Chapter 7. Low-Power Testing

Patrick GirardLIRMM/CNRS, Montpellier, France

Xiaoqing WenKyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan

Nur A. ToubaUniversity of Texas, Austin, Texas

About This Chapter

Power dissipation has become a major design objective in many application areas, such as wireless communications and high-performance computing, thus leading to the production of numerous low-power designs. At the same time, power dissipation is also becoming a critical parameter during manufacturing test, as the design can consume much more power during testing than during the functional mode of operation. Because test throughput and manufacturing yield are often affected by test power, dedicated test methodologies have emerged since the mid-1990s.

In this chapter, we discuss issues arising from excessive power consumption during test application as well as provide structural and algorithmic solutions that can alleviate the low-power test problems. We first review some basic elements of power modeling and related terminologies. After discussing test power issues, promising low-power test techniques to deal with nanometer system-on-chip (SOC) designs are presented. These techniques can be broadly classified into those that apply during scan testing and those that apply during built-in self-test (BIST). A few of them are also applicable to test compression circuits or memory designs.

In the literature, techniques that reduce power consumption during test application are generally referred to as power-conscious testing, power-aware testing, power-constrained testing, or low-power testing. These terms are used interchangeably throughout the chapter whenever fit.


With the advance in semiconductor manufacturing technology, a very-large-scale-integrated (VLSI) device can now contain tens to hundreds of millions of transistors. Because this trend is predicted to continue at least into the 2010s per Moore’s law [Moore 1965], severe challenges are imposed on tools and methodologies used to design and test complex VLSI circuits. Addressing these design and test challenges in an efficient way is becoming increasingly difficult [SIA 2005].

Testing currently ranks among the most important issues in the development process of an integrated circuit. The issues that center on testing are manufacturing yield, product quality, and test cost. To address these test issues, design-for-testability (DFT) techniques [Bushnell 2000] [Jha 2003] [Wang 2006] have become widely used in industry since the 1990s. Traditionally, these techniques are mainly employed to improve the circuit’s fault coverage, test application time, and test development efforts. The advances in low-power design techniques and deep-submicron manufacturing technologies, however, have spurred the rapid growth of electronic products into consumer markets using laptop computers, cellular phones, audio and video-based multimedia products, energy-efficient desktop computers, etc. These new products make power management a critical issue that needs to be considered not only during circuit design but also during test development [Crouch 1999] [De Colle 2005].

The main motivation for considering power consumption during testing is that, generally, a circuit consumes much more power in test mode than in normal mode [Zorian 1993] [Rajski 1998] [Girard 2000] [Pouya 2000] [Bushnell 2000] [SIA 2001] [Saxena 2003] [Nicolici 2003]. In [Zorian 1993], the author showed that test power can be more than twice the power consumed in normal functional mode. There are several explanations for this increase in test power. First, modern automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tools tend to generate test patterns with a high toggle rate in order to reduce pattern count and thus test application time. Thus, the node switching activity of the device in test mode is often several times higher than that in normal mode. Second, parallel testing (e.g., testing a few memories in parallel) is often used to reduce test application time, particularly for system-on-chip (SOC) devices. This parallelism inevitably increases power dissipation during testing. Third, the DFT circuitry inserted in the circuit to alleviate test issues is often idle during normal operation but may be used intensively in test mode. This surplus of active elements during testing again induces an increase of power dissipation. Finally, this elevated test power can come from the lack of correlation between consecutive test patterns, while the correlation between successive functional input vectors applied to a given circuit during normal operation is generally high [Wang 1997].

For instance, in a speech signal processing circuit, the input vectors behave in a predictable manner, with the least significant bits more likely to change than the most significant bits. Similarly, in high-speed circuits that process digital audio and video signals, the inputs to most of those modules change relatively slowly over time. The low-power designers often take advantage of this fact when they determine the thermal and electrical limits of the circuit and system packaging requirements. In contrast, there is no definite correlation between successive test patterns generated by an ATPG tool during scan testing or produced by a pseudorandom pattern generator (PRPG) during logic BIST. As power dissipation in CMOS circuits is proportional to switching activity, this excessive switching activity during testing can cause catastrophic problems, such as instantaneous circuit damage, test-induced yield loss because of noise phenomena, reduced reliability, product cost increase, or reduced autonomy for battery-operated devices.

To reduce this increased power consumption during test application, the industry generally resorts to ad hoc solutions [Monzel 1997]. These solutions include the following:

  • Oversizing power and ground rails to allow higher current densities in the circuit under test. This allows additional power to be supplied to the circuit to satisfy the increase in switching activity that occurs during testing. However, this solution raises several problems. By increasing the power available for the circuit, the amount of energy (heat) that needs to be dissipated also increases, which in turn leads to additional problems related to the thermal constraints of the circuit (these problems are discussed in Section 7.3). It is possible to avoid these problems by using packages with higher thermal capabilities or by using higher performance cooling systems. However, the impact on the final product cost may prevent the use of these solutions. Another problem is that this solution affects the entire design and may require an early estimation of the power consumption during testing. As test data are generally not available in the early stages of the design process, this solution may not be satisfactory in all cases.

  • Testing with a reduced operating frequency. This solution does not require additional hardware, but it increases the test application time and may lead to a loss of defect coverage as timing-related faults may escape detection. In effect, this solution reduces power consumption at the expense of longer test time and does not reduce the total energy consumed during testing.

  • Partitioning of the circuit under test with appropriate test planning. This solution, although effective from a power-reduction point of view, increases test time because it reduces test concurrency. Moreover, it generally requires circuit design modifications (often with additional multiplexers), thus impacting final product cost and circuit performance.

Considering the problems associated with these ad hoc approaches and the need to provide an adequate remedy to the problems, numerous solutions have been proposed to cope with test power problems during testing. These solutions can be classified based on whether they apply during scan testing or whether they apply during logic BIST. A few of them can also be used with memory designs or can be used in conjunction with test compression. These solutions are explained in detail in the next sections.

Energy and Power Modeling

A logical step before discussing promising low-power test solutions is to correctly define the terminology and the associated energy and power models. In this section, we first review the electronic basics related to power consumption and power dissipation and then discuss terminology and test-power modeling.

Basics of Circuit Theory

Consider the generic representation of a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) logic gate shown in Figure 7.1. The load capacitance CL of the output node, representing the input capacitance of the next logic stage as well as interconnect and diffusion capacitances, is connected to the supply voltage Vdd through a pull-up block composed of positive metal-oxide semiconductor (PMOS) transistors and to the ground through a pull-down block composed of negative metal-oxide semiconductor (NMOS) transistors.

Generic representation of a CMOS logic gate.

Figure 7.1. Generic representation of a CMOS logic gate.

A switching on the gate output corresponds to the charge or discharge of the load capacitance CL. In the process of charging the output (from 0 to 1), a charge Q = CL · Vdd is delivered to the load. The power supply must supply this charge at voltage Vdd, so the energy supplied is Q · Vdd = CL · Vdd2. However, the energy stored on a capacitance CL charged to Vdd is only half of this (i.e., ½ · CL · Vdd2) [Athas 1994]. In accordance with the energy conservation principle, the other half must be dissipated by the PMOS transistors in the pull-up network. Similarly, when the inputs change again causing the output to discharge (from 1 to 0), all the energy stored on the capacitance CL is inevitably dissipated in the pull-down network, because no energy can enter the ground rail (Q · Vgnd = Q · 0 = 0). In both cases, the energy is dissipated as heat.

There are three components to the power consumed by the logic gate: (1) the dynamic power, because of the charge of capacitance CL; (2) the short-circuit power, because of the short circuit between power and ground during switching; and (3) the leakage power. The main component is the dynamic power, which still represents a significant fraction of the total power consumption despite the proportional increase of the other two components with technology improvements. This dynamic power consumption occurs during the charge of the load capacitance CL (transition from 0 to 1 on the gate output) as a current I flows between power and ground through the capacitance. The dynamic power consumed during the time interval [0,T] is therefore Pdyn = Vdd · I = Vdd · Q · 1/T where Q = CL · Vdd.

As several transitions may occur during the time interval [0,T], the dynamic power consumption can be expressed as follows:

Pdyn = CL · V2dd · N0→1 · 1/T

where N0→1 represents the number of rising transitions at the gate output during the time interval [0,T]. Without loss of generality, it can be assumed that the number of rising transitions is equal to half of the total number of N transitions at the gate output. The dynamic power consumption of the logic gate during the time interval [0,T] can finally be expressed as follows:

Pdyn = ½ · CL · V2dd · N · 1/T

This analysis shows that dynamic power consumption occurs during the charge of node output capacitance, whereas power dissipation, which is related to energy dissipation, occurs during the charge or discharge of each node. Because power dissipated by N rising or falling transitions during the time interval [0,T] is En/T = ½ · CL · Vdd2 · N · 1/T, which is the same as power consumption, the terms power dissipation and power consumption are used without distinction throughout this chapter.


