Chapter 6 Architecture


The previous chapters introduced digital design principles and building blocks. In this chapter, we jump up a few levels of abstraction to define the architecture of a computer (see Figure 1.1). The architecture is the programmer’s view of a computer. It is defined by the instruction set (language), and operand locations (registers and memory). Many different architectures exist, such as IA-32, MIPS, SPARC, and PowerPC.

The first step in understanding any computer architecture is to learn its language. The words in a computer’s language are called instructions. The computer’s vocabulary is called the instruction set. All programs running on a computer use the same instruction set. Even complex software applications, such as word processing and spreadsheet applications, are eventually compiled into a series of simple instructions such as add, subtract, and jump. Computer instructions indicate both the operation to perform and the operands to use. The operands may come from memory, from registers, or from the instruction itself.

Computer hardware understands only 1’s and 0’s, so instructions are encoded as binary numbers in a format called machine language. Just as we use letters to encode human language, computers use binary numbers to encode machine language. Microprocessors are digital systems that read and execute machine language instructions. However, humans consider reading machine language to be tedious, so we prefer to represent the instructions in a symbolic format, called assembly language.

The instruction sets of different architectures are more like different dialects than different languages. Almost all architectures define basic instructions, such as add, subtract, and jump, that operate on memory or registers. Once you have learned one instruction set, understanding others is fairly straightforward.

What is the best architecture to study when first learning the subject?

Commercially successful architectures such as IA-32 are satisfying to study because you can use them to write programs on real computers. Unfortunately, many of these architectures are full of warts and idiosyncrasies accumulated over years of haphazard development by different engineering teams, making the architectures difficult to understand and implement.

Many textbooks teach imaginary architectures that are simplified to illustrate the key concepts.

We follow the lead of David Patterson and John Hennessy in their text, Computer Organization and Design, by focusing on the MIPS architecture. Hundreds of millions of MIPS microprocessors have shipped, so the architecture is commercially very important. Yet it is a clean architecture with little odd behavior. At the end of this chapter, we briefly visit the IA-32 architecture to compare and contrast it with MIPS.

A computer architecture does not define the underlying hardware implementation. Often, many different hardware implementations of a single architecture exist. For example, Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) sell various microprocessors belonging to the same IA-32 architecture. They all can run the same programs, but they use different underlying hardware and therefore offer trade-offs in performance, price, and power. Some microprocessors are optimized for high-performance servers, whereas others are optimized for long battery life in laptop computers. The specific arrangement of registers, memories, ALUs, and other building blocks to form a microprocessor is called the microarchitecture and will be the subject of Chapter 7. Often, many different microarchitectures exist for a single architecture.

In this text, we introduce the MIPS architecture that was first developed by John Hennessy and his colleagues at Stanford in the 1980s. MIPS processors are used by, among others, Silicon Graphics, Nintendo, and Cisco. We start by introducing the basic instructions, operand locations, and machine language formats. We then introduce more instructions used in common programming constructs, such as branches, loops, array manipulations, and procedure calls.

Throughout the chapter, we motivate the design of the MIPS architecture using four principles articulated by Patterson and Hennessy: (1) simplicity favors regularity; (2) make the common case fast; (3) smaller is faster; and (4) good design demands good compromises.


Assembly language is the human-readable representation of the computer’s native language. Each assembly language instruction specifies both the operation to perform and the operands on which to operate. We introduce simple arithmetic instructions and show how these operations are written in assembly language. We then define the MIPS instruction operands: registers, memory, and constants.

We assume that you already have some familiarity with a high-level programming language such as C, C++, or Java. (These languages are practically identical for most of the examples in this chapter, but where they differ, we will use C.)

6.2.1 Instructions

The most common operation computers perform is addition. Code Example 6.1 shows code for adding variables b and c and writing the result to a. The program is shown on the left in a high-level language (using the syntax of C, C++, and Java), and then rewritten on the right in MIPS assembly language. Note that statements in a C program end with a semicolon.

Code Example 6.1 ADDITION

High-Level Code

a = b + c;

MIPS Assembly Code

add a, b, c

Code Example 6.2 SUBTRACTION

High-Level Code

a = b - c;

MIPS Assembly Code

sub a, b, c

The first part of the assembly instruction, add, is called the mnemonic and indicates what operation to perform. The operation is performed on b and c, the source operands, and the result is written to a, the destination operand.

Code Example 6.2 shows that subtraction is similar to addition. The instruction format is the same as the add instruction except for the operation specification, sub. This consistent instruction format is an example of the first design principle:

Design Principle 1: Simplicity favors regularity.

Instructions with a consistent number of operands—in this case, two sources and one destination—are easier to encode and handle in hardware. More complex high-level code translates into multiple MIPS instructions, as shown in Code Example 6.3.

In the high-level language examples, single-line comments begin with // and continue until the end of the line. Multiline comments begin with /* and end with */. In assembly language, only single-line comments are used. They begin with # and continue until the end of the line. The assembly language program in Code Example 6.3 requires a temporary variable, t, to store the intermediate result. Using multiple assembly language instructions to perform more complex operations is an example of the second design principle of computer architecture:

Code Example 6.3 MORE COMPLEX CODE

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

mnemonic (pronounced ni-mon-ik) comes from the Greek word , to remember. The assembly language mnemonic is easier to remember than a machine language pattern of 0’s and 1’s representing the same operation.

Design Principle 2: Make the common case fast.

The MIPS instruction set makes the common case fast by including only simple, commonly used instructions. The number of instructions is kept small so that the hardware required to decode the instruction and its operands can be simple, small, and fast. More elaborate operations that are less common are performed using sequences of multiple simple instructions. Thus, MIPS is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture. Architectures with many complex instructions, such as Intel’s IA-32 architecture, are complex instruction set computers (CISC). For example, IA-32 defines a “string move” instruction that copies a string (a series of characters) from one part of memory to another. Such an operation requires many, possibly even hundreds, of simple instructions in a RISC machine. However, the cost of implementing complex instructions in a CISC architecture is added hardware and overhead that slows down the simple instructions.

A RISC architecture minimizes the hardware complexity and the necessary instruction encoding by keeping the set of distinct instructions small. For example, an instruction set with 64 simple instructions would need log264 = 6 bits to encode the operation. An instruction set with 256 complex instructions would need log2256 = 8 bits of encoding per instruction. In a CISC machine, even though the complex instructions may be used only rarely, they add overhead to all instructions, even the simple ones.

6.2.2 Operands: Registers, Memory, and Constants

An instruction operates on operands. In Code Example 6.1 the variables a, b, and c are all operands. But computers operate on 1’s and 0’s, not variable names. The instructions need a physical location from which to retrieve the binary data. Operands can be stored in registers or memory, or they may be constants stored in the instruction itself. Computers use various locations to hold operands, to optimize for speed and data capacity. Operands stored as constants or in registers are accessed quickly, but they hold only a small amount of data. Additional data must be accessed from memory, which is large but slow. MIPS is called a 32-bit architecture because it operates on 32-bit data. (The MIPS architecture has been extended to 64 bits in commercial products, but we will consider only the 32-bit form in this book.)


Instructions need to access operands quickly so that they can run fast. But operands stored in memory take a long time to retrieve. Therefore, most architectures specify a small number of registers that hold commonly used operands. The MIPS architecture uses 32 registers, called the register set or register file. The fewer the registers, the faster they can be accessed. This leads to the third design principle:

Design Principle 3: Smaller is faster.

Looking up information from a small number of relevant books on your desk is a lot faster than searching for the information in the stacks at a library. Likewise, reading data from a small set of registers (for example, 32) is faster than reading it from 1000 registers or a large memory. A small register file is typically built from a small SRAM array (see Section 5.5.3). The SRAM array uses a small decoder and bitlines connected to relatively few memory cells, so it has a shorter critical path than a large memory does.

Code Example 6.4 shows the add instruction with register operands. MIPS register names are preceded by the $ sign. The variables a, b, and c are arbitrarily placed in $s0, $s1, and $s2. The name $s1 is pronounced “register s1” or “dollar s1”. The instruction adds the 32-bit values contained in $s1 (b) and $s2 (c) and writes the 32-bit result to $s0 (a).

MIPS generally stores variables in 18 of the 32 registers: $s0 - $s7, and $t0 - $t9. Register names beginning with $s are called saved registers. Following MIPS convention, these registers store variables such as a, b, and c. Saved registers have special connotations when they are used with procedure calls (see Section 6.4.6). Register names beginning with $t are called temporary registers. They are used for storing temporary variables. Code Example 6.5 shows MIPS assembly code using a temporary register, $t0, to store the intermediate calculation of c - d.


High-Level Code

a = b + c;

MIPS Assembly Code


High-Level Code

a = b + c - d;

MIPS Assembly Code


Translate the following high-level code into assembly language. Assume variables a-c are held in registers $s0-$s2 and f-j are in $s3-$s7.

a = b - c;

f = (g + h) - (i + j);

Solution: The program uses four assembly language instructions.

# MIPS assembly code

# $s0 = a, $s1 = b, $s2 = c, $s3 = f, $s4 = g, $s5 = h,

# $s6 = i, $s7 = $s7 = j

sub $s0, $s1, $s2 # a = b - c
add $t0, $s4, $s5 # $t0 = g + h
add $t1, $s6, $s7 # $t1 = i + j
sub $s3, $t0, $t1 # f = (g + h) - (i + j)

The Register Set

The MIPS architecture defines 32 registers. Each register has a name and a number ranging from 0 to 31. Table 6.1 lists the name, number, and use for each register. $0 always contains the value 0 because this constant is so frequently used in computer programs. We have also discussed the $s and $t registers. The remaining registers will be described throughout this chapter.

Table 6.1 MIPS register set

Name Number Use
$0 0 the constant value 0
$at 1 assembler temporary
$v0-$v1 2–3 procedure return values
$a0-$a3 4–7 procedure arguments
$t0-$t7 8–15 temporary variables
$s0-$s7 16–23 saved variables
$t8-$t9 24–25 temporary variables
$k0-$k1 26–27 operating system (OS) temporaries
$gp 28 global pointer
$sp 29 stack pointer
$fp 30 frame pointer
$ra 31 procedure return address


If registers were the only storage space for operands, we would be confined to simple programs with no more than 32 variables. However, data can also be stored in memory. When compared to the register file, memory has many data locations, but accessing it takes a longer amount of time. Whereas the register file is small and fast, memory is large and slow. For this reason, commonly used variables are kept in registers. By using a combination of memory and registers, a program can access a large amount of data fairly quickly. As described in Section 5.5, memories are organized as an array of data words. The MIPS architecture uses 32-bit memory addresses and 32-bit data words.

MIPS uses a byte-addressable memory. That is, each byte in memory has a unique address. However, for explanation purposes only, we first introduce a word-addressable memory, and afterward describe the MIPS byte-addressable memory.

Figure 6.1 shows a memory array that is word-addressable. That is, each 32-bit data word has a unique 32-bit address. Both the 32-bit word address and the 32-bit data value are written in hexadecimal in Figure 6.1. For example, data 0xF2F1AC07 is stored at memory address 1. Hexadecimal constants are written with the prefix 0x. By convention, memory is drawn with low memory addresses toward the bottom and high memory addresses toward the top.


Figure 6.1 Word-addressable memory

MIPS uses the load word instruction, lw, to read a data word from memory into a register. Code Example 6.6 loads memory word 1 into $s3.

The lw instruction specifies the effective address in memory as the sum of a base address and an offset. The base address (written in parentheses in the instruction) is a register. The offset is a constant (written before the parentheses). In Code Example 6.6, the base address is $0, which holds the value 0, and the offset is 1, so the lw instruction reads from memory address ($0 + 1) = 1. After the load word instruction (lw) is executed, $s3 holds the value 0xF2F1AC07, which is the data value stored at memory address 1 in Figure 6.1.


Assembly Code

# This assembly code (unlike MIPS) assumes word-addressable memory

lw $s3, 1($0) # read memory word 1 into $s3


Assembly Code

# This assembly code (unlike MIPS) assumes word-addressable memory

sw $s7, 5($0) # write $s7 to memory word 5

Similarly, MIPS uses the store word instruction, sw, to write a data word from a register into memory. Code Example 6.7 writes the contents of register $s7 into memory word 5. These examples have used $0 as the base address for simplicity, but remember that any register can be used to supply the base address.

The previous two code examples have shown a computer architecture with a word-addressable memory. The MIPS memory model, however, is byte-addressable, not word-addressable. Each data byte has a unique address. A 32-bit word consists of four 8-bit bytes. So each word address is a multiple of 4, as shown in Figure 6.2. Again, both the 32-bit word address and the data value are given in hexadecimal.


