Chapter 9

Manifold Protocols


Theoretical distributed computing is primarily concerned with classifying tasks according to their difficulty. Which tasks can be solved in a given distributed computing model? We consider here two important tasks: set agreement and weak symmetry breaking. It turns out that the immediate snapshot protocols of Chapter 8 cannot solve these tasks. Moreover, we will identify a broader class of protocols called manifold protocols, that cannot solve image-set agreement. (The impossibility proof for weak symmetry breaking is more complicated and is deferred to Chapter 12.)


Moebius task; Sperner’s lemma; Chromatic subdivision; Connectivity; Dual graph; Manifold protocols; Manifolds; Pseudomanifolds; Set agreement; Subdivisions

Theoretical distributed computing is primarily concerned with classifying tasks according to their difficulty. Which tasks can be solved in a given distributed computing model? We consider here two important tasks: set agreement and weak symmetry breaking. It turns out that the immediate snapshot protocols of Chapter 8 cannot solve these tasks. Moreover, we will identify a broader class of protocols called manifold protocols that cannot solve image-set agreement. (The impossibility proof for weak symmetry breaking is more complicated and is deferred to Chapter 12.)

Given that neither task can be solved by layered immediate snapshots, it is natural to ask which task is harder. One way of comparing the difficulty of two tasks, image, is to assume we have access to an “oracle” or “black box” that can solve instances of image and ask whether we can now solve image. In this sense, we will show that set agreement is strictly stronger than weak symmetry breaking; we can construct a protocol for weak symmetry breaking if we are given a “black box” that solves set agreement, but not vice versa.

We investigate these particular questions here because they can be addressed with a minimum of mathematical machinery. We will rely on two classical constructs. The first is a class of complexes called pseudomanifolds, and the second is a classical result concerning pseudomanifolds, called Sperner’s lemma.1 In later chapters, we generalize these techniques to address broader questions.

9.1 Manifold protocols

The single-layer immediate snapshot protocol introduced in Chapter 8 has a simple but interesting property: In any image-process protocol complex, each image-simplex is contained in either one or two image-simplices. In the 3-process case, the resulting complex looks like a discrete approximation to a surface.

In this section we define this property formally. A protocol that has this property is called a manifold protocol, and we will see that any such protocol is limited in the tasks it can solve. Moreover, we will see that all layered immediate snapshot protocols are manifold protocols.

9.1.1 Subdivisions and manifolds

In Figure 8.6, it is apparent that the single-layer immediate snapshot protocol complex shown is a subdivision of the input complex. Formally, an image-process protocol image is a subdivision protocol if image is a subdivision of image and the subdivision carrier map image is chromatic (recall Definition 3.4.9). Furthermore, Figure 8.9 suggests that longer executions produce finer subdivisions. A subdivision protocol is a special case of a manifold.

Mathematical Note 9.1.1. In point-set topology, an image-manifold is a space where every point has a neighborhood homeomorphic to image-dimensional Euclidean space, whereas an image-manifold with boundary is a space where every point has a neighborhood homeomorphic either to image-dimensional Euclidean space or to image-dimensional Euclidean half-space. A torus, for example, is a 2-dimensional manifold or surface. A pinched torus, shown in Figure 9.1, is not a manifold, because the “pinch” has no neighborhood homeomorphic to the plane.

Definition 9.1.2

We say that a pure abstract simplicial complex of dimension image is strongly connected if any two image-simplices can be connected by a sequence of image-simplices in which each pair of consecutive simplices has a common image-dimensional face.


Figure 9.1 A pinched torus is not a point-set manifold.

For brevity, we sometimes simply say that two such image-simplices can be linked, understanding that every image-simplex is linked to itself. Being linked is clearly an equivalence relation. In particular, it is transitive.

Definition 9.1.3

A pure abstract simplicial complex image of dimension image is called a pseudomanifold with boundary if it is strongly connected, and each image-simplex in image is a face of precisely one or two image-simplices.

Because pseudomanifold with boundary is such a long and awkward term, we will refer to such complexes simply as manifolds in this book, even though, as noted in Remark 9.1.1, this term has a slightly different meaning in other contexts.

An image-simplex in image is an interior simplex if it is a face of exactly two image-simplices, and it is a boundary simplex if it is a face of exactly one. The boundary subcomplex of image, denoted image, is the set of simplices contained in its boundary image-simplices. For an image-dimensional simplex image, let image be the complex containing image and all its faces, and image the complex of faces of image of dimension image and lower. (When there is no ambiguity, we will sometimes denote these complexes simply as image and image.)

Manifolds are preserved by subdivisions: If image is an image-manifold, then any subdivision of image is again an image-manifold. Figure 9.2 shows a two-dimensional manifold (with an empty boundary complex).


Figure 9.2 A manifold complex.