We use the same terminology as defined in [Weste 1993] to denote power consumption measures used for low-power testing:

  • Energy represents the total switching activity generated during the application of the complete test sequence. An energy increase during testing has impact on the battery lifetime of battery-operated devices, particularly those equipped with online test facilities or those submitted to test procedures during power-up (such as cellular phones).

  • Average power corresponds to the ratio between the total energy dissipated during testing and the test time. Elevated average power during testing adds to the thermal load that must be vented away from the device under test (temperature increase). It may cause structural damage to the silicon (hot spots), or it may lead to phenomena that alter the circuit reliability.

  • Instantaneous power corresponds to the power consumed at any given instant during testing. Usually, it is defined as the power consumed right after the application of a synchronizing clock signal. Elevated instantaneous power may cause a supply voltage drop and alter the correct behavior of the circuit.

  • Peak power corresponds to the highest value of instantaneous power measured during testing. The peak power generally determines the thermal and electrical limits of the circuit and the system packaging requirements. If the peak power exceeds a certain limit, the circuit may be subjected to structural degradation and, in some cases, be destroyed. From a theoretical point of view, the peak power is defined from the values of instantaneous power measured in short time intervals (i.e., the system clock period). In practice, the time window for the definition of peak power is related to the thermal capacity of the chip, and restricting this window within just one clock period is not realistic enough. For example, if the circuit has a peak power consumption during only one cycle but it has power consumption within the limit of thermal capacity of the chip for all other cycles, the circuit may not be damaged because the energy consumed may not be enough to elevate chip temperature over the thermal capacity limit of the chip (unless the peak power consumption is far higher than normal power consumption). To damage the circuit, high power consumption should last for several successive clock cycles to consume enough energy to elevate chip temperature over the limit [Shi 2004]. On the other hand, high peak power in only one clock cycle can be an issue if it results in a significant ground bounce or an IR-drop phenomenon that causes a memory element to lose its state and the test procedure to unnecessarily fail. This problem will be discussed further in Section 7.3.2.

Test-Power Modeling and Evaluation

As mentioned previously, most power dissipated in a CMOS circuit comes from the charge and discharge of capacitances during switching. To explain this power dissipation during testing, let us consider a circuit composed of N nodes and a test sequence of length L applied to the circuit inputs. The average energy consumed at node i per switching is ½ · Ci · Vdd2 where Ci is the equivalent output capacitance at node i and Vdd the power supply voltage [Cirit 1987]. A good approximation of the energy consumed at node i in a time interval t is ½ · Ci · Si · Vdd2 where Si is the average number of transitions during this interval (also called the switching activity factor at node i). Furthermore, nodes connected to more than one logic gate in the circuit are nodes with a higher output capacitance. Based on this fact, and in a first approximation, it can be stated that output capacitance Ci is proportional to the fanout at node i, denoted as Fi [Wang 1995]. Therefore, an estimation of the energy Ei consumed at node i during the time interval t is given by:

Test-Power Modeling and Evaluation

where C0 is the minimum output capacitance of the circuit. According to this expression, energy consumption at the logic level is a function of the fanout Fi and the switching activity factor Si. The fanout Fi is defined by circuit topology, and the activity factor Si can be estimated by a logic simulator. The product Fi · Si is named weighted switching activity (WSA) at node i and represents the only variable part in the energy consumed at node i during test application.

According to the preceding formulation, the energy consumed in the circuit after application of a pair of successive input vectors (Vk–1 Vk) can be expressed by:

Test-Power Modeling and Evaluation

where i ranges across all the nodes of the circuit, and Si(k) is the number of transitions provoked by Vk at node i. Now, let us consider the complete test sequence of length L required to achieve the target fault coverage. The total energy consumed in the circuit after the application of the complete test sequence is given here, where k ranges across all the vectors of the test sequence:

Test-Power Modeling and Evaluation

By definition, power is given by the ratio between energy and time. The instantaneous power is generally calculated as the amount of power required during a small instant of time tsmall such as the portion of a clock cycle immediately following the system clock rising or falling edge. Consequently, the instantaneous power dissipated in the circuit after the application of a test vector Vk can be expressed by:

Pinst Vk = EVk/tsmall

The peak power corresponds to the maximum value of instantaneous power measured during testing. Therefore, it can be expressed in terms of the highest energy consumed during a small instant of time during the test session:

Ppeak = MaxkPinst(Vk) = Maxk(EVk/tsmall)

Finally, the average power consumed during the test session can be calculated from the total energy and the test time. Considering that the test time is given by the product L · T, where T corresponds to the nominal clock period of the circuit, the average power can be expressed as follows:

Paverage = Etotal/L · T

The preceding expressions of power and energy, although based on a simplified model, are accurate enough for the intended purpose of power analysis during testing. According to these expressions, and assuming a given CMOS technology and a supply voltage for the considered circuit, it appears that the switching activity factor Si is the only parameter that has impact on the energy, peak power, and average power. This explains why most of the methods proposed so far for reducing power or energy during testing are based on a reduction of the switching activity factor.

Test Power Issues

When verifying the correct functions of high-density systems such as an SOC, test procedures and test techniques have to satisfy all power constraints defined in the design phase. In other words, these procedures and techniques must be so that the power consumed during testing remains comparable to that consumed during the functional mode. Ignoring these constraints can expose the circuit to various problems, such as premature destruction, noise phenomena that can lead to yield loss, reduced reliability, product cost increase, reduced autonomy (for battery-operated devices), etc. This section lists a few of these important problems.

Thermal Effects

The heat produced during the operation of a circuit is proportional to the dissipated power. This heat is produced by the collision of carriers with the conductor molecular structure (a friction phenomenon called the Joule effect) and is responsible for the temperature increase observed during operation [Altet 2002]. Therefore, there is a relationship between die temperature and power dissipation. It can be formulated from the laws of thermodynamics as follows [Weste 1993]:

Tdie = Tair + θ × Pd

where Tdie is the die temperature, Tair is the temperature of surrounding air, θ is the package thermal impedance expressed in °C/Watt, and Pd is the average power dissipated by the circuit. From this expression, it is clear that an excessive power dissipated during testing will increase the circuit temperature well beyond the value measured (or calculated) during the functional mode [SIA 2003]. If the temperature is too high, even during the short duration of a test session, it can result in irreversible structural degradations. Some of these degradations, such as hot spots, appear during test data application and may lead to premature destruction of the circuit [Pouya 2000]. Others, which are accelerated gradually over time (ageing), may affect circuit performance or cause functional failures after a given lifetime [Hertwig 1998] [Shi 2004]. In this case, the main mechanisms leading to these structural degradations are corrosion (oxidizing of conductors), electromigration (molecular migration of the conductor structure toward the electronic flow), hot-carrier-induced defects, or dielectric breakdown (loss of insulation of the dielectric barrier) [Altet 2002]. These types of degradations have a big impact on long-term circuit reliability.

Noise Phenomena

These types of problems can occur when testing the circuit at the wafer level (for characterization testing or verification testing). For this type of test, the power must be supplied to the circuit through probes, which typically have higher inductances than the power and ground pins of the package planned for circuit encapsulation. If the switching activity during testing is equal to or higher than the switching activity during functional mode, the power supply noise (which is given by L[di/dt] where L is the inductance of a power line and di/dt represents the magnitude of the variation of the current flowing through this line) will increase [Wang 1997]. This excessive noise can erroneously change the logic state of some circuit nodes at a given instant, causing some good dies to fail the test, thus leading to an unnecessary loss of yield. To avoid such phenomena, it is important to reduce test power.

Comparable inductive phenomena, known as ground bounce or voltage surge/droop, may occur during testing of the packaged circuit (production testing). Actually, wire/substrate inductances or package lead inductances associated with power or ground rails appear in circuits designed with deep submicron technologies. When high switching currents occur in the circuit under test, caused by high switching activity, voltage glitches can be observed at the nodes of these inductances [Jiang 2000]. These voltage glitches are proportional to both the inductance value and the magnitude of the variation of the current flowing through this inductance. In some cases, these voltage glitches may change the rise/fall times of some signals in the circuit (timing performance degradation). In other cases, they can erroneously change the logic state of some circuit nodes or flip-flops and cause some good dies to fail the test thus leading to yield loss [Chang 1997]. Once again, high switching rates, elevated operating frequencies, and short rise/fall times of internal signals are the primary causes of these phenomena, worsened by the increased susceptibility of today’s circuits to these noise phenomena.

Similarly, IR-drop and crosstalk effects are noise phenomena that may show up as an error in test mode but not in functional mode. IR-drop refers to the amount of decrease (increase) in the power (ground) rail voltage and is linked to the existence of a non-negligible resistance between the rail and each node in the circuit under test. Crosstalk refers to capacitive coupling between neighboring nets within an IC. With high peak current demands during testing, the voltages at some gates in the circuit are reduced. This causes these gates to exhibit higher delays, possibly leading to test fails and yield loss [Butler 2004]. These phenomena have been widely reported in the literature, in particular when at-speed transition delay testing is performed [Shi 2004]. Typical examples of voltage drop sensitive applications are gigabit switches containing millions of logic gates.

