Lemma 1.65. Let p be an odd prime and e 2. For all a , we have

Proof: For e = 2, the statement is trivial. So, let e > 2. Inductively, we have 1 + ape2 mod pe1. Hence, there is a number b such that + ape2 + bpe1. Using for 1 k < p, we obtain

Now, because p > 2, and thus mod pe follows.

Lemma 1.66. Let e 3. Then for all a , we have (1 + 4a)2e3 1 + 2e1a mod 2e.Proof: The statement is trivial for e = 3. Let e > 3. Then by inductive hypothesis, we may assume that (1+4a)2e4 = 1+2e2a+ 2e1b for b . Using e 2e4,we obtain

We now use these two lemmas to show that certain elements in (/pe) have a large order.

Theorem 1.67. Let p be an odd prime. Then, for all e 1 the group (/pe) is cyclic. For e {1, 2}, the group (/2e) is cyclic, too. If e > 2, then (/2e) is isomorphic to the additive group /2×/2e2 and therefore not cyclic.

Proof: The multiplicative group of a finite field is cyclic. This shows the assertion for all cases where e = 1. Now let p be odd and e 2. We choose a generator g of (/p). Then, gp1 = 1 + ap and (p + g)p1 = 1 + bp for suitable integers a and b. Suppose that p | a and p | b. Then, gp g mod p2 and (p + g)p p + g mod p2, which leads to a contradiction as follows:

Thus, without loss of generality, we may assume that gcd(a, p) = 1; otherwise we could take p + g as generating element of (/p). Lemma 1.65 yields (1 + ap)pe1 1 + ape mod pe+1 and therefore (1 + ap)pe1 1 mod pe. In particular, the order of 1+ap in (/pe) divides pe1.Again from Lemma1.65, we conclude that (1+ap)pe2 1 + ape1 1 mod pe. Therefore, the order of gp1 in (/pe) is pe1 and, thus, the order of g is (p 1)pe1. Consequently, (/pe) is cyclic.

The group (/4) is cyclic because it is of order 2. We now come to the case p = 2 and e > 2. Lemma 1.66 implies 52e2 = (1 + 4)2e2 1 + 2e mod 2e+1 and thus 52e2 1 mod 2e. Quite similarly, one can show that 52e3 1 + 2e1 1 mod 2e. Therefore, the order of the number 5 in (/2e) is 2e2. Let G be the subgroup of (/2e) generated by 5. Suppose that 1 G; in other words, we have 5n 1 mod 2e for some n . Then, 1 5n 1 mod 4, a contradiction. This shows G G = 0. From |G G| = 2e1 = |(/2e)| we obtain G G = (/2e). In particular, the group homomorphism /2 × /2e2 (/2e), (a, b) (1)a5b is surjective and hence bijective.

1.11 Quadratic reciprocity

Let q be a finite field. An element a q is a square or a quadratic residue if there exists b q with b2 = a. In this case, we call b a square root of a. If b is a square root of a, then so is b. Since quadratic equations over fields have at most two solutions, b and b are the only square roots of a. In general, not all elements of a field are squares. As a simple example, consider 3 = {0, 1, 1}, where 1 is not a square. The following theorem, named after Euler, gives an effective criterion to test whether a q is a square.

Theorem 1.68 (Eulers criterion). Let q be a finite field and q be odd. Then the mapping is a surjective homomorphism of (multiplicative) groups. Moreover

Proof: If a is a square, then there exists with b2 = a. From Corollary 1.5, we obtain Now, let a not be a square. By Theorem 1.56, the multiplicative group is cyclic. Let g be a generator of this group and choose k such that a = g2k+1. From gq1 = 1, we conclude because the polynomial X2 1 has no other roots. Since the order of g is q 1, we obtain and thus

Now we have shown that in all cases and 1 occurs if and only if a is a square. This also shows that the mapping is a homomorphism. For surjectivity, we note that and for all generators g of

Eulers criterion implies that there are as many squares as nonsquares in if q is odd. We take a look at squares in prime fields /p. At first glance, the fields /p and /q for different primes p and q do not seem to have very much in common. But, surprisingly, both structures are tightly connected by their quadratic residues. This is what the law of quadratic reciprocity is about.

