
0, 23. See also LOW, OFF
1, 23. See also HIGH, ON
74xx series logic, 515516
2:1 Mux (74157), 518
3:8 Decoder (74138), 518
4:1 Mux (74153), 518
AND (7408), 517
AND3 (7411), 517
AND4 (7421), 517
Counter (74161, 74163), 518
FLOP (7474), 515517
NAND (7400), 517
NOR (7402), 517
NOT (7404), 515
OR (7432), 517
XOR (7486), 517
Register (74377), 518
Tristate buffer (74244), 518
schematics of, 517518


add, 291
Adders, 233240
carry-lookahead. See Carry-lookahead adder
carry-propagate (CPA). See Carry-propagate adder
prefix. See Prefix adder
ripple-carry. See Ripple-carry adder
add immediate (addi), 327, 378
add immediate unsigned (addiu), 552
add unsigned (addu), 554
Addition, 1415, 233240, 291
floating-point, 252255
overflow. See Overflow
two’s complement, 15, 240
underflow. See Underflow
unsigned binary, 15
Address, 485490
physical, 485
translation, 486489
virtual, 485490
word alignment, 298
Addressing modes, 327329
base, 327
immediate, 327
MIPS, 327329
PC-relative, 327328
pseudo-direct, 328329
register-only, 327
Advanced microarchitecture, 435447
branch prediction. See Branch prediction
deep pipelines. See Deep pipelines
multiprocessors. See Multiprocessors
multithreading. See Multithreading
out-of-order processor. See Out-of-order processor
register renaming. See Register renaming
single instruction multiple data. See Single instruction multiple data (SIMD) units
superscalar processor. See Superscalar processor
vector processor. See Single instruction multiple data (SIMD) units
Alignment. See Word alignment
ALU. See Arithmetic/logical unit
ALU decoder, 374376
ALU decoder truth table, 376
ALUControl, 370
ALUOp, 374375
ALUOut, 383385
ALUResult, 370371
AMAT. See Average memory access time
Amdahl, Gene, 468
Amdahl’s Law, 468
Anodes, 2728
and immediate (andi), 306, 346347
AND gate, 2022, 3233
Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 523
Architectural state, 363364
Architecture. See Instruction Set Architecture
Arithmetic, 233249, 305308, 515. See also Adders, Addition, Comparator, Divider, Multiplier
adders. See Adders
addition. See Addition
ALU. See Arithmetic/logical unit
circuits, 233248
comparators. See Comparators
divider. See Divider
division. See Division
fixed-point, 249
floating-point, 252255
logical instructions, 305308
multiplier. See Multiplier
packed, 445
rotators. See Rotators
shifters. See Shifters
signed and unsigned, 338339
subtraction. See Subtraction
subtractor. See Subtractor
underflow. See Addition, Underflow
Arithmetic/logical unit (ALU), 242244, 515
32-bit, 244
adder. See Adders
ALUOp, 374376
ALUResult, 370371
ALUOut, 383385
comparator. See Comparators
control, 242
subtractor. See Subtractor
Arrays, 314318
accessing, 315317
bytes and characters, 316318
FPGA, See Field programmable gate array
logic. See Logic arrays
memory. See Memory
RAM, 265
ROM, 266
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) codes, 317
table of, 317
Assembler directives, 333
ASICs. See Application-specific integrated circuits
Assembly language, MIPS. See MIPS assembly language
Associativity, 5859
Average memory access time (AMAT), 467468
Asynchronous circuits, 116117
Asynchronous inputs, 144
Asynchronous resettable registers
HDL for, 192
Axioms. See Boolean axioms


Babbage, Charles, 78, 26
Base address, 295296
Base register, 302, 343, 347
Base 2 number representations. See Binary numbers
Base 8 number representations. See Octal numbers
Base 16 number representations. See Hexadecimal numbers
digital building. See Digital building blocks
in code,
else block, 311
if block, 310311
Base addressing, 327
Baudot, Jean-Maurice-Emile, 317
Behavioral modeling, 171185
Benchmarks, 367
SPEC2000, 398399
Biased numbers, 41. See also Floating point
Big-Endian, 172, 296297
Binary numbers, 911. See also Arithmetic
ASCII, 317
binary coded decimal, 252
conversion. See Number conversion
fixed point, 249250
floating-point. See Floating-point numbers
signed, 1519
sign/magnitude. See Sign/magnitude numbers
two’s complement. See Two’s complement numbers
unsigned, 915
Binary to decimal conversion, 1011
Binary to hexadecimal conversion, 12
Bit, 911
dirty, 482483
least significant, 1314
most significant, 1314
sign, 16
use, 478479
valid, 472
Bit cells, 258
Bit swizzling, 182
Bitwise operators, 171174
Boole, George, 8
Boolean algebra, 5662
axioms, 57
equation simplification, 6162
theorems, 5760
Boolean axioms, 57
Boolean equations, 5456
product-of-sums (POS) canonical form, 56
sum-of-products (SOP) canonical form, 5455
terminology, 54
Boolean theorems, 5760
DeMorgan’s, 59
complement, 58, 59
consensus, 60
covering, 58
combining, 58
Branching, 308310
calculating address, 309
conditional, 308
prediction, 437438
target address (BTA), 327328
unconditional (jump), 309
Branch equal (beq), 308309
Branch not equal (bne), 308309
Branch/control hazards, 407, 413416. See also Hazards
Branch prediction, 437438
Breadboards, 532533
Bubble, 59
pushing, 6769
Buffer, 20
tristate, 7071
“Bugs,” 169
Bus, 52
tristate, 71
Bypassing, 408
Bytes, 1314
Byte-addressable memory, 295297
Byte order, 296297
Big-Endian, 296297
Little-Endian, 296297


