

absolute session timeouts, 141

Accept-Language headers, 129

access control

authentication. See authentication

authorization. See authorization

Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP headers, 165

access control lists (ACLs), 99–100


default, 86

disabling, 78, 86

lockout, 84–86

permissions, 240–241

single account security, 238–240

unique, 124

ACLs (access control lists), 99–100

active scanners, 307

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner tool, 307

ad-hoc source control, 262

ad-hoc SQL, 236–237, 244–246

Adobe Flash

cross-domain policy file, 161–163

LSOs, 132

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, 20, 259, 302

affected users, 43

Ajax programming (Asynchronous JavaScript And Xml), 165

alert method, 176, 34, 82, 99

Android Market XSS vulnerability, 5

Anti-XSS library, 302

AntiSamy library, 302

Apache web server, 262

application layer in authorization, 105, 110–112

compartmentalization, 110

server code, 111

application security vs. network security, 6–7

“are” factor in authentication, 58

Armorize CodeSecure tool, 305

Armstrong, Louis, 282

.asp files, 219

Asprox botnet, 219–220

Asprox SQL injection worm, 30–31

Asynchronous JavaScript And Xml (Ajax programming), 165

attack surface reduction, 32–35


access control systems, 54–55

best practices, 80–84

broken, 14–15

cookies, 204

credentials, 62–63, 69–70

custom systems, 67–69

fundamentals, 56–57

HTTP built-in, 61–64

identification, 57–60

overview, 54

password-based, 61, 70–74

single sign-on, 64–66

transmissions, 84

two-factor and three-factor, 60

authenticity, 40

authorization, 92

3×3 model, 116–119

access control, 92–93

access determination, 99–102

attacks, 127–130

best practices, 123–127

centralizing, 125

check process, 96–102

client-side, 120–121, 126

CSRF, 129–130

custom code, 125

custom mechanisms, 116–119

database servers, 112–115

forceful browsing, 127–128

fundamentals, 94–96

goals, 96

HTTP header manipulation, 129

input, 128

insecure direct object references, 249–251

invalidating sessions, 122–123

layers overview, 103–108

mistrust, 127

operating systems, 106, 109–112

overview, 54–55

permissions, 102–103

placement, 115–116

resources, 98–99

scenario, 106–108

server-side, 126

session management. See sessions and session IDs

SSL and HTTPS, 136–138

static resources, 125

subjects, 96, 98

TOCTTOU exploits, 121–123

URL, 109

web servers, 104, 108–110

availability, 39–40


back-end authorization, 105

backup file leaks, 260–263

baking security, 288–293

base rating scores in CVSS, 45–46

Basic access authentication, 61–63

Basili, Victor, 290

Beale, Jay, 271

biometrics, 58–60

black-box scanners, 307–309


IP addresses, 108

regular expressions, 232

testing, 283

validation, 25–27

blended threat attacks, 218

blind SQL injection attacks, 229

Blowfish cryptography algorithm, 20

Boehm, Barry, 290

botnets, 13, 219–220

box products, 296–297

broken authentication, 14–15

brute-force attacks, 73–74

Bugzilla tool, 304

Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM), 315–316

built-in browser defenses, 12

built-in frameworks in authorization, 111

Burp Proxy tool, 307

bytecode language, 260


Cain & Abel tool, 74

canonicalization attacks, 279, 282–284

CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), 85–86, 238

CAS (code access security), 111–112

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) properties, 119

centralizing authorization, 125

Cenzic Hailstorm tool, 307

Cenzic Inc. study, 170

changing passwords, 75

CIA (Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability) perspective

insecure direct object references, 248–249

overview, 39–40

SQL injection, 217–223

CLASP (Comprehensive Lightweight Application Security Process), 312–314

classifying threats, 35–36

client-side authorization, 120–121, 126

client-side code

3x3 model, 119

same-origin policy, 152–154

XSS, 184

clientaccesspolicy.xml file, 164

code access security (CAS), 111–112

Code Red worm, 311

Code Red II worm, 311

code review, 303–306

coding libraries, 301–303

comments in documentation, 265–268

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE), 41, 45

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), 44–48

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), 41

compartmentalization of applications, 110

compiled code, 259–260

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHAs), 85–86, 238

compliance standards for SQL injection, 220

Comprehensive Lightweight Application Security Process (CLASP), 312–314

concurrent sessions, 142

Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability (CIA) perspective

insecure direct object references, 248–249

overview, 39–40

SQL injection, 217–223

confirmation in authentication, 56

confused deputy attacks, 199

Content Security Policy (CSP), 196–197

conversion validation, 232


authentication tokens in, 204

CSRF, 199

double-submitted, 206–207

encrypted, 144

expiration date, 88

HttpOnly property, 194–195

persistence, 132

poisoning, 135

secure, 142–144

theft, 173–174

unencrypted, 126

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), 165–166

costs of software defect repair, 289–291

Coverity Static Analysis tool, 305

credentialed resources, 154


Basic access authentication, 62–63

hard-coded, 86, 259

phishing attacks, 187–188

validating, 69–70

Crockford, Douglas, 156

cross-domain policy file, 161–163

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), 165–166

cross-site request forgery (CSRF), 15

authorization, 129–130, 139–140

defense steps, 209–210

description, 197, 199

double-submitted cookies, 206–207


logged in status, 208

overview, 199–201

reauthentication, 208

referer headers, 202–204

safe methods concepts, 201–202

shared secrets, 205–206

summary, 210

URL rewriting, 204

XSS, 207

cross-site scripting (XSS), 13–14, 170–171

Android Market, 5

Anti-XSS library, 302

Content Security Policy, 196–197

CSRF, 207

defense steps, 198

encoding output, 188–191

HTML injection, 186–188

HttpOnly property, 194–195

local, 184–186

overview, 171–177

POST-based reflected, 180–182

reduced markup languages, 193–194

reflected, 177–180

sanitizing input, 191–193

sessions, 135

stored, 182–184

summary, 197

crossdomain.xml file, 162–164

CRUD permissions, 239

cryptography. See encryption and cryptography

CSP (Content Security Policy), 196–197

CSRF. See cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

CSRFGuard version, 206

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) properties, 119

custom authorization mechanisms, 11, 116–119, 125

custom encryption, 302

CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure), 41, 45

CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System), 44–48

CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration), 41


DAC (Discretionary Access Control), 101

damage potential, 42

Data Execution Prevention (DEP), 196

data flow diagram (DFD) format, 298

database servers in authorization, 112–115

databases, 214–215

insecure direct object references, 246–251

permissions, 238–242

plaintext passwords, 69–70

SQL injection. See Structured Query Language (SQL) injection

stored procedures, 242–246

DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks, 37

default accounts, 86

defense-in-depth approach

description, 31–32

XSS, 194–197

defense mentality, 9–11

definition phase in authorization, 97

DELETE method, 202

deltas, status code, 274–276

denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, 37–39, 233

DEP (Data Execution Prevention), 196

design threats, 301

detailed error messages in SQL injection, 223–230

development methods, 288

baking security in, 288–293

BSIMM, 315–316

CLASP, 312–314

code review, 303–306

coding libraries, 301–303

defense steps, 310

holistic approach, 293–294

penetrate-and-patch approach, 291–293

SAMM, 314–315

SDL, 311–312

security incident response planning, 309

security testing, 306–309

summary, 316

threat modeling, 296–301

training, 294–296

DFD (data flow diagram) format, 298

dictionary attacks, 72–74

Digest access authentication, 63–64

directory enumeration, 273–276

directory traversal, 278–279

canonicalization attacks, 282–284

etc/passwd file, 279–280

file inclusion attacks, 280–282

disabling accounts, 78, 86

discoverability, 43–44

Discretionary Access Control (DAC), 101

distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, 37

dnf666 attacks, 220

document.cookie property, 195

document.domain property, 159–160

documentation, threats from, 265–268

DOM (Document Object Model), 119

DOM-based XSS, 184–186

DoS (denial-of-service) attacks, 37–39, 233

dot-dot-slash attacks, 279

double-submitted cookies, 206–207

DREAD system, 42–44

duties, separating, 124

dynamic source code content, 256–258


Easter eggs, 184–185

eavesdropping, 36–37, 137

Elevation of Privilege card game, 299–300

elevation of privilege (EoP) vulnerabilities, 38–39

encode function, 190

encodeURI function, 190

encoding output, 188–191

encryption and cryptography

cautions, 206

client-side tokens, 126

cookies, 144

custom, 302

insecure storage, 16–17

passwords, 78

session IDs, 143–144

source code, 259

SSL, 137

enforcement in authorization, 97

