Section 8.3 Geometric Sequences and Series

Before Starting this Section, Review

  1. 1 The general term of a sequence (Section 8.1 , page 716)

  2. 2 Graphing exponential functions (Section 4.1 , page 425)

  3. 3 Partial sums (Section 8.1 , page 724)

  4. 4 Compound interest (Section 4.1 , page 431)


  1. 1 Identify a geometric sequence and find its common ratio.

  2. 2 Find the sum of a finite geometric sequence.

  3. 3 Solve annuity problems.

  4. 4 Find the sum of an infinite geometric sequence.

Spreading the Wealth

Cities across the nation compete to host a Super Bowl. Cities across the world compete to host the Olympic Games. What is the incentive? The multiplier effect is often listed among the benefits for hosting one of these events. The effect refers to the phenomenon that occurs when money spent directly on an event has a ripple effect on the economy that is many times the amount spent directly on the event.

Suppose, for example, that $10 million is spent directly by tourists for hotels, meals, tickets, cabs, and so on. Some portion of that amount will be respent by its recipients on groceries, clothes, gas, and so on.

This process is repeated over and over, affecting the economy much more than the initial $10 million spent. Under certain assumptions, the spending just described results in an infinite geometric series, whose sum is called the multiplier. Example 10 illustrates this effect.

Geometric Sequence

  1. 1 Identify a geometric sequence and find its common ratio.

When the ratio (an+1an)(an+1an) of any two consecutive terms of a sequence is always the same number, the sequence is called a geometric sequence. In other words, the sequence a1, a2, a3, a4, a1, a2, a3, a4,  is a geometric sequence if

a2a1= a3a2=a4a3=.
a2a1= a3a2=a4a3=.

Example 1 Finding the Common Ratio

Find the common ratio for each geometric sequence.

  1. 2, 10, 50, 250, 1250, 2, 10, 50, 250, 1250, 

  2. 162, 54, 18, 6, 2, 162, 54, 18, 6, 2, 


  1. The common ratio is 102=5 (or 5010, 25050, or 1250250).102=5 (or 5010, 25050, or 1250250).

  2. The common ratio is 54162=13(or 1854, 618, or 26).54162=13(or 1854, 618, or 26).

Practice Problem 1

  1. Find the common ratio for the geometric sequence 6, 18, 54,162, 486, … .

A geometric sequence can be completely specified by giving the first term a1a1 and the common ratio r. Suppose, for example, that we are told that the sequence a1, a2, a3, a4, a1, a2, a3, a4,  is geometric and that a1=3a1=3 and r=4r=4. Then we can find a2:a2:

a2a1=4,  so a2=4a1=43=12.
a2a1=4,  so a2=4a1=43=12.

Now we continue:

a3a2=4,  so a3=4a2=412=48;a4a3=4,  so a4=4a3=448=192; and so on.
a3a2a4a3==4,  so a3=4a2=412=48;4,  so a4=4a3=448=192; and so on.

By rewriting an+1an=ran+1an=r as an+1=ran,an+1=ran, we have a recursive definition of a geometric sequence.

Example 2 Determining Whether a Sequence Is Geometric

Determine whether each sequence is geometric. If it is, find the first term and the common ratio.

  1. an=4nan=4n

  2. bn=32nbn=32n

  3. cn=15ncn=15n


  1. The sequence 4, 16, 64, 256, , 4n, 4, 16, 64, 256, , 4n,  appears to be geometric, with a1=41=4a1=41=4 and r=4.r=4. To verify this, we check that an+1an=4an+1an=4 for all n1.n1.

    an+1=4n+1Replace n with n+1 in the general term
    an+1an+1an==4n+14n+14n=4Replace n with n+1 in the general term an=4n.4n+14n=4n44n=4

    Consequently, an+1an=4 for all n1, and the sequence is geometric.

  2. The sequence 32, 34, 38, 316, appears to be geometric, with b1=32 and r=12.

    To verify this, we check that bn+1bn=12 for all n1.

    bn+1=32n+1Replace n with n+1 in the general term÷32nbn+1bn=bn+1÷bn=32n+12n3=122n+1=2n2

    Consequently, bn+1bn=12 for all n  1, and the sequence is geometric.