C programming language, 290
overflows, 339
strings, 318
Caches, 468484. See also Memory
accessing, 472473, 476477, 479
advanced design, 479483
associativity, 469, 474475, 478479
block size, 476477
blocks, 469470, 476
capacity, 468470
data placement, 469470
data replacement, 478479
definition, 468
direct mapped, 470474
dirty bit, 482483
entry fields, 472473
evolution of MIPS, 483
fully associative, 475476
hit, 466
hit rate, 467
IA-32 systems, 499500
level 2 (L2), 480
mapping, 470478
miss, 466
capacity, 481
compulsory, 481
conflict, 481
miss rate, 467
miss rate versus cache parameters, 481482
miss penalty, 476
multiway set associative, 474475
nonblocking, 500
organizations, 478
performance, 467
set associative, 470, 474475
tag, 471472
use bit, 478479
valid bit, 472473
write policy, 482483
CAD. See Computer-aided design
Canonical form, 53
Capacitors, 28
Capacity miss, 481
Carry-lookahead adder, 235237
Carry propagate adder (CPA), 274
Cathodes, 2728
Cause register, 337338
Chips, 28, 449
74xx series logic. See 74xx series logic
Circuits, 8283, 8788
74xx series logic. See 74xx series logic
application-specific integrated (ASIC), 523
arithmetic. See Arithmetic
asynchronous, 116117
bistable device, 147
combinational, 53
definition, 51
delays, 7375, 8487
calculating, 8687
dynamic, 273
multiple-output, 64
pipelining, 152
priority, 65, 202, 203
synchronous sequential, 114116
synthesized, 186190, 193195, 199, 200
timing, 8491
timing analysis, 138
types, 5154
without glitch, 91
CISC. See Complex instruction set computers
CLBs. See Configurable logic blocks
Clock cycle. See Clock period
Clock period, 135139
Clock rate. See Clock period
Clock cycles per instruction (CPI), 367368
Clustered computers, 447
Clock skew, 140143
CMOS. See Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Logic
Code, 303
Code size, 334
Combinational composition, 5253
Combinational logic design, 51100
Boolean algebra, 5662
Boolean equations, 5456
building blocks, 7984
delays, 8587
don’t cares, 65
HDLs and. See Hardware description languages
Karnaugh maps, 7179
logic, 6265
multilevel, 6569
overview, 5154
precedence, 54
timing, 8491
two-level, 6566
X’s (contention). See Contention
X’s (don’t cares). See Don’t cares
Z’s (floating). See Floating
Comparators, 240241
equality, 241
magnitude, 241, 242
Compiler, 331333
Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Logic (CMOS), 25
bubble pushing, 69
logic gates, 3133
NAND gate, 32
NOR gate, 3233
NOT gate, 31
transistors, 2634
Complex instruction set computers (CISC), 292, 341
Compulsory miss, 481
Computer-aided design (CAD), 167
Computer Organization and Design (Patterson and Hennessy), 290, 363
Complexity management, 46
abstraction, 45
discipline, 56
hierarchy, 6
modularity, 6
regularity, 6
Conditional assignment, 175176
Conditional branches, 308
Condition codes, 344
Conflict misses, 481
Conditional statements, 310311
Constants, 298. See also Immediates
Contamination delay, 8488
Contention (X), 6970
Context switch, 446
Control signals, 79, 242243
Control unit, 364, 366, 374406
multicycle MIPS processor FSM, 381395
pipelined MIPS processor, 405406
single-cycle MIPS processor, 374377
Configurable logic blocks (CLBs), 268272
Control hazards. See Branch/control hazards, Pipelining
Coprocessor 0, 338
Counters, 254
Covalent bond, 27
CPA. See Carry propagate adder
CPI. See Clock cycles per instruction
Critical path, 8589
Cyclic paths, 114
Cycle time. See Clock Period


Data hazards. See Hazards
Data memory, 365
Data sheets, 523528
Datapath, 364. See also MIPS microprocessors
elements, 364
multicycle MIPS processor, 382388
pipelined MIPS processor, 404
single-cycle MIPS processor, 368374
Data segments. See Memory map
Data types. See Hardware description languages
DC. See Direct current
Decimal numbers, 9
conversion to binary and hexadecimal. See Number conversion
scientific notation, 249250
Decimal to Binary conversion, 11
Decimal to hexadecimal conversion, 13
implementation, 83
logic, 83
parameterized, 212
Deep pipelines, 435436
Delay, 182
DeMorgan, Augustus, 56
DeMorgan’s theorem, 59, 60
Dennard, Robert, 260
Destination register, 301, 305306, 370371, 377378
Device under test (DUT), 214218. See also Unit under test
Device driver, 496, 498
Dice, 28
Digital abstraction, 45, 89, 2226
DC transfer characteristics, 2324
logic levels, 2223
noise margins, 23
supply voltage, 22
Digital design
abstraction, 79
discipline, 56
hierarchy, 6
modularity, 6
regularity, 6
Digital system implementation, 515548
74xx series logic. See 74xx series logic
application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 523
data sheets, 523528
economics, 546548
logic families, 529531
overview, 515
packaging and assembly, 531534
breadboards, 532
packages, 531532
printed circuit boards, 533534
programmable logic, 516523
transmission lines. See Transmission lines
Diodes, 2728
DIP. See Dual-inline package
Direct current (DC), 23, 24
transfer characteristics, 2324, 25
Direct mapped cache, 470474
Dirty bit, 482483
Discipline, 56
Disk. See Hard disk
divide (div), 308
divide unsigned (divu), 339
Divider, 247248
Division, 247248
floating-point, 253
instructions, 308
Divisor, 247
Don’t care (X), 65
Dopant atoms, 27
Double. See Double-precision floating-point numbers
Double-precision floating point numbers, 251252
DRAM. See Dynamic random access memory
Driver. See Device driver
Dual-inline package (DIP), 28, 531
DUT. See Device under test
Dynamic discipline, 134
Dynamic data segment, 331
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM), 257, 260, 463