Indeed, the single-layer protocol complex for three processes in Figure 8.6 is a manifold with boundary, as we shall soon prove. Furthermore, the single-layer protocol complex has a recursive structure of manifolds within manifolds, similar to subdivision protocols, with subdivisions within subdivisions. The boundary of a single-layer three-process layered snapshot protocol complex contains the executions where only two processes participate and itself consists of the union of three manifolds with boundary. For every two processes, the executions where only they participate again form a manifold with boundary (and in fact, a subdivision) and contain executions where only one process participates. An execution where a single process participates is itself a degenerate manifold, consisting of a single vertex. This structure is conveniently captured using carrier maps.

Definition 9.1.4

An image-process protocol image is a manifold protocol if:

• For any simplex image of image the subcomplex image is a manifold (automatically it will have the same dimension as image)

• The protocol map commutes with the boundary operator

image (9.1.1)

for all image.

We say image is a manifold protocol map and image is a manifold protocol complex.

Note that this definition applies to arbitrary protocols, not just layered immediate snapshot protocols.

Here is the operational intuition behind Property 9.1.1. Let image be an input simplex, and image an image-face of image where the vertex labeled with process image is discarded. Recall from Chapter 8 that image is the complex generated by executions starting from image where image does not participate. Consider the following execution: The processes other than image execute by themselves, halting on the vertices of an image-simplex image. After that, image starts running deterministically by itself until it halts. Because there is only one such execution, there is only one image-simplex image containing image.

For layered immediate snapshot protocols, the protocol complexes are subdivisions of the input complex. However, the manifold protocol definition is more general. Consider the manifold protocol shown in Figure 9.3. The input complex image is a image-dimensional simplex with all its faces. The protocol complex is a image-dimensional “punctured torus,” which is a torus with one image-simplex removed. The map image sends the boundary of the input complex to the boundary of the punctured torus and sends the input complex vertices to the boundary vertices. image sends the input complex’s image-simplex to the entire protocol complex. (Although we are not aware of any existing computer architecture that supports such a protocol, it is nevertheless a well-defined mathematical object.)


Figure 9.3 This 3-process manifold protocol complex is not a subdivision.

Except for layered immediate snapshots, few of the protocol complexes that arise naturally in the study of distributed computing are manifolds. Nevertheless, we start with the study of manifold protocols because the insights they provide will ease our approach to more complicated models.

9.1.2 Composition of manifold protocols

In this section we prove that the composition of two manifold protocols is again a manifold protocol. In Section 9.2 we will see that any single-layer immediate snapshot protocol is a manifold protocol. Any multilayer protocol is therefore a manifold protocol, since it is the composition of single-layer manifold protocols.

We saw in subsection 4.2.4 that protocols compose in a natural way: If image and image are two protocols where the protocol complex for the first is contained in the input complex for the second, then their composition is the protocol image, where image. Informally, the processes first participate in the first protocol, and then they participate in the second, using their final views from the first as inputs to the second.

We now proceed with the proof that image is a manifold protocol whenever both image and image are manifold protocols. Following Definition 9.1.4, we must show that

• For any simplex image of image, the subcomplex image is a manifold.

• The protocol map commutes with the boundary operator


for all image.

To prove that for any image-simplex image of image the subcomplex image is a manifold, we first need to prove that image is strongly connected: Any two image-simplices can be connected by a sequence of image-simplices in which each pair of consecutive simplices has a common image-dimensional face.

Lemma 9.1.5

For any simplex image of image the subcomplex image is strongly connected.


Assume without loss of generality that image. Thus, image is a pure simplicial complex of dimension image. Let image and image be image-simplices of image. If image and image are in image for some image, we are done, because by assumption image is a manifold protocol, and hence image is strongly connected.

Assume that image is in image and image is in image for some image in image. Moreover, we can assume that image for some image-dimensional face because by assumption image is a manifold protocol, and hence image is strongly connected. See Figure 9.4.

Because the carrier image is strict, image. Let image be an image-dimensional simplex such that image. Now, because image is a manifold protocol map, there is a unique image-dimensional simplex image that contains image and such that image. Similarly, there is a unique image-dimensional simplex image that contains image and such that image.

Finally, because image is strongly connected, the two simplices image and image can be linked, and because image is strongly connected, the two simplices image and image can be linked. To complete the proof, observe that image and image are linked, because imageimage


Figure 9.4 Lemma 9.1.5, showing strong connectivity of the composition of manifold protocols.

Now that we have seen that image is strongly connected, we need to check the status of the complex’s image-simplices.

Lemma 9.1.6

If image is manifold protocol where image is an image-manifold, then every image-simplex of image belongs to one or to two image-simplices.


Let image be an arbitrary image-simplex of image. Let image be the complete list of those image-simplices of image for which image. The simplicial complex image is a union of pure image-dimensional complexes, so it itself is pure and image-dimensional as well. Therefore, image.

We have image. Hence image is an image-simplex, which we denote image. Since image is an image-manifold, we must have image. Now we consider two cases.

Case 1: image. All image-simplices containing image are contained in image, which is an image-manifold. Thus image is contained in one or two image-simplices.