Let n be an arbitrary odd number and a coprime to n. The mapping x ax mod n defines a permutation on the set {0, . . . , n 1}. We let

and call the Jacobi symbol (named after Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, 18041851); it is the sign of the permutation x ax mod n. The connection between quadratic residues and signs of permutations is given by the following result of Yegor Ivanovich Zolotarev (18471878).

Theorem 1.69 (Zolotarevs lemma). Let p be an odd prime and a such that p a. Then, a is a square modulo p if and only if

Proof: Lemma 1.15 shows

The last congruence follows from Fermats little theorem. Eulers criterion yields the result.

By Zolotarevs lemma, also the commonly used Legendre symbol (named after Adrien-Marie Legendre, 17521833) can be defined using the Jacobi symbol. Usually, the same notation is used. However, only odd primes p are considered. Moreover, the domain of is extended to all a by having for p | a. From Eulers criterion, we obtain for the Legendre symbol the property mod p for all a .

Now, we formulate the law of quadratic reciprocity in Theorem 1.70 (a), along with its two supplements (b) and (c) and the two multiplication rules (d) and (e) for the Jacobi symbol.

Theorem 1.70 (Law of quadratic reciprocity). Let m , and let n be odd with gcd(m, n) = 1. Then the following statements hold:

Proof: (a) We first assume that m, n 1 and that m is odd. The permutation x x+1 mod m has the sign 1 because the elements 0, . . . , m2 all have an inversion with m 1 and there are no other inversions. By sequential application of the mappings, we see that sgn(x x + y0 mod m) = 1 holds for all y0 . Let P = {0, . . . , m 1} × {0, . . . , n 1}.We define mappings μ and ν on P by

For every fixed y', the mapping νy' : (x, y') (nx + y' mod m, y') is a permutation on the set {0, . . . , m 1} × {y'} and its sign is The mapping νy' also defines a permutation of the same sign on the set P if every value (x, y) with y y' is mapped to itself. Now ν is the sequential application of all ' νyfor 0 y' < n. This yields sgn Analogously, μ is a permutation with sgn Thus

By the Chinese remainder theorem, we can regard μ ν1 as a permutation π on the set {0, . . . , mn 1}. For (x, y) P, it maps nx + y to x + my. We now count the inversions of π. These are the pairs ((x, y), (x' , y')) P2 satisfying nx + y < nx' + y' and x + my > x' + my. The last two requirements are equivalent to x < x' and y > y'. Therefore, π has inversions. This shows

Now, we have shown (a) for positive numbers because

(b)Using Lemma 1.15, we obtain

(d)This property holds according to Theorem 1.16 because sgn is a homomorphism. In particular, the law of quadratic reciprocity (a) holds for all odd numbers m with gcd(m, n) = 1.

(c)From what we have already shown, we conclude

The assertion follows by induction on n.

(e)By the Chinese remainder theorem, there exists r with r 1 mod 4 and r m mod n. Thus

This completes the proof.

The proof of the law of quadratic reciprocity, we presented here goes back to George Rousseau [89]. The law of quadratic reciprocity yields the following algorithm for computing the Jacobi symbol:

Note that, in this algorithm, only the four least significant bits of the numbers m and n are used to find out whether powers of 1 evaluate to 1 or 1.


1.1. Show that every semigroup has at most one neutral element.

1.2. Show that in a monoid every element has at most one inverse.

1.3. Show that in a finite monoid M each left inverse is also right inverse, that is, ba = 1 implies ab = 1 for all a, b M.