Edison, Thomas, 169
Edge-triggered digital systems, 108, 112
simplification, 6162
Electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM), 263
Enabled registers, 193
HDL for, 193
EPC. See Exception Program Counter register
Erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM), 263
Exceptions, 337339
Exception handler, 337338
Exception program counter (EPC), 337338
Exclusive or. See XOR
Executable file, 334
Execution time, 367
Exponent, 250253


Failures, 144146
FDIV bug, 253
FET. See Field effect transistors
Field programmable gate array (FPGA), 268272, 521523
Field effect transistors, 26
FIFO. See First-in-first-out queue. See also Queue
Finite state machines (FSMs), 117133
design example, 117123
divide-by-3, 207208
factoring, 129132
HDLs and, 206213
Mealy machines. See Mealy machines
Moore machines. See Moore machines
Moore versus Mealy machines, 126129
state encodings, 123126
state transition diagram, 118119
First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue, 508
Fixed-point numbers, 249250
Flash memory, 263264
Flip-flops, 103112, 257. See also Registers
comparison with latches, 106, 112
D, 108
enabled, 109110
register, 108109
resettable, 110, 427
asynchronous, 192
synchronous, 192
transistor count, 108
transistor-level, 110111
Floating (Z), 6971
Floating-point numbers, 250253
addition, 252255. See also Addition
converting binary or decimal to. See Number conversions
division, 253. See also Division
double-precision, 251252
FDIV bug. See FDIV bug
floating-point unit (FPU), 253
instructions, 340341
rounding, 252
single-precision, 251252
special cases
infinity, 251
not a number (NaN), 251
Forwarding, 408409
Fractional numbers, 274
FPGA. See Field programmable gate array
Frequency, 135. See also Clock period
FSM. See Finite state machines
Full adder, 52, 178. See also Adder, Addition
HDL using always/process, 197
using nonblocking assignments, 204
Fully associative cache, 475476
Funct field, 299300
Functional specification, 51
Functions. See Procedure calls
Fuse, 263


Gates, 1922
AND, 2022, 3233
NAND, 21, 32
NOR, 21, 3233
OR, 21
transistor-level implementation, 262
XOR, 21
XNOR, 21
Gedanken-Experiments on Sequential Machines (Moore), 111
Generate signal, 235, 237
Glitches, 75, 8891
Global pointer ($gp), 294, 331. See also Static data segment
Gray, Frank, 65
Gray codes, 65, 72
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 297


Half word, 339
Half adder, 233234
Hard disk, 484
Hard drive. See Hard disk
Hardware reduction, 6667
Hardware description languages (HDLs), 167230
assignment statements, 177
behavioral modeling, 171184
combinational logic, 171185, 195206
bit swizzling, 182
bitwise operators, 171174
blocking and nonblocking assignments, 201206
case statements, 198199
conditional assignment, 175176
delays, 182183
if statements, 199201
internal variables, 176178
numbers, 179
precedence, 178179
reduction operators, 174
synthesis tools. See Synthesis Tools
Verilog, 201
VHDL libraries and types, 183185
Z’s and X’s, 179182
finite state machines, 206213
generate statement, 213
generic building blocks, 426
invalid logic level, 181
language origins, 168169
modules, 167168
origins of, 168169
overview, 167
parameterized modules, 211213
representation, 421431
sequential logic, 190195, 205
enabled registers, 193
latches, 195
multiple registers, 194195
registers, 190191. See also Registers
resettable registers, 191193
simulation and synthesis, 169171
single-cycle processor, 422
structural modeling, 185189
testbenches, 214218, 428431
Hazards, 75, 406418. See also Glitches
control hazards, 413416
data hazards 408–413
solving, 408416
forwarding, 408410
stalls, 410413
WAR. See Write after read
WAW. See Write after write
Hazard unit, 408, 411, 419
Heap, 331
HDLs. See Hardware description languages
Hennessy, John, 290, 364
Hexadecimal numbers, 1113
to binary conversion table, 12
Hierarchy, 6, 189
HIGH, 23. See also 1, ON
High-level programming languages, 290294
translating into assembly, 290291
compiling, linking, and launching, 330331
Hit, 466
High impedance. See Floating, Z
High Z. See Floating, High impedance, Z
Hold time, 133154


