Chapter 3 Review and Tests


Definitions, Concepts, and Formulas Examples

3.1 Quadratic Functions

  1. A quadratic function f is a function of the form

    f(x)=ax2+bx+c, a0.
  2. The standard form of a quadratic function is

    f(x)=a(x  h)2+k, a0.
  3. The graph of a quadratic function is a transformation of the graph of y=x2.

  4. The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola with vertex

  5. The maximum (if a<0) or minimum (if a>0) value of a quadratic function f(x)=ax2+bx+c is the y-coordinate, k, of the vertex of the parabola.

  1. Sketch the graph of f(x)=2x2+4x+6.


    We can put f into standard form:


    The graph of f is the graph of y=x2 shifted 1 unit to the right, stretched vertically by a factor of 2, reflected about the x-axis, and shifted vertically up 8 units.

    The vertex is (42(2), f (42(2)))=(1,f(1))=(1,8).

    The graph opens downward because a=2<0. The x-intercepts are 1 and 3, the solutions of the equation 2x2+4x+6=0. The domain is (, ) and the range is (, 8]. The function f is increasing on (, 1) and decreasing on (1, ). The maximum value of f is 8.

3.2 Polynomial Functions

  1. A function f of the form f(x)=anxn+an1xn1+a2x2+a1x+a0, an0, is a polynomial function of degree n.

  2. The graph of a polynomial is smooth and continuous.

  3. The end behavior of the graph of a polynomial function depends on the sign of the leading coefficient and the degree (even-odd) of the polynomial.

  4. A real number c is a zero of a function f if f(c)=0. Geometrically, c is an x-intercept of the graph of y=f(x).

  5. If in the factorization of a polynomial function f the factor (xa) occurs exactly m times, then a is a zero of multiplicity m. If m is odd, the graph of y=f(x) crosses the x-axis at a; if m is even, the graph touches but does not cross the x-axis at a.

  6. If the degree of a polynomial function f is n, then f has, at most, n real zeros and the graph of f has, at most, n1 turning points.

  7. Intermediate Value Theorem. Let f be a polynomial function and a and b be two numbers such that a<b. If f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs, then there is at least one number c, with a<c<b, for which f(c)=0.

  8. See Example 9 on page 342 for the procedure for graphing a polynomial function.

  1. Describe the end behavior of f(x)=3x45x3+7x24x+9.


    The function f(x)=3x45x3+7x24x+9 is a polynomial function of degree 4.

    Based on the fact that the leading coefficient, 3, is positive and that the degree, 4, is even, we know that the end behavior of f is similar to that of y=x4, that is:

    f(x)as x and f(x) as x.
  2. Sketch the graph of f(x)=x3x2.


    The polynomial f(x)=x3x2 can be factored as f(x)=x3x2=x2(x1). The zeros of f are x=0 and x=1, the solutions of the equation f(x)=0. The zero, 0, has multiplicity 2 because the factor (x0) occurs exactly twice. The graph touches but does not cross the x-axis at 0. The zero, 1, has multiplicity 1 because the factor (x1) occurs exactly 1 time. The graph crosses the x-axis at 1. The degree of f is 3, so f has, at most, 3 real zeros and the graph of f has, at most, 2(=31) turning points.

    Refer to Example 9 on page 342 to review sketching the graph of an equation by plotting points.

3.3 Dividing Polynomials

  1. Division Algorithm. If a polynomial F(x) is divided by a polynomial D(x)0, there are unique polynomials Q(x) and R(x) such that F(x)=D(x)Q(x)+R(x), where either R(x)=0 or deg R(x)<deg D(x). In words, “The dividend equals the product of the divisor and the quotient plus the remainder.”

  2. Synthetic division is a shortcut for dividing a polynomial F(x) by xa.

  3. Remainder Theorem. If a polynomial F(x) is divided by xa, the remainder is F(a).

  4. Factor Theorem. A polynomial function F(x) has xa as a factor if and only if F(a)=0.

  1. Use synthetic division to divide F(x)=3x3+8x2+5x4 by x+2.


    F(x)=(x+2) (3x2+2x+1)+(6)F(x)=D(x)Q(x)+R(x)Division AlgorithmAlso, F(2)=6Remainder Theorem
  2. If F(x)=x23x10, then F(5)=523(5)10=251510=0. By the Factor Theorem (x5) is a factor of F. Because x3 is a factor of G(x)=x29, G(3)=0.

