Chapter 11

Wait-Free Computability for General Tasks


Although many tasks of interest are colorless, there are “inherently colored” tasks that cannot be defined without taking process names into account. Some have wait-free read-write protocols, and some do not. This chapter gives a characterization of wait-free read-write solvability for general tasks. We will see that general tasks are harder to analyze than colorless tasks. Allowing tasks to depend on process names seems like a minor change, but it will have sweeping consequences.


Cauchy sequence; Lebesgue number; Chromatic subdivision; Deformation retraction; Hourglass task; Hyperplane; Link-connected; Mesh; Open cover; Safe agreement

Although many tasks of interest are colorless, there are “inherently colored” tasks that have no corresponding colorless task. Some are wait-free solvable, but not by any colorless protocol; others are not wait-free solvable. In this chapter we give a characterization of wait-free solvability of general tasks. We will see that general tasks are harder to analyze than colorless tasks. Allowing tasks to depend on process names seems like a minor change, but it will have sweeping consequences.

11.1 Inherently colored tasks: the hourglass task

Not all tasks can be expressed as colorless tasks. For example, the weak symmetry-breaking task discussed in Chapter 9 cannot be expressed as a colorless task, since one process cannot adopt the output value of another.

Theorem 4.3.1 states that a colorless task image has an image-process wait-free layered snapshot protocol if and only if there is a continuous map image carried by image. Can we generalize this theorem to colorless tasks? A simple example shows that a straightforward generalization will not work.

Consider the following Hourglass task, whose input and output complexes are shown in Figure 11.1. There are three processes: image, and image, denoted by black, white, and gray, respectively, and only one input simplex. The carrier map defining this task is shown in tabular form in Figure 11.2 and in schematic form in Figure 11.3. Informally, this task is constructed by taking the standard chromatic subdivision and “pinching” it at the waist to identify (that is, “glue together”) image’s vertices on the edges representing its two-process executions.


Figure 11.1 Input and output complexes for the Hourglass task. If a vertex image is labeled with image, then a process that chooses output vertex image in the Hourglass task chooses image’s input value for the image-set agreement task. Note that each triangle is labeled with at most two process names.


Figure 11.2 The Hourglass task: Tabular specification.


Figure 11.3 Carrier map for the Hourglass task. Single-process executions are at the top, executions for image and image on the middle left executions for image and image on the middle right, and executions for image and image on the bottom.

Note that the Hourglass task satisfies the conditions of Theorem 4.3.1: There is a continuous map image carried by image, shown schematically in Figure 11.4.1


Figure 11.4 Continuous map between input and output complexes.

Nevertheless, even though this task satisfies the conditions of Theorem 4.3.1, it does not have a wait-free layered immediate-snapshot protocol. Perhaps the simplest demonstration is merely to observe that we can solve 2-set agreement by composing a layered immediate snapshot protocol with a protocol for the Hourglass task. It follows that if we had a layered immediate snapshot hourglass protocol, then this composition would yield a layered immediate snapshot protocol for 2-set agreement, which we know to be impossible.

The composite protocol is shown in Figure 11.5. The processes share an array announce[], with one entry for each process, initially null. Process image first writes its input value to announce[i]and then calls the layered snapshot Hourglass protocol. If that call returns 0, image may be running by itself, so it decides its own input. Otherwise, the processes behave differently. If the Hourglass protocol returns 1 to image, then image is running concurrently with either image or image, or both, so it decides announce[1]if it is not null ; otherwise it decides announce[2]. If the Hourglass protocol returns 1 to image or image, it decides announce[0]. If the Hourglass protocol returns 2, the process decides its own input. Figure 11.6 labels each output vertex with its corresponding decision value. It is easy to check that in each execution, the processes decide at most two distinct values.


Figure 11.5 How to use an Hourglass protocol to solve 2-set agreement: Pseudo-code for image, and image.


Figure 11.6 Hourglass vertices to image-set agreement values.

Since there is no wait-free snapshot protocol for image-set agreement, there cannot be a wait-free snapshot protocol for the Hourglass task. Why does Theorem 4.3.1 fail to hold for colored tasks? One direction still works: Given a protocol image solving the task image, it is easy to extend the proof of Theorem 4.3.1 to exploit the connectivity of the snapshot protocol complex to construct a continuous map image. Composing this map with the decision map yields a continuous map image carried by image.

