Chapter 1. The Architecture Business Cycle

Simply stated, competitive success flows to the company that manages to establish proprietary architectural control over a broad, fast-moving, competitive space.

—C. Morris and C. Ferguson [Morris 93]

For decades, software designers have been taught to build systems based exclusively on the technical requirements. Conceptually, the requirements document is tossed over the wall into the designer's cubicle, and the designer must come forth with a satisfactory design. Requirements beget design, which begets system. Of course, modern software development methods recognize the naïveté of this model and provide all sorts of feedback loops from designer to analyst. But they still make the implicit assumption that design is a product of the system's technical requirements, period.

Architecture has emerged as a crucial part of the design process and is the subject of this book. Software architecture encompasses the structures of large software systems. The architectural view of a system is abstract, distilling away details of implementation, algorithm, and data representation and concentrating on the behavior and interaction of “black box” elements. A software architecture is developed as the first step toward designing a system that has a collection of desired properties. We will discuss software architecture in detail in Chapter 2. For now we provide, without comment, the following definition:

The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them.

Chapter 2 will provide our working definitions and distinguish between architecture and other forms of design. For reasons we will see throughout, architecture serves as an important communication, reasoning, analysis, and growth tool for systems. Until now, however, architectural design has been discussed in the light that, if you know the requirements for a system, you can build the architecture for it.

This is short-sighted (see the sidebar The Swedish Ship Vasa) and fails to tell the whole story. What do you suppose would happen if two different architects, working in two different organizations, were given the same requirements specification for a system? Do you think they would produce the same architecture or different ones?

The answer is that, in general, they would produce different ones, which immediately belies the notion that requirements determine architecture. Other factors are at work, and to fail to recognize them is to continue working in the dark.

The focusing question is this: What is the relationship of a system's software architecture to the environment in which the system will be constructed and exist? The answer to this question is the organizing motif of this book. Software architecture is a result of technical, business, and social influences. Its existence in turn affects the technical, business, and social environments that subsequently influence future architectures. We call this cycle of influences, from the environment to the architecture and back to the environment, the Architecture Business Cycle (ABC).

This chapter introduces the ABC in detail and sets the stage for the remainder of the book. The major parts of the book tour the cycle by examining the following:

• How organizational goals influence requirements and development strategy.

• How requirements lead to an architecture.

• How architectures are analyzed.

• How architectures yield systems that suggest new organizational capabilities and requirements.

1.1 Where Do Architectures Come From?

An architecture is the result of a set of business and technical decisions. There are many influences at work in its design, and the realization of these influences will change depending on the environment in which the architecture is required to perform. An architect designing a system for which the real-time deadlines are believed to be tight will make one set of design choices; the same architect, designing a similar system in which the deadlines can be easily satisfied, will make different choices. And the same architect, designing a non-real-time system, is likely to make quite different choices still. Even with the same requirements, hardware, support software, and human resources available, an architect designing a system today is likely to design a different system than might have been designed five years ago.

In any development effort, the requirements make explicit some—but only some—of the desired properties of the final system. Not all requirements are concerned directly with those properties; a development process or the use of a particular tool may be mandated by them. But the requirements specification only begins to tell the story. Failure to satisfy other constraints may render the system just as problematic as if it functioned poorly.

We begin building the ABC by identifying the influences to and from architectures.


Many people and organizations are interested in the construction of a software system. We call these stakeholders: The customer, the end users, the developers, the project manager, the maintainers, and even those who market the system are a few examples. Stakeholders have different concerns that they wish the system to guarantee or optimize, including things as diverse as providing a certain behavior at runtime, performing well on a particular piece of hardware, being easy to customize, achieving short time to market or low cost of development, gainfully employing programmers who have a particular specialty, or providing a broad range of functions. Figure 1.2 shows the architect receiving helpful stakeholder “suggestions.”

Figure 1.2. Influence of stakeholders on the architect


Having an acceptable system involves properties such as performance, reliability, availability, platform compatibility, memory utilization, network usage, security, modifiability, usability, and interoperability with other systems as well as behavior. Indeed, we will see that these properties determine the overall design of the architecture. All of them, and others, affect how the delivered system is viewed by its eventual recipients, and so they find a voice in one or more of the system's stakeholders.

