8.16. Let A PSL(2, ) be an element in the modular group of order 2 and Furthermore, let S PSL(2, ) with

(a)Show that a + d = 0.

(b)Show that A and S are conjugated in PSL(2, ).

Hint: Use the normal form Ri1S Rim1SRim , m 2, 1 ij 2 for j = 1, . . . , m and i1 = im, as in the proof of Theorem 8.38.

8.17. Let n , n 1. Prove Fermats theorem on sums of two squares:

(a)If 1 is a quadratic residue modulo n, that is, 1 q2 mod n for some q , then n is a sum of two squares in , that is, n = x2 + y2 with x, y .

Hint: If 1 q2 mod n, then there exists p with q2 + pn = 1. Form A(z) = By Exercise 8.16 (b) the element A PSL(2, ) is conjugated to S, that is, there exists X PSL(2, ) with and XSX1 = A.

(b)If n = x2 + y2 with x, y and gcd(x, y) = 1, then 1 is a square modulo n.

(c)Use Exercises 8.17 (a) and 8.17 (b) for showing that a prime number p is a sum of two squares if and only if p = 2 or p 1 mod 4.



word problem

conjugacy problem

isomorphism problem

residually finite monoid

Hopfian group

presentations of monoids and groups

rewriting system

confluence, termination, convergence

ChurchRosser property

semi-Thue system

free group

free product

BaumslagSolitar group BS(p, q)

Waack group W

Tietze transformation

free partially commutative monoid

graph group

semidirect product

amalgamated product

HNN extension

Britton reduction

Baumslag group

rational set


(kernel of the) Schreier graph

Whitehead automorphism

Nielsen transformation

graphical realization

special linear group SL(2, )

modular group PSL(2, )

Methods and results

Finitely generated residually finite groups are Hopfian.

Strong confluence confluence.

Confluence ChurchRosser

Local confluence and termination confluence.

Local confluence can be tested based on critical pairs.

If S Γ × Γ is a finite convergent semi-Thue system, then the word problem in Γ/S is decidable.

Residually finite, finitely presented monoids have a decidable word problem.

Free groups are residually finite.

Trace monoids embed into RAAGs and their word problem can be solved in linear time.

Convergent systems for amalgamated products and HNN extensions.

Groups embed themselves into their amalgamated products and HNN extensions.

1 w G U H or 1 w HNN(G; A, B, φ) w is Britton reducible.

Subgroups are rational subsets if and only if they are finitely generated.

Benois: rational subsets of a finitely generated free group form an effective Boolean algebra.

Free groups are isomorphic if and only if their bases have the same cardinality.

If K(G, Σ) is the kernel of the Schreier graph with edge set E and spanning tree T, then G is isomorphic to the free group F (E+ T).

NielsenSchreier theorem: subgroups of free groups are free.

F finitely generated free group and |G F| = n < , then the rank formula (rank(F) 1) n = rank(G) 1 holds.

Word / conjugacy / isomorphism problems are decidable for finitely generated free groups.

Aut(F) is finitely generated by the Whitehead automorphisms.

The monoid SL(2, ) is free with basis {T, U}.

SL(2, ) = {R, S}/{S4 = R6 = S2R3 = 1} and PSL(2, ) = {R, S}/{S2 = R3 = 1} (pingpong argument)

Countable free groups are subgroups of PSL(2, ) and SL(2, ).

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