

Abel, N. H. 1, 2, 3

Abelian 1

accepted language 1

accepted set 1, 2

accepting run 1

addition chain 1

addition law on elliptic curve 1

addition theorem 1

Adleman, L. V, 1

Advanced Encryption Standard 1

AES see Advanced Encryption Standard

Agrawal, M. VI, 1

AKS primality test 1

algebraic closure 1

algebraic number 1

algebraically closed field 1



baby-step giant-step 1

binary gcd 1, 2, 3

Brzozowskis minimization 1

Cipolla 1

Dehn 1

division 1

elliptic curve integer factorization 1

Euclidean 1

extended Euclidean 1

fast exponentiation 1

fast Fourier transform 1

fast modular exponentiation 1

index calculus 1

Karatsuba 1

marking 1

Moores minimization 1

PohligHellman 1

Pollards p 1 2

Pollards ρ (factorization) 1

Pollards ρ (logarithm) 1

probabilistic primality test 1

quadratic sieve 1

SchönhageStrassen 1

Tonelli 1

Alice VIII, 1

almost all 1

alphabet 1, 2, 3

alternating group 1

amalgamated product 1

antichain 1

aperiodic monoid 1

arc 1

Arnold, A. 1, 2

Artin, E. 1

associativity 1

elliptic curves 1, 2

asymptotic estimate 1

Atkin, A.O. L. 1


brute-force 1

chosen-ciphertext 1

chosen-plaintext 1

ciphertext-only 1

known-plaintext 1

man-in-the-middle 1

Shamir 1

Wiener 1

augmented monoid 1

automata minimization 1

Brzozowski 1

Moore 1

automaton 1

Büchi 1

complement 1

complete 1, 2

deterministic 1, 2

deterministic Büchi 1

equivalent 1

finite 1, 2

minimal 1

minimization 1

nondeterministic 1

product 1

run 1, 2, 3

spelling 1, 2

subset 1

trim 1

with rational labels 1

automorphism 1

Frobenius 1, 2

graph 1

inner 1

Whitehead 1

automorphism group 1

axiom of choice 1


baby-step giant-step algorithm 1

bad sequence 1

basis of a free group 1

Bass, H. 1

Baumslag, G. 1

Baumslag group 1

BaumslagGersten group 1

BaumslagSolitar group 1

Benois, M. 1, 2

Benois theorem 1

Bézout, É. 1

Bézouts lemma 1

big- see -notation

binary gcd 1, 2, 3

binomial coefficient 1

binomial expansion see binomial theorem

binomial theorem 1

Birkhoff, G. 1

birthday paradox 1

birthday paradox algorithm see ρ algorithm

Bob VIII, 1

Bombelli, R. 1

Boone, W. W. 1

Brandt monoid 1

bridge 1

Britton, J. L. 1

Britton reduction 1

brute-force attack 1

Brzozowski, J. A. 1

Brzozowskis minimization algorithm 1

B-smooth number 1, 2

Büchi automaton 1

deterministic 1

run 1

Büchi, J. R. VII, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Büchis theorem 1, 2


