Chapter 15

Classifying Loop Agreement Tasks


Recall from Chapter 5, Section 5.6.2 that (colorless) loop agreement is a family of tasks for which the existence of a wait-free read-write protocol is undecidable. Here we give a complete classification of loop agreement tasks. Each loop agreement task can be assigned an algebraic signature consisting of a group image and a distinguished element image in image. Remarkably, this signature completely characterizes the task’s computational power. If image and image are loop agreement tasks with respective signatures image and image, then image implements image if and only if there exists a group homomorphism image carrying image to image. In short, the algorithmic problem of determining how to implement one loop agreement task in terms of another reduces to a problem in group theory.


Algebraic signature; Finitely generated groups; Finite group presentation; Fundamental group; Loop agreement; Torsion

A task image implements task image if one can construct a wait-free protocol for image by calling any protocol for image, possibly followed by access to a shared read-write or snapshot memory. This notion of implementation induces a partial order on tasks and allows us to classify tasks by partitioning them into disjoint classes such that tasks in the same class implement one another. In this sense, the tasks in the same class are computationally equivalent. One class is more powerful than another if any task in the first class implements any class in the second, but not vice versa.

Recall from Section 5.6.2 that loop agreement is a family of colorless tasks for which the existence of a wait-free read-write protocol is undecidable. Here we give a complete classification of loop agreement tasks. Each loop agreement task can be assigned an algebraic signature consisting of a group image and a distinguished element image in image. Remarkably, this signature completely characterizes the task’s computational power. If image and image are loop agreement tasks with respective signatures image and image, then image implements image if and only if there exists a group homomorphism image carrying image to image. In short, the algorithmic problem of determining how to implement one loop agreement task in terms of another reduces to a problem in group theory.

We will see that the loop agreement task corresponding to image-process, image-set agreement belongs to the most powerful class in the classification (the maximal element in the classification order), whereas (various forms of) approximate agreement belong to the weakest class (the minimal element). In between is an infinite number of inequivalent classes.

The material in this chapter assumes that the reader has some familiarity with elementary abstract algebra, including finitely generated groups, group homomorphisms, and presentations of finite groups.

15.1 The fundamental group

15.1.1 Basic definitions

Let image be a image-dimensional simplicial complex, and let image be the unit interval image. Recall from Section 5.6.1 that a path in a complex image is a continuous map image. If image, the path is a loop with base point image. Two loops with the same base point are homotopic if one can be continuously deformed to the other while leaving the base point fixed. A loop image is simple if its restriction to image is injective.

Two paths image and image can be concatenated to form another path image if image:


In particular, loops with the same base point can be concatenated in two different ways.

The fundamental group image of image is defined as follows: The elements of the group are equivalence classes under homotopy of loops with base point image. The group operation “image” on these equivalence classes is concatenation of their representatives, i.e., image. It is a standard exercise to check that this operation defines a group whose identity element is the equivalence class image of the constant loop image and where the inverse of image is obtained by traversing image in the opposite direction,


and image. The identity element is the equivalence class of contractible loops, those that can be continuously deformed to image.

For example, the fundamental group of the circle is isomorphic to the group of integers under addition; this group is also called the infinite cyclic group. The constant loop corresponds to the identity element 0; concatenating the constant loop to any other loop does not change its homotopy type. By convention, the loop that wraps around the circle once in the clockwise direction corresponds to the generator 1, and counter-clockwise corresponds to the generator image. Any loop is homotopic to one that “wraps” around the circle image times, where positive image is clockwise and negative image is counter-clockwise. Furthermore, any two loops that wrap around the circle a different number of times are not homotopic.

If the complex image is path-connected, its fundamental group is independent of the base point, up to isomorphism. For simplicial complexes, the notions of connected and path-connected coincide, and all the complexes we consider are connected, so we often write image in place of image.

Now let image be another connected simplicial complex, let image be a continuous map, and let image be a loop in image. The composition image is a loop in image. Define the map induced by image to be image. It is a standard fact that image is a group homomorphism.

