Chapter 14. Software Product Lines: Re-using Architectural Assets

with Linda Northrop

Note: Linda Northrop is a member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute.

In 1969, McIlroy first recognized the need for an industry of re-usable software components, but since then, this has continued to be an elusive goal for the software community. It is therefore fair to ask the question: If the benefits of re-usable software components are so overwhelming, why doesn't this practice already pervade the whole of computer science?

—Grady Booch [Booch 94]

14.1 Overview

A software architecture represents a significant investment of time and effort, usually by senior talent. So it is natural to want to maximize the return on this investment by re-using an architecture across multiple systems. Architecturally mature organizations tend to treat their architectures as valuable intellectual property and look for ways in which that property can be leveraged to produce additional revenue and reduce costs. Both are possible with architecture re-use.

This chapter is about the explicit, planned re-use of a software architecture (and other assets as well) across a family of related systems. When an organization is producing multiple similar systems and re-using the same architecture (and elements associated with that architecture), it enjoys substantial benefits that include reduced cost of construction and reduced time to market. This is the lure of the software product line, defined as

a set of software-intensive systems sharing a common, managed set of features that satisfy the specific needs of a particular market segment or mission and that are developed from a common set of core assets in a prescribed way. [Clements 02b, 5]

The vision is of a set of re-usable assets that includes a base architecture and the common, perhaps tailorable, elements that populate it. It also includes designs and their documentation, user manuals, project management artifacts such as budgets and schedules, and software test plans and test cases. As we will see, achieving this vision depends critically on establishing the correct scope for the product line.

When a product line has been successfully established, each re-usable asset is saved in a core asset base because it can be applied to more than one system and because re-using it will be cheaper than re-inventing it. Core assets ideally are designed with variation points—that is, places where they can be quickly tailored in preplanned ways. Within a successful product line, system building becomes accessing the appropriate assets, tailoring them as required for the system at hand, and then assembling that system. Any software developed for an individual product, if needed at all, tends to account for less than 20% of the total software. Integration and testing replace design and coding as the predominant activities.

Product lines are, of course, nothing new in manufacturing. Many historians trace the concept to Eli Whitney's use of interchangeable parts to build rifles in the early 1800s, but earlier examples also exist. Today, Boeing has one, as do Ford, Dell, and even McDonald's. Each company exploits commonality in different ways. Boeing, for example, developed the 757 and 767 transports in tandem, and the parts lists of these two very different aircraft overlap by about 60%.

Software product lines based on inter-product commonality represent an innovative, growing concept in software engineering. Every customer has its own requirements, which demand flexibility on the part of the manufacturers. Software product lines simplify the creation of systems built specifically for particular customers or customer groups.

The improvements in cost, time to market, and productivity that come with a successful product line can be breathtaking. Consider:

• Nokia is able to produce 25 to 30 different phone models per year (up from 4 per year) because of the product line approach.

• Cummins, Inc., was able to reduce the time it takes to produce the software for a diesel engine from about a year to about a week.

• Motorola observed a 400% productivity improvement in a family of one-way pagers.

• Hewlett-Packard reported a time to market reduced by a factor of seven and a productivity increase of a factor of six in a family of printer systems.

• With a family of satellite ground control systems it commissioned, the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office reports the first product requiring 10% the expected number of developers and having 90% fewer defects.

Creating a successful product line depends on a coordinated strategy involving software engineering, technical management, and organization management. Since this is a book on software architecture, we focus on the software architectural aspects of software engineering, but all aspects must work together for an organization to successfully create a product line.

14.2 What Makes Software Product Lines Work?

The essence of a software product line is the disciplined, strategic re-use of assets in producing a family of products. What makes product lines succeed so spectacularly from the vendor or developer's point of view is that the commonalities shared by the products can be exploited through re-use to achieve production economies. The potential for re-use is broad and far-ranging, including:

Requirements. Most of the requirements are common with those of earlier systems and so can be re-used. Requirements analysis is saved.

Architectural design. An architecture for a software system represents a large investment of time from the organization's most talented engineers. As we have seen, the quality goals for a system—performance, reliability, modifiability, and so forth—are largely allowed or precluded once the architecture is in place. If the architecture is wrong, the system cannot be saved. For a new product, however, this most important design step is already done and need not be repeated.