Figure 6.2 Byte-addressable memory

Code Example 6.8 shows how to read and write words in the MIPS byte-addressable memory. The word address is four times the word number. The MIPS assembly code reads words 0, 2, and 3 and writes words 1, 8, and 100. The offset can be written in decimal or hexadecimal.

The MIPS architecture also provides the lb and sb instructions that load and store single bytes in memory rather than words. They are similar to lw and sw and will be discussed further in Section 6.4.5.

Byte-addressable memories are organized in a big-endian or little-endian fashion, as shown in Figure 6.3. In both formats, the most significant byte (MSB) is on the left and the least significant byte (LSB) is on the right. In big-endian machines, bytes are numbered starting with 0 at the big (most significant) end. In little-endian machines, bytes are numbered starting with 0 at the little (least significant) end. Word addresses are the same in both formats and refer to the same four bytes. Only the addresses of bytes within a word differ.


Figure 6.3 Big- and little-endian memory addressing


MIPS Assembly Code

1w $s0, 0($0) # read data word 0 (0xABCDEF78) into $s0
1w $s1, 8($0) # read data word 2 (0x01EE2842) into $s1
1w $s2, 0xC($0) # read data word 3 (0x40F30788) into $s2
sw $s3, 4($0) # write $s3 to data word 1
sw $s4, 0x20($0) # write $s4 to data word 8
sw $s5, 400($0) # write $s5 to data word 100


Suppose that $s0 initially contains 0x23456789. After the following program is run on a big-endian system, what value does $s0 contain? In a little-endian system? lb $s0, 1($0) loads the data at byte address (1 + $0) = 1 into the least significant byte of $s0. lb is discussed in detail in Section 6.4.5.

sw $s0, 0($0)

lb $s0, 1($0)

Solution: Figure 6.4 shows how big- and little-endian machines store the value 0x23456789 in memory word 0. After the load byte instruction, lb $s0, 1($0), $s0 would contain 0x00000045 on a big-endian system and 0x00000067 on a little-endian system.


Figure 6.4 Big-endian and little-endian data storage

The terms big-endian and little-endian come from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, first published in 1726 under the pseudonym of Isaac Bickerstaff. In his stories the Lilliputian king required his citizens (the Little-Endians) to break their eggs on the little end. The Big-Endians were rebels who broke their eggs on the big end.

The terms were first applied to computer architectures by Danny Cohen in his paper “On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace” published on April Fools Day, 1980 (USC/ISI IEN 137). (Photo courtesy The Brotherton Collection, IEEDS University Library.)

IBM’s PowerPC (formerly found in Macintosh computers) uses big-endian addressing. Intel’s IA-32 architecture (found in PCs) uses little-endian addressing. Some MIPS processors are little-endian, and some are big-endian.1 The choice of endianness is completely arbitrary but leads to hassles when sharing data between big-endian and little-endian computers. In examples in this text, we will use little-endian format whenever byte ordering matters.

In the MIPS architecture, word addresses for lw and sw must be word aligned. That is, the address must be divisible by 4. Thus, the instruction lw $s0, 7($0) is an illegal instruction. Some architectures, such as IA-32, allow non-word-aligned data reads and writes, but MIPS requires strict alignment for simplicity. Of course, byte addresses for load byte and store byte, lb and sb, need not be word aligned.


Load word and store word, lw and sw, also illustrate the use of constants in MIPS instructions. These constants are called immediates, because their values are immediately available from the instruction and do not require a register or memory access. Add immediate, addi, is another common MIPS instruction that uses an immediate operand. addi adds the immediate specified in the instruction to a value in a register, as shown in Code Example 6.9.

The immediate specified in an instruction is a 16-bit two’s complement number in the range [-32768, 32767]. Subtraction is equivalent to adding a negative number, so, in the interest of simplicity, there is no subi instruction in the MIPS architecture.

Recall that the add and sub instructions use three register operands. But the lw, sw, and addi instructions use two register operands and a constant. Because the instruction formats differ, lw and sw instructions violate design principle 1: simplicity favors regularity. However, this issue allows us to introduce the last design principle:


High-Level Code

a = a + 4;

b = a - 12;

MIPS Assembly Code

# $s0 = a, $s1 = b

addi $s0, $s0, 4    # a = a + 4

addi $s1, $s0, -12  # b = a - 12

Design Principle 4: Good design demands good compromises.

A single instruction format would be simple but not flexible. The MIPS instruction set makes the compromise of supporting three instruction formats. One format, used for instructions such as add and sub, has three register operands. Another, used for instructions such as lw and addi, has two register operands and a 16-bit immediate. A third, to be discussed later, has a 26-bit immediate and no registers. The next section discusses the three MIPS instruction formats and shows how they are encoded into binary.


Assembly language is convenient for humans to read. However, digital circuits understand only 1’s and 0’s. Therefore, a program written in assembly language is translated from mnemonics to a representation using only 1’s and 0’s, called machine language.

MIPS uses 32-bit instructions. Again, simplicity favors regularity, and the most regular choice is to encode all instructions as words that can be stored in memory. Even though some instructions may not require all 32 bits of encoding, variable-length instructions would add too much complexity. Simplicity would also encourage a single instruction format, but, as already mentioned, that is too restrictive. MIPS makes the compromise of defining three instruction formats: R-type, I-type, and J-type. This small number of formats allows for some regularity among all the types, and thus simpler hardware, while also accommodating different instruction needs, such as the need to encode large constants in the instruction. R-type instructions operate on three registers. I-type instructions operate on two registers and a 16-bit immediate. J-type (jump) instructions operate on one 26-bit immediate. We introduce all three formats in this section but leave the discussion of J-type instructions for Section 6.4.2.

6.3.1 R-type Instructions

The name R-type is short for register-type. R-type instructions use three registers as operands: two as sources, and one as a destination. Figure 6.5 shows the R-type machine instruction format. The 32-bit instruction has six fields: op, rs, rt, rd, shamt, and funct. Each field is five or six bits, as indicated.


Figure 6.5 R-type machine instruction format

The operation the instruction performs is encoded in the two fields highlighted in blue: op (also called opcode or operation code) and funct (also called the function). All R-type instructions have an opcode of 0. The specific R-type operation is determined by the funct field. For example, the opcode and funct fields for the add instruction are 0 (0000002) and 32 (1000002), respectively. Similarly, the sub instruction has an opcode and funct field of 0 and 34.

The operands are encoded in the three fields: rs, rt, and rd. The first two registers, rs and rt, are the source registers; rd is the destination register. The fields contain the register numbers that were given in Table 6.1. For example, $s0 is register 16.

rs is short for “register source.” rt comes after rs alphabetically and usually indicates the second register source.

The fifth field, shamt, is used only in shift operations. In those instructions, the binary value stored in the 5-bit shamt field indicates the amount to shift. For all other R-type instructions, shamt is 0.

Figure 6.6 shows the machine code for the R-type instructions add and sub. Notice that the destination is the first register in an assembly language instruction, but it is the third register field (rd) in the machine language instruction. For example, the assembly instruction add $s0, $s1, $s2 has rs = $s1 (17), rt = $s2 (18), and rd = $s0 (16).


Figure 6.6 Machine code for R-type instructions

Tables B.1 and B.2 in Appendix B define the opcode values for all MIPS instructions and the funct field values for R-type instructions.


Translate the following assembly language statement into machine language.

add $t0, $s4, $s5

Solution: According to Table 6.1, $t0, $s4, and $s5 are registers 8, 20, and 21. According to Tables B.1 and B.2, add has an opcode of 0 and a funct code of 32. Thus, the fields and machine code are given in Figure 6.7. The easiest way to write the machine language in hexadecimal is to first write it in binary, then look at consecutive groups of four bits, which correspond to hexadecimal digits (indicated in blue). Hence, the machine language instruction is 0x02954020.


Figure 6.7 Machine code for the R-type instruction of Example 6.3

6.3.2 I-Type Instructions

The name I-type is short for immediate-type. I-type instructions use two register operands and one immediate operand. Figure 6.8 shows the I-type machine instruction format. The 32-bit instruction has four fields: op, rs, rt, and imm. The first three fields, op, rs, and rt, are like those of R-type instructions. The imm field holds the 16-bit immediate.


Figure 6.8 I-type instruction format

The operation is determined solely by the opcode, highlighted in blue. The operands are specified in the three fields, rs, rt, and imm. rs and imm are always used as source operands. rt is used as a destination for some instructions (such as addi and lw) but as another source for others (such as sw).

Figure 6.9 shows several examples of encoding I-type instructions. Recall that negative immediate values are represented using 16-bit two’s complement notation. rt is listed first in the assembly language instruction when it is used as a destination, but it is the second register field in the machine language instruction.


Figure 6.9 Machine code for I-type instructions


Translate the following I-type instruction into machine code.

lw $s3, -24($s4)

Solution: According to Table 6.1, $s3 and $s4 are registers 19 and 20, respectively. Table B.1 indicates that lw has an opcode of 35. rs specifies the base address, $s4, and rt specifies the destination register, $s3. The immediate, imm, encodes the 16-bit offset, -24. Thus, the fields and machine code are given in Figure 6.10.


Figure 6.10 Machine code for the I-type instruction

I-type instructions have a 16-bit immediate field, but the immediates are used in 32-bit operations. For example, lw adds a 16-bit offset to a 32-bit base register. What should go in the upper half of the 32 bits? For positive immediates, the upper half should be all 0’s, but for negative immediates, the upper half should be all 1’s. Recall from Section 1.4.6 that this is called sign extension. An N-bit two’s complement number is sign-extended to an M-bit number (M > N) by copying the sign bit (most significant bit) of the N-bit number into all of the upper bits of the M-bit number. Sign-extending a two’s complement number does not change its value.

Most MIPS instructions sign-extend the immediate. For example, addi, lw, and sw do sign extension to support both positive and negative immediates. An exception to this rule is that logical operations (andi, ori, xori) place 0’s in the upper half; this is called zero extension rather than sign extension. Logical operations are discussed further in Section 6.4.1.

6.3.3 J-type Instructions

The name J-type is short for jump-type. This format is used only with jump instructions (see Section 6.4.2). This instruction format uses a single 26-bit address operand, addr, as shown in Figure 6.11. Like other formats, J-type instructions begin with a 6-bit opcode. The remaining bits are used to specify an address, addr. Further discussion and machine code examples of J-type instructions are given in Sections 6.4.2 and 6.5.


Figure 6.11 J-type instruction format

6.3.4 Interpreting Machine Language Code

To interpret machine language, one must decipher the fields of each 32-bit instruction word. Different instructions use different formats, but all formats start with a 6-bit opcode field. Thus, the best place to begin is to look at the opcode. If it is 0, the instruction is R-type; otherwise it is I-type or J-type.


Translate the following machine language code into assembly language.



Solution: First, we represent each instruction in binary and look at the six most significant bits to find the opcode for each instruction, as shown in Figure 6.12. The opcode determines how to interpret the rest of the bits. The opcodes are 0010002 (810) and 0000002 (010), indicating an addi and R-type instruction, respectively. The funct field of the R-type instruction is 1000102 (3410), indicating that it is a sub instruction. Figure 6.12 shows the assembly code equivalent of the two machine instructions.


Figure 6.12 Machine code to assembly code translation

6.3.5 The Power of the Stored Program

A program written in machine language is a series of 32-bit numbers representing the instructions. Like other binary numbers, these instructions can be stored in memory. This is called the stored program concept, and it is a key reason why computers are so powerful. Running a different program does not require large amounts of time and effort to reconfigure or rewire hardware; it only requires writing the new program to memory. Instead of dedicated hardware, the stored program offers general purpose computing. In this way, a computer can execute applications ranging from a calculator to a word processor to a video player simply by changing the stored program.

Instructions in a stored program are retrieved, or fetched, from memory and executed by the processor. Even large, complex programs are simplified to a series of memory reads and instruction executions.

Figure 6.13 shows how machine instructions are stored in memory. In MIPS programs, the instructions are normally stored starting at address 0x00400000. Remember that MIPS memory is byte addressable, so 32-bit (4-byte) instruction addresses advance by 4 bytes, not 1.


Figure 6.13 Stored program

Ada Lovelace, 1815–1852. Wrote the first computer program. It calculated the Bernoulli numbers using Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine. She was the only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron.

To run or execute the stored program, the processor fetches the instructions from memory sequentially. The fetched instructions are then decoded and executed by the digital hardware. The address of the current instruction is kept in a 32-bit register called the program counter (PC). The PC is separate from the 32 registers shown previously in Table 6.1.

To execute the code in Figure 6.13, the operating system sets the PC to address 0x00400000. The processor reads the instruction at that memory address and executes the instruction, 0x8C0A0020. The processor then increments the PC by 4, to 0x00400004, fetches and executes that instruction, and repeats.