Recall that an edge loop is a loop whose base point is a vertex of image and whose path is a sequence of oriented edges in image. Since in a simplicial complex every loop with a base at a vertex is homotopic to a standard loop associated with an edge loop, every element of the fundamental group based at a vertex has a representative that is associated with an edge loop.

15.1.2 A representation of the fundamental group associated with a spanning tree

Assume that image is a finite connected image-dimensional simplicial complex. Let image be a rooted spanning tree of image. There is a standard representation of the fundamental group image in terms of generators and relations, which we now proceed to describe. Let image denote the root of image, and let image denote all the vertices of image.

• Generators of image. For each image such that image is an edge of image that does not belong to image, we take a generator image. For convenience, for all pairs image such that image is an edge of image, we shall set by convention image. We shall also set image for all image, and image for all image.

• Relations of image. Whenever the vertices image form a image-simplex of image, we have a relation

image (15.1.1)

Note the following special cases of the relation (15.1.1). If image and image are edges of image, then automatically image. If image is an edge of image and image is arbitrary, then image.

To see that the group defined by these generators and relations is isomorphic to the fundamental group image, simply send each generator image to the standard loop associated with the edge loop constructed by concatenating the following three paths:

(1) From image to image along the tree

(2) The edge image

(3) The edge path back from image to image along the tree

In particular, we see that the fundamental group of a finite complex is finitely generated.

An alternative way to think of this representation is as follows: Consider the space image obtained from image by shrinking the tree image to a point. This new space has one vertex; all the edges are now loops and all the triangles are now image-cells, which may have one, two, or three boundary edges. The space image is topologically the same as image; speaking formally, it is homotopy equivalent to image. In particular, the fundamental groups are the same. The above representation can now be viewed as the representation of the fundamental group of image, with edges of image giving generators and image-cells giving relations. As mentioned, there are then three different kinds of relations. The image-cell, having only one boundary edge, gives relation image. The image-cell with two boundary edges will give a relation image or image. Finally, the image-cell with three boundary edges will give a relation of the type (15.1.1).

15.2 Algebraic signatures

Let image again be a image-dimensional connected simplicial complex, and consider a loop agreement task image. The triangle loop image represents an element image of the fundamental group image.

Definition 15.2.1

We call the pair (image the algebraic signature of the loop agreement task image.

Let image be another image-dimensional connected simplicial complex, and consider a loop agreement task image, where image is some triangle loop. We use the notation


to denote any group homomorphism image from image to image that maps image to image, where, on the left side, image is taken to be the base point and, on the right side, image is taken to be the base point.

Fact 15.2.2

Assume that image and image are two distinct points of a topological space image, and assume that image are two simple paths from image to image such that image. Then the paths image and image are homotopic.



denotes a continuous map from image to image such that image and image for all image. Let image denote the homomorphism on underlying fundamental groups induced by image.

Lemma 15.2.3

If image is a continuous map as stated, then image.


We can use Fact 15.2.2 to reparameterize image and obtain a loop image such that image. This of course means image. Since image and image are homotopic, we conclude that imageimage

We can show that the converse also holds. To start with, we have the following general result.

Lemma 15.2.4

Assume that image and image are finite simplicial complexes, the complex image is image-dimensional, image is a vertex of image, and image is a vertex of image. Assume image is a group homomorphism. Then there exists, a continuous map image such that image and image.


Let image be a spanning tree of image, rooted at image. Set as before image, which is the space obtained from image by shrinking image to a point, which we call image. Let image denote the quotient map, which takes image to image. Since image is a tree, image is an isomorphism, which we use to identify these two groups.

We now proceed to define a continuous map image. First we set image. Next, take any directed edge image of image. Identify it with a characteristic loop image. It corresponds to an element image. Let image be a representative loop of image, image. Define image for all image. This defines a continuous function image on the image-skeleton of image.