The other direction fails. Given a continuous map image carried by image, it is possible to construct a simplicial approximation image carried by image, but that simplicial approximation may not be color-preserving. In other words, one process may be assigned another’s output value. Such flexibility is not an issue with colorless tasks, where by definition a process’s inputs and outputs do not depend on its identity. By contrast, for tasks such as weak symmetry breaking or Hourglass, an output legal for one process may not be legal for another.

11.2 Solvability for colored tasks

Recall that a simplex image is chromatic if each vertex is labeled with a distinct color, and a chromatic subdivision image is a subdivision of image where

(1) each simplex of the subdivision is chromatic,

(2) for each image, each vertex in image is labeled with a color from image.

We are now ready to state our main theorem.

Theorem 11.2.1

A task image has a wait-free layered immediate snapshot protocol if and only if image has a chromatic subdivision image and a color-preserving simplicial map


carried by image.

Theorem 11.2.1 is depicted schematically in Figure 11.7. The figure’s top half shows how a task is specified by a carrier map image that takes each simplex image of the input complex image to a subcomplex image of the output complex image. The bottom half shows how the simplicial map image maps each simplex of a chromatic subdivision image to a simplex in the output complex such that every image is carried to a simplex in image.


Figure 11.7 Fundamental theorem for colored tasks.

It is impossible to build such a color-preserving simplicial map for the Hourglass task because the “pinch” in the middle makes it impossible for any simplicial map to be color-preserving.

In Chapter 10 we saw that the (colorless) consensus task has no wait-free layered immediate snapshot protocol. We can illustrate how Theorem 11.2.1 works by relaxing the consensus task’s requirements as follows:

Quasi-Consensus Each of image and image is given a binary input. If both have input image, then both must decide image. If they have mixed inputs, then either they agree or image may decide image and image may decide 1 (but not vice versa).

Figure 11.8 shows the input and output complexes for the quasi-consensus task. Note that quasi-consensus is not a colorless task. Does it have a wait-free read-write protocol?


Figure 11.8 Input and output complexes for 2-process quasi-consensus.

It is easy to see that there is no color-preserving simplicial map carried by image from the input complex to the output complex. The vertices of input simplex image map to image and image, but there is no single output simplex containing both vertices. Nevertheless, there is a map satisfying the conditions of the theorem from a subdivision image of the input complex. If input simplex image is subdivided as shown in Figure 11.9, then it can be “folded” around the output complex, allowing input vertices image and image to be mapped to their counterparts in the output complex.


Figure 11.9 Subdivided input and output complexes for 2-process quasi-consensus.

Figure 11.10 shows a simple protocol for quasi-consensus. If image has input 0 and image has input 1, then this protocol admits three distinct executions: one in which both decide image, one in which both decide image, and one in which image decides 0 and image decides 1. These three executions correspond to the three simplices in the subdivision of image, which are carried to the edges image, and image.


Figure 11.10 Quasi-consensus protocols for image (left) and image (right).

11.3 Algorithm implies map

One direction of Theorem 11.2.1 is straightforward: If image solves image, then the protocol’s simplicial decision map


is color-preserving and carried by image. On the other hand, any wait-free layered immediate snapshot protocol complex image is a chromatic subdivision of the input complex image.

11.4 Map implies algorithm

Assume we are given a task image, a chromatic subdivision image of the input complex, and a color-preserving simplicial map image carried by image. We will show that this task has a wait-free read-write protocol.

Our strategy is to show there exists a color-preserving simplicial map


for some image such that for all image. These maps compose as follows:


Here is how to turn these maps into a protocol. From an input simplex image, each process performs the following three steps:

step 1. execute an image-layer immediate snapshot protocol, halt on a vertex image of the simplicial complex image,

step 2. compute image, yielding a vertex in image,

step 3. compute image, yielding an output vertex.

It is easy to check that all processes halt on the vertices of a single simplex in image. Moreover, because all maps are color-preserving, each process halts on an output vertex of matching color.

Because the identity map image is continuous, it has a simplicial approximation image carried by image (Theorem 3.7.5). Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that this map is color-preserving. To provide such a guarantee, we will prove the following generalization of the Simplicial Approximation theorem:

Theorem 11.4.1

If image is a chromatic complex, and image is a chromatic subdivision of image, then there exists a color-preserving simplicial map


such that for all image, image.

