Chapter 5. Achieving Qualities

with Felix Bachmann, Mark Klein, and Bill Wood

Note: Felix Bachmann, Mark Klein, and Bill Wood are senior members of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute.

Every good quality is noxious if unmixed.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chapter 4 characterized a number of system quality attributes. That characterization was in terms of a collection of scenarios. Understanding what is meant by a quality attribute enables you to elicit the quality requirements but provides no help in understanding how to achieve them. In this chapter, we begin to provide that help. For each of the six system quality attributes that we elaborated in Chapter 4, we provide architectural guidance for their achievement. The tactics enumerated here do not cover all possible quality attributes, but we will see tactics for integrability in Chapter 8.

We are interested in how the architect achieves particular qualities. The quality requirements specify the responses of the software to realize business goals. Our interest is in the tactics used by the architect to create a design using design patterns, architectural patterns, or architectural strategies. For example, a business goal might be to create a product line. A means of achieving that goal is to allow variability in particular classes of functions.

Prior to deciding on a set of patterns to achieve the desired variation, the architect should consider what combination of tactics for modifiability should be applied, as the tactics chosen will guide the architectural decisions. An architectural pattern or strategy implements a collection of tactics. The connection between quality attribute requirements (discussed in Chapter 4) and architectural decisions is the subject of this chapter.

5.1 Introducing Tactics

What is it that imparts portability to one design, high performance to another, and integrability to a third? The achievement of these qualities relies on fundamental design decisions. We will examine these design decisions, which we call tactics. A tactic is a design decision that influences the control of a quality attribute response. We call a collection of tactics an architectural strategy, which we will treat in Chapter 12. An architectural pattern packages tactics in a fashion that we will describe in Section 5.8.

A system design consists of a collection of decisions. Some of these decisions help control the quality attribute responses; others ensure achievement of system functionality. In this section, we discuss the quality attribute decisions known as tactics. We represent this relationship in Figure 5.1. The tactics are those that architects have been using for years, and we isolate and describe them. We are not inventing tactics here, just capturing what architects do in practice.

Figure 5.1. Tactics are intended to control responses to stimuli.


Each tactic is a design option for the architect. For example, one of the tactics introduces redundancy to increase the availability of a system. This is one option the architect has to increase availability, but not the only one. Usually achieving high availability through redundancy implies a concomitant need for synchronization (to ensure that the redundant copy can be used if the original fails). We see two immediate ramifications of this example.

  1. Tactics can refine other tactics. We identified redundancy as a tactic. As such, it can be refined into redundancy of data (in a database system) or redundancy of computation (in an embedded control system). Both types are also tactics. There are further refinements that a designer can employ to make each type of redundancy more concrete. For each quality attribute that we discuss, we organize the tactics as a hierarchy.
  2. Patterns package tactics. A pattern that supports availability will likely use both a redundancy tactic and a synchronization tactic. It will also likely use more concrete versions of these tactics. At the end of this section, we present an example of a pattern described in terms of its tactics.

We organize the tactics for each system quality attribute as a hierarchy, but it is important to understand that each hierarchy is intended only to demonstrate some of the tactics, and that any list of tactics is necessarily incomplete. For each of the six attributes that we elaborated in Chapter 4 (availability, modifiability, performance, security, testability, and usability), we discuss tactical approaches for achieving it. For each, we present an organization of the tactics and a brief discussion. The organization is intended to provide a path for the architect to search for appropriate tactics.

5.2 Availability Tactics

Recall the vocabulary for availability from Chapter 4. A failure occurs when the system no longer delivers a service that is consistent with its specification; this failure is observable by the system's users. A fault (or combination of faults) has the potential to cause a failure. Recall also that recovery or repair is an important aspect of availability. The tactics we discuss in this section will keep faults from becoming failures or at least bound the effects of the fault and make repair possible. We illustrate this in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. Goal of availability tactics


Many of the tactics we discuss are available within standard execution environments such as operating systems, application servers, and database management systems. It is still important to understand the tactics used so that the effects of using a particular one can be considered during design and evaluation. All approaches to maintaining availability involve some type of redundancy, some type of health monitoring to detect a failure, and some type of recovery when a failure is detected. In some cases, the monitoring or recovery is automatic and in others it is manual.

We first consider fault detection. We then consider fault recovery and finally, briefly, fault prevention.

Fault Detection

Three widely used tactics for recognizing faults are ping/echo, heartbeat, and exceptions.

Ping/echo. One component issues a ping and expects to receive back an echo, within a predefined time, from the component under scrutiny. This can be used within a group of components mutually responsible for one task. It can also used be used by clients to ensure that a server object and the communication path to the server are operating within the expected performance bounds. “Ping/echo” fault detectors can be organized in a hierarchy, in which a lowest-level detector pings the software processes with which it shares a processor, and the higher-level fault detectors ping lower-level ones. This uses less communications bandwidth than a remote fault detector that pings all processes.

Heartbeat (dead man timer). In this case one component emits a heartbeat message periodically and another component listens for it. If the heartbeat fails, the originating component is assumed to have failed and a fault correction component is notified. The heartbeat can also carry data. For example, an automated teller machine can periodically send the log of the last transaction to a server. This message not only acts as a heartbeat but also carries data to be processed.

Exceptions. One method for recognizing faults is to encounter an exception, which is raised when one of the fault classes we discussed in Chapter 4 is recognized. The exception handler typically executes in the same process that introduced the exception.

The ping/echo and heartbeat tactics operate among distinct processes, and the exception tactic operates within a single process. The exception handler will usually perform a semantic transformation of the fault into a form that can be processed.