Case 2: image. In this case, each image-simplex of image containing image is contained either in image or in image. On the other hand, we have


implying that image belongs to precisely one image-simplex from image. The analogous argument for image, together with the fact that image and image have no common image-simplices because their intersection is pure image-dimensional, yields that image is contained in exactly two image-simplices. image

It remains to show that the protocol map commutes with the boundary operator


for all image.

Theorem 9.1.7

If image is a manifold protocol such that image is a manifold, then the simplicial complex image is also a manifold, and furthermore, image.


The first part of the statement is the content of Lemmas 9.1.5 and 9.1.6; hence we just need to show that image.

First, we show that image. Let image be an image-simplex in image. There exists a unique image-simplex image such that image. Furthermore, there exists a unique image-simplex image in image such that image is in image. We have image. Hence there exists image such that image. We just need to show that image. If this is not the case, there exists an image-simplex image such that image. But then image, and there will exist an image-simplex in image (hence different from image), which contains image, contradicting our assumption that image.

Next we show that image. Let image be an image-simplex of image. Assume image is the unique image-simplex in image such that image. Let image be the unique image-simplex in image such that image. Since image, there will be precisely one image-simplex in image containing image. On the other hand, assume there exists an image-simplex image other than image, such that image. We have image, but image, which yields a contradiction. image

A simple inductive argument yields:

Corollary 9.1.8

The composition of any number of manifold protocols is itself a manifold protocol.

9.2 Layered immediate snapshot protocols

We will show that the any single-layer immediate snapshot protocol is a manifold protocol. Since manifold protocols compose, multilayered immediate snapshot protocols are also manifold protocols.

9.2.1 Properties of single-layer protocol complexes

A single-layer immediate snapshot execution is a sequence


where image is the initial configuration, step image is a set of active processes that execute concurrent immediate snapshots, and each process appears at most once in the schedule image.

When a process image participates in step image, its immediate snapshot returns the states of processes that participated in image and in earlier steps. The process states in the final configuration of an execution satisfy the following properties, where image is image’s final state.

Property 9.2.1

Each process’s initial state appears in its view, and image.

Property 9.2.2

Because processes in the same step see the same initial states, final states are ordered: For image, either image or vice versa.

Property 9.2.3

For image, if image, then image is active in the same or earlier step; hence image.

Consider all 1-layer executions starting in an initial configuration image, where every processes appears exactly once in the schedule. Figure 9.5 combines Figures 4.4 and 8.6. It shows a 3-process example with initial process states image, and image, respectively, for image, and image. Thus, image, which we write as image to avoid clutter. Steps are shown as arrows, and the new value is shown only when a process state changes. Recall from Chapter 8 that the execution at the top right is the execution where image, and image take steps sequentially:




At the bottom left is the fully concurrent execution where all three processes take steps together:


where image. At the top left is the execution where image takes a step, followed by a step by image:





Figure 9.5 Protocol complex for 3-process single-layer executions.

When do the final configurations of two executions differ only in the state of a single process? Consider the preceding fully sequential execution, where image is alone in a step. If we want to change its final state without modifying the state of any other process, the only choice is to move it to the next step, resulting in the top-left execution:


We cannot move image to an earlier step because doing so would change the final states of that step’s processes.

What if we want to modify the final state of image in the fully concurrent execution? That process is alone in the last step, so no other process sees its initial state. image cannot be moved because there is no other execution where image have the same final states. Indeed, as far as image are concerned, the execution could have ended without image participating.

In summary, if in an execution the state of process image is seen by some other process, then either image appears alone in a step, which is not the last one, or else image appears together with other processes in a step. In either case, we can modify the final state of image without modifying the final states of the others. In the first case, image is moved to the next step; in the second case, image is removed from its step and placed alone in a new step immediately before its old one. Finally, if image is not seen by other processes in an execution, it is alone in the last step, and image’s state cannot be changed without affecting the others. The next lemma states this property formally.

Lemma 9.2.4

Consider these two one-layer executions:


and their final configurations image and image.

1. The two configurations image and image differ in exactly the state of one process, image, if and only if for some image


with image, and image, for all image. In this case, for all image and image differ in exactly the state of image and image (or symmetrically for the other execution).

2. If image (or symmetrically for the other execution), then if image and image differ in the state of image, they differ in the state of at least one other process.

9.2.2 One-layer protocol complexes are manifolds

When a process image takes an immediate snapshot in step image, image’s view is the face of the input simplex whose vertices are colored by the processes that participated in the same or earlier steps. For input image-simplex image, the set of layered executions defines a subdivision of image, the standard chromatic subdivision image (see Figure 9.5). Each vertex in this subdivision is a pair image, where image is the name of process taking the steps, and image, the result of its snapshot, is a face of the input simplex image. In this chapter, we will not prove that image is a subdivision, only that it is a manifold. A proof that image is actually a subdivision requires more advanced tools and is postponed to Chapter 16.