Both image and image are abstract complexes, defined in purely combinatorial terms. Nevertheless, we do not know how to prove the existence of this map in a combinatorial way. Instead, we will work with geometric complexes, embedded in high-dimensional Euclidean space, where we can exploit tools provided by point-set topology. Henceforth, all simplices and complexes will be geometric unless explicitly stated otherwise, so we will not always distinguish between a simplex or complex and its polyhedron. The exact meaning should be clear from context.

11.4.1 Basic concepts from point-set topology

Recall that geometric simplices “live” in a a Euclidean space of high but finite dimension. Any such space is a metric space, where the distance between points image and image is denoted image. The open image -ball image around a point image is the set of points image such that image for some image. An image-ball is an open set.

A Cauchy sequence is an infinite sequence of points image with the property that the distance between successive points image limits to zero.

Fact 11.4.2

In Euclidean space, every Cauchy sequence image converges to a point image, meaning that for any image, there is an integer image such that image for all image.

The set of points that can be expressed as affine combinations of points image,


where image, is called the hyperplane defined by those points. If a hyperplane is generated by image affinely-independent points, then it has dimension image. A set of points need not be affinely independent to define a hyperplane, so a hyperplane generated by image arbitrary points has dimension at most image.

As long as a finite set of hyperplanes does not fill up the entire space, any point has arbitrarily small neighborhoods that include points not on any hyperplane.

Fact 11.4.3

If image is a point and image a finite set of hyperplanes, each of dimension less than image, then there is an image such that for every image, image contains a point not on any hyperplane in image.

Moreover, any point not on any hyperplane has arbitrarily small neighborhoods that do not intersect the hyperplane.

Fact 11.4.4

If image is a point and image a finite set of hyperplanes, each of dimension less than image, none of which contains image, then there is an image such that image does not intersect any hyperplane in image.

Definition 11.4.5

An open cover image for a simplicial complex image is a finite collection of open sets image such that image.

The following fact is the basis for the Simplicial Approximation theorem used in earlier chapters.

Fact 11.4.6

If image an open cover for a finite simplicial complex image, there exists a real number image, called the Lebesgue number, such that any set of diameter less than image lies in a single image.

11.4.2 Geometric complexes

In Chapter 9, we defined the standard chromatic subdivision image in a purely combinatorial way, as an abstract simplicial complex. Now we give an equivalent definition of image as a geometric complex.

Definition 11.4.7

Recall that image, as an abstract complex, is defined as follows. First, each vertex is a pair image, where image, and image. Second, if image and image are vertices of image, then image or vice versa. Finally, if image, then image.

We need to assign a point within image to each image. Recall that image is the barycenter of image. Let image be any real value such that image. For each image and simplex image, define


See Figure 11.11.


Figure 11.11 Geometric representation for image.

For any sufficiently small value of image, it can be shown that this definition gives a geometric construction for the chromatic subdivision. We will use this construction for the remainder of this section. Since all simplices and complexes in this section are geometric, we will not distinguish between an abstract vertex image and the point image or an abstract simplex image and its polyhedron image.

Recall (Definition 3.6.7) that the mesh of a complex is the maximum diameter of any simplex.

Fact 11.4.8

For an image-simplex image, image.

By taking sufficiently large image can be made arbitrarily small.

11.4.3 Colors and covers

Fact 11.4.9

A set of vertices image of a complex image forms a simplex if and only if the intersection of their open stars is non-empty:


To construct a color-preserving simplicial map from image to image, we will need the vertex colors to “align” nicely. More specifically, the open stars of the vertices in a image form an open cover for image. This open-star cover has a natural coloring inherited from the coloring of image. The open-star cover of image is chromatic on image if every simplex of image is covered by open stars of vertices of a simplex in image of matching color:


for some image where image.

We will show that without loss of generality, the geometric realization of image can be chosen so that its open-star cover is chromatic on any iterated standard chromatic subdivision of image.

Lemma 11.4.10

The geometric realization of image can be chosen so that its open-star cover is chromatic on each of the subdivisions


Figure 11.12 shows how an open-star covering can fail to be chromatic. Simplices of image are shown with dotted lines and square vertices, whereas simplices of image are shown with solid lines and round vertices. The gray vertex marked image lies on the boundary between two gray open stars, so it is not covered by an open star of the same color.


Figure 11.12 How an open-star covering can fail to be chromatic. Simplices of image are shown with dotted lines and square vertices; simplices of image are shown with solid lines and round vertices. The gray vertex marked image lies on the boundary between two gray open stars, so this open-star covering fails to be chromatic.