Fault recovery consists of preparing for recovery and making the system repair. Some preparation and repair tactics follow.

Voting. Processes running on redundant processors each take equivalent input and compute a simple output value that is sent to a voter. If the voter detects deviant behavior from a single processor, it fails it. The voting algorithm can be “majority rules” or “preferred component” or some other algorithm. This method is used to correct faulty operation of algorithms or failure of a processor and is often used in control systems. If all of the processors utilize the same algorithms, the redundancy detects only a processor fault and not an algorithm fault. Thus, if the consequence of a failure is extreme, such as potential loss of life, the redundant components can be diverse.

One extreme of diversity is that the software for each redundant component is developed by different teams and executes on dissimilar platforms. Less extreme is to develop a single software component on dissimilar platforms. Diversity is expensive to develop and maintain and is used only in exceptional circumstances, such as the control of surfaces on aircraft. It is usually used for control systems in which the outputs to the voter are straightforward and easy to classify as equivalent or deviant, the computations are cyclic, and all redundant components receive equivalent inputs from sensors. Diversity has no downtime when a failure occurs since the voter continues to operate. Variations on this approach include the Simplex approach, which uses the results of a “preferred” component unless they deviate from those of a “trusted” component, to which it defers. Synchronization among the redundant components is automatic since they are all assumed to be computing on the same set of inputs in parallel.

Active redundancy (hot restart). All redundant components respond to events in parallel. Consequently, they are all in the same state. The response from only one component is used (usually the first to respond), and the rest are discarded. When a fault occurs, the downtime of systems using this tactic is usually milliseconds since the backup is current and the only time to recover is the switching time. Active redundancy is often used in a client/server configuration, such as database management systems, where quick responses are necessary even when a fault occurs. In a highly available distributed system, the redundancy may be in the communication paths. For example, it may be desirable to use a LAN with a number of parallel paths and place each redundant component in a separate path. In this case, a single bridge or path failure will not make all of the system's components unavailable.

Synchronization is performed by ensuring that all messages to any redundant component are sent to all redundant components. If communication has a possibility of being lost (because of noisy or overloaded communication lines), a reliable transmission protocol can be used to recover. A reliable transmission protocol requires all recipients to acknowledge receipt together with some integrity indication such as a checksum. If the sender cannot verify that all recipients have received the message, it will resend the message to those components not acknowledging receipt. The resending of unreceived messages (possibly over different communication paths) continues until the sender marks the recipient as out of service.

Passive redundancy (warm restart/dual redundancy/triple redundancy). One component (the primary) responds to events and informs the other components (the standbys) of state updates they must make. When a fault occurs, the system must first ensure that the backup state is sufficiently fresh before resuming services. This approach is also used in control systems, often when the inputs come over communication channels or from sensors and have to be switched from the primary to the backup on failure. Chapter 6, describing an air traffic control example, shows a system using it. In the air traffic control system, the secondary decides when to take over from the primary, but in other systems this decision can be done in other components. This tactic depends on the standby components taking over reliably. Forcing switchovers periodically—for example, once a day or once a week—increases the availability of the system. Some database systems force a switch with storage of every new data item. The new data item is stored in a shadow page and the old page becomes a backup for recovery. In this case, the downtime can usually be limited to seconds.

Synchronization is the responsibility of the primary component, which may use atomic broadcasts to the secondaries to guarantee synchronization.

Spare. A standby spare computing platform is configured to replace many different failed components. It must be rebooted to the appropriate software configuration and have its state initialized when a failure occurs. Making a checkpoint of the system state to a persistent device periodically and logging all state changes to a persistent device allows for the spare to be set to the appropriate state. This is often used as the standby client workstation, where the user can move when a failure occurs. The downtime for this tactic is usually minutes.

There are tactics for repair that rely on component reintroduction. When a redundant component fails, it may be reintroduced after it has been corrected. Such tactics are shadow operation, state resynchronization, and rollback.

Shadow operation. A previously failed component may be run in “shadow mode” for a short time to make sure that it mimics the behavior of the working components before restoring it to service.

State resynchronization. The passive and active redundancy tactics require the component being restored to have its state upgraded before its return to service. The updating approach will depend on the downtime that can be sustained, the size of the update, and the number of messages required for the update. A single message containing the state is preferable, if possible. Incremental state upgrades, with periods of service between increments, lead to complicated software.

Checkpoint/rollback. A checkpoint is a recording of a consistent state created either periodically or in response to specific events. Sometimes a system fails in an unusual manner, with a detectably inconsistent state. In this case, the system should be restored using a previous checkpoint of a consistent state and a log of the transactions that occurred since the snapshot was taken.


The following are some fault prevention tactics.

Removal from service. This tactic removes a component of the system from operation to undergo some activities to prevent anticipated failures. One example is rebooting a component to prevent memory leaks from causing a failure. If this removal from service is automatic, an architectural strategy can be designed to support it. If it is manual, the system must be designed to support it.

Transactions. A transaction is the bundling of several sequential steps such that the entire bundle can be undone at once. Transactions are used to prevent any data from being affected if one step in a process fails and also to prevent collisions among several simultaneous threads accessing the same data.

Process monitor. Once a fault in a process has been detected, a monitoring process can delete the nonperforming process and create a new instance of it, initialized to some appropriate state as in the spare tactic.

Figure 5.3 summarizes the tactics just discussed.

Figure 5.3. Summary of availability tactics


5.3 Modifiability Tactics

Recall from Chapter 4 that tactics to control modifiability have as their goal controlling the time and cost to implement, test, and deploy changes. Figure 5.4 shows this relationship.