Elements. Software elements are applicable across individual products. Far and above mere code re-use, element re-use includes the (often difficult) initial design work. Design successes are captured and re-used; design dead ends are avoided, not repeated. This includes design of the element's interface, its documentation, its test plans and procedures, and any models (such as performance models) used to predict or measure its behavior. One re-usable set of elements is the system's user interface, which represents an enormous and vital set of design decisions.

Modeling and analysis. Performance models, schedulability analysis, distributed system issues (such as proving absence of deadlock), allocation of processes to processors, fault tolerance schemes, and network load policies all carry over from product to product. CelsiusTech (as discussed in Chapter 15) reports that one of the major headaches associated with the real-time distributed systems it builds has all but vanished. When fielding a new product in the product line, it has extremely high confidence that the timing problems have been worked out and that the bugs associated with distributed computing—synchronization, network loading, deadlock—have been eliminated.

Testing. Test plans, test processes, test cases, test data, test harnesses, and the communication paths required to report and fix problems are already in place.

Project planning. Budgeting and scheduling are more predictable because experience is a high-fidelity indicator of future performance. Work breakdown structures need not be invented each time. Teams, team size, and team composition are all easily determined.

Processes, methods, and tools. Configuration control procedures and facilities, documentation plans and approval processes, tool environments, system generation and distribution procedures, coding standards, and many other day-to-day engineering support activities can all be carried over from product to product. The overall software development process is in place and has been used before.

People. Because of the commonality of applications, personnel can be fluidly transferred among projects as required. Their expertise is applicable across the entire line.

Exemplar systems. Deployed products serve as high-quality demonstration prototypes as well as high-quality engineering models of performance, security, safety, and reliability.

Defect elimination. Product lines enhance quality because each new system takes advantage of the defect elimination in its forebears. Developer and customer confidence both rise with each new instantiation. The more complicated the system, the higher the payoff for solving vexing performance, distribution, reliability, and other engineering issues once for the entire family.

Software product lines rely on re-use, but as revealed by this chapter's opening quotation, re-use has a long but less than stellar history in software engineering, with the promise almost always exceeding the payoff. One reason for this failure is that until now re-use has been predicated on the idea that “If you build it, they will come.” A re-use library is stocked with snippets from previous projects, and developers are expected to check it first before coding new elements. Almost everything conspires against this model. If the library is too sparse, the developer will not find anything of use and will stop looking. If the library is too rich, it will be hard to search. If the elements are too small, it is easier to rewrite them than to find them and carry out whatever modifications they might need. If the elements are too large, it is very difficult to determine exactly what they do in detail, which in any case is not likely to be exactly right for the new application. In most re-use libraries, pedigree is hazy at best. The developer cannot be sure exactly what the element does, how reliable it is, or under what conditions it was tested. And there is almost never a match between the quality attributes needed for the new application and those provided by the elements in the library.

In any case, it is likely that the elements were written for a different architectural model than the one the developer of the new system is using. Even if you find something that does the right thing with the right quality attributes, it is doubtful that it will be the right kind of architectural element (if you need an object, you might find a process), that it will have the right interaction protocol, that it will comply with the new application's error-handling or failover policies, and so on.

Software product lines make re-use work by establishing a very strict context for it. The architecture is defined; the functionality is set; the quality attributes are known. Nothing is placed in the re-use library—or “core asset base” in product line terms—that was not built to be re-used in that product line. Product lines work by relying on strategic or planned, not opportunistic, re-use.

14.3 Scoping

The scope of a product line defines what systems are in it, and what systems are out. Put less bluntly, a product line's scope is a statement about what systems an organization is willing to build as part of its line and what systems it is not willing to build. Defining a product line's scope is like drawing a doughnut in the space of all possible systems, as shown in Figure 14.1. The doughnut's center represents the systems that the organization could build, would build, because they fall within its product line capability. Systems outside the doughnut are out of scope, ones that the product line is not well equipped to handle. Systems on the doughnut itself could be handled, but with some effort, and require case-by-case disposition as they arise. To illustrate, in a product line of office automation systems a conference room scheduler would be in; a flight simulator would be out. A specialized intranet search engine might be in if it could be produced in a reasonable time and if there were strategic reasons for doing so (such as the likelihood that future customers would want a similar product).

Figure 14.1. The space of all possible systems is divided into areas within scope (white), areas outside of scope (speckled), and areas that require case-by-case disposition (black).


Adapted from [Clements 02b].