As a last step, we can extend image to the rest of image, going cell by cell. For each image-cell image can be extended to image if and only if its boundary loop is contractible in image. Clearly, the boundary loop of image represents the trivial element of the fundamental group image. Since the map image is a group homomorphism, the image of the boundary map under image represents the trivial element of image. Thus image can be extended to image, and since this can be done for every image-cell, we are done.

Finally, we construct the continuous map image as a composition of image and imageimage

We now apply this result to the special situation of triangle loops.

Lemma 15.2.5

Assume image and image are image-dimensional connected simplicial complexes, image is a triangle loop in image, and image is a triangle loop in image. If there exists a group homomorphism image, then there exists a continuous map image.


By Lemma 15.2.4, there exists a continuous map image, which takes image to image. This means that image takes the loop image to a loop image, which is homotopic to image. Let image be the loop homotopy from image to image. It is a standard topological fact, which we use here without proof, that the homotopy image can be extended to deform the whole map image to a map image. This map image is continuous and takes image to image.

We finish the proof by remarking that the claim that image can be extended to all of image follows from the fact that image is a cofibration (see the chapter notes). image

Combining Lemmas 15.2.3 and 15.2.5 yields

Theorem 15.2.6

There exists a continuous map image if and only if there exists a homomorphism image.

15.3 Main theorem

In this section, we demonstrate the equivalence of the existence of a continuous map image and the existence of an implementation of image by an instance of image. This will imply our main result, Theorem 15.3.8.

15.3.1 Map implies protocol

Recall that a simplicial map image is a simplicial approximation of a continuous map image if, for every point image in image lies in the carrier of image. The Simplicial Approximation Theorem 3.7.5 guarantees that every such image has a simplicial approximation image for large enough image.

Lemma 15.3.1

Let image and image be simplicial complexes with respective simplicial subcomplexes image and image, and let image be a continuous map such that image. If image is a simplicial approximation to image, then image.


Let image be a point of image. The carrier of image is in image, since image. Because image is a simplicial approximation to imageimage

In the barycentric agreement task, processes start with vertices in a simplex image in a complex image (of arbitrary dimension), and they must converge to vertices of a simplex in image, the image-th barycentric subdivision of the input simplex.

We can now settle one direction of our main theorem.

Lemma 15.3.2

If there exists a continuous map image, then an instance of image implements image.


By the Simplicial Approximation Theorem, image has a simplicial approximation


for some image. Assume that we have image and that image. Assume that a process has input image. We proceed as follows.

• Let this process run the wait-free protocol for image with input image, and let image be its output.

• Run the wait-free read-write image-th barycentric agreement protocol for image with image as input, and let image be its output.

• Choose image and halt.

The entire protocol is wait-free because all its parts are wait-free.

The outputs of the image protocol lie on a single simplex of image, and the outputs of the image-th barycentric agreement protocol lie on a single simplex of image. Because image is a simplicial map, the decision values lie on a single simplex of image.

Suppose the processes have two distinct inputs image and image (where we identify image with image). The outputs of the image protocol lie on a single simplex of image, and the outputs of the image-th barycentric agreement protocol, lie on a single simplex of image. Because image and image are edge loops, image and image can be considered subcomplexes of image and image respectively. Because image, Lemma 15.3.1 states that the simplicial approximation image carries image to image. All processes thus choose vertices in a simplex of image.

Suppose all processes have the same input image. The outputs of the image protocol are all image, and the outputs of the image-th barycentric agreement protocol are all image. Since image carries image to image, all processes thus choose imageimage

15.3.2 Protocol implies map

We now turn our attention to the other direction: If a protocol exists by which an instance of image implements image, then so does a continuous map image. Assume that we have image and that image. Our basic strategy is the following: We may assume without loss of generality that the protocol has two phases. In the first phase, it calls a “subroutine” to solve image, and in the second phase, it uses the result as input to a pure read-write phase. We can treat the read-write phase as a protocol in its own right, where each process has a vertex of image as input and chooses a vertex of image as output.

Formally, there is a simple way to transform image into an output complex.

