
ABC See Architecture Business Cycle

ABM SeeAtomic Broadcast Manager

“Abstract common services” tactic, 106, 135, 138, 148–149, 442

Abstraction, 21, 37, 43, 210, 477, 478

mastering at CelsiusTech, 375–376

and packaging, 142

and SS2000, 396

Abstract syntax tree, for information extraction, 235, 236

Access control, 117, 118

Accessibility, and the Web, 331

Access layer, for libWWW, 336

Access (Microsoft), 468, 470

Access procedures, 54, 64

access_read relationship, 235

access_write relationship, 235

Account bean, 414, 415, 416, 419

Acronyms, 218, 485

Activation, of stateful bean, 410

Activation list, in Active Object design pattern, 124

Active design review, 268

Active Object design pattern, 124

“Active redundancy” tactic, 103, 141

ActiveX, 343

Activity control problems, 162

actually_calls relation, 240

Ada, 132, 139, 144, 371, 380, 387, 462

Ada package specification, and signature specification, 212

Ada programs, 142, 147, 378, 390

Adaptation data, 147–148

Adapters, 109

ADD See Attribute-Driven Design

Address spaces, 139, 140

“Adherence to defined protocols” tactic, 111

and client-server view, 142

and code templates, 149

and integrability, 175

Ad hoc tools, for information extraction, 236

Advanced Automation System (AAS), 129, 131

Aerodynamics, and flight simulator, 181, 182

Aggregate, 122

Aggregation, in UML, 219–221

Aircraft structure, unclear mapping between software structure and, 181

Aircraft systems, and airframe, 193, 195

Air traffic control case study, 129–151

architectural solution in, 135–149

requirements and qualities in, 132–135

Air traffic controllers, 132, 133, 134

Air traffic control system, 132, 150

ABC applied to, 132

availability requirements for architecture of, 155

Air vehicle model, 182, 183

application modules, 187–192

executive modules, 185–187

n-square chart for, 194, 195

AIX (IBM), operating system, 144

Ada tasks mapped onto processes, 142

and SS2000, 373

Algorithms, voting, 102

“Allocated-to” relation, 38

Allocation structures, 36, 38–39

Allocation views, 41, 206

options in, 208–209

in UML, 227–229

Allowed-to-use structure, 60, 61, 62, 63, 348–349

Analysis results, in architecture background, 209

Analyze architectural approaches

in ATAM evaluation phases, 282–284, 285

in Nightingale system evaluation phases, 297–299, 302

“And” states, 210

Annotations, interfaces as, 224

Anomaly detection, 118

“Anonymity of processor assignment,” and SS2000, 390

“Anticipate expected changes” tactic, 107, 138, 148, 442

AOLbyPhone, 454

AOL/Netscape, 347

Apache project, 346, 347

Aperiodic operations, 187, 191

Aperiodic processing, and flight simulator, 183

AppleScript, CGI scripts in, 339, 340

Application constituent, of Structural Model architectural pattern, 185

Application Data Type Module, 57, 62

Application module layer, for libWWW, 336

Application programming interfaces (APIs), 457

and libWWW, 336

and Luther architecture, 441

Application proxies, 343, 344

Applications, 138, 139, 147

and Ada packages, 142

as clients and servers, 141

and Luther architecture, 432, 433–434, 440–442

Application servers, for modifiability, performance, and scalability, 345

Application-specific business logic, and Luther architecture, 441

Architects, 69, 108, 233, 245, 285

and ABC for the Web, 347

and architectural approaches, 285

and architectural documentation, 202–203

architecture and background/experience of, 8

and architecture reconstruction, 232

and ATAM, 272, 277

and conceptual integrity, 96

design decisions by, 261

and EJB system design, 423

and evaluations, 267

and impact of components, 482

model problems used by, 463

and Nightingale system, 289

product line, 360

and recovery of “lost” architecture, 247

and relationship of tactics to architectural patterns, 123–124, 126

and scheduling policies, 115

and stakeholders, 7

tactics used by, 99, 100

and testing cost reduction, 118

and usability, 122

and viable product lines, 398

views produced by, 145

Architectural abstractions, as hypotheses, 245

Architectural approaches

and ATAM, 279, 282–284, 285

example of analysis, 283

and Nightingale system, 293–294, 297–299, 302

Architectural changes, 31

Architectural decisions, 231

architecture reconstruction and redetermination of, 246

benefits of, 307

costs with, 309

quality requirements mapped to, 274

Architectural design, 23, 355

Architectural drivers, 154, 157, 166, 277

choosing in ADD, 158

determining, 155

Architectural evaluations, ATAM and limited time for, 288

Architectural integrity, 96

Architectural metrics, 265

Architectural mismatch, 33, 43, 456–462, 476

Architectural patterns, 24–25, 26, 33, 42, 62, 99, 100, 126, 127, 232, 462

choosing, 157, 158, 159

and off-the-shelf components, 456

and query languages, 237

and reconstruction, 242

and styles, 124–125

tactics related to, 123–124

use of, 279

Architectural quality, and system quality, 92

Architectural reconstruction, using results of, 232

Architectural representation, 42

Architectural solution for the Web, 334–340

common gateway interface, 339–340

early client-server architecture using libWWW, 337–339

and libWWW, 334–337

Architectural solution, in air traffic control case study, 135–149

adaptation data, 147–148

client-server view, 141–142

code templates, 148–149

code view, 142

fault tolerance view, 144–147

ISSS physical view, 135–138

layered view, 142–144

module decomposition view, 138

process view, 138–141

relating views to each other in, 147

Architectural solution in flight simulation case study, 182–196

decomposing groups into systems, 195–196

functionality allocated to controller children, 192–193

group decomposition, 193–195

modules of air vehicle model, 185–192

skeletal system, 192

Structural Modeling architectural pattern, 185

time treatment in flight simulator, 183–184

Architectural solutions

achievement of application needs and, 150

for J2EE and EJB, 406–419

and Luther architecture, 434–451

Architectural strategies, 99, 100

and benefit and normalization determination, 313

and CBAM, 309, 316

ROI value for, 313

and scenarios addressed in NASA ECS Project, 320–323

side effects, 312–313

Architectural structures

for A-7E avionics system, 47, 48

choosing, 41–42

and organizational structure, 168, 169

relationships between, 40–41

Architectural style, 25, 349

Architectural tradeoffs, and ATAM, 307

Architectural views, 43, 66

and architecture presentation, 278

and ATAM, 308

in Dali, 242

Architecture, 3, 25, 31, 43–45, 67, 71, 217, 218, 478 See also Software architecture

analyzing/evaluating, 14

and architects’ background/experience, 8

for A-7E avionics system, 54–65

behavior of elements in, 22

communicating about, 13–14

components, connectors, and, 24

components and impact on, 455–456

constraints on implementation, 29

creating/selecting, 13, 69–70

designing, 155–166, 171, 479–481

developing organization and, 8

ensuring conformance to, 14

evaluations of, 23, 265

feedback loops and, 9–12

functionality and, 72

future of, 477–484

goals/requirements for, 266

“good,” 14–16

hierarchy of test interfaces in, 120

as high-level design, 23

implementing based on, 14

influences on, 9, 10

layered, 62

in life cycle, 153–155, 481–482

Mk2, 376

moving from, to code, 482

.NET, 402

Nightingale system and presentation of, 292–293

organizational structure dictated by, 29–30

as overall structure of system, 23

pivotal role of, 19

process-centered definitions of, 24

for product lines, 360–363

purposes of, 205

qualities in, 96–97

and quality attributes, 73–74, 453

rationale for, 218

relationship between organization and, 167

representations, 35

and re-use, 351, 353

and software product lines, 363

sources of, 6–12

stakeholders and communication needs served by, 27–29, 204

stakeholders and influence on, 6–8

technical environment and influence on, 9

Architecture activities, 12–14

Architecture analysis, 261–269

costs and benefits, 263–265

planned or unplanned, 266

preconditions, 266–267

results, 268

techniques, 265–266

when, 262

why, 261–262

Architecture background, in documenting a view, 209

Architecture Business Cycle, 6, 11, 12, 69, 71, 261, 271

and air traffic control system, 132

and Celsius Tech, 370–371, 383, 399

backward flow of, 452

current state of, 346–347

flight simulators and relationship to, 176–177

and future of software architecture, 479

relationship of, to A-7E avionics system, 48–49

relationship of, to Inmedius and Luther architectures, 429–432

software processes and, 12–14

and story of Vasa, 4–5

and Sun and J2EE/EJB, 402, 403

and Web-based architectures, 340–342

and the Web, 327, 328–329

Architecture documentation

in ATAM-based evaluation, 274

importance of, 22

and Nightingale system, 290

stakeholders and helpfulness of, 206

and structures, 41

uses of, 203–203

Architecture presentation, example, 278

Architecture reconstruction, 22, 231, 232

activities, 233, 234

complexity with, 258

motives for, 481, 482

and redetermination of architectural decisions, 246

Architecture stakeholders, and ATAM, 272

Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method, 14, 31, 203, 262, 265, 268, 271–305, 307, 465, 466

and evaluation team roles, 273–274

historical roots of, 305

initial draft on training course on, 304

in Nightingale system, 288–303

outputs with, 274–275

participants with, 272

reviews based on, 263

stakeholders and evaluations with, 267

steps and outputs, correlated, 287

Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method evaluation phases steps, 276–285