The architectural state of a microprocessor holds the state of a program. For MIPS, the architectural state consists of the register file and PC. If the operating system saves the architectural state at some point in the program, it can interrupt the program, do something else, then restore the state such that the program continues properly, unaware that it was ever interrupted. The architectural state is also of great importance when we build a microprocessor in Chapter 7.


Software languages such as C or Java are called high-level programming languages, because they are written at a more abstract level than assembly language. Many high-level languages use common software constructs such as arithmetic and logical operations, if/else statements, for and while loops, array indexing, and procedure calls. In this section, we explore how to translate these high-level constructs into MIPS assembly code.

6.4.1 Arithmetic/Logical Instructions

The MIPS architecture defines a variety of arithmetic and logical instructions. We introduce these instructions briefly here, because they are necessary to implement higher-level constructs.

Logical Instructions

MIPS logical operations include and, or, xor, and nor. These R-type instructions operate bit-by-bit on two source registers and write the result to the destination register. Figure 6.14 shows examples of these operations on the two source values 0xFFFF0000 and 0x46A1F0B7. The figure shows the values stored in the destination register, rd, after the instruction executes.


Figure 6.14 Logical operations

The and instruction is useful for masking bits (i.e., forcing unwanted bits to 0). For example, in Figure 6.14, 0xFFFF0000 AND 0x46A1F0B7 = 0x46A10000. The and instruction masks off the bottom two bytes and places the unmasked top two bytes of $s2, 0x46A1, in $s3. Any subset of register bits can be masked.

The or instruction is useful for combining bits from two registers. For example, 0x347A0000 OR 0x000072FC = 0x347A72FC, a combination of the two values.

MIPS does not provide a NOT instruction, but A NOR $0 = NOT A, so the NOR instruction can substitute.

Logical operations can also operate on immediates. These I-type instructions are andi, ori, and xori. nori is not provided, because the same functionality can be easily implemented using the other instructions, as will be explored in Exercise 6.11. Figure 6.15 shows examples of the andi, ori, and xori instructions. The figure gives the values of the source register and immediate, and the value of the destination register, rt, after the instruction executes. Because these instructions operate on a 32-bit value from a register and a 16-bit immediate, they first zero-extend the immediate to 32 bits.


Figure 6.15 Logical operations with immediates

Shift Instructions

Shift instructions shift the value in a register left or right by up to 31 bits. Shift operations multiply or divide by powers of two. MIPS shift operations are sll (shift left logical), srl (shift right logical), and sra (shift right arithmetic).

As discussed in Section 5.2.5, left shifts always fill the least significant bits with 0’s. However, right shifts can be either logical (0’s shift into the most significant bits) or arithmetic (the sign bit shifts into the most significant bits). Figure 6.16 shows the machine code for the R-type instructions sll, srl, and sra. rt (i.e., $s1) holds the 32-bit value to be shifted, and shamt gives the amount by which to shift (4). The shifted result is placed in rd.


Figure 6.16 Shift instruction machine code

Figure 6.17 shows the register values for the shift instructions sll, srl, and sra. Shifting a value left by N is equivalent to multiplying it by 2N. Likewise, arithmetically shifting a value right by N is equivalent to dividing it by 2N, as discussed in Section 5.2.5.


Figure 6.17 Shift operations

MIPS also has variable-shift instructions: sllv (shift left logical variable), srlv (shift right logical variable), and srav (shift right arithmetic variable). Figure 6.18 shows the machine code for these instructions. rt (i.e., $s1) holds the value to be shifted, and the five least significant bits of rs (i.e., $s2) give the amount to shift. The shifted result is placed in rd, as before. The shamt field is ignored and should be all 0’s. Figure 6.19 shows register values for each type of variable-shift instruction.


Figure 6.18 Variable-shift instruction machine code


Figure 6.19 Variable-shift operations

Generating Constants

The addi instruction is helpful for assigning 16-bit constants, as shown in Code Example 6.10.

Code Example 6.10 16-BIT CONSTANT

High-Level Code

int a = 0x4f3c;

MIPS Assembly code

# $s0 = a

addi $s0, $0, 0x4f3c # a = 0x4f3c

Code Example 6.11 32-BIT CONSTANT

High-Level Code

int a = 0x6d5e4f3c;

MIPS Assembly Code

# $s0 = a

lui $s0, 0x6d5e # a = 0x6d5e0000

ori $s0, $s0, 0x4f3c # a = 0x6d5e4f3c

To assign 32-bit constants, use a load upper immediate instruction (lui) followed by an or immediate (ori) instruction, as shown in Code Example 6.11. lui loads a 16-bit immediate into the upper half of a register and sets the lower half to 0. As mentioned earlier, ori merges a 16-bit immediate into the lower half.

Multiplication and Division Instructions*

Multiplication and division are somewhat different from other arithmetic operations. Multiplying two 32-bit numbers produces a 64-bit product. Dividing two 32-bit numbers produces a 32-bit quotient and a 32-bit remainder.

The MIPS architecture has two special-purpose registers, hi and lo, which are used to hold the results of multiplication and division. mult $s0, $s1 multiplies the values in $s0 and $s1. The 32 most significant bits are placed in hi and the 32 least significant bits are placed in lo. Similarly, div $s0, $s1 computes $s0/$s1. The quotient is placed in lo and the remainder is placed in hi.

The int data type in C refers to a word of data representing a two’s complement integer. MIPS uses 32-bit words, so an int represents a number in the range [-231, 231-1].

hi and lo are not among the usual 32 MIPS registers, so special instructions are needed to access them. mfhi $s2 (move from hi) copies the value in hi to $s2. mflo $s3 (move from lo) copies the value in lo to $s3. hi and lo are technically part of the architectural state; however, we generally ignore these registers in this book.

6.4.2 Branching

An advantage of a computer over a calculator is its ability to make decisions. A computer performs different tasks depending on the input. For example, if/else statements, case statements, while loops, and for loops all conditionally execute code depending on some test.

To sequentially execute instructions, the program counter increments by 4 after each instruction. Branch instructions modify the program counter to skip over sections of code or to go back to repeat previous code. Conditional branch instructions perform a test and branch only if the test is TRUE. Unconditional branch instructions, called jumps, always branch.

Conditional Branches

The MIPS instruction set has two conditional branch instructions: branch if equal (beq) and branch if not equal (bne). beq branches when the values in two registers are equal, and bne branches when they are not equal. Code Example 6.12 illustrates the use of beq. Note that branches are written as beq $rs, $rt, imm, where $rs is the first source register. This order is reversed from most I-type instructions.

When the program in Code Example 6.12 reaches the branch if equal instruction (beq), the value in $s0 is equal to the value in $s1, so the branch is taken. That is, the next instruction executed is the add instruction just after the label called target. The two instructions directly after the branch and before the label are not executed.

Assembly code uses labels to indicate instruction locations in the program. When the assembly code is translated into machine code, these labels are translated into instruction addresses (see Section 6.5). MIPS assembly labels are followed by a (:) and cannot use reserved words, such as instruction mnemonics. Most programmers indent their instructions but not the labels, to help make labels stand out.


MIPS Assembly Code

Code Example 6.13 shows an example using the branch if not equal instruction (bne). In this case, the branch is not taken because $s0 is equal to $s1, and the code continues to execute directly after the bne instruction. All instructions in this code snippet are executed.


MIPS Assembly Code

j and jal are J-type instructions. jr is an R-type instruction that uses only the rs operand.


A program can unconditionally branch, or jump, using the three types of jump instructions: jump (j), jump and link (jal), and jump register (jr). Jump (j) jumps directly to the instruction at the specified label. Jump and link (jal) is similar to j but is used by procedures to save a return address, as will be discussed in Section 6.4.6. Jump register (jr) jumps to the address held in a register. Code Example 6.14 shows the use of the jump instruction (j).

After the j target instruction, the program in Code Example 6.14 unconditionally continues executing the add instruction at the label target. All of the instructions between the jump and the label are skipped.


MIPS Assembly Code


MIPS Assembly Code

Code Example 6.15 shows the use of the jump register instruction (jr). Instruction addresses are given to the left of each instruction. jr $s0 jumps to the address held in $s0, 0x00002010.

6.4.3 Conditional Statements

if statements, if/else statements, and case statements are conditional statements commonly used by high-level languages. They each conditionally execute a block of code consisting of one or more instructions. This section shows how to translate these high-level constructs into MIPS assembly language.

If Statements

An if statement executes a block of code, the if block, only when a condition is met. Code Example 6.16 shows how to translate an if statement into MIPS assembly code.

Code Example 6.16 if STATEMENT

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

The assembly code for the if statement tests the opposite condition of the one in the high-level code. In Code Example 6.16, the high-level code tests for i == j, and the assembly code tests for i ! = j. The bne instruction branches (skips the if block) when i ! = j. Otherwise, i == j, the branch is not taken, and the if block is executed as desired.

If/Else Statements

if/else statements execute one of two blocks of code depending on a condition. When the condition in the if statement is met, the if block is executed. Otherwise, the else block is executed. Code Example 6.17 shows an example if/else statement.

Like if statements, if/else assembly code tests the opposite condition of the one in the high-level code. For example, in Code Example 6.17, the high-level code tests for i == j. The assembly code tests for the opposite condition (i ! = j). If that opposite condition is TRUE, bne skips the if block and executes the else block. Otherwise, the if block executes and finishes with a jump instruction (j) to jump past the else block.

Code Example 6.17 if/else STATEMENT

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

Switch/Case Statements*

switch/case statements execute one of several blocks of code depending on the conditions. If no conditions are met, the default block is executed. A case statement is equivalent to a series of nested if/else statements. Code Example 6.18 shows two high-level code snippets with the same functionality: they calculate the fee for an ATM (automatic teller machine) withdrawal of $20, $50, or $100, as defined by amount. The MIPS assembly implementation is the same for both high-level code snippets.

6.4.4 Getting Loopy

Loops repeatedly execute a block of code depending on a condition. for loops and while loops are common loop constructs used by high-level languages. This section shows how to translate them into MIPS assembly language.

Code Example 6.18 switch/case STATEMENT

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

While Loops

while loops repeatedly execute a block of code until a condition is not met. The while loop in Code Example 6.19 determines the value of x such that 2x = 128. It executes seven times, until pow = 128.

Like if/else statements, the assembly code for while loops tests the opposite condition of the one given in the high-level code. If that opposite condition is TRUE, the while loop is finished.

Code Example 6.19 while loop

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

In Code Example 6.19, the while loop compares pow to 128 and exits the loop if it is equal. Otherwise it doubles pow (using a left shift), increments x, and jumps back to the start of the while loop.

For Loops

for loops, like while loops, repeatedly execute a block of code until a condition is not met. However, for loops add support for a loop variable, which typically keeps track of the number of loop executions. A general format of the for loop is

for (initialization; condition; loop operation)

The initialization code executes before the for loop begins. The condition is tested at the beginning of each loop. If the condition is not met, the loop exits. The loop operation executes at the end of each loop.

Code Example 6.20 adds the numbers from 0 to 9. The loop variable, i, is initialized to 0 and is incremented at the end of each loop iteration. At the beginning of each iteration, the for loop executes only when i is not equal to 10. Otherwise, the loop is finished. In this case, the for loop executes 10 times. for loops can be implemented using a while loop, but the for loop is often convenient.

Magnitude Comparison

So far, the examples have used beq and bne to perform equality or inequality comparisons and branches. MIPS provides the set less than instruction, slt, for magnitude comparison. slt sets rd to 1 when rs < rt. Otherwise, rd is 0.

Code Example 6.20 for loop

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

Example 6.6 LOOPS USING slt

The following high-level code adds the powers of 2 from 1 to 100.

Translate it into assembly language.

Solution: The assembly language code uses the set less than (slt) instruction to perform the less than comparison in the for loop.


Exercise 6.12 explores how to use slt for other magnitude comparisons including greater than, greater than or equal, and less than or equal.

6.4.5 Arrays

Arrays are useful for accessing large amounts of similar data. An array is organized as sequential data addresses in memory. Each array element is identified by a number called its index. The number of elements in the array is called the size of the array. This section shows how to access array elements in memory.

Array Indexing

Figure 6.20 shows an array of five integers stored in memory. The index ranges from 0 to 4. In this case, the array is stored in a processor’s main memory starting at base address 0x10007000. The base address gives the address of the first array element, array[0].


Figure 6.20 Five-entry array with base address of 0x10007000

Code Example 6.21 multiplies the first two elements in array by 8 and stores them back in the array.

The first step in accessing an array element is to load the base address of the array into a register. Code Example 6.21 loads the base address into $s0. Recall that the load upper immediate (lui) and or immediate (ori) instructions can be used to load a 32-bit constant into a register.