Miscellaneous Issues

The cost constraints of consumer electronic products typically require the use of plastic packages for integrated circuit packaging. This type of package, although quite cheap, is not always able to dissipate high levels of heat. However, the use of packages with higher thermal capacities, such as ceramic or organic packages, which would allow removal of the excessive heat dissipated during testing, would significantly increase the final product cost. Similarly, the use of special cooling systems that could be used for venting away the excess of heat generated during testing, such as a radiator or fan, would also have a negative impact on the product cost. Moreover, in portable systems, where weight and size are important, these solutions are completely out of the question. Thus, it is important to reduce test power to avoid cost increases in these types of products.

Embedded electronic systems powered by batteries are employed in various types of applications (computing, aerospace, avionics, telephony, automotive, military, etc.). In mission-critical and safety-critical applications (e.g., avionics and aerospace), these systems are equipped with BIST features to periodically check that the circuits are functioning correctly by taking advantage of idle periods in the system operation [Nicolaidis 1998]. For applications such as telephony, power-up self-test procedures are used to check the system integrity and alert the user when problems occur. In this case, test resources are also embedded in the system to facilitate such operations. For all these applications, autonomy is a critical issue that needs to be addressed during testing by minimizing the switching activity. As the main issue here is the amount of energy used, it is also possible to minimize the impact of testing by reducing the length of the test sequences used.

Finally, another reason why it is important to reduce power consumption during testing is the need for applying at-speed tests. In the past, tests were typically applied at rates much lower than the functional clock rate of the circuit. The main goal was to screen static faults (such as stuck-at faults). Thus, the excess of switching activity generated during testing was compensated by the reduction of the test clock frequency. Timing defects are becoming prevalent because of the use of nanometer process technology. This makes it essential to test for delay faults to ascertain circuit performance. Therefore, tests have to be applied at-speed, and it is no longer practical to reduce the test clock frequency [Krstic 1998]. Minimizing switching activity during testing for reducing power consumption thus becomes imperative.

Low-Power Scan Testing

In the context of scan testing, the problem of excessive power during testing is much more severe than in functional mode. This is mostly because the application of each test pattern in a scan design requires a number of shift clock cycles that contribute to an unnecessary increase of switching activity [Bushnell 2000] [Wang 2006]. A study reported in [Saxena 2003] shows that while 10% to 20% of the memory elements (D flip-flops and D latches) in a digital circuit change state during one clock cycle in functional mode, 35% to 40% of these memory elements when reconfigured as scan cells can switch state during scan testing. In the worst case, all scan cells can switch state. Another report [Shi 2004] further indicates that the average power during scan testing can be 3 times the power consumed during normal functional operation, and the peak power can be 30 times what it is in normal functional operation. In this section, we discuss various low-power scan test techniques to reduce excessive test power.

Basics of Scan Testing

Scan design requires the reconfiguration of memory elements (often D flip-flops) into scan cells and then stitching them together to form scan chains [Bushnell 2000] [Jha 2003] [Wang 2006]. During slow-speed scan testing, each scan test pattern first must be shifted into the scan chains. This requires setting the scan cells to shift mode and applying a number of load/unload (shift) clock cycles. Scan shifting is generally done at slow speed to avoid high power dissipation. A capture clock cycle is then applied to capture the test response of the design into scan cells. This requires setting the scan cells to normal/capture mode. A scan enable signal (SE) is typically used for this setting. When SE is set to 1, the scan design is in shift mode; when SE is set to 0, the circuit is switched to normal/capture mode.

Since the early 1990s, this slow-speed scan test technique has been widely used in industry to test stuck-at faults and bridging faults. The shift and capture operations for a typical scan design with the associated current waveform for each clock cycle are shown in Figure 7.2. This current waveform varies cycle by cycle because the current is proportional to the number of 0-to-1 and 1-to-0 transitions on the scan cells, which in turn produce switching in the circuit under test (CUT).

Slow-speed scan testing with associated current waveform.

Figure 7.2. Slow-speed scan testing with associated current waveform.

The problem of excessive power during (slow-speed) scan testing can be split into two subproblems: excessive power during the shift operation (called excessive shift power) and excessive power during the capture operation (called excessive capture power) [Girard 2002]. The latter is intended to address clock skew problems that may arise when many flip-flops change their output values simultaneously after capture operation. Since the mid-1990s, numerous techniques have been proposed to reduce shift power, capture power, or both at the same time during slow-speed scan testing. These low-power scan test techniques are introduced in detail in the following subsections.

In the meantime, as feature size shrinks into the deep-submicron (DSM) scale and circuit speed starts to operate at the GHz range, we have seen more and more chips fail because of timing-related defects. As a result, at-speed scan testing, which captures the test response of the scan design at the rated clock speed, is becoming mandatory to ensure high product quality.

There are two types of at-speed scan test schemes: launch-on-shift (LOS) and launch-on-capture (LOC) [Wang 2006]. Figure 7.3 shows the clock diagram of both schemes. Using the launch-on-shift scheme, vector V1 (after the next to last shift) is loaded to the scan cells for initialization, and a second vector V2 (after the last shift) is then shifted into the scan cells to launch a transition on selected scan cells in shift mode. In this case, V2 is a 1-bit shift of the first vector V1. One capture clock cycle is then applied at-speed to the design in normal/capture mode to capture the test response. On the other hand, using the launch-on-capture scheme, two capture clock cycles (launch and capture pulses as shown in Figure 7.3) are applied at speed in normal/capture mode to capture the final test response to scan cells. In this case, V2 is the circuit’s response to V1, which is then captured to the scan cells in capture mode again. Experiments have shown that a LOS test can have higher delay fault coverage than a LOC test [Xu 2006]. However, because LOS requires an at-speed scan enable signal (SE), it is more difficult to lay out the scan design. Moreover, LOS suffers from an overkill issue, which could reject good chips as more false paths can be activated than using the LOC scheme.

At-speed scan testing with LOS and LOC test schemes.

Figure 7.3. At-speed scan testing with LOS and LOC test schemes.

The applicability of at-speed scan testing is also further challenged by test-induced yield loss, an emerging test problem that occurs when good chips fail only during testing. The main source of test-induced yield loss is excessive IR-drop caused by the high switching activity generated in the CUT between the launch of the test stimulus and the capture of the corresponding test response [Butler 2004]. Excessive IR-drop, during the short period between launch and capture (called the test cycle), may lead to a situation where gates in the circuit exhibit higher delays so an erroneous response may be captured to the scan cells at the end of the test cycle (the response capture edge). This makes at-speed scan testing especially vulnerable to IR-drop. A few solutions, based on power-aware ATPG or X-filling and presented in Section 7.4.2, have been proposed to avoid IR-drop-induced yield loss.

ATPG and X-Filling Techniques

In conventional scan ATPG, each don’t care bit (X) in a test cube is filled with 0 or 1 randomly; the resulting fully specified test cube (called a scan test pattern or simply test pattern) is then fault-graded to confirm the detection of all targeted faults and additional faults. Although state-of-the-art dynamic and static test pattern compaction techniques have been extensively used to reduce pattern count in scan ATPG, the number of don’t care bits in a given test cube remains high [Wohl 2003] [Hiraide 2003]. This provides a great opportunity that can be exploited for power minimization during scan testing.

The first set of techniques to reduce test power is to use novel low-power ATPG algorithms for generating low-power test patterns that still meet the original ATPG objectives (maximum fault coverage and minimum pattern length with reasonable run time). The authors in [Wang 1994] enhanced the path-oriented decision-making (PODEM) algorithm by assigning don’t care bits present at the CUT inputs in a clever manner to minimize the number of transitions between two consecutive test patterns. This reduces both average and peak power dissipation during shift operations. In [Wang 1997], the authors further extend the ATPG approach proposed in [Wang 1994] to full-scan sequential circuits by exploiting all don’t cares that occur during scan shifting, test application, and response capture to minimize shift power and capture power simultaneously.

Another low-power ATPG method for efficient capture power reduction during scan testing [Wen 2006] tries to achieve two goals: the primary goal being the detection of targeted faults and the secondary goal being the minimization of the difference between before-capture and after-capture output values of scan cells. This is achieved by introducing the concept of a capture conflict (C-conflict) in addition to the conventional detection conflict (D-conflict). A C-conflict occurs when a difference between the before-capture and after-capture output values of a scan cell is created by logic value assignment during ATPG. A C-conflict, in the same manner as a D-conflict, may be avoided through the backtrack operation. However, backtracking for a C-conflict may make fault detection impossible. In this case, the backtracking for the C-conflict is reversed, and the transition at the scan cell is tolerated because the primary goal is fault detection.