analyze the architectural approaches (step 6), 282–284

analyze the architectural approaches (step 8), 285

brainstorm and prioritize scenarios (step 7), 284–285

generate quality attribute utility tree (step 5), 279–282

identify architectural approaches (step 4), 279

present architecture (step 3), 277–279

present results (step 9), 285

present the ATAM (step 1), 277

present the business drivers (step 2), 277

Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method phases, 275–288

evaluation (phase 1), 276, 277–284

evaluation (phase 2), 276, 284–287

follow-up (phase 3), 276

partnership and preparation (phase 0), 275

Arch/Slinky pattern, 123, 127

Arcs, decomposition in UML with, 221

ArithmeticOp class, 239

ARM, 258


of modifiability general scenarios, 82

of performance general scenarios, 84

of security general scenarios, 87

of testability general scenarios, 89

of usability general scenarios, 91

Artifact stimulated, in quality attribute scenarios, 75

“As-built” architecture, 231, 232, 481

“As-designed” architecture, 232, 252, 481

ASEILM example See Automated SEI Licensee Management system

A-7C aircraft, 49

A-7E architecture, 54–65

allowed-to-use specification, 61

modifiability and performance requirements for, 154

Physical Models Module of, 168

A-7E avionics system case study, 47–68

A-7E project description, 52–53

architectural structures, 47, 48

process structure, 63–65

relationship to ABC, 48–49

requirements and qualities, 49–52

uses structure, 61–63

A-7E Corsair II, 49, 51

A-7E module decomposition structure, 56–59, 73

quality goals achieved by, 56

A-7E module decomposition view, textual primary presentation in, 208

A-7E software, 49, 59

coarse-grained data-flow view for, 67

design of, 461

primary sensors read/managed by, 50

As-implemented architectures, as-designed architectures related to, 252

Aspect-oriented programming, 120

Aspect-oriented software development, 481

Assemblies of compatible components, 453

Assembling elements, 33

Assembly language, 477

Asset base, and CelsiusTech product line, 396

Asset re-use, 8

Assign utility step, 316, 319

Association classes, connector types as, 226

Association role, UML, 225


connector types as, 225

and nodes, 228

Assurance, 86, 116

AST See Abstract syntax tree

Asymmetric encryption, 117

AT&T, architectural evaluations at, 263, 269

ATAM See Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method

ATC See Air traffic control

Atomic Broadcast Manager, 144

Attachment relation, 38

AttachOp class, 239

Attacker identification, 118

Attacks, 85, 86, 87

detecting, 118

recovering from, 118

resisting, 116–117

Attribute-Driven Design method, 155–166, 171, 203

Attribute requirements, and product line architecture, 362

Auditing, 86

Audit trails, 87, 118

Authentication, 116, 339

Authorization, 117

Authorship, in documenting a view, 209

Automated SEI Licensee Management system, 466, 467

example, 466–476

Automatic build checking, 211

Automatic detection, 434

Automatic repair strategies, 79

Automotive industry, and architecture reconstruction, 232

Availability, 7, 69, 79, 86

and air traffic control system, 132–133

and component repair, 457

databases for, 345

and e-commerce, 341

load balancing for, 344

and Nightingale system, 292

of resources, 112

Simplex architecture for, 127

and SS2000 product line, 388

and system quality attributes, 74

and tactics, 100

and Web-based applications, 404

Availability scenarios, 76, 77, 80, 81

Availability tactics, 101–105, 125

fault detection, 102

fault prevention, 104–105

fault recovery, 102–104

and process view, 141

Avionics, 168, 193, 478

awk, 232, 239

Back-office systems, front-line workers integrated with, 427, 432, 452

Backup Communications Network, 137, 138

Balanced specificity, with J2EE and EJB, 406

Base System, 382

Base System 2000, 392

Basic SS2000 Configuration Project, at CelsiusTech, 385, 387

BCN See Backup Communications Network

Bean-managed persistence entity beans, 410

Beans, 443

Behavior, 7, 230

documenting, 209–211

of elements, 22

Behavior-hiding module, in A-7E module decomposition structure, 56

Benefit, of architectural strategy, 313

Best-case quality attribute level, in utility-response curve, 311–312

Best-case response, for NASA ECS Project scenario, 317

Billing, 345

Binding time, 124, 209

Biometric identifications, 116

“Bird’s-eye” program overview capability, 258

Blackboard architectural pattern, 57

“Black box” elements, 3

Blocked time, 112–113

Boolean algebra, 213

“Borgs,” 428

Bottlenecks, 40, 171

Bottom-up adoption, of product line, 364

Bottom-up approach, for architecture reconstruction, 258

Bound execution times tactic, 114

Bound queue sizes tactic, 114

Box-and-line diagrams, 230

Box-and-line sketches, 24

Brainstorm and prioritize scenarios, 284–285, 300–302

Branching, and work-flow component, 445

Branching statements, 477

“Brick-and-mortar” bookstores, 348

Bridge pattern, 109

Bridges, 458–459

and Logical Communications Network, 137

Broadly scoped product lines, 358

Broker bean, 414, 415, 417, 418

Broker EJB, 413

Broker pattern, 110

Broker remote interface, 414

Browser-based clients

intended use for, 439

and Luther architecture, 437, 439

Browsers, 329, 342

BSpline element, 255

B-2 Weapons System Trainer, 177

Budgets, 170, 354, 355

Buffers, 112

Buhr-style use case maps, 248

Buildability, 97, 480

of EJB-based systems, 416

Build files, 234, 236

Build first, buy-later strategy, 433

Built-in monitors, and internal monitoring, 120

Business case, 12–13

Business component tier, in J2EE multi-tier model, 408

Business constraints, and Nightingale system, 291

Business context, for CelsiusTech, 378–380

Business delegate pattern, 441, 452

Business drivers

ATAM and presentation of, 277

Nightingale system and presentation of, 291–292

and risk themes, 302

and SS2000 product line, 377

Business goals

and ATAM, 271, 274, 308

identifying, 155

and quality requirements, 99

and risk themes, 275

Business influences, and software architecture, 5, 6

Business logic, and component packaging, 443

Business qualities, 74, 95–96

Business requirements, 154

and Nightingale system, 291

and Web architecture, 340

Business rules, 345

Business-to-business Web sites, 340

Business-to-consumer Web sites, 340

Business units, and product development, 366

Buttons, 435

C, 144, 339

C&C See Component-and-connector views

C++, 239, 339

Caching, 114, 336, 343, 345

Calculate total benefit from architectural strategy, 316, 322

Callback methods, 413

Call graph, 235

Call-out functions, 336

calls relationship, between functions, 60, 235, 240

Cancel, 122

Candidate view lists, producing, 206–207

Capability, and CelsiusTech product line, 396

Capability partitioning, and Luther architecture, 442

Captured rationales, and architectural evaluations, 264

Case studies

air traffic control and designing for high availability, 129–151

A-7E avionics system, 47–68

CelsiusTech AB, 369–399

flight simulation, 175–199

Luther architecture, 427–452

NASA ECS Project, 317–324

Nightingale System, 288–303

the World Wide Web, 327–349

CBAM See Cost Benefit Analysis Method

CDL See Chart description language

CelsiusTech, 351, 355, 431, 432

corporate evolution of, 370, 371, 377

CelsiusTech AB case study, 369–399

architectural solution, 390–398

business context analysis, 378–380

economics of product lines results, 373–374

mastering abstraction, 375–376

motivations at CelsiusTech, 376–377

organizational structure at CelsiusTech, 380–387

product schedules, 373

relationship to ABC, 370–374

requirements and qualities, 387–388

CERN See European Laboratory for Particle Physics

cfx program, 258

CGI See Common gateway interface

Champions, and product line adoption, 364


architecture and management of, 31

cost of, 80

timing of, 81

Change histories, in documenting a view, 209

Chart description language, 470

ChartWorks (Visual Mining), 468, 469, 470, 472

C header (.h) files, and signature specification, 212

Checklists, 265

Checkpointing, and database models, 237

“Checkpoint” tactic, 104

Checksums, 117

Child modules, 157, 161, 163–164

Choose architectural strategies based on ROI, 316, 323–324

Choose deadline-driven scheduling policy, 159

“Chunking” design work, 156

Circle Module, 222

Class box, in UML, 219

Class containment, code segments for, 254

class_contains-method relation, static and dynamic information about, 240


connector types as, 226

interfaces as, 225

structure of, 38

in UCMEdit model, 250

UML, 223

Classifiers, in UML, 219, 220

Class symbol, in UML, 219

Clients, 334

applications as, 141

and EJB, 414

testing by, 89

Client-server pattern, 25

Client-server structure, 38, 40

Client-server system, 170

Client-server view, 141–142, 147, 207

Client tier, in J2EE multi-tier model, 407

Clustering services, 422

Coarse-grained EJBs, and J2EE, 450

Cockpit display devices, in A-7E aircraft, 50

Code, 234

moving from architecture to, 482

repair, 458

re-use, 32, 374

servlet, 408

structure, 47

Code coverage analysis tools, 236

Code instrumentation, 236

Code patterns, 125

Coders, and architecture, 27

Code segments, 242, 244

for class/file containment, 254

developing, 246

and UCMEdit, 252, 255

Code templates, 135, 141, 148–149, 150

Code view, 42, 142, 147

Cognitive psychologists, and Luther architecture user interface, 436, 437

Cohesion, and teams, 168

Cohesion metrics, 106

Cold restarts, 145, 146

Collaboration diagrams, in UML, 227

Collate scenarios step, 316, 317

COM, 236

COM+, 425

Command, control, and communication (C3) systems, 370, 394

Command-and-control systems, CelsiusTech as supplier of, 370

Commercial components, growth in capability/availability of, 482

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, 33, 95, 398 See also Off-the-shelf components

and Nightingale system, 289, 290, 292, 298, 303

Commercial world, success and failure in, 65–66

Common gateway interface, 338, 339–340

Common object manager, 391

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 236, 292, 345, 401–402, 403, 425, 458