I-type instruction, 301302
IA-32 microprocessor, 290, 341349, 447453
branch conditions, 346
cache systems, 499500
encoding, 346348
evolution, 448, 500
instructions, 344, 345
memory and input/output (I/O) systems, 499502
operands, 342344
programmed I/O, 502
registers, 342
status flags, 344
virtual memory, 501
IEEE 754 floating-point standard, 251
Idempotency, 58
Idioms, 171
IEEE, 169
If statements, 199201, 310
If/else statements, 311
ILP. See Instruction-level parallelism
Immediates, 298
Immediate addressing, 327
Information, amount of, 8
IorD, 385
I/O (input/output), 337, 494502
communicating with, 494495
device driver, 496, 498
devices, 494496. See also Peripheral devices
memory interface, 494, 502
memory-mapped I/O, 494499
Inputs, asynchronous, 144145
Instruction encoding. See Machine Language
Instruction register (IR), 383, 390
Instruction set architecture (ISA), 289361. See also MIPS instruction set architecture
Input/output blocks (IOBs), 268
Input terminals, 51
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 250
Instruction decode, 401402
Instruction encoding. See Instruction format
Instruction format
F-type, 340
I-type, 301302
J-type, 302
R-type, 299300
Instruction-level parallelism (ILP), 443, 446
Instruction memory, 365
Instruction set. See Instruction set architecture
Instructions. See also Language
arithmetic/logical, 304308
floating-point, 340341
IA-32, 344346
I-type, 301302
J-type, 302
loads. See Loads
multiplication and division, 308
pseudoinstructions, 336337
R-type, 299300
set less than, 339
shift, 306307
signed and unsigned, 338339
Intel, 30, 111, 290, 348, 367
Inverter. See NOT gate
Integrated circuits (ICs), 26, 137, 515, 532
costs, 137, 169
manufacturing process, 515
Intel. See IA-32 microprocessors
Interrupts. See Exceptions
An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (Boole), 8
Involution, 58
IOBs. See Input/output blocks
I-type instructions, 301302


Java, 316. See also Language
JTA. See Jump target address
J-type instructions, 302
Jump, 309310. See also Branch, unconditional, Programming
Jump target address (JTA), 329


K-maps. See Karnaugh maps
Karnaugh, Maurice, 64, 71
Karnaugh maps (K-maps), 7179
logic minimization using, 7376
prime implicants, 61, 74
seven-segment display decoder, 7577
with “don’t cares,” 78
without glitches, 91
Kilby, Jack, 26
Kilobyte, 14
K-maps. See Karnaugh maps


Labels, 308309
Language. See also Instructions
assembly, 290299
high-level, 290294
machine, 299304
mnemonic, 291
translating assembly to machine, 300
Last-in-first-out (LIFO) queue, 321. See also Stack, Queue
Latches, 103112
comparison with flip-flops, 106, 112
D, 107
SR, 105107
transistor-level, 110111
Latency, 149
Lattice, 27
Leaf procedures, 324325
Least recently used (LRU) replacement, 478479
Least significant bit (lsb), 13
Least significant byte (LSB), 296
LIFO. See Last-in-first-out queue
Literal, 54, 61, 167
Little-Endian, 296297
Load, 255
byte (lb), 317
byte unsigned (lbu), 317
half (lh), 339
immediate (li), 336
upper immediate (lui), 308
word (lw), 295296
Loading, 335
Locality, 464
Local variables, 326327
Logic, 6265. See also Multilevel combinational logic; Sequential logic design
bubble pushing. See Bubble pushing
combinational. See Combinational logic
families, 529531
gates. See Logic gates
hardware reduction. See Hardware reduction, Equation simplification
multilevel. See Multilevel combinational logic
programmable, 516523
sequential. See Sequential logic
synthesis, 170171
two-level, 6566
using memory arrays, 264. See also Logic arrays
Logic arrays, 266274
field programmable gate array, 268272
programmable logic array, 266268
transistor-level implementations, 273274
Logic families, 25, 529531
compatibility, 26
specifications, 529, 531
Logic gates, 1922, 173
buffer, 20
delays, 183
multiple-input gates, 2122
two-input gates, 21
AND. See AND gate
AOI (and-or-invert). See And-or-invert gate
NAND. See NAND gate
NOR. See NOR gate
NOT. See NOT gate
OAI (or-and-invert). See Or-and-invert gate
OR. See OR gate
XOR. See XOR gate
XNOR. See XNOR gate
Logic levels, 2223
Logical operations, 304308
Lookup tables (LUTs), 268
Loops, 311314
for, 313
while, 312313
LOW, 23. See also 0, OFF
Low Voltage CMOS Logic (LVCMOS), 25
Low Voltage TTL Logic (LVTTL), 25
LRU. See Least recently used replacement
LSB. See Least significant byte
LUTs. See Lookup tables
LVCMOS. See Low Voltage CMOS Logic
LVTTL. See Low Voltage TTL Logic