Note, however, that if we perturb some of the square vertices by an arbitrarily small amount, then image moves off the boundary and into the open star of a vertex of matching color. This observation suggests a strategy: We will pick an arbitrary geometric realization of image, and if its open-star cover fails to be chromatic, then we will “perturb” vertex positions by very small amounts until the open-star cover becomes chromatic.

Readers willing to accept Lemma 11.4.10 can skip directly to Section 11.4.4.

We can recast some familiar concepts in terms of convex combinations. Every point image in the polyhedron of a complex image can be expressed uniquely as the convex combination of the vertices of a simplex image of image. The open star image is just the set of points that can be expressed as the convex combination of the vertices of a simplex that includes image.

In this definition and in the subsequent lemmas, image and image may be replaced by arbitrary chromatic subdivisions. Two simplices conflict if they share no colors.

Definition 11.4.11

A conflict point for image and image is a point that can be expressed as the convex combination of vertices of two conflicting simplices, image and image, were image:


for image and image.

Lemma 11.4.12

The open-star cover of image is chromatic for image if and only if there are no conflict points.


As noted, every point image in image has a unique expression as the convex combination of the vertices of a image, and similarly for a image.

If image is a conflict point, then it lies in the interior of image but not in image for any vertex image where image. The open stars of image with colors from image therefore fail to cover image.

If the open-star cover is chromatic, then every image lies in the open star of some vertex image of image and image of image such that image, implying that image is not a conflict point. image

Corollary 11.4.13 follows because the definition of conflict point is symmetric in terms of the two subdivisions.

Corollary 11.4.13

If the open-star cover of image is chromatic on image, then the open-star cover of image is chromatic on image.

We say that image has an image -perturbation at vertex image for some image if there is a point image, such that replacing image with image in each simplex of image yields a subdivision image isomorphic to image. (This isomorphism means that both complexes are geometric realizations of the same abstract complex.) See Figure 11.13. For brevity, we write such a perturbation as:


If image is the result of applying image-perturbations at multiple vertices, we write:


We will see that there is always an image such that any vertex of a image can be perturbed to any position within image within its carrier.

Lemma 11.4.14

If image is a vertex in image whose carrier is an image-simplex image, then there is an image-perturbation


for any image.


We must check that any choice of image yields a subdivision. We can pick image small enough that image lies in the open star of image. We must check that image can be made affinely independent of each simplex image in image. Each such image defines a hyperplane image of dimension image. Because each image is a simplex of image, image are affinely independent, and hence image is not in any image. By Fact 11.4.4, there is an image so that for any image, image, and thus is affinely independent of the vertices of imageimage

Lemma 11.4.15

If image is a vertex of image whose carrier is an image-simplex image, then there is a perturbation image such that image contains no conflict points with image.


Let image be the set of hyperplanes defined by all pairs of conflicting simplices, one from image and one from image. By Fact 11.4.3, there is an image so that some point image within image of image does not intersect any of these hyperplanes. By Lemma 11.4.14, this choice of image defines a perturbation image.

We claim that image and image have no conflict points. Otherwise, if image is a conflict point, then there are conflicting simplices image in image and image in image such that


where image, and image. And yet, this equation implies that image lies on the hyperplane defined by the vertices of image, which contradicts the choice of imageimage

Lemma 11.4.16

If image is a vertex of image whose carrier is an image-simplex image, then there is a perturbation image such that image has no conflict points with any of the subdivisions



By Lemma 11.4.14, there is a image such that image is a perturbation for any image.

We inductively construct a sequence of subdivisions


such that image has no conflict points with image.

For the base case, the open-star cover of image is already a chromatic cover for image, so let image and image.

For the induction step, Lemma 11.4.15 states that there is a perturbation


such that image has no conflict points with image.

If we pick each


then image is a Cauchy sequence that converges to image, where


As a result, we have constructed a perturbation


where image and image have no conflict points for all imageimage

Lemma 11.4.17

Every chromatic subdivision image has a perturbation


such that image has no conflict points with any of the subdivisions



By induction on image. In the base case, when image, the claim is trivial because both complexes are discrete sets of vertices.

Inductively assume that the open-star cover of image is chromatic for each of


For each vertex image in image whose carrier has dimension image, Lemma 11.4.16 states that we can construct a perturbation that eliminates all conflict points from its open star. Successively applying this construction to each such vertex yields a perturbation


that has no conflict points with any iterated standard chromatic subdivision imageimage


Figure 11.13 An image-perturbation.