The scope represents the organization's best prediction about what products it will be asked to build in the foreseeable future. Input to the scoping process comes from the organization's strategic planners, marketing staff, domain analysts who can catalog similar systems (both existing and on the drawing board), and technology experts.

A product line scope is a critical factor in the success of the product line. Scope too narrowly (the products vary in a small number of features) and an insufficient number of products will be derived to justify the investment in development. Scope too broadly (the products vary in kind as well as in features) and the effort required to develop individual products from the core assets is too great to lead to great savings. Scope can be refined during the initial establishment of the product line or opportunistically depending on the product line adoption strategy (see the section Adoption Strategies).

The problem in defining the scope is not in finding commonality—a creative architect can find points of commonality between any two systems—but in finding commonality that can be exploited to substantially reduce the cost of constructing the systems that an organization intends to build.

When considering scope, more than just the systems being built should be considered. Market segmentation and types of customer interactions assumed will help determine the scope of any product line. For example, Philips, a Dutch manufacturer of consumer electronics, has distinct product lines for home video electronic systems and digital video communication. Video is the common thread, but one is a mass market, where the customer is assumed to have very little video sophistication, and the other is a much smaller market (in terms of number of customers), where the customer is assumed to be very knowledgeable. The products being developed reflect these assumptions about the sophistication of customers and the amount of care each customer will receive. These differences were sufficient to keep Philips from attempting to develop a single product line for both markets.

Narrowly scoped product lines offer opportunities to build specialized tools to support the specification of new products, for example:

• FAST is a process for product line development based on developing a domain-specific language and associated compiler. The compiler is one of the core assets. When product variations are captured in a domain-specific language, the runtime library for the code generated through the compiler becomes an additional core asset.

• GM Powertrain makes a product out of product line assets based on contracts stored in a database. Each element has well-defined interfaces and possible variation points. A tool searches the database based on desired features and assembles the product.

Broadly scoped product lines tend to be developed as frameworks or as collections of services, for example:

• An automotive supplier's product line of navigation systems is geared to automotive manufacturers, each of which insists on its own user interface and set of features. The supplier designed the architecture as a collection of frameworks. The development of each product consists of constructing the user interface and instantiating the frameworks for the specified features.

• The Luther system (see Chapter 17) is a product line constructed on top of J2EE (a framework). The development of each product consists of building the user interface and implementing some application support modules.

14.4 Architectures for Product Lines

Of all of the assets in a core asset repository, the software architecture plays the most central role. The essence of building a successful software product line is discriminating between what is expected to remain constant across all family members and what is expected to vary. Software architecture is ready-made for handling this duality, since all architectures are abstractions that admit a plurality of instances; a great source of their conceptual value is, after all, that they allow us to concentrate on design essentials within a number of different implementations. By its very nature an architecture is a statement about what we expect to remain constant and what we admit may vary. In a software product line, the architecture is an expression of the nonvarying aspects.

But a product line architecture goes beyond this simple dichotomy, concerning itself with a set of explicitly allowed variations, whereas with a conventional architecture almost any instance will do as long as the (single) system's behavioral and quality goals are met. Thus, identifying the allowable variations is part of the architecture's responsibility, as is providing built-in mechanisms for achieving them. Those variations may be substantial. Products in a software product line exist simultaneously and may vary in terms of their behavior, quality attributes, platform, network, physical configuration, middleware, scale factors, and so forth.

A product line architect needs to consider three things:

• Identifying variation points

• Supporting variation points

• Evaluating the architecture for product line suitability


Identifying variation is an ongoing activity. Because of the many ways a product can vary, variants can be identified at virtually any time during the development process. Some variations are identified during product line requirements elicitation; others, during architecture design; and still others, during implementation. Variations may also be identified during implementation of the second (and subsequent) products as well.

The variations discovered during the requirements process can include features, platforms, user interfaces, qualities, and target markets. Some are interdependent. For example, the user interface may be tied to the platform to be used, which may in turn be tied to a particular target market.

The variation points discovered during the architecture design process will be either options for implementing the variations identified during the requirements process or normal variations during design because particular decisions are deferred until more information is available. In any case, it is now appropriate to speak of “variation points” since there are places in the architecture that we can point to that capture the variation.


In a conventional architecture, the mechanism for achieving different instances almost always comes down to modifying the code. But in a software product line, architectural support for variation can take many forms:

• Inclusion or omission of elements. This decision can be reflected in the build procedures for different products, or the implementation of an element can be conditionally compiled based on some parameter indicating its presence or absence.