Figure 9.5 shows the standard chromatic subdivision of an input simplex for three processes, highlighting the simplices corresponding to certain schedules. Informally, we can see that this complex is a manifold.

First we show that image is strongly connected. Each simplex in image corresponds to a particular layered execution. We proceed by “perturbing” executions so that only one process’s view is changed by each perturbation. First we show that any execution can be linked to a sequential execution in which only one process is scheduled during each step. Next we show that any sequential execution can be linked to the unique fully concurrent execution in which all processes are scheduled in a single step. In this way, any simplex can be linked to the fully concurrent simplex, and any two simplices can be linked to each other.

Lemma 9.2.5

Any simplex image can be linked to a simplex image corresponding to a sequential execution.


Suppose image corresponds to the execution image. If each image, the execution is already sequential, and we are done. Otherwise, let image be any index such that image, and let image be a process in image. We now “perturb” the execution by moving image to a new step immediately before the steps of the other processes in image. See Figure 9.6.

Formally, we construct the schedule image, where


It is easy to check that the view of every process other than image is unchanged by this move, implying that for image, the simplex generated by this schedule, image.

Continuing in this way, we can repeatedly reduce the number of processes scheduled during each step, eventually reaching a sequential schedule. image

Lemma 9.2.6

Any simplex image can be linked to a simplex image corresponding to a fully concurrent execution.


We will prove something slightly stronger. An immediate snapshot execution with schedule image is tail-concurrent if all steps except possibly the last are sequential: image for image. Both sequential executions and the fully-concurrent execution are tail-concurrent.

We claim that any tail-concurrent execution can be shortened as follows. Let image. If we merge image into image, then only the view of image changes. Figure 9.7 shows an example of such a transformation.

Formally, we construct the schedule image, where


Continuing in this way, we can repeatedly reduce the number of layers in any tail-concurrent schedule, eventually reaching the fully concurrent schedule. image


Figure 9.6 Linking an execution to a sequential execution, changing one view at a time.


Figure 9.7 Linking a sequential execution to the fully concurrent execution in image, changing one view at a time.

Lemmas 9.2.5 and 9.2.6 imply the following:

Corollary 9.2.7

The simplicial complex image is strongly connected.

Finally, this corollary and Lemma 9.2.4 imply the main result of this section.

Theorem 9.2.8

For any simplex image, the simplicial complex image is a manifold.

9.3 No set agreement from manifold protocols

Recall that the image-set agreement task (Section 8.3.3) is often described in the literature using three (informal) requirements. Each process starts with a private input value and communicates with the others, every process must decide on some process’s input, and no more than image distinct inputs can be chosen. For brevity we use set agreement as shorthand for image-process image-set agreement, where the processes agree to discard a single value. We now demonstrate that no manifold protocol can solve set agreement. We will prove a slightly more general result that any protocol that satisfies the termination and validity properties must violate the agreement property in an odd number of distinct executions.

9.3.1 Sperner’s lemma

Before we turn our attention to set agreement, we provide a statement of the classical Sperner’s lemma for manifolds. We provide a proof for completeness and because this lemma is so important. The proof consists of a simple counting argument that perfectly illustrates the beauty of combinatorial topology, as argued in Chapter 3: Deep, powerful properties of spaces made up of simple pieces can be characterized by counting. Readers uninterested in the proof may read the statement of the lemma and skip to the next subsection.

Recall that an image-labeling of a complex image is a simplicial map image, where image is an image-simplex. (We use the same name for a simplex and the complex that consists of the simplex and all its faces.) We say that image sends a simplex image onto image if every vertex in image is the image of a vertex in image. If image and image have the same dimension and image maps image onto image so that each vertex of image is assigned a distinct color, then we say that image is properly colored.

To state Sperner’s lemma in our notation, let image be equal to the image-simplex image for a set of image names image. We then take image and its faces to be an input complex. Sperner’s lemma is usually stated in terms of a subdivision of image, but the combinatorial proof requires only the manifold property. Thus, instead of a subdivision of image, consider a manifold protocol, image.

A Sperner coloring of image is a labeling image that satisfies the properties illustrated in the left-hand complex of Figure 9.4. Here image is 2. Choose three colors, say, the names of image. The three “corners” of the subdivision are colored with distinct colors. In a Sperner coloring, the interior vertices on each boundary connecting any two corners are colored arbitrarily using only the colors from those two corners, and the interior vertices in each 2-simplex are colored arbitrarily using only colors from those three colors. Sperner’s lemma states that no matter how the arbitrary coloring choices are made, there must be an odd number of 2-simplices that are properly colored (with all three colors). In particular, there must be at least one.

More formally, consider image, the identity carrier map from image to itself: For each image, image is equal to the complex image, consisting of image and all its faces. The labeling is a Sperner coloring if image is carried by image. Namely, for each image,


Lemma 9.3.1

Sperner’s Lemma

For any manifold protocol, image, and any Sperner’s coloring image, image sends an odd number of image-simplices of image onto image.