Caesar, G. J. 1

Caesars cipher 1

cancellative monoid 1

Cardano, G. 1

Carmichael number 1

Carmichael, R. D. 1

Cauchy, A. L. 1

Cauchys theorem 1

center of a group 1, 2

centralizer 1

chain 1

channel encoding 1

characteristic 1

chinese remainder theorem 1

Chomsky, A. N. 1

Church, A. 1

ChurchRosser property 1

cipher 1

Caesar 1

monoalphabetic 1

polyalphabetic 1

shift 1

Vigenère 1

ciphertext 1

Cipolla, M. 1

Cipollas algorithm 1

closed formula see sentence

coarsening 1

coefficient 1

leading 1

coincidence index 1

collision resistant function 1

commutative 1

commutative ring 1

comparable elements 1

complement automaton 1

complete automaton 1, 2

complete rewriting system 1

complex product 1

compression see data compression

compression function 1

computational security 1

concatenation 1, 2

concurrency 1

confluent 1

locally 1

strongly 1

congruence 1, 2

syntactic 1, 2

congruent 1, 2

conjugacy problem 1

conjugate element 1

constant polynomial 1


subset 1

Thompson 1

content see alphabet

convergent rewriting system 1

convolution product 1

coprime 1, 2, 3

coset 1

left 1

right 1

cover 1

covering 1

Coxeter group 1

right-angled 1

Coxeter, H. 1

critical pair 1

factor 1

overlap 1

cryptanalysis 1

cryptographic system 1

cryptography 1

cryptosystem 1

asymmetric 1

Caesars cipher 1

DiffieHellman 1, 2

ElGamal 1, 2

elliptic DiffieHellman 1

elliptic ElGamal 1

key exchange 1

MerkleHellman 1, 2

monoalphabetic cipher 1

multi-prime RSA 1

polyalphabetic cipher 1

public-key 1

Rabin 1, 2

RSA 1, 2, 3

shift cipher 1

symmetric 1

Vernam one-time pad 1

Vigenére cipher 1

curve 1

elliptic 1, 2, 3

pseudo- 1

cyclic group 1

cyclic semigroup 1

cyclically reduced word 1


?-class 1

Damgård, I. B. 1

data compression 1, 2

Davis, M. 1

De Morgan, A. 1

decoding function 1


KrohnRhodes 1, 2

decreasing sequence 1

decryption function 1

defining relation 1


divisor 1

endomorphism 1

polynomial 1, 2

degree formula 1

Dehn function 1

Dehn, M. 1

Dehns algorithm 1

del Ferro, S. 1

dependence alphabet 1

derivative 1, 2

Descartes, R. 1

Descartes rule of signs 1

deterministic automaton 1, 2

deterministic Büchi automaton 1

deterministic graphical realization 1

deterministic language 1

DFA see deterministic automaton

DFT see discrete Fourier transform

Dickson, L. E. 1

Dicksons lemma 1

differentiation rules 1

Diffie, B.W. V, 1, 2, 3

DiffieHellman key exchange 1, 2

on elliptic curves 1

DiffieHellman problem 1, 2

digital commitment 1

digital signature 1

Digital Signature Algorithm 1

dihedral group 1

direct product 1

directed edge 1

discrete Fourier transform 1, 2

discrete logarithm 1, 2

baby-step giant-step algorithm 1

index calculus 1

PohligHellman algorithm 1

Pollards ρ algorithm 1

distributivity 1

divide 1

division 1

polynomial 1

divisor 1, 2

greatest common 1

group 1

local 1, 2

principal 1

zero 1

domain 1

integral 1

DSA see Digital Signature Algorithm

Dyck language 1

Dyck, W. F. A., Ritter von 1




arc 1

bridge 1

directed 1

source 1

target 1

egg box diagram 1

Eilenberg, S. 1

Eisenstein, F. G.M. 1

Eisensteins criterion 1


comparable 1

conjugate 1

generating 1

idempotent 1, 2

incomparable 1

inverse 1, 2

invertible 1

left inverse 1

left neutral 1

neutral 1, 2

period 1

regular 1

right inverse 1

right neutral 1

square 1, 2

threshold 1

transposed 1

unit 1, 2

zero 1

elementary arithmetic operation 1

ElGamal cryptosystem 1, 2

on elliptic curves 1

ElGamal signature 1

ElGamal, T. 1

Elgot, C. C. 1


of ε-transitions 1

of states 1

elimination of ε-transitions 1

Elkies, N. 1