3.4 The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function

  1. Rational Zeros Theorem. If pq is a rational zero in lowest terms for a polynomial function with integer coefficients, then p is a factor of the constant term and q is a factor of the leading coefficient.

  2. Descartes’s Rule of Signs. Let F be a polynomial function with real coefficients.

    1. The number of positive zeros of F is equal to the number of variations of signs of F(x) or is less than that number by an even integer.

    2. The number of negative zeros of F is equal to the number of variations of sign of F(x) or is less than that number by an even integer.

  3. Rules for Bounds on the Zeros. Suppose a polynomial F is synthetically divided by xk.

    1. If k>0 and each number in the last row is zero or positive, then k is an upper bound on the zeros of F.

    2. If k<0 and the numbers in the last row alternate in sign, then k is a lower bound on the zeros of F.

  1. Find all zeros of f(x)=2x3x29x4.


    The only rational numbers that can possibly be zeros of f(x)=2x3x29x4 are ±1, ±12, ±2, and ±4. From

    we see that 12 is a rational zero.

    So, f(x)=(x+12)(2x22x8). Because 2x22x8 has no rational zeros, 12 is the only rational zero for f. We can use the quadratic equation to solve the depressed equation 2x22x8=0, to get x=1± 172. The zeros of f are: {12,1172,1+172}.

3.5 The Complex Zeros of a Polynomial Function

  1. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. An nth-degree polynomial equation has at least one complex zero.

  2. Factorization Theorem for Polynomials. If P(x) is a polynomial of degree n1, it can be factored into n (not necessarily distinct) linear factors in the form P(x)=a(xr1)(xr2)(xrn), where a,r1,r2,,rn are complex numbers.

  3. Number of Zeros Theorem. A polynomial of degree n has exactly n complex zeros, provided a zero of multiplicity k is counted k times.

  4. Conjugate Pairs Theorem. If a+bi is a zero of the polynomial function P (with real coefficients), then abi is also a zero of P.

  1. Find all the zeros of f(x)=x36x2+13x10, given that 2+i is one of its zeros.


    The polynomial f(x)=x36x2+13x10 has at least one and at most three real zeros.

    Because 2+i is a zero of f(x)=x36x2+13x10, its conjugate 2i is also a zero of f.

    By the factorization theorem the product (x[2+i])(x[2i])=x24x+5 is a factor of f(x). Dividing f(x) by x24x+5, we get the quotient: x2. So, f(x)=(x2)(x24x+5). The three zeros of f are: {2,2i,2+i}.

3.6 Rational Functions

  1. A function f(x)=N(x)D(x), where N(x) and D(x) are polynomials and D(x)0, is called a rational function. The domain of f is the set of all real numbers except the real zeros of D(x).

  2. The line x=a is a vertical asymptote of the graph of f if |f(x)| as xa+ or as xa.

  3. If N(x)D(x) is in lowest terms, then the graph of f has vertical asymptotes at the real zeros of D(x).

  4. The line y=k is a horizontal asymptote of the graph of f if f(x)k as x or as x.

  5. The line y=mx+b is an oblique asymptote of the graph of f if the degree of N(x) is exactly one more than the degree of D(x).

  6. A procedure for graphing rational functions is given on page 392.

  1. Find the asymptotes of f(x)=x2x6x2+x+2.


    The rational function f(x)=x2x6x2+x+2=(x3)(x+2)(x+1)(2x) has domain (,1)(1,2)(2,) because 1 and 2 are zeros of the denominator polynomial.

    Because f is in lowest terms, the lines x=1 and x=2 are vertical asymptotes of the graph of f.

    The line y=11=1 is a horizontal asymptote of the graph of f.

  2. Find the asymptotes of f(x)=x2+1x.


    The line y=x is an oblique asymptote of the graph of the rational function f(x)=x2+1x=x+1x.

    A procedure for graphing rational functions is given on page 392.

3.7 Variation

k is a nonzero constant called the constant of variation.

Variation Equation
y varies directly with x. y=kx
y varies with the nth power of x. y=kxn
y varies inversely with x. y=kx
y varies inversely with the nth power of x. y=kxn
z varies jointly with the nth power of x and the mth power of y. z=kxnym
z varies directly with the nth power of x and inversely with the mth power of y. y=kxnym
  1. Write an equation for each statement.

    1. The distance s a body falls in t seconds is directly proportional to the square of the time t.


    2. In a circuit with constant voltage, the current I varies inversely with the resistance R of the circuit.


    3. The volume V of a rectangular container of fixed length varies jointly with its depth d and width w.


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