• Inclusion of a different number of replicated elements. For instance, high-capacity variants might be produced by adding more servers—the actual number should be unspecified, as a point of variation. Again, a build file would select the number appropriate for a particular product.

• Selection of versions of elements that have the same interface but different behavioral or quality attribute characteristics. Selection can occur at compile or build time or, in some cases, even runtime. Two selection mechanisms are static libraries, which contain external functions linked to after compilation time, and dynamic link libraries, which have the flexibility of static libraries but defer the decision until runtime based on context and execution conditions. By changing the libraries, we can change the implementation of functions whose names and signatures are known.

These mechanisms produce wholesale changes at the architectural level. Other mechanisms can be introduced that change aspects of a particular element. Changing the source code falls into this category. More sophisticated techniques include the following:

• In object-oriented systems, specializing or generalizing particular classes can achieve variation. Classes can be written to admit a variety of specializations that can be written for various products as necessary.

• Building extension points into the element's implementation. This is a place where additional behavior or functionality can be safely added.

• Variation can be accomplished by introducing build-time parameters to an element, a subsystem, or a collection of subsystems, whereby a product is configured by setting a collection of values.

• Reflection is the ability of a program to manipulate data on itself or its execution environment or state. Reflective programs can adjust their behavior based on their context.

• Overloading is a means of re-using a named functionality to operate on different types. Overloading promotes code re-use, but at the cost of understandability and code complexity.

Of course, there must be documentation (see Chapter 9) for the product line architecture as it resides in the core asset base and for each product's architecture (to the extent that it varies from the product line architecture). The documentation for the product line architecture should clearly show its variation points and a rationale for each (probably using the scope definition as justification). It should also describe the architecture's instantiation process—that is, how its variation points are exercised. Theoretically, each variation point could be described separately, but in practice not all variations are allowed. Some combinations may be unused or (worse) result in an error, and so the documentation needs to explain valid and invalid variation bindings.

The documentation for an individual product's architecture can be written in terms of deltas from or binding of variation points. For example, the architecture for product #16 might require three servers, sixty-four client workstations, two databases, the high-speed low-resolution version of the graphics element, and null encryption in the message generator.


Like any other, the architecture for a software product line should be evaluated for fitness of purpose. In fact, given the number of systems that will rely on it, evaluation takes on an even more important role for a product line architecture.

The good news is that the evaluation techniques described earlier in this book work well for product line architectures. The architecture should be evaluated for its robustness and generality, to make sure it can serve as the basis for products in the product line's envisioned scope. It should also be evaluated to make sure it meets the specific behavioral and quality requirements of the product at hand. We begin by focusing on the what and how of the evaluation and then turn to when it should take place.

What and How to Evaluate

The evaluation will have to focus on the variation points to make sure they are appropriate, that they offer sufficient flexibility to cover the product line's intended scope, that they allow products to be built quickly, and that they do not impose unacceptable runtime performance costs. If your evaluation is scenario based, expect to elicit scenarios that involve instantiating the architecture to support different products in the family. Also, different products in the product line may have different quality attribute requirements, and the architecture will have to be evaluated for its ability to provide all required combinations. Here again, try to elicit scenarios that capture the quality attributes required of family members.

Often, some of the hardware and other performance-affecting factors for a product line architecture are unknown to begin with. In this case, evaluation can establish bounds on the performance that the architecture is able to achieve, assuming bounds on hardware and other variables. The evaluation can identify potential contention so that you can put in place the policies and strategies to resolve it.

When to Evaluate

An evaluation should be performed on an instance or variation of the architecture that will be used to build one or more products in the product line. The extent to which this is a separate, dedicated evaluation depends on the extent to which the product architecture differs in quality-attribute-affecting ways from the product line architecture. If it does not differ, the product line architecture evaluation can be abbreviated, since many of the issues normally be raised in a single product evaluation will have been dealt with in the product line evaluation. In fact, just as the product architecture is a variation of the product line architecture, the product architecture evaluation is a variation of the product line architecture evaluation. Therefore, depending on the evaluation method used, the evaluation artifacts (scenarios, checklists, etc.) will have re-use potential, and you should create them with that in mind. The results of evaluation of product architectures often provide useful feedback to the product line architects and fuel architectural improvements.

