abstraction, modelling 108, 1203

classification 120

composition 1212

generalisation 121

idealisation 1223

abstraction, OO design 171, 172

acceptance testing see user acceptance testing

access controls 193

activity sampling 67

adaptive maintenance 262

adaptive software development 99

Agile Alliance 97

12 underlying principles 978

Agile development approach

adjustment of requirements 778

documentation 135

methodologies 268, 98100

testing 238

Agile Unified Process 100

analysis of business needs see business analysis

anti-malware software 193

Application Service Providers (ASPs) 103

architecture 2023

communication 2067

contract 214

enterprise 20710

ISO 42010 definition 202, 203, 223

management 2224

patterns 2036

principles 21011

software 21420

software tools 2723

solution 21114

stakeholders and roles 2202

‘As-Is’ and ‘To-Be’ models 110

U-curve 11011

attribute of an object, OO development 101

audit trail 1934

bar codes 156

Barker Ellis data mode 121

benefits realisation 265, 266

benefits review 44, 265

bespoke solutions 812

‘big bang’ implementation 2534

binary chop 184

black-box elements 1234

black-box techniques 2345

black- and white-box testing 125

‘b’ model of systems development 2601

Boehm, Barry, Spiral model 256, 2612

Box, George 108

break-even/payback analysis 567

business analysis 3546

definition of 38

outcomes from 445

place in development lifecycle 3844

rationale for 37

techniques 689

business analysts 63

business case 4759

cost-benefit analysis 523

elements of 501

feasibility checking 4950

impact analysis 56

investment appraisal techniques 569

in lifecycle of IT project 479

option selection 512

purpose of 47

risk analysis 536

business feasibility 41, 49

business logic layer 217

business modelling tools 2723

business objectives 266

business and project risks 546

business use cases (BUCs) 12930

CARE (computer-aided requirements engineering) 273, 276

‘cascade’ training 2523

CASE (computer-aided software engineering) 92, 272, 276

CAST (computer-aided software testing) 275, 276

change control 76, 270

change elements 445


direct/ ‘big bang’ 2534

parallel running 2545

phased 2556

pilot 255

see also implementation

check digit 1778

class 170

classification, abstraction 120

class model 171

clerical controls 1889

client-server patterns, architecture 21518

closed source/shared source software 88

cloud computing 1023

Cockburn’s use cases 1268

code design 1758

faceted codes 1767

self-checking codes 1778

sequential numbers 176

cohesion 205

commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) packages 837

communication/interoperation patterns 2067

component-based software architecture 21820

component-based software development 8891

component design 1689

component testing 234

composition, abstraction 1212

conceptual models 122

configuration management 76, 271

confirmation testing (re-testing) 235

constraints on system design 1426

context 10, 923

contextual models 122

control totals 188

corrective maintenance 262

cost-benefit analysis 523

COTS (commercial off-the-shelf solutions) 82

pros and cons of 837

coupling 2045

cross-field validation 188

cross-referencing/linking 1314, 2701

CRUD matrix 1323

Crystal clear 99

cutover see changeover

database management systems (DBMS) 17886

hierarchical databases 1789

network databases 17980

object-oriented databases 1823

physical files 1836

relational databases 1802

data controls 18990

data conversion 2478

data design 17386

code deisgn 1758

database management systems 17886

normalisation 1745

data flow diagrams 116

data input stages 1535

data interchange, system to system 163

data item, OO development 101

data layer 217

data mapping 2467

data migration 2456

data models 1223, 1734

data protection legislation 145

DBMS see database management systems

default value 190

define requirements stage, role of business analyst 412

deliverables 12, 93

on demand software 1023

Department of Defence Architecture Framework (DoDAF) 12, 210

design constraints 1426

organisational constraints 1446

project constraints 144

technical constraints 1445

design patterns 196200

design specification, static testing 2312

design stage 9

role of business analysts 423

design use cases (DUCs) 12930

developers 64

development (programming) stage 9

approaches 7981

component-based 8891

methodologies 92100

role of business analysts 423

diagrams and models 10910

pre-UML 11517

UML 11720

direct files 186

direct implementation 2534

discounted cash flow (DCF) method 578, 59

document analysis 67


COTS products 84

requirements 736

software generation of 272

support 24951

using models 1347

domain architects 220

domain experts 63

domains, architecture 2089, 21112

double-keying 187

DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) 2930, 99

dynamic testing 230

progression through stages 2367

‘V’ model test stages 2335

elicitation of requirements 647

qualitative techniques 656

quantitative techniques 667

encapsulation 101, 170

encryption 150, 193

enterprise architects 220

enterprise architecture (EA) 20710

domains 2089

frameworks 20910

strategy vs. tactics 208

entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) 116

ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) 2456

evaluation 2637

benefits review 265

metrics for 2658

post-implementation review 2645

post-project review 264

of software tools 2767

event modelling techniques 11617

evolutionary lifecycle approaches 16, 236

iterative development 235

maintenance 2612

Spiral model 256

strengths & weaknesses 1617

existence checks 187

experience-based testing 235

extended ‘V’ model 20, 39, 266

Extreme programming (XP) 99

faceted codes 1767

feasibility checking 4950

feasibility study 9, 3941

feature-driven development 99

file access/retrieval mechanisms 1856

file organisation systems 1835

sequential file organisation 1845

serial file organisation 1834

financial feasibility 41, 49

firewalls 193

focus groups 65

foreign key 181

functional fit 267

functional model map 12831, 134, 219

functional requirements 68, 139, 140

functional specification, static testing 231

Gamma, Erich, design patterns 196200

gap analysis 112


abstraction 121

OO design 171, 172

general requirements 68

‘good’ requirements, features of 6971


enterprise architecture 210, 211

solution architecture 214

hardware installation 249

hash totals 189

hierarchical architecture 206

hierarchical client-server 216

hierarchical databases 1789

hierarchical domain services 212

high-level system design 1648

coupling and cohesion 168

programming constructs 167

stepwise refinement 1667

holistic solution 211

hub-and-spoke architecture 2067

human-computer interfaces

output user interfaces 1623

user interface (UI) design 1523

hybrid lifecycle approaches 2832

IaaS (infrastructure as a service) 102

idealisation, abstraction 1223

immediate and long-term costs 523

impact analysis 56

implementation 910, 24257

data conversion 2478

data mapping 2467

documentation supporting 24951

file and data conversion or creation 2456

implementation in the lifecycle 2424

implementation plan 2567

installation of hardware and infrastructure 249

migration of software modules 2489

planning for 2445

role of business analysts 43

system implementation 2536

training 2513

Incremental lifecycle 213

and systems design 1489

testing 238

Incremental processes, modelling 1357

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 102

infrastructure installation 249

inheritance, OO design 172

input controls 1878

input devices/technologies 1567

input and output (I/O) design 15063

input design 1538

output design 15863

user interface (UI) design 1523

input user-interfaces 1578

intangible and tangible costs 52, 53, 54

integration testing 234

internal rate of return (IRR) 58, 59

interviews 65

investment appraisal techniques 569

iteration 167

iterative development 235

place of design 149

IT/IS change 44

Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) 96, 100

Kanban 99

key performance indicators (KPIs) 267

Lean Software Development (LSD) 312, 99

license issues 86, 87, 88, 103

lifecycles 834

Agile, impact of 268

choosing 323

evolutionary approach 236

hybrid approaches 2832

linear approach 1723

system development lifecycle 817

linear lifecycle approaches 15, 1723

Incremental 213

strengths & weaknesses 1516

‘V’ model 1921

Waterfall 1719

linking/cross-referencing 1314, 2701

links and cross-references 2701

logical design 1945

logical models 123

logical security 1923

long-term and immediate costs 523

loose and tight coupling, component architecture 2045

LSD (Lean Software Development) 312

maintenance 25863

categories 2623

regression testing 263

in system development lifecycle 25862

maintenance agreements COTS products 84

malware 193

management, requirements 62, 767

managers 63, 2212

Manifesto for Agile development 97

manuals, operational 250

matrices 1323

metrics for evaluation of project 2657

Model Driven Architecture (MDA) 1034

modelling 10738

abstraction 1203

cross-referencing and mapping 1314

documentation 1347

layers or levels of models 12531

limitations 11213

model element opaqueness 1235

multiple views 11415

pre-UML techniques 11517

rationale 11114

and traceability 1312

UML 11720

value of 11314

modular architecture 204

module testing 234

MoSCoW prioritisation technique 712

multiple models and views 11415

net present value (NPV) 58

network databases 17980

non-functional requirements 68, 139, 140