1.4. Show that for infinite monoids, the claim of Exercise 1.3 does not hold in general.

1.5. Let S be a semigroup. An element a S is called regular if there exists b S such that aba = a. Show that for every regular element a S, there is an element c S with both aca = a and cac = c.

1.6. Let S be a finite semigroup. Recall that an element e S is idempotent if it satisfies e2 = e. Show:

(a)For each x S, the set { xk | k 1} S contains a unique idempotent element. This element is some power x with 1 |S|.

(b)The element x|S|! is idempotent for all x S.

1.7. Let φ: M G be a homomorphism from a finite semigroup M onto a group G and H be a smallest subsemigroup of M such that φ(H) = G. Show that H is a group.

1.8. A semigroup S is inverse if for every x S there exists a unique element such that and

(a)Show for idempotents e, f of an inverse semigroup.

(b)Show that the idempotents in an inverse semigroup forma commutative subsemigroup.

1.9. Let S be a finite semigroup with n elements and a1, . . . , an S be arbitrary. Show that there exists an index i {1, . . . , n} and an element b S with a1 ai = a1 aib.

1.10. Specify a finite monoid M and a submonoid U of M such that | U| does not divide |M|.

1.11. Let X and Y be nonempty sets, S a semigroup, and φ: Y × X S a mapping. Show that the operation with (x, s, y) (x' , s' , y) = (x, s φ(y, x) s' , y) defines a semigroup on the set X × S × Y, the so-called Rees sandwich semigroup named after David Rees (19182013).

1.12. Show that, in a group, only the neutral element is idempotent. Moreover, a finite monoid is a group if and only if it has exactly one idempotent.

1.13. Let G be a semigroup. Prove the following assertions:

(a)Suppose there is an element e G with the following properties:

For all g G, we have eg = g (left neutral element).

For all g G, there exists h G with hg = e (left inverse elements). Then, G is a group.

(b)Suppose there is an element e G with the following properties:

For all g G, we have ge = g (right neutral element).

For all g, G there exists h G with hg = e (left inverse elements). Then, G is not necessarily a group.

(c)If for all a, b G the equations ax = b and ya = b have solutions x, y G, then G is a group.

1.14. Let G be a group and S G a subset.

(a)Show that the following properties are equivalent:

(i)S is a subgroup of G.

(ii) S 0 and xy1 S for all x, y S.

(b)Let S be finite. Show that the following properties are equivalent:

(i)S is a subgroup of G.

(ii) S 0 and xy S for all x, y S.

(c)Specify a group G and an infinite subset S G such that S is not a subgroup of G, but it has the property xy S for all x, y S.

1.15. Let G and H be groups and φ: G H be a mapping. Show that the following properties are equivalent:

(i)φ is a group homomorphism, that is, for all x, y G, we have φ(1G) = 1H, φ(x1) = φ(x)1, and φ(xy) = φ(x)φ(y).

(ii) For all x, y G, we have φ(xy) = φ(x)φ(y).

1.16. LetMbe a monoid satisfying m2 = 1 for all m M. Show that M is a commutative group.

1.17. Show that in a commutative group G the elements of odd order form a subgroup.

1.18. Let G be a group and H be a subgroup of G. Show that the implication xH = yH xHx1 = yHy1 holds for all x, y G.

1.19. Let G be a (possibly infinite) group and H a subgroup satisfying [G : H] = n < , that is, H has finite index. Prove the following assertions:

(a)For all g G there exists i {1, . . . , n} such that gi H.

(b)N = xG xHx1 is the largest normal subgroup of G contained in H. Furthermore, G/N is finite.

1.20. Show that the relation given by the normal subgroup property is not transitive.

1.21. Let G be a group. Show that the bijective function f : G G with f(a) = a1 is a group homomorphism if and only if G is commutative.

1.22. Let G and H be groups, let f : G H be a group homomorphism and let a G be an element of finite order. Show that the order of f(a) divides the order of a.