Code Example 6.21 ACCESSING ARRAYS

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

Code Example 6.21 also illustrates why lw takes a base address and an offset. The base address points to the start of the array. The offset can be used to access subsequent elements of the array. For example, array[1] is stored at memory address 0x10007004 (one word or four bytes after array[0]), so it is accessed at an offset of 4 past the base address.

You might have noticed that the code for manipulating each of the two array elements in Code Example 6.21 is essentially the same except for the index. Duplicating the code is not a problem when accessing two array elements, but it would become terribly inefficient for accessing all of the elements in a large array. Code Example 6.22 uses a for loop to multiply by 8 all of the elements of a 1000-element array stored at a base address of 0x23B8F000.

Figure 6.21 shows the 1000-element array in memory. The index into the array is now a variable (i) rather than a constant, so we cannot take advantage of the immediate offset in lw. Instead, we compute the address of the ith element and store it in $t0. Remember that each array element is a word but that memory is byte addressed, so the offset from the base address is i * 4. Shifting left by 2 is a convenient way to multiply by 4 in MIPS assembly language. This example readily extends to an array of any size.

Code Example 6.22 ACCESSING ARRAYS USING A for loop

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code


Figure 6.21 Memory holding array[1000] starting at base address 0x23B8F000

Other program languages, such as Java, use different character encodings, most notably Unicode. Unicode uses 16 bits to represent each character, so it supports accents, umlauts, and Asian languages. For more information, see

Bytes and Characters

Numbers in the range [-128, 127] can be stored in a single byte rather than an entire word. Because there are much fewer than 256 characters on an English language keyboard, English characters are often represented by bytes. The C language uses the type char to represent a byte or character.

Early computers lacked a standard mapping between bytes and English characters, so exchanging text between computers was difficult. In 1963, the American Standards Association published the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), which assigns each text character a unique byte value. Table 6.2 shows these character encodings for printable characters. The ASCII values are given in hexadecimal. Lower-case and upper-case letters differ by 0x20 (32).

MIPS provides load byte and store byte instructions to manipulate bytes or characters of data: load byte unsigned (lbu), load byte (lb), and store byte (sb). All three are illustrated in Figure 6.22.


Figure 6.22 Instructions for loading and storing bytes

ASCII codes developed from earlier forms of character encoding. Beginning in 1838, telegraph machines used Morse code, a series of dots (.) and dashes (–), to represent characters. For example, the letters A, B, C, and D were represented as .–, – …, –.–., and –.., respectively. The number of dots and dashes varied with each letter. For efficiency, common letters used shorter codes.

In 1874, Jean-Maurice-Emile Baudot invented a 5-bit code called the Baudot code. For example, A, B, C, and D, were represented as 00011, 11001, 01110, and 01001. However, the 32 possible encodings of this 5-bit code were not sufficient for all the English characters. But 8-bit encoding was. Thus, as electronic communication became prevalent, 8-bit ASCII encoding emerged as the standard.

Table 6.2 ASCII encodings

Load byte unsigned (lbu) zero-extends the byte, and load byte (lb) sign-extends the byte to fill the entire 32-bit register. Store byte (sb) stores the least significant byte of the 32-bit register into the specified byte address in memory. In Figure 6.22, lbu loads the byte at memory address 2 into the least significant byte of $s1 and fills the remaining register bits with 0. lb loads the sign-extended byte at memory address 2 into $s2. sb stores the least significant byte of $s3 into memory byte 3; it replaces 0xF7 with 0x9B. The more significant bytes of $s3 are ignored.


The following high-level code converts a ten-entry array of characters from lower-case to upper-case by subtracting 32 from each array entry. Translate it into MIPS assembly language. Remember that the address difference between array elements is now 1 byte, not 4 bytes. Assume that $s0 already holds the base address of chararray.


A series of characters is called a string. Strings have a variable length, so programming languages must provide a way to determine the length or end of the string. In C, the null character (0x00) signifies the end of a string. For example, Figure 6.23 shows the string “Hello!” (0x48 65 6C 6C 6F 21 00) stored in memory. The string is seven bytes long and extends from address 0x1522FFF0 to 0x1522FFF6. The first character of the string (H = 0x48) is stored at the lowest byte address (0x1522FFF0).


Figure 6.23 The string “Hello!” stored in memory

6.4.6 Procedure Calls

High-level languages often use procedures (also called functions) to reuse frequently accessed code and to make a program more readable. Procedures have inputs, called arguments, and an output, called the return value. Procedures should calculate the return value and cause no other unintended side effects.

When one procedure calls another, the calling procedure, the caller, and the called procedure, the callee, must agree on where to put the arguments and the return value. In MIPS, the caller conventionally places up to four arguments in registers $a0-$a3 before making the procedure call, and the callee places the return value in registers $v0-$v1 before finishing. By following this convention, both procedures know where to find the arguments and return value, even if the caller and callee were written by different people.

The callee must not interfere with the function of the caller. Briefly, this means that the callee must know where to return to after it completes and it must not trample on any registers or memory needed by the caller. The caller stores the return address in $ra at the same time it jumps to the callee using the jump and link instruction (jal). The callee must not overwrite any architectural state or memory that the caller is depending on. Specifically, the callee must leave the saved registers, $s0-$s7, $ra, and the stack, a portion of memory used for temporary variables, unmodified.

This section shows how to call and return from a procedure. It shows how procedures access input arguments and the return value and how they use the stack to store temporary variables.

Procedure Calls and Returns

MIPS uses the jump and link instruction (jal) to call a procedure and the jump register instruction (jr) to return from a procedure. Code Example 6.23 shows the main procedure calling the simple procedure. main is the caller, and simple is the callee. The simple procedure is called with no input arguments and generates no return value; it simply returns to the caller. In Code Example 6.23, instruction addresses are given to the left of each MIPS instruction in hexadecimal.

Code Example 6.23 simple PROCEDURE CALL

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

Jump and link (jal) and jump register (jr $ra) are the two essential instructions needed for a procedure call. jal performs two functions: it stores the address of the next instruction (the instruction after jal) in the return address register ($ra), and it jumps to the target instruction.

In Code Example 6.23, the main procedure calls the simple procedure by executing the jump and link (jal) instruction. jal jumps to the simple label and stores 0x00400204 in $ra. The simple procedure returns immediately by executing the instruction jr $ra, jumping to the instruction address held in $ra. The main procedure then continues executing at this address, 0x00400204.

Input Arguments and Return Values

The simple procedure in Code Example 6.23 is not very useful, because it receives no input from the calling procedure (main) and returns no output. By MIPS convention, procedures use $a0-$a3 for input arguments and $v0-$v1 for the return value. In Code Example 6.24, the procedure diffofsums is called with four arguments and returns one result.

According to MIPS convention, the calling procedure, main, places the procedure arguments, from left to right, into the input registers, $a0-$a3. The called procedure, diffofsums, stores the return value in the return register, $v0.

A procedure that returns a 64-bit value, such as a double-precision floating point number, uses both return registers, $v0 and $v1. When a procedure with more than four arguments is called, the additional input arguments are placed on the stack, which we discuss next.

Code Example 6.24 has some subtle errors. Code Examples 6.25 and 6.26 on page 323 show improved versions of the program.


High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

The Stack

The stack is memory that is used to save local variables within a procedure. The stack expands (uses more memory) as the processor needs more scratch space and contracts (uses less memory) when the processor no longer needs the variables stored there. Before explaining how procedures use the stack to store temporary variables, we explain how the stack works.

The stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) queue. Like a stack of dishes, the last item pushed onto the stack (the top dish) is the first one that can be pulled (popped) off. Each procedure may allocate stack space to store local variables but must deallocate it before returning. The top of the stack, is the most recently allocated space. Whereas a stack of dishes grows up in space, the MIPS stack grows down in memory. The stack expands to lower memory addresses when a program needs more scratch space.

Figure 6.24 shows a picture of the stack. The stack pointer, $sp, is a special MIPS register that points to the top of the stack. A pointer is a fancy name for a memory address. It points to (gives the address of) data. For example, in Figure 6.24(a) the stack pointer, $sp, holds the address value 0x7FFFFFFC and points to the data value 0x12345678. $sp points to the top of the stack, the lowest accessible memory address on the stack. Thus, in Figure 6.24(a), the stack cannot access memory below memory word 0x7FFFFFFC.


Figure 6.24 The stack

The stack pointer ($sp) starts at a high memory address and decrements to expand as needed. Figure 6.24(b) shows the stack expanding to allow two more data words of temporary storage. To do so, $sp decrements by 8 to become 0x7FFFFFF4. Two additional data words, 0xAABBCCDD and 0x11223344, are temporarily stored on the stack.

One of the important uses of the stack is to save and restore registers that are used by a procedure. Recall that a procedure should calculate a return value but have no other unintended side effects. In particular, it should not modify any registers besides the one containing the return value, $v0. The diffofsums procedure in Code Example 6.24 violates this rule because it modifies $t0, $t1, and $s0. If main had been using $t0, $t1, or $s0 before the call to diffofsums, the contents of these registers would have been corrupted by the procedure call.

To solve this problem, a procedure saves registers on the stack before it modifies them, then restores them from the stack before it returns. Specifically, it performs the following steps.

1. Makes space on the stack to store the values of one or more registers.
2. Stores the values of the registers on the stack.
3. Executes the procedure using the registers.
4. Restores the original values of the registers from the stack.
5. Deallocates space on the stack.

Code Example 6.25 shows an improved version of diffofsums that saves and restores $t0, $t1, and $s0. The new lines are indicated in blue. Figure 6.25 shows the stack before, during, and after a call to the diffofsums procedure from Code Example 6.25. diffofsums makes room for three words on the stack by decrementing the stack pointer ($sp) by 12. It then stores the current values of $s0, $t0, and $t1 in the newly allocated space. It executes the rest of the procedure, changing the values in these three registers. At the end of the procedure, diffofsums restores the values of $s0, $t0, and $t1 from the stack, deallocates its stack space, and returns. When the procedure returns, $v0 holds the result, but there are no other side effects: $s0, $t0, $t1, and $sp have the same values as they did before the procedure call.


Figure 6.25 The stack (a) before, (b) during, and (c) after diffofsums procedure call

The stack space that a procedure allocates for itself is called its stack frame. diffofsums’s stack frame is three words deep. The principle of modularity tells us that each procedure should access only its own stack frame, not the frames belonging to other procedures.

Preserved Registers

Code Example 6.25 assumes that temporary registers $t0 and $t1 must be saved and restored. If the calling procedure does not use those registers, the effort to save and restore them is wasted. To avoid this waste, MIPS divides registers into preserved and nonpreserved categories. The preserved registers include $s0-$s7 (hence their name, saved). The nonpreserved registers include $t0-$t9 (hence their name, temporary). A procedure must save and restore any of the preserved registers that it wishes to use, but it can change the nonpreserved registers freely.

Code Example 6.26 shows a further improved version of diffofsums that saves only $s0 on the stack. $t0 and $t1 are nonpreserved registers, so they need not be saved.

Remember that when one procedure calls another, the former is the caller and the latter is the callee. The callee must save and restore any preserved registers that it wishes to use. The callee may change any of the nonpreserved registers. Hence, if the caller is holding active data in a nonpreserved register, the caller needs to save that nonpreserved register before making the procedure call and then needs to restore it afterward. For these reasons, preserved registers are also called callee-save, and nonpreserved registers are called caller-save.


MIPS Assembly Code


MIPS Assembly Code

Table 6.3 summarizes which registers are preserved. $s0-$s7 are generally used to hold local variables within a procedure, so they must be saved. $ra must also be saved, so that the procedure knows where to return. $t0-$t9 are used to hold temporary results before they are assigned to local variables. These calculations typically complete before a procedure call is made, so they are not preserved, and it is rare that the caller needs to save them. $a0-$a3 are often overwritten in the process of calling a procedure. Hence, they must be saved by the caller if the caller depends on any of its own arguments after a called procedure returns. $v0-$v1 certainly should not be preserved, because the callee returns its result in these registers.

Table 6.3 Preserved and nonpreserved registers

Preserved Nonpreserved
Saved registers: $s0-$s7 Temporary registers: $t0-$t9
Return address: $ra Argument registers: $a0-$a3
Stack pointer: $sp Return value registers: $v0-$v1
Stack above the stack pointer Stack below the stack pointer

The stack above the stack pointer is automatically preserved as long as the callee does not write to memory addresses above $sp. In this way, it does not modify the stack frame of any other procedures. The stack pointer itself is preserved, because the callee deallocates its stack frame before returning by adding back the same amount that it subtracted from $sp at the beginning of the procedure.