normalisation 1745

n-tiered software architecture 21718

object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS) 1823

object-oriented design 16972

object-oriented development (OOD) 101

object-relational mapping 182

observations 65

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) 157

off-the-shelf solutions 78, 81, 82

pros and cons of 837

offshoring 4

OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing) 163

OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) 157

online help 250

opaqueness of model elements 1235

open source software 878

operational manuals 250

operations managers 2212

optimisation 262

organisational constraints on system design 1446

organisation change 45

output controls 188

output design 15863

output user interfaces 1623

output devices/technologies 15962

outsourcing 4, 222

ownership issues 856

PaaS (platform as a service) 102

parallel running 2545

payback/break-even analysis 567

people change 45

perfective maintenance (optimisation) 262

phased implementation 2556

physical data design 195

physical files, database management 1836

physical models 123

physical process design 1956

physical security 192

pilot implementation 255

platform-agnostic (logical) design 1945

Platform as a service (PaaS) 102

point-to-point architecture 206

policies, architecture 21011

political constraints 1445

polymorphism, OO design 171, 172

post-implementation review 2645

post-implementation review, role of business analysts 43

post-project review 264

pre-numbering 188

pre-UML modelling techniques 11517

preventative maintenance 263

primary key 181

prioritisation of requirements 712

process 11

defined processes 946

empirical processes 96100

process change 445

process controls 1901

process design 16372

high-level design 1648

object-oriented design 16972

unit/component design 1689

procurement 81

programming constructs 167

programming and development approaches 79106

build vs. buy 818

component-based development 8891

development approaches 7981

methodologies 92100

software engineering paradigms 1002

technological advances, influence of 1024

program specifications 1689

static testing 232

project and business risks 546

project constraints 144

project management tools 273

project manager 63

project sponsor 63

prototyping 66

qualitative techniques 656

quality 2258

of a COTS solution 834

definition of 2278

quality triangle 226

of requirements, constraints on design 146

see also testing

quantitative techniques 667

questionnaires 66

range checks 188

Rapid Application Development (RAD) 97

Rational Unified process (RUP) 31, 136

ready-made solutions

COTS 827

Open Source software 878

record searching 67

regression testing 2356, 263

relational databases 1802

release management 2756

reliability 267

remotely delivered training 252

requirements catalogue 745

requirements engineering 9, 6078

and Agile development 778

analysis of requirements 6972

business analysis techniques 689

definition 601

documentation 736

elicitation 647

framework for 612

management 767

and off-the-shelf solutions 78

roles in 624

tools 273

validation of requirements 723

requirements specification, static testing 231


evaluative 2645

static testing 2313

RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) 157

risk analysis 536

roles 1112, 93

in architecture 220

requirements engineering 624

RUP (Rational Unified process) 31

SaaS (software as a service) 102, 103

scenarios 656

Schwaber, Ken 94

scope of design 14963

scope of solution 21314

breadth 213

depth 214

focus 213

Scrum 30, 99

SDLC see system development lifecycle

security 270

security and control design 18694

clerical controls 1889

data controls 18990

input controls 1878

output controls 188

process controls 1901

security and audit 1924

selection, programming construct 167

self-checking codes 1778, 187

sequence, programming construct 167

sequential file organisation 1845

sequential numbers, code design 176

serial file organisation 1834

service level agreements (SLAs) 267

service management tools 276

service-oriented analysis 125

service-oriented architecture 207

service-oriented development (SOD) 1012

shadowing 65

‘shared source’ software 88

SLAs (service level agreements) 267

SOD (service-oriented development) 1012

software architects 220

software architecture 21420

component-based 21820

tiered 21518

Software as a service (SaaS) 102

software development tools 2745

software engineering, definition of 80

software engineering paradigms 1002

software modules migration 2489

software/system development methodologies (SDMs) 92100

software tools

business modelling & architecture 2723

functions and benefits 26972

project management 273

release management 2756