Definition 15.3.3

Let image be a complex. The colorized complex image is defined as follows:

• The vertices of image are all combinations of the form image, where image is a process name and image a vertex of image.

• Vertices image span an image-simplex in image if and only if the image are distinct, and image (not necessarily distinct) span a simplex in image.

Let image be the projection simplicial map that discards colors.

The read-write phase can now be recast as the decision task image, where image is the “colorized” version of the loop agreement relation. Let image denote the maximal simplex of image such that image. Let image be the subcomplex of image such that, for all image, and similarly for image and image. The relation image carries each image to image and each simplex of image to image.

The circumstances under which a decision task has a wait-free read-write implementation are given by the following asynchronous computability theorem:

Theorem 15.3.4

A decision task image has a wait-free protocol using read-write memory if and only if there exists a chromatic subdivision image of image and a color-preserving simplicial map


such that, for each vertex image in image, image.

Applying this theorem to the read-write phase yields a color-preserving simplicial map


that carries each image to image and carries each image to image.

Composing image with the color-discarding projection map image yields a simplicial map


The map image carries each image to image and carries each image to image.

We now claim that we can assume without loss of generality that image has a image-coloring.

Lemma 15.3.5

If image is a image-dimensional complex, then image has a image-coloring.


Assign each image in image the label image. The result is a image-coloring. image

Lemma 15.3.6

The tasks image and image are equivalent; an instance of one implements the other.


To implement image, each process runs the protocol for image and feeds the output to a round of barycentric agreement.

To implement image, each process runs the protocol for image, yielding output image. Each process then chooses any vertex in imageimage

Assume that image is image-colorable. Pick a image-coloring for image with the first three process names, and let image be the resulting colored complex. Clearly, image and image are isomorphic (the only difference is the labeling of vertices). Let image and image denote the images of image and image in image.

Note that image is a subcomplex of image, so image is a subcomplex of image. We now have a simplicial map


the restriction of image. Thus, the map image carries each image to image, and each image to image.

Lemma 15.3.7

If an instance of image implements image, then there exists a continuous map image.


The map image constructed above induces a continuous map


carrying each image to image and each image to image. Since image is the desired continuous map image carrying each image to image and each image to imageimage

Theorem 15.3.8

An instance of image implements image if and only if there exists a group homomorphism image.


From Lemmas 15.3.2, 15.3.7, and Theorem 15.3.8image

15.4 Applications

We start with a known result, but one that illustrates the power of the theorem.

Proposition 15.4.1

(3,2)-set agreement has no wait-free implementation using read-write registers.


Recall that (3,2)-set agreement can be viewed as image, where image is the triangle loop image. It is a standard result that image is infinite cyclic with generator image. Implementing image-set agreement wait-free is the same as implementing it with image-th barycentric agreement image. Because image is trivial, the only homomorphism image is the trivial one. It carries image to the identity element of the group and not to image.  image

It is now easy to identify the most powerful and least powerful loop agreement tasks. We say that a task is universal if it implements any loop agreement task whatsoever.

Proposition 15.4.2

(3,2)-set agreement is universal.


As was just mentioned, (3,2)-set agreement is image, where image is as above. It is a standard result that image is the infinite cyclic group image with generator image. To implement any image, let imageimage

Proposition 15.4.3

Uncolored simplex agreement is implemented by any loop agreement task.


The complex for uncolored simplex agreement has a trivial fundamental group because it is a subdivided simplex, and hence its polyhedron is a convex subset of Euclidean space. To implement this task with any image, let image of every element be the identity. image

As another example that illustrates the power of the theorem, we show that the loop agreement tasks classification is undecidable. In fact, we prove a more specific result: It is undecidable to compute if a loop agreement task belongs to the weakest class (of loop agreement tasks that are equivalent to uncolored simplex agreement, by the previous proposition).

The following gives a different proof of the result that wait-free task solvability is undecidable.

Proposition 15.4.4

It is undecidable whether an instance of uncolored simplex agreement implements image.