Because image and its perturbation image are just different geometric realizations of the same abstract complex, we have completed the proof of Lemma 11.4.10.

11.4.4 Construction

We are now ready to prove Theorem 11.4.1, showing there exists a color-preserving simplicial map


such that for all image, image.

We will construct a sequence of chromatic subdivisions, image, for image, where image, along with a sequence of simplicial maps


defined on image, except for a subcomplex image of dimension at most image.

At the end of the sequence, image is empty, so


is the desired map.

This sequence of subdivisions induces a parent map,


carrying each vertex of image to the unique vertex of matching color in its carrier in image. The ancestors of a vertex image are the vertices image.

Subdividing image induces subdivisions on its subcomplexes. Given a subcomplex image, define image to be the maximal subcomplex of image satisfying image. Similarly, for image, define image to be the maximal subcomplex of image satisfying image.

Definition 11.4.18

The extended star image of a simplex image in a complex image is the union of the stars of its vertices:


Like the star of a vertex, the extended star of a simplex is a subcomplex of image, and its polyhedron is a closed set. Moreover,


For the base case of our construction, let image, and image is everywhere undefined.

For the inductive step, assume we are given image and image for all image.

Lemma 11.4.10 states that we may assume, without loss of generality, that the open-star cover of image is chromatic for image, including image, the subcomplex where image is undefined. Let image be the Lebesgue number of this cover of image. Pick image large enough that for every facet image of image,

image (11.4.1)

We will use this inequality later.

We define image as follows: Each vertex image in image not in image “inherits” the map from its parent: image. Otherwise, for each vertex in image, if there exits a vertex image such that

image (11.4.2)

and image, then image.

The remaining vertices of image define image, the subcomplex of image where image is not defined. Note that this definition implies that for image,

image (11.4.3)

Lemma 11.4.19

Let image be a vertex in image, and image its sequence of ancestors. Let image be the least index (earliest ancestor) for which image is defined. We claim that



We argue by induction on image. For the base case, when image, the claim follows because image is defined for the first time by Equation 11.4.2.

Assume the result for image. By the induction hypothesis,


where image is the least index for which image is defined for an ancestor of image. Note that image is a subdivision of image, and image is a vertex in the carrier of image for this subdivision, so


Putting these containments together,


Lemma 11.4.20

Each image is a color-preserving simplicial map.


The color-preserving property is immediate from Equation 11.4.2. To show that image is simplicial, we argue by induction on image. When image, the claim holds vacuously. Let image be a simplex of image. We must show that image is a simplex of image.

By Lemma 11.4.19, for each image, there is a image such that for each vertex image,


Assume without loss of generality that image, so


In particular, image is a vertex of them all.


for image, so


It follows from Fact 11.4.9 that image is a simplex of image, completing the proof that image is a simplicial map. image

Lemma 11.4.21

For image.


Recall that the open-star cover of image is chromatic on image. Moreover, by Equation 11.4.1, the number image is large enough to ensure that the diameter of the extended star of every facet image of image is less than the cover’s Lebesgue number:


for a vertex image. Because the cover is chromatic, there is a vertex image of matching color: image. Because image,


so by Equation 11.4.2, image is defined, and image is not a vertex of image. In this way, image is defined on at least one vertex of every facet of image, so the dimension of image drops by at least one. image

Lemma 11.4.20 states that the vertex map


is color-preserving and simplicial, whereas Lemma 11.4.21 states that image is empty. Together these imply that


is a color-preserving simplicial map.

This completes the proof of the “map implies algorithm” direction of Theorem 11.2.1.

It is useful to observe that the “property implies protocol” part of the proof assumes only that the model of computation in which the protocol is constructed is strong enough to solve the immediate snapshot task.

Corollary 11.4.22

A task image has a protocol in any model of computation that solves immediate snapshot if image has a chromatic subdivision image and a color-preserving simplicial map image image carried by image.

Of course, the converse of this corollary does not hold in general.

11.5 A sufficient topological condition

We now give a simple topological condition that ensures that a colored task image has a wait-free read-write protocol. We will use the following topological property.

Definition 11.5.1

A pure simplicial complex image of dimension image is called link-connected if for each simplex image, image is image-connected.

The output complex for the Hourglass task shown in Figure 11.1 is not link-connected, since the vertex at the hourglass’s “waist” is disconnected, that is, not 0-connected.