Figure 5.4. Goal of modifiability tactics


We organize the tactics for modifiability in sets according to their goals. One set has as its goal reducing the number of modules that are directly affected by a change. We call this set “localize modifications.” A second set has as its goal limiting modifications to the localized modules. We use this set of tactics to “prevent the ripple effect.” Implicit in this distinction is that there are modules directly affected (those whose responsibilities are adjusted to accomplish the change) and modules indirectly affected by a change (those whose responsibilities remain unchanged but whose implementation must be changed to accommodate the directly affected modules). A third set of tactics has as its goal controlling deployment time and cost. We call this set “defer binding time.”


Although there is not necessarily a precise relationship between the number of modules affected by a set of changes and the cost of implementing those changes, restricting modifications to a small set of modules will generally reduce the cost. The goal of tactics in this set is to assign responsibilities to modules during design such that anticipated changes will be limited in scope. We identify five such tactics.

Maintain semantic coherence. Semantic coherence refers to the relationships among responsibilities in a module. The goal is to ensure that all of these responsibilities work together without excessive reliance on other modules. Achievement of this goal comes from choosing responsibilities that have semantic coherence. Coupling and cohesion metrics are an attempt to measure semantic coherence, but they are missing the context of a change. Instead, semantic coherence should be measured against a set of anticipated changes. One subtactic is to abstract common services. Providing common services through specialized modules is usually viewed as supporting re-use. This is correct, but abstracting common services also supports modifiability. If common services have been abstracted, modifications to them will need to be made only once rather than in each module where the services are used. Furthermore, modification to the modules using those services will not impact other users. This tactic, then, supports not only localizing modifications but also the prevention of ripple effects. Examples of abstracting common services are the use of application frameworks and the use of other middleware software.

Anticipate expected changes. Considering the set of envisioned changes provides a way to evaluate a particular assignment of responsibilities. The basic question is “For each change, does the proposed decomposition limit the set of modules that need to be modified to accomplish it?” An associated question is “Do fundamentally different changes affect the same modules?” How is this different from semantic coherence? Assigning responsibilities based on semantic coherence assumes that expected changes will be semantically coherent. The tactic of anticipating expected changes does not concern itself with the coherence of a module's responsibilities but rather with minimizing the effects of the changes. In reality this tactic is difficult to use by itself since it is not possible to anticipate all changes. For that reason, it is usually used in conjunction with semantic coherence.

Generalize the module. Making a module more general allows it to compute a broader range of functions based on input. The input can be thought of as defining a language for the module, which can be as simple as making constants input parameters or as complicated as implementing the module as an interpreter and making the input parameters be a program in the interpreter's language. The more general a module, the more likely that requested changes can be made by adjusing the input language rather than by modifying the module.

Limit possible options. Modifications, especially within a product line (see Chapter 14), may be far ranging and hence affect many modules. Restricting the possible options will reduce the effect of these modifications. For example, a variation point in a product line may be allowing for a change of processor. Restricting processor changes to members of the same family limits the possible options.


A ripple effect from a modification is the necessity of making changes to modules not directly affected by it. For instance, if module A is changed to accomplish a particular modification, then module B is changed only because of the change to module A. B has to be modified because it depends, in some sense, on A.

We begin our discussion of the ripple effect by discussing the various types of dependencies that one module can have on another. We identify eight types:

  1. Syntax of

    data. For B to compile (or execute) correctly, the type (or format) of the data that is produced by A and consumed by B must be consistent with the type (or format) of data assumed by B.

    service. For B to compile and execute correctly, the signature of services provided by A and invoked by B must be consistent with the assumptions of B.

  2. Semantics of

    data. For B to execute correctly, the semantics of the data produced by A and consumed by B must be consistent with the assumptions of B.

    service. For B to execute correctly, the semantics of the services produced by A and used by B must be consistent with the assumptions of B.

  3. Sequence of

    data. For B to execute correctly, it must receive the data produced by A in a fixed sequence. For example, a data packet's header must precede its body in order of reception (as opposed to protocols that have the sequence number built into the data).

    control. For B to execute correctly, A must have executed previously within certain timing constraints. For example, A must have executed no longer than 5ms before B executes.

  4. Identity of an interface of A. A may have multiple interfaces. For B to compile and execute correctly, the identity (name or handle) of the interface must be consistent with the assumptions of B.
  5. Location of A (runtime). For B to execute correctly, the runtime location of A must be consistent with the assumptions of B. For example, B may assume that A is located in a different process on the same processor.
  6. Quality of service/data provided by A. For B to execute correctly, some property involving the quality of the data or service provided by A must be consistent with B's assumptions. For example, data provided by a particular sensor must have a certain accuracy in order for the algorithms of B to work correctly.
  7. Existence of A. For B to execute correctly, A must exist. For example, if B is requesting a service from an object A, and A does not exist and cannot be dynamically created, then B will not execute correctly.
  8. Resource behavior of A. For B to execute correctly, the resource behavior of A must be consistent with B's assumptions. This can be either resource usage of A (A uses the same memory as B) or resource ownership (B reserves a resource that A believes it owns).

With this understanding of dependency types, we can now discuss tactics available to the architect for preventing the ripple effect for certain types.

Notice that none of our tactics necessarily prevent the ripple of semantic changes. We begin with discussion of those that are relevant to the interfaces of a particular module—information hiding and maintaining existing interfaces—and follow with one that breaks a dependency chain—use of an intermediary.

Hide information. Information hiding is the decomposition of the responsibilities for an entity (a system or some decomposition of a system) into smaller pieces and choosing which information to make private and which to make public. The public responsibilities are available through specified interfaces. The goal is to isolate changes within one module and prevent changes from propagating to others. This is the oldest technique for preventing changes from propagating. It is strongly related to “anticipate expected changes” because it uses those changes as the basis for decomposition.