and EJB architecture interoperation with, 405

Common services, abstracting, 106, 107

Common System Services, in ISSS, 138


and architecture, 13–14

restricting paths of, 109

skills, 9

Communication virtual machine module, in example, 165, 166

Compiler generators, 12

Compile-time artifacts, 236

Compile-time switches, 81

Completeness, 96

Complexity, of flight simulators, 180, 181

Component-and-connector structure, 36, 38, 40, 41

Component-and-connector views, 66, 139, 162, 206, 207, 212

and architecture presentation, 278

options in, 208

in UML, 222–227

Component-based systems, 342

and architectural mismatch, 456–457

design of, 462

Component design

at Inmedius, 442

and J2EE, 450

Component developers, and Luther architecture, 444

Component Development Group, at Inmedius, 431

“Component glue,” 457

Component/interface repair, 457

Component projects, and SS2000, 383

Component qualification, 460

Component replacement, 111

“Component replacement” tactic, and client-server view, 142

Components, 24, 224, 436, 441

and allocation views in UML, 228

core, 442

and design process, 453

elements related to, 255, 256

future impact of, 482–483

impact of on architecture, 455–456

life-cycle services, 401

for Luther architecture, 442–444

and object containment, 227

types, in patterns and styles, 125

in UML, 223–224

Composing elements, 33

Composition of systems, and SS2000, 387

Composition relation, in UML, 221

Computation, dependency on, 112–113

Computational efficiency, increasing, 113

Computational overhead, reducing, 113

Compute method, 239

Computer Software Components, 37

Computer Software Configuration Items, 37

in ISSS, 138, 147

.com Web sites, growth of, 332

Conceptual integrity, 13, 16, 44, 74, 96

Conceptual view, 42

Concrete scenarios, 75, 78

Concurrency, 25, 210

enhancing, 124

introducing, 114

Java servlet ensemble and management of, 475

structure, 38

view, 147, 161–162, 164

and work-flow model, 446

Confidence, increasing, 91

Confidentiality, 86, 116, 117

Configuration control data, in documenting a view, 209

Configuration control system, 167

“Configuration files” tactic, 111, 147

Configuration management, and software product lines, 363

Configuration management systems, software architecture within, 481–482

Configuration parameters, 213

configure operation, 187, 189, 190, 191

Configure state, in flight simulator, 179

Confirm results with intuition step, for CBAM, 316

Connector instances, 225, 226

Connectors, 24, 36, 225–226

Connector types, 225, 226

constituent_event operation, 187

Constraints, 9, 165

Construction problems, and electronic flight simulators, 176

Contained objects, systems as, 227

Container-managed persistence, 410, 415, 422


EJB, 408, 410, 413

J2EE-compliant, 443–444

Container services, 413

contains class, 235

Contention for resources, 112

Content on the Web, labeling of, 333

Content providers, and ABC for the Web, 346, 347


of availability scenarios, 80

diagrams, 208, 278

of modifiability general scenarios, 82

of performance general scenarios, 85

of quality attribute scenarios, 75

of security general scenarios, 87

of testability general scenarios, 89

of usability general scenarios, 92

Control, sequence of, 108

Control frequency of sampling tactic, 113

Controller children, 192–193, 198

Controller children module, and air vehicle structural model, 187, 190–192

Control mechanisms, 41

Control Process (CP), 20, 21

Controls (or widgets), 97

Conversational with respect to calling process, 409, 410

COOB See Common object manager

Cooperating sequential processes, 52

Coordinating processes structure, 38

CORBA See Common Object Request Broker Architecture

Core asset base, 354, 357

Core assets, and CelsiusTech, 374

Core layer, for libWWW, 335, 336

Correctness, 96

Cost and benefit, as business quality goal, 95

Cost Benefit Analysis Method, 14, 265, 268, 304, 308–325, 479

basis for, 309–313

decision-making context for, 308–309

implementing, 314

and NASA ECS Project, 317–324

process flow diagram for, 315

and product line evaluations, 363

results of exercise with, 324

Cost-effectiveness, with evaluations, 267

Cost efficiency, and Web-enabled enterprise systems, 423

Cost estimates, and software architecture, 32

Cost modeling, 325

and buildability, 97

importance of, 314


with architectural decisions, 309

and architectural evaluations, 263, 265

of change and modifiability, 80

development, 95

and flight simulators, 181, 196

of testing, 118

COTS products See Commercial off-the-shelf products

Coupling, 106

metrics, 127

of scenarios and tactics, 480

Crew simulator training, 179

“Cross-cutting” requirements, 481

Cross-side scripting, 474

Cross-view documentation, 215, 216

Cross-view rationale, 218

Cryptography, 349

CSCI See Computer Software Configuration Item

CSCs See Computer Software Components

C-17 Aircrew Training System, 177

C Shell, CGI scripts written in, 340

Currencies, and Nightingale system, 291

Current-case response, for NASA ECS Project scenario, 317

Current utility level, for scenario, 312

Custom clients, in J2EE, 439

Custom component, and Miva Script applications, 467

Customer projects, and SS2000, 383

Customer relations management, 345

Customer requirements, 11


and ABC for the Web, 347

and architecture, 27

and evaluations, 267

Custom user interfaces, advantages with custom Web-based clients over, 440

Custom Web-based clients, and Luther architecture, 437, 439–440

Cutovers, 146

C/X-band antenna, on Göteborg class, 371

“Cyberporn” industry, 333

Cyclic executive schedule, 115

Dali, 233, 238, 242, 247, 258

code segments created in, 248

and visualization and interaction, 241

workbench, 238

Dashed-arrow dependencies, and allocation views in UML, 228

Data, 109

semantics and sequence of, 108

syntax of, 107

Data access, designer’s decisions, J2EE, and implementation of, 450

Data Access Working Group, of ECS Project, 317, 321

Data analysis, and the Web, 331

Data Banker Module, 57–58

Database construction

and database tables, 239

guidelines for, 239

and reconstruction, 233, 237–239, 248–249

Database management, 478

Database management systems, 453

Database models, choosing, 237

Databases, for performance, scalability, and availability, 345

Data confidentiality, maintaining, 117

Data controllers, 133–134

Data exchange problems, 162

Data extraction tools, 233

Data-flow analysis, 477

Data-flow view, 66

Data integrity problems, 162

Data loss, 85

Data-producing conventions, and COOB, 391

Data publishing, and the Web, 331

Data sources, separation and abstraction of, 435

Data tags, and ISSS physical view, 136

Data type definitions, in interface documentation, 213

Data types, and avionics applications, 57

DAWG See Data Access Working Group

Deadline monotonic, and fixed-priority scheduling, 115

Deadlines in processing, 84

Deadlock, 40, 209

avoidance of, 64

Dead man timer, 102

DBMS See Database management systems

Debugging, and cost with flight simulator, 181

Decision Support and Report Generation Manager, 292, 298

Declarative transaction management, 450, 451

Decomposition structure, 36–37, 40

for A-7E avionics system, 54–59

Decomposition view, 147, 206–207

Defect elimination, and re-use, 356

“Defer binding time” tactic, 110–111, 159, 417

Define the starting evaluation criteria (step 2), in model problem process, 469

Demand process, 63

Demilitarized zone, 117

Denial-of-service attacks, 86, 87

Dependency, UML notation for, 222

Dependency types, 107–108

Deployment, and quality attributes, 73

Deployment descriptors

for Account entity bean, 419

for Broker bean, 417, 418

and EJBs, 417

and support for Sun’s J2EE quality attribute requirements, 418

Deployment structure, 38–39

Deployment time, 110

Deployment type diagram, 228

Deployment view, 41, 164, 205

with ADD, 163

and architecture presentation, 278

of Luther applications, 436

in UML, 229

UI as a C&C view mapped onto, 439


artifacts, 236

attribute-driven, 155–156

beginning, 154–155

of flight simulator software, 181

improving, 480–481

and interface documentation, 214

judging, 69

and quality attributes, 73

questions, 464

rationale for, 214

reviews, 119

as search, 462–465

work-flow component, 445–447

Design alternatives, restricting vocabulary of, 33

Design decisions, 261

quality attribute requirements related to, 305

and software architecture, 26, 29–32

Designers, and evaluations, 267

Design patterns, 99, 125, 173

and ARM, 258

Business Delegate, 441

EJB, 422

Design teams, model problems used by, 463

Design-time tactics, 123

Desired-case response, for NASA ECS Project scenario, 317

Desired utility level, for scenario, 312

Detached operations, and work-flow model definition, 449

Determine utility of “expected” quality attribute response levels step

for CBAM, 316

in NASA ECS Project, 321–322

Develop architectural strategies for scenarios step, 316, 320

Developers, 13

and architectural integrity, 96

and ATAM, 272

changes made by, 81, 82

and usability, 123

Developing organizations, 8, 10

Development costs, 95

Development department model, and product development, 366

Development Group, at CelsiusTech, 384, 385

Development view, 41

Device Interface Module, 58, 62, 62

Device Interface procedure, 64

Device types, and Luther architecture, 432, 433

Diagnosis module, in example, 165, 166

Dials, 435

Digital artifacts, and work-flow component, 445

Digital certificates, 116

dir_contains_dir, 235, 239

dir_contains_file, 235

Directory structure, code segments based on, 246

Display Management, in ISSS, 138

Distributed computing

growth of, 402

and Luther architecture, 432, 434

Distributed object-oriented systems, 401

Distributed objects, 8

Distributed object technology, and enterprise information systems, 403

Distributed operations, and work-flow model definition, 449–450

Distributed systems, and deployment structure, 39

Distributed transactions, and EJB systems, 423

Diversity, 103

DMZ See Demilitarized zone

Documentation, 70, 211–214, 354

of architectures, 14

in ATAM-based evaluations, 274, 275

of behavior, 209–211

of decomposition structure, 55

of interfaces of modules in ADD, 163–164

as introduction to software architecture, 203

and Nightingale system, 290, 303

for product line architecture, 361

for software interfaces, 58

stakeholder access and organization of, 216–218

within tool environment, 481

Documenting software architectures, 201–230

basic principle of, 205

choosing relevant views, 205–207

documentation across views, 215–218

and UML, 218–229

Documenting views, 204–205, 207–214

architecture background, 209

context diagram, 208

element catalog, 208

glossary of terms, 209, 210

primary presentation, 207–208

variability guide, 208–209

Documents, 478

Document Type Definition (DTD), 417

Domain engineering units, and product development, 366, 367

Domain experts, and Luther architecture user interface, 436, 437

Domain model, 53

Domain name services, 117, 118

Domains, 168, 478

Domain-specific architectures, availability of, 482

Domain-specific components, 442

Downdrafts, 179

Downtimes, 79, 104

Drift angle, 50

DSRGM See Decision Support and Report Generation Manager

Dual redundancy, 103

Dynamic extraction, 241

Dynamic information, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240

Dynamic link libraries (DLLs), 361

Dynamic priority scheduling, 115

Dynamic views, 15, 236

Earliest deadline first, and dynamic priority scheduling, 115

Earth Core System (ECS), 317

Earth Observing System Data Information System (EOSDIS), 317

e-commerce architecture, 332, 341

and ABC, 340–342

applications, and J2EE framework, 403

quality goals achieved by, 346

e-commerce systems

deployment view of, 342

and entity beans, 422

and performance, 349

Economic models, of software, 307, 308

Efficiency, and usability, 90

EJB client code, simplified example of, 415

EJBContext interface, 413

EJBHome, 413

EJBObject interface, remote interfaces and extension of, 413

EJBs See Enterprise JavaBeans

Electronic flight simulators, 176

Electronic warfare systems, 370

Element catalog, in documenting a view, 208

Element list, 217

Elements, 21, 22, 44, 47

clustering of, into Path and Component, 256

extraction of, from UCMEdit, 248

graphical representation and subset of, 243

and information extraction, 234, 235

raw set of, 249

requirements, in interface documentation, 214

and re-use, 355

elements table, 238, 250

Ellipsis (...), in UML, 222

e-mail, 117

Emergency mode, 85

Encapsulation, 66

Encryption, 117, 332, 343

End demand process, 64

Ending evaluation criteria, 465

End periodic process, 63

End users

changes made by, 81, 82

and Luther architecture, 429–430

Engine control systems, 83

Enhanced Direct Access Radar Channel (EDARC), 137

En route centers, 130, 131, 133, 147

En route display consoles, and ISSS physical view, 136


model-process work flow and definition of, 468

of off-the-shelf components, 462, 463

Enterprise information systems tier, in J2EE multi-tier model, 408

Enterprise JavaBeans, 345, 346, 351, 352, 401, 425, 443, 482

ABC for, 402, 403

aims of, 404–405

architectural approach for, 408–410

and dependence on JVM performance, 424

deployment descriptors, 417

and distributed transactions, 423

and J2EE containers, 443–444

package diagram, 413

programming, 413–416

resource pooling with, 424

and system deployment decisions, 419–420

and work-flow component packaging, 447, 448, 449

Enterprise software systems, requirements for, 404

Entity beans, 410, 443

and EJB, 409, 410

using or not using?, 422

work-flow component packaged as, 447

Entity-relation diagrams, 477


and airframe, 193

in ATAM scenarios, 280

in CBAM scenarios, 310

and flight simulator, 178, 182, 183

Errors, 44

minimizing impact of, 91

Nightingale system and recovery of, 303

ESI See External System Interface

e-stores, 348–349

European Laboratory for Particle Physics, 328, 329, 332, 334, 346, 347

Evaluate the model solution (step 6), in model problem process, 471–472

Evaluation criteria, 469, 470–471

Evaluation leader

ATAM and role of, 273, 277

in Nightingale system, 289

Evaluation of model solution, 465

Evaluation phases

and ATAM, 276

in Nightingale system, 290–303

Evaluations, importance of, 262

Evaluation teams

architecture approaches analysis and, 285

and ATAM, 272, 275, 276, 279

competent, 267

and Nightingale system, 289, 290

and risk theme identification, 286

and scenario brainstorming, 284


and ATAM, 275

and utility tree, 282

Event-based time management, in flight simulator, 184

Event handler

in air vehicle model executive, 185, 187

for flight simulator, 192

Event rate, managing, 113

Events, 82, 83

Event streams, and resource demand, 113

Event systems, subpatterns in, 125

Evolutionary Delivery Development Process, 63

Evolutionary Delivery Life Cycle, 154, 171, 173

Evolutionary prototyping, and architecture, 31–32

Examples See also Case studies

ASEILM, 465, 466–476

garage door opener, 156–166

reconstruction, 248–257

Exception definitions, in interface documentation, 213

Exception handler, 102

Exceptions, 44

Exceptions tactic, 102, 147

“Excludes” relation, 65

Execution times, bounding, 114

Execution traces, 234

Execution view, 42

Executive constituent, of Structural Modeling architectural pattern, 185

Executive states, of flight simulators, 189

Exemplar systems, and re-use, 356

Existence of A dependency type, 108, 110

Expectations, evaluations and management of, 267

Expected changes, anticipating, 107

Explicit invocation, 125

Exposure, limiting, 117

Extended Computer Module, 56, 57, 62, 63

Extensibility, and the Web, 329

Extension points, 361

External sources, and product line evolution, 365

External System Interface (ESI), 137

FAA See Federal Aviation Administration

Facade pattern, 109

Factory pattern, 109, 110

Failures, 101

differing standards for, 65–66

faults versus, 79

within SAS, 140

Fast attack craft (FAC), 371

FAST process, 358, 367

Fat clients, 440

Fault detection, and availability, 102

Fault prevention, and availability, 104–105

Fault recovery

and availability, 102–104

and ISSS, 146

Faults, 101

discovering, 119

failures versus, 79

Fault tolerance, 139

ISSS C&C hierarchy for, 145

mechanisms, 150

view, 144–147

Fault-tolerant hierarchy, 146

Fault-tolerant ISSS applications, code structure template for, 149

Federal Aviation Administration, 70, 129, 130, 132

Fidelity, range of and flight simulators, 179

File containment, code segments for, 254

Files, 234

in UCMEdit model, 250

File Transfer Protocol, 336

Filter architectural type, 227

Filter Behavior Module, 58

Filter class, 223

Filtering, 118

Filters, and bridges, 459

Financial benefits, from architectural inspections, 263

findByPrimaryKey method, 415

finder method, 415

Finite-state-machine models, 13

Fire control systems, 370, 372

Firewalls, 87, 117, 336, 343–344, 471, 472

First-in/First-out (FIFO), 115

First-order effects, and flight simulator, 193

“Fitness for use” criteria, and component qualification, 460

Fitness of purpose, evaluating software product line for, 362

Fixed-priority scheduling, 115

Flight controls system, in air vehicle model, 195

Flight data, and ISSS physical view, 136

Flight simulation case study, 175–199

architectural solution, 182–196

relationship to ABC, 176–177

requirements and qualities, 177–181

Flight simulators, 70

and ABC, 176–177

design challenges with, 175

execution states with, 179–181, 189

geographically distributed areas, 180

properties of, 179–181

purpose of, 177

reference model for, 182

roles in, 177–178

Flight simulator software, 155

Flight strips, 136, 151

Follow-up (phase 3)