  3. The sequence 4, 24, 124, 624, , 15n,  is not a geometric sequence because not all pairs of consecutive terms have identical quotients, an+1an. The quotient of the first two terms is 244=6, but the quotient of the third and second terms is 12424=316.

Practice Problem 2

  1. Determine whether the sequence an=(32)n is geometric. If so, find the first term and the common ratio.

From the equation an+1=anr used in the recursive definition of a geometric sequence, we see that each term after the first is obtained by multiplying the preceding term by the common ratio r.

Example 3 Finding Terms in a Geometric Sequence

For the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9, 27, …, find each of the following:

  1. a1

  2. r

  3. an


  1. The first term of the sequence is given: a1=1.

  2. The sequence is geometric, so we can take the ratio of any two consecutive terms, an+1an. The ratio of the first two terms gives us

  3. an=a1rn1Formula for the nth term=(1)(3n1)Replace a1 with 1 and r with 3.=3n1

Practice Problem 3

  1. For the geometric sequence 2, 65, 1825, 54125, , find the following:

    1. a1.

    2. r.

    3. an.

We can rewrite the formula for the nth term of a geometric sequence as follows:

an=a1rn1an=a1rnrRules of,where A=a1r and B=r

We conclude that the nth term of this geometric sequence (with ratio r>0) is the value of the exponential (type) function f(x)=ABx for x=n. That is, an=f(n).

This means that the points on the graph of the geometric sequence (with ratio r>0) lie on the graph of the exponential (type) function f(x)=ABx

When r<0, the geometric sequence alternates its sign. Setting r=s, we see that the points representing our sequence alternate between the graphs of two exponential (type) functions f(x)=a1rsx and g(x)=a1rsx (we explore this further in Exercise 116).

Example 4 Graphing a Geometric Sequence

Graph the geometric sequence

8, 4, 2, 1, 12,

and use the graph to find an expression for the nth term.


To graph this sequence, we plot the points (n, an) for n=1, 2, 3. The first five points are

(1, 8), (2, 4), (3, 2), (4, 1), (5, 12), 

Our sequence has a constant (positive) sign, so the ratio r is greater than 0. To fit an exponential (type) function ABx to our sequence, we first find B as a common ratio of consecutive sequence terms.


Second, we use the fact the graph passes through the point (1, 8) to find the constant A.

y=A(12)x8=A(12)1Substitute x=1 and y=8.8=A12Simplify.A=16Solve for A.

The exponential (type) function that produces this sequence is f(x)=16(12)x, and the general term for this sequence is an=f(n)=16(12)n (see Figure 8.5).

Figure 8.5

Practice Problem 4

  1. Repeat Example 4 for the sequence 13, 23, 43, 83, 163,

Example 5 Finding a Particular Term in a Geometric Sequence

Find the 23rd term of a geometric sequence whose first term is 10 and whose common ratio is 1.2.


an=a1rn1Formula for the nth terma23=10(1.2)231Replace n with 23, a1 with 10, and r with 1.2.=10(1.2)22Exact value552.06Use a calculator.

Practice Problem 5

  1. Find the 18th term of a geometric sequence whose first term is 7 and whose common ratio is 1.5.

Example 6 Finding the Number of Terms of a Geometric Sequence

Find the number of terms of the geometric sequence 4, 2, 1, 12, 14, , 164.


The given geometric sequence has first term a1=4 and common ratio r=24=12.

Let the nth term be 164. Then

an=164a1rn1=164an=a1rn14(12)n1=164a1=4, r=12(12)n1=1464=1256Divide both sides by 4.(12)n1=(12)81256=128=(12)8n1=8am=an implies m=n.n=9Solve for n.

There are 9 terms in the given sequence.

Practice Problem 6

  1. Find the number of terms of the geometric sequence 19, 13, 1, 3, , 243.

Finding the Sum of a Finite Geometric Sequence

  1. 2 Find the sum of a finite geometric sequence.

We can find a formula for the sum Sn of the first n terms in a geometric sequence. (We have already found a similar formula for arithmetic sequences.)