elliptic curve 1, 2, 3, 4

group operation 1

elliptic curve integer factorization 1

elliptic function 1

empty word 1, 2

encoding function 1

encryption function 1

endomorphism 1

Frobenius 1

separable 1

ε-NFA 1

equivalent automata 1

ε-transition 1

Euclid of Alexandria 1, 2

Euclidean algorith

extended 1

Euclidean algorithm 1

binary 1

binary extended 1, 2

Euler, L. 1, 2, 3, 4

Eulerian pseudoprime 1

Eulers criterion 1

Eulers number 1

Eulers theorem 1

Eulers totient function 1

evaluation homomorphism 1, 2

even permutation 1


fast 1

fast modular 1


rational 1

regular see rational expression

star-free 1

extended Euclidean algorithm 1

binary 1, 2


φ function see totient function

factor 1

factor critical pair 1

factor group see quotient group

factor ring see quotient ring

fast exponentiation 1

modular 1

fast Fourier transform 1

fast powering see fast exponentiation

Fermat number 1

Fermat, P. de 1, 2, 3, 4

Fermat primality test 1

Fermats Last Theorem 1

Fermats little theorem 1

Fermats theorem on sums of two squares 1

Ferrari, L. 1

FFT see fast Fourier transform

Fibonacci number 1

field 1, 2, 3

algebraically closed 1

finite 1

function 1

Galois 1

prime 1

skew 1

splitting 1

sub- 1

used in AES 1

field extension 1

final state 1, 2

final transition 1

Fine, N. J. 1

finite automaton 1

finite field

used in AES 1

finitely generated 1

finitely presented group 1

finitely presented monoid 1

first-order logic 1

first-order variable 1

flipflop 1, 2

formal language 1

formal power series 1

derivative 1

Fourier, J. B. J. 1

Frederick the Great 1, 2

free group 1

basis 1

rank 1, 2

free monoid 1, 2

free partially commutative group 1

free partially commutative monoid 1

free product 1

free variable 1

frequency analysis 1

Frobenius automorphism 1

Frobenius endomorphism 1

Frobenius, F. G. 1, 2, 3

Frobenius homomorphism 1

Frobenius morphism 1


collision resistant 1

compression 1

decoding 1

decryption 1

Dehn 1

elliptic 1

encoding 1

encryption 1

hash 1

one-way 1

rational 1

totient 1

tower 1

transition 1

function field 1

Fürer, M. 1


Galois field 1

Galois, É. 1, 2, 3

Gauss, J. C. F. 1

gcd see greatest common divisor; Euclidean algorithm

generalized BaumslagSolitar group 1

generate 1

generated ideal 1

generator 1

Germain, S. 1

Gersten, S. M. 1

global solution 1

Gödel, K. P. 1, 2, 3

Gödels incompleteness theorem 1, 2

Goldwasser, S. 1, 2, 3

GoldwasserKilian primality certificates 1

good sequence 1


rose 1, 2

Schreier 1

Stallings 1

graph group 1

graphical realization 1, 2

deterministic 1

greatest common divisor 1, 2, 3

Green, J. A. VI, 1

Greens lemma 1

Greens relations 1

D 1

H 1

J 1

L 1

R 1

Gromov, M. L. 1

Grothendieck, A. VII, 1

group 1, 2

alternating 1

automorphism 1

Baumslag 1

BaumslagGersten 1

BaumslagSolitar 1

center 1, 2

Coxeter 1

cyclic 1

dihedral 1

finitely presented 1

free 1

free partially commutative 1

generalized BaumslagSolitar 1

graph 1

Hopfian 1

hyperbolic 1

Klein four- 1

modular 1

multiplicative 1

Picard 1

quotient 1

residually finite 1

right-angled Artin 1

right-angled Coxeter 1

Schützenberger 1, 2

simple 1

small cancellation 1

special linear 1, 2

symmetric 1

symmetry 1

Waack 1

group divisor 1

group homomorphism 1

group of units 1

group operation on elliptic curve 1

group-based cryptography 1

group-free monoid see aperiodic monoid

Gustafson, W. H. 1


H-class 1

halting problem 1

Hartshorne, R. 1

hash function 1

Hasse bound 1

Hasse, H. 1, 2, 3

Hasses theorem 1

Hellman, M. E. V, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Hermite, Ch. 1