and ATAM, 276

in Nightingale system, 303

Formal specification languages, 13

Fortran, CGI scripts in, 339

Fortran libraries, 458

Forward-looking radar, 50, 51

“Four Plus One” approach, 41

Frame rates

for flight simulators, 179–180

and periodic time management, 183

Frameworks, 478, 482

Front-line workers, computer support for, 427, 429

FTP See File Transfer Protocol

Fuel system, in air vehicle model, 196

Functional group (FG), 139, 140

Functionality, 72

allocating in example, 160, 161

and architecture, 72

for controller children, 192–193

and market share, 95

Functional requirements, for child modules in ADD, 164–165

Functional subsets, rapid identification of, 60

Function calls, disambiguating, 241

function_calls_function, 239

Function Driver modules, 58, 62, 65, 66

Function pointers, 236

Functions, 234, 253

Function type, 244

Fused views, items, 240

Future, in Active Object design pattern, 124

Garage door opener example, 156–166, 480

Garbage collection, and heap size, 424

Gateways, 336

-gcverbose compiler option, 424

Gen++, 235

Generalization, in UML, 221–222

Generalized capability components, 442

“Generalize the module” tactic, 107, 147

and code templates, 149

and module decomposition view, 138

General quality scenarios, generation of, 78

General scenarios, 75, 97

availability, 76

communicating concepts and use of, 93–94

Generate quality attribute utility tree

in ATAM evaluation phase 1, 279–282

in Nightingale system evaluation phase 1, 294–295, 297

Generators for systems, 478

Generic utilities, for libWWW, 335, 336

get method, 422

get_outbound_msg operation, 187

Global Availability Management, 144

Global variables, in UCMEdit model, 250

GNU make utility, 248

Good design, promotion of, 265

Gopher, 336

Göteborg class (Swedish), 371, 372

goto statement, 477

gprof, 236

Graphical images, 478

Graphical notations, in primary presentation, 208

Graphical user interface (GUI) facilities, and ISSS, 135

Graphic artists, and Luther architecture user interface, 436, 437

Graphics, 331, 332, 343

Graphics element, 252

grep, 232, 236

grok fact manipulator tool, 258

Ground control, 130

Group decomposition, in air vehicle model, 193–195

Groups, 195–196

GUI-builder tools, 405

Hackers, 71, 86, 457, 474

Halt state, in flight simulator, 179

Handheld computers, 352, 427

Handheld, pen-based tablets, 433

Hard real time, 129

Hardware-hiding module, in A-7E module decomposition structure, 56

Hash results, 117

has_subclass relation, 240

Header files, 234

Head-mounted displays, 428, 429, 430

Heads-up displays, 50, 51, 63

Health monitoring, and availability, 101

Heap, 424

“Heartbeat” tactic, 102, 146

Helicopter guidance systems, architecture reconstruction used for, 232

Heterogeneity, and the Web, 330

Hierarchical domain engineering units, and product development, 367

High-bandwidth communication, 167, 168

High-level design, architecture as, 23

Highly distributed software applications, 129

High-order effects, and flight simulator, 193

hold_parameter, 190

home class, 417

Home information system, and example, 157, 166

home interface, 413, 414, 416

“Horizontal” scaling (or scaling out), 344, 422, 425

Host Computer System (HCS), 134, 135–136

Hot restart, 103

Hot spots, 343

Human-computer interaction research, 122

Human-computer interface (HCI), 150, 382, 383, 388, 391, 394

Hypertext, 349

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 158, 329

Hypertext systems, 329

criteria/features with, 331

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 334, 336, 343, 470

and browser-based interfaces, 439

and custom Web-based clients, 440

and load balancers, 344

and Luther architecture, 435

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), 332, 336, 343, 344, 470

Hypotheses, 250, 255

architectural abstractions as, 245

in identify a design question, 469

and reconstruction, 233, 234

IDE See Integrated development environment

Identify a design question (step 1), in model problem process, 468–469

Identify architectural approaches, in ATAM evaluation phase 1, 279

Identify ending evaluation critiera (step 5), in model problem process, 470–471

Identify implementation constraints (step 3), in model problem process, 469

Identity of an interface of A, 108, 110

Idioms, 125

IDL See Interface Definition Language

IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEEE 802.11b, 435

IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol), 440

IIS See Internet Information Server

Imagix, 235

Immediate business influence, and architectures, 8


architecture and defining constraints on, 29

architecture versus, 43

changes made to, 81

constraints, 465

interface separated from, 120

and quality attributes, 73

structure, 39

Implicit invocation, 8, 125

import operation, 186, 189, 190

includes relationship, 235

“Increase available resources” tactic, 114

“Increase computational efficiency” tactic, 113, 480

Index, 217

Industrial development projects, architectural views in, 43

Inertial measurement set (IMS), 50

Information extraction, 234–237

guidelines for, 237

and reconstruction, 233, 248

typical extracted element and relations, 234, 235

Information hiding, 16, 42, 44, 45, 49, 66, 159, 168, 477

and Active Object design pattern, 124

and A-7E module decomposition, 54–56

and A-7E Project, 52

and packaging, 142

prevention of ripple effects and, 108–109

Infrastructure technology, and CelsiusTech, 379

Inheritance, 219, 477

“Inherits-from” relation, 38

initialize state, 190

Initial Sector Suite System, 130–131

availability requirement for, 132–133

C&C hierarchy for fault tolerance, 145

functions required of, 134–135

levels in fault-tolerant hierarchy, 146

physical view, 135–138

scale of, 134

software architecture layers, 143

software audit of architecture, 150–151

Inmedius, 352, 427, 428, 435, 443, 452

ABC as it pertains to, 429

and components, 436

device types and, 433

library of components at, 442

Luther architecture, and business approach at, 431–432

and Luther’s quality goal achievement, 450

solution development at, 430

and user interfaces, 432

work-flow design rationale at, 445

Input/output (I/0), managing for testing, 120

InputValue method, 239

Instance-level collaboration diagram, 227

Instances, as objects in UML, 223

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 98

Instructors, simulation, 178

Instructor station, and flight simulators, 182, 183

Integrability, 100

designing for, 175

and flight simulators, 180, 196

Structural Modeling pattern and achievement of, 198

Integral factor of base rate, and flight simulator, 180

Integrated development environment, 345

Integration, 354

Integration mechanisms, 96

Integration testers, 89

Integrators, and ATAM, 272

Integrity, 86, 116

Intelligent data fusion, and mediation, 459

Interaction mechanisms, in architectural patterns and styles, 125

Interchangeability, 33

Interconnection strength, 255

Inter-element communication, 30

Interface Definition Language, 212, 458

Interface documentation template, 212–214, 215

data type definitions, 213

element requirements, 214

exception definitions, 213

interface identity, 212

quality attribute characteristics of, 214

rationale and design issues, 214

resources provided, 212–213

usage guide, 214

variability provided by, 213–214

Interface mismatch, 457

avoidance techniques for, 461–462

detection techniques for, 460–461

repair techniques, 457–460

Interfaces, 230

adding, 109

as annotations, 224

of child modules, 157

of child modules, in example, 163–164

as classes, 225

as class/object attributes, 225

documenting, 211–214

and information hiding, 54

no explicit representation of, 224

separating from implementation, 120

to software element, 44–45

specification of, 211

stability, 109

subsystems, 194

translation of, 458

in UML, 219, 224–225

<<interface stereotype>>, in UML, 212

Intermediaries, using, 109–110

Intermediary (modifiability), and Active Object design pattern, 124

“Intermediary” tactic, 413

Internal monitoring tactic, 120

Internal sources, and product line evolution, 365

Internal Time Synchronization, 144

Internet, 117, 329, 404

backbones, in United States, 333

growth of, 332

and security, 332

Internet-enabled business systems, requirements of, 403

Internet Information Server (Microsoft), 467, 468, 470, 475

Internet Protocol (IP), 332

Interoperability, 7, 94, 478, 480

and language-independent interfaces, 58

World Wide Web case study in, 327–349

Interprocess communication, for SS2000, 390

Inter-product commonality, and software product lines, 354

“Introduce an intermediary” tactic, and SS2000, 391

“Introduce concurrency” performance tactic, 124

“Introduce concurrency” tactic, 114, 345

Intrusion detection systems, 118

Inventory, 345

Inverse mappings

and extracted information, 244

and reconstruction, 233

IP addresses, 343

“is-an-instance-of” relation, 38

“is-a” relation, 125, 126

and module class view, 219

“is-a-submodule-of” relation, 36, 54

“is-part-of” relation, 208, 219

ISSS See Initial Sector Suite System

is_subclass_of class, 235

IT architecture, 478

Iterative prototyping, 9

Java applets, 343

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), 435

Java Naming and Directory Interface, 413

Java programming language, 346, 401, 402, 404, 425

JavaScript, 439

JavaServer Pages (JSP), 407, 437, 473

Java servlet ensemble

evaluation of, 472, 474–476

layers of custom component, 474

Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Sun Microsystems), 351, 352, 401, 407, 452, 482