Maintain existing interfaces. If B depends on the name and signature of an interface of A, maintaining this interface and its syntax allows B to remain unchanged. Of course, this tactic will not necessarily work if B has a semantic dependency on A, since changes to the meaning of data and services are difficult to mask. Also, it is difficult to mask dependencies on quality of data or quality of service, resource usage, or resource ownership. Interface stability can also be achieved by separating the interface from the implementation. This allows the creation of abstract interfaces that mask variations. Variations can be embodied within the existing responsibilities, or they can be embodied by replacing one implementation of a module with another.

Patterns that implement this tactic include

adding interfaces. Most programming languages allow multiple interfaces. Newly visible services or data can be made available through new interfaces, allowing existing interfaces to remain unchanged and provide the same signature.

adding adapter. Add an adapter to A that wraps A and provides the signature of the original A.

providing a stub A. If the modification calls for the deletion of A, then providing a stub for A will allow B to remain unchanged if B depends only on A's signature.

Restrict communication paths. Restrict the modules with which a given module shares data. That is, reduce the number of modules that consume data produced by the given module and the number of modules that produce data consumed by it. This will reduce the ripple effect since data production/consumption introduces dependencies that cause ripples. Chapter 8 (Flight Simulation) discusses a pattern that uses this tactic.

Use an intermediary. If B has any type of dependency on A other than semantic, it is possible to insert an intermediary between B and A that manages activities associated with the dependency. All of these intermediaries go by different names, but we will discuss each in terms of the dependency types we have enumerated. As before, in the worst case, an intermediary cannot compensate for semantic changes. The intermediaries are

data (syntax). Repositories (both blackboard and passive) act as intermediaries between the producer and consumer of data. The repositories can convert the syntax produced by A into that assumed by B. Some publish/subscribe patterns (those that have data flowing through a central component) can also convert the syntax into that assumed by B. The MVC and PAC patterns convert data in one formalism (input or output device) into another (that used by the model in MVC or the abstraction in PAC).

service (syntax). The facade, bridge, mediator, strategy, proxy, and factory patterns all provide intermediaries that convert the syntax of a service from one form into another. Hence, they can all be used to prevent changes in A from propagating to B.

identity of an interface of A. A broker pattern can be used to mask changes in the identity of an interface. If B depends on the identity of an interface of A and that identity changes, by adding that identity to the broker and having the broker make the connection to the new identity of A, B can remain unchanged.

location of A (runtime). A name server enables the location of A to be changed without affecting B. A is responsible for registering its current location with the name server, and B retrieves that location from the name server.

resource behavior of A or resource controlled by A. A resource manager is an intermediary that is responsible for resource allocation. Certain resource managers (e.g., those based on Rate Monotonic Analysis in real-time systems) can guarantee the satisfaction of all requests within certain constraints. A, of course, must give up control of the resource to the resource manager.

existence of A. The factory pattern has the ability to create instances as needed, and thus the dependence of B on the existence of A is satisfied by actions of the factory.


The two tactic categories we have discussed thus far are designed to minimize the number of modules that require changing to implement modifications. Our modifiability scenarios include two elements that are not satisfied by reducing the number of modules to be changed—time to deploy and allowing nondevelopers to make changes. Deferring binding time supports both of those scenarios at the cost of requiring additional infrastructure to support the late binding.

Decisions can be bound into the executing system at various times. We discuss those that affect deployment time. The deployment of a system is dictated by some process. When a modification is made by the developer, there is usually a testing and distribution process that determines the time lag between the making of the change and the availability of that change to the end user. Binding at runtime means that the system has been prepared for that binding and all of the testing and distribution steps have been completed. Deferring binding time also supports allowing the end user or system administrator to make settings or provide input that affects behavior.

Many tactics are intended to have impact at loadtime or runtime, such as the following.

Runtime registration supports plug-and-play operation at the cost of additional overhead to manage the registration. Publish/subscribe registration, for example, can be implemented at either runtime or load time.

Configuration files are intended to set parameters at startup.

Polymorphism allows late binding of method calls.

Component replacement allows load time binding.

Adherence to defined protocols allows runtime binding of independent processes.

The tactics for modifiability are summarized in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5. Summary of modifiability tactics


5.4 Performance Tactics

Recall from Chapter 4 that the goal of performance tactics is to generate a response to an event arriving at the system within some time constraint. The event can be single or a stream and is the trigger for a request to perform computation. It can be the arrival of a message, the expiration of a time interval, the detection of a significant change of state in the system's environment, and so forth. The system processes the events and generates a response. Performance tactics control the time within which a response is generated. This is shown in Figure 5.6. Latency is the time between the arrival of an event and the generation of a response to it.

Figure 5.6. Goal of performance tactics


After an event arrives, either the system is processing on that event or the processing is blocked for some reason. This leads to the two basic contributors to the response time: resource consumption and blocked time.

  1. Resource consumption. Resources include CPU, data stores, network communication bandwidth, and memory, but it can also include entities defined by the particular system under design. For example, buffers must be managed and access to critical sections must be made sequential. Events can be of varying types (as just enumerated), and each type goes through a processing sequence. For example, a message is generated by one component, is placed on the network, and arrives at another component. It is then placed in a buffer; transformed in some fashion (marshalling is the term the Object Management Group uses for this transformation); processed according to some algorithm; transformed for output; placed in an output buffer; and sent onward to another component, another system, or the user. Each of these phases contributes to the overall latency of the processing of that event.
  2. Blocked time. A computation can be blocked from using a resource because of contention for it, because the resource is unavailable, or because the computation depends on the result of other computations that are not yet available.