Machine language, 299304
function fields, 299
interpreting code, 302303
I-type instructions, 301302
J-type instructions, 302
opcodes, 299303
R-type instructions, 299300
stored programs, 303304
translating from assembly language, 300302
translating into assembly language, 303
Main decoder, 374379
Main memory, 466469
Mapping, 470
Mantissa, 250, 252253. See also Floating-point numbers
Masuoka, Fujio, 263
MCM. See Multichip module
Mealy, George H., 111
Mealy machines, 126129, 130, 210
combined state transition and output table, 127
state transition diagram, 118119
timing diagram, 131
Mean time between failures (MTBF), 146
Memory, 51, 295298
access, 298
average memory access time (AMAT), 467
cache. See Caches
DRAM. See Dynamic random access memory
hierarchy, 466
interface, 464
main, 466469
map, 330331
dynamic data segment, 331
global data segment, 330331
reserved segment, 331
text segment, 330
nonvolatile, 259260
performance, 465
physical, 466, 485486
protection, 491. See also Virtual memory
RAM, 259
ROM, 259
separate data and instruction, 430431
shared, 71
stack. See Stack
flip-flops, 105112
latches, 105112
DRAM, 257
registers, 108109
register file, 261262
SRAM, 257
virtual, 466. See also Virtual memory
volatile, 259261
word-addressable, 29. See Word-addressable memory
Memory arrays, 257266
area, 261
bit cells, 258
delay, 261
DRAM. See Dynamic random access memory
HDL code for, 264266
logic implementation using, 264. See also Logic arrays
organization, 258
overview, 257260
ports, 259
register files built using, 261262
types, 259260
DRAM. See Dynamic random access memory
ROM. See Read only memory
SRAM. See Static random access memory
Memory-mapped I/O (input/output), 494498
address decoder, 495496
communicating with I/O devices, 495496
hardware, 495
speech synthesizer device driver, 498
speech synthesizer hardware, 496497
SP0256, 496
Memory protection, 491
Memory systems, 463512
caches. See Caches
IA-32, 499502
MIPS, 470478
overview, 463467
performance analysis, 467468
virtual memory. See Virtual memory
Mercedes Benz, 268
Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), 2631. See also CMOS, nMOS, pMOS, transistors
Metastability, 143144
MTBF. See Mean time between failures
metastable state, 143
probability of failure, 145
resolution time, 144
synchronizers, 144146
A Method of Synthesizing Sequential Circuits (Mealy), 111
Microarchitecture, 290, 363461
advanced. See Advanced microarchitecture
architectural state. See Architectural State. See also Architecture
design process, 364366
exception handling, 431434
HDL representation, 421431.
IA-32. See IA-32 microprocessor instruction set. See Instruction set
MIPS. See MIPS microprocessor overview, 363366
performance analysis, 366368
advanced. See Advanced microarchitecture
multicycle. See Multicycle MIPS processor
pipelined. See Pipelined MIPS processor
single-cycle. See Single-cycle MIPS processor
Microprocessors, 3, 13
advanced. See Advanced microarchitecture
chips. See Chips
clock frequencies, 124
IA-32. See IA-32 microprocessor
I instructions. See MIPS instructions, IA-32 instructions
MIPS. See MIPS microprocessor
Microsoft Windows, 501
Minterms, 54
Maxterms, 54
MIPS (Millions of instructions per second). See Millions of instructions per second
MIPS architecture. See MIPS instruction set architecture (ISA)
MIPS assembly language. See also MIPS instruction set architecture
addressing modes, 327329
assembler directives, 333
instructions, 290292
logical instructions, 304308
mnemonic, 291
operands, 292298
procedure calls, 319327
table of instructions, 336
translating machine language to, 303
translating to machine language, 300
MIPS instruction set architecture (ISA)
addressing modes, 327329
assembly language, 290299
compiling, assembling, and loading, 330335
exceptions, 337338
floating-point instructions, 340341
IA-32 instructions, 344346
machine language, 299304
MIPS instructions, 290292
overview, 289290
programming, 304327
pseudoinstructions, 336337
signed and unsigned instructions, 338339
SPARC, 364
translating and starting a program. See Translating and starting a program
MIPS instructions, 551554
F-type, 340
I-type, 301302
J-type, 302
R-type, 299300
tables of, 552554
opcodes, 552
R-type funct fields, 553554
arithmetic, 304308
branching. See Branching
division, 308
floating-point, 340341
logical, 304308
multiplication, 308
pseudoinstructions, 336337
MIPS microprocessor, 364
ALU, 242244
multicycle. See Multicycle MIPS processor
pipelined. See Pipelined MIPS processor
single-cycle. See Single-cycle MIPS processor
MIPS processor. See MIPS microprocessor
MIPS registers, 293294, 308
nonpreserved, 322324
preserved, 322324
table of, 294
MIPS single-cycle HDL implementation, 421431
building blocks, 426428
controller, 423
datapath, 425
testbench, 429
top-level module, 430
Misses, 466, 481
AMAT. See Average memory access time
cache, 466
capacity, 481
compulsory, 481
conflict, 481
page fault, 485
Miss penalty, 476
Miss rate, 467
Mnemonic, 291
Modeling, structural. See Structural modeling
Modeling, behavioral. See Behavioral modeling
Modularity, 6, 168
Modules, in HDL 167–168. See also Hardware description languages
behavioral, 168, 171
parameterized, 211213
structural, 168
Moore, Edward F., 111
Moore, Gordon, 30
Moore machine, 126129, 130, 208, 209
output table, 128
state transition diagram, 127
state transition table, 128
timing diagram, 131
Moore’s law, 30
MOSFETs. See Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors
Most significant bit (msb), 13
Most significant byte (MSB), 296
Move from hi (mfhi), 308
Move from lo (mflo), 308
Move from coprocessor 0 (mfc0), 338
msb. See Most significant bit
MSB. See Most significant byte
MTBF. See Mean time before failure
Multichip module (MCM), 499
Multicycle MIPS processor, 366, 381400
control, 388394
control FSM, 394395
datapath, 382388
performance analysis, 397400
Multilevel combinational logic, 6569. See also Logic
Multilevel page table, 493
Multiplexers, 7982, 175, 176, 428
instance, 188
logic, 8082
parameterized, 211. See also Hardware description languages
symbol and truth table, 79
timing, 8788
with type conversion, 185
wide, 80
Multiplicand, 246
Multiplication, 246247. See also Arithmetic, Multiplier
architecture, 339
instructions, 308
Multiplier, 246247
multiply (mult), 308, 339
multiply unsigned (multu), 339
Multiprocessors, 447 chip, 448
Multithreading, 446
Mux. See Multiplexers