Higman, G. VI, 1, 2

Higmans lemma 1

Hilbert, D. 1, 2, 3

Hilberts basis theorem 1

Hilberts tenth problem 1

HNN extension 1

homomorphism 1

evaluation 1

Frobenius 1

graphical realization 1, 2

group 1

partial 1

projection 1

ring 1

syntactic 1

homomorphism theorem

groups 1

rings 1

Hopf, H. 1

Hopfian group 1

hyperbolic group 1


ideal 1, 2

finitely generated 1

generated 1

left 1

maximal 1

principal 1, 2

right 1

two-sided 1

idempotent element 1, 2

identity 1

image 1, 2

incomparable elements 1

independence 1

independence relation 1


stabilization 1

index calculus 1

index of a subgroup 1

infinite word 1

infix see factor

initial state 1, 2

inner automorphism 1

integer factorization 1

elliptic curves 1

Pollards p 1 algorithm 2

Pollards ρ algorithm 1

quadratic sieve 1

integer multiplication

Karatsuba 1

SchönhageStrassen 1

integral domain 1

interpolation 1

introspective number 1

inverse element 1, 2

inversion 1

invertible element 1

irreducible normal form 1

irreducible polynomial 1

isomorphism 1

of rings 1

isomorphism problem 1


J-class 1

Jacobi, C. G. J. 1

Jacobi symbol 1


Karatsuba, A. A. 1, 2

Karatsubas algorithm 1

Kayal, N. VI, 1

Keller, R. M. 1

Kerckhoffs, A. 1

Kerckhoffs principle 1

kernel 1, 2

kernel of the Schreier graph 1

key 1

private 1

public 1

secret 1

key exchange 1, 2

Kilian, J. J. 1, 2, 3

Kleene, S. C. 1, 2, 3

Kleene star 1

Kleenes theorem 1

Klein, F. Chr. 1

Klein four-group 1

knapsack problem 1

Knödel number 1

Knödel, W. 1

Koblitz, N. 1

Krohn, K. B. VI, 1, 2, 3

KrohnRhodes decomposition 1, 2

KrohnRhodes theorem 1

Kronecker delta 1

Kronecker, L. 1

Kruskal, J. B. 1, 2

Kruskals tree theorem 1


L-class 1

label of a transition 1

Lagrange interpolation 1

Lagrange, J.-J. de 1

Lagrange polynomial 1

Lagranges theorem 1

Lallement, G. 1

Landau, E. G.H. 1

language 1, 2, 3

accepted 1

at a state 1

deterministic 1

Dyck 1

formal 1

mirror 1

ω- 1

ω-rational 1

regular 1

reverse 1

star-free 1

Laocoön 1

law of quadratic reciprocity 1

lcm see least common multiple

leading coefficient 1

least common multiple 1, 2

left-conjugate see conjugate

left coset 1

left ideal 1

left inverse 1

left neutral 1

Legendre, A.-M. 1

Legendre symbol 1

Lehmer, D.H. 1


Bézout 1

Dickson 1

FineWilf 1

Green 1

Higman 1

Levi 1

periodicity 1

Zolotarev 1

length of a word 1, 2

length-lexicographic 1

Lenstra, H., Jr. 1, 2

letter 1, 2

Levi, F. W. D. 1

Levis lemma 1

lexicographic order 1, 2

Lindemann, C. L. F. von 1

line 1

linear Diophantine equation 1

linear Diophantine system 1

linear set 1

Liouville, J. 1

local divisor 1, 2

local solution 1

local submonoid 1

locally confluent 1


first-order 1

monadic second-order 1, 2

Lucas, É 1, 2

Lucas primality test 1

LucasLehmer primality test 1

Lyndon factorization 1

Lyndon, R. C. VII, 1, 2, 3

Lyndon word 1

LyndonSchützenberger theorem 1


MacLane, S. 1

man-in-the-middle attack 1

marking algorithm 1

master theorem 1

master theorem II 1

Matiyasevich, Yu. 1

M-automaton see automaton

maximal ideal 1

Mazurkiewicz, A. 1

McKay, J.H. 1

McKnight, D. J., Jr. 1

McKnights theorem 1

median 1

Merkle, R. C. 1, 2

MerkleDamgård construction 1

MerkleHellman cryptosystem 1, 2

Mersenne, M. 1

Mersenne number 1

Mezei, J. 1

Mezeis theorem 1

Miller, G. L. 1

MillerRabin primality test 1

minimal automaton 1

minimal polynomial 1

mirror language 1

modular arithmetic 1

modular group 1

modulo 1, 2, 3

modulus 1, 2

monadic second-order logic 1, 2

monadic semi-Thue system 1

monoalphabetic cipher 1

monoalphabetic substitution 1

Monod, J. 1

monoid 1

aperiodic 1

augmented 1

Brandt 1

cancellative 1

defining relations 1

divisor 1

finitely presented 1

flipflop 1

free 1, 2

free partially commutative 1

group-free see aperiodic

presentation 1

residually finite 1

syntactic 1

trace 1

transition 1

Moore, E. F. 1

Moores minimization algorithm 1


Frobenius 1

rational 1

MSO see monadic second-order logic

multiple 1

least common 1, 2

multiple exponent attack 1

multiple root 1

multiplication table 1

multiplicative group 1

multiplicity of a root 1, 2

multi-prime RSA 1

Myhill, J. R. 1

MyhillNerode theorem 1


Nair, M. 1

Nash-Williams, C. St. J. A. 1, 2

natural numbers 1

Nerode, A. 1

Neukirch, J. VII

Neumann, B.H. 1

Neumann, H. 1

neutral element 1, 2

Newton, I., Sir 1

Newton method 1


ε- 1

Nielsen, J. 1, 2, 3

Nielsen transformation 1, 2

NielsenSchreier theorem 1

Noether, A. E. 1, 2

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