ABC for, 402, 403

and aims of EJBs, 404–405

browser-based clients and, 437

business needs and creation of, 425

and component packaging, 443

deployment view of multi-tier architecture for, 406

EJB support for quality attribute requirements of, 411–412

and Luther architecture, 428, 431, 434–435, 450–451

major platform features, 406

Sun’s quality attribute requirements for, 405

and system deployment decisions, 419–420

and transaction and security services, 408

and the Web, 403–405

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 402, 408, 424, 443, 448

Jini, 236

Jitter, 84, 85

JNDI See Java Naming and Directory Interface

J2EE See Java 2 Enterprise Edition

“Keeping interfaces small, simple, and stable” tactic, and integrability, 175

Keys, 117, 208

Kinetics, and airframe, 193

Kinetics group, systems in, 195–196

Knowledge and insight, reconstruction process guided by, 258

LAN See Local area network

Landing gear system, in air vehicle model, 195

Language-independent interfaces, 58

Language requirements, and Nightingale system, 291

Late binding, 236, 237

Latency, 84, 85, 111

and contention for resource, 112

reducing, 113, 114

Layered architectures, 62

Layered patterns, 279

Layered structure, 37, 44

Layered view, 41, 142, 144, 147, 205, 207

and architecture presentation, 278

for SS2000, 392

Layers, 37, 62

LCN See Logical Communications Network

LCN interface units (LIU-H), 137

Learning system features, 90

“Least effort” extraction, 237

“Leftover” functions, in UCMEdit model, 250

Legacy systems, 96, 232, 257, 341

Lexicon analyzers, for information extraction, 235, 236

lex/yacc, 232

libWWW, 329, 330, 334–336, 349

content producers/consumers interacting through clients/servers, 334

deployment view of Web client server, 338

early client-server architecture use of, 337–339

layered view of, 335

lessons from, 336–337

Life cycle

architecture in, 153–155, 481–482

electronic flight simulators and problems with, 176

evolutionary delivery, 154

“Limit exposure” tactic, 144

“Limit possible options” tactic, 107

Links, 435

connector instances as, 225

and the Web, 331

Linux system, 258

List class, 254, 255

List element, 255

ListItem class, 254, 255

ListIterator class, 254, 255

List method, 239

Load balancing, 114, 443

and e-commerce sites, 344

and EJB container, 444

and Luther architecture, 434

Loading factors, and arrival patterns, 83

Load time, 110

Local area network, and SS2000, 371

Local Availability Manager, 144, 146

Local changes, 31

Local file systems, 336

“Localize changes” tactic, 159

“Localize modifications” tactic, 106–107

Local variable aggregation, and SQL and perl, 244

Location independence, and Luther architecture, 434

Location of A (runtime), 108, 110

Location sensing, 434

Locks, and work-flow model definitions, 447, 448, 449

Logging, 336

Logical Communications Network, 137, 138

Logical_Interaction architectural element, 244

query for identifying, 245

Logical threads, 38

Logical view, 41

Lollipop notation, in UML, 219, 225

Long-term business influences, and architectures, 8

Looping, and work-flow component, 445

Loose coupling, and teams, 168

“Lost” architecture, beginning process of recovering, 246–247

Low-bandwidth communication, between teams, 167

lsedit visualization tool, 258

LSME, 235

Luther applications, deployment view of, 436

Luther architecture, 427–452

ABC as it pertains to, 429–432

and browser-based clients, 437, 439

and business approach, 431–432

and business delegate pattern, 452

components for, 442–444

and custom Web-based client, 439–440

and organizational structure, 431

quality goals achieved by, 451

requirements/qualities met by, 432–434

and software developers’ experience, 431

strategy and quality goals achieved by, 451

and use of J2EE, 450–451

work-flow component and, 444–450

Luther system, 358

M&C See Monitor-and-Control consoles

mailcap, 338

main procedure, 241

Maintainability, and Nightingale system, 291

“Maintain an audit trail” tactic, 118


and architectural integrity, 96

and ATAM, 272

Maintain existing interfaces, prevention of ripple effects and, 109

“Maintain interface stability” tactic

and client-server view, 142

and code templates, 149

and module decomposition view, 138

“Maintain multiple copies” tactic, 114

“Maintain semantic coherence” tactic, 106–107

Maintenance phase, 14

Makefiles, 236

Malfunctions, 191, 193

Manageability, and Web-based applications, 404

“Manage event rate” tactic, 113

Manage input/output tactics, 120

Management information, in documenting a view, 209

Many-to-many mappings, between structures, 40

Mapping between views, 217, 481

Marketing Plan, at CelsiusTech, 383, 384

Market segmentation, and product scope, 358

Marshalling, 112

Measuring techniques, 265–266

Mediator pattern, 109

Mediators, 459–460

Melard Sidearm, 433

Memory footprints, for various device classes, 433

Memory leaks, preventing, 105

Memory utilization, 7

MergeAndSort, in UML, 223, 224

Merging, and work-flow component, 445

Mesa, 250

Message passing, 139

Method request, in Active Object design pattern, 124

Metrics, 265, 269

Microsoft, 347

Access, 468, 470

COM+, 425

development practices at, 173

and Evolutionary Delivery Life Cycle, 171

IIS, 467, 468

.NET, 402

Passport, 332

Middleware Company, The, 425, 478

“Migrates-to” relation, 38

Migration, and COTS adoption, 476

mimerc, 338

Mining machinery, and architecture reconstruction, 232

Mismatch correction, 457

Miss rate, 85

Misuse detection, 118

MIT, Media Laboratory at, 428

Miva Empressa ensemble, 467, 468–472

Miva Script applications, 467

Mixed initiative, 122

Mixed-time systems, in flight simulator, 184

Mk2, 376

Mk2.5, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381

Mk3, 377

ML polymorphism, 462

Mobile devices, 439

and Luther architecture, 437

Modeling and analysis, and re-use, 355

Model problem process steps

define the starting evaluation criteria, 469

evaluate the model solution, 471–472

identify a design question, 468–469

identify ending evaluation criteria, 470–471

identify implementation constraints, 469

produce a model solution, 469–470

Model problems, work flow, 463, 464


flight simulators and use of, 179

and system initiative tactics, 122

Model solution, 463, 465

evaluating, 471–472

for Java servlet ensemble, 472

producing, 469–470

Model-View-Controller pattern, 109, 123, 127

Modifiability, 7, 16, 25, 30, 69, 73, 80–81, 127, 442

application servers for, 345

and avoidance of interface mismatch, 461

and common services, 106

and component repair, 457

and e-commerce, 341

and flight simulators, 196

performance versus, 159

and software architecture, 201

and SS2000 product line, 388

Structural Modeling pattern and achievement of, 198

and system quality attributes, 74

Web browsers for, 342–343

Modifiability scenarios, 76–77, 82, 83

Modifiability tactics, 105–111, 125, 480

and client-server view, 142

and code templates, 148

defer binding time, 110–111

design-time tactics related to, 121

localize modifications, 106–107

and module decomposition view, 138

prevention of ripple effects, 107–110

Modification, and flight simulators, 180, 181

MODN See Noise Model

MODP See Prop Loss Model

MODR See Reverb Model

Modularity, and Nightingale system, 292

Module-based programming languages, 477

Module-based structures, 36–38

Module decomposition

goals of, 55

SS2000, and units of software in, 394

Module decomposition structure, 40, 41, 47, 48

and A-7E system, 66

and team structure, 168

Module decomposition view, 138, 147, 164

with ADD, 161

of A-7E software architecture, 59

for SS2000, 392, 394–395

Module guide, 55, 57, 58

Module interconnection view, 42

Module re-use, and CelsiusTech product line, 397

Modules, 35, 36, 97, 477

of air vehicle model application, 185–192

and avoidance of interface mismatch, 461

choosing those for decomposition in ADD, 157

in decomposition structure, 54

for flight simulator, 192

instantiating in example, 160

and SS2000, 396

structures, 35–36

in UML, 219

Module views, 17, 41, 206

and architecture presentation, 278

options in, 208

in UML, 218–222

Monitor-and-Control (M&C) consoles, 137

MRI scanners, 232, 233

Multi-process applications, name clashes in, 241

Multi-processor systems, 170, 236

Multi-threaded servers, 344

MVC pattern See Model-View-Control pattern

Name clashes, in multi-process applications, 241

Names, in ATAM utility tree, 281

Name servers, 110

Naming conventions, code segments based on, 246

Naming services, 401

Narrowly scoped product lines, 358

NASA ECS Project case study

architectural strategies and scenarios addressed, 320–322

assign utility step, 319

calculate total benefit obtained from architectural strategy step, 322–323

CBAM applied to, 317–324

choose architectural strategies based on ROI value step, 323–324

collate scenarios step, 317

collected scenarios, 318

determine utility of “expected” quality attribute response levels step, 321–322

prioritize scenarios step, 318–319

refine scenarios step, 317, 319

response goals for refined scenarios, 318

ROI of architectural strategies, 323

NASA satellite data system, ATAM applied to, 305

NASA systems, architecture reconstruction used for, 232

National Airspace System Modification (NASM), in ISSS, 138

National Reconnaissance Office, 354

Natural language, semantic information conveyed with, 213

Naval Business Unit, at CelsiusTech, 384

Naval product lines, SS2000, 371–373

Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), 52, 66

Negotiated interface, 462

Negotiated resolutions, 264

Nesting, 210, 221

Nesting of symbols, and node symbol in UML, 229

.NET architecture, 402

Netscape Secure Sockets Layer, 343

Network address translation (NAT), 343

Network interface sublayer (NISL), 144

Network News Transport Protocol, 336

Network-related conventions, and COOB, 391

Network usage, 7

NeXT platform, 329

Nightingale ATAM exercise, tabular form of utility tree for, 296–297

Nightingale system case study, 288–303

analyze architectural approaches step (phase 1: evaluation), 297–299

analyze architectural approaches step (phase 2: evaluation), 302

brainstorm and prioritize scenarios step (phase 2: evaluation), 300–302

catalog architectural approaches step (phase 1: evaluation), 293–294

follow-up (phase 3), 303

generate quality attribute utility tree step (phase 1: evaluation), 294–295, 297

hospital installation scenario in, 302

partnership and preparation (phase 0), 288–290

present architecture step (phase 1: evaluation), 292–293

present business drivers step (phase 1: evaluation), 290–292

present results step (phase 2: evaluation), 302–303

present the ATAM step (phase 1: evaluation), 290

NNTP See Network News Transport Protocol

NobelTech AB, 370

Nodes, 227, 228, 388

Noise Model, 20

Noncentralization, and the Web, 331

Nonintegral factor of base rate, and flight simulator, 180

Nonlocal changes, 31

Non-real-time systems, 6

Nonrepudiation, 86, 116, 118


and architectural approaches, 282, 283, 284

and ATAM, 274, 304

and Nightingale system, 299, 302, 303

Normalization, and architectural strategy, 313

Normal mode, 85

Notation, UML, 219

n-square charts, 194–195, 198

n-tier applications, 345

n-tier architecture, 341

Numerical analysis, 168

Object-based design, 44, 53, 55

Object containment, and systems, 227

Object Management Group, 112, 230

and CORBA, 401–402

Object-oriented analysis, 13

Object-oriented decomposition, and controller children, 192

Object-oriented design methods, 160

Object-oriented systems, 401

Object request broker (ORB), 402

Objects, 45, 477, 478

and allocation views in UML, 228

connector instances as, 226

within work-flow model definition, 448

Object technology, and CelsiusTech, 379

Obstacle detection algorithm, 480

Obstacle detection module, in example, 160, 165, 166

ODBC, 435

Off-the-shelf components, 476

and architectural mismatch, 456–462

challenges with, 456

ensembles of, 462, 463

and, 454–455

requirements negotiation with, 467

systems built from, 453–476

OMG See Object Management Group

Omission, 80

One-time passwords, 116

Online bookshop example, and state management, 420–422

Online stores, 348–349

OnLine Transaction Manager (OLTM), 298

communication, data flow, and processors of, 294

data flow architectural view of, 295

layered view of, 293

and Nightingale system, 292

Openness, and air traffic control system, 133

operate operation, 187

operate state, 179, 189

Operating systems, 373, 453

Operating system threads, 162

Operational modes, 85

Operational units, 139, 140–141

Opportunistic evaluation, 269

Options, 208, 209

Optronic directors, on Göteborg class multi-role corvette, 372

Organizational structure, 8, 32, 70, 171

and architectural structure, 168, 169

architecture and dictation of, 29–30

for CelsiusTech, 380–387

and Luther architecture, 431

and system structure, 167

Outputs, ATAM, 285–287

Output values, of avionics software, 63

Overloading, 361

Overload mode, 85

Ownership changes, for CelsiusTech, 378–379

Packages/packaging, 142, 147

UML, 219, 222, 226

work-flow components, 447–449

Packet filter firewalls, 344

Packet filters, 343

PAC pattern See Presentation-Abstraction-Control pattern

Paging, and heap size, 424

Parallelism, 38, 97

Parallel systems

architectures for, 16

and deployment structure, 39

Parameterized function call, 477

Parameterized interface, 462

Parameterized modules, and CelsiusTech product line, 397–398

Parameter setting, 81

Parsers, for information extraction, 235, 236


flight simulator sample, 192–193

and n-square charts, 194–195

Partnership and preparation (phase 0)