The second set of techniques to reduce test power is to use power-aware X -filling heuristics that do not modify the overall ATPG process. Given a set of deterministic test cubes, the main goal of these techniques is to assign values to the don’t care bits of each test cube so that the number of transitions in the scan cells is minimized. By reducing the number of transitions in the scan cells during scan shifting, the overall switching activity in the CUT is also reduced; power consumption during testing is thus minimized. Most of the time, the X’s are assigned with the help of the following classical nonrandom filling heuristics:

  • Minimum transition filling (MT-filling), also called adjacent filling. All don’t care bits in a test cube are set to the value of the last encountered care bit. That is, when applying MT-filling, the most recent care bit value is used to fill successive X values until a care bit is reached.

  • 0-filling. All don’t care bits in a pattern are set to 0.

  • 1-filling. All don’t care bits in a pattern are set to 1.

MT-filling results in the fewest number of transitions in the scan chains, which generally corresponds to the lowest switching activity in the overall circuit, and is thus the preferred approach. Consider the test cube <0XXX1XX0XX0XX>. By applying the above three nonrandom filling heuristics, the resulting patterns become as follows:

  • 0000111000000 with MT-filling heuristics

  • 0000100000000 with 0-filling heuristics

  • 0111111011011 with 1-filling heuristics

These classical nonrandom filling heuristics (among a few others) have been evaluated [Butler 2004] to measure the reduction in average power consumption during scan shifting (load/unload cycles). These heuristics have also been evaluated to measure the reduction in peak power consumption with respect to a random filling of don’t care bits [Badereddine 2006]. Complete results on benchmark circuits have shown that both average and peak power consumption during testing can be efficiently minimized with the MT-filling heuristics.

In the context of at-speed scan testing, a few X-filling solutions have also been described to reduce power during the test cycle and thus avoid IR-drop-induced yield loss [Wen 2005a, 2005b] [Remersaro 2006]. These solutions have been developed to provide power-aware LOC delay tests. The basic idea is to minimize the bit differences between V1, the initialization vector, and V2, the sensitizing vector (which in this case is equal to the output response of V1, while maintaining the original transition fault coverage.

Compared to other solutions, X -filling techniques have the advantage of being applicable at the end of the design process (without imposing any impact on the design flow) and thus do not require any modification of the circuit and hence do not incur any area overhead. These methods reduce test power consumption sometimes at the expense of an increase in the pattern count because they may not be as effective in detecting additional faults as random filling, thereby requiring incrementally more patterns to achieve the target fault coverage.

Low-Power Test Vector Compaction

Static compaction involves minimizing the number of test cubes generated by an ATPG tool by merging test cubes that are compatible in all bit positions (i.e., they have no conflicting bit position where one test cube has a specified “1” and another has a specified “0”). Conventional approaches for static compaction merge test cubes in an arbitrary order until no more merging is possible. In [Sankaralingam 2000], the authors showed that by carefully selecting the order in which test cubes are merged, the number of transitions can be minimized. To measure the number of transitions that result when shifting a scan vector into a scan chain, a weighted transition metric can be used. To illustrate the weighted transition metric, consider the example given in Figure 7.4. It has two transitions. When this vector is scanned into the CUT, transition 1 passes through the entire scan chain. This transition dissipates power at every scan cell in the scan chain. On the other hand, transition 2 dissipates power only at the first scan cell during scan in. The number of scan cell transitions caused by a transition in a scan vector being scanned in depends on its position in the scan vector. In this example where there are five scan cells, a transition in position 1 (which is where transition 1 is) would be weighted four times more than a transition in position 4 (which is where transition 2 is). The weight assigned to a transition is the difference between the size of the scan chain and the position in the vector in which the transition occurs. Hence, the power dissipated when applying two vectors can be compared by counting the number of weighted transitions in each vector. The number of weighted transitions is given by:

weighted_transitions =Σ(size_of_scan_chain – position_of_transition)

Transitions in scan vector.

Figure 7.4. Transitions in scan vector.

Using this metric, a greedy heuristic procedure is given in [Sankaralingam 2000] for merging test cubes in a way that minimizes the number of transitions. Significant reductions in average and peak power consumption can be obtained by using this approach.

Shift Control Techniques

Several techniques have also been proposed to reduce or cancel the switching activity in the CUT during scan shifting. The authors in [Huang 1999] try to find an input vector, called a control vector, such that when this vector is applied to the primary inputs of the CUT during scan shifting, the switching activity in the combinational part of the CUT is minimized. To determine this input control vector, a modified version of the D-algorithm is used. The method has achieved some reasonable reduction in average power consumption.

Another technique proposed in [Hertwig 1998] is to modify each scan cell in the scan chain so as to block transitions at the scan cell outputs during scan shifting and thereby prevent all switching activity in the combinational portion of the CUT. The scan cell modification consists of adding a NOR gate and an additional fanout to the output of each scan cell (see Figure 7.5). During scan shifting, the NOR gate prevents data in the scan cell from propagating to the combinational part of the CUT. This technique obviously is effective in test power reduction; however, it requires a significant area overhead and may degrade the circuit performance.

Scan cell modification.

Figure 7.5. Scan cell modification.

Scan Cell Ordering

In scan design, switching activity, and hence power dissipation, can be further reduced by changing the order of the scan cells in each scan chain. Consider a scan chain composed of four ordered scan cells (FF1-FF2-FF3-FF4.) Assume that the test vector V = <0101> is to be loaded in the scan chain and the initial state of the four scan cells is <0000> in this scan chain. The total number of transitions generated in the scan chain by the loading of vector V will be equal to 10 (see Figure 7.6a). Now, suppose that the order of the scan cells in the scan chain is changed to FF2-FF4-FF1-FF3; the total number of transitions in the scan chain in this case becomes 2 (see Figure 7.6b). Of course, changing the order of the scan cells in the scan chain implies a change of the bit order in each test vector.

Impact of scan cell reordering on switching activity.

Figure 7.6. Impact of scan cell reordering on switching activity.

A first scan-cell ordering technique was proposed in [Dabholkar 1998], which uses two heuristics to find the best ordering of scan cells. The first heuristic performs a random search where the scan cells are randomly permuted a predefined number of times and the entire deterministic test sequence is simulated to measure the switching activity. The second heuristic uses a simulated annealing algorithm that explores the whole space of solutions to search for a global optimum of the cost function. Both heuristics have met with limited success.

Another solution given in [Bonhomme 2002] starts from a set of scan cells and the deterministic test sequence generated to test the corresponding scan-based circuit. The method first constructs a complete undirected graph in which each vertex represents a scan cell and each edge represents a possible connection between two scan cells in the scan chain (see Figure 7.7b). The weight on each edge of the graph represents the total number of bit differences between two scan cells for the corresponding test sequence. In Figure 7.7a, Vi is a test vector, Ri is the corresponding output response, and there are 5 bit differences between scan cells FF2 and FF3 in this example. This weight reflects the number of transitions that may be generated in the corresponding portion of the scan chain by connecting these two scan cells.

An example test sequence and the corresponding weighted graph.

Figure 7.7. An example test sequence and the corresponding weighted graph.

From this weighted graph, the problem then amounts to finding a Hamiltonian path of minimum cost in the graph. The cost of a path is obtained by summing the weights on edges belonging to this path. This problem is equivalent to the well-known traveling salesman problem, which is known to be nondeterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) and for which different polynomial-time approximation algorithms can be used. The solution implemented in [Bonhomme 2002] uses a greedy algorithm to find the scan cell ordering that minimizes the occurrence of transitions in the scan chain during scan-in and scan-out operations. The heuristic procedure can be exploited by any layout synthesis program during scan-cell placement and routing.

Scan-cell ordering has many advantages: (1) it does not require additional hardware, (2) the fault coverage and test time are left unchanged, and (3) the impact on the design flow is low, and (4) test power can be significantly reduced. The only drawback is that power-driven stitching of the scan cells may result in a longer interconnect between the scan cells and potential routing congestion problems during scan routing (see Figure 7.8a).

To provide better scan routing between scan cells after scan reordering for low power, the authors in [Bonhomme 2003] proposed to partition the circuit in clusters (by using geographical criteria) and then reorder the scan cells within each cluster to reduce the switching activity. The clusters are then stitched together using the nearest neighbor criteria. This technique offers a good tradeoff between test power reduction and scan chain length (see Figure 7.8b), and it is applicable to circuits with multiple scan chains and clock domains.

An example of power-driven scan chain routing.

Figure 7.8. An example of power-driven scan chain routing.

Scan Architecture Modification

This section presents techniques that involve modifying the scan architecture by inserting new elements. A first solution involves partitioning the scan chain(s) into N segments and having only one segment at a time active when loading and unloading test data [Whetsel 2000]. An on-chip test module that contains a counter activates one segment at a time when it receives the scan enable signal from the ATE. When one segment has been completely loaded/unloaded, then the next segment is activated. This technique reduces the average power dissipated by a factor of N, without any change in the test time, the test sequence, or the fault coverage. Nevertheless, the power dissipation in the clock tree feeding the circuit, which represents a significant part of the total power dissipated during testing, is not decreased. To address this, an alternative is to have separate clock trees for each scan segment so that the activation of the scan segments can be controlled by gating the clock trees rather than the scan enable signals [Saxena 2001]. In this way, the average test power is reduced in both the circuit and the clock tree without changing the overall principle of the method (see Figure 7.9).