When a new product is proposed that falls outside the scope of the original product line (for which the architecture was presumably evaluated), the product line architecture can be re-evaluated to see if it will suffice for it. If it does, the product line's scope can be expanded to include the new product or to spawn a new product line. If it does not, the evaluation can determine how the architecture will have to be modified to accommodate the new product.

The product line and product architectures can be evaluated not only to determine architectural risks but also, using the CBAM (see Chapter 12), to determine which products will yield the most return.

14.5 What Makes Software Product Lines Difficult?

It takes a certain maturity in the developing organization to successfully field a product line. Technology is not the only barrier to this; organization, process, and business issues are equally vital to master to fully reap the benefits of the software product line approach.

The Software Engineering Institute has identified twenty-nine issues or “practice areas” that affect an organization's success in fielding a software product line. Most of these practice areas are applied during single-system development as well, but take on a new dimension in a product line context. Two examples are architecture definition and configuration management.

Architecture definition is an important activity for any project but, as we saw in the previous section, it needs to emphasize variation points in a software product line. Configuration management is also an important activity for any project but is more complex for a software product line because each product is the result of binding a large number of variations. The configuration management problem for product lines is to reproduce any version of any product delivered to any customer, where “product” means code and supporting artifacts ranging from requirement specs and test cases to user manuals and installation guides. This involves knowing what version of each core asset was used in a product's construction, how every asset was tailored, and what special-purpose code or documentation was added.

Examining every facet of product line production is outside the scope of this book, but the next section will examine a few of the key areas to give a flavor of the qualitative difference between product line and single-system development. These are issues that an organization will have to face when considering whether to adopt a product line approach for software development.


Getting an organization to adopt the product line approach is in many regards like any other technology insertion problem. How to solve it depends on the organization's culture and context.

Top-down adoption comes when a manager decrees that the organization will use the approach. The problem here is to get employees in the trenches to change the way they work. Bottom-up adoption happens when designers and developers working at the product level realize that they are needlessly duplicating each other's work and begin to share resources and develop generic core assets. The problem here is finding a manager willing to sponsor the work and spread the technique to other parts of the organization. Both approaches work; both are helped enormously by the presence of a strong champion—someone who has thoroughly internalized the product line vision and can share that compelling vision with others.

Orthogonal to the issue of in which direction the technology will grow is the question of how the product line itself grows. Here there are two primary models.[1]

In a proactive product line, an organization defines the family using a comprehensive definition of scope. They do this not with a crystal ball but by taking advantage of their experience in the application area, their knowledge about the market and technology trends, and their good business sense. The proactive model is the most powerful of the two product line growth models, because it allows the organization to make the most far-reaching strategic decisions. Explicitly scoping the product line allows you to look at areas that are underrepresented by products already in the marketplace, make small extensions to the product line, and move quickly to fill the gap. In short, proactive product line scope allows an organization to take charge of its own fate.

Sometimes an organization does not have the ability to forecast the needs of the market with the certainty suggested by the proactive model. Perhaps the domain is a new one. Perhaps the market is in flux. Or perhaps the organization cannot afford to build a core asset base that will cover the entire scope all at once. In this situation, a reactive model is more likely. Here an organization builds the next member or members of the product family from earlier products. With each new product, the architecture and designs are extended as needed and the core asset base is built up from what has turned out to be common—instead of what was preplanned to be common. The reactive model puts much less emphasis on upfront planning and strategic direction setting. Rather, the organization lets itself be taken where the market dictates.

Knowing the various adoption models can help an organization choose the one that is right for it. The proactive model requires an initial investment but less rework than the reactive model. The reactive model relies exclusively on rework with little initial investment. Which model should act as a guide for a particular organization depends very much on the business situation.


An organization that has a product line will have an architecture and a collection of elements associated with it. From time to time, the organization will create a new member of the product line that will have features both in common with and different from those of other members.

One problem associated with a product line is managing its evolution. As time passes, the product line—or, in particualr, the set of core assets from which products are built—must evolve. That evolution will be driven by both external and internal sources:

  1. External sources

    – New versions of elements in the line will be released by their vendors, and future products will need to be constructed from them.

    – Externally created elements may be added to the product line. Thus, for example, functions that were previously performed by internally developed elements may now be performed by elements acquired externally, or vice versa. Or future products will need to take advantage of new technology, as embodied in externally developed elements.

    – Features may be added to the product line to keep it responsive to user needs or competitive pressures.