1.23. Show that every finite domain R is a skew field.

1.24. Let R be a commutative ring. Show that for a subset I R, the following statements are equivalent:

(i)I is an ideal.

(ii) I is an additive subgroup such that R /I with the operations

forms a ring, where I is the neutral element with respect to addition and 1 + I is the neutral element with respect to multiplication.

(iii) I is the kernel of a ring homomorphism.

1.25. Let R be a ring and I and J be ideals in R with I J. Show that R/J and (R/I)/(J/I) are isomorphic.

1.26. Let R be a ring and I and J be ideals of R. Which of the following sets are ideals of R?

(i)I + J(ii) I J(iii) I J(iv) I J

1.27. Show that in the ring [X], the ideal 〈6, X2 2〉 = 6[X]+(X22)[X] is neither a principal ideal nor maximal.

1.28. Determine the order of the element 3 in the multiplicative group (/16).

1.29. Count the elements in (/60) with even order.

1.30. Let m, n > 1 be natural numbers with gcd(m, n) > 1. Show that the additive groups (/m) × (/n) and /mn are not isomorphic.

1.31. Find s with 51 s 1 mod 98.

1.32. Find the two smallest numbers n1, n2 such that the following congruences for i = 1, 2 are satisfied: ni 2 mod 3, ni 3 mod 4 and ni 6 mod 7.

1.33. Show that mod 60 for all n .

1.34. Show that 5 is the only prime number of the form z4 +4 with z . Hint: Use polynomial division to determine a polynomial p such that z4 + 4 = (z2 2z + 2) p(z).

1.35. Compute gcd(X6 + X5 + X3 + X, X8 + X7 + X6 + X4 + X3 + X + 1) in the polynomial ring 2[X] over the two-element field 2.

1.36. Let f(X) = X5+X2 +1 2[X]. Show that f(X) is irreducible over the two-element field 2.

1.37. Let t 1. The polynomial f(X) [X] is called t-thin if it is the sum of at most t terms of the form aiXi. Then, f(X) =Σi0 aiXi and ai 0 for at most t indices i. Show that the number of positive real roots of f(X) 0 is bounded by t 1.

1.38. Let 0 f (X) = Σi aiXi [X] be a polynomial of degree d. The number of sign changes of f(X) is the number of sign changes in the sequence (a0, . . . , ad); and this is defined as the number of sign changes in the subsequence that remains if all aj with aj = 0 are omitted. The number of sign changes in the sequence (0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0, 2, 1) thus is that of (1, 3, 4, 2, 1), which is 3.

(a)Let 0 < λ be a positive real number. Show that the number of sign changes of g(X) = (X λ)f(X) is strictly greater than the number of sign changes of f(X).

(b)(Descartes rule of signs; named after René Descartes, 15961650) The number of positive real roots (with multiplicities) of f(X) is bounded by the number of sign changes in the sequence (a0, . . . , ad).

1.39. Let f(X) = Xn + an1Xn1 + + a0 [X]. Show that if r is a root of f(X), then r and r divides a0.

1.40. (Eisensteins criterion; named after F. Gotthold M. Eisenstein, 18231852) Let f(X) = anXn + + a0X0 [X] with n 1 and an 0. Suppose there exists a prime number p such that p an and p | an1, ..., p | a0, but p2 a0. Show that f(X) is irreducible over .

1.41. Prove the following statements using Eisensteins criterion from the previous exercise:

(a)Let p be a prime number and f(X) = Xn p for n 1. Then, f(X) is irreducible over and thus in particular

(b)Let p be a prime number and f(X) = Xp1 + Xp2 + +1. Then, f(X) is irreducible over .

Hint: f(X) can be written as and f(X) is irreducible over if and only if f(X + 1) is.

1.42. We extend formal power series to series of the form

Claim: The series satisfies S(X) = 0.