Scan chain segmentation.

Figure 7.9. Scan chain segmentation.

The same approach can be used to reduce peak power consumption during both shift operation and capture operation [Rosinger 2004]. A dedicated scan architecture with mutually exclusive scan segment activation is used for this purpose, and a high reduction in peak power consumption can be obtained.

Two other possible techniques based on scan architecture modification can be used [Sinanoglu 2002] [Lee 2000]. The first one [Sinanoglu 2002] consists of inserting logic elements (XOR gates) between the scan cells so as to minimize the occurrence of transitions in the scan chain (and hence in the CUT) during shift operations. Adding logic elements in the scan chains transforms the logic values that need to be shifted in. By doing this intelligently, it is possible to transform the scan vectors so that they contain fewer transitions. The second technique [Lee 2000] is applicable to circuits with multiple scan chains and consists of inserting buffers of different sizes at each scan chain input to create a slight temporal skew between the scan chains during the shift operation. When a scan chain shifts, it creates transitions in the CUT, which results in a current spike. By creating temporal skew between the shifting of the scan chains, the current spikes for each scan chain are spread out over time so that they do not occur simultaneously, thereby allowing significant reductions in peak power during testing. The technique requires some changes in the scan structure as well as in the scan controller.

Another interesting and original approach [Huang 2001] is based on a novel scan architecture, called a token scan architecture, that uses the concept of a token ring—a well-known structure in the field of communication networks—to reduce the shift power in both the scan chain and the combinational logic. Basically, this approach starts from a multi-phase technique, which is applied to scan-based circuits using the architecture shown in Figure 7.10a. The scan-in wire SI is broadcasted to all scan cells, but only one scan cell is activated at a time. For a scan chain with N scan cells, an N-phase nonoverlapping clocking scheme is applied with one clock for each scan cell as shown in Figure 7.10a. Because only one scan cell is activated at a time, a high reduction of data transitions can be achieved during scan shifting.

The token scan architecture.

Figure 7.10. The token scan architecture.

However, the multi-phase technique may have two problems because of the discrete multi-phase generator. First, because the scan cells are usually distributed over the chip, the N multi-phase clock routes will require large area overhead. Second, an interphase skew may occur because of the different lengths of the N clock routes, which may make multi-phase clocks overlap and cause a data error from SI or a bus contention at SO. To overcome these problems, a token ring-like structure [Huang 2001] can be used to embed the multi-phase clock generator into the scan cell. As Figure 7.10b shows, a token bit is rotated in the scan chain, and only the scan cell receiving the token can be activated. The N phase wires are thus reduced to a single phase clock wire. The interphase skew resulting from the different delays of the N phase wires can also be eliminated. This solution requires the use of a new type of scan cells, called token scan cells, to compose each scan chain (see Figure 7.11). A token scan cell consists of a data FF D1, a token FF D2, two multiplexers M1 and M2, and a switch S. D1 and M1 behave as a basic conventional scan cell while D2 and M2 serve as a phase generator.

The token scan chain.

Figure 7.11. The token scan chain.

To additionally reduce test power in the clock and scan-in data trees, the authors also proposed a novel clock gating technique that takes the advantage of the regularity and periodicity of the token scan chain. By combining all of these concepts, the token scan architecture can efficiently reduce shift power as well as clock power—power consumed in the clock tree during scan testing. The main drawback of this solution is the significant area overhead.

Scan Clock Splitting

To reduce the power consumption during scan testing, it is also possible to modify the scan clock (i.e., the clock that drives all the scan cells of the chain[s]). The first technique based on scan clock splitting [Bonhomme 2001] involves reducing the operating frequency of the scan cells during scan shifting without modifying the total test time. For this purpose, a clock whose speed is half that of the normal (functional) clock is used to activate one half of the scan cells during one clock cycle of the scan operation (see Figure 7.12). During the next clock cycle, the second half of the scan cells in the scan chain(s) is activated by another clock whose speed is also half of the normal speed. The two clocks are synchronous with the system clock and have the same period during shift operation except that they are shifted in time. During capture operation, the two clocks operate as the system clock. The use of such a modified clock scheme lowers the transition density in the CUT, the scan chains, and the clock tree feeding the scan chains during shift operation. Consequently, the switching activity in a time interval (i.e., the average power) as well as the peak power consumption is minimized. Moreover, the total energy consumption is also reduced as the test length with the proposed clock scheme is exactly the same as the test length with a conventional scan design to reach the same stuck-at fault coverage.

Scan clock splitting.

Figure 7.12. Scan clock splitting.

Another technique [Sankaralingam 2003] uses a staggered clock scheme to reduce peak power dissipation during testing. The principle of this approach is similar to the one used in [Lee 2000]. The scan chains of the CUT are grouped together to form N groups of scan chains. Then, each clock cycle of the load/unload phase is divided into N periods, where each period corresponds to the activation of a given group of scan chains. Staggering the activation of each group in this manner reduces the number of scan cells that are simultaneously switching, thereby greatly lowering the peak power consumption. Note, however, that the total number of transitions generated during testing (i.e., the energy) is unchanged.

Low-Power Built-In Self-Test

The logic built-in self-test(BIST) is a DFT technique in which a portion of the circuit under test (CUT) is used to test itself. Because it can provide self-test ability, logic BIST is crucial in many applications, in particular, for safety-critical and mission-critical applications. One major objective of logic BIST is to obtain high fault coverage; however, a major issue is that power consumption during BIST can exceed the power rating of the chip or package. Increased average power can heat the chip, and increased peak power can produce noise-related failures [Bushnell 2000]. In this section, we discuss a number of low-power BIST architectures and methodologies to reduce power consumption.

Basics of Logic BIST

Figure 7.13 illustrates a typical logic BIST system. A logic BIST controller is required to control the BIST operation. The test pattern generator (TPG) automatically generates test patterns that are applied to the inputs of the circuit under test (CUT), and an output response analyzer (ORA) is used for compacting the circuit’s output responses. In practice, in-circuit TPGs constructed from linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) are commonly used for exhaustive, pseudo-exhaustive, or pseudo-random testing [Wang 2006]. This is mostly because these LFSRs incur little area overhead and can be used as both TPG and ORA.

A typical logic BIST system.

Figure 7.13. A typical logic BIST system.

There are two basic BIST schemes for testing the circuit under test: (1) test-per-clock BIST for architectures using register configuration and (2) test-per-scan BIST for designs that incorporate scan chains [Wang 2006]. In test-per-clock BIST, test vectors are applied every clock cycle from the TPG, and test responses are captured in the ORA and compared to a reference value. This scheme has the advantage of running much faster in applying tests and yields higher fault coverage than test-per-scan BIST. The drawbacks of this scheme are high area overhead and incompatibility with scan design. In test-per-scan BIST, also called scan-based BIST, pseudo-random patterns are first shifted into the scan chains during shift operation; the test responses to these patterns are then captured in scan cells during the capture operation. The captured test responses are shifted out to the ORA for response compaction, while a new test is being shifted in. Clearly, the test-per-scan BIST system will run much slower than the test-per-clock BIST system; however, it takes advantage of the existing scan design, thereby requiring much simpler BIST circuitry, and is thus the industry preferred solution today.

LFSR Tuning

The aim of LFSR tuning is to find a way of decreasing the energy consumed during BIST by appropriately selecting the parameters of the LFSR (i.e., the seed and characteristic polynomial). A preliminary step in this approach is to analyze the impact of these parameters on the switching density generated in the CUT. In [Girard 1999b], a number of experiments on benchmark circuits were conducted where for each circuit, several characteristic polynomials were used for the LFSR, and for each of these polynomials, several seeds were tried. Polynomials were taken from the list of primitive polynomials of an n-stage LFSR (n being the number of primary inputs of the CUT), and seeds were randomly chosen for each selected polynomial. In each experiment, the length of the test sequence required to reach the target fault coverage was determined through fault simulation. Figure 7.14 shows the experimental results for an 8-by-8 multiplier targeting 99% stuck-at fault coverage. Each number on the X-axis corresponds to a particular primitive polynomial of the LFSR, and each dot corresponds to the internal WSA resulting from a randomly selected seed for the particular polynomial. Note that the internal WSA refers to the weighted switching activity of the internal nodes of the CUT.

Impact of LFSR polynomial selection on energy.

Figure 7.14. Impact of LFSR polynomial selection on energy.

As the figure shows, the WSA obtained for a given primitive polynomial of the LFSR strongly depends on the seed selected. Indeed, the deviation between best seeds and worst seeds is significant in terms of WSA. On the other hand, the sensitivity of the WSA to a given primitive polynomial is much lower; the value of the minimum WSA is almost the same regardless of which primitive polynomial is used. Therefore, selecting a primitive polynomial to minimize energy dissipation during BIST is not as crucial as selecting a good seed for the LFSR. For a given polynomial and target fault coverage, selecting the best seed of an LFSR for low-power BIST can then easily be done by using a method based on a simulated annealing algorithm [Girard 1999b].