Sperner’s lemma says, in particular, that there exists no Sperner’s coloring image.

The proof follows from an inductive application of a rather surprising property: For an image-dimensional manifold, the number of properly colored image-simplices on the boundary can reveal something about the number of properly colored image-simplices in the interior.

First, we recall a simple lemma from graph theory. Recall that a graph is a 1-dimensional complex given by a set of vertices image and a set of edges image. The degree of a vertex, image, is the number of edges that contain image.

Lemma 9.3.2

In any graph image, the sum of the degrees of the vertices is twice the number of edges:



Each edge image adds one to the degree of image and one to the degree of image, contributing two to the sum of the degrees. image

Corollary 9.3.3

Any graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree.

Lemma 9.3.4

Sperner’s Lemma for Manifolds

Let image be an image-dimensional manifold,2 and let image be an image-labeling. If image sends an odd number of image-simplices of image onto image, then image sends an odd number of image-simplices of image onto image.


Define image to be the dual graph whose vertices are indexed by the image-simplices of image, with the addition of one more “external” vertex image. There is an edge between two vertices if their corresponding simplices share a common image-face colored with all colors except image; that is, image sends that image-face onto image. There is also an edge from the external vertex image to every image-simplex image with a boundary face colored with every color except image; that is, image has an image-face in image, and image sends that face onto image. As an example, Figure 9.8 shows a manifold, in fact a subdivided triangle, where each vertex is colored black, white, or gray, along with its dual graph whose edges cross black-and-white faces.

For an image-simplex image we let image denote the dual graph vertex corresponding to image, and we let image denote the set of colors of the vertices of image. We claim that image has an odd degree if and only if image. There are three cases to consider.

Case 1. Assume image. In this case each color from image occurs among the vertices of image exactly once. In particular, precisely one of the boundary image-simplices has image as the set of colors, and hence the degree of image is equal to image.

Case 2. Assume image. In this case there exists one color that occurs on two vertices of image, say, image and image, whereas each other color from image occurs among the vertices of image exactly once. This means that there are exactly two image-simplices on the boundary of image; specifically these are image and image, which are mapped onto image by image. Hence in this case the degree of image.

Case 3. Finally, assume image. Then image does not map any image-face of image onto image, so the vertex image has degree 0.

Moreover, the vertex image has odd degree, since by our assumptions, image sends an odd number of boundary image-simplices onto image, producing an odd number of edges at image.

According to Lemma 9.3.2, the graph image has an even number of vertices of odd degree. Since the external node image has an odd degree, the dual graph must include an odd number of other vertices image with odd degrees. Each of these vertices corresponds to an image-simplex that image maps onto imageimage


Figure 9.8 A colored manifold (top) and its dual graph (bottom) linking triangles that share black-and-white faces.

Mathematical Note 9.3.5. Sperner’s lemma is equivalent to the celebrated Brouwer fixed-point theorem, used across numerous fields of mathematics; we could say it is its discrete version. In its simplest form, Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem states that for any continuous function image, mapping an image-dimensional unit disk image into itself there is a point image such that image. This is a generalization of the simple intermediate value theorem, which says that every continuous function image has a fixed point (when the function crosses the diagonal of the unit square). See Figure 9.9. There are many proofs of Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem; an elegant one uses Sperner’s lemma.


Figure 9.9 Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem in dimensions 1 and 2.

9.3.2 Application to set agreement

The set validity task is set agreement without the requirement that at most, image distinct values may be decided. The validity requirement is maintained: Any value decided was some process’s input. Thus, any protocol that solves set agreement also solves set validity. We will prove that any layered protocol solving set validity has an execution whereby image different values are decided; hence no set agreement protocol is possible in the layered execution model.

In the set validity task, image, each process has one possible input value: its own name. Processes are required to halt with the name of some participating process (perhaps their own). Formally, there is a single input image-simplex image, and the input complex image is image, the complex consisting of image and its faces. The output complex image has vertices of the form image for image, and a set of vertices is an output simplex if the process names in the first component are distinct. The validity condition means that


Let image be a manifold protocol that solves set validity with decision map image. The decision map image induces a map image by projecting onto the output vertex’s value. Suppose that in a vertex image of image, the decision value is image, namely, image. Then image. Notice that image is a Sperner’s coloring of image because to solve the validity task, for each input simplex image, image is sent to a simplex of image. Using Sperner’s (Lemma 9.3.1), we obtain that image sends image onto an odd number of simplices with image different output values.

Theorem 9.3.6

There is no manifold protocol for set agreement.

Because every protocol complex in a layered execution model is a manifold complex, we have:

Corollary 9.3.7

No set agreement protocol is possible in a layered execution model.

We will discuss again this impossibility result in Chapter 10, where we will consider the connectivity of the protocol complex.