The underlying problem, of course, is that each stakeholder has different concerns and goals, some of which may be contradictory. Properties can be listed and discussed, of course, in an artifact such as a requirements document. But it is a rare requirements document that does a good job of capturing all of a system's quality requirements in testable detail. The reality is that the architect often has to fill in the blanks and mediate the conflicts.

Architectures Are Influenced By the Developing Organization

In addition to the organizational goals expressed through requirements, an architecture is influenced by the structure or nature of the development organization. For example, if the organization has an abundance of idle programmers skilled in client-server communications, then a client-server architecture might be the approach supported by management. If not, it may well be rejected. Staff skills are one additional influence, but so are the development schedule and budget.

There are three classes of influence that come from the developing organization: immediate business, long-term business, and organizational structure.

• An organization may have an immediate business investment in certain assets, such as existing architectures and the products based on them. The foundation of a development project may be that the proposed system is the next in a sequence of similar systems, and the cost estimates assume a high degree of asset re-use.

• An organization may wish to make a long-term business investment in an infrastructure to pursue strategic goals and may view the proposed system as one means of financing and extending that infrastructure.

• The organizational structure can shape the software architecture. In the case study in Chapter 8 (Flight Simulation: A Case Study in Architecture for Integrability), the development of some of the subsystems was subcontracted because the subcontractors provided specialized expertise. This was made possible by a division of functionality in the architecture that allowed isolation of the specialities.


If the architects for a system have had good results using a particular architectural approach, such as distributed objects or implicit invocation, chances are that they will try that same approach on a new development effort. Conversely, if their prior experience with this approach was disastrous, the architects may be reluctant to try it again. Architectural choices may also come from an architect's education and training, exposure to successful architectural patterns, or exposure to systems that have worked particularly poorly or particularly well. The architects may also wish to experiment with an architectural pattern or technique learned from a book (such as this one) or a course.

Architectures Are Influenced By the Technical Environment

A special case of the architect's background and experience is reflected by the technical environment. The environment that is current when an architecture is designed will influence that architecture. It might include standard industry practices or software engineering techniques prevalent in the architect's professional community. It is a brave architect who, in today's environment, does not at least consider a Web-based, object-oriented, middleware-supported design for an information system.


Influences on an architecture come from a wide variety of sources. Some are only implied, while others are explicitly in conflict.

Almost never are the properties required by the business and organizational goals consciously understood, let alone fully articulated. Indeed, even customer requirements are seldom documented completely, which means that the inevitable conflict among different stakeholders' goals has not been resolved.

However, architects need to know and understand the nature, source, and priority of constraints on the project as early as possible. Therefore, they must identify and actively engage the stakeholders to solicit their needs and expectations. Without such engagement, the stakeholders will, at some point, demand that the architects explain why each proposed architecture is unacceptable, thus delaying the project and idling workers. Early engagement of stakeholders allows the architects to understand the constraints of the task, manage expectations, negotiate priorities, and make tradeoffs. Architecture reviews (covered in Part Three) and iterative prototyping are two means for achieving it.

It should be apparent that the architects need more than just technical skills. Explanations to one stakeholder or another will be required regarding the chosen priorities of different properties and why particular stakeholders are not having all of their expectations satisfied. For an effective architect, then, diplomacy, negotiation, and communication skills are essential.

The influences on the architect, and hence on the architecture, are shown in Figure 1.3. Architects are influenced by the requirements for the product as derived from its stakeholders, the structure and goals of the developing organization, the available technical environment, and their own background and experience.

Figure 1.3. Influences on the architecture



The main message of this book is that the relationships among business goals, product requirements, architects' experience, architectures, and fielded systems form a cycle with feedback loops that a business can manage. A business manages this cycle to handle growth, to expand its enterprise area, and to take advantage of previous investments in architecture and system building. Figure 1.4 shows the feedback loops. Some of the feedback comes from the architecture itself, and some comes from the system built from it.