Recursive Procedure Calls

A procedure that does not call others is called a leaf procedure; an example is diffofsums. A procedure that does call others is called a nonleaf procedure. As mentioned earlier, nonleaf procedures are somewhat more complicated because they may need to save nonpreserved registers on the stack before they call another procedure, and then restore those registers afterward. Specifically, the caller saves any non-preserved registers ($t0-$t9 and $a0-$a3) that are needed after the call. The callee saves any of the preserved registers ($s0-$s7 and $ra) that it intends to modify.

A recursive procedure is a nonleaf procedure that calls itself. The factorial function can be written as a recursive procedure call. Recall that factorial(n) = n X (n - 1) X (n - 2) X … X 2 X 1. The factorial function can be rewritten recursively as factorial(n) = n X factorial(n - 1). The factorial of 1 is simply 1. Code Example 6.27 shows the factorial function written as a recursive procedure. To conveniently refer to program addresses, we assume that the program starts at address 0x90.

The factorial procedure might modify $a0 and $ra, so it saves them on the stack. It then checks whether n < 2. If so, it puts the return value of 1 in $v0, restores the stack pointer, and returns to the caller. It does not have to reload $ra and $a0 in this case, because they were never modified. If n > 1, the procedure recursively calls factorial (n-1). It then restores the value of n ($a0) and the return address ($ra) from the stack, performs the multiplication, and returns this result. The multiply instruction (mul $v0, $a0, $v0) multiplies $a0 and $v0 and places the result in $v0. It is discussed further in Section 6.7.1.

Code Example 6.27 factorial RECURSIVE PROCEDURE CALL

High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

Figure 6.26 shows the stack when executing factorial(3). We assume that $sp initially points to 0xFC, as shown in Figure 6.26(a). The procedure creates a two-word stack frame to hold $a0 and $ra. On the first invocation, factorial saves $a0 (holding n = 3) at 0xF8 and $ra at 0xF4, as shown in Figure 6.26(b). The procedure then changes $a0 to n = 2 and recursively calls factorial(2), making $ra hold 0xBC. On the second invocation, it saves $a0 (holding n = 2) at 0xF0 and $ra at 0xEC. This time, we know that $ra contains 0xBC. The procedure then changes $a0 to n = 1 and recursively calls factorial(1). On the third invocation, it saves $a0 (holding n = 1) at 0xE8 and $ra at 0xE4. This time, $ra again contains 0xBC. The third invocation of factorial returns the value 1 in $v0 and deallocates the stack frame before returning to the second invocation. The second invocation restores n to 2, restores $ra to 0xBC (it happened to already have this value), deallocates the stack frame, and returns $v0 = 2 X 1 = 2 to the first invocation. The first invocation restores n to 3, restores $ra to the return address of the caller, deallocates the stack frame, and returns $v0 = 3 X 2 = 6. Figure 6.26(c) shows the stack as the recursively called procedures return. When factorial returns to the caller, the stack pointer is in its original position (0xFC), none of the contents of the stack above the pointer have changed, and all of the preserved registers hold their original values. $v0 holds the return value, 6.


Figure 6.26 Stack during factorial procedure call when n = 3: (a) before call, (b) after last recursive call, (c) after return

Additional Arguments and Local Variables*

Procedures may have more than four input arguments and local variables. The stack is used to store these temporary values. By MIPS convention, if a procedure has more than four arguments, the first four are passed in the argument registers as usual. Additional arguments are passed on the stack, just above $sp. The caller must expand its stack to make room for the additional arguments. Figure 6.27(a) shows the caller’s stack for calling a procedure with more than four arguments.


Figure 6.27 Stack usage: (left) before call, (right) after call

A procedure can also declare local variables or arrays. Local variables are declared within a procedure and can be accessed only within that procedure. Local variables are stored in $s0-$s7; if there are too many local variables, they can also be stored in the procedure’s stack frame. In particular, local arrays are stored on the stack.

Figure 6.27(b) shows the organization of a callee’s stack frame. The frame holds the procedure’s own arguments (if it calls other procedures), the return address, and any of the saved registers that the procedure will modify. It also holds local arrays and any excess local variables. If the callee has more than four arguments, it finds them in the caller’s stack frame. Accessing additional input arguments is the one exception in which a procedure can access stack data not in its own stack frame.


MIPS uses five addressing modes: register-only, immediate, base, PC-relative, and pseudo-direct. The first three modes (register-only, immediate, and base addressing) define modes of reading and writing operands. The last two (PC-relative and pseudo-direct addressing) define modes of writing the program counter, PC.

Register-Only Addressing

Register-only addressing uses registers for all source and destination operands. All R-type instructions use register-only addressing.

Immediate Addressing

Immediate addressing uses the 16-bit immediate along with registers as operands. Some I-type instructions, such as add immediate (addi) and load upper immediate (lui), use immediate addressing.

Base Addressing

Memory access instructions, such as load word (lw) and store word (sw), use base addressing. The effective address of the memory operand is found by adding the base address in register rs to the sign-extended 16-bit offset found in the immediate field.

PC-relative Addressing

Conditional branch instructions use PC-relative addressing to specify the new value of the PC if the branch is taken. The signed offset in the immediate field is added to the PC to obtain the new PC; hence, the branch destination address is said to be relative to the current PC.

Code Example 6.28 shows part of the factorial procedure from Code Example 6.27. Figure 6.28 shows the machine code for the beq instruction. The branch target address (BTA) is the address of the next instruction to execute if the branch is taken. The beq instruction in Figure 6.28 has a BTA of 0xB4, the instruction address of the else label.


Figure 6.28 Machine code for beq

The 16-bit immediate field gives the number of instructions between the BTA and the instruction after the branch instruction (the instruction at PC+4). In this case, the value in the immediate field of beq is 3 because the BTA (0xB4) is 3 instructions past PC+4 (0xA8).

The processor calculates the BTA from the instruction by sign-extending the 16-bit immediate, multiplying it by 4 (to convert words to bytes), and adding it to PC+4.


MIPS Assembly Code


Calculate the immediate field and show the machine code for the branch not equal (bne) instruction in the following program.

Solution: Figure 6.29 shows the machine code for the bne instruction. Its branch target address, 0x40, is 6 instructions behind PC+4 (0x58), so the immediate field is -6.


Figure 6.29 bne machine code

Pseudo-Direct Addressing

In direct addressing, an address is specified in the instruction. The jump instructions, j and jal, ideally would use direct addressing to specify a 32-bit jump target address (JTA) to indicate the instruction address to execute next.


MIPS Assembly Code

Unfortunately, the J-type instruction encoding does not have enough bits to specify a full 32-bit JTA. Six bits of the instruction are used for the opcode, so only 26 bits are left to encode the JTA. Fortunately, the two least significant bits, JTA1:0, should always be 0, because instructions are word aligned. The next 26 bits, JTA27:2, are taken from the addr field of the instruction. The four most significant bits, JTA31:28, are obtained from the four most significant bits of PC+4. This addressing mode is called pseudo-direct.

Code Example 6.29 illustrates a jal instruction using pseudo-direct addressing. The JTA of the jal instruction is 0x004000A0. Figure 6.30 shows the machine code for this jal instruction. The top four bits and bottom two bits of the JTA are discarded. The remaining bits are stored in the 26-bit address field (addr).


Figure 6.30 jal machine code

The processor calculates the JTA from the J-type instruction by appending two 0’s and prepending the four most significant bits of PC+4 to the 26-bit address field (addr).

Because the four most significant bits of the JTA are taken from PC+4, the jump range is limited. The range limits of branch and jump instructions are explored in Exercises 6.23 to 6.26. All J-type instructions, j and jal, use pseudo-direct addressing.

Note that the jump register instruction, jr, is not a J-type instruction. It is an R-type instruction that jumps to the 32-bit value held in register rs.


Up until now, we have shown how to translate short high-level code snippets into assembly and machine code. This section describes how to compile and assemble a complete high-level program and how to load the program into memory for execution.

We begin by introducing the MIPS memory map, which defines where code, data, and stack memory are located. We then show the steps of code execution for a sample program.

6.6.1 The Memory Map

With 32-bit addresses, the MIPS address space spans 232 bytes = 4 gigabytes (GB). Word addresses are divisible by 4 and range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFC. Figure 6.31 shows the MIPS memory map. The MIPS architecture divides the address space into four parts or segments: the text segment, global data segment, dynamic data segment, and reserved segments. The following sections describes each segment.


Figure 6.31 MIPS memory map

The Text Segment

The text segment stores the machine language program. It is large enough to accommodate almost 256 MB of code. Note that the four most significant bits of the address in the text space are all 0, so the j instruction can directly jump to any address in the program.

The Global Data Segment

The global data segment stores global variables that, in contrast to local variables, can be seen by all procedures in a program. Global variables are defined at start-up, before the program begins executing. These variables are declared outside the main procedure in a C program and can be accessed by any procedure. The global data segment is large enough to store 64 KB of global variables.

Global variables are accessed using the global pointer ($gp), which is initialized to 0x100080000. Unlike the stack pointer ($sp), $gp does not change during program execution. Any global variable can be accessed with a 16-bit positive or negative offset from $gp. The offset is known at assembly time, so the variables can be efficiently accessed using base addressing mode with constant offsets.

The Dynamic Data Segment

The dynamic data segment holds the stack and the heap. The data in this segment are not known at start-up but are dynamically allocated and deallocated throughout the execution of the program. This is the largest segment of memory used by a program, spanning almost 2 GB of the address space.

As discussed in Section 6.4.6, the stack is used to save and restore registers used by procedures and to hold local variables such as arrays. The stack grows downward from the top of the dynamic data segment (0x7FFFFFFC) and is accessed in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order.

The heap stores data that is allocated by the program during runtime. In C, memory allocations are made by the malloc function; in C++ and Java, new is used to allocate memory. Like a heap of clothes on a dorm room floor, heap data can be used and discarded in any order. The heap grows upward from the bottom of the dynamic data segment.

If the stack and heap ever grow into each other, the program’s data can become corrupted. The memory allocator tries to ensure that this never happens by returning an out-of-memory error if there is insufficient space to allocate more dynamic data.

Grace Hopper, 1906–1992. Graduated from Yale University with a Ph.D. in mathematics. Developed the first compiler while working for the Remington Rand Corporation and was instrumental in developing the COBOL programming language. As a naval officer, she received many awards, including a World War II Victory Medal and the National Defence Service Medal.

The Reserved Segments

The reserved segments are used by the operating system and cannot directly be used by the program. Part of the reserved memory is used for interrupts (see Section 7.7) and for memory-mapped I/O (see Section 8.5).

6.6.2 Translating and Starting a Program

Figure 6.32 shows the steps required to translate a program from a high-level language into machine language and to start executing that program. First, the high-level code is compiled into assembly code. The assembly code is assembled into machine code in an object file. The linker combines the machine code with object code from libraries and other files to produce an entire executable program. In practice, most compilers perform all three steps of compiling, assembling, and linking. Finally, the loader loads the program into memory and starts execution. The remainder of this section walks through these steps for a simple program.


Figure 6.32 Steps for translating and starting a program

Step 1: Compilation

A compiler translates high-level code into assembly language. Code Example 6.30 shows a simple high-level program with three global variables and two procedures, along with the assembly code produced by a typical compiler. The .data and .text keywords are assembler directives that indicate where the text and data segments begin. Labels are used for global variables f, g, and y. Their storage location will be determined by the assembler; for now, they are left as symbols in the code.


High-Level Code

MIPS Assembly Code

Step 2: Assembling

The assembler turns the assembly language code into an object file containing machine language code. The assembler makes two passes through the assembly code. On the first pass, the assembler assigns instruction addresses and finds all the symbols, such as labels and global variable names. The code after the first assembler pass is shown here.

The names and addresses of the symbols are kept in a symbol table, as shown in Table 6.4 for this code. The symbol addresses are filled in after the first pass, when the addresses of labels are known. Global variables are assigned storage locations in the global data segment of memory, starting at memory address 0x10000000.

On the second pass through the code, the assembler produces the machine language code. Addresses for the global variables and labels are taken from the symbol table. The machine language code and symbol table are stored in the object file.

Table 6.4 Symbol table

Symbol Address
f 0x10000000
g 0x10000004
y 0x10000008
main 0x00400000
sum 0x0040002C

Step 3: Linking

Most large programs contain more than one file. If the programmer changes only one of the files, it would be wasteful to recompile and reassemble the other files. In particular, programs often call procedures in library files; these library files almost never change. If a file of high-level code is not changed, the associated object file need not be updated.

The job of the linker is to combine all of the object files into one machine language file called the executable. The linker relocates the data and instructions in the object files so that they are not all on top of each other. It uses the information in the symbol tables to adjust the addresses of global variables and of labels that are relocated.

In our example, there is only one object file, so no relocation is necessary. Figure 6.33 shows the executable file. It has three sections: the executable file header, the text segment, and the data segment. The executable file header reports the text size (code size) and data size (amount of globally declared data). Both are given in units of bytes. The text segment gives the instructions and the addresses where they are to be stored.


