
Publisher: Denise E. M. Penrose Senior Developmental Editor: Nate McFadden Publishing Services Manager: George Morrison Project Manager: Marilyn E Rash Assistant Editor: Mary E. James Editorial Assistant: Kimberlee Honjo Cover and Editorial Illustrations: Duane Bibby Interior Design: Frances Baca Design Composition: Integra Technical Illustrations: Harris and Harris/Integra Production Services: Graphic World Inc. Interior Printer: Courier-Westford Cover Printer: Phoenix Color Corp.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Harris, David Money.

Digital design and computer architecture / David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris.-1st ed. p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 13: 978-0-12-370497-9 (alk. paper) ISBN 10: 0-12-370497-9

1. Digital electronics. 2. Logic design. 3. Computer architecture. I. Harris, Sarah L. II. Title. TK7868.D5H298 2007 621.381-dc22 2006030554

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