Chapter 1 Review and Tests


Definitions, Concepts, and Formulas Examples

1.1 Linear Equations in One Variable

  1. An equation is a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal.

  2. The solutions or roots of an equation are those values (if any) of the variable that satisfy the equation.

  3. Equivalent equations are equations that have the same solution set.

  4. You can generate equivalent equations using the operations given on page 83.

  5. A formula is an equation that expresses a relationship between two or more variables.

  6. The standard form of a conditional linear equation in x is ax+b=0, a0.

Solve the equation 5x+3=2(x+1)+7.


5x+3=2x+2+7Distributive property5x+3=2x+9Simplify.5x+33=2x+93Subtract 3 from both sides.5x=2x+6Simplify.5x2x=2x+62xSubtract 2x from both sides.3x=6Simplify.x=2Divide both sides by 3.

Each equation above is equivalent to the preceding equation, and so to one another.

1.2 Applications of Linear Equations

Modeling and Solving an Applied Problem

  1. Step 1 Read the problem.

  2. Step 2 Assign a variable.

  3. Step 3 Write an equation.

  4. Step 4 Solve the equation.

  5. Step 5 Answer the original question.

  6. Step 6 Check the answer using the information in the original problem.

A bus leaves Houston heading for New Orleans traveling at 40 mph. Three hours later a motorcycle leaves Houston heading for New Orleans traveling at 55 mph on the same route as the bus. How far is the motorcycle from Houston when it overtakes the bus?


Use the d=rt formula and let t represent the time it takes the motorcycle to overtake the bus. We need this time to find the distance.

Organize the given information.

Object r, mph t, hours d=rt
Motorcycle 55 t 55t
Bus 40 t+3 40(t+3)
55t=40(t+3)Both traveled the samedistance over time t.55t=40t+120Distributive property55t40t=120Subtract 40t from bothsides and simplify15t=120Simplify.t=8Divide both sides by 15.

It takes the motorcycle 8 hours to overtake the bus. Since the motorcycle travels at 55 mph, it travels 855=440 miles and overtakes the bus 440 miles from Houston.

The bus travels t+3=8+3=11 hours at 40 mph, so it travels 1140=440 miles also.

1.3 Quadratic Equations

  1. The equation ax2+bx+c=0, a0, is the standard form of the quadratic equation in x.

  2. Zero-product property: Let A and B be two algebraic expressions. Then AB=0 if and only if A=0 or B=0.

  3. Square root method: If u2=d, then u=±d.

  4. Method for completing the square:

    Add (12b)2 to x2+bx to get the perfect square (x+12b)2. See page 110.

  5. Quadratic formula: x=b±b24ac2a

  1. Solve by using the zero-product property:


x2+8x+15=0(x+5)(x+3)=0Factor x2+8x+15.x+5=0orx+3=0Set each factor equal to 0.x=5orx=3Solve each equation.

The solution set is {5,3}.

  1. Solve x2+10x2=0 by completing the square.


x2+10x=2Add 2 to both sides;simplify.x2+10x+52=2+52Add [12(10)]2=52 toboth sides.(x+5)2=27Factor the left side;simplify.x+5=±27=±33Take the square root ofboth sides27=93x+5=33orx+5=33Rewritex+5=±33x=5+33orx=533Subtract 5 fromeach equation.

The solution set is {5+33, 533}.

1.4 Complex Numbers: Quadratic Equations with Complex Solutions

  1. Complex numbers are of the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers and i=1;i2=1.

  2. The number abi is called the complex conjugate of a+bi.

  3. Operations with complex numbers can be performed as if they are binomials with the variable i. Set i2=1 to simplify.

    Division is performed by first multiplying the numerator and the denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator.

  4. The quantity b24ac in the quadratic formula is called the discriminant(=D).

  5. If D>0, the quadratic equation has two distinct real solutions.

    If D=0, there is one real solution.

    If D<0, there are two nonreal complex solutions, and they are conjugates.

The complex number 2+13i, has real part 2 and imaginary part 13.

The complex conjugate of 2+13i is 213i,




For 4x2+4x7=0, we have a=4, b=4, and c=7. Then D=b24ac=4244(7)=128>0, so 4x2+4x7=0 has two distinct real solutions.

1.5 Solving Other Types of Equations

Some equations can be recognized as quadratic in form by replacing a recurrent expression by a variable, solving the resulting quadratic equation, replacing the variable by the recurrent expression, and solving the equations that result.

Many types of equations can be solved by factoring. However, it is possible to introduce extraneous solutions when solving rational equations, equations involving radicals, or equations involving rational exponents. Remember to check the solutions.

Extraneous solutions may be introduced when you:

  1. Multiply both sides by an LCD that contains a variable.

  2. Raise both sides to an even power.

Solve x410x2+9=0.


We rewrite x410x2+9=0 as (x2)210x2+9=0 and then replace x2 by u to get u210u+9=0.

(u9)(u1)=0Factor u210u+9=0.u9=0oru1=0u=9oru=1Set each factor equal to 0.Solve each equation.x2=9orx2=1x=±3orx=±1Replace u by x2.Extract square roots.

The solutions set is {3, 1, 1, 3}.

1.6 Inequalities

  1. An inequality is a statement that one algebraic expression is less than or is less than or equal to another algebraic expression.

  2. The real numbers that result in a true statement when those numbers are substituted for the variable in the inequality are called solutions of the inequality.

  3. A linear inequality is an inequality that can be written in the form ax+b<0. The symbol < can be replaced with , >, or .

  4. Test points can be used to solve polynomial or rational inequalities. See page 151.

Solve 4(x+1)3x+7


4x+43x+7Distributive property4x3x+3Subtract 4 from each side and simplify.x3Subtract 3x from each side and simplify.

The solution set is [3, ).

Solve x2+x12>0


(x+4)(x3)>0Factor.x+4=0orx3=0Set each factor equal to 0.x=4orx=3Solve each equation.

The points 4 and 3 determine the intervals (, 4), (4, 3), and (3, ).

Choose a test point in each interval; we choose: 5, 0, and 4.

Test: 5 in (x+4)(x3) to get (5+4)(53)=8>0.

Test: 0 in (x+4)(x3) to get (0+4)(03)=12<0.

Test: 4 in (x+4)(x3) to get (4+4)(43)=8>0.

So x2+x12>0 in the intervals containing 5 and 4. The solution set is (, 4)(3, ).

1.7 Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Value

  1. Definition; |a|=a if a0 and |a|=a if a<0.

  2. Let u be a variable or an algebraic expression and let a>0.


  1. |u|=a if and only if u=a or u=a.

  2. |u|<a if and only if a<u<a.

  3. |u|>a if and only if u<a or u>a.

The properties in (a) and (b) are valid if < and > are replaced with and , respectively.

  1. Solve |3x2|=7


|3x2|=7 if and only if 3x2=7 or 3x2=7.

3x=5or3x=9Add 2 to each equation and simplify.x=53orx=3Divide each equation by 3 andsimplify.

The solution set is {53, 3}.

  1. Solve |2x+3|<15


|2x+3|<15 if and only if 15<2x+3<15.

18<2x<12Subtract 3 from each part and simplify.9<x<6Divide each part by 2 and simplify.

The solution set is (9, 6).

  1. Solve |5x7|>8


|5x7|>8 if and only if 5x7<8 or 5x7>8.

5x<1or5x>15Add 7 to each part and simplify.x<15orx>3Divide each part by 5 and simplify.

The solution set is (,  15)(3, ).

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