9.4 Set agreement vs. weak symmetry breaking

In the weak symmetry-breaking task of Section 8.3.5, each process is assigned a distinct input name taken from image and chooses a binary output so that if all image processes participate, at least one chooses 0 and at least one chooses 1. We saw that the number of possible names image is important when we are considering the difficulty of this task. For impossibility results, the size of the name space is unimportant; any task that cannot be solved if names are taken from a small name space also cannot be solved if names are taken from a larger name space. For algorithms, however, it may be possible to abuse the small name-space assumption to derive trivial protocols. If image, then weak symmetry breaking can be solved with no communication at all: The process with name 0 decides 0 and all others decide 1. Lower bounds are discussed in Chapter 12.

One way of comparing the difficulty of two tasks image, as in classical (sequential) computability theory, is to assume that the layered execution model has access to an “oracle” or “black box” that can solve instances of image and ask whether it can now solve image. Real multicore systems use this approach by including a hardware implementation of the desired black box.

In this section, we compare the “computational power” of weak symmetry breaking and set agreement. Given a “black-box” protocol for set agreement, we will show that we can implement weak symmetry breaking but not vice versa. It follows that weak symmetry breaking is weaker than set agreement, an example of a separation result.

9.4.1 Comparing the powers of tasks

There are various ways of comparing the power of tasks. Here we consider a setting that, although not the most general, is particularly elegant. We say a task image implements a task image if one can construct a protocol for image by composing one or more instances of protocols for image, along with one or more layered immediate snapshot protocols. If image implements image but not vice versa, then we say that image is weaker than image. Otherwise, they are equivalent.

Recall from subsection 4.2.4 that given two protocols image and image such that the first’s protocol complex is contained in the second’s input complex, their composition is the protocol image, where image, which we denote


Now consider tasks image and image. If their carrier maps are strict, then the tasks can be treated like protocols. Then, task image implements task image if there exists a protocol image equal to the composition


consisting of a sequence of (consecutively compatible) protocols image, where each is either an immediate snapshot protocol or else it is image, and furthermore, the composed protocol image solves image. Operationally, the processes go through the protocols image in the same order, asynchronously. The processes execute the first protocol, and once a process finishes, it starts the next without waiting for other processes to finish the previous protocol. Each process uses its final view from each protocol as its input value for the next.

Recall that image solves image if image and there exists a chromatic simplicial decision map image, satisfying


for all image.

9.4.2 Weak symmetry breaking from set agreement

Here we show that one can use a set agreement protocol to implement weak symmetry breaking. Formally, we construct a two-layer protocol, where the first layer is a set agreement protocol and the second an immediate snapshot. The “program logic” resides in the decision map.

For readability, we describe this protocol in terms of a program and flowcharts, but of course this program is just a readable way to specify a protocol complex.

Figures 9.10 and 9.11 shows the control structure and pseudo-code to implement weak symmetry breaking using set agreement. The processes share an image-element array of input names, chosen[·], whose entries are initially image (Line 3). The processes also share a set agreement protocol instance (Line 4). Each process image calls the set agreement object’s decide()method, using its own input name as input, and stores the result in chosen[i](Line 6). The process then takes a snapshot and returns the value image if and only if its own input is in the set of inputs chosen by the set agreement protocol (Line 7).

Lemma 9.4.1

If all image processes participate, some process decides 1.


Among the processes that were selected by the set agreement protocol, the last process to take a step will observe its own name and return 1. image

Lemma 9.4.2

If all image processes participate, some process decides 0.


If all image processes decide 1, then image distinct inputs were chosen by the set agreement protocol, violating the set agreement specification. image


Figure 9.10 Flowchart for weak symmetry breaking from set agreement.


Figure 9.11 Pseudo-code for weak symmetry breaking from set agreement.

Thus, the protocol image with decision map image, which corresponds to the code in Figure 9.11, solves weak symmetry breaking.

Theorem 9.4.3

Set agreement implements weak symmetry breaking.

Notice that for this result, the size of the name space image is immaterial.

9.4.3 Weak symmetry breaking does not implement set agreement

For the other direction, we want to show that weak symmetry breaking cannot implement set agreement. We will prove this claim indirectly by constructing a manifold protocol that implements weak symmetry breaking. If weak symmetry breaking could implement set agreement, we could replace the weak symmetry-breaking objects with their manifold task implementations, yielding a manifold protocol for set agreement and contradicting Theorem 9.3.6.

We introduce a new task, image, which we call the Moebius task. First we construct the 2-dimensional Moebius task. The input complex is the same as for weak symmetry breaking: Each process starts with a distinct input name.

The task’s output complex image is illustrated in Figure 9.12. Take three 2-simplices, image, each colored by process names, and define image, for image, a chromatic subdivision. Abusing notation, let image. We call image the external face of image, (even though it is technically a complex) and image, for image, the internal faces. We then identify (that is, “glue together”) image and image, image and image, and image and image. The resulting complex is a manifold the boundary complex of which consists of the external faces of the image.


Figure 9.12 The Moebius task output complex for three processes. The edges on the sides are identified (glued together) in the direction of the arrows.