Figure 6.33 Executable

The figure shows the instructions in human-readable format next to the machine code for ease of interpretation, but the executable file includes only machine instructions. The data segment gives the address of each global variable. The global variables are addressed with respect to the base address given by the global pointer, $gp. For example, the first store instruction, sw $a0, 0x8000($gp), stores the value 2 to the global variable f, which is located at memory address 0x10000000. Remember that the offset, 0x8000, is a 16-bit signed number that is sign-extended and added to the base address, $gp. So, $gp + 0x8000 = 0x10008000 + 0xFFFF8000 = 0x10000000, the memory address of variable f.

Step 4: Loading

The operating system loads a program by reading the text segment of the executable file from a storage device (usually the hard disk) into the text segment of memory. The operating system sets $gp to 0x10008000 (the middle of the global data segment) and $sp to 0x7FFFFFFC (the top of the dynamic data segment), then performs a jal 0x00400000 to jump to the beginning of the program. Figure 6.34 shows the memory map at the beginning of program execution.


Figure 6.34 Executable loaded in memory


This section covers a few optional topics that do not fit naturally elsewhere in the chapter. These topics include pseudoinstructions, exceptions, signed and unsigned arithmetic instructions, and floating-point instructions.

6.7.1 Pseudoinstructions

If an instruction is not available in the MIPS instruction set, it is probably because the same operation can be performed using one or more existing MIPS instructions. Remember that MIPS is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC), so the instruction size and hardware complexity are minimized by keeping the number of instructions small.

However, MIPS defines pseudoinstructions that are not actually part of the instruction set but are commonly used by programmers and compilers. When converted to machine code, pseudoinstructions are translated into one or more MIPS instructions.

Table 6.5 gives examples of pseudoinstructions and the MIPS instructions used to implement them. For example, the load immediate pseudoinstruction (li) loads a 32-bit constant using a combination of lui and ori instructions. The multiply pseudoinstruction (mul) provides a three-operand multiply, multiplying two registers and putting the 32 least significant bits of the result into a third register. The no operation pseudoinstruction (nop, pronounced “no op”) performs no operation. The PC is incremented by 4 upon its execution. No other registers or memory values are altered. The machine code for the nop instruction is 0x00000000.

Some pseudoinstructions require a temporary register for intermediate calculations. For example, the pseudoinstruction beq $t2, imm15:0, Loop compares $t2 to a 16-bit immediate, imm15:0. This pseudoinstruction requires a temporary register in which to store the 16-bit immediate. Assemblers use the assembler register, $at, for such purposes. Table 6.6 shows how the assembler uses $at in converting a pseudoinstruction to real MIPS instructions. We leave it as Exercise 6.31 to implement other pseudoinstructions such as rotate left (rol) and rotate right (ror).

Table 6.5 Pseudoinstructions

Pseudoinstruction Corresponding MIPS Instructions
li $s0, 0x1234AA77 lui $s0, 0x1234
ori $s0, 0xAA77
mul $s0, $s1, $s2 mult $s1, $s2
mflo $s0
clear $t0 add $t0, $0, $0
move $s1, $s2 add $s2, $s1, $0
nop sll $0, $0, 0

Table 6.6 Pseudoinstruction using $at

Pseudoinstruction Corresponding MIPS Instructions
beq $t2, imm15:0, Loop addi $at, $0, imm15:0
beq $t2, $at, Loop

6.7.2 Exceptions

An exception is like an unscheduled procedure call that jumps to a new address. Exceptions may be caused by hardware or software. For example, the processor may receive notification that the user pressed a key on a keyboard. The processor may stop what it is doing, determine which key was pressed, save it for future reference, then resume the program that was running. Such a hardware exception triggered by an input/output (I/O) device such as a keyboard is often called an interrupt. Alternatively, the program may encounter an error condition such as an undefined instruction. The program then jumps to code in the operating system (OS), which may choose to terminate the offending program. Software exceptions are sometimes called traps. Other causes of exceptions include division by zero, attempts to read nonexistent memory, hardware malfunctions, debugger breakpoints, and arithmetic overflow (see Section 6.7.3).

The processor records the cause of an exception and the value of the PC at the time the exception occurs. It then jumps to the exception handler procedure. The exception handler is code (usually in the OS) that examines the cause of the exception and responds appropriately (by reading the keyboard on a hardware interrupt, for example). It then returns to the program that was executing before the exception took place. In MIPS, the exception handler is always located at 0x80000180. When an exception occurs, the processor always jumps to this instruction address, regardless of the cause.

The MIPS architecture uses a special-purpose register, called the Cause register, to record the cause of the exception. Different codes are used to record different exception causes, as given in Table 6.7. The exception handler code reads the Cause register to determine how to handle the exception. Some other architectures jump to a different exception handler for each different cause instead of using a Cause register.

MIPS uses another special-purpose register called the Exception Program Counter (EPC) to store the value of the PC at the time an exception takes place. The processor returns to the address in EPC after handling the exception. This is analogous to using $ra to store the old value of the PC during a jal instruction.

Table 6.7 Exception cause codes

Exception Cause
hardware interrupt 0x00000000
system call 0x00000020
breakpoint/divide by 0 0x00000024
undefined instruction 0x00000028
arithmetic overflow 0x00000030

The EPC and Cause registers are not part of the MIPS register file. The mfc0 (move from coprocessor 0) instruction copies these and other special-purpose registers into one of the general purpose registers. Coprocessor 0 is called the MIPS processor control; it handles interrupts and processor diagnostics. For example, mfc0$t0, Cause copies the Cause register into $t0.

The syscall and break instructions cause traps to perform system calls or debugger breakpoints. The exception handler uses the EPC to look up the instruction and determine the nature of the system call or breakpoint by looking at the fields of the instruction.

In summary, an exception causes the processor to jump to the exception handler. The exception handler saves registers on the stack, then uses mfc0 to look at the cause and respond accordingly. When the handler is finished, it restores the registers from the stack, copies the return address from EPC to $k0 using mfc0, and returns using jr $k0.

$k0 and $k1 are included in the MIPS register set. They are reserved by the OS for exception handling. They do not need to be saved and restored during exceptions.

6.7.3 Signed and Unsigned Instructions

Recall that a binary number may be signed or unsigned. The MIPS architecture uses two’s complement representation of signed numbers. MIPS has certain instructions that come in signed and unsigned flavors, including addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, set less than, and partial word loads.

Addition and Subtraction

Addition and subtraction are performed identically whether the number is signed or unsigned. However, the interpretation of the results is different.

As mentioned in Section 1.4.6, if two large signed numbers are added together, the result may incorrectly produce the opposite sign. For example, adding the following two huge positive numbers gives a negative result: 0x7FFFFFFF + 0x7FFFFFFF = 0xFFFFFFFE = -2. Similarly, adding two huge negative numbers gives a positive result, 0x80000001 + 0x80000001 = 0x00000002. This is called arithmetic overflow.

The C language ignores arithmetic overflows, but other languages, such as Fortran, require that the program be notified. As mentioned in Section 6.7.2, the MIPS processor takes an exception on arithmetic overflow. The program can decide what to do about the overflow (for example, it might repeat the calculation with greater precision to avoid the overflow), then return to where it left off.

MIPS provides signed and unsigned versions of addition and subtraction. The signed versions are add, addi, and sub. The unsigned versions are addu, addiu, and subu. The two versions are identical except that signed versions trigger an exception on overflow, whereas unsigned versions do not. Because C ignores exceptions, C programs technically use the unsigned versions of these instructions.

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and division behave differently for signed and unsigned numbers. For example, as an unsigned number, 0xFFFFFFFF represents a large number, but as a signed number it represents - 1. Hence, 0xFFFFFFFF X 0xFFFFFFFF would equal 0xFFFFFFFE00000001 if the numbers were unsigned but 0x0000000000000001 if the numbers were signed.

Therefore, multiplication and division come in both signed and unsigned flavors. mult and div treat the operands as signed numbers. multu and divu treat the operands as unsigned numbers.

Set Less Than

Set less than instructions can compare either two registers (slt) or a register and an immediate (slti). Set less than also comes in signed (slt and slti) and unsigned (sltu and sltiu) versions. In a signed comparison, 0x80000000 is less than any other number, because it is the most negative two’s complement number. In an unsigned comparison, 0x80000000 is greater than 0x7FFFFFFF but less than 0x80000001, because all numbers are positive.

Beware that sltiu sign-extends the immediate before treating it as an unsigned number. For example, sltiu $s0, $s1, 0x8042 compares $s1 to 0xFFFF8042, treating the immediate as a large positive number.


As described in Section 6.4.5, byte loads come in signed (lb) and unsigned (lbu) versions. lb sign-extends the byte, and lbu zero-extends the byte to fill the entire 32-bit register. Similarly, MIPS provides signed and unsigned half-word loads (lh and lhu), which load two bytes into the lower half and sign- or zero-extend the upper half of the word.

6.7.4 Floating-Point Instructions

The MIPS architecture defines an optional floating-point coprocessor, known as coprocessor 1. In early MIPS implementations, the floatingpoint coprocessor was a separate chip that users could purchase if they needed fast floating-point math. In most recent MIPS implementations, the floating-point coprocessor is built in alongside the main processor.

MIPS defines 32 32-bit floating-point registers, $f0-$f31. These are separate from the ordinary registers used so far. MIPS supports both single- and double-precision IEEE floating point arithmetic. Double-precision (64-bit) numbers are stored in pairs of 32-bit registers, so only the 16 even-numbered registers ($f0, $f2, $f4,…., $f30) are used to specify double-precision operations. By convention, certain registers are reserved for certain purposes, as given in Table 6.8.

Floating-point instructions all have an opcode of 17 (100012). They require both a funct field and a cop (coprocessor) field to indicate the type of instruction. Hence, MIPS defines the F-type instruction format for floating-point instructions, shown in Figure 6.35. Floating-point instructions come in both single- and double-precision flavors. cop = 16 (100002) for single-precision instructions or 17 (100012) for double-precision instructions. Like R-type instructions, F-type instructions have two source operands, fs and ft, and one destination, fd.

Instruction precision is indicated by .s and .d in the mnemonic. Floating-point arithmetic instructions include addition (add.s, add.d), subtraction (, sub.d), multiplication (mul.s, mul.d), and division (div.s, div.d) as well as negation (neg.s, neg.d) and absolute value (abs.s, abs.d).

Table 6.8 MIPS floating-point register set

Name Number Use
$fv0-$fv1 0, 2 procedure return values
$ft0-$ft3 4, 6, 8, 10 temporary variables
$fa0-$fa1 12, 14 procedure arguments
$ft4-$ft5 16, 18 temporary variables
$fs0-$fs5 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 saved variables

Figure 6.35 F-type machine instruction format

Floating-point branches have two parts. First, a compare instruction is used to set or clear the floating-point condition flag (fpcond). Then, a conditional branch checks the value of the flag. The compare instructions include equality (c.seq.s/c.seq.d), less than (, and less than or equal to (c.le.s/c.le.d). The conditional branch instructions are bc1f and bc1t that branch if fpcond is FALSE or TRUE, respectively. Inequality, greater than or equal to, and greater than comparisons are performed with seq, lt, and le, followed by bc1f.

Floating-point registers are loaded and stored from memory using lwc1 and swc1. These instructions move 32 bits, so two are necessary to handle a double-precision number.


Almost all personal computers today use IA-32 architecture microprocessors. IA-32 is a 32-bit architecture originally developed by Intel. AMD also sells IA-32 compatible microprocessors.

The IA-32 architecture has a long and convoluted history dating back to 1978, when Intel announced the 16-bit 8086 microprocessor. IBM selected the 8086 and its cousin, the 8088, for IBM’s first personal computers. In 1985, Intel introduced the 32-bit 80386 microprocessor, which was backward compatible with the 8086, so it could run software developed for earlier PCs. Processor architectures compatible with the 80386 are called IA-32 or x86 processors. The Pentium, Core, and Athlon processors are well known IA-32 processors. Section 7.9 describes the evolution of IA-32 microprocessors in more detail.

Various groups at Intel and AMD over many years have shoehorned more instructions and capabilities into the antiquated architecture. The result is far less elegant than MIPS. As Patterson and Hennessy explain, “this checkered ancestry has led to an architecture that is difficult to explain and impossible to love.” However, software compatibility is far more important than technical elegance, so IA-32 has been the de facto PC standard for more than two decades. More than 100 million IA-32 processors are sold every year. This huge market justifies more than $5 billion of research and development annually to continue improving the processors.

