walmart Sustainability Assessment, retrieved May 2013 from

8. Philips, Philips Supplier Sustainability EICC Tool, revision 2013, retrieved from

9. Arizona State Sustainability Supplier Questionnaire, 2013, retrieved from

10. Robert Pojasek, 10 Key Questions That Focus Suppliers on Sustainability, Green Biz, October 6, 2009, retrieved from

11. Claudia Capitini, September 7, 2012, personal interview.

12. Ibid.

13. “Life Cycle Assessment,” Wikipedia, retrieved May 2013 from

14. “About the Consortium,” The Sustainability Consortium, 2013, retrieved from

15. “Higg Index,” Sustainable Apparel Coalition, 2013, retrieved from

16. World Resource Institute, 2013, retrieved from

17. Cecilia Utne, January 23, 2013, personal interview.

18. Patrick Drum, December 18, 2012, personal interview.

Chapter 5

1. Daniel Pink, Drive (New York: River Head Books, 2009).

2. Ben Packard, January 7, 2013, personal interview.

3. J. Collins, Good to Great (New York: Harper Business, 2001).

4. Based on Chris Laszlo and Nadya Zhexembayeva’s Embedded Sustainability, the Next Big Competitive Advantage (Stanford, CA: Greenleaf Publishing Limited, 2011), 16.

5. L. Rowledge, Igniting the Core: Employee Engagement and Sustainability (Mercer Island, WA: EKOS International, 2010), retrieved from

6. C. Laslo and N. Zhexembayeva, Embedded Sustainability, 164.

7. Rowledge, Igniting the Core.

8. The Natural Step Canada, 2013, retrieved from

9. Kim W. Chan, Blue Ocean Strategy (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing Corporation, 2005), 12.

10. Terra Anderson, August 8, 2012, phone interview.

11. “Can We Learn from Formula 1 Pit Crews to Improve Patient Care in Emergency Departments?” Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 2011, retrieved from

12. “5 Whys,” Wikipedia, retrieved May 2013 from

13. John Koriath, August 28, 2012, personal interview.

14. Packard, personal interview.

15. Kevin Hagen, January 11, 2013, personal interview.

Chapter 6

1. Dawn Danby, December 11, 2012, personal interview.

2. Mary Kay Chess, August 27, 2012, personal interview.

3. Sustainability at Harvard, “Green Loan Fund,” retrieved May 2013 from

4. L. Rowledge, Igniting the Core: Employee Engagement and Sustainability (Mercer Island, WA: EKOS International, 2010), retrieved from

5. Dori Meinert, “Make Telecommuting Pay Off,” June 1, 2011, retrieved from

6. Rob Reuteman, “Companies Embrace Telecommuting as a Retention Tool,” CNBC, September 30, 2011, retrieved from

7. Dave Low, August 16, 2011, phone interview.

8. Ross Freeman, September 9, 2012, personal interview.

9. Kevin Hagen, April 11, 2013, personal interview.

Chapter 7

1. Kevin Hagen, April 16, 2013, personal interview.

2. John Koriath, August 28, 2012, personal interview.

3. Mary Kay Chess, August 27, 2012, personal interview.

4. Ibid.

5. Benjamin Zander, The Art of Possibility (New York: Penguin Books, 2002).

6. Ibid.

7. Chess, personal interview.

8. Kevin Hagen, January 11, 2013, personal interview.

9. Ibid.

10. Cecilia Utne, January 23, 2013, personal interview.

11. Ibid.

12. Claudia Capitini, September 17, 2012, personal interview.

13. Toward Engagement 2.0: Creating a More Sustainable Company through Employee Engagement (Washington, D.C.: National Environmental Education Foundation, January 2011), retrieved from

14. Chess, personal interview.

15. Terra Anderson, August 8, 2012, phone interview.

16. Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change (New York:. Simon & Shuster, Inc., 1989).

17. Dawn Danby, December 11, 2012, personal interview.

18. Anderson, phone interview.

Chapter 8

1. Daniel Pink, Drive (New York: Riverhead Books, 2009).

2. Nikki Blacksmith and Jim Harter, “Majority of American Workers Not Engaged in Their Jobs,” Gallup, October 28, 2011, retrieved from

3. S. Agrawal et al., “The Relationship between Engagement at Work and Organizational Outcomes,” Washington, D.C., Gallup, 2009, retrieved from

4. K. Dam, “The Truth Will Out: The Power of Employees,” CSRHub, May 2012, retrieved from

5. Melcrum, The Bottom Line Benefits from Engaged Workforce, Study Confirms (London, United Kingdom: Internal Communications Hub, 2006), retrieved from

6. John J. Heldrich, Cliff Zukin, and Mark Szeltner, “Net Impact Talent Report: What Workers Want in 2012,” San Francisco, Net Impact, May 2012.