Sn=a1+a1r+a1r2+a1r3++a1rn1Definition of SnrSn=a1r+a1r2+a1r3+a1r4++a1rnMultiply both sides by r.SnrSn=a1a1rnSubtract the second equation from the first.(1r)Sn=a1(1rn)Factor both sides.Sn=a1(1rn)1r, r1Divide both sides by 1r.

A geometric sequence with r=1 is a sequence in which all terms are identical; that is, an=a1(1)n1=a1. Consequently, the sum of the first n terms, Sn, is

a1+a1++a1n terms=na1.

Example 7 Finding the Sum of Terms of a Finite Geometric Sequence

Find each sum.

  1. 15i=15(0.7)i1

  2. 15i=15(0.7)i


  1. We can evaluate 15i=15(0.7)i1 by using the formula for Sn=ni=1a1ri1=a1(1rn)1r, where a1=5, r=0.7, and n=15.

    S15=15i=1a1ri1=5[1(0.7)1510.7]Replace a1 with 5, r=0.7, and n=15.16.5875Use a calculator.
  2. 15i=15(0.7)i=(0.7)15i=15(0.7)i1Factor out 0.7 from each term.(0.7)(16.5875)From part a=11.6113

Practice Problem 7

  1. Find the sum 17i=13(0.4)i.


  1. 3 Solve annuity problems.

One of the most important applications of the sum of a finite geometric sequence is the computation of the value of an annuity. An annuity is a sequence of equal periodic payments. When a fixed rate of compound interest applies to all payments, the sum of all of the payments made plus all interest can be found by using the formula for the sum of a finite geometric sequence. The value of an annuity (also called the future value of an annuity) is the sum of all payments and interest. To develop a formula for the value of an annuity, we suppose $P is deposited at the end of each year at an annual interest rate i compounded annually.

The compound interest formula A=P(1+i)t gives the total value after t years when $P earns an annual interest rate i (in decimal form) compounded once a year. At the end of the first year, the initial payment of $P is made and the annuity’s value is $P. At the end of the second year, $P is again deposited. At this time, the first deposit has earned interest during the second year. The value of the annuity after two years is

P+P(1+i).Payment made at the end of year 2First payment plus interest earned for one year

The value of the annuity after three years is

P+P(1+i)+P(1+i)2Payment madeat the end ofyear 3Second paymentplus interest earnedfor one yearSecond paymentplus interest earnedfor one year

The value of the annuity after t years is

P+P(1+i)+P(1+i)2+P(1+i)3++P(1+i)t1.Payment made at the end of year t First payment plus interest earned for t1 year

The value of the annuity after t years is the sum of a geometric sequence with first term a1=P and common ratio r=1+i. We compute this sum A as follows:

A=Sn=a1(1rn)1rFormula for SnA=P[1(1+i)t]1(1+i)Replace n with t, a1 with P, and r with 1+i.=P[1(1+i)t]iSimplify.=P[(1+i)t1]iMultiply numerator and denominator by 1.

If interest is compounded n times per year and equal payments are made at the end of each compounding period, we adjust the formula as we did in Section 3.1 to account for the more frequent compounding.

Example 8 Finding the Value of an Annuity

An individual retirement account (IRA) is a common way to save money to provide funds after retirement. Suppose you make payments of $1200 into an IRA at the end of each year at an annual interest rate of 4.5% per year, compounded annually. What is the value of this annuity after 35 years?


Each annuity payment is P=$1200. The annual interest rate is 4.5% (so i=0.045), and the number of years is t=35. Because interest is compounded annually, n=1. The value of the annuity is

A=1200[(1+0.0451)(1)3510.0451]=$97,795.94Use a calculator.

The value of the IRA after 35 years is $97,795.94.

Practice Problem 8

  1. If in Example 7 the end-of-year payments are $1500, the annual interest rate remains 4.5%, compounded annually, and the payments are made for 30 years, what is the value of the annuity?

Infinite Geometric Series

  1. 4 Find the sum of an infinite geometric sequence.

The sum Sn of the first n terms of a geometric series is given by the formula Sn=a1(1rn)1r.