Figure 1.4. The Architecture Business Cycle


Here is how the cycle works:

  1. The architecture affects the structure of the developing organization. An architecture prescribes a structure for a system; as we will see, it particularly prescribes the units of software that must be implemented (or otherwise obtained) and integrated to form the system. These units are the basis for the development project's structure. Teams are formed for individual software units; and the development, test, and integration activities all revolve around the units. Likewise, schedules and budgets allocate resources in chunks corresponding to the units. If a company becomes adept at building families of similar systems, it will tend to invest in each team by nurturing each area of expertise. Teams become embedded in the organization's structure. This is feedback from the architecture to the developing organization.

    In the software product line case study in Chapter 15, separate groups were given responsibility for building and maintaining individual portions of the organization's architecture for a family of products. In any design undertaken by the organization at large, these groups have a strong voice in the system's decomposition, pressuring for the continued existence of the portions they control.

  2. The architecture can affect the goals of the developing organization. A successful system built from it can enable a company to establish a foothold in a particular market area. The architecture can provide opportunities for the efficient production and deployment of similar systems, and the organization may adjust its goals to take advantage of its newfound expertise to plumb the market. This is feedback from the system to the developing organization and the systems it builds.
  3. The architecture can affect customer requirements for the next system by giving the customer the opportunity to receive a system (based on the same architecture) in a more reliable, timely, and economical manner than if the subsequent system were to be built from scratch. The customer may be willing to relax some requirements to gain these economies. Shrink-wrapped software has clearly affected people's requirements by providing solutions that are not tailored to their precise needs but are instead inexpensive and (in the best of all possible worlds) of high quality. Product lines have the same effect on customers who cannot be so flexible with their requirements. In Chapter 15 (CelsuisTech, A Case Study in Product Line Development), we will show how a product line architecture caused customers to happily compromise their requirements because they could get high-quality software that fit their basic needs quickly, reliably, and at lower cost.
  4. The process of system building will affect the architect's experience with subsequent systems by adding to the corporate experience base. A system that was successfully built around a tool bus or .NET or encapsulated finite-state machines will engender similar systems built the same way in the future. On the other hand, architectures that fail are less likely to be chosen for future projects.
  5. A few systems will influence and actually change the software engineering culture, that is, the technical environment in which system builders operate and learn. The first relational databases, compiler generators, and table-driven operating systems had this effect in the 1960s and early 1970s; the first spreadsheets and windowing systems, in the 1980s. The World Wide Web is the example for the 1990s, as we will suggest in its case study in Chapter 13. J2EE may be the example for the first decade of the twenty-first century, as we will discuss in Chapter 16. When such pathfinder systems are constructed, subsequent systems are affected by their legacy.

These and other feedback mechanisms form what we call the ABC, illustrated in Figure 1.4, which depicts the influences of the culture and business of the development organization on the software architecture. That architecture is, in turn, a primary determinant of the properties of the developed system or systems. But the ABC is also based on a recognition that shrewd organizations can take advantage of the organizational and experiential effects of developing an architecture and can use those effects to position their business strategically for future projects.

1.2 Software Processes and the Architecture Business Cycle

Software process is the term given to the organization, ritualization, and management of software development activities. What activities are involved in creating a software architecture, using that architecture to realize a design, and then implementing or managing the evolution of a target system or application? These activities include the following:

• Creating the business case for the system

• Understanding the requirements

• Creating or selecting the architecture

• Documenting and communicating the architecture

• Analyzing or evaluating the architecture

• Implementing the system based on the architecture

• Ensuring that the implementation conforms to the architecture


As indicated in the structure of the ABC, architecture activities have comprehensive feedback relationships with each other. We will briefly introduce each activity in the following subsections.

Creating the Business Case for the System

Creating a business case is broader than simply assessing the market need for a system. It is an important step in creating and constraining any future requirements. How much should the product cost? What is its targeted market? What is its targeted time to market? Will it need to interface with other systems? Are there system limitations that it must work within?

These are all questions that must involve the system's architects. They cannot be decided solely by an architect, but if an architect is not consulted in the creation of the business case, it may be impossible to achieve the business goals.

Understanding the Requirements

There are a variety of techniques for eliciting requirements from the stakeholders. For example, object-oriented analysis uses scenarios, or “use cases” to embody requirements. Safety-critical systems use more rigorous approaches, such as finite-state-machine models or formal specification languages. In Chapter 4 (Understanding Quality Attributes), we introduce a collection of quality attribute scenarios that support the capture of quality requirements for a system.