By Theorem 15.3.8, an instance of uncolored simplex agreement image implements image if and only if there exists a group homomorphism image. Since image is the trivial group, image exists if and only if image is the identity of image, that is, if and only if image is contractible in image. But it is a classic result that loop contractibility is undecidable in image-dimensional complexes. image

15.5 Torsion classes

The torsion number of image is the least positive integer image such that image is the identity element of image; in group theory this is called the order of the element image of image. If no such image exists, then the order is infinite. Every loop agreement task has a well-defined torsion number. Define torsion class image to be the tasks with torsion number image.

As an example of a loop agreement task with a nontrivial (i.e., not image and not image) torsion number, let image be complex whose polyhedron is isomorphic to a Moebius strip, and choose a triangle loop image that geometrically corresponds to the “equator” of the strip. Then image is the generator of image and has torsion class image.

How much information does a task’s torsion number convey? The following properties follow directly from Theorem 15.3.8:

• If a task in class image (finite) implements a task in class image, then image (image divides image).

• Each torsion class includes a universal task that solves any loop agreement task in that class.

• A universal task for class image (finite) is also universal for any class image where image.

• A universal task for class image (finite) does not implement any task in class image if image does not divide image.

• A universal task for class image is universal for any class image.

Torsion classes form a coarser partitioning than our complete classification, but they are defined in terms of simpler algebraic properties, and they too have an interesting combinatorial structure.

15.6 Conclusions

We have established a connection between the computational power of a class of distributed tasks and the structure of the fundamental groups of topological spaces related to the tasks. This connection raises a number of open problems. Can we use a similar approach to characterize the computational power of tasks other than loop agreement tasks? A potential obstacle here is that Theorem 15.3.8 is known to be false above dimension two, so it may be necessary to settle for weaker characterizations in higher dimensions. Can we characterize the computational power of compositions of tasks? In the implementations considered here, we compose one copy of a protocol for image with an arbitrary read-write protocol to construct a protocol for image. Can we give a similar characterization for multiple tasks in terms of the fundamental groups of their components? There is a need for further investigation into these questions.

15.7 Chapter notes

Most of the results in this chapter originally appeared in Herlihy and Rajsbaum [83].

The notion of loop agreement task was extended to degenerate loop agreement tasks by Liu et al. [108,109], A degenerate loop agreement task is defined by a graph (1-complex) image with two distinguished vertices, image and image. Each process starts with a binary input (0 or 1). Each process halts with a vertex from image. If the inputs of all participating processes are 0, the processes halt with output value image, and if all values are 1, they halt with image. If the inputs are mixed, each process processes halts with a vertex from image, and all vertices chosen must lie on an edge or vertex (0- or 1-simplex) of image. The degenerate loop agreement tasks fall into two equivalence classes: those that are equivalent to consensus and those that are equivalent to read-write memory. The “consensus” class is universal in the sense that any task in that class implements any degenerate loop agreement task. The “read-write” class is the weakest class in the sense that any degenerate loop agreement task implements any task from the read-write class.

Fraignaud, Rajsbaum, and Travers [59] use techniques similar to the ones in this chapter to obtain a classification of locality-preserving tasks in terms of their computational power, considering a relationship with covering spaces (the classic algebraic topology notion).

More on cofibrations can be found in Kozlov [100, Chapter 7]. The representation of the fundamental group of a simplicial complex from subSection 15.1.2 is taken from Armstrong [7, p. 135]. Notions related to the torsion number appear in Munkres [124, p. 22] and in Armstrong [7, p. 178].

15.8 Exercises

Exercise 15.1

Find a loop agreement task image that is equivalent to the image-set agreement but such that the fundamental group of image is not image.

Exercise 15.2

Consider the loop agreement task image, where we no longer assume that image is image-dimensional. What can be said about the solvability of image?

Exercise 15.3

Construct an infinite sequence of loop agreement tasks image, such that for all image the task image is implemented by the task image, but not vice versa.

Exercise 15.4

Give an example of a loop agreement task that does not solve the universal task in its torsion class.

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