Enterprise Security API (ESAPI), 191

EoP (elevation of privilege) vulnerabilities, 38–39

error messages for SQL injection, 223–230

ESAPI (Enterprise Security API), 191

ESCAPE clause, 235

escape function, 190

escapeHtml function, 190

escaping input, 189–190, 233–237

etc/passwd file, 279–280

eval function, 157

execute access permissions, 102

EXECUTE command, 245

expiration date of cookies, 88

exploitability, 42–43

extensions for files, 264


fabrication attacks, 39

Facebook Connect system, 66

failing in secure state, 123

features in attack surface reduction, 32–35

Fiddler tool, 307

file inclusion attacks, 280–282

files, 254

directory traversal, 278–284

extensions, 264

forceful browsing, 271–278

security through obscurity, 271

source code. See source code

filters, WAF, 231

FindBugs tool, 305

fingerprint scanners, 58–60

Firebug extension, 120

Firesheep tool, 126

firewalls, 4–6, 231

FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams), 45

fixation, session, 138–139


cross-domain policy file, 161–163

LSOs, 132

forceful browsing, 271–272

authorization, 127–128

defense steps, 277

directory enumeration, 273–276

insecure direct object references, 272–273

redirect workflow manipulation, 276–278

forgery. See cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

form field persistence, 132

Fortify Source Code Analyzer tool, 305

Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), 45

forwards, unvalidated, 19

401 Authorized Required message, 62, 275–276

403 Forbidden message, 275–276

404 Not Found message, 275–276

frame elements for same-origin policy, 158–161

frameworks in authorization, 111

front-end web server authorization, 104

FxCop tool, 303, 305


Gates, Bill, 311

GET requests

CSRF, 199, 201–202

XSS, 178

getElementById function, 173

glob function, 257

Gonzalez, Albert, 214–215

Google Accounts, 64–65

Google hacking, 219

Google Web Accelerator, 201–202

GPS systems, 33

GRANT command, 241

green-field projects, 313

Grossman, Jeremiah, 290

gummy bears, 59


hard-coded credentials, 86, 259

hardware layers in authorization, 106

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC), 145


Digest access authentication, 63–64

passwords, 16–17, 70, 73, 78–80

“have” factor in authentication, 57

HBGary Federal firm, 5

HEAD method, 201


HTTP, 129, 165

referer, 202–204

hijacking sessions, 139–140

HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code), 145

holistic approach to application security, 293–294

horizontal privilege escalations, 39

HP Fortify Source Code Analyzer tool, 305

HP Scrawlr tool, 220

HP WebInspect tool, 307

HTML comments, 265–266

html_escape function, 190

HTML injection, 186–188

HTML5 Local Storage, 132

HtmlEncode function, 190

Htmlspecialcharacters function, 190

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 14

built-in authentication, 61–64

header manipulation, 129

response codes, 227

HTTP DELETE method, 202

HTTP GET requests

CSRF, 199, 201–202

XSS, 178

HTTP HEAD method, 201

HTTP POST method, 178, 180–182, 202

HTTP PUT method, 202

HttpOnly flag, 142–143, 194–195

HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) protocol, 18, 136–138

hybrid systems, 101

Hydra tool, 74

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 14

built-in authentication, 61–64

header manipulation, 129

response codes, 227


IBM Rational AppScan tool, 305, 307

idempotent HTTP requests, 201

identification in authentication, 57–60

idle session timeouts, 141–142

iframes for same-origin policy, 158–161

IIMF (interception, interruption, modification, and fabrication) model, 38–39

IIS (Internet Information Services)

file leaks, 262

server vulnerabilities, 33

SQL injection, 219

impersonation, 113

incident response planning, 309

include-file leaks, 264

include functions in PHP, 281

information disclosure vulnerabilities, 37

INFORMATION_SCHEMA view, 224–225, 229

injection attacks, 13

HTML, 186–188

SQL. See Structured Query Language (SQL) injection

innerHTML property, 173


authorization, 128

escaping, 189–190, 233–237

sanitizing, 191–193

input validation, 24–25

blacklist, 25–27

practices, 30–31

SQL injection, 230–232

whitelist, 27–30

insecure cryptographic storage, 16–17

insecure direct object references, 15, 246

authorization checks, 249–251

confidentiality-integrity-availability, 248–249

defense steps, 251

forceful browsing, 272–273

overview, 246–248

summary, 251

insecure storage and transmissions in authentication, 63

integrity, 39–40

interception, interruption, modification, and fabrication (IIMF) model, 38–39

Internet Information Services (IIS)

