2.4. Fuzzy Equivalence Relation and Hierarchy

In Chapter 1, we use the concept of quotient set in mathematics for establishing a multi-granular space. Our discussions have so far been limited to the partition of a domain so that each element belongs definitely to one and only one equivalence class. In reality, this is not always the case. Sometimes, the boundaries between two equivalence classes are not clear-cut. Two classes may have overlapped elements or their boundaries are fuzzy, i.e. the classification is fuzzy (Cheeseman, 1986; Nutter, 1987).
In clear-cut classification, we use equivalence relation R for establishing our model. A natural question is whether fuzzy equivalence relation can be used for constructing fuzzy classification model. We next try to do so. First, we introduce some concepts in fuzzy mathematics.

2.4.1. The Properties of Fuzzy Equivalence Relations

Definition 2.13

X is a domain. image is a fuzzy set on X, that is, for image there must exist a fixed number image called a membership degree of x with respect to image. The mapping image or image is called a membership function of image.
More simply, any function image defines a fuzzy subset on X. If image is a set of all fuzzy subsets on X, then image is a functional space consisting of all functions image.

Definition 2.14

image is a product space of X and X. For image, image is a fuzzy subset of image, if it satisfies
(1) image
(2) image
(3) image, we have image
image is called a fuzzy equivalence relation on X.
If the value of image only takes on 0 or 1, image is just the common equivalence relation that we have discussed in the preceding sections. Thus, image can be regarded as depicting the degree to which x and y are equivalent.
We now discuss the relationship between fuzzy equivalence relation and hierarchy.

Proposition 2.11

Assume that image is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X. If we define


then ‘∼’ is just a common equivalence relation on X. The corresponding quotient space is denoted by [X].


The reflexivity and symmetry of image are obvious. We now prove its transitivity.
From image and image, we have


Theorem 2.3

image is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X. [X] is a quotient space as defined in Proposition 2.11. Define image,


Then, image is a distance function on [X].


First, we show that image, have image.
From the condition (3) in the definition of image, have


Similarly, image.
Then, image.
Therefore, image and image.
Thus, image, a unique non-negative value image can be determined by Formula (2.10).
We show below that image is a distance function on [X].
If image, i.e., image, we have


Secondly, from image, we have that d is symmetry.


That is, d satisfies the triangle inequality and image is a distance function. image is a metric space.
The theorem shows that a fuzzy equivalence relation on X corresponds to a metric space on [X]. Then, a distance function on [X] can be used to describe the relation between two elements on X. The nearer the distance between two elements the closer their relation is. This means that any tool for analyzing metric spaces can be used to fuzzy equivalence relations.

Definition 2.15

image is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X. Metric space image defined in Theorem 2.3 is called a quotient structure space with respect to image.

Definition 2.16

image is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X. Let


image is a common equivalence relation on X, and is called a sectional relationship of image.
Let image be a quotient space with respect to image.
From the definition, we have the following property.
image is a quotient set of image.
A family image of quotient spaces composes an order-sequence under the inclusion relation of quotient sets. image forms a hierarchical structure on X. Thus, a fuzzy equivalence relation on X corresponds to a hierarchical structure on X.
Theorem 2.3 states that from a fuzzy equivalence relation on X, a distance function can be defined on some quotient space [X]. Next, in Proposition 2.12, we will show conversely that from a distance function defined on [X], a fuzzy equivalence relation on X can be obtained. That is, a fuzzy equivalence relation on X is equivalent to a distance defined on [X].
First we introduce some basic concepts.

Definition 2.17

R is an equivalence relation on X. If image satisfies: for image there exist image such that image and image, then D is said to be a base of D.
Conversely, given image and it satisfies for image have (1) image, and (2) image. Again define image there exist image such that image.
R is an equivalence relation on X, and is called an equivalence relation induced from D, or an equivalence relation with as D its base.
We next show that R defined above is, indeed, an equivalence relation.
The reflexivity and symmetry of R are obvious.
Assume image, i.e., there exist image such that image, image, and image,image.
Let image,image.
We have image, and image.
Consequently, image, i.e., R has transitivity.
R is an equivalence relation.

Example 2.13

Assume that X is a network. B is a set of edges. R is an equivalence relation with B as its base. The quotient space corresponding to R is a space with connected components of X as its elements.
Next, we discuss below that in what conditions a normalized distance can produce a corresponding fuzzy equivalence relation.

Definition 2.18

For a normalized metric space image, i.e., image, image, if any triangle composed by any non-collinear three points on X is an isosceles triangle, and its congruent legs are the longest side of the triangle, the distance in the space is called the isosceles distance.