    Contention for resources.Figure 5.6 shows events arriving at the system. These events may be in a single stream or in multiple streams. Multiple streams vying for the same resource or different events in the same stream vying for the same resource contribute to latency. In general, the more contention for a resource, the more likelihood of latency being introduced. However, this depends on how the contention is arbitrated and how individual requests are treated by the arbitration mechanism.

    Availability of resources. Even in the absence of contention, computation cannot proceed if a resource is unavailable. Unavailability may be caused by the resource being offline or by failure of the component or for some other reason. In any case, the architect must identify places where resource unavailability might cause a significant contribution to overall latency.

    Dependency on other computation. A computation may have to wait because it must synchronize with the results of another computation or because it is waiting for the results of a computation that it initiated. For example, it may be reading information from two different sources, if these two sources are read sequentially, the latency will be higher than if they are read in parallel.

With this background, we turn to our three tactic categories: resource demand, resource management, and resource arbitration.


Event streams are the source of resource demand. Two characteristics of demand are the time between events in a resource stream (how often a request is made in a stream) and how much of a resource is consumed by each request.

One tactic for reducing latency is to reduce the resources required for processing an event stream. Ways to do this include the following.

Increase computational efficiency. One step in the processing of an event or a message is applying some algorithm. Improving the algorithms used in critical areas will decrease latency. Sometimes one resource can be traded for another. For example, intermediate data may be kept in a repository or it may be regenerated depending on time and space resource availability. This tactic is usually applied to the processor but is also effective when applied to other resources such as a disk.

Reduce computational overhead. If there is no request for a resource, processing needs are reduced. In Chapter 17, we will see an example of using Java classes rather than Remote Method Invocation (RMI) because the former reduces communication requirements. The use of intermediaries (so important for modifiability) increases the resources consumed in processing an event stream, and so removing them improves latency. This is a classic modifiability/performance tradeoff.

Another tactic for reducing latency is to reduce the number of events processed. This can be done in one of two fashions.

Manage event rate. If it is possible to reduce the sampling frequency at which environmental variables are monitored, demand can be reduced. Sometimes this is possible if the system was overengineered. Other times an unnecessarily high sampling rate is used to establish harmonic periods between multiple streams. That is, some stream or streams of events are oversampled so that they can be synchronized.

Control frequency of sampling. If there is no control over the arrival of externally generated events, queued requests can be sampled at a lower frequency, possibly resulting in the loss of requests.

Other tactics for reducing or managing demand involve controlling the use of resources.

Bound execution times. Place a limit on how much execution time is used to respond to an event. Sometimes this makes sense and sometimes it does not. For iterative, data-dependent algorithms, limiting the number of iterations is a method for bounding execution times.

Bound queue sizes. This controls the maximum number of queued arrivals and consequently the resources used to process the arrivals.


Even though the demand for resources may not be controllable, the management of these resources affects response times. Some resource management tactics are:

Introduce concurrency. If requests can be processed in parallel, the blocked time can be reduced. Concurrency can be introduced by processing different streams of events on different threads or by creating additional threads to process different sets of activities. Once concurrency has been introduced, appropriately allocating the threads to resources (load balancing) is important in order to maximally exploit the concurrency.

Maintain multiple copies of either data or computations. Clients in a client-server pattern are replicas of the computation. The purpose of replicas is to reduce the contention that would occur if all computations took place on a central server. Caching is a tactic in which data is replicated, either on different speed repositories or on separate repositories, to reduce contention. Since the data being cached is usually a copy of existing data, keeping the copies consistent and synchronized becomes a responsibility that the system must assume.

Increase available resources. Faster processors, additional processors, additional memory, and faster networks all have the potential for reducing latency. Cost is usually a consideration in the choice of resources, but increasing the resources is definitely a tactic to reduce latency. This kind of cost/performance tradeoff is analyzed in Chapter 12.


Whenever there is contention for a resource, the resource must be scheduled. Processors are scheduled, buffers are scheduled, and networks are scheduled. The architect's goal is to understand the characteristics of each resource's use and choose the scheduling strategy that is compatible with it.

A scheduling policy conceptually has two parts: a priority assignment and dispatching. All scheduling policies assign priorities. In some cases the assignment is as simple as first-in/first-out. In other cases, it can be tied to the deadline of the request or its semantic importance. Competing criteria for scheduling include optimal resource usage, request importance, minimizing the number of resources used, minimizing latency, maximizing throughput, preventing starvation to ensure fairness, and so forth. The architect needs to be aware of these possibly conflicting criteria and the effect that the chosen tactic has on meeting them.

A high-priority event stream can be dispatched only if the resource to which it is being assigned is available. Sometimes this depends on pre-empting the current user of the resource. Possible preemption options are as follows: can occur anytime; can occur only at specific pre-emption points; and executing processes cannot be pre-empted. Some common scheduling policies are:

  1. First-in/First-out.FIFO queues treat all requests for resources as equals and satisfy them in turn. One possibility with a FIFO queue is that one request will be stuck behind another one that takes a long time to generate a response. As long as all of the requests are truly equal, this is not a problem, but if some requests are of higher priority than others, it is problematic.
  2. Fixed-priority scheduling. Fixed-priority scheduling assigns each source of resource requests a particular priority and assigns the resources in that priority order. This strategy insures better service for higher-priority requests but admits the possibility of a low-priority, but important, request taking an arbitrarily long time to be serviced because it is stuck behind a series of higher-priority requests. Three common prioritization strategies are

    semantic importance. Each stream is assigned a priority statically according to some domain characteristic of the task that generates it. This type of scheduling is used in mainframe systems where the domain characteristic is the time of task initiation.

    deadline monotonic. Deadline monotonic is a static priority assignment that assigns higher priority to streams with shorter deadlines. This scheduling policy is used when streams of different priorities with real-time deadlines are to be scheduled.

    rate monotonic. Rate monotonic is a static priority assignment for periodic streams that assigns higher priority to streams with shorter periods. This scheduling policy is a special case of deadline monotonic but is better known and more likely to be supported by the operating system.