One fundamental decision with respect to the system being built is the extent to which it is a variation on other systems that have been constructed. Since it is a rare system these days that is not similar to other systems, requirements elicitation techniques extensively involve understanding these prior systems' characteristics. We discuss the architectural implications of product lines in Chapter 14 (Software Product Lines: Re-using Architectural Assets).

Another technique that helps us understand requirements is the creation of prototypes. Prototypes may help to model desired behavior, design the user interface, or analyze resource utilization. This helps to make the system “real” in the eyes of its stakeholders and can quickly catalyze decisions on the system's design and the design of its user interface.

Regardless of the technique used to elicit the requirements, the desired qualities of the system to be constructed determine the shape of its architecture. Specific tactics have long been used by architects to achieve particular quality attributes. We discuss many of these tactics in Chapter 5 (Achieving Qualities). An architectural design embodies many tradeoffs, and not all of these tradeoffs are apparent when specifying requirements. It is not until the architecture is created that some tradeoffs among requirements become apparent and force a decision on requirement priorities.

Creating or Selecting the Architecture

In the landmark book The Mythical Man-Month, Fred Brooks argues forcefully and eloquently that conceptual integrity is the key to sound system design and that conceptual integrity can only be had by a small number of minds coming together to design the system's architecture. Chapters 5 (Achieving Qualities) and 7 (Designing the Architecture) show how to create an architecture to achieve its behavioral and quality requirements.

Communicating the Architecture

For the architecture to be effective as the backbone of the project's design, it must be communicated clearly and unambiguously to all of the stakeholders. Developers must understand the work assignments it requires of them, testers must understand the task structure it imposes on them, management must understand the scheduling implications it suggests, and so forth. Toward this end, the architecture's documentation should be informative, unambiguous, and readable by many people with varied backgrounds. We discuss the documentation of architectures in Chapter 9 (Documenting Software Architectures).

Analyzing or Evaluating the Architecture

In any design process there will be multiple candidate designs considered. Some will be rejected immediately. Others will contend for primacy. Choosing among these competing designs in a rational way is one of the architect's greatest challenges. The chapters in Part Three (Analyzing an Architecture) describe methods for making such choices.

Evaluating an architecture for the qualities that it supports is essential to ensuring that the system constructed from that architecture satisfies its stakeholders' needs. Becoming more widespread are analysis techniques to evaluate the quality attributes that an architecture imparts to a system. Scenario-based techniques provide one of the most general and effective approaches for evaluating an architecture. The most mature methodological approach is found in the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) of Chapter 11, while the Cost Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM) of Chapter 12 provides the critical link to the economic implications of architectural decisions.

Implementing Based on the Architecture

This activity is concerned with keeping the developers faithful to the structures and interaction protocols constrained by the architecture. Having an explicit and well-communicated architecture is the first step toward ensuring architectural conformance. Having an environment or infrastructure that actively assists developers in creating and maintaining the architecture (as opposed to just the code) is better.

Ensuring Conformance to an Architecture

Finally, when an architecture is created and used, it goes into a maintenance phase. Constant vigilance is required to ensure that the actual architecture and its representation remain faithful to each other during this phase. Although work in this area is comparatively immature, there has been intense activity in recent years. Chapter 10 (Reconstructing Software Architectures) will present the current state of recovering an architecture from an existing system and ensuring that it conforms to the specified architecture.

1.3 What Makes a “Good” Architecture?

If it is true that, given the same technical requirements for a system, two different architects in different organizations will produce different architectures, how can we determine if either one of them is the right one?

There is no such thing as an inherently good or bad architecture. Architectures are either more or less fit for some stated purpose. A distributed three-tier client-server architecture may be just the ticket for a large enterprise's financial management system but completely wrong for an avionics application. An architecture carefully crafted to achieve high modifiability does not make sense for a throw-away prototype. One of the messages of this book is that architectures can in fact be evaluated—one of the great benefits of paying attention to them—but only in the context of specific goals.

Nevertheless, there are rules of thumb that should be followed when designing an architecture. Failure to apply any of these does not automatically mean that the architecture will be fatally flawed, but it should at least serve as a warning sign that should be investigated.