file leaks, 262

server vulnerabilities, 33

SQL injection, 219

interpreted source code, 259–260

interruption attacks, 39

invalidated session IDs, 143–144

invalidating sessions, 122–123

IP addresses, 108–109

Isolated Storage, 133



Decompiler tool, 260–261

encoding functions, 190

random numbers, 138

JavaScript encoding functions, 190

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 156–157

Jetty component, 138

John the Ripper tool, 74

Johnny’s Google Hacking Database site, 219

JSLint tool, 305

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 156–157

JSONP (JSON with Padding), 158

just-in-time training, 296


Kamkar, Samy, 188

key space, 74

Kinect device, 59

Klocwork Insight tool, 305

“know” factor in authentication, 57


landing pages in CSRF, 203


backup files, 260–263

include files, 264

least privilege principle, 35, 123–124

length of passwords, 76–77

“Lettuce Issue”, 31

libraries, coding, 301–303

LIKE clauses, 235

Live ID service, 65–67

LizaMoon attacks, 220

Local Shared Objects (LSOs), 132

local XSS, 184–186

Lockheed Martin breach, 59

lockout, account, 84–86

logged in status in CSRF, 208

logging out sessions, 144–145

Long, Johnny, 219

LSOs (Local Shared Objects), 132


MAC (Mandatory Access Control), 101

MACs (message authentication codes), 18

MacWorld Expo web site, 269

MadLibs game analogy, 215–216

malware in SQL injection, 218–219

man-in-the-middle attacks, 64

Mandatory Access Control (MAC), 101

manual code review, 303

markup languages, reduced, 193–194

May, Brian, 141

MD5 hashing

CSRF, 207

Digest access authentication, 63–64

passwords, 79

message authentication codes (MACs), 18

Microsoft SDL Regex Fuzzer tool, 234

Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), 220

middleware layers in authorization, 106

misplaced priorities, 4–6

modification attacks, 39

modules, authorization, 111

Most Critical Web Application Security Risks. See Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten List

MSRC (Microsoft Security Response Center), 220

Mt Gox bitcoin exchange, 201

multitenant environments, 247

Mustafa, K., 313

mysql_real_escape_string method, 235


.NET encoding functions, 190

network firewalls, 4–6

network security vs. application security, 6–7

Never Trust the User principle, 24

nginx web server, 262

Nimda worm, 311


CSRF, 205

Digest access authentication, 63–64

nonrepudiation, 40–41


objects in 3x3 model, 117

offline password attacks, 72

one-click attacks, 199

1-Click feature, 34

open redirect vulnerabilities, 19

open-source software, 256

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

AntiSamy library, 302

CLASP, 312–314

LAPSE+ tool, 305

training material, 296

WebScarab tool, 307

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten List, 11–12

broken authentication and session management, 14–15

cross-site scripting, 13–14

CSRF attacks, 15

injection attacks, 13

insecure cryptographic storage, 16–17

insecure direct object references, 15

security misconfiguration, 16

transport layer protection, 18–19

unvalidated redirects and forwards, 19

URL access restrictions, 17–18

OpenSAMM site, 314

operating system layers in authorization, 106, 109–110

operations in 3x3 model, 117

Ophcrack tool, 73

output encoding, 188–191

OWASP. See Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

owning servers, 222


packet sniffers, 126, 136, 139

Pandey, S. K., 313

parable of the wizard and the magic fruit trees, 6–9, 320

parameter tampering in authorization, 125, 128

parameterized queries in SQL injection, 236–237

Paros Proxy tool, 307

pass-through, 113

passive scanners, 307

Password Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF), 80


attacks, 70–74

authorization, 137

Basic access authentication, 61–63

best practices, 76–80

complexity, 74–75, 77

cryptographic storage, 16–17

in databases, 69–70

encryption, 78

hashes, 16–17, 70, 73, 78–80

length, 76–77

reset systems, 76

rotation, 75, 77

salts, 17, 79–80

SQL injection, 221

storing, 78

uniqueness, 77–78

web applications, 67–68

XSS, 187–188

path traversal attacks, 278–279

canonicalization attacks, 282–284

etc/passwd file, 279–280

file inclusion attacks, 280–282

payloads in malware, 218

PBKDF (Password Based Key Derivation Function), 80

penetrate-and-patch development approach, 291–293

penetration tests, 291–293

permissions, 238

accounts and roles, 240–241

defense steps, 242

Elevation of Privilege card game, 299–300

principle of least privilege, 35

single account security, 238–240

stored procedures, 243–244

types, 102–103

persistence, 131–132

Pescatore, John, 311

phishing attacks, 187–188


dynamic content, 257–258

encoding functions, 190

include and require functions, 281

PHP-Sat tool, 305

PHP Security Scanner tool, 305


security tokens, 57

two-factor authentication, 60

Pixy tool, 305

placeholder characters in SQL injection, 236–237

plaintext passwords, 69–70, 78

policies for authorization, 99–100, 124

POST requests, 178, 180–182, 202

pre-request and post-request authorization checks for insecure direct object references, 249–251