  3. Dynamic priority scheduling:

    round robin. Round robin is a scheduling strategy that orders the requests and then, at every assignment possibility, assigns the resource to the next request in that order. A special form of round robin is a cyclic executive where assignment possibilities are at fixed time intervals.

    earliest deadline first. Earliest deadline first assigns priorities based on the pending requests with the earliest deadline.

  4. Static scheduling. A cyclic executive schedule is a scheduling strategy where the pre-emption points and the sequence of assignment to the resource are determined offline.

For Further Reading at the end of this chapter lists books on scheduling theory.

The tactics for performance are summarized in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7. Summary of performance tactics


5.5 Security Tactics

Tactics for achieving security can be divided into those concerned with resisting attacks, those concerned with detecting attacks, and those concerned with recovering from attacks. All three categories are important. Using a familiar analogy, putting a lock on your door is a form of resisting an attack, having a motion sensor inside of your house is a form of detecting an attack, and having insurance is a form of recovering from an attack. Figure 5.8 shows the goals of the security tactics.

Figure 5.8. Goal of security tactics



In Chapter 4, we identified nonrepudiation, confidentiality, integrity, and assurance as goals in our security characterization. The following tactics can be used in combination to achieve these goals.

Authenticate users. Authentication is ensuring that a user or remote computer is actually who it purports to be. Passwords, one-time passwords, digital certificates, and biometric identifications provide authentication.

Authorize users. Authorization is ensuring that an authenticated user has the rights to access and modify either data or services. This is usually managed by providing some access control patterns within a system. Access control can be by user or by user class. Classes of users can be defined by user groups, by user roles, or by lists of individuals.

Maintain data confidentiality. Data should be protected from unauthorized access. Confidentiality is usually achieved by applying some form of encryption to data and to communication links. Encryption provides extra protection to persistently maintained data beyond that available from authorization. Communication links, on the other hand, typically do not have authorization controls. Encryption is the only protection for passing data over publicly accessible communication links. The link can be implemented by a virtual private network (VPN) or by a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for a Web-based link. Encryption can be symmetric (both parties use the same key) or asymmetric (public and private keys).

Maintain integrity. Data should be delivered as intended. It can have redundant information encoded in it, such as checksums or hash results, which can be encrypted either along with or independently from the original data.

Limit exposure. Attacks typically depend on exploiting a single weakness to attack all data and services on a host. The architect can design the allocation of services to hosts so that limited services are available on each host.

Limit access. Firewalls restrict access based on message source or destination port. Messages from unknown sources may be a form of an attack. It is not always possible to limit access to known sources. A public Web site, for example, can expect to get requests from unknown sources. One configuration used in this case is the so-called demilitarized zone (DMZ). A DMZ is used when access must be provided to Internet services but not to a private network. It sits between the Internet and a firewall in front of the internal network. The DMZ contains devices expected to receive messages from arbitrary sources such as Web services, e-mail, and domain name services.

Detecting Attacks

The detection of an attack is usually through an intrusion detection system. Such systems work by comparing network traffic patterns to a database. In the case of misuse detection, the traffic pattern is compared to historic patterns of known attacks. In the case of anomaly detection, the traffic pattern is compared to a historical baseline of itself. Frequently, the packets must be filtered in order to make comparisons. Filtering can be on the basis of protocol, TCP flags, payload sizes, source or destination address, or port number.

Intrusion detectors must have some sort of sensor to detect attacks, managers to do sensor fusion, databases for storing events for later analysis, tools for offline reporting and analysis, and a control console so that the analyst can modify intrusion detection actions.


Tactics involved in recovering from an attack can be divided into those concerned with restoring state and those concerned with attacker identification (for either preventive or punitive purposes).

The tactics used in restoring the system or data to a correct state overlap with those used for availability since they are both concerned with recovering a consistent state from an inconsistent state. One difference is that special attention is paid to maintaining redundant copies of system administrative data such as passwords, access control lists, domain name services, and user profile data.

The tactic for identifying an attacker is to maintain an audit trail. An audit trail is a copy of each transaction applied to the data in the system together with identifying information. Audit information can be used to trace the actions of an attacker, support nonrepudiation (it provides evidence that a particular request was made), and support system recovery. Audit trails are often attack targets themselves and therefore should be maintained in a trusted fashion.

Figure 5.9 provides a summary of the tactics for security.

Figure 5.9. Summary of tactics for security


5.6 Testability Tactics

The goal of tactics for testability is to allow for easier testing when an increment of software development is completed. Figure 5.10 displays the use of tactics for testability. Architectural techniques for enhancing the software testability have not received as much attention as more mature fields such as modifiability, performance, and availability, but, as we stated in Chapter 4, since testing consumes such a high percentage of system development cost, anything the architect can do to reduce this cost will yield a significant benefit.

Figure 5.10. Goal of testability tactics


Although in Chapter 4 we included design reviews as a testing technique, in this chapter we are concerned only with testing a running system. The goal of a testing regimen is to discover faults. This requires that input be provided to the software being tested and that the output be captured.