If this finite sum Sn approaches a number S as n (that is, as n gets larger and larger), we say that S is the sum of the infinite geometric series, and we write


If r is any real number with 1<r<1 (equivalently, |r|<1), then the value of rn, like the value of (12)n, gets closer and closer to 0 as n gets larger and larger. We indicate that the values of rn approach 0 by writing

limnrn=0 if |r|<1.

The expression limnrn is read “the limit, as n approaches infinity, of r to the n” or “the limit, as n approaches infinity, of r to the nth power.”

When |r|<1,

Sn=a1(1rn)1ra1(10)1r=a11r as n .

When |r|1, the infinite geometric series does not have a sum. This is because the value of rn does not approach 0 as n. For example, if r=2, we have

21=2, 22=4, 23=8, 24=16, 25=32, 26=64, .

Example 9 Finding the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series

Find the sum 2+32+98+2732+.


The first term is a1=2, and the common ratio is


Because |r|=34<1, we can use the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series.

S=a11rFormula for S=2134Replace a1 with 2 and r with 34.=8Simplify.

Practice Problem 9

  1. Find the sum 3+2+43+89+.

Example 10 Calculating the Multiplier Effect

The host city for the Super Bowl expects that tourists will spend $10,000,000. Assume that 80% of this money is spent again in the city, then 80% of this second round of spending is spent again, and so on. In the introduction to this section, we said that such a spending pattern results in a geometric series whose sum is called the multiplier. Find this series and its sum.


We start our series with the $10,000,000 brought into the city and add the subsequent amounts spent.

10,000,000+10,000,000(0.80)+10,000,000(0.80)2+10,000,000(0.80)3+original80% of80% of80% of10,000,00010,000,000previous amountprevious amount

Using the formula i=1ari1=a1r for the sum of an infinite geometric series, we have


This amount should shed some light on why there is so much competition to serve as the host city for a major sports event.

Practice Problem 10

  1. Find the series and the sum that results in Example 10 , assuming that 85%, rather than 80%, occurs in the repeated spending.

Section 8.3 Exercises

Concepts and Vocabulary

  1. If 5 is the common ratio of a geometric sequence with ­general term an, then a63a62=_.

  2. If 5 is the common ratio of a geometric sequence with general term an and a15=2, then a16=_.

  3. If 24 is the term immediately following the sequence term 8 in a geometric sequence, then the common ratio is                           .

  4. An infinite geometric series a1+a1r+a1r2+ does not have a sum if _1.

  5. True or False. If the sum of an infinite geometric series having the common ratio r=13 is S=15, then a1=10.

  6. True or False. The sum of an infinite geometric series can never be negative.

  7. True or False. The general term for a geometric sequence with first term a1 and common ratio r is an=a1rn.

  8. True or False. nk=5ak=nk=1ak4k=1ak.

Building Skills

In Exercises 9–28, determine whether each sequence is ­geometric. If it is, find the first term and the common ratio.

  1. 3, 6, 12, 24, ….

  2. 2, 4, 8, 16, …

  3. 1, 5, 10, 20, …

  4. 1, 1, 3, 3, 9, 9, …

  5. 1, 3, 9, 27, 

  6. 1, 2, 4, 8, 

  7. 7, 7, 7, 7, 

  8. 1, 2, 4, 8, 

  9. 9, 3, 1, 13,

  10. 5, 2, 45, 825, 

  11. an=(12)n

  12. an=5(23)n

  13. an=2n1

  14. an=(1.06)n1

  15. an=7n2+1

  16. an=1(2n)2

  17. an=3n

  18. an=50(0.1)n

  19. an=5n/2

  20. an=7n

In Exercises 29–36, find the first term a1, the common ratio r, and the nth term an for each geometric sequence.

  1. 2, 10, 50, 250, …

  2. 3, 6, 12, 24, 

  3. 5, 103, 209, 4027, 

  4. 1, 3, 3, 33, 

  5. 0.2, 0.6, 1.8,5.4, 

  6. 1.3, 0.26, 0.052, 0.0104, 

  7. π4, π6, π8, π10, 

  8. e2, 1,e2,e4, 

In Exercises 37–42, graph the geometric sequence and use the graph to find an expression for the nth term.