NaN. See Not a number
Negation, 340. See also Taking the two’s complement
Not a number (NaN), 251
NAND gate, 21, 32
nor, 179
NOR gate, 21, 3233
NOT gate, 24, 172. See also Inverter in HDL using always/process, 196
Nested procedure calls, 324326
Netlist, 170
Next state, 115
Nibbles, 1314
nMOS, 2831
nMOS transistors, 2831
No operation. See nop
Noise margins, 23, 24
nop, 336
Noyce, Robert, 26
Number conversion, 919 See also Number systems, Binary numbers
binary to decimal, 1011
binary to hexadecimal, 12
decimal to binary, 11
decimal to hexadecimal, 13
taking the two’s complement, 15, 240
Number systems, 919, 249253
addition. See Addition
binary numbers. See Binary numbers
comparison of, 1819
conversion of. See Number conversions
decimal numbers. See Decimal numbers
estimating powers of two, 14
fixed-point, 249250. See Fixed-point numbers
floating-point, 250253. See Floating-point numbers
in hardware description languages, 179
hexadecimal numbers. See Hexadecimal numbers
negative and positive, 1519
rounding, 252. See also Floatingpoint numbers
sign bit, 16
signed, 1519. See also Signed binary numbers
sign/magnitude numbers. See Sign/magnitude numbers
two’s complement numbers. See Two’s complement numbers


OAI gate. See Or-and-invert gate
Object files, 331334
Octal numbers, 180
OFF, 23. See also 0, LOW
Offset, 295296
ON, 23. See also 1, HIGH, Asserted
One-cold, 124
One-hot, 82
Opcode, 299
Operands, 292298
bitwise, 171174
or immediate (ori), 308
OR gate, 21
Or-and-invert (OAI) gate, 43
precedence table of, 179
reduction, 174
Out-of-order execution, 443
Out-of-order processor, 441443
Output devices, 466
Output terminals, 51
Overflow, 15
detecting, 15
with addition, 15


Page, 485
size, 485
Page fault, 485
Page offset, 486488
Page table, 486
Parity, 22
Parallelism, 149153
ipelining. See Pipelining, Pipelined MIPS processor
SIMD. See Single instruction multiple data unit
spatial and temporal, 151
vector processor. See Vector processor
Patterson, David, 290, 364
PCBs. See Printed circuit boards
PC-relative addressing, 327328. See also Addressing modes
PCSrc, 281, 387390
PCWrite, 385
Pentium processors, 449452. See also Intel, IA-32
Pentium 4, 452
Pentium II, 450, 499
Pentium III, 450, 451, 499
Pentium M, 453
Pentium Pro, 450, 499, 501
Perfect induction, 60
Performance, 366368
Peripheral devices. See I/O devices
Perl programming language, 20
Physical memory, 466, 485486
Physical pages, 486494
Physical page number, 486
Pipelined MIPS processor, 151, 366, 401421. See also MIPS, Architecture, Microarchitecture
control, 405406
datapath, 404
forwarding, 408410
hazards. See Hazards
performance analysis, 418421
processor performance comparison, 420
stalls, 410413. See also Hazards
timing, 402
Pipelining hazards. See Hazards
PLAs. See Programmable logic arrays
Plastic leaded chip carriers (PLCCs), 531532
PLCCs. See Plastic leaded chip carriers
PLDs. See Programmable logic devices
pMOS, 2930
pMOS transistors, 2831
Pointer, 321
global, 331
stack, 321
Pop, 345346. See also Stack
Ports, 259
POS. See Product of sums form
Power consumption, 3435
Prediction. See Branch prediction
Prefix adder, 237239
Preserved registers, 322324
Prime implicants, 61, 74
Printed circuit boards (PCBs), 533534
Procedure calls, 319327
arguments and variables, 326327
nested, 324326
preserved versus nonpreserved registers, 323324
returns, 319320
return values, 320
stack frame, 322
stack usage, 321322
Processors. See Microprocessors
Product-of-sums (POS) canonical form, 56
Program counter (PC), 365
Programmable logic arrays (PLAs), 63, 266268, 520521
Programmable logic devices (PLDs), 268
Programmable read only memories (PROMs), 516520. See also Read only memories
Programming, 304327
arithmetic/logical instructions. See Arithmetic, 304308
arrays. See Arrays
branching. See Branching
conditional statements. See Conditional statements
constants, 307308
immediates, 298
loops. See Loops
procedure calls. See Procedure calls
shift instructions, 306307
translating and starting a program, 331335
Programming languages, 290294
Propagation delay, 84
Protection, memory. See Memory protection
Proving Boolean theorems. See Perfect induction
PROMs. See Programmable read only memories
Pseudo-direct addressing, 328329. See also Addressing modes
Pseudo-nMOS logic, 3334. See also Transistors
Pseudoinstructions, 336337
Push, 6769. See also Stack


Queue, 321
FIFO. See First-in-first-out queue
LIFO. See Last-in-first-out queue
Q output. See Sequential logic design


R-type instructions, 299300
RAM. See Random access memory
Random access memory (RAM), 257, 262264. See also Memory arrays
synthesized, 265
Read only memory, 199, 257, 262264. See also Memory arrays
EPROM. See Erasable programmable read only memory
EEPROM. See Electrically erasable programmable read only memory
flash memory. See Flash memory
PROM. See Programmable read only memory
transistor-level implementation, 273
Read/write head, 484
Recursive procedure calls, 324325. See also Procedure calls
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), 292, 364
Reduction operators, 174. See also Hardware description languages, Verilog
RegDst, 373374
Register-only addressing, 327. See also Addressing modes
Register renaming, 443445. See also Advanced microarchitecture
Register(s), 190191, 261262, 292294. See also Flip-flops, Register file
arguments ($a0-$a3)
assembler temporary ($at)
enabled. See Enabled registers
file, 261
global pointer ($gp), 331
multiple, 194195
program counter (PC), 365
preserved and nonpreserved, 322324
renaming, 443445
resettable. See Resettable registers
asynchronous, 192
synchronous, 192
return address ($ra), 319320
Register set, 294. See also Register file, MIPS registers, IA-32 registers
Regularity, 6, 188
RegWrite, 371
Replacement policies, 492. See also Caches, Virtual memory
Resettable registers, 191193
asynchronous. See Asynchronous resettable registers
synchronous. See Synchronous resettable registers
Return address ($ra), 319320
Ripple-carry adder, 234
RISC. See Reduced instruction set computer
ROM, See Read Only Memory
Rotators, 244246
Rounding, 252