Executing the test procedures requires some software to provide input to the software being tested and to capture the output. This is called a test harness. A question we do not consider here is the design and generation of the test harness. In some systems, this takes substantial time and expense.

We discuss two categories of tactics for testing: providing input and capturing output, and internal monitoring.


There are three tactics for managing input and output for testing.

Record/playback. Record/playback refers to both capturing information crossing an interface and using it as input into the test harness. The information crossing an interface during normal operation is saved in some repository and represents output from one component and input to another. Recording this information allows test input for one of the components to be generated and test output for later comparison to be saved.

Separate interface from implementation. Separating the interface from the implementation allows substitution of implementations for various testing purposes. Stubbing implementations allows the remainder of the system to be tested in the absence of the component being stubbed. Substituting a specialized component allows the component being replaced to act as a test harness for the remainder of the system.

Specialize access routes/interfaces. Having specialized testing interfaces allows the capturing or specification of variable values for a component through a test harness as well as independently from its normal execution. For example, metadata might be made available through a specialized interface that a test harness would use to drive its activities. Specialized access routes and interfaces should be kept separate from the access routes and interfaces for required functionality. Having a hierarchy of test interfaces in the architecture means that test cases can be applied at any level in the architecture and that the testing functionality is in place to observe the response.


A component can implement tactics based on internal state to support the testing process.

Built-in monitors. The component can maintain state, performance load, capacity, security, or other information accessible through an interface. This interface can be a permanent interface of the component or it can be introduced temporarily via an instrumentation technique such as aspect-oriented programming or preprocessor macros. A common technique is to record events when monitoring states have been activated. Monitoring states can actually increase the testing effort since tests may have to be repeated with the monitoring turned off. Increased visibility into the activities of the component usually more than outweigh the cost of the additional testing.

Figure 5.11 provides a summary of the tactics used for testability.

Figure 5.11. Summary of testability tactics


5.7 Usability Tactics

Recall from Chapter 4 that usability is concerned with how easy it is for the user to accomplish a desired task and the kind of support the system provides to the user. Two types of tactics support usability, each intended for two categories of “users.” The first category, runtime, includes those that support the user during system execution. The second category is based on the iterative nature of user interface design and supports the interface developer at design time. It is strongly related to the modifiability tactics already presented.

Figure 5.12 shows the goal of the runtime tactics.

Figure 5.12. Goal of runtime usability tactics



Once a system is executing, usability is enhanced by giving the user feedback as to what the system is doing and by providing the user with the ability to issue usability-based commands such as those we saw in Chapter 4. For example, cancel, undo, aggregate, and show multiple views support the user in either error correction or more efficient operations.

Researchers in human–computer interaction have used the terms “user intiative,” “system initiative,” and “mixed initiative” to describe which of the human–computer pair takes the initiative in performing certain actions and how the interaction proceeds. The usability scenarios we enumerated in Chapter 4, Understanding Quality Attributes, combine initiatives from both perspectives. For example, when canceling a command the user issues a cancel—“user initiative”—and the system responds. During the cancel, however, the system may put up a progress indicator—“system initiative.” Thus, cancel demonstrates “mixed initiative.” We use this distinction between user and system initiative to discuss the tactics that the architect uses to achieve the various scenarios.

When the user takes the initiative, the architect designs a response as if for any other piece of functionality. The architect must enumerate the responsibilities of the system to respond to the user command. To use the cancel example again: When the user issues a cancel command, the system must be listening for it (thus, there is the responsibility to have a constant listener that is not blocked by the actions of whatever is being canceled); the command to cancel must be killed; any resources being used by the canceled command must be freed; and components that are collaborating with the canceled command must be informed so that they can also take appropriate action.

When the system takes the initiative, it must rely on some information—a model—about the user, the task being undertaken by the user, or the system state itself. Each model requires various types of input to accomplish its initiative. The system initiative tactics are those that identify the models the system uses to predict either its own behavior or the user's intention. Encapsulating this information will enable an architect to more easily tailor and modify those models. Tailoring and modification can be either dynamically based on past user behavior or offline during development.

Maintain a model of the task. In this case, the model maintained is that of the task. The task model is used to determine context so the system can have some idea of what the user is attempting and provide various kinds of assistance. For example, knowing that sentences usually start with capital letters would allow an application to correct a lower-case letter in that position.

Maintain a model of the user. In this case, the model maintained is of the user. It determines the user's knowledge of the system, the user's behavior in terms of expected response time, and other aspects specific to a user or a class of users. For example, maintaining a user model allows the system to pace scrolling so that pages do not fly past faster than they can be read.

Maintain a model of the system. In this case, the model maintained is that of the system. It determines the expected system behavior so that appropriate feedback can be given to the user. The system model predicts items such as the time needed to complete current activity.

Design-Time Tactics

User interfaces are typically revised frequently during the testing process. That is, the usability engineer will give the developers revisions to the current user interface design and the developers will implement them. This leads to a tactic that is a refinement of the modifiability tactic of semantic coherence:

Separate the user interface from the rest of the application. Localizing expected changes is the rationale for semantic coherence. Since the user interface is expected to change frequently both during the development and after deployment, maintaining the user interface code separately will localize changes to it. The software architecture patterns developed to implement this tactic and to support the modification of the user interface are:

– Model-View-Controller

– Presentation-Abstraction-Control

– Seeheim

– Arch/Slinky

Figure 5.13 shows a summary of the runtime tactics to achieve usability.