Theorem 11.5.2

The colored task image has a wait-free layered immediate snapshot protocol if for each image, image is image-connected, and image is link-connected.

This theorem establishes the existence of a protocol in terms of the topological properties of complexes and carrier maps.

By Theorem 11.2.1, it is enough to prove the following lemma.

Lemma 11.5.3

If for each image, image is image-connected, and image is link-connected, then there exists a chromatic subdivision image and a color-preserving simplicial map


carried by image.

We need the following lemma about link connectivity.

Lemma 11.5.4

If image is a pure link-connected simplicial complex, then so is image for any simplex image.


Assume image. Note that image is a pure image-complex, and for any image in image. We will show that for any image in image is image-connected.

We claim that


If image, then image, and therefore image, so


Moreover, if image, then image, and therefore image, so


Because image and image are disjoint, image. The complex image is link-connected by hypothesis, so image, and therefore image, is image-connected. image

We make use of the following fact, discussed in the chapter notes.

Fact 11.5.5

Let image, and image be complexes such that image, and image a continuous map such that the vertex map induced by image restricted to image is simplicial. There exists a subdivision image of image such that image, and a simplicial map image that agrees with image on vertices of image.

Lemma 11.5.6

Let image and image be image-complexes such that there is a continuous map


such that the restriction of image to image is a rigid simplicial map. There exist a subdivision image that image and a rigid simplicial map image that agrees with image on vertices of image.


We argue by induction on image. For the base case, when image is a graph, and image is a set of discrete points. By way of contradiction, assume that every subdivision image and every simplicial map


that agrees with image on image collapses an edge of image.

Pick image and image to collapse a minimal number of edges. There is an edge image in image such that image, where image is a vertex in image (see Figure 11.14). Because image is link-connected, image is non-empty and so contains a vertex image. Define a new subdivision image by taking the stellar subdivision of image with center image. Define image to agree with image except that image. It is easy to check that image agrees with image on image but collapses one fewer simplex than image, contradicting our assumption that image collapses a minimum number of simplices.


Figure 11.14 Eliminating collapse: Base case.

For the induction step, assume the claim for complexes of dimension less than image. Let image be an image-complex, and image a continuous map that is simplicial and rigid on image. Fact 11.5.5 implies there exists a subdivision image such that image and a simplicial map image that agrees with image on image.

Suppose, by way of contradiction, that for every such image and image, image collapses a simplex of image. Pick image and image to minimize the number of collapsed simplices. We will show how to adjust image and image to collapse one fewer simplex, a contradiction.

Pick image in image such that image collapses image to a single vertex image but does not collapse any simplex strictly containing image. Because image does not collapse any simplices in image, image for some image-simplex image. Because image is an image-simplex, image.

As before, pick a point image in the interior of image, and take the stellar subdivision image with center image. Because image is a manifold, image is an image-sphere, and image is an image-disk with boundary image.

The subcomplex image is image-connected by hypothesis and link-connected by Lemma 11.5.4. Because image does not collapse any simplices strictly containing image,


Because image, we apply the induction hypothesis as follows: Because image is connected and link-connected, there exists a subdivision image and simplicial map


such that image, image agrees with image on image, and image does not collapse any simplices of image (see Figure 11.15).


Figure 11.15 Eliminating collapse: Induction step.

Because image does not subdivide any simplices of image, it extends to a subdivision image of all of image. Define


Note that image agrees with image on every vertex not in image and on every vertex of image, so image cannot collapse more of these simplices than image. Moreover, image cannot collapse any simplices of image because it is rigid by the induction hypothesis. It follows that image collapses one fewer simplex than image, contradicting our assumption that image collapses a minimum number of simplices. image

Lemma 11.5.7

Let image be a chromatic image-simplex, image a chromatic subdivision, and image is a rigid simplicial map. If image is color-preserving on image, then image is color-preserving on image.


image is a manifold with boundary, so for any image-simplex image, there is a sequence of image-simplices image, where image has an image-face on the boundary, image and image share an image-face, and image.

We argue by induction on image. When image, the claim is trivial. Otherwise, assume that image is color-preserving on image. The map image is color-preserving on the image face shared by image and image. Because image is rigid, it cannot send the remaining vertex of image to any of the other image colors in the shared face, so it must send it to a vertex of the same color. image

We are now ready to complete the proof of Lemma 11.5.3 (and hence Theorem 11.5.2). For image, we inductively construct a sequence of chromatic subdivisions image and a color-preserving simplicial map


carried by image.