precomputed dictionary attacks, 73

predictability in sessions, 138

prepared statements. See stored procedures

principle of least privilege, 35, 123–124


misplaced, 4–6

threats, 35–36

PUT method, 202

pwning servers, 222


Qriocity attacks, 5

query parameter persistence, 132


rainbow tables, 17

RainbowCrack tool, 73

random values

java, 138

passwords, 17, 79–80

Rational AppScan tool, 305, 307

ratproxy tool, 307

rawurlencode function, 190

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), 101

read access permissions, 102

reauthentication in CSRF, 208


unvalidated, 19

workflow, 276–278

ReDoS (regular expression denial of service) attacks, 233

reduced markup languages, 193–194

referer headers in CSRF, 202–204

reflected XSS, 177–182

regenerating session IDs, 145–146

regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) attacks, 233

regular expressions (regexes), 29–30, 232–233

Rehman, S., 313

reliability, 42

Remember Me option, 86–88

repeated exposure in authentication, 63

Representational State Transfer (REST) method, 99

reproducibility, 42

repudiation vulnerabilities, 37

require functions in PHP, 281

reset systems for passwords, 76

resources in authorization, 98–99

response codes in HTTP, 227

REST (Representational State Transfer) method, 99


biometric devices, 60

security tokens, 58

REVOKE command, 241

rewriting URL, 204

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), 161, 268–269

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), 101


authorization, 99–101

permissions, 240–241

rooting servers, 222

rotation of passwords, 75, 77

rounds of hashing, 79

RSA vendor, 59

rubber-hose attacks, 74

Ruby on Rails encoding functions, 190


SaaS (software-as-a-service) applications, 40, 247

safe requests in CSRF, 201

salts for passwords, 17, 79–80

same-origin policy, 150

client-side vs. server-side, 152–154

CORS, 165–166

cross-domain policy file, 161–163

defining, 150–152

HTML <script> element, 155–156

iframes and document.domain property, 158–161

importance, 154–155

JSON, 156–158

Silverlight plugin, 164

summary, 166

XDomainRequest, 166

XMLHttpRequest, 164–166

SAMM (Software Assurance Maturity Model), 314–315

Samy worm, 188

sandbox environments, 112

sanitizing input in XSS, 191–193

scanners, 307–309

Scrawlr tool, 220

script kiddie attacks, 42–43


Content Security Policy, 196–197

same-origin policy, 155–156

XSS. See cross-site scripting (XSS)

SDL (Security Development Lifecycle), 293–294, 297–299, 311–312

SDL Regex Fuzzer tool, 233–234

SDL Threat Modeling Tool, 297–300

search engines in XSS, 171

secure cookies, 142–144

secure features vs. security features, 20–21

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 16

CSRF, 207

passwords, 79

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, 18, 62

authentication, 63

authorization, 136–138

Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), 293–294, 297–299, 311–312