IA-32 is an example of a Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) architecture. In contrast to RISC architectures such as MIPS, each CISC instruction can do more work. Programs for CISC architectures usually require fewer instructions. The instruction encodings were selected to be more compact, so as to save memory, when RAM was far more expensive than it is today; instructions are of variable length and are often less than 32 bits. The trade-off is that complicated instructions are more difficult to decode and tend to execute more slowly.

Table 6.9 Major differences between MIPS and IA-32

Feature MIPS IA-32
# of registers 32 general purpose 8, some restrictions on purpose
# of operands 3 (2 source, 1 destination) 2 (1 source, 1 source/destination)
operand location registers or immediates registers, immediates, or memory
operand size 32 bits 8, 16, or 32 bits
condition codes no yes
instruction types simple simple and complicated
instruction encoding fixed, 4 bytes variable, 1–15 bytes

This section introduces the IA-32 architecture. The goal is not to make you into an IA-32 assembly language programmer, but rather to illustrate some of the similarities and differences between IA-32 and MIPS. We think it is interesting to see how IA-32 works. However, none of the material in this section is needed to understand the rest of the book. Major differences between IA-32 and MIPS are summarized in Table 6.9.

6.8.1 IA-32 Registers

The 8086 microprocessor provided eight 16-bit registers. It could separately access the upper and lower eight bits of some of these registers. When the 32-bit 80386 was introduced, the registers were extended to 32 bits. These registers are called EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI. For backward compatibility, the bottom 16 bits and some of the bottom 8-bit portions are also usable, as shown in Figure 6.36.


Figure 6.36 IA-32 registers

The eight registers are almost, but not quite, general purpose. Certain instructions cannot use certain registers. Other instructions always put their results in certain registers. Like $sp in MIPS, ESP is normally reserved for the stack pointer.

The IA-32 program counter is called EIP (the extended instruction pointer). Like the MIPS PC, it advances from one instruction to the next or can be changed with branch, jump, and subroutine call instructions.

6.8.2 IA-32 Operands

MIPS instructions always act on registers or immediates. Explicit load and store instructions are needed to move data between memory and the registers. In contrast, IA-32 instructions may operate on registers, immediates, or memory. This partially compensates for the small set of registers.

MIPS instructions generally specify three operands: two sources and one destination. IA-32 instructions specify only two operands. The first is a source. The second is both a source and the destination. Hence, IA-32 instructions always overwrite one of their sources with the result. Table 6.10 lists the combinations of operand locations in IA-32. All of the combinations are possible except memory to memory.

Like MIPS, IA-32 has a 32-bit memory space that is byte-addressable. However, IA-32 also supports a much wider variety of memory addressing modes. The memory location is specified with any combination of a base register, displacement, and a scaled index register. Table 6.11 illustrates these combinations. The displacement can be an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit value. The scale multiplying the index register can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The base + displacement mode is equivalent to the MIPS base addressing mode for loads and stores. The scaled index provides an easy way to access arrays or structures of 2-, 4-, or 8-byte elements without having to issue a sequence of instructions to generate the address.

Table 6.10 Operand locations

Table 6.11 Memory addressing modes

Table 6.12 Instructions acting on 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data

While MIPS always acts on 32-bit words, IA-32 instructions can operate on 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data. Table 6.12 illustrates these variations.

6.8.3 Status Flags

IA-32, like many CISC architectures, uses status flags (also called condition codes) to make decisions about branches and to keep track of carries and arithmetic overflow. IA-32 uses a 32-bit register, called EFLAGS, that stores the status flags. Some of the bits of the EFLAGS register are given in Table 6.13. Other bits are used by the operating system.

The architectural state of an IA-32 processor includes EFLAGS as well as the eight registers and the EIP.

6.8.4 IA-32 Instructions

IA-32 has a larger set of instructions than MIPS. Table 6.14 describes some of the general purpose instructions. IA-32 also has instructions for floatingpoint arithmetic and for arithmetic on multiple short data elements packed into a longer word. D indicates the destination (a register or memory location), and S indicates the source (a register, memory location, or immediate).

Note that some instructions always act on specific registers. For example, 32 X 32-bit multiplication always takes one of the sources from EAX and always puts the 64-bit result in EDX and EAX. LOOP always stores the loop counter in ECX. PUSH, POP, CALL, and RET use the stack pointer, ESP.

Table 6.13 Selected EFLAGS

Name Meaning
CF (Carry Flag) Carry out generated by last arithmetic operation.
Indicates overflow in unsigned arithmetic.
Also used for propagating the carry between words in multiple-precision arithmetic.
ZF (Zero Flag) Result of last operation was zero.
SF (Sign Flag) Result of last operation was negative (msb = 1).
OF (Overflow Flag) Overflow of two’s complement arithmetic.

Table 6.14 Selected IA-32 instructions

Table 6.15 Selected branch conditions

Instruction Meaning Function After cmp d, s
JZ/JE jump if ZF = 1 jump if D = S
JNZ/JNE jump if ZF = 0 jump if D ≠ S
JGE jump if SF = OF jump if D ≥ S
JG jump if SF ≠ OF and ZF = 0 jump if D > S
JLE jump if SF ≠ OF or ZF = 1 jump if D ≤ S
JL jump if SF ≠ OF jump if D < S
JC/JB jump if CF = 1
JNC jump if CF = 0
JO jump if OF = 1
JNO jump if OF = 0
JS jump if SF = 1
JNS jump if SF = 0

Conditional jumps check the flags and branch if the appropriate condition is met. They come in many flavors. For example, JZ jumps if the zero flag (ZF) is 1. JNZ jumps if the zero flag is 0. The jumps usually follow an instruction, such as the compare instruction (CMP), that sets the flags. Table 6.15 lists some of the conditional jumps and how they depend on the flags set by a prior compare operation.

6.8.5 IA-32 Instruction Encoding

The IA-32 instruction encodings are truly messy, a legacy of decades of piecemeal changes. Unlike MIPS, whose instructions are uniformly 32 bits, IA-32 instructions vary from 1 to 15 bytes, as shown in Figure 6.372. The opcode may be 1, 2, or 3 bytes. It is followed by four optional fields: ModR/M, SIB, Displacement, and Immediate. ModR/M specifies an addressing mode. SIB specifies the scale, index, and base registers in certain addressing modes. Displacement indicates a 1-, 2-, or 4-byte displacement in certain addressing modes. And Immediate is a 1-, 2-, or 4-byte constant for instructions using an immediate as the source operand. Moreover, an instruction can be preceded by up to four optional byte-long prefixes that modify its behavior.


Figure 6.37 IA-32 instruction encodings

The ModR/M byte uses the 2-bit Mod and 3-bit R/M field to specify the addressing mode for one of the operands. The operand can come from one of the eight registers, or from one of 24 memory addressing modes. Due to artifacts in the encodings, the ESP and EBP registers are not available for use as the base or index register in certain addressing modes. The Reg field specifies the register used as the other operand. For certain instructions that do not require a second operand, the Reg field is used to specify three more bits of the opcode.

In addressing modes using a scaled index register, the SIB byte specifies the index register and the scale (1, 2, 4, or 8). If both a base and index are used, the SIB byte also specifies the base register.

MIPS fully specifies the instruction in the opcode and funct fields of the instruction. IA-32 uses a variable number of bits to specify different instructions. It uses fewer bits to specify more common instructions, decreasing the average length of the instructions. Some instructions even have multiple opcodes. For example, add AL, imm8 performs an 8-bit add of an immediate to AL. It is represented with the 1-byte opcode, 0x04, followed by a 1-byte immediate. The A register (AL, AX, or EAX) is called the accumulator. On the other hand, add D, imm8 performs an 8-bit add of an immediate to an arbitrary destination, D (memory or a register). It is represented with the 1-byte opcode, 0x80, followed by one or more bytes specifying D, followed by a 1-byte immediate. Many instructions have shortened encodings when the destination is the accumulator.

In the original 8086, the opcode specified whether the instruction acted on 8- or 16-bit operands. When the 80386 introduced 32-bit operands, no new opcodes were available to specify the 32-bit form. Instead, the same opcode was used for both 16- and 32-bit forms. An additional bit in the code segment descriptor used by the OS specifies which form the processor should choose. The bit is set to 0 for backward compatibility with 8086 programs, defaulting the opcode to 16-bit operands. It is set to 1 for programs to default to 32-bit operands. Moreover, the programmer can specify prefixes to change the form for a particular instruction. If the prefix 0x66 appears before the opcode, the alternative size operand is used (16 bits in 32-bit mode, or 32 bits in 16-bit mode).

6.8.6 Other IA-32 Peculiarities

The 80286 introduced segmentation to divide memory into segments of up to 64 KB in length. When the OS enables segmentation, addresses are computed relative to the beginning of the segment. The processor checks for addresses that go beyond the end of the segment and indicates an error, thus preventing programs from accessing memory outside their own segment. Segmentation proved to be a hassle for programmers and is not used in modern versions of the Windows operating system.

IA-32 contains string instructions that act on entire strings of bytes or words. The operations include moving, comparing, or scanning for a specific value. In modern processors, these instructions are usually slower than performing the equivalent operation with a series of simpler instructions, so they are best avoided.

As mentioned earlier, the 0x66 prefix is used to choose between 16- and 32-bit operand sizes. Other prefixes include ones used to lock the bus (to control access to shared variables in a multiprocessor system), to predict whether a branch will be taken or not, and to repeat the instruction during a string move.

The bane of any architecture is to run out of memory capacity. With 32-bit addresses, IA-32 can access 4 GB of memory. This was far more than the largest computers had in 1985, but by the early 2000s it had become limiting. In 2003, AMD extended the address space and register sizes to 64 bits, calling the enhanced architecture AMD64. AMD64 has a compatibility mode that allows it to run 32-bit programs unmodified while the OS takes advantage of the bigger address space. In 2004, Intel gave in and adopted the 64-bit extensions, renaming them Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T). With 64-bit addresses, computers can access 16 exabytes (16 billion GB) of memory.

For those curious about more details of the IA-32 architecture, the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, is freely available on Intel’s Web site.

Intel and Hewlett-Packard jointly developed a new 64-bit architecture called IA-64 in the mid 1990’s. It was designed from a clean slate, bypassing the convoluted history of IA-32, taking advantage of 20 years of new research in computer architecture, and providing a 64-bit address space. However, IA-64 has yet to become a market success. Most computers needing the large address space now use the 64-bit extensions of IA-32.

6.8.7 The Big Picture

This section has given a taste of some of the differences between the MIPS RISC architecture and the IA-32 CISC architecture. IA-32 tends to have shorter programs, because a complex instruction is equivalent to a series of simple MIPS instructions and because the instructions are encoded to minimize memory use. However, the IA-32 architecture is a hodgepodge of features accumulated over the years, some of which are no longer useful but must be kept for compatibility with old programs. It has too few registers, and the instructions are difficult to decode. Merely explaining the instruction set is difficult. Despite all these failings, IA-32 is firmly entrenched as the dominant computer architecture for PCs, because the value of software compatibility is so great and because the huge market justifies the effort required to build fast IA-32 microprocessors.


To command a computer, you must speak its language. A computer architecture defines how to command a processor. Many different computer architectures are in widespread commercial use today, but once you understand one, learning others is much easier. The key questions to ask when approaching a new architecture are

What is the data word length?
What are the registers?
How is memory organized?
What are the instructions?

MIPS is a 32-bit architecture because it operates on 32-bit data. The MIPS architecture has 32 general-purpose registers. In principle, almost any register can be used for any purpose. However, by convention, certain registers are reserved for certain purposes, for ease of programming and so that procedures written by different programmers can communicate easily. For example, register 0, $0, always holds the constant 0, $ra holds the return address after a jal instruction, and $a0-$a3 and $v0 - $v1 hold the arguments and return value of a procedure. MIPS has a byte-addressable memory system with 32-bit addresses. The memory map was described in Section 6.6.1. Instructions are 32 bits long and must be word aligned. This chapter discussed the most commonly used MIPS instructions.

The power of defining a computer architecture is that a program written for any given architecture can run on many different implementations of that architecture. For example, programs written for the Intel Pentium processor in 1993 will generally still run (and run much faster) on the Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon processors in 2006.

In the first part of this book, we learned about the circuit and logic levels of abstraction. In this chapter, we jumped up to the architecture level. In the next chapter, we study microarchitecture, the arrangement of digital building blocks that implement a processor architecture. Microarchitecture is the link between hardware and software engineering. And, we believe it is one of the most exciting topics in all of engineering: you will learn to build your own microprocessor!


Exercise 6.1 Give three examples from the MIPS architecture of each of the architecture design principles: (1) simplicity favors regularity; (2) make the common case fast; (3) smaller is faster; and (4) good design demands good compromises. Explain how each of your examples exhibits the design principle.

Exercise 6.2 The MIPS architecture has a register set that consists of 32 32-bit registers. Is it possible to design a computer architecture without a register set? If so, briefly describe the architecture, including the instruction set. What are advantages and disadvantages of this architecture over the MIPS architecture?