Low-Power Test Pattern Generators

Several approaches have been proposed for designing on-chip test generators that can generate effective test patterns while reducing the transition density in the CUT. A first approach, called dual speed LFSRs (DS-LFSRs) [Wang 1997], is based on the use of two LFSRs operating at different clock frequencies (see Figure 7.15). Average power during testing is reduced by connecting the CUT inputs with the highest transition densities to the low-speed LFSR while CUT inputs with the lowest activity are connected to the normal speed LFSR. Note that this technique is applicable in a test-per-clock BIST environment. A second approach is also based on a modified LFSR [Girard 2001]. The original LFSR is replaced by two LFSRs that operate out-of-phase at half the clock rate of the original (functional) speed. Compared to the previous approach, the power dissipation is reduced not only in the CUT but also in the clock tree feeding the circuit. Fault coverage and test time are left unchanged. A third solution [Zhang 1999] consists of inserting logic between the LFSR and the CUT to allow the generation of weighted random test patterns that reduce the switching activity in the circuit while maintaining a high fault coverage. This solution uses a genetic algorithm-based search to determine optimal weight sets at primary inputs to minimize energy dissipation. One last approach that can be used [Corno 2000] is based on selecting a cellular automaton that generates a test sequence with a low transition density and has a good tradeoff between fault coverage and test time.

Low-power BIST with DS-LFSRs.

Figure 7.15. Low-power BIST with DS-LFSRs.

For scan-based BIST (test-per-scan BIST), an interesting approach for low-power testing, called low transition random test pattern generator (LT-RTPG) [Wang 1999], was proposed. It involves inserting an AND gate and a toggle flip-flop (TFF) between the LFSR and the input of the scan chain to increase the correlation of neighboring bits in the scan vectors (see Figure 7.16). Because the TFF holds its previous values until it receives a 1 on its input, the same value (0 or 1) is repeatedly scanned into the scan chain until the value at the output of the AND gate becomes 1. Hence, neighboring scan cells are assigned identical values in most test vectors if a large k is used—that is, if the AND gate has many inputs (the probability that the TFF toggles at any time t is given by 1/2k.) In this manner, the number of transitions generated in the CUT can be significantly reduced. Although the pseudo-random test sequence is modified by this logic, it still provides a good tradeoff between fault coverage and test time.

The LT-RTPG structure.

Figure 7.16. The LT-RTPG structure.

Interesting low-power test pattern generators that are applicable for data path architectures based on multipliers and accumulators are described in [Gizopoulos 2000]. Two hardware solutions are proposed depending on whether the concern is energy reduction or power reduction. They are both based on the use of Gray counters, which can generate successive test vectors with a Hamming distance of 1. Significant energy and power reductions can be obtained.

Vector Filtering BIST

BIST techniques based on vector filtering to reduce power consumption have also been proposed in the literature [Corno 1999] [Gerstendörfer 1999] [Girard 1999a] [Manich 2000]. These techniques are based on the observation that as self-test progresses, the detection capability of the pseudo-random test vectors generated by an LFSR decreases quickly. Therefore, many of the pseudo-random test vectors do not detect new faults despite consuming a significant amount of energy. For example, only 159 patterns among the 2524 required to reach 99.9% fault coverage actually detect faults in the benchmark circuit c5315 [Brglez 1985]. In addition, the length of the subsequence of consecutive nondetecting test vectors is often long. For example, the longest subsequence of consecutive nondetecting vectors in the pseudo-random test sequence generated for the benchmark circuit s1488 [Brglez 1985] to reach 100% fault coverage contains 509 vectors, whereas the complete test sequence is of length 2931.

Consequently, the main goal of these techniques is to filter test vectors that do not detect additional faults, thus preventing the CUT from being excited by these undesired vectors. For this purpose, a decoder can be used during BIST pattern generation to store the first and last vectors of each subsequence of consecutive nondetecting vectors to be filtered [Girard 1999a]. The output of this decoder provides the logic value 1 after detection of each of these vectors. Then, the vector filtering structure has to allow or prevent application of these test vectors to the circuit inputs. A toggle D flip-flop is used to control the transmission of stimuli from the LFSR to the CUT. The transmission is activated or inhibited by means of a transmission gate network (see Figure 7.17a).

Two vector filtering BIST structures.

Figure 7.17. Two vector filtering BIST structures.

Rather than just filtering the subsequences of nondetecting vectors, it is also possible to filter all vectors that do not detect any faults [Manich 2000]. Using this approach, a register made of latches is used to control the transmission of test vectors from the LFSR to the CUT. A filter module is used to provide the needed control signals to the register (see Figure 7.17b). A similar solution was also proposed in [Corno 1999].

The authors in [Gerstendörfer 1999] exploited the same idea but applied it to scan-based BIST. A gating signal is derived from the decoder/filter and is used to enable or disable the shift clock to the scan chains.

The main advantage of all these techniques is that they allow a significant reduction of energy and average power consumption during testing. The drawbacks are the negative impact on circuit performance and the area overhead, which may be high in some cases.

Circuit Partitioning

Another approach involves partitioning the original circuit into two structural subcircuits so two different BIST sessions can be used to successively test each subcircuit. To minimize the area overhead of the resulting BIST scheme, however, the number of connections between the subcircuits of the partition, called the cut size, has to be minimal. The basic scheme of partitioning a circuit into two subcircuits is shown in Figure 7.18. In Figure 7.18a, a logic circuit is partitioned into two subcircuits C1 and C2. Many such partitions exist for large VLSI circuits. Figure 7.18b depicts how multiplexers are inserted between the two subcircuits. By controlling the multiplexers, all inputs and outputs of each subcircuit can be accessed using primary inputs and primary outputs. For example, to test subcircuit C1, the multiplexers can be controlled as shown in Figure 7.18c. The demultiplexers (DMUX) on the sets B and C of input signals are added to avoid switching activity in C2 during the test of C1.

Circuit partitioning for low-power testing.

Figure 7.18. Circuit partitioning for low-power testing.

A circuit partitioning technique for low power testing was proposed in [Girard 1999c]. This technique tries to find an optimal partitioning solution, which is a NP-complete problem, by using a simple graph partitioning algorithm. An improved version [Girard 2000] uses a circuit partitioning tool based on a multilevel hyper-graph partitioning algorithm [Karypis 1998]. Traditional partitioning algorithms compute a partition of a graph by directly operating on the original graph. This approach is often too slow and can lead to poor quality partitions in terms of cut size, which is representative of the area overhead of the BIST scheme. The multilevel partitioning algorithm follows a completely different approach. The algorithm successively decreases the size of the graph (or the hypergraph) by collapsing vertices and edges, partitions the smallest graph, and then uncoarsens it to construct a partition for the original graph. At each level of the uncoarsening phase, an iterative refinement algorithm is used to improve the partition.

By partitioning the circuit into two subcircuits and testing the subcircuits in successive test sessions, average and peak power consumption are minimized. In addition, this approach reduces the total energy consumed during BIST operation because the test length required for the two subcircuits is usually shorter than that of the original circuit. This is because circuit partitioning increases the controllability and observability of the internal nodes in the CUT. The area overhead with this approach is low. Drawbacks are a slight penalty on circuit performance and a non-negligible impact on routing. The proposed strategy can be applied to scan-based BIST or parallel BIST by adapting the test pattern generation structure.

Power-Aware Test Scheduling

A test scheduling technique for low power consumption [Zorian 1993] considers a set of blocks (memories, logic, analog, test resources, etc.) in an SOC and a specified limit of power dissipation for the SOC during testing. The objective is to find the best combination of blocks to be tested in parallel so the overall test time is minimal and the power limit is satisfied. This technique also takes into account the fact that, to minimize the area overhead associated to BIST, some of the test resources (test pattern generators and output response analyzers) must be shared among the various blocks.

A similar technique [Chou 1994] addresses the NP-complete test scheduling problem by using a compatibility graph and heuristic-driven algorithms. The power constraint is established with respect to the peak power consumption of each block. Two different problems are considered depending on the test length of each block: (1) scheduling equal-length tests with power constraints and (2) scheduling unequal-length tests with power constraints. Optimal solutions are sought for both problems. The algorithms consist of four basic steps. First, a test compatibility graph is constructed from a resource graph in which a resource represents either a combinational block or a register block. Second, the test compatibility graph is used to identify a complete set of time compatible tests (tests that can be executed concurrently) with power dissipation information associated with each test. Third, from the set of time compatible tests, lists of power compatible tests are extracted. Finally, a minimum cover approach is used to find an optimum scheduling for these power compatible tests.

Based on these two basic test scheduling techniques, several solutions have been further proposed for testing SOC designs [Muresan 2000] [Iyengar 2001] [Larsson 2002] [Pouget 2003]. For given power constraints and parameters related to the test organization (fixed, variable, or undefined test sessions with or without precedence constraints) or to the test structure (test bus width, test resources sharing), these solutions allow for optimized overall SOC test time.