  1. 6, 12, 24, 48, 96,…

  2. 12, 32, 92, 272, 812,

  3. 36, 12, 4, 43, 49,

  4. 12, 6, 3, 32, 34,

  5. 45,165,645,2565,10245,

  6. 45,15,5,53,59,

In Exercises 43–52, find the indicated term of each geometric sequence.

  1. a7 when a1=5 and r=2

  2. a7 when a1=8 and r=3

  3. a10 when a1=3 and r=2

  4. a10 when a1=7 and r=2

  5. a6 when a1=116 and r=3

  6. a6 when a1=181 and r=3

  7. a9 when a1=1 and r=52

  8. a9 when a1=4 and r=34

  9. a20 when a1=500 and r=12

  10. a20 when a1=1000 and r=110

In Exercises 53–58, find the number of terms of the given ­geometric sequence.

  1. 5, 10, 20, …, 5120

  2. 2, 6, 18, …, 4374

  3. 16, 8, 4, , 132

  4. 27, 9, 3, ,127

  5. 18, 12, 8, , 512729

  6. 25, 15, 9, , 729625

In Exercises 59–64, find the sum Sn of the first n terms of each geometric sequence.

  1. 110, 12, 52, 252, ; n=10

  2. 6, 2, 23, 29, ; n=10

  3. 125,15, 1, 5, ; n=12

  4. 10, 110, 11000, 1100,000, ; n=12

  5. 5, 54, 542, 543, ; n=8

  6. 2, 25, 252, 253, ; n=8

In Exercises 65–72, find each sum.

  1. 5i=1(12)i1

  2. 5i=1(15)i1

  3. 8i=13(23)i1

  4. 8i=12(35)i1

  5. 10i=32i14

  6. 10i=35i12

  7. 20i=1(35)(52)i1

  8. 20i=1(14)(32i)

In Exercises 73–78, use a calculator to find each sum. Round your answers to three decimal places.

  1. 15+110+120++1320

  2. 2+6+18++1458

  3. 10n=13n2

  4. 15n=1(17)n1

  5. 10n=1(1)n132n

  6. 20n=1(4)3n

In Exercises 79–88, find each sum.

  1. 13+19+127+181+

  2. 52+54+58+516+

  3. 12+1418+116

  4. 32+3438+316+

  5. 82+1218+

  6. 135+92527125+

  7. n=05(13)n

  8. n=03(14)n

  9. n=0(14)n

  10. n=0(13)n

Applying the Concepts

  1. Population growth.  The population in a small town is increasing at the rate of 3% per year. If the present population is 20,000, what will the population be at the end of five years?

  2. Growth of a zoo collection.  The butterfly collection at a local zoo started with only 25 butterflies. If the number of butterflies doubled each month, how many butterflies were in the collection after 12 months?

  3. Savings growth.  Ramón deposits $100 on the last day of each month into a savings account that pays 6% annually, compounded monthly. What is the balance in the account after 36 compounding periods?

  4. Savings growth.  Kat deposits $300 semiannually into a savings account for her son. If the account pays 8% annually, compounded semiannually, what is the balance in the account after 20 compounding periods?

  5. Ancestors.  Every person has two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so on. Find the number of ancestors a person has in the tenth generation back.

  6. Bacterial growth.  A colony of bacteria doubles in number every day. If there are 1000 bacteria now, how many will there be

    1. On the 7th day?

    2. On the nth day?

  7. Investment.  An actuarial firm budgets a new position at $36,000 for the first year and a 5% raise each year ­thereafter. Find the total compensation a successful ­applicant for the job would receive during the first 20 years of employment.

  8. Investment.  A realtor offers two choices of payment for a small condominium:

    1. Pay $4000 per month for the next 25 months.

    2. Pay 1¢ the first month, 2¢ the second month, 4¢ the third month, and so on for 25 months.

      Which option, a or b, is the better choice for the buyer? Explain your reasoning.