Scalar processor, 438
Scan chains, 255. See also Shift registers
Schematic, 6265
Scientific notation, 249250
Seek time, 484
Segments, memory, 330331
Semiconductor industry, sales, 3
Semiconductors, 27. See also Transistors
CMOS. See Complementary metal oxide silicon
diodes. See Diodes
transistors. See Transistors
MOSFET. See Metal oxide silicon field effect transistors
nMOS. See nMOS transistors
pMOS. See pMOS transistors
pseudo nMOS. See Pseudo nMOS
Sensitivity list, 190, 191, 196
Sequential building blocks.
See Sequential logic
Sequential logic, 103165, 190195, 254257
enabled registers, 193
latches, 103112, 195
multiple registers, 194195
overview, 103
registers, 190191
shift registers, 255257
synchronous, 113117
timing of, 133149. See also Timing
set if less than (slt), 313
set if less than immediate (slti), 339
set if less than immediate unsigned (sltiu), 339
set if less than unsigned (sltu), 339
Setup time, 133, 135136
Seven-segment display decoder, 7577 with “don’t cares,” 78
Shared memory, 71
Shift amount (shamt), 245
shift left logical (sll), 306
shift left logical variable (sllv), 306
shift right arithmetic (sra), 306
shift right arithmetic variable (srav), 306
shift right logical (srl), 306
shift right logical variable (srlv), 306
Shifters, 244246
arithmetic, 244
logical, 244
Shift instructions, 306307
Shift registers, 255257
Short path, 86
Sign/magnitude numbers, 1516
Sign bit, 16
Sign extension, 18
Significand. See Mantissa
Silicon (Si), 27
Silicon dioxide (SO2), 28
Silicon Valley, 26
Simplicity, 291292
SIMD. See Single instruction multiple data units
Single-cycle MIPS processor, 366, 368381. See also MIPS microprocessor, MIPS architecture, MIPS microarchitecture
control, 374377
ALU decoder truth table. See ALU decoder
Main decoder truth table. See Main decoder
datapath, 368374
HDL representation, 422
operation, 376377 performance analysis, 380381
timing, 402
Single instruction multiple data (SIMD) units, 438, 445
Slash notation, 53
SPARC architecture, 364
SRAM. See Static random access memory
SP0256, 496
Spatial locality, 464
Speech synthesis, 496498
device driver, 498
SP0256, 496
Stack, 321322. See also Memory map, Procedure calls, Queue
dynamic data segment, 331
frame, 322
LIFO. See Last-in-first-out queue
pointer, 321
Stalls, 410413. See also Hazards
Static discipline, 2426
Static random access memory (SRAM), 257, 260
Status flags, 344
Stored program concept, 303304
store byte (sb), 318
store half (sh), 553
store word (sw), 296
Strings, 318
Structural modeling, 185189
subtract (sub), 291
subtract unsigned (subu), 339
Subtraction, 1718, 240, 291
Subtractor, 240
Sum-of-products (SOP) canonical form, 5455
Sun Microsystems, 364
Superscalar processor, 438440
Supply voltage, 22
Swap space, 492
Swift, Jonathan, 297
Switch/case statements, 311
Symbol table, 333
Synchronizers, 144146
asynchronous inputs, 146
MTBF. See Mean time before failure
probability of failure. See Probability of failure
Synchronous resettable registers, 192
HDL for, 192
Synchronous sequential logic, 113117
problematic circuits, 113114
Synthesis, 7879, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200
Synthesis Tools, 195


Taking the two’s complement, 16
Temporal locality, 464
Testbenches, 171, 214218, 428431
self-checking, 215
with test vector file, 216
Text segment, 330
Theorems. See Boolean Theorems
Thin small outline package (TSOP), 531
Threshold voltage, 29
Throughput, 149
analysis, 137138
delay, 8687
glitches, 8891
of sequential logic, 133149
clock skew, 140143
dynamic discipline, 134
hold time. See Hold time
hold time constraint, 136137. See Hold time constraint, Hold time violation
hold time violation. See Hold time violation, Hold time constraint, 139
metastability, 143144
setup time. See Setup time
setup time constraint, 135136
setup time violations
resolution time, 146149. See also Metastability
synchronizers, 144146
system timing, 135140
specification, 51
TLB. See Translation lookaside buffer
Token, 149
Transistors, 23, 2831, 34
CMOS. See Complement metal oxide silicon
nMOS. See nMOS
pMOS. See pMOS
Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL), 25
Translation lookaside buffer (TLB), 490
Translating and starting a program, 331336
Transmission gates, 33. See also Transistors
Transmission lines, 534546
reflection coefficient, 544545
Z0, 543544
matched termination, 536538
mismatched termination, 539541
open termination, 538539
proper terminations, 542
short termination, 539
when to use, 41542
Tristate buffer, 7071
Truth tables, 55, 56, 60, 61, 177
ALU decoder, 376
“don’t care,” 77
main decoder, 376, 379
multiplexer, 79
seven-segment display decoder, 76
SR latch, 106
with undefined and floating inputs, 181
TSOP. See Thin small outline package
TTL. See Transistor-Transistor Logic
Two-level logic, 6566
Two’s complement numbers, 1618.
See also Binary numbers