We divide our observations into two clusters: process recommendations and product (or structural) recommendations. Our process recommendations are as follows:

• The architecture should be the product of a single architect or a small group of architects with an identified leader.

• The architect (or architecture team) should have the functional requirements for the system and an articulated, prioritized list of quality attributes (such as security or modifiability) that the architecture is expected to satisfy.

• The architecture should be well documented, with at least one static view and one dynamic view (explained in Chapter 2), using an agreed-on notation that all stakeholders can understand with a minimum of effort.

• The architecture should be circulated to the system's stakeholders, who should be actively involved in its review.

• The architecture should be analyzed for applicable quantitative measures (such as maximum throughput) and formally evaluated for quality attributes before it is too late to make changes to it.

• The architecture should lend itself to incremental implementation via the creation of a “skeletal” system in which the communication paths are exercised but which at first has minimal functionality. This skeletal system can then be used to “grow” the system incrementally, easing the integration and testing efforts (see Chapter 7, Section 7.4).

• The architecture should result in a specific (and small) set of resource contention areas, the resolution of which is clearly specified, circulated, and maintained. For example, if network utilization is an area of concern, the architect should produce (and enforce) for each development team guidelines that will result in a minimum of network traffic. If performance is a concern, the architects should produce (and enforce) time budgets for the major threads.

Our structural rules of thumb are as follows:

• The architecture should feature well-defined modules whose functional responsibilities are allocated on the principles of information hiding and separation of concerns. The information-hiding modules should include those that encapsulate idiosyncrasies of the computing infrastructure, thus insulating the bulk of the software from change should the infrastructure change.

• Each module should have a well-defined interface that encapsulates or “hides” changeable aspects (such as implementation strategies and data structure choices) from other software that uses its facilities. These interfaces should allow their respective development teams to work largely independently of each other.

• Quality attributes should be achieved using well-known architectural tactics specific to each attribute, as described in Chapter 5 (Achieving Qualities).

• The architecture should never depend on a particular version of a commercial product or tool. If it depends upon a particular commercial product, it should be structured such that changing to a different product is straightforward and inexpensive.

• Modules that produce data should be separate from modules that consume data. This tends to increase modifiability because changes are often confined to either the production or the consumption side of data. If new data is added, both sides will have to change, but the separation allows for a staged (incremental) upgrade.

• For parallel-processing systems, the architecture should feature well-defined processes or tasks that do not necessarily mirror the module decomposition structure. That is, processes may thread through more than one module; a module may include procedures that are invoked as part of more than one process (the A-7E case study of Chapter 3 is an example of employing this principle).

• Every task or process should be written so that its assignment to a specific processor can be easily changed, perhaps even at runtime.

• The architecture should feature a small number of simple interaction patterns (see Chapter 5). That is, the system should do the same things in the same way throughout. This will aid in understandability, reduce development time, increase reliability, and enhance modifiability. It will also show conceptual integrity in the architecture, which, while not measurable, leads to smooth development.

As you examine the case studies in this book, each of which successfully solves a challenging architectural problem, it is useful to see how many of them followed each of these rules of thumb. This set of rules is neither complete nor absolute but can serve as a guidepost for an architect beginning to make progress on an architectural design problem.

1.4 Summary

In this chapter, we showed that architecture is more than the result of the functional requirements for a system. It is equally the result of the architect's background, the technical environment within which the architect lives, and the sponsoring organization's business goals. The architecture in turn influences the environment that spawned it by adding its presence to the technical environment and by giving the business new marketing possibilities. We introduced the Architecture Business Cycle as the motif for this book, but the reader should be aware that the ABC as described here will be extended in later chapters.

Finally, we posited a set of rules of thumb that generally lead to successful architectures.

Next, we turn our attention to software architecture, per se.

1.5 Discussion Questions

1. How does the nature of your organization affect the architectures that it develops? How do the architectures affect the nature of the organization?

2. What kind of business goals drive (or have driven) the creation of the software architectures of your organization?

3. Who are the stakeholders that exert the most influence over the architecture of systems in your organization? What are their goals? Do the goals ever conflict?

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