requirements engineering 273

service management 276

software development 2745

system modelling 2734

testing 275

solution architects 220

solution development tools 26978

evaluation of 2767

functions and benefits 26972

pros and cons of adopting 277

terminology 276

through solution lifecycles 2726

solution-related architectures 20224

architecture patterns 2036

communication patterns 2067

enterprise architecture 20710

management 2224

principles 21011

roles/stakeholders 2202

software architecture 21114

solution architecture 21011

solution scope 21314

special-purpose records 67

specification of software components 219

Spiral lifecycle model 256, 2612

sponsor of project 63

spot checks 188

SSADM (Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method) 289, 95

SSM (Soft Systems Methodology) 95

stakeholders 145

architecture 2212

standardisation 270

standards, constraints of 145

Statecharts, event modelling 117

static data model notations 11516

static testing 2303

stepwise refinement 1667

storage 270

structured methods 96

structured programming (SP) 96, 100

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) 289, 95

‘super-users’ 2523

suppliers 222

surveys 66

system development lifecycle (SDLC) 834

Agile approaches 268

choice of 323

elements 1013

evolutionary approaches 236

hybrid approaches 2832

implementation in 2424

linear approaches 1723

maintenance 25862

meaning of 1317

position of systems design 1469

stages of 910

system implementation 2536

system interface layer 217

system lifecycle 1415

system modelling techniques 10738

abstraction 1203

cross-referencing 1314

documentation and specification 1347

levels of models and model elements 12531

modelling 11114

multiple models and views 11415

opaqueness of model elements 1235

pre-UML modelling techniques 11517

unified modelling language (UML) 11720

system modelling tools 2734

systems architecture 3

systems design 139201

constraints upon 1426

data design 17386

design patterns 196200

in development lifecycle 1469

logical and physical design 1946

objective of 13942

process design 16372

scope of design 14963

security and control design 18694

systems development 12

offshoring & outsourcing of 4

and other disciplines 24

systems development methodology (SDM) 924

defined processes 946

empirical process 96100

system specification, modelling notation 1346

system to system data interchange 163

system testing 234

system use cases (SUCs) 1301

‘tailor-made’ (bespoke) solutions 812

tangible and intangible costs 52, 53, 54

technical constraints on system design 1445

technical documentation 250

technical feasibility 41, 49

technical requirements 68

techniques 1213, 94

technological advances 1024

technology 80

test-driven development 99

testers 64

testing 9, 22840

7 principles of 229

components 220

dynamic stages of ‘V’ model 2335

in the lifecycle 2379

objectives and limitations 22831

progression through dynamic stages 2367

regression 2356, 263

re-testing 235

role of business analysts 423

static and dynamic 230

static stages of ‘V’ model 2313

test plans 23940

tools 275

three-tiered software architecture 216

three-view model of a system 11415

tiered/layered software architecture 206, 21518

tight and loose coupling, component architecture 2045

time value of money 57, 58, 59

touch screen technology 156

traceability 77, 271

training 2513

COTS software products 84

training needs analysis (TNA) 251

train-the-trainer 2523

‘try before you buy’ 845

two-tier, client-server 215

UAT (user acceptance testing) 43, 234, 236

U-curve process pattern 11011

Unified Modelling Language (UML) 104, 11720

events 120

functionality 11819

static data 119

Unified Process 4 + 1

architecture 1367

unique identifiers, data design 175, 176

unit/component design 1689

unit testing 234

usability 267

usability checklist 1523

use cases 1267

design scope 127

goal level 1278

usefulness of models 1089

user acceptance testing (UAT) 43, 234, 236

‘user-friendly’ checklist 1523

user guides 250

user interface (UI) design 1523

input Uls 1567

output Uls 1623

users 63, 222

user stories 76

validation of input data 1878

validation of requirements 723

verification of input data 187

verification of requirements 723

version control 76, 270

views/viewpoints 110

visibility, data control 190

visual modelling 271

‘V’ model 1921

dynamic test stages 2335

extended ‘V’ model 20, 39, 266

maintenance 260

static test stages 2313

and systems design 1478

testing 238

voice recognition 157

Waterfall lifecycle 1719

documentation 1345

maintenance 259

systems design 1467

testing 238

white-box techniques 235

white-box views 125

workshops 65

XP (Extreme programming) 99

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