Proposition 2.12

image is a normalized distance function on [X], the quotient space of X. Assume that


image is an equivalence relation with image as its base. Let image. Then image define a fuzzy equivalence relation image on X uniquely, and with image as its cut relation.


Let image be a quotient space corresponding to image. From the definition of image, we have image, image is a quotient space of image. Thus, image forms an ordered chain, under the inclusion relation of quotient spaces.
Then, image satisfies that image, image. Therefore, image defines a fuzzy equivalence relation image on X uniquely, and with image as its cut relation.

Proposition 2.13

If d is a normalized distance corresponding to a fuzzy equivalence relation, then it is an isosceles distance.


Reduction to absurdity, otherwise, assume that there exist image such that image. Thus,


image does not satisfy the condition (3) in the definition of fuzzy equivalence relation.

Theorem 2.4

image is a quotient space of X. image is a normalized isosceles distance function on [X]. By letting image, then image is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X.


Obviously, image satisfies the conditions (1) and (2) in the definition of fuzzy equivalence relation. We show that it also satisfies the condition (3).
image, from d is an isosceles distance, image. Thus, image, i.e., image.
Carrying out the operation sup over y in the right hand side of the above formula, we have that image satisfies condition (3) in the definition of fuzzy equivalence relation.
From Theorems 2.3 and 2.4, it’s known that a fuzzy equivalence relation on X is one-to-one correspondent to a normalized isosceles distance function on some [X]. The relationship shows that it is possible to use metric space as a tool for investigating fuzzy equivalence relations, or we can carry out study of fuzzy equivalence relations under the quotient space theoretical framework image, where T is a topology induced from a fuzzy equivalence relation.
Moreover, from Proposition 2.12, it is known that a normalized distance d may produce a fuzzy equivalence relation image on X. Theorem 2.3 and Proposition 2.13 show that image can also produce a normalized isosceles distance image. But image generally, since d is not necessarily an isosceles distance. Turning d into image is equivalent to changing a relation with only reflexive and symmetric properties to an equivalence relation, by a transitive operation.
It has been proved that a fuzzy equivalence relation on X corresponds to a unique hierarchical structure of X. Conversely, their relation is also true, as we will show in the following theorem.

Theorem 2.5

Assuming that image is a hierarchical structure of X, there exists a fuzzy equivalence relation image on X with cut relation image, and image is the quotient space corresponding to image.


From the above assumption, image is a hierarchical structure of X, and each image is a quotient space of X. Let image be an equivalence relation corresponding to image. image, define


Letting image, carrying out the sup operation over y in the right hand side of the above formula, we have image.
Finally, image is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X with image as its cut relation.
All the above results that we have can be summarized in the following basic theorem.

Basic Theorem

The following three statements are equivalent.
(1) A fuzzy equivalence relation on X;
(2) A normalized isosceles distance on some [X];
(3) A hierarchical structure of X.
Through the theorem, it follows that a fuzzy granular computing can be transformed into a computing on structure image. Therefore, quotient space theory is also available in fuzzy case.

Example 2.14

A hierarchical structure of X is as follows.


Find their corresponding fuzzy equivalence relations.


Let image.
For image, let image.
For image, since image, letting


Then, distance image as follows.
The distances between 6 and 13, 2 and 5, 14 and 16, 9 and 12, 3 and 11, 10 and 15 are 0, respectively.
The distances between 1 and 13 (or 6), 7 and 2 (or 5), 4 and 9 (or 12) are image, respectively.
The distances between 8 and 1 (6 or 13), 14 (or 16) and 2 (5 or 7), 10 (or 15) and 4 (9 or 12) are image, respectively.
The distances between the other two elements are 1.
Letting image, fuzzy equivalence relation image corresponding to image is the result that we want.
From the basic theorem and the above example, it is known that image corresponding to a hierarchical structure image of X is not unique. In other words, quotient space image based on cut relation image that corresponding to image represents the essence of image. In fuzzy mathematics, this is called clustering structure image of fuzzy equivalence relations. This means that if two fuzzy equivalence relations image and image have the same clustering structure image, then they are the same in essence. Their difference is superficial. So a hierarchical structure representation of X is more efficient than a fuzzy equivalence representation on X.

2.4.2. The Structure of Fuzzy Quotient Spaces

The Structure of Fuzzy Quotient Spaces

Definition 2.19
Assume that R is a fuzzy equivalence relation on X. From the basic theorem, there is a normalized isosceles distance image on quotient space [X] of X corresponding to R. For image, define image. Thus, each image defines a fuzzy set on [X]. The space composed by these fuzzy sets corresponds to fuzzy quotient space image of fuzzy equivalence relation R. These fuzzy sets compose a fuzzy knowledge base.