in ATAM-based evaluation, 275

in Nightingale system, 288–299

PAS See Primary address space

PAS failures, and switchovers, 139–140


and scalability, 420

of stateful bean, 410

Passive redundancy tactic, 103–104

Passwords, 116, 118

Paths, elements related to, 255, 256

Pattern definition and recognition, and reconstruction, 241

Pattern matching, 236

Pattern-oriented software architecture, 42, 127

Patterns, 33, 261

architectural, 24–25, 232, 242, 279

and ARM, 258

business delegate, 452

in Dali, 242

design, 259

and Nightingale system, 290

and tactics, 100, 480–481

Payload sizes, 118

PDF See Portable Document Format

.pdf files, 337

Performance, 7, 69, 73, 82–84, 100, 171

and air traffic control system, 133

application servers for, 345

databases for, 345

and e-commerce, 341, 349

and entity beans, 422

for flight simulators, 179, 196

and JVM, 424

load balancing for, 344

and market share, 95

modifiability versus, 159

and Nightingale system, 291

proxy servers for, 343

and quality attributes, 74

and software architecture, 201

and SS2000 product line, 388

Structural Modeling pattern and achievement of, 197–198

and system quality attributes, 74

Web servers for, 344–345

Performance engineers, and ATAM, 272

Performance scenarios, 83

generation of, 85

sample, 84

Performance tactics, 111–116, 125

goal of, 111, 112

resource arbitration tactic, 114–116

resource demand tactic, 113–114

resource management tactic, 114

Periodic event arrival, 83, 84

Periodic operations, and controller children, 191

Periodic process, 63

Periodic sequencer

in air vehicle model executive, 185, 186

for flight simulator, 192

Periodic time management, in flight simulator, 183

perk, 239

perl, 232, 236, 238, 243, 339

expressions and Dali, 242

and local variable aggregation, 244

Perl proxy server, 470, 471

Persistence services, 401

Personal computers, price/performance ratio for, 402

Personal digital assistants (PDAs), 433

Personnel, and re-use, 356

Philips Elektronikindustrier AB, 370

Philips Research, 258, 358, 367

Physical distribution, 40

Physical Models Module, 58

of A-7E architecture, 168

Physical Models procedure, 62

Physical view, 41

and ISSS, 135, 136–138

Physics simulation systems, and architecture reconstruction, 232

Ping/echo fault detectors, 102

“Ping/echo” tactic, 102, 146

Pipe-and-filter style, in UML, 223

Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse, Spot, 433

Planned evaluations, 266

Planning function, with mediators, 459

Platform changes, 81

Platform compatibility, 7

Platform for Internet content selection (PICS), 333

Plug-and-play operation, 110

Plug-ins, 335

Polygon Module, 222

Polymorphism, 111, 236

Portability, 25, 81, 94, 100

and Java, 402

with J2EE/EJB, 425

and language-independent interfaces, 58

and Luther architecture, 434

and market share, 95

and quality attributes, 74

and the Web, 340

Portable Document Format, 459

Port number, 118

Ports, 224

POSIX, and SS2000, 373

Postconditions, 213

POSTGRES relational database, 238

Post-mortem meetings, and ATAM, 276

PostScript, 337

Preconditions, 213

Prepare BCN Messages, 144

Prepare Messages (PMS) layer, 144

Preprocessor macros, 120

Present architecture step

in ATAM evaluation phase 1, 277–279

in Nightingale evaluation phase 1, 292–293

Presentation-Abstraction-Control pattern, 123, 127

Presentation class, 250, 254, 255

Presentation logic, and Java servlets, 472

Present results step

in ATAM evaluation phase 2, 285

in Nightingale evaluation phase 2, 302–303

Present the ATAM step

in ATAM evaluation phase 1, 277

in Nightingale evaluation phase 1, 290

Present the business drivers step

in ATAM evaluation phase 1, 277

in Nightingale evaluation phase 1, 290–292

Preset adaptation data, 147

“Prevent the ripple effect” tactic, 107–110, 159

Primary address space, 139, 148

Primary component, 103, 104

Primary presentation

in documenting a view, 207–208

and UML, 218

PrimitiveOp class, 239, 240

PrimitiveOp::Compute, 240

printf function, 248

Prioritization, and utility tree generation, 280

Prioritization strategies, common, 115

Prioritize scenarios step

for CBAM, 316

in NASA ECS Project, 318–319

Private interfaces, 461

Private keys, 117, 343

Private links, and the Web, 331

Proactive product lines, and scope, 364

Problems, early detection of, 264

Procedures, processes and systems, and Luther architecture, 432, 433

Proceedings scribe, ATAM and role of, 273

Process communication, 40

Process enforcer

ATAM and role of, 273

in Nightingale system, 289

Processes, 138

for A-7E, 63

and re-use, 356

process_event operation, 189, 190, 191

Processing deadlines, 84

process_malfunction, 190

“Process monitor” tactic, 105

Process observer

ATAM and role of, 273

in Nightingale system, 289

Processor groups, 139, 140

Processors, 139

Processor speeds, for various device classes, 433

Process recommendations, in “good” architecture, 15

<<process>> stereotype, 224

Process structure, 38, 40, 47, 48

for A-7E, 63–65, 66

Process views, 41, 138–141, 147, 207

and element catalog, 208

for SS2000, 390–392

Produce a model solution (step 4), in model problem process, 469–470

Product architectures, results of evaluation of, 362–363

Product-based organizations, 375

Product line architects, considerations by, 360

Product line architecture, 11, 388

evaluating, 362–363

Product-line-based organization, 375

Product line development, for SS2000, 369

Product line organizational models, types of, 366–367

Product line pitch, 203

Product lines, 45, 367

architecture-based, 232

and CelsiusTech’s organizational structure, 380–387

failure with, 359

scope of, 357–358

SS2000 architecture and achievement of, 396

summary of CelsiusTech’s conversion to, 398–399

and variation, 82

Product line support, for SS2000, 390–392

Product Line Users Group, at CelsiusTech, 384

Product (or structural) recommendations, 15

Product Plan, at CelsiusTech, 383, 384

Products Group, at Inmedius, 431

Profilers, for information extraction, 236

Profiling tools, 236

Program families, 42, 44, 45

Programmatic transaction management, 450, 451

Programming, 33

and EJBs, 413–416

Programming languages, early, 477

Project decision makers

and ATAM, 272, 275, 276, 304

and utility tree, 279

Project glossary, 218

Project managers, 272

and architecture, 27

and Nightingale system, 290

Project planning, and re-use, 355

Prop Loss Model, 20

Propulsion subsystem, 196

Propulsion system, in air vehicle model, 195

Protocols, 118, 214


and architecture, 31–32

creation of, 13

and Luther architecture user interface, 437

Provides assumptions, 457, 458

Proxy, in Active Object design pattern, 124

Proxy pattern, 109

Proxy servers, 336, 343

Pseudo-threads, and libWWW, 337

Public keys, 117, 343


in example, 161

patterns, 109

registration, 110

python, 232, 453, 454–455

Qualification, and COTS adoption, 476

Quality, 69

Quality attribute characteristics of interface, in interface documentation, 214

Quality attribute names, in ATAM utility tree, 281

Quality attribute parts, 75

Quality attribute requirements, 305

and future impact of components, 483

for J2EE, 405

meaningful generation of, 78

for typical Web-based applications, 404

Quality attributes, 14, 16, 42, 69, 99, 480

and architectural structures, 40

and architecture, 73–74, 453

and ATAM, 279, 280

and Attribute-Driven Design, 155

and CBAM, 324

and cross-cutting requirements, 481

and documentation, 205

functionality and architecture, 72

importance of architecture and, 144–145

and integrability, 175

and Nightingale system, 292

and patterns, 25

and scenarios, 75–78

and software architecture, 30–31

stimuli, 94

system, 74–75

and tactics, 100

understanding, 71–98

Quality-attribute scenarios, 13, 70, 74, 75, 78–94

availability scenario, 76, 79–80

generation of, 77

modifiability scenario, 76–77, 80–82

performance scenario, 82–85

in practice, 78–94

security scenario, 85–88

testability scenario, 88–90

usability scenario, 90–93

Quality-attribute-specific tables, 78

Quality attribute utility tree

ATAM and generation of, 279

Nightingale system and generation of, 294–295, 297

Quality goals

A-7E module decomposition structure and achievement of, 56

A-7E process structure and achievement of, 64

A-7E uses structure and achievement of, 61

Luther and achievement of, 451

Quality of service/data provided by A dependency type, 108

Quality requirements, 99

and architectural drivers, 158

and Attribute-Driven Design, 156

mapping of architectural decisions to, 274

Quality scenarios

and architectural drivers, 158

and business goals, 155

for example, 156

verifying/refining as constraints for child modules, 164, 165–166

Queries, and database models, 237


ATAM and role of, 274

in Nightingale system, 289

Questioning techniques, 265, 266

Questionnaires, 265

Queue sizes, bounding, 114

R&D group, at CelsiusTech, 385

Radar controllers, 133

Radar reports, 134

Radio buttons, 435

Raising/lowering door module, in example, 165, 166

Rate monotonic, and fixed-priority scheduling, 115

Rate Monotonic Analysis, 110


in architecture background, 209

capturing, 264

in interface documentation, 214

Rational Unified Process, 41, 43, 155, 173

Reactive model, and product family, 364–365

Reactive systems, and statecharts, 210

Reader’s viewpoint, 230

and architectural documentation, 202

Real-time deadlines, 6

Real-time embedded software systems, 53

Real-time performance, with Structural Modeling pattern, 197

Real-time performance constraints, for flight simulators, 179–180

Real-time scheduling mechanism, 163

Re-architecting tool suite, 258

Reconstructing software architectures, 231–259, 481

database construction, 237–239

example, 248–257

information extraction, 234–237

reconstruction, 241–246

reconstruction activities, 233–234

view fusion, 239–241

workbench approach, 232–233

Reconstruction, 203, 233

Reconstruction example, 248–257

database construction, 248–249

information extraction, 248

view fusion, 249–257

Reconstruction workbenches, 258

Reconstructors, 233, 244, 245

and UCMEdit example, 248

Recording, Analysis, and Playback, in ISSS, 138

“Record/playback” tactic, 179

and managing input/output for testing, 120

Recovery, 101

“Reduce computational overhead” tactic, 113

Reduce demand, 159

Redundancy, 70, 146

and availability, 101

and Web-enabled enterprise systems, 423

“Redundancy” tactic, 100

Re-engineering workbench, 258

Reference architectures, 25, 26, 42, 53

for e-commerce systems, 341

Reference model, 25, 42

for flight simulator, 182

Refine, 235

Refine scenarios step

for CBAM, 316

in NASA ECS Project, 317

Reflective programs, 361

Relational database model, and Dali workbench, 238

Relational databases, 12


extraction of from UCMEdit, 248

and information extraction, 234, 235

raw set of, 249

Relationship models, 26


graphical representation of, 243

subset of, 243

tables, 238

Releases, and Evolutionary Delivery Life Cycle, 154, 173

Relevant views, choosing, 205–207, 229

Reliability, 7, 44

and market share, 95

and SS2000 product line, 388

Remote access, and the Web, 329

remote class, 417

remote interface, 413, 414, 416

Remote method invocation, 113, 402, 440

“Removal from service” tactic, 104–105, 141

Reorganizations, at CelsiusTech, 379

Repair code, classes of, 458

Repair of system failure, 79

Repairs, 101

