Chapter 7

The Expansion of Quotient Space Theory


In this chapter, we extend the quotient space theory to general cases. It includes two aspects. First, the falsity- and truth-preserving principles are extended to a general quotient space approximation principle. Second, the quotient space theory based on equivalence relations is extended to that based on tolerant relations and closure operations.

When transforming a solution in the original space to a solution in its quotient space, or vice versa, a precise quotient space should be constructed. This is a problem-dependent work. Therefore, we present a general principle, the quotient space approximation principle. By the principle, a set of quotient spaces is constructed to approximate the original space. Then, the solution (or performance) of the original space is estimated from the solutions (or performances) of the quotient spaces. This is just the well-known multi-resolution system analysis and the multi-granular computing.

Since the quotient space approximation is a multi-resolution analysis method, it is closely related to wavelet analysis. Its connection to the second-generation wavelet analysis is discussed. Meanwhile, the concepts of quotient space and fractal geometry have a close relation. We also discuss the relation using the quotient space approximation principle.

Our original quotient space theory is based on equivalence relations, i.e., the boundaries of domain objects are clear-cut. In the chapter, it is extended to structures induced from closure operations and the tolerance relations. We also show that many useful properties in the original theory are still available under the expansion.


closure operation; fractal geometry; quotient space approximation; wavelet analysis; tolerant relation

Chapter Outline

In this chapter, we extend the quotient space theory to general cases. It includes two aspects. First, the falsity- and truth-preserving principles are extended to a general quotient space approximation principle. Second, the quotient space theory based on equivalence relations is extended to that based on tolerant relations and closure operations.

7.1. Quotient Space Theory in System Analysis

In Chapter 5, we presented several examples to show how the falsity- and truth-preserving principles can be used to solve spatial planning. In order to use the principles, when transforming a solution in the original space to a solution in its quotient space, or vice versa, a precise quotient space should be constructed. Basically, this is a problem-dependent work. Now, we present a general principle, the quotient space approximation principle. By this principle, a set of quotient spaces is constructed to approximate the original space. Then the solution (or performance) of the original space is estimated from the solutions (or performances) of the quotient spaces. This is just the well-known multi-resolution system analysis (Zhang and Zhang, 2005a) and the multi-granular computing as well.
Now, we restate the quotient space theory from the multi-resolution system analysis perspective as follows.

7.1.1. Problems

Assume that image is a system, where f is its performance (attribute functions). We have a set image of quotient spaces, where image is the quotient performance of image. Then, the following quotient space approximation problem emerged. That is, when space image approaches to X, whether its performance image approaches f. If the answer is yes, the f is called quotient space approachable. In this section, we will use the quotient space approximation model to analyze systems’ performances. We will discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions for quotient space approachable function f, and quotient space approximation methods.
For simplicity, the quotient function [f] on [X] is defined according to a certain convex closure rule, e.g., image, where image is the convex closure of point set image, a is an element on [X], or an equivalence class on X.

7.1.2. Quotient Space Approximation Models

In order to establish the model, it’s needed to solve the following three problems, (1) the description of performances, (2) the description of the performance approximation, and (3) the definition of the convergence of a set of quotient spaces.
1. The Performance Description
The performance of a system X is described by an attribute function f defined on X. So the performance approximation problem is that of the approximation of function f by a set of quotient spaces.
2. The Convergence of a Set of Quotient Spaces
Assume that the original space image is a metric one, and d is its distance function.

Definition 7.1

image, letting image, image is called the diameter of image.

Definition 7.2

image is an equivalence relation on image, and [X] is its corresponding quotient space. Let image. image is called the fineness of image.

Definition 7.3

image is a set of equivalence relations on X. If image, then a set image of the corresponding quotient spaces converges to X with respect to their grain-size, where image is the corresponding quotient space of image.
3. Performance image of system X
Definition 7.4
Function image on image is defined as image. The corresponding function [f] on [X] is defined according to a specified convex closure principle, where [X] is a quotient space of X. [f](a) is the quotient function induced from image. image and image both are metric spaces. image and image are metric functions.

Definition 7.5

Given a quotient function [f](a), we define a function image on X such that image,image.

Definition 7.6

Let image be a metric space composed by all bounded functions on X. Its distance is defined as image.

Definition 7.7

image is a series of quotient spaces on X. image is its corresponding quotient performance functions. When the series image of quotient spaces converges to X in accordance with their grain-size, if image (or simply image) on image converges to f, then f is called quotient space absolutely approachable.

Proposition 7.1

Assume that performance function image on metric space image is quotient space absolutely approachable; the necessary and sufficient condition is that function image on X is uniformly continuous.


⇒: image, when image, have image. Since image converges to X, there exists image such that when image have image. When image,image. Thus


where, point image satisfies image.
Again, image, i.e., image on image converges to f.
⇐: Assume that image converges to image. By reduction to absurdity, assuming that image on image is not uniformly continuous, there exists image such that for any image,


Construct a set image of quotient spaces such that their fineness satisfies image, meanwhile image and image belong to the same class image on image. Let image. Then, for image, we have image. When image,image. This contradicts with the definition that f is an absolutely approachable function.

Example 7.1

image is a continuous function on X, image. [0,1] is divided into i intervals equally. Letting each interval as an equivalence class, we have a quotient space image. According to the inclusion principle of gaining quotient functions, we construct a quotient function image. Since [0,1] is a bounded close set, image is uniformly continuous on [0,1]. From Proposition 7.1, image converges to f in accordance with their grain-size.

Definition 7.8

f is the performance of X. If there exists a series image of finite quotient spaces such that when the series converges to X, then image on image converges to image, where image is the corresponding quotient performance functions. f is called quotient space approachable, and image is called one of its approximate quotient space series, where ‘a finite quotient space’ means that the number of elements in the space is finite.

Proposition 7.2

image is a metric space. image :image is a performance function (measurable function), the necessary and sufficient condition that f is quotient space approachable is that f on X is bounded.


⇒: For simplicity, assume that N=1. If f is measurable and bounded, let its bound be m. For any n, let



Construct a quotient space image, based on the inclusion principle, define a quotient function image. Obviously, image converges to f.
⇐: By reduction to absurdity, assuming that image is unbounded, for a finite quotient space [X], there at least exists an element a on [X] such that image is unbounded at a. Namely, image, image does not always hold.
Different from general function approximation, the quotient space approximation is to approximate a function on X by a series of functions on its quotient spaces rather than the original space X. Since quotient spaces have a small number of elements, it’s easy to define their functions.
Moreover, in the quotient space approximation, the quotient spaces that we chose may have overlapped elements. This kind of quotient space is called a quasi-quotient space. The conclusions we made above are still available to a series of quasi-quotient spaces.

Definition 7.9

If a relation R on X satisfies reflexivity and symmetry, R is called a tolerance relation.

Definition 7.10

R is called a tolerance relation on X. Let image, where image indicates that image and image are image tolerant. Let image. image is a quasi-quotient space on image.
Accordingly, giving a corresponding definition of convergence of a series of quasi-quotient spaces with respect to their grain-size, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 7.3

Assume that image :image is a uniformly continuous function. If a series image of quasi-quotient spaces converges to X with respect to their grain-size, a series image of the corresponding quotient functions converges to f with respect to the grain-size as well.
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