Figure 9.13 illustrates the task’s carrier map image for the 2-dimensional case. Each process chooses an output vertex of matching color. If a proper subset of the processes participates, they choose to the vertices of a simplex in an external face. If they all participate, they converge to the vertices of any simplex.


Figure 9.13 Carrier map for the Moebius task: one and two-process executions. Note that because the left- and right-hand edges are glued together in the directions of the arrows, some vertices depicted twice are actually the same.

Although we have defined the Moebius task image as a task, we can also treat it as a protocol, where image is the protocol’s input complex, image is its protocol complex, and image is its (strict) execution carrier map. It is easy to check that the Moebius protocol is a manifold protocol. As such, the Moebius protocol cannot solve 2-set agreement.

As illustrated in Figure 9.14, however, the Moebius protocol can solve weak symmetry breaking. We color each vertex with black and white “pebbles” (that is, 0 or 1 values) as follows: For each central simplex of image, color each node black except for the one labeled image. For the central simplex of each external face image, color the vertices of the central image-simplex black. The rest of the vertices are colored white. It is easy to check that (1) no 2-simplex is monochromatic, and (2) the protocol is well defined; namely, there is a corresponding decision map image. To solve 3-process weak symmetry breaking, run the Moebius protocol from each 2-simplex image in the weak symmetry-breaking input complex image.


Figure 9.14 How the Moebius task solves weak symmetry breaking.

It follows that the 2-dimensional Moebius task separates weak symmetry breaking and set agreement in the sense that it can implement one but not the other.

Now we generalize this construction to even dimensions. Let image. Start with image image-simplices, image, colored with process names, and set image. As before, we call the complex image the external face of image and image, for image, the internal faces.

The rank of image’s name in a set of process names is the of names in image smaller than image in that set. For each image, let image be the map sending the name with rank image in image to the name with rank image.

For each image and each image, identify the internal face image with image. Because image, and image, each image-simplex in each internal face lies in exactly two image-simplices, so the result is a manifold. (This why this construction works only in even dimensions.)

Let image be an input image-simplex. The Moebius task’s carrier map carries each proper face image of image to image. It carries image itself to all image-simplices of image.

Theorem 9.4.4

The Moebius task cannot solve set agreement.


The 1-layer Moebius task is a manifold protocol, so composing the Moebius task with itself, with one-layer protocols, with any other manifold task yields a manifold task. The claim then follows from Theorem 9.3.6image

To show that this task solves weak symmetry breaking, we again color the edges with black and white pebbles so that no simplex is monochromatic and the coloring on the boundary is symmetric. For the central simplex of each image, color each node black except for the one labeled image. For the central simplex of each external face image, color the central image-simplex black. The rest are white.

Every image-simplex image in image intersects both a face, either internal or external, and a central image-simplex. If image intersects an internal face, then the vertices on that face are white, but the vertices on the central simplex are black. If image intersects an external face, then it intersects the white node of the central simplex of image and a black node of the central simplex of image. To solve image-process weak symmetry breaking, run the Moebius protocol from each image-simplex image in the weak symmetry-breaking input complex image.

Corollary 9.4.5

Set agreement implements weak symmetry breaking but not vice versa.

The techniques studied here illustrate how combinatorial and algorithmic techniques complement one another: Combinatorial techniques are often effective to prove impossibility, whereas algorithmic techniques are convenient to show that something is possible.

Mathematical Note 9.4.6. The notion of a pseudomanifold (Definition 9.1.3) can be strengthened as follows.

Definition 9.4.7

Assume that image is a pure abstract simplicial complex of dimension image.

(1) image is called a simplicial manifold if the geometric realization of the link of every simplex image is homeomorphic to a sphere of dimension image.

(2) image is called a simplicial manifold with boundary if the geometric realization of the link of every simplex image is homeomorphic to either a sphere or a closed ball, in each case of dimension image.


Figure 9.15 A triangulation of a pinched torus.

Note that in the special case when image, we have image. The image-dimensional sphere consists of two points, whereas the image-dimensional ball consists of one point, so conditions of (1) and (2) of Definition 9.4.7 specialize precisely to the conditions of Definition 9.1.3.

There is also the following standard topological notion.

Definition 9.4.8

Assume image is an arbitrary Hausdorff3 topological space.

(1) image is called a topological manifold of dimension image if every point of image has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open ball of dimension image.

(2) image is called a topological manifold with boundary of dimension image if every point of image has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an open subset of Euclidean half-space:


The interior of image, denoted image, is the set of points in image that have neighborhoods homeomorphic to an open ball of dimension image. The boundary of image, denoted image, is the complement of image in image. The boundary points can be characterized as those points that land on the boundary hyperplane image of image in their respective neighborhoods. If image is a manifold of dimension image with boundary, then image is a manifold of dimension image, and image is a manifold of dimension image.

We note that if image is a simplicial manifold with boundary, its geometric realization is a topological manifold with boundary of the same dimension; moreover, the geometric realization of the boundary of image is precisely the boundary of image. As you can see in Figure 9.2, a 2-dimensional manifold is a kind of a discrete approximation to a surface.