Replay state, in flight simulator, 179

Replicas, purpose of, 114

Replication, 163


after ATAM-based evaluations, 275, 276

evaluation, 268

Repositories, 109

Repository structure, 38

Requirements, 12, 479

for garage door opener example, 158

and re-use, 355

specification, 6

understanding, 13

Requirements analysis

and architecture design, 171

preliminary, 154

Requirements document, 3, 7, 8

for A-7E Project, 53

Requirements validation, 264

“Requires assumptions” interface, 457, 458

Research world, success and failure in, 65–66

Resource allocation decisions, and implementations, 29

“Resource arbitration” tactic, 114–116, 159

Resource behavior of A, 108, 110

Resource consumption, 112

Resource contention areas, 15

Resource contention problems, 162

Resource demand tactics, 113–114, 159

Resource management tactics, 114

Resource managers, 110

Resource name, 212

Resource ownership, 108

Resource pools, 424, 425

Resources, contention for, 112

Resource semantics and syntax, in interface documentation, 212–214

Resource usage restrictions, in interface documentation, 213

Response, 80

in ATAM scenario, 280

of availability scenario, 80

CBAM and scenarios in, 310

jitter of, 84

of modifiability general scenario, 82

of performance general scenario, 85

of quality attribute scenario, 75

of security general scenario, 87

tactics for control of, 100

of testability general scenario, 90

of usability general scenario, 92

Response measure

of availability scenario, 80

of modifiability general scenario, 82

of performance general scenario, 85

in quality attribute scenario, 75

of security general scenario, 87–88

of testability general scenario, 90

of usability general scenario, 92–93

Response time, 112–113

Restrict communication paths, prevention of ripple effects and, 109

“Restrict communication” tactic, 188

Results, Nightingale system and presentation of, 302–303

return function, 248

Return on investment (ROI), 309, 310, 315

calculating, 313

CBAM and architectural strategies based on, 316

Re-use/reusability, 44, 353

and architecture, 351

and CelsiusTech product line, 396, 397

and components, 442

failures with, 356

of Java components, 405

and Luther architecture, 444–450

of modules, 477

and software architecture, 26, 32–35

and software product lines, 355

of work-flow component, 445

Re-use library, 356, 357

Reverb Model, 20

Reverse-direction arrows, 155

Reverse engineering expert, 232

Reviews, forced preparations for, 264

rigiparse, 235

Rigi Standard Form, 233, 238, 258

Rigi tool, 241, 258

Risks, 268

and architectural approaches, 282, 283, 284

and ATAM, 274, 304, 309

and COTS adoption, 476

and Nightingale system, 299, 302, 303

Risk themes

and ATAM, 275, 285, 286

for Nightingale system, 303

rlogin, 336

RMI See Remote method invocation

ROI See Return on investment

Roles, in flight training simulator, 177–178

Rollback tactic, 104

Rollout schedule, 96

Root node, utility of, 279

Rose model, and Nightingale system, 303

Round robin, and dynamic priority scheduling, 115

Routers, for security, 343

RTL/2, 376, 378

Rule-based system, 170

Rules engine, and Nightingale system, 298–299, 303

Runtime, 237

architectural and interface mismatch and errors in, 457

binding at, 110

components, 36

parameterization, 236

registration, 110

structure, 47

Runtime tactics, 121–122

RUP See Rational Unified Process

SAAM See Software Architecture Analysis Method

Safety, and SS2000 product line, 388

Safety-critical systems, 13, 129

Sampling, control frequency of, 113

SAS See Standby address space

Satellites, and architecture reconstruction, 232

Scalability, 30, 94

application servers for, 345

databases for, 345

and e-commerce, 341

load balancing for, 344

and Luther architecture, 434

and Nightingale system, 292

and passivation strategies, 420

and Web-based applications, 404

and the Web, 329

Scaling out (or “horizontal” scaling), 422

Scaling up (or “vertical” scaling), 422

scanf function, 248

Scenario-based techniques, 14

Scenarios, 13, 40, 99, 265

and ATAM, 280, 304

ATAM and brainstorming/prioritizing of, 284–285

CBAM and collating/prioritizing/refining of, 316

coupling tactics and, 480

and Luther architecture, 449

and Nightingale system, 295, 297, 300–301, 302

and product line architecture, 362

quality attribute, 69, 70

and quality attribute names, 281

usability, 122

utility and priorities of, 312

utility and variations of, 310

and utility tree, 280

Scenario scribe

ATAM and role of, 273

in Nightingale system, 289

Schedule estimates, and software architecture, 32

Scheduler, in Active Object design pattern, 124

Scheduler module, in example, 165, 166

Schedules, 170, 354, 355

Scheduling policies, 114–115, 159

and Active Object design pattern, 124

and flight simulator, 183

Scheduling theory, 115, 127

Scope/scoping, 354

controlled, 267

and product lines, 357–358, 364

SCR See Software Cost Reduction

Screen shots, and Luther architecture user interface, 437

Scribe, 279

Scripts, and bridges, 459

Secondary address space (SAS), 139, 148

Sector suite, controllers at, 133, 134

Secure communications, between IIS and perl proxy server, 470

Secure Sockets Layer, 117, 332, 343

Security, 7, 25, 69, 85–86, 127, 443

designer’s decisions, J2EE, and implementation of, 450

and e-commerce, 341

and EJB container, 444

HTTPS for, 343

and Java servlet ensemble, 472, 474

and Nightingale system, 292

routers and firewalls for, 343–344

and software architecture, 201

and system quality attributes, 74

and the Web, 332, 340, 349, 404

Security general scenarios, 86–88

Security kernel, 73

Security scenarios, sample, 87

Security tactics, 116–119, 125

detecting attacks, 118

recovering from, 118

resisting attacks, 116–117

sed, 232

Seeheim pattern, 123, 127

SEI See Software Engineering Institute

Self-configuring software, 462

Semantic coherence, 107, 123, 159

and CSCIs, 138

maintaining, 106

“Semantic coherence” tactic

and code templates, 149

and separation of concerns with EJB, 417

Semantic constraints, in architectural patterns and styles, 125

Semantic importance, and fixed-priority scheduling, 115

Semantics, 108

Semicolon, 477

send operation, 187

Sensitivity points

and architectural approaches, 282, 283, 284

and ATAM, 274, 309

and Nightingale system, 298, 299, 302, 303

Sensor/actuator virtual machine, synchronization mechanisms for, 162, 165

Sensory inputs, and flight simulator, 180

“Separate user interface” tactic, 123, 435, 442

“Separating interface from implementation” tactic, and managing input/output for testing, 120

Separation of concerns, 41, 45, 55, 417

Sequence, 108

Sequence diagrams, 209, 211

Servant, in Active Object design pattern, 124

Servers, 334

applications as, 141

multi-threaded, 344

Server-side components, EJB, 413

Server tier, processing power increases in, 422–423

Service, 109

semantics of, 108

syntax of, 107

Service providers, and ABC for the Web, 346, 347

Service request message, 139

Servlet code, 408

Servlets, 407, 437

Session beans, 409, 443

Session EJBs, and work-flow component packaging, 448

Session state, and Luther architecture, 441

set method, 422

set_parameter, 190

SF300 class multi-role patrol vessels (Danish), 371

“Shadowing” tactic, and process view, 141

“Shadow mode,” 104

“Shadow operation” tactic, 104

Shadow pages, 104

Shape Module, 222

Shared data structure, 38

Shared data view, 207

Shared Services procedure, 62

“Shares-a-secret-with” relation, 54

Shipboard systems, requirements of, 388

Ship System 2000

applying architecture, 395–398

architectural goals for, 395

history behind product line, 377

layered software architecture for, 393

layered view for, 392

module decomposition view for, 392, 394–395

naval product line, 371–373

organization, 381–383, 384, 385

process view for, 390–392

product line development for, 369

staffing, 385–387

and STRIC, 374

Show multiple views, 122

Side effects, 457

and architectural strategies, 312–313


of elements, 212

interface, 211, 219

matching, 211

and resource syntax, 212

Simplex approach, 103

Simplex architecture for availability, 127

Simulation algorithm, for controller children, 190

Simulation instructor, and flight simulator, 178

Simulation parameters, and controller children, 191

Simulator development, 180

Simulator sickness, 180

Site-specific adaptation data, 147

Size, of flight simulators, 180

Skeletal system, 15, 31, 70, 173

creating, 170–171

for flight simulator, 192

SLOC See Source lines of code

SNiFF+, 235

Social influences, and software architecture, 5

Socket connections, and resource pooling, 424


A-7E, 49

economic models of, 307, 308

flight simulator, 181

self-configuring, 462

Software architects, 25, 97

Software architecture, 19–23, 43, 69 See also Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method; Reconstructing software architectures

central role of, 201

and change management, 31

common structures, 37

within configuration management systems, 481–482

and cost/schedule estimates, 32

definition of, 3, 21

and design decisions, 29–32

documentation as introduction to, 203

in education, 483

and evolutionary prototyping, 31–32

future of, 477–484

importance of, 26–35

and product lines, 360

and quality attributes, 30–31

relationship between reference models, architectural patterns, reference architecture, and, 26

re-use of, 353

system architecture versus, 34

and template-based development, 34–35

and training, 35

as transferable, re-usable model, 26, 32–35

typical, uninformative presentation of, 20

and usability, 91, 92, 97

Software Architecture Analysis Method, 305

Software architecture documentation, fundamental principle of, 230

Software Cost Reduction, 52, 66

Software decision module, 56–57

Software design patterns, 173

Software elements, architecture and definition of, 21

Software engineering, 42

education, future of software architecture in, 483

and software product lines, 354

Software Engineering Institute, 268, 399

ASEILM developed at, 466

Dali developed by, 258

practice areas identified by, in fielding product lines, 363

software architecture Web page, 43

Software engineers, 233

Software interfaces, documentation for, 58

Software life cycle, testing within, 89

Software process, and ABC, 12–14

Software product lines, 170, 351, 353–368, 367

adoption of, 364–365

architectures for, 360–363

common architecture shared by, 32

and crafting common components, 442

creating products and evolution of, 365–366

difficulties with, 363–367

failure of, 359

and organizational structure, 366–367

scoping of, 357–358

working discussion of, 355–357

Software quality evaluation, 262

Software renovation factories, 258

Software re-use, and Luther architecture, 433

Software structures, 39–40

unclear mapping between aircraft structures and, 181

Software systems, acquiring, 262

Software testability, 88

Software Utility Module, 58

Solution Group, at Inmedius, 431

Source code, 236

Source lines of code, 376

Source of stimulus

of availability scenario, 80

of modifiability general scenario, 82

of performance general scenario, 84

of quality attribute scenario, 75

of security general scenario, 86

of testability general scenario, 89

of usability general scenario, 91

Spare tactic, 104, 147

“Specialized access routes/interfaces” tactic, and managing input/output for testing, 120