Figure 5.13. Summary of runtime usability tactics


5.8 Relationship of Tactics to Architectural Patterns

We have presented a collection of tactics that the architect can use to achieve particular attributes. In fact, an architect usually chooses a pattern or a collection of patterns designed to realize one or more tactics. However, each pattern implements multiple tactics, whether desired or not. We illustrate this by discussing the Active Object design pattern, as described by [Schmidt 00]:

The Active Object design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation to enhance concurrency and simplify synchronized access to objects that reside in their own thread of control.

The pattern consists of six elements: a proxy, which provides an interface that allows clients to invoke publicly accessible methods on an active object; a method request, which defines an interface for executing the methods of an active object; an activation list, which maintains a buffer of pending method requests; a scheduler, which decides what method requests to execute next; a servant, which defines the behavior and state modeled as an active object; and a future, which allows the client to obtain the result of the method invocation.

The motivation for this pattern is to enhance concurrency—a performance goal. Thus, its main purpose is to implement the “introduce concurrency” performance tactic. Notice the other tactics this pattern involves, however.

Information hiding (modifiability). Each element chooses the responsibilities it will achieve and hides their achievement behind an interface.

Intermediary (modifiability). The proxy acts as an intermediary that will buffer changes to the method invocation.

Binding time (modifiability). The active object pattern assumes that requests for the object arrive at the object at runtime. The binding of the client to the proxy, however, is left open in terms of binding time.

Scheduling policy (performance). The scheduler implements some scheduling policy.

Any pattern implements several tactics, often concerned with different quality attributes, and any implementation of the pattern also makes choices about tactics. For example, an implementation could maintain a log of requests to the active object for supporting recovery, maintaining an audit trail, or supporting testability.

The analysis process for the architect involves understanding all of the tactics embedded in an implementation, and the design process involves making a judicious choice of what combination of tactics will achieve the system's desired goals.

5.9 Architectural Patterns and Styles

An architectural pattern in software, also known as an architectural style, is analogous to an architectural style in buildings, such as Gothic or Greek Revival or Queen Anne. It consists of a few key features and rules for combining them so that architectural integrity is preserved. An architectural pattern is determined by:

• A set of element types (such as a data repository or a component that computes a mathematical function).

• A topological layout of the elements indicating their interrelation-ships.

• A set of semantic constraints (e.g., filters in a pipe-and-filter style are pure data transducers—they incrementally transform their input stream into an output stream, but do not control either upstream or downstream elements).

• A set of interaction mechanisms (e.g., subroutine call, event-subscriber, blackboard) that determine how the elements coordinate through the allowed topology.

Mary Shaw and David Garlan's influential work attempted to catalog a set of architectural patterns that they called architectural styles or idioms. This has been evolved by the software engineering community into what is now more commonly known as architectural patterns, analogous to design patterns and code patterns.

The motivation of [Shaw 96] for embarking on this project was the observation that high-level abstractions for complex systems exist but we do not study or catalog them, as is common in other engineering disciplines.

These patterns occur not only regularly in system designs but in ways that sometimes prevent us from recognizing them, because in different disciplines the same architectural pattern may be called different things. In response, a number of recurring architectural patterns, their properties, and their benefits have been cataloged. One such catalog is illustrated in Figure 5.14.

Figure 5.14. A small catalog of architectural patterns, organized by is-a relations


In this figure patterns are categorized into related groups in an inheritance hierarchy. For example, an event system is a substyle of independent elements. Event systems themselves have two subpatterns: implicit invocation and explicit invocation.

What is the relationship between architectural patterns and tactics? As shown earlier, we view a tactic as a foundational “building block” of design, from which architectural patterns and strategies are created.

5.10 Summary

In this chapter we saw how the architect realizes particular quality attribute requirements. These requirements are the means by which a system achieves business goals. Our interest here was in the tactics used by the architect to create a design using architectural patterns and strategies.

We provided a list of well-known tactics for achieving the six quality attributes elaborated in Chapter 4: availability, modifiability, performance, security, testability, and usability. For each we discussed the tactics that are available and widely practiced.

As we discussed, in relating tactics to patterns the architect's task has only just begun when the tactics are chosen. Any design uses multiple tactics, and understanding what attributes are achieved by them, what their side effects are, and the risks of not choosing other tactics is essential to architecture design.

5.11 Discussion Questions

1. As in question 3 from Chapter 4, consider a widely used Web site, such as Amazon or eBay. What tactics would you need to consider when choosing the architectural patterns or architectural strategies for meeting the performance requirements you enumerated in that question?

2. Given the set of tactics you chose in question 1, what tradeoffs with other quality attributes might you expect from using them (such as security, availability, and modifiability)?

3. Usability is not always given due consideration in architecture design, making usability system goals often difficult to achieve because they are treated as an afterthought. Think of a system where you are familiar with the architecture and try to enumerate the usability tactics, if any, it has employed.

5.12 For Further Reading

Further reading about security can be found in [Ramachandran 02]; about the relationship between usability and software architectural patterns, in [Bass 01a]; and about availability techniques for distributed systems, in [Jalote 94]. [McGregor 01] is a source of information about testability.

The two-volume reference on architectural patterns, [Buschmann 96] and [Schmidt 00], discusses the MVC and PAC patterns (vol. 1) and pattern-oriented software architecture (vol. 2).

The Simplex architecture for availability is discussed at

[Bachmann 02] discusses the use of tactics as a basis for analysis of modifiability and performance; [Chretienne 95] discusses various types of scheduling theory; and [Briand 99] discusses coupling metrics.

The Model-View-Controller pattern is documented in [Gamma 95], the Presentation-Abstraction-Control pattern in [Buschmann 96], the Seeheim pattern in [Pfaff 85], and Arch/Slinky, in [UIMS 92].

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