7. National Environmental Education Foundation, “The Business Case for Environmental and Sustainability Employee Education,” Washington, D.C., 2010, retrieved from

8. Laura Taxel, “Green Mountain Coffee Roasters: Towards a New Business Model,” Worldinquiry, 2004, retrieved from Case Western Reserve,

9. Dawn Danby, December 11, 2012, personal interview.

10. L. Rowledge, Igniting the Core: Employee Engagement and Sustainability (Mercer Island, WA: EKOS International, 2010), retrieved from

11. Ibid.

12. Associates’ Personal Sustainability Projects, Walmart, retrieved May 2013 from

13. R. Bemporad, “Employee Engagement: Five Companies That Get It,” Triple Pundit, February 2012, retrieved from

14. Associates’ Personal Sustainability Projects.

15. Tauschia Copeland, May 3, 2013, personal interview.

16. Kendra Cherry, “Learning Styles Based on Jung’s Theory of Personality,” Education Psychology, retrieved May 2013 from

17. Eli Reich, August 21, 2012, personal interview.

18. J. Hittner and G. Pohle, Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility (Somers, NY: IBM Institute for Business Value, 2008), retrieved from

19. Terra Anderson, August 8, 2012, phone interview.

20. Gifford Pinchot III, May 24, 2013, personal interview.

21. Rowledge, Igniting the Core.

22. Pinchot, personal interview.

23. Ibid.

24. Ibid.

Chapter 9

1. Ben Packard, January 7, 2013, personal interview.

2. Bob Willard, January 23, 2013, video conference interview.

3. L. Rowledge, Igniting the Core: Employee Engagement and Sustainability (Mercer Island, WA: EKOS International, 2010), retrieved from

4. Jeffrey K. Liker, The Toyota Way (Madison, WI: CWL Publishing Enterprises, 2004).

5. Ibid.

6. “Lean Manufacturing and the Environment,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, retrieved May 2013 from

7. “PDCA,” Wikipedia, retrieved May 2013 from

8. Rowledge, Igniting the Core.

9. David A. Lubin and Daniel C. Esty, “Lessons for Leaders from Previous Game-Changing Megatrends,” Harvard Business Review, May 2010.

10. Akhila Vijayaraghavan, “Puma Puts Financial Value on Environmental Impact,” Triple Pundit, April 19, 2011, retrieved from

11. “PUMA’s Environmental Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31 December 2010,” PUMA, 2012, retrieved from

12. Kieran Timberlake website,

13. Rowledge, Igniting the Core.

14. “7 Amazing Examples of Biomimicry,” Mother Nature Network,

15. Molly Ray, August 23, 2012, personal interview.

16. Terra Anderson, August 8, 2012, phone interview.

17. Christopher Pinney, “Increasing Impact, Enhancing Value,” Report, Arlington, Council on Foundations, 2012.

18. “Resilient Supply Chain,” Green Mountain, retrieved May 2013 from

19. Ibid.

20. John Koriath, August 28, 2012, personal interview.

21. Dave Low, August 16, 2012, phone interview.

Chapter 10

1. Chris Strashok, “Mountain Equipment Co-op: A Co-operative Business Model,” Community Research Connections, May 13, 2011, retrieved from

2. Ben Packard, January 7, 2013, personal interview.

3. David A. Lubin and Daniel C. Esty, “Lessons for Leaders from Previous Game-Changing Megatrends,” Harvard Business Review, May 2010.

4. R. Bemporad, “Employee Engagement: Five Companies That Get It,” Triple Pundit, February 2012, retrieved from

5. Andrea Moffat and Andrew Newton, The 21st Century Corporation: The Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability (San Francisco: Ceres, 2010).

6. Robin Ferracone, “The Role of Environmental Sustainability in Executive Compensation,” Farient Advisors, April 26, 2011, retrieved from

7. Moffat and Newton, The 21st Century Corporation.

8. Thomas Singer, “Linking Executive Compensation to Sustainability Performance,” The Conference Board, May 2012, retrieved from

9. Ferracone, “The Role of Environmental Sustainability.”

10. Liz Maw, “Sustainability-Engaged Employees More Satisfied, Study Shows,” The Living Principles, July 5, 2012, retrieved from

11. M. Dewhurst, M. Guthridge, and E. Mohr, “Motivating People: Getting Beyond Money,” McKinsey, New York City, 2009, retrieved from

12. Daniel H. Pink, Drive (New York: Riverhead Books, 2009), 145.

13. Christie Manning, February 8, 2013, personal interview.

14. Claudia Capitini, September 7, 2012, personal interview.

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16. Laurence Goasduff, “Gartner Says by 2015, More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Processes Will Gamify Those Processes,” Gartner, New York City, April 12, 2011, retrieved from

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18. Paula Owen, Ph.D., “Can Gaming Teach Us to Live More Sustainable Lives?” The Guardian, London, March 11, 2013, retrieved from

19. Mario Herger, “Sustainability Quiz—How SAP Teaches Employees about Sustainability Initiatives,” Enterprise Gamification, April 12, 2012, retrieved from

20. Derek Eisel, December 4, 2012, personal interview.

Chapter 11

1. Claudia Capitini, September 17, 2012, personal interview.

2. John Koriath, August 28, 2012, personal interview.

3. Dawn Danby, December 11, 2012, personal interview.

4. Capitini, personal interview.

5. L. Rowledge, Igniting the Core: Employee Engagement and Sustainability (Mercer Island, WA: EKOS International, 2010), retrieved from

6. Deborah Fleischer, “Green Teams,” Mill Valley, Green Impact, 2009, retrieved from

7. Molly Ray, August 23, 2012, personal interview.

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