For the base case, let image send any vertex image of image to any vertex of image. This construction is well-defined because image is image-connected (non-empty) by hypothesis. This map is trivially color-preserving.

For the induction hypothesis, assume we have constructed a chromatic subdivision and color-preserving simplicial map


This simplicial map induces a continuous map that sends the boundary of each image-simplex image in image to image. By hypothesis, image is image-connected, so this map of the image-sphere image can be extended to a continuous map of the image-disk image:


These extensions agree on image, so together they define a continuous map,


where for each image, image.

Note that the restriction of image on the image skeleton is just image, a color-preserving simplicial map, so by Lemma 11.5.6, there is a subdivision image of image such that image and a rigid simplicial map image extending image. By Lemma 11.5.7, image is also color-preserving. These extensions agree on the image-skeleton, so together they define a color-preserving simplicial map:


carried by image.

When image is a color-preserving simplicial map carried by image, completing the proof.

By analogy with Corollary 11.4.22, the proof of Theorem 11.5.2 requires only that the protocol model support the immediate snapshot.

Corollary 11.5.8

Assume that for any input complex image and any image, there is a protocol that solves the chromatic agreement task image. Then a task image has a protocol if, for each image, image is image-connected, and image is link-connected.

One interesting and useful fact that emerges from this discussion is that if two different read-write models with different adversaries have the same minimal core size, then they solve the same set of colorless tasks. In this sense, an adversary’s minimum core size completely determines its computational power for colorless tasks.

11.6 Chapter notes

The results in this chapter originally appeared in Herlihy and Shavit [91].

Herlihy, Rajsbaum, and Raynal [87] present an implementation of the safe agreement task in a layered model. See Exercise 11.1.

Mostefaoui, Rajsbaum, and Raynal [122] and Mostefaoui, Rajsbaum, Raynal, and Travers [121] study “condition-based” variations of tasks such as consensus in which the input complexes are restricted to permit image-resilient layered snapshot protocols. Such tasks provide simple, natural examples of colored tasks, where processes can adopt one another’s output values but not their input values.

Imbs, Rajsbaum, and Raynal [95] study generalized symmetry-breaking tasks (GSB) that include election, renaming, and other tasks that are not colorless. These are fixed-input in the sense that the only input to a process is its name.

Fact 11.5.5 is Theorem IV.2 of Glaser [72].

11.7 Exercises

Exercise 11.1

In Exercise 7.6 we asked you to describe an implementation of safe agreement using two layers of wait-free immediate snapshots. Show that there is no one-layer implementation.

Exercise 11.2

Consider the following fixed-input colored task: image processes choose distinct values in the range image. Prove that the output complex for this task is a manifold. (This task is a special case of the renaming task considered in the next chapter.)

Exercise 11.3

As a special case of Exercise 11.2, draw the output complex for the fixed-input colored task where three processes choose distinct values in the range image. What is this surface called?

Exercise 11.4

Let image be a continuous map and image be the open-star cover of image.

• Show that image is an open cover of image.

• Suppose image has Lebesgue number image and every edge of image has length 1. For what value of image can we guarantee that for every vertex image in image, image?

• For each image in image, define image, where image is any vertex such that image. Prove that image is a simplicial approximation for image.

Exercise 11.5

For an image-simplex image, what is the Lebesgue number of the open-star cover of image? Of image?

Exercise 11.6

Prove Fact 11.4.3: If image is a point in image-dimensional Euclidean space, and image is a finite set of hyperplanes, each of dimension less than image, then there is an image such that for every image, image contains a point not on any hyperplane in image.

Exercise 11.7

Prove Fact 11.4.4: If image is a point in image-dimensional Euclidean space, and image is a finite set of hyperplanes, each of dimension less than image, none of which contains image, then there is an image such that image does not intersect any hyperplane in image.

Exercise 11.8

Prove Fact 11.4.9: A set of vertices image of a complex image forms a simplex if and only if the intersection of their open stars is non-empty.

Exercise 11.9

Let image be a geometric complex. Define the distance between two simplices image of image to be image. Show that the Lebesgue number of the open-star cover of image is image, taken over all pairs of simplices image in image such that image.

1This map is a deformation retraction, a continuous deformation of the input complex’s polyhedron into the output complex’s polyhedron that leaves the output complex unchanged.

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