Another test scheduling technique [Ubar 2005] has a slightly different objective, as the main focus is on total test energy minimization for SOC testing. This technique assumes a hybrid BIST test architecture, where the test set is composed of core-level locally generated pseudo-random test patterns and additional deterministic test patterns that are generated offline and stored in the system (see Figure 7.19). The exact composition of these patterns defines not only the test length and test memory requirements but also the energy consumption. In general, because a deterministic test pattern is more effective in detecting faults than a pseudo-random pattern, using more deterministic test patterns for a core will lead to a short test sequence with, consequently, less energy. However, the total number of deterministic test patterns is constrained by the test memory requirements, and at the same time, the deterministic test patterns of different cores of a SOC have different energy and fault detection characteristics. A careful tradeoff between the deterministic pattern lengths of the core must therefore be made in order to produce a globally optimal solution. Two heuristics [Ubar 2005] can be proposed to try to minimize the total switching energy without exceeding the assumed test memory constraint. The solutions are obtained by modifying the ratio of pseudo-random and deterministic test patterns for every individual core such that the total energy dissipation is minimized.

AMBA bus-based hybrid BIST architecture.

Figure 7.19. AMBA bus-based hybrid BIST architecture.

Another category of test scheduling, called thermal-aware test scheduling, has been proposed to address the problem of chip overheating during the testing of complex core-based systems. Here, the basic idea is to consider that the spatial distribution of power across the chip is nonuniform, so that imposing a chip-level maximum power constraint during test scheduling (as for system-level BIST solutions described previously) does not necessarily avoid local overheating and hence destructive hot spots. A few solutions have been proposed in this area [Rosinger 2005] [Liu 2005] [He 2006], mainly based on incorporating thermal constraints during test scheduling so as to spread heat more evenly over the chip and reduce hot spots during testing. The proposed approaches facilitate the rapid generation of thermal-safe test schedules without requiring time-consuming thermal simulations.

Low-Power Test Data Compression

Test data volume is now recognized as a major contributor to the cost of manufacturing testing of ICs. High test data volume leads to a high test time and may exceed the limited memory depth of automatic test equipment (ATE). Test application time for scan testing can be reduced by using a large number of scan chains. However, the number of ATE channels that can directly drive scan chains is limited because of pin count constraints.

Test data compression is an efficient solution to the problem of increasing test data volume. Test data compression involves encoding a test set to reduce its size. By using this reduced set of test data, the ATE limitations (i.e., tester storage memory and bandwidth gap between the ATE and the CUT) may be overcome. On the other hand, using compressed test data involves having a small on-chip decoder, which decompresses the data as it is fed into the scan chains during test application.

Despite its ability in reducing test data volume and test application time, test data compression does not solve the problem of excessive test power during scan testing. A case study of a Motorola ColdFire microprocessor core [Pouya 2000] has been used to illustrate the commercial means of reducing test data volume and how they affect test power. To address this issue, several techniques have been proposed to simultaneously reduce test data volume and test power during scan testing of digital ICs. As in [Wang 2006], these low-power test data compression techniques can be classified into three categories: coding-based schemes, linear-decompression-based schemes, and broadcast-scan-based schemes.

Coding-Based Schemes

Code-based schemes use data compression codes to encode the test cubes of a test set. An interesting encoding algorithm that can be used to concurrently reduce scan power dissipation and test data volume during SOC testing is proposed in [Chandra 2001]. In this approach, test cubes generated by ATPG are encoded using Golomb codes which are an evolved form of run-length codes. All don’t care bits of the test cubes are mapped to 0 and Golomb coding is used to encode runs of 0’s. More details about Golomb codes can be found in [Wang 2006]. Golomb coding efficiently compresses test data, and the mapping of don’t cares to all 0’s reduces the number of transitions during scan-in, thus significantly reducing power dissipation (up to 75%). One drawback of Golomb coding is that it is inefficient for runs of 1’s. In fact, the test storage can even increase for test cubes that have many runs of 1’s. Moreover, implementing this test compression scheme requires a synchronization signal between the ATE and the CUT as the size of the compressed data (codeword) is of variable length.

Another method based on an alternating run-length coding [Chandra 2002] improves the encoding efficiency of Golomb coding. Whereas a Golomb code only encodes runs of 0’s, an alternating run-length code can encode both runs of 0’s and runs of 1’s. In this case, the drawback is that the coding becomes inefficient when a pattern with short runs of 0’s or 1’s has to be encoded.

Linear-Decompression-Based Schemes

Another class of low-power test stimulus compression schemes is based on using linear decompressors to expand the data coming from the tester to fill the scan chains during test application. Linear decompressors consist only of XOR gates and flip-flops, and they are described in detail in [Wang 2006].

An example of a low-power linear-decompression-based scheme using LFSR reseeding is proposed in [Lee 2004]. The basic idea in LFSR reseeding is to generate deterministic test cubes by expanding seeds. A seed is an initial state of the LFSR that is expanded by running the LFSR in an autonomous mode. Given a deterministic test cube, a corresponding seed can be computed by solving a set of linear equations—one for each specified bit—based on the feedback polynomial of the LFSR. Because typically 1% to 5% of the bits in a test vector are specified, most bits in a test cube do not need to be considered when a seed is computed because they are don’t care bits. Therefore, the size of a seed is much smaller than the size of a vector. Consequently, reseeding can significantly reduce test data volume and bandwidth. However, it is not as good for power consumption because the don’t care bits in each test cube get filled with random values, thereby resulting in excessive switching activity during scan shifting.

The key idea of the encoding scheme proposed in [Lee 2004] is to take advantage of the fact that the number of transitions in a test cube is always less than its number of specified bits. A transition in a test cube is defined as a specified 0 (1) followed by a specified 1 (0) with possible X’s between them (e.g., X10XXX or XX0X1X). Thus, rather than using LFSR reseeding to directly encode the specified bits as in conventional LFSR reseeding, the proposed encoding scheme divides each test cube into blocks and only uses LFSR reseeding to produce the blocks that contain transitions. For the blocks that do not contain transitions, the logic value fed into the scan chain is simply held constant. This approach reduces the number of transitions in the scan chain and hence reduces test power. Despite the area overhead caused by the use of hold flag shift registers, this scheme is an efficient solution to tradeoff between test data compression and test power reduction.

Broadcast-Scan-Based Schemes

The third class of low-power test data compression schemes is based on broadcasting the same value to multiple scan chains. An example of a low-power broadcast-scan-based scheme is the segmented addressable scan architecture presented in [Al-Yamani 2005]. This architecture involves modifying the Illinois scan architecture [Hamzaoglu 1999] in which a given scan chain is split into multiple scan segments, thus allowing the same data to be loaded simultaneously into all segments when compatibility exists. The segmented addressable scan architecture enhances the Illinois scan architecture by avoiding the limitation of needing all segments to be compatible to benefit from the segmentation. In other words, any combination of compatible segments for a given test pattern can be used to load the same data to these segments and hence increase the compression rate. The compatible segments are loaded in parallel using a multiple-hot decoder (see Figure 7.20). Test power is reduced as segments that are incompatible within a given round (i.e., during the time needed to upload a given test pattern) are not clocked. One drawback of this solution is that the multiple-hot decoder is designed with respect to a given test set. This means that the test set has to be known early during the design phase of the circuit and that changing the test set during verification testing or production testing involves changing the design of the circuit.

The segmented addressable scan architecture.

Figure 7.20. The segmented addressable scan architecture.

Another example is the progressive random access scan (PRAS) architecture proposed in [Baik 2005] that allows individual accessibility to each scan cell. In this architecture, scan cells are configured as an SRAM-like grid structure using specific PRAS scan cells and some additional peripheral and test control logic (see Figure 7.21). Providing such accessibility to every scan cell eliminates unnecessary switching activity during the scan while reducing the test application time and test data volume by updating only a small fraction of scan-cells throughout the test application. Power consumption during testing is drastically reduced—up to 99%. The main drawback of the PRAS architecture is the significant hardware overhead.

Progressive random access scan (PRAS) architecture.

Figure 7.21. Progressive random access scan (PRAS) architecture.

Low-Power RAM Testing

Although numerous techniques for constraining power dissipation during testing exist, there appear to be only a few solutions that are dedicated to memories. The main motivation for reducing test power in memories can be explained as follows. System memories, or embedded device memories, are divided into banks for increasing access speed and optimizing system cost [Cheung 1996]. During normal system operation, only one memory bank is accessed at any given time. In contrast, concurrent self-testing of all memory modules is highly desirable to reduce test time and simplify BIST control circuitry. However, by concurrently testing several banks of memories, the power dissipation can by far exceed that during normal system operation. For this reason, reducing test power in memories becomes mandatory when concurrent testing is used. Note that this statement also applies when testing memories embedded in an SOC.