On the other hand, the geometric realization of the pseudomanifold does not have to be a manifold. Perhaps the simplest example is obtained if we take a simplicial image-dimensional sphere and glue together the north and south poles,4 as shown in Figure 9.15. This space is also called the pinched torus. Clearly, the condition of being a manifold fails at the glued poles, but the condition of being a pseudomanifold is still satisfied since it is a condition for edges and triangles and is untouched by vertices being glued together.

9.5 Chapter notes

Immediate snapshot executions are due to Borowsky and Gafni [23], and to Saks and Zaharoughu [134], who called them block executions. Borowsky and Gafni also showed that the layered execution model is equivalent to the standard read-write memory model.

Many of the basic properties of one-layered executions presented here were first shown by Attiya and Rajsbaum [16], although in the more general situation where processes repeatedly execute immediate snapshot operations in the same shared memory. The example of a manifold protocol in Figure 9.3 that is not a subdivision is from Attiya and Rajsbaum [16]. Attiya and Castañeda [12] prove the set agreement impossibility by applying Sperner’s lemma directly on executions.

Sperner’s lemma and its relation with Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem has been well studied. See, for example, Bondy and Murty [22] and Henle [77] for a self-contained, elementary proof of Sperner’s lemma (the same argument we presented here) and how it is used to prove Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem.

The separation between weak symmetry breaking and set agreement is adapted from Gafni, Rajsbaum, and Herlihy [69]. They proved that weak symmetry breaking cannot implement set agreement when the number of processes image is odd. It was shown by Castañeda and Rajsbaum [31,33] that weak symmetry breaking can be solved wait-free, without the help of any tasks (e.g., in the multilayer model) if the number of processes is not a prime power. Thus, in this case too, weak symmetry breaking cannot implement set agreement, because it is known that set agreement is not wait-free solvable [23,91,135]. Therefore, the only case that remains open to prove that weak symmetry-breaking cannot implement set agreement is when the number of processes is at least 4 and a power of 2 (for two processes the tasks are equivalent). Castañeda, Imbs, Rajsbaum, and Raynal [29,30] prove this case in a weaker model and study various definitions of the nondeterminism of the objects involved. More about renaming and its relation to weak symmetry breaking can be found in the survey by Castañeda, Rajsbaum, and Raynal [34].

9.6 Exercises

Exercise 9.1

Show that the following tasks are all equivalent to set agreement in the sense that any protocol for this task can be adapted to solve set agreement (possibly with some extra read-write memory), and vice versa.

a. Fixed-input set agreement. Each process has its own name as input, each process decides the name of some participating process, and no more than image distinct names may be decided.

b. Strong set agreement. Each process decides some process’s input, no more than image distinct inputs may be decided, and at least one process decides its own input.

Exercise 9.2

Check that the carrier maps for both the Moebius task of Section 9.4.3 and image-set agreement are strict.

Exercise 9.3

Count the number of simplices in image for an image-simplex image.

Exercise 9.4

Count the number of simplices in the output complex for image-process weak symmetry breaking.

Exercise 9.5

Compute the Euler characteristic of image for an image-simplex image.

Exercise 9.6

Once upon a time, the city of Königsberg, then in Prussia, included two islands connected to each other and to the city itself by seven bridges, as shown in Figure 9.16. The residents amused themselves by trying to find a way through the city by crossing each bridge exactly once. Prove that such a tour is impossible. Hint: Use reasoning similar to the proof of Lemma 9.3.2.

Exercise 9.7

Using read-write memory, implement the image object used in Figure 9.11. You may assume that names are integers in the range image, for some image. Do not worry about efficiency.

Exercise 9.8

Show that if image is a manifold and image a vertex not in image, then

• The cone image, and

• The cone image

are manifolds.

Exercise 9.9

Prove that if image is a manifold protocol, then

a. For any input simplex image, and

b. If image is a manifold, image.

Exercise 9.10

Prove that no manifold protocol can solve the following task: Suppose we want the processes to announce when they have all seen each other. For this purpose, it is sufficient to assume that processes have no inputs (except for their names). The outputs can be anything, but they include a special value “all.” The task requirement is that, in at least one execution where all processes see each other (namely, each process sees at least one value written to the shared memory by each other process), all processes output “all.” Also, whenever a process does not see another process, it should not output “all.”

Exercise 9.11

Prove that weak symmetry breaking and set agreement are equivalent in the case of two processes.


Figure 9.16 The bridges of Königsberg.

1We saw a restricted version of Sperner’s lemma in Chapter 5.

2We do not need strong connectivity here.

3This is a technical condition from point-set topology, meaning every two points can be separated by disjoint open neighborhoods; it is needed to avoid all sorts perverse examples, and is always satisfied in the context of this book.

4We assume that the poles are vertices of the simplicial complex, and that the mesh is fine enough, so that even after that gluing, we still have a simplicial complex.

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