  2. Internal sources

    – It must be determined if new functions added to a product are within the product line's scope. If so, they can simply be built anew from the asset base. If not, a decision must be made: Either the enhanced product spins off from the product line, following its own evolutionary path, or the asset base must be expanded to include it. Updating the product line may be the wisest choice if the new functionality is likely to be used in future products, but this capability comes at the cost of the time necessary to update the core assets.

    – If the product line assets are changed, even if the organization is in a position to issue a “recall,” replacing old products with ones built from the most up-to-date version of the asset base does not mean that it should do so. Keeping products compatible with the product line takes time and effort. But not doing so may make future upgrades more time consuming, because either the product will need to be brought into compliance with the latest product line elements or it will not be able to take advantage of new functions added to the line.


An asset base on which products depend, but which has its own evolutionary path, requires an organization to decide how to manage both it and product development. Jan Bosch [Bosch 00b] has studied product line organizational models and has identified four types.

  1. Development department. All software development is concentrated in a single unit. Each unit member is expected to be a jack-of-all-trades in the product line, doing domain engineering or application engineering when and as appropriate. This model appears in small organizations and those that provide consulting services. Although it is simple, with short communication paths, having a single unit has a number of distinct drawbacks. Bosch wrote that it probably works only for units of up to 30 people (and that sounds high to us) but in very small organizations whose product lines are commensurately small, it can be a viable starting-out approach.
  2. Business units. Each business unit is responsible for a subset of the systems in the product family, which are clustered by similarity. Shared assets are developed by the units that need them and made available to the community; collaboration across business units to develop new assets is possible. This model has variations depending on how flexible a business unit can be in developing (or modifying a shared asset). With no constraints, the products tend to diverge on their own evolutionary paths, negating the product line approach. Responsibility for particular assets is assigned to specific business units, which must maintain their assets for use by the entire product line. Other business units are required to make use of these assets. Bosch estimates that this model could apply to organizations with between 30 and 100 employees. It suffers from the obvious risk that a business unit will focus on its own product(s) first and the good of the product line will take a back seat.
  3. Domain engineering unit. A special unit is given responsibility for the development and maintenance of the core asset base, from which business units build the products. Bosch writes that when organizations exceed 100 employees, communication channels among separate business units become untenable and a focusing channel to a central shared asset unit becomes necessary. In this model, a strong and disciplined process becomes much more important to manage the communication and to ensure that the overall health of the product line is the goal of all parties.
  4. Hierarchical domain engineering units. It may pay to regard hierarchically a product line that is very large and/or very complex. That is, the product line may consist of subgroups that have more in common with each other than with other members of the product line. In this case, a domain engineering unit may turn out shared assets for the product line at large, and another domain engineering unit may turn out shared assets for the specialized subgroup. This example is of two levels, but the model could be extended indefinitely if the subgroups have specialized sub-subgroups, and so forth. Hierarchical domain units work for very large product lines, built by very large organizations. Their main disadvantage is the tendency to bloat, reducing the organization's responsiveness to new needs.

[1] These models were identified by Charles Krueger at a recent Dagstuhl workshop on software product lines (

14.6 Summary

This chapter presented an architecture-based development paradigm known as software product lines. The product line approach is steadily climbing in popularity as more organizations see true order-of-magnitude improvements in cost, schedule, and quality from using it.

Like all new technologies, however, this one holds some surprises for the unaware. Architecturally, the key is identifying and managing commonalities and variations, but nontechnical issues must be addressed as well, including how the organization adopts the model, structures itself, and maintains its external interfaces.

14.7 For Further Reading

[Anastasopoulos 00] presents a nice list of variability techniques. [Jacobson 97] and [Svahnberg 00] also list these techniques.

[Clements 02a] is a comprehensive treatment of software product lines. It includes a number of case studies as well as a discussion of product line practice areas.

Organizational models are treated in [Bosch 00b].

The FAST process is from [Weiss 00]. The Philips example comes from [America 00]. Finally, the GM Powertrain example is taken from [Bass 00].

14.8 Discussion Question

14.8.1. Suppose a company builds two similar systems using a large set of common assets, including an architecture. Clearly these two systems form a product line. If they shared only an architecture but no elements, would they still be a product line? Suppose they shared only a single element. Suppose that all they shared was the same operating system and programming language runtime libraries. Suppose that the shared asset was the team of developers. Would they be a product line then?

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