Proof: X S(X) = S(X) and therefore S(X) (1 X) = 0. On the other hand, (1 X) Σi0 X i = 1. From these facts, we obtain

Where is the error in this proof?

1.43. Consider the set with addition defined by (a + and multiplication by Show that, with these operations, is a field.

1.44. Let F be a field, E a field extension of F and α E a root of the polynomial p(X) F[X] with deg(p) 1. Prove that there is a unique polynomial m(X) F[X] with the leading coefficient 1 and the property

The polynomial m(X) is called the minimal polynomial of α.

1.45. Let a and p an odd prime with p a. Let m be the order of a in (/p) and n the order of a in (/pe) for e 1. Show that m | n and

1.46. Let be a field with q elements for an odd number q. Show that a is a square if and only if X a [X] divides the polynomial X(q1)/2 1.



semigroup, monoid

Abelian, commutative



group, inverse element

generated substruct. 〈X


order of a group

order of an element

index [G : H]

cyclic group

generating element

kernel ker(φ), image im(φ)

normal subgroup

quotient group G /H

symmetry group

symmetric group


sign sgn(π)


(commutative) ring

zero ring

skew field


subring, subfield

ring homomorphism

ideal, quotientring

principal ideal

maximal ideal

zero divisor

(integral) domain

characteristic char(R)

prime field

Frobenius homomorphism

formal power series

polynomials R [X]

zero polynomial

degree deg(f)

leading coefficient

derivative f '

root, multiplicity


Noetherian ring

field extension

splitting field

algebraic closure

finite field q

Jacobi symbol

Legendre symbol

Methods and results

partitioning into cosets

Lagranges theorem: |G| = [G : H] |H|

g|G| = 1. Moreover: gn = 1 order of g divides n

groups of prime order are cyclic

subgroups of cyclic groups are cyclic

G Abelian group, g, h G with coprime orders m, n gh is of order mn

Cauchys theorem: p prime divisor of |G| G has an element of order p

normal subgroups are exactly the kernels of group homomorphisms

subgroups of index 2 are normal subgroups

homomorphism theorem for groups: φ: G H homomorphism G/ ker(φ) im(φ)

structure of the symmetry group of a regular polygon

π permutation on {1, . . . , n}. Then, sgn(π) = (1)# of inversions

sgn: Sn {1, 1} is a homomorphism

π is product of m transpositions sgn(π) = (1)m

each permutation is the product of transpositions

homomorphism theorem for rings: φ: R S homomorphism R/ ker(φ) im(φ)

ring homomorphisms φ: F R with F a field and R {0} are injective

R commutative. Then: I R maximal ideal R/I field

R domain char(R) = 0 or char(R) = p prime

binomial theorem:

R commutative, char(R) = p prime x xp is a homomorphism on R

Fermats little theorem: R commutative, char(R) = p prime a R: ap = a

Bézouts lemma: For all k, there exist a, b with gcd(k, ) = ak + b.

extended Euclidean algorithm

k (/n) gcd(k, n) = 1 the mapping x kx on /n is bijective

n is prime /n is a field

ideals in are generated by a single element

k | k; k + = gcd(k, ); k = lcm(k, )

Chinese remainder theorem: For gcd(k, ) = 1, the mapping /k /k × / defined by x mod k (x mod k, x mod ) is a homomorphism of rings.

computing Eulers totient function: φ(pk) = (p 1)pk1 for p prime, φ(k) = φ(k)φ() for gcd(k, ) = 1

Eulers theorem: gcd(a, n) = 1 aφ(n) 1 mod n

Σd|n φ(d) = n

G cyclic group of order n, d | n G has φ(d) elements of order d

RX integral domain R integral domain

f RX invertible f(0) R invertible

deg(f + g) max(deg(f), deg(g))

deg(f g) deg(f) + deg(g) with equality in the case of integral domains

(f + g)' = f ' + g; (f g)' = f ' g + f g'

polynomial division

F fieldevery ideal in K [X] is principal

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