A first methodology for low-power test of random access memories (RAMs) [Cheung 1996] is based on modifying several common memory tests (Zero-One, Checker Board, March B, Walking-0-1 and SNP 2-Group) in a way that reduces power dissipation during testing. The modified tests are based on the following principle: reorder the original tests to minimize the switching activity on each address line while retaining the fault coverage. The number of signal transitions on each address line depends on the address counting method (i.e., the order in which addresses are enumerated during a read or a write loop of a memory test algorithm) and the address bit position. For example, the LSB (respectively MSB) address line has the largest (respectively smallest) number of transitions when binary address counting is used. Table 7.1 describes the original and low-power test algorithms for two memory tests. The symbol ‘ ↕ ’ is used to describe a sequential access to all memory cells in any addressing order (increasing or decreasing). Binary address counting is typically used for such addressing. The low-power tests are described using the symbol↕s which represents single bit change (SBC) counting. For example, {00, 01, 11, 10} is the counting sequence of a 2-bit SBC code. Finally, W0 (W1) represents writing a 0 (1) to an address location, and R0 (R1) represents reading a 0 (1) from an address location.

Table 7.1. Original and Low-Power Memory Test Algorithms


Original Test

Low-Power Test


↕(W0); ↕(R0); ↕(W1); ↕(R1);

s (W0, R0, W1, R1);



s (W(1odd/0even),










Each proposed test has the same fault coverage and time complexity as the original version but reduces power dissipation by a factor of 2 to 16 thanks to a modified addressing sequence. A special design of the BIST circuitry [Cheung 1996] is required to implement the proposed low-power tests.

Another methodology [Dilillo 2006] to minimize test power in SRAM memories is to exploit the predictability of the addressing sequence. It is known that the precharge circuits are the principal contributor to power dissipation in SRAM. It has indeed been shown that it may represent up to 70% of the overall power dissipation of an SRAM memory [Liu 1994]. These circuits have the role of precharging and equalizing the long and high capacitive bit lines. This action is essential to ensure correct memory operation. To reduce the precharge activity during testing, one can use the fact that in functional mode the cells are selected in random sequence, and therefore all precharge circuits need to be always active, while during the test mode the access sequence is known, and hence only the columns that are to be selected need to be precharged [Dilillo 2006]. This low-power test mode can be implemented by using a modified precharge control circuitry and by exploiting the first degree of freedom of March tests, which allows choosing a specific addressing sequence. The modified precharge control logic contains an additional element for each column (see Figure 7.22). This element consists of one multiplexer (two transmission gates and one inverter) and one NAND gate. Signal LPtest allows the selection between the functional mode of the memory and the low-power test mode in which the addressing sequence is fixed to “word line after word line” and the precharge activity is restricted to two columns for each clock cycle: the selected column and the following one. Signal Prj is the precharge signal originally used, while CSj is the complement of the column selection signal. The multiplexer operates the mode selection, whereas the NAND gate forces the functional mode for a given column when it is selected for a read/write operation during testing. When LPtest is ON, the signal CSj of a column j drives the precharge of the next column j + 1. Note that the precharge is active with the input signal at 0. Experiments used to validate the proposed method have shown a significant test power reduction (~50%) with negligible impact on area overhead and memory performance.

A precharge control logic for low-power testing.

Figure 7.22. A precharge control logic for low-power testing.

Concluding Remarks

Numerous studies from academia and industry, including the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) published by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) [SIA 2005, 2006], have shown the need to reduce power consumption during testing of digital and memory designs. This need is triggered by the fact that typically test power can be more than twice the power consumed in normal functional mode.

Because test throughput and manufacturing yield are often affected by test power, various test solutions have been proposed since the mid-1990s. In this chapter, we discussed many low-power test solutions to address the above-mentioned problems. Both structural and algorithmic solutions were described along with their impacts on parameters such as fault coverage, test time, area overhead, circuit performance penalty, and design flow modification. These solutions cover a broad spectrum of testing environments, including scan testing, scan-based BIST, test-per-clock BIST, test compression, and memory testing.

Although solutions presented in this chapter can be used to address most of the problems caused by excessive test power, not all problems have been solved. One concern is when multiple issues arise at the same time when developing low-power test solutions. For example, almost all digital circuits today have scan chains and quite a few require test compression for test data volume reduction along with at-speed testing for screening timing defects. Thus far, few solutions have been proposed to address the problem of low-power scan testing when both test compression and at-speed scan testing are used. Another concern relates to the growing complexity and increasing use of core-based systems. In this case, we are now facing situations where several cores, such as scan cores, memory cores, and logic BIST cores each with embedded at-speed test features, have to be tested in parallel to avoid prohibitive test time. Power-aware or thermal-aware test scheduling is required for these SOC designs so that power and thermal constraints are satisfied while maintaining an optimized test throughput. This complicates the low-power test problems and requires the joint development of core-level and system-level low-power test solutions in the nanometer SOC design era.

Finally, concerns arise from how testing is to be done when new low-power design techniques, such as dynamic power management and multiple-voltage design techniques, are employed. The idea of dynamic power management is to shut down parts of a design when they are idle. Thus far, testing of those designs has been done sequentially (i.e., dealing with power domains one at a time). However, this practice will soon become inadequate because of test time concerns. Similarly, multiple-voltage domains have also been used in designs to reduce power consumption. Among others, the challenges we are facing now include how to build scan chains that span more than one voltage domain, how to cope with physical design constraints when dealing with level-shifters, and how to safely handle the test of such designs. A more future issue relates to asynchronous design, which is now seeing renewed interest as a way to reduce power. Although still far from being practical, asynchronous design will also require new and dedicated low-power test solutions.



(Test Power) Provide at least three examples to show why scan test power can be significantly higher than functional power.


(Test Power Reduction) List three ad hoc solutions for reducing power consumption during test application, and show the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.


(Terminology) Explain the difference between dynamic power, short-circuit power, and leakage power.


(Terminology) Explain the difference between energy and power. Also explain what the following terms mean: average power, instantaneous power, and peak power.


(Test Power Evaluation) Show the equations for estimating average power, instantaneous power, and peak power. Explain all the parameters used in the equations.


(Noise Phenomena) Describe three types of circuit noise and their impact on testing.


(Terminology) Explain the following terms: shift, test, capture cycles in scan testing slow-speed scan testing and at-speed scan testing launch-on-shift (LOS) and launch-on-capture (LOC)


(Test-Induced Yield Loss) Give at least three reasons why yield loss may occur as a result of scan testing.


(X-Filling) Conduct minimum transition filling (MT-filling), 0-filling, and 1-filling for the following test cube, and calculate the number of weighted transitions for each resulting fully specified test vector:

Scan-Input-Pin: 1XX0XXXX0XXXXX101XX0


(Scan Cell Ordering) Consider the application of two test vectors to a scan chain composed of four scan cells as follows:


Find the best order of scan cells for reducing the average switching activity measured by the number of weighted transitions.


(Token Scan Architecture) Consider the token scan scheme shown in Figure 7.10. This scheme allows only one scan cell to be activated each time. Show a new token scan scheme that allows exactly two scan cells to be activated each time.


(Scan Clock Splitting) Consider the scan clock splitting scheme shown in Figure 7.12. This scheme divides scan cells into two groups that are not operated simultaneously. Show a new scan clock splitting scheme that divides scan cells into three groups that are not operated simultaneously.


(Test Vector Filtering BIST) Explain the basic idea of test vector filtering BIST, and then show two possible techniques to implement this idea.


(Circuit Partitioning) Study the example (in Figure 7.18) of circuit partitioning for low-power testing in logic BIST. Then show how to partition the following circuit for low-power testing.



7.15(Low-Power RAM Testing) Compare the original test algorithms and low-power test algorithms shown in Table 7.1. Discuss the reasons why the low-power test algorithms can reduce test power.


Exercises(A Design Practice) Use the ATPG programs and user’s manuals contained on the Companion Web site to generate test sets for a number of full-scan benchmark circuits, with and without using the low shift power option. Compare the resulting test sets in terms of fault coverage, test data volume, and estimated shift power dissipation.


Exercises(A Design Practice) Use the ATPG programs and user’s manuals contained on the Companion Web site to generate test sets for a number of full-scan benchmark circuits, with and without using the low capture power option. Compare the resulting test sets in terms of fault coverage, test data volume, and estimated capture power dissipation.


Exercises(A Design Practice) Use the ATPG programs and user’s manuals contained on the Companion Web site to generate test sets for a number of full-scan benchmark circuits, with and without using the low shift/capture power option. Compare the resulting test sets in terms of fault coverage, test data volume, and estimated capture power dissipation.


The authors wish to thank Prof. Nicola Nicolici of McMaster University, Dr. Mokhtar Hirech of Synopsys, and Dr. Christian Landrault of LIRMM/CNRS for reviewing this chapter and providing helpful comments. The authors also would like to thank Dr. Zhigang Jiang of SynTest Technologies for providing the Design Practices questions in the Exercises section.




Energy and Power Modeling

Test Power Issues

Low-Power Scan Testing

Low-Power Built-In Self-Test

Low-Power Test Data Compression

Low-Power RAM Testing

Concluding Remarks

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