Special Operations Forces family of trainers, 177

Specification-level collaboration diagram, 227

Spline Module, 222

Splitter class, 223

Splitter role, 227

Sporadic event arrival, 83, 84

Spot (Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse), 433

“Spot the Architecture,” playing, 246–247

Spreadsheets, 12, 478

SQL (Structured Query Language) code, generation of in Dali, 238

SQL dialect, and Nightingale system, 298

SQL format, conversion of extracted information to, 238

SQL queries, 243

and Dali, 242

and local variable aggregation, 244

and recovery of “lost” architecture, 247

SQL Server, 472

SS2000 See Ship System 2000

SSL See Secure Sockets Layer

stabilize state, 189

Staff-days, and architectural evaluations, 263

Stakeholder communication, and architecture, 27–29

Stakeholder list, 206

Stakeholders, 201, 229, 479

and air traffic control system, 133

and architectural integrity, 96

architecture reviewed by, 15

and ATAM, 271, 272, 275, 285–287, 304

and CBAM, 309

in CelsiusTech experience, 369, 370

and communication needs served by architecture, 204

documentation organization for, 216–218

engagement of, 9

and future impact of components, 483

general scenarios and communication with, 93

helpful architecture documentation for, 206

influence on architectures by, 6–8

and Nightingale system, 289, 300, 301

and scenario brainstorming, 284

seasoned and new, 202

software architecture and communication among, 26, 42

and utility-response curves, 310, 311, 312

Standards, source of, 172

Standby address space, 139

Standby components, 103, 104

Starting evaluation criteria, 464

Statecharts, 209, 210

Stateful model, and EJB server tier, 420

Stateful session bean instances, clients’ static bindings to, 421

Stateful session beans, 409, 410

in online bookshop example, 420

Stateful session EJBs, and work-flow component packaging, 448

Stateless model, and EJB server tier, 420

Stateless session bean instances, clients’ dynamic bindings to, 421

Stateless session beans, 409, 414, 417, 425, 443

advantages with, 420–421

in online bookshop example, 420

work-flow component packaged as, 447

Stateless session EJBs, and work-flow component packaging, 448, 449

State management

and EJB, 420–422

J2EE and simplification of, 441

“State resynchronization” tactic, 104, 141

Static extraction, 241

Static extractor tool, 239

Static information, 235, 239, 240

Static libraries, 361

Static scheduling, 115

Static views, 15

Station Manager, 144

Stimuli, tactics and responses to, 100


of ATAM scenario, 280

of availability scenario, 80

of CBAM scenario, 310

of modifiability general scenario, 82

of performance general scenario, 84

of quality attribute scenario, 75

of security general scenario, 86

of testability general scenario, 89

of usability general scenario, 91

Stochastic arrival, 83, 84

Storyboards, and Luther architecture user interface, 437

Strategy pattern, 109

Stream layer, for libWWW, 336

STRIC, 374

StringOp class, 239

Strong typing, and SS2000, 390, 391

Structural-model-based flight simulators, 176

Structural Modeling pattern, 181, 185–187

of air vehicle system processor with focus on executive, 186

and controller children, 188

and flight simulation, 176

goals achieved with, 197–198

uses for, 177

Structural rules, for “good” architecture, 16

Structures, 35, 40–41

Stubbing implementations, 120

“Stubbing out” code sections, 170, 171

Stubs, 109

Styles, architectural, 125

Subclassing, 38

Subcontractors, 167

Submodules, 55, 157

Subprograms, 142

Subroutines, 477

Subsets, 62

delivery of, 63

of systems, 42

Subsystem controllers, 198

for air vehicle model, 192

capabilities of, 189

for flight simulator, 192

module, and air vehicle structural model, 187, 188–190

<<subsystem>> package stereotype, 226

Subsystems, 157

and groups, 193

integrating, 198

malfunctions with, 191

and periodic sequencer, 186

propulsion, 196

skeletal, 171

and surrogates, 187

in UML, 219, 226

Success, differing standards for, 65–66

Sun Microsystems, 347

home page, 425

Java 2 Enterprise Edition, 401, 404

Supersets, of systems, 42

Supportability, and Nightingale system, 292

<<supports>> stereotype, 228


in air vehicle model executive, 187

for flight simulator, 192

Surveillance data, and ISSS physical view, 136

Surveys, 276

Swedish Navy, CelsiusTech contract with, 370, 376

Switchovers, 104

and PAS failures, 139–140

Symmetric encryption, 117

Synchronization, 40, 70

and active redundancy, 103

and passive redundancy, 104

Synchronization points, 162

Synchronization tactic, 100

“Synchronize-with” relation, 64

Syntax, 107

Synthetic interviewing, 434

System administrators, changes made by, 81, 82

System architecture

and e-commerce, 341

software architecture versus, 34

System design, and tactics, 100

System development, architectural constraints in, 462

System failures, 79, 80

System functions/function groups

for CelsiusTech, 390, 392

in SS2000, 394, 395

System Generation Module, 58

System initiative, 122

System overview, 215, 217

System quality, 31

and architectural quality, 92

System quality attributes, 74–78, 94–95

component-dominated architectures and achievement of, 463

problems with previous discussions of, 74

System requirements, and design, 154

Systems, 42, 479

architectural structures of, 39–40

ASEILM, 466–476

building from OTS components, 453–476

as collaborations, 227

concurrency in, 162

as contained objects, 227

elements in, 47

and groups, 193

in kinetics group, 195–196

maintaining model of, 122

projected lifetime of, 95

qualities of, 74

in UML, 226–227

Systems Definition Group, at CelsiusTech, 384, 385

Systems of systems, 478

System-specific scenarios, 78, 156

System structure, and organizational structure, 167

System testers, 89

Table-driven operating systems, 12


fusing, 241

in primary presentation, 208

Tactics, 127, 129

architectural patterns and, 123–124, 125

availability, 101–105, 125

coupling scenarios and, 480

and design, 99

and integrability, 175

introduction to, 100–101

modifiability, 105–111, 125

performance, 111–116, 125

predicting results of application of, 480

security, 116–118, 125

selecting, 158

testability, 118–121, 125

usability, 121–123, 125

“weaving” of into systems, 481

Targeted markets, 95–96

Task models, 122

Tasks, Ada, 142

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) flags, 118

TCP/IP, 137, 343, 435

Team leaders

ATAM and role of, 273

in Nightingale system, 289

Teams, 30

formation of, 10, 167–170

Technical-Architecture Plan, at CelsiusTech, 383, 384

Technical constraints, and Nightingale system, 291

Technical documentation

fundamental principle of, 230

and reader viewpoint, 202

Technical environment, influence on architectures by, 9

Technical influences, and software architecture, 5, 6

Technical Steering Group, at CelsiusTech, 385

Technology changes, at CelsiusTech, 379–380

Technology development, and Luther architecture, 431

Telephone switches, architecture reconstruction used for, 232


Telub, 370

Template-based development, and architecture, 34–35

Templates, for documenting interfaces, 212–214

Terminal control area (TCA), 130

Testability, 69, 88–89, 98, 127

and Nightingale system, 292

and SS2000 product line, 388

and system quality attributes, 74

Testability scenarios, 89–90

Testability tactics, 118–121, 125

internal monitoring, 120

managing input/output, 120

Test and Training subsystems, 137

Testers, 14

and architecture, 27

and ATAM, 272

Test harness, 89, 119, 120

Testing, 354

cost of with flight simulator, 181

and re-use, 355

Test plans and cases, 354

Textual primary presentations, 208

Thin clients, 440

Thread model, for Java servlet ensemble, 475

Threads, and resource pooling, 424

Thread safety, and libWWW, 337

Tiers, 341

Time budgets, 15

with Structural Modeling pattern, 197


ATAM and role of, 273

in Nightingale system, 289

Timeline synchronizer

in air vehicle model executive, 185

for flight simulator, 192

Time sequences, in sequence diagrams, 211

Time-to-market, 95, 97

Timing/time, 80

in flight simulator, 183–184

and performance, 82

Token ring networks, Logical Communications Network composed of, 137


application server, 472

and IIS, 475

Tool environment, documentation within, 481


and architecture reconstruction, 258

for information extraction, 235

and re-use, 356

Tool support

for architecture reconstruction, 232

for design process, 481

Top-down adoption, of product line, 364

Top-down approach, for architecture reconstruction, 258

“Top-level architecture,” 19

Topological layout, in architectural patterns and styles, 125

Traces, semantic information conveyed with, 213

Tradeoff points

and architectural approaches, 282, 283, 284

and ATAM, 274, 309

and Nightingale system, 299, 302, 303


architecture as basis for, 35

and documentation, 203

with flight simulators, 179, 180

Transaction management, and J2EE, 450

Transaction monitors/processors, 345

Transactions services, 401

“Transactions” tactic, 105

Transaction support, 443

designer’s decisions, J2EE, and implementation of, 449, 450

and EJB container, 444

Translator library layer, 458

Triggering events, 63

Triple redundancy, 103

TSG See Technical Steering Group

Turbulence, 179

type field, 249

Types, as classes in UML, 223

UCMEdit model

after application of common code segments, 255

after application-specific direct manipulation, 256

after clustering based on application domain, 257

classes, files and “leftover” functions shown in, 251

graphics subsystem, code, classes, files, and remaining functions in, 252, 253

reconstruction of architecture for, 248–257

UI See User interface

Ultrix (Digital), and SS2000, 373

Unauthorized access, protection from, 117

Underwriters Laboratories, 482

undo command, 122

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 201, 218–229

aggregation in, 219–221

allocation views, 227–229

and behavioral descriptions, 209

C&C views, 222–227

connectors in, 225–226

decomposition in with nesting, 221

dependency in, 222

deployment view in, 229

detail representation, 223

generalization documented in, with two line styles, 221

interfaces in, 219

layers represented in, 222

module views and, 218–222

and Nightingale system, 303

for primary presentation, 208

systems in, 226–227

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), 329

United States, Internet backbones in, 333

Unit tests, 89

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), 347

UNIX operating system, 142, 298

UNIX processes, Ada tasks mapped onto, 142

Unplanned evaluations, 266

Unstructured evaluations, 269

updateAccount method, 414, 415

update method, 415, 416

update operation, 186, 190, 191

and subsystem controllers, 189–190

Updating, 190

Updrafts, 179

U.S. Air Force, 176

and simulator design problems, 180–181

U.S. Department of Defense standards, 37

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 48

Usability, 7, 25, 69, 73, 90–91, 121, 127

and market share, 95

and Nightingale system, 291

and software architecture, 97

and system quality attributes, 74

Usability engineers, 123

Usability scenarios, 91–93, 122

Usability tactics, 121–123, 125

design-time, 123

runtime, 121–122

Usage guide, in interface documentation, 214

“Use an intermediary” tactic, and surrogates, 187

Use case maps, computer-based editing of, 254

Use cases, 155

and concurrency in system, 162

verifying/refining as constraints for child modules, 164

Usenet, 172

Usenet messages, 336

User, maintaining model of, 122

User experience paradigm, and J2EE, 435

User initiative, 122

User input devices, for various device classes, 433

User interaction styles, and Luther architecture, 433

User interface

and libWWW, 337

and Luther architecture, 432, 436–437, 439–440

revising, 123

separating from rest of application, 123

“User interface agnostic” applications, 441

User interface module, in example, 164, 166

User manuals, 354

User needs, system adapted to, 91

User profile data, 118


and architecture, 27

and ATAM, 272

authorization of, 117

uses relation, 37, 60–61

Uses structure, 37, 40, 42, 44, 47, 48, 62, 170

and A-7E system, 53, 60–63, 66

Uses view, 207


architectural strategies, 312–313

and CBAM, 309, 316

priorities of scenarios, 312

utility-response curves, 310–312

and variations of scenarios, 310

Utility-response curves, 310–312, 324

Utility scores, scenarios with (NASA ECS Project), 319

Utility trees, 155, 282, 284, 305, 309

ATAM and generation of, 279

Nightingale system and generation of, 294–295, 297

tabular form of, for Nightingale ATAM exercise, 296–297

Validation agencies, 482

Validation of extracted information, 237

Variability guide, in documenting a view, 208–209

Variability provided by interface, in interface documentation, 213–214

Variability techniques, 367

Variables, 234

Variation, 82

in event arrival time, 85

in latency, 84

Variation points

core assets designed with, 354

identifying in product lines, 360

supporting in product lines, 361–362

Vasa (Swedish ship), 4–5

VAX/VMS minicomputers, 378

“Vertical” scaling (or scaling up), 345, 422

View catalog, 215–216

View fusion, 235, 239–241

and architecture reconstruction, 233

and database models, 237

disambiguating function calls, 241

and reconstruction, 249–257

Views, 35, 129, 204–205

allocation of, 206, 227–229

architecture represented with, in example, 161–163

choosing, 205–207, 229

combining, 207

C&C, 206, 222–227

documentation across, 215–218

documenting, 207–209

improving, 239–240

mapping between, 217, 481

module, 206, 218–222

prioritizing, 207

View template, 215, 216

Virtual documents, 339

Virtual hardware, 56

Virtual machines, 37, 62, 159

Virtual private network (VPN), 117

Virtual threads, 162, 163

Viruses, 86

Vision, 201

Visual Basic, 339, 340, 405, 455

Visualization and interaction, and reconstruction, 241

Visual Mining, 468

Voice input, 435


refined scenarios with (NASA ECS Project), 319

and scenario brainstorming, 285

Voting tactic, 102

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