Exercise 6.3 Consider memory storage of a 32-bit word stored at memory word 42 in a byte addressable memory.

(a) What is the byte address of memory word 42?
(b) What are the byte addresses that memory word 42 spans?
(c) Draw the number 0xFF223344 stored at word 42 in both big-endian and little-endian machines. Your drawing should be similar to Figure 6.4. Clearly label the byte address corresponding to each data byte value.

Exercise 6.4 Explain how the following program can be used to determine whether a computer is big-endian or little-endian:

li $t0, 0xABCD9876

sw $t0, 100($0)

lb $s5, 101($0)

Exercise 6.5 Write the following strings using ASCII encoding. Write your final answers in hexadecimal.

(a) SOS
(b) Cool!
(c) (your own name)

Exercise 6.6 Show how the strings in Exercise 6.5 are stored in a byte-addressable memory on (a) a big-endian machine and (b) a little-endian machine starting at memory address 0x1000100C. Use a memory diagram similar to Figure 6.4. Clearly indicate the memory address of each byte on each machine.

Exercise 6.7 Convert the following MIPS assembly code into machine language. Write the instructions in hexadecimal.

add $t0, $s0, $s1

lw $t0, 0x20($t7)

addi $s0, $0, -10

Exercise 6.8 Repeat Exercise 6.7 for the following MIPS assembly code:

addi $s0, $0, 73

sw $t1, -7($t2)

sub $t1, $s7, $s2

Exercise 6.9 Consider I-type instructions.

(a) Which instructions from Exercise 6.8 are I-type instructions?
(b) Sign-extend the 16-bit immediate of each instruction from part (a) so that it becomes a 32-bit number.

Exercise 6.10 Convert the following program from machine language into MIPS assembly language. The numbers on the left are the instruction address in memory, and the numbers on the right give the instruction at that address. Then reverse engineer a high-level program that would compile into this assembly language routine and write it. Explain in words what the program does. $a0 is the input, and it initially contains a positive number, n. $v0 is the output.

0x00400000 0x20080000
0x00400004 0x20090001
0x00400008 0x0089502a
0x0040000c 0x15400003
0x00400010 0x01094020
0x00400014 0x21290002
0x00400018 0x08100002
0x0040001c 0x01001020

Exercise 6.11 The nori instruction is not part of the MIPS instruction set, because the same functionality can be implemented using existing instructions. Write a short assembly code snippet that has the following functionality: $t0 = $t1 NOR 0xF234. Use as few instructions as possible.

Exercise 6.12 Implement the following high-level code segments using the slt instruction. Assume the integer variables g and h are in registers $s0 and $s1, respectively.

Exercise 6.13 Write a procedure in a high-level language for int find42(int array[], int size). size specifies the number of elements in the array. array specifies the base address of the array. The procedure should return the index number of the first array entry that holds the value 42. If no array entry is 42, it should return the value - 1.

Exercise 6.14 The high-level procedure strcpy copies the character string x to the character string y.

(a) Implement the strcpy procedure in MIPS assembly code. Use $s0 for i.
(b) Draw a picture of the stack before, during, and after the strcpy procedure call. Assume $sp = 0x7FFFFF00 just before strcpy is called.

Exercise 6.15 Convert the high-level procedure from Exercise 6.13 into MIPS assembly code.

This simple string copy program has a serious flaw: it has no way of knowing that y has enough space to receive x. If a malicious programmer were able to execute strcpy with a long string x, the programmer might be able to write bytes all over memory, possibly even modifying code stored in subsequent memory locations. With some cleverness, the modified code might take over the machine. This is called a buffer overflow attack; it is employed by several nasty programs, including the infamous Blaster worm, which caused an estimated $525 million in damages in 2003.

Exercise 6.16 Each number in the Fibonacci series is the sum of the previous two numbers. Table 6.16 lists the first few numbers in the series, fib(n).

Table 6.16 Fibonacci series

(a) What is fib(n) for n = 0 and n = -1?
(b) Write a procedure called fib in a high-level language that returns the Fibonacci number for any nonnegative value of n. Hint: You probably will want to use a loop. Clearly comment your code.
(c) Convert the high-level procedure of part (b) into MIPS assembly code. Add comments after every line of code that explain clearly what it does. Use the SPIM simulator to test your code on fib(9).

Exercise 6.17 Consider the MIPS assembly code below. proc1, proc2, and proc3 are non-leaf procedures. proc4 is a leaf procedure. The code is not shown for each procedure, but the comments indicate which registers are used within each procedure.

(a) How many words are the stack frames of each procedure?
(b) Sketch the stack after proc4 is called. Clearly indicate which registers are stored where on the stack. Give values where possible.

Exercise 6.18 Ben Bitdiddle is trying to compute the function f(a, b) = 2a + 3b for nonnegative b. He goes overboard in the use of procedure calls and recursion and produces the following high-level code for procedures f and f2.

Ben then translates the two procedures into assembly language as follows. He also writes a procedure, test, that calls the procedure f(5, 3).

You will probably find it useful to make drawings of the stack similar to the one in Figure 6.26 to help you answer the following questions.

(a) If the code runs starting at test, what value is in $v0 when the program gets to loop? Does his program correctly compute 2a + 3b?
(b) Suppose Ben deletes the instructions at addresses 0x0040001C and 0x00400040 that save and restore $ra. Will the program (1) enter an infinite loop but not crash; (2) crash (cause the stack to grow beyond the dynamic data segment or the PC to jump to a location outside the program); (3) produce an incorrect value in $v0 when the program returns to loop (if so, what value?), or (4) run correctly despite the deleted lines?
(c) Repeat part (b) when the instructions at the following instruction addresses are deleted:
(i) 0x00400018 and 0x00400030 (instructions that save and restore $a0)
(ii) 0x00400014 and 0x00400034 (instructions that save and restore $a1)
(iii) 0x00400020 and 0x00400040 (instructions that save and restore $s0)
(iv) 0x00400050 and 0x00400088 (instructions that save and restore $sp)
(v) 0x0040005C and 0x00400080 (instructions that save and restore $s0)
(vi) 0x00400058 and 0x00400084 (instructions that save and restore $ra)
(vii) 0x00400054 and 0x00400078 (instructions that save and restore $a0)

Exercise 6.19 Convert the following beq, j, and jal assembly instructions into machine code. Instruction addresses are given to the left of each instruction.

Exercise 6.20 Consider the following MIPS assembly language snippet. The numbers to the left of each instruction indicate the instruction address.

(a) Translate the instruction sequence into machine code. Write the machine code instructions in hexadecimal.
(b) List the addressing mode used at each line of code.

Exercise 6.21 Consider the following C code snippet.

(a) Implement the C code snippet in MIPS assembly language. Use $s0 to hold the variable i. Be sure to handle the stack pointer appropriately. The array is stored on the stack of the set_array procedure (see Section 6.4.6).
(b) Assume set_array is the first procedure called. Draw the status of the stack before calling set_array and during each procedure call. Indicate the names of registers and variables stored on the stack and mark the location of $sp.
(c) How would your code function if you failed to store $ra on the stack?

Exercise 6.22 Consider the following high-level procedure.

(a) Translate the high-level procedure f into MIPS assembly language. Pay particular attention to properly saving and restoring registers across procedure calls and using the MIPS preserved register conventions. Clearly comment your code. You can use the MIPS mult, mfhi, and mflo instructions. The procedure starts at instruction address 0x00400100. Keep local variable b in $s0.
(b) Step through your program from part (a) by hand for the case of f(2, 4). Draw a picture of the stack similar to the one in Figure 6.26(c). Write the register name and data value stored at each location in the stack and keep track of the stack pointer value ($sp). You might also find it useful to keep track of the values in $a0, $a1, $v0, and $s0 throughout execution. Assume that when f is called, $s0 = 0xABCD and $ra = 0x400004. What is the final value of $v0?

Exercise 6.23 What is the range of instruction addresses to which conditional branches, such as beq and bne, can branch in MIPS? Give your answer in number of instructions relative to the conditional branch instruction.

Exercise 6.24 The following questions examine the limitations of the jump instruction, j. Give your answer in number of instructions relative to the jump instruction.

(a) In the worst case, how far can the jump instruction (j) jump forward (i.e., to higher addresses)? (The worst case is when the jump instruction cannot jump far.) Explain using words and examples, as needed.
(b) In the best case, how far can the jump instruction (j) jump forward? (The best case is when the jump instruction can jump the farthest.) Explain.
(c) In the worst case, how far can the jump instruction (j) jump backward (to lower addresses)? Explain.
(d) In the best case, how far can the jump instruction (j) jump backward? Explain.

Exercise 6.25 Explain why it is advantageous to have a large address field, addr, in the machine format for the jump instructions, j and jal.

Exercise 6.26 Write assembly code that jumps to the instruction 64 Minstructions from the first instruction. Recall that 1 Minstruction = 220 instructions = 1,048,576 instructions. Assume that your code begins at address 0x00400000. Use a minimum number of instructions.

Exercise 6.27 Write a procedure in high-level code that takes a ten-entry array of 32-bit integers stored in little-endian format and converts it to big-endian format. After writing the high-level code, convert it to MIPS assembly code. Comment all your code and use a minimum number of instructions.

Exercise 6.28 Consider two strings: string1 and string2.

(a) Write high-level code for a procedure called concat that concatenates (joins together) the two strings: void concat(char[] string1, char[] string2, char[] stringconcat). The procedure does not return a value. It concatenates string1 and string2 and places the resulting string in stringconcat. You may assume that the character array stringconcat is large enough to accommodate the concatenated string.
(b) Convert the procedure from part (a) into MIPS assembly language.

Exercise 6.29 Write a MIPS assembly program that adds two positive single-precision floating point numbers held in $s0 and $s1. Do not use any of the MIPS floating-point instructions. You need not worry about any of the encodings that are reserved for special purposes (e.g., 0, NANs, INF) or numbers that overflow or underflow. Use the SPIM simulator to test your code. You will need to manually set the values of $s0 and $s1 to test your code. Demonstrate that your code functions reliably.

Exercise 6.30 Show how the following MIPS program would be loaded into memory and executed.

(a) First show the instruction address next to each assembly instruction.
(b) Draw the symbol table showing the labels and their addresses.
(c) Convert all instructions into machine code.
(d) How big (how many bytes) are the data and text segments?
(e) Sketch a memory map showing where data and instructions are stored.

Exercise 6.31 Show the MIPS instructions that implement the following pseudoinstructions. You may use the assembler register, $at, but you may not corrupt (overwrite) any other registers.

(a) beq $t1, imm31:0, L
(b) ble $t3, $t5, L
(c) bgt $t3, $t5, L
(d) bge $t3, $t5, L
(e) addi $t0, $2, imm31:0
(f) lw $t5, imm31:0($s0)
(g) rol $t0, $t1, 5 (rotate $t1 left by 5 and put the result in $t0)
(h) ror $s4, $t6, 31 (rotate $t6 right by 31 and put the result in $s4)

Interview Questions

The following exercises present questions that have been asked at interviews for digital design jobs (but are usually open to any assembly language).

Question 6.1 Write MIPS assembly code for swapping the contents of two registers, $t0 and $t1. You may not use any other registers.

Question 6.2 Suppose you are given an array of both positive and negative integers. Write MIPS assembly code that finds the subset of the array with the largest sum. Assume that the array’s base address and the number of array elements are in $a0 and $a1, respectively. Your code should place the resulting subset of the array starting at base address $a2. Write code that runs as fast as possible.

Question 6.3 You are given an array that holds a C string. The string forms a sentence. Design an algorithm for reversing the words in the sentence and storing the new sentence back in the array. Implement your algorithm using MIPS assembly code.

Question 6.4 Design an algorithm for counting the number of 1’s in a 32-bit number. Implement your algorithm using MIPS assembly code.

Question 6.5 Write MIPS assembly code to reverse the bits in a register. Use as few instructions as possible. Assume the register of interest is $t3.

Question 6.6 Write MIPS assembly code to test whether overflow occurs when $t2 and $t3 are added. Use a minimum number of instructions.

Question 6.7 Design an algorithm for testing whether a given string is a palindrome. (Recall, that a palindrome is a word that is the same forward and backward. For example, the words “wow” and “racecar” are palindromes.) Implement your algorithm using MIPS assembly code.

1 SPIM, the MIPS simulator that comes with this text, uses the endianness of the machine it is run on. For example, when using SPIM on an Intel IA-32 machine, the memory is little-endian. With an older Macintosh or Sun SPARC machine, memory is big-endian.

2 It is possible to construct 17-byte instructions if all the optional fields are used. However, IA-32 places a 15-byte limit on the length of legal instructions.

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