Definition 2.20

Assume that image and image are two fuzzy equivalence relations. If for image, there exists image, then image is called finer than image, and denoted by image.

Theorem 2.6

Under the ‘<’ relation defined in Definition 2.20, the whole fuzzy quotient spaces on X compose a semi-order lattice.


Given a set image, define image and image, satisfy image
We show below that image is the supremum of image. First, we show that it is a fuzzy equivalence relation.
The reflexivity and symmetry of image are obvious. Now, we show its transitivity.
Assume that image, image. From the definition of operation ‘inf’, we have


Carrying out the operation ‘inf’ in regard to image over the left hand side of the above formula, we have image. Then, R is a fuzzy equivalence relation.
Now, assume that image is an upper bound of image, i.e., image, image. Carrying out the operation ‘inf’ in regard to image over the right hand side of the above formula, we have image. Thus, image is the supremum of image.
Now, we show that image is the infimum of image. First, we show that it is a fuzzy equivalence relation.
The reflexivity and symmetry of image are obvious. Now, we show its transitivity.
For any image assume image. For image, there exist image such that image, and there exist image such that image.
In assuming that image, and letting image, we have image and image.
From the definition of image, we have


Carrying out the operation ‘sup’ in regard to y over the right hand side of the above formula, and letting image, we then have image. That is, image satisfies the transitivity, and image is a fuzzy equivalence relation.
Finally, we show that image is the infimum of image.
Assume that image is a lower bound of image. For any image, image. Assume image. From the definition of image, for any image, there exist image such that image.
Construct a cut relation image. Since image, x and y are equivalent under the cut relation image, i.e., image. Letting image, we have image. Thus, image, i.e., image is the infimum of image.
So far we have proved that via fuzzy equivalence relation, the common quotient space theory can be extended to the fuzzy issues. First, we show that the following four statements are equivalent: (1) a fuzzy equivalence relation R on X, (2) a normalized isosceles distance d on quotient space [X] of X, (3) a hierarchical structure image of X, (4) a fuzzy knowledge base of X. Secondly, we show that the whole fuzzy equivalence relations on X compose a semi-order lattice. These results provide a powerful tool for quotient space based fuzzy granular computing.

2.4.3. Cluster and Hierarchical Structure

In real problems, fuzzy equivalence relation image can be used for cluster analysis. So a cluster analysis is equivalent to a hierarchical structure of X corresponding to image.
Since a fuzzy equivalence relation equals to a normalized isosceles distance on a quotient space of X, distance image can be used for distance analysis, i.e., the quotient space method based on equivalence relation image, image as its base, can be used for cluster analysis. The method is the same as the ‘the maximal tree’ method of cluster analysis in fuzzy mathematics.

Example 2.15

image is a fuzzy similar relation on X, image. image is represented by a symmetric matrix as follows.
Letting image, we construct a quotient space based on distance as follows.


We have X(1)<X(0.5)<X(0.2)<X(0) and X(1)=X(0.8)=X(0.6).
From metric spaces to survey quotient space image, roughly speaking, the element of image is regarded as a point that consists of all points which distance isimage. Since a fuzzy equivalence relation is equivalent to a hierarchical structure, we can survey the fuzziness from the hierarchical point of view. For example, when using a ruler to measure lengths, if the minimal unit of the rule is ‘meter’, for an object with length 12 meters, then 12 meters is a certain concept, since it is neither 11 nor 13 meters. But in the finer level, ‘centimeter’ level, its length becomes about 1200 cm, then 1200 cm is an uncertain (fuzzy) concept, since it might be either 1201 or 1199 cm, etc. So the concepts between crisp and fuzzy are relative. Multi-granular computing can handle the relations between crisp and fuzzy, certain and uncertain efficiently. More details will be discussed in Section 2.5.

2.4.4. Conclusions

In order to extend quotient space theory to fuzzy spaces, there are three different ways. First, the fuzzification of domains, i.e., domain X is composed by fuzzy objects. Second, the fuzzification of structures, i.e., the structure is a fuzzy topology. Third, a fuzzy quotient space theory is established by expanding to fuzzy equivalent relations. In the section, we only discuss the third way. We have its basic property as follows. A fuzzy equivalence relation on X is equivalent to a normalized isosceles distance on some quotient space [X] and also equivalent to a unique hierarchical structure of X. These results closely integrate the quotient space theory with fuzzy mathematics.
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