security executive surveys, 4–5

security incident response planning, 309

security misconfiguration, 16

security testing, 291–293, 306–309

security through obscurity, 271

security tokens, 57–58

self-service password reset systems, 76

sensitive functionality, 268–270

separating duties, 124

server code for applications, 111

server-side authorization, 126

server-side code in same-origin policy, 152–154

server-side persistent storage, 133

servlet restrictions, 110–111

sessions and session IDs, 14

attacks, 135–136

authentication, 81–82

authorization, 93–94

best practices, 141–146

concurrency, 142

CSRF, 139–140

description, 130–131

encrypted cookies, 144

fixation, 138–139

hijacking, 139–140

HttpOnly flag, 142–143

invalidating, 122–123

logging out, 144–145

managing, 14–15, 133–134

predictability, 138

regenerating, 145–146

riding, 199

secure cookies, 142

sidejacking, 139

states, 131–134, 140

timeouts, 141–142

Set-Cookie directive, 143, 195

setInterval function, 157

setTimeout function, 157

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 16

CSRF, 207

passwords, 79

shared secrets in CSRF, 205–206

shopping cart persistence, 131–132

sidejacking sessions, 139

Silverlight plugin, 133, 164

single account security, 238–240

single sign-on (SSO) solutions, 64–66

Social Web, 183

soft token versions, 58

software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, 40, 247

Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM), 314–315

software defect repair costs, 289–291

Sony Music web sites, 5

Sony PlayStation Network, 5

source code, 254–255

backup file leaks, 260–263

defense steps, 270

include-file leaks, 264

interpreted vs. compiled code, 259–260

revealing, 258–259

sensitive functionality, 268–270

static content and dynamic content, 256–258

static files, 265–268

sp_configure stored procedure, 222

spear phishing, 179

spoofing vulnerabilities, 36, 39

SQL. See Structured Query Language (SQL) injection

src attribute, 155–156, 175

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, 18, 82

authentication, 63

authorization, 136–138

SSO (single sign-on) solutions, 64–66

stateless protocols, 130–131

states, session, 131–134, 140

static analysis code review tools, 304–306

static content in source code, 256–258

static files in source code, 265–268

static resources in authorization, 125

status code deltas, 274–276

Stay Signed In option, 86–88


cookies, 173–174

sessions, 135–136

Stephenson, Neal, 20


Basic access authentication, 63

insecure, 16–17

passwords, 78

persistence, 133

stored procedures, 242–243

authorization, 113, 115–116

defense steps, 246

limitations, 244

permissions, 243–244

SQL injection, 244–245

stored XSS, 182–184

STRIDE threat classification system, 36–39, 298

strong authorization policies, 124

Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, 13, 215

Asprox worm, 30–31

coding libraries, 303

Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability perspective, 217–223

defense steps, 237

detailed errors, 223–230

escaping input, 233–237

overview, 215–217

regular expressions, 232–233

Sony Music web sites, 5

stored procedures, 244–245

validating input, 230–232


3x3 model, 117

authorization, 96, 98

System.Data.DataSet object, 35



parameter, 125, 128

session, 135, 140

vulnerabilities, 36–37

testing security, 291–293, 306–309


cookies, 173–174

sessions, 135–136

“think like an attacker”, 10


classifying and prioritizing, 35–39, 298

modeling, 296–301

3x3 authorization model, 116–119

three-factor authentication, 60

time of check to time of use (TOCTTOU), 121-123

timeouts, session, 141–142

TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, 18

TOCTTOU (time of check to time of use), 121–123

tokens, 57–58

client-side authorization, 126

in cookies, 204

training, 294–296

transmissions in authentication, 84

transport layer protection, 18–19

Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, 18

traversal, directory, 278–279

canonicalization attacks, 282–284

etc/passwd file, 279–280

file inclusion attacks, 280–282


authorization, 127

in input validation, 24–25, 30

trusted subsystems, 114

“Trustworthy Computing Memo”, 311

two-factor authentication, 60

Type-1 XSS, 177–180

Type-2 XSS, 182–184

type conversion validation, 232


UNION SELECT clause, 224, 228

unique accounts, 124

unvalidated redirects and forwards, 19

UrlEncode function, 190


access restrictions, 17–18

authorization, 109, 137–138

CSRF, 204

encoding functions, 190–191

persistent query parameters, 132

user layers in authorization, 105


Basic access authentication, 62–63

as passwords, 78

SQL injection, 221

web applications, 67–68

users in 3x3 model, 117


validate-early vs. validate-late debate, 31


credentials, 69–70

input. See input validation

vectors, malware, 218

vertical privilege escalations, 39

vulnerability disclosure rates per vendor report, 9


WAF (web application firewall), 231

WASC (Web Application Security Consortium), 296


authentication, 67–69

authorization, 104, 108–110

Web 2.0, 183

web application firewall (WAF), 231

Web Application Security Consortium (WASC), 296

Web Slayer tool, 74

Web Storage model, 132

WebInspect tool, 307

what axis in 3x3 model, 117

when axis in 3x3 model, 118–119

white-box scanners, 308–309

WhiteHat Security studies, 170, 290, 292


IP addresses, 108–109

regular expressions, 232

validation, 27–30

wiki markup language, 194

Wikipedia, 194

wildcards in CORS, 165

withCredentials property, 165

wizard and the magic fruit trees parable, 6–9, 320

worms, 30–31, 170, 311

write access permissions, 102


XDomainRequest object, 166

XMLHttpRequest object, 164–166, 204

xp_cmdshell stored procedure, 222–223, 228, 239

XSRF. See cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

XSS. See cross-site scripting (XSS)


zero-day vulnerability, 219

zombie machines, 13

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