Unconditional branches, 308. See also Jumps
Unicode, 316. See also ASCII
Unit under test (UUT), 201
Unity gain points, 24
Unsigned numbers, 18
Use bit, 478479
UUT. See Unit under test


Valid bit, 472. See also Caches, Virtual memory
Vanity Fair (Carroll), 65
VCC, 23
VDD, 23
Vector processors, 438. See also Advanced microarchitecture
Verilog, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 181, 201, 203, 205
3:8 decoder, 199
accessing parts of busses, 189
adder, 426
ALU decoder, 424
AND, 168
architecture body, 168
assign statement, 168, 197, 178
asynchronous reset, 192
bad synchronizer with blocking assignments, 206
bit swizzling, 182
blocking assignment, 202
case sensitivity, 174
casez, 201
combinational logic, 168, 202
comments, 174
comparators, 242
continuous assignment statement, 173
controller, 423
counter, 254
datapath, 425
default, 198
divide-by-3 finite state machine, 207, 208
D latch, 195
eight-input AND, 174
entity declaration, 168
full adder, 178
using always/process, 197
using nonblocking assignments, 204
IEEE_STD_LOGIC_1164, 168, 183
inverters, 172
using always/process, 196
left shift, 427
library use clause, 168
logic gates, 173
with delays, 183
main decoder, 424
MIPS testbench, 429
MIPS top-level module, 430
multiplexers, 175, 176, 428
multiplier, 247
nonblocking assignment, 191, 202
NOT, 168
numbers, 180
operator precedence, 179
OR, 168
N:2N decoder, 212
N-bit multiplexer, 211
N-input AND gate, 213
pattern recognizer
Mealy FSM, 210
Moore FSM, 209
priority circuit, 201
RAM, 265
reg, 191, 194
register, 191
register file, 42
resettable flip-flop, 427
resettable enabled register, 193
resettable register, 192
ROM, 266
self-checking testbench, 215
seven-segment display decoder, 198
shift register, 256
sign extension, 427
single-cycle MIPS processor, 422
STD_LOGIC, 168, 183
statement, 173
structural models
2:1 multiplexer, 188
4:1 multiplexer, 187
subtractor, 241
synchronizer, 194
synchronous reset, 192
testbench, 214
with test vector file, 216
tristate buffer, 180
truth tables with undefined and floating inputs, 181
type declaration, 168
wires, 178
VHDL libraries and types, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183185, 203, 205
3:8 decoder, 199
accessing parts of busses, 189
adder, 426
architecture, 187
asynchronous reset, 192
bad synchronizer with blocking assignments, 206
bit swizzling, 182
boolean, 183
case sensitivity, 174
clk’event, 191
combinational logic, 168
comments, 174
comparators, 242
concurrent signal assignment, 173, 178
controller, 423
counter, 254
datapath, 425
decoder, 424
divide-by-3 finite state machine, 207, 208
D latch, 195
eight-input AND, 174
expression, 173
full adder, 178
using always/process, 197
using nonblocking assignments, 204
generic statement, 211
inverters, 172
using always/process, 196
left shift, 427
logic gates, 173
with delays, 183
main decoder, 424
MIPS testbench, 429
MIPS top-level module, 430
multiplexers, 175, 176, 428
multiplier, 247
numbers, 180
operand, 173
operator precedence, 179
others, 198
parameterized N-bit multiplexer, 211
N-input AND gate, 213
N:2N decoder, 212
pattern recognizer
Mealy FSM, 210
Moore FSM, 209
priority circuit, 201
process, 191
RAM, 265
register, 191
register file, 426
resettable enabled register, 193
resettable flip-flop, 427
resettable register, 192
ROM, 266
selected signal assignment statements, 176
self-checking testbench, 215
seven-segment display decoder, 198
shift register, 256
sign extension, 427
signals, 178, 194
simulation waveforms with delays, 170, 183
single-cycle MIPS processor, 422
structural models
2:1 multiplexer, 188
4:1 multiplexer, 187
subtractor, 241
synchronizer, 194
synchronous reset, 192
testbench, 214
with test vector file, 216
tristate buffer, 180
truth tables with undefined and floating inputs, 181
VHSIC, 169
Virtual address, 485490
Virtual memory, 484494
address translation, 486488
IA-32, 501
memory protection, 491
pages, 485
page faults, 485
page offset, 486488
page table, 488489
multilevel page tables, 492494
replacement policies, 492
translation lookaside buffer (TLB), 490. See Translation lookaside buffer
write policies, 482483
Virtual pages, 485
Virtual page number, 487
Volatile memory, 259. See also DRAM, SRAM, Flip-flops
Voltage, threshold, 29
VSS, 23


Wafers, 28
Wall, Larry, 20
WAR. See Write after read
WAW. See Write after write
While loop, 312313
White space, 174
Whitmore, Georgiana, 7
Wire, 63
Word-addressable memory, 295
Write policies, 482483
Write after read (WAR) hazard, 442.
See also Hazards
Write after write (WAW) hazard, 442443. See also Hazards


XOR gate, 21
XNOR gate, 21
Xilinx FPGA, 268
X. See Contention, Don’t care.,


Z,. See Floating
Zero extension, 302
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