  9. Pendulum motion.  The distance traveled by any point on a certain pendulum is 20% less than in the ­preceding swing. If the length traveled by the pendulum bob during the first swing is 56.25 centimeters, find the total distance the bob has traveled at the end of the fifth swing.

  10. Depreciating a tractor.  Every year a tractor loses 20% of the value it had at the beginning of the year. If the tractor now has a value of $120,000, what will its value be in five years?

  11. Rebounding ball.  A particular ball always rebounds 35 the distance it falls. If the ball is dropped from a height of 5 meters, how far will it travel before coming to a stop?

  12. Rebounding ball.  Repeat Exercise 99, assuming that the ball is dropped from a height of 9 meters.

In Exercises 101 and 102, at each stage the objects are being generated following the depicted pattern. Verify that the total number of shaded objects at each stage is a term of a ­geometric sequence and determine the total number of shaded objects at the 10th stage.

In Exercises 103 and 104, the accompanying figure shows an infinite sequence of successively smaller objects. At each stage the size of the sides of the objects is half the size of the sides from the preceding stage. The area of the largest object is 1. Verify that the total area of the shaded objects at each stage forms a term of a geometric sequence and find the sum of all terms in this infinite sequence.

  1. The accompanying figure shows the first six squares in an infinite sequence of successively smaller squares formed by connecting the midpoints of the sides of the preceding larger square. The area of the largest square is 1. Find the total area of the indicated sections that are shaded as the number of squares increases to infinity.

  2. The accompanying figure shows the first three equilateral ­triangles in an infinite sequence of successively smaller equilateral triangles formed by connecting the midpoints of the sides of the preceding larger triangle. The largest ­triangle has sides of length 4. Find the total perimeter of all of the triangles.

Beyond the Basics

  1. Prove that if a1, a2, a3,  is a geometric sequence of positive terms, then the sequence ln a1, ln a2, ln a3,  is an arithmetic sequence.

  2. Prove that if a1, a2, a3,  is a geometric sequence, then a21,a22,a23,  is also a geometric sequence.

  3. Show that if a1, a2, a3,  is a geometric sequence with common ratio r, then 1a1, 1a2, 1a3,  is also a geometric sequence. Also find its common ratio.

  4. Show that if c is any nonzero real number, then c2, c, 1, 1c,  is a geometric sequence.

  5. Show that if x is any nonzero real number, then x,2, 4x, 8x2,  is a geometric sequence.

  6. Show that if a and x are any two nonzero real numbers, then xa, 1, ax,a2x2,  is a geometric sequence.

  7. Show that if a, x, and y are any three nonzero real numbers, then ax,axy, axy2, axy3,  is a geometric sequence.

  8. Show that if a1, a2, a3,  is an arithmetic sequence with common difference d, then 2a1, 2a2, 2a3,  is a geometric sequence. Also find its common ratio.

Critical Thinking / Discussion / Writing

  1. Consider two sequences given by the general terms


    Verify that each sequence is geometric. Write the general term of each sequence in the form ABn. Discuss the result.

  2. Graph the geometric sequence

    4,2, 1,12, 14,.

    Note that the points representing this sequence alternate between the graphs of two functions. What are these two functions? Identify the number that the values of an approach as n.

  3. If an denotes the nth term of an arithmetic sequence with a1=10 and d=2.7 and if bn denotes the nth term of a geometric sequence with b1=10 and r=2, which ­number is larger, a1001 or b1001 ?

  4. If the sum a1(1rn)1r of the first n terms of a geometric sequence is 1023, find a1 when n=10 and r=12.

  5. Find n and k so that the sum 5+52+522++5215 can be written as ni=052i or as ki=152i1.

  6. The sum of three consecutive terms of a geometric sequence is 35, and their product is 1000. Find the numbers.

    [Hint: Let ar, a, and ar be the three terms of the geometric sequence.]

  7. The sum of three consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence is 15. If 1, 4, and 19 are respectively added to the three terms, the resulting numbers form three consecutive terms of a geometric sequence. Find the numbers.

  8. The product of the first three terms of a geometric sequence is 1000. If 6 is added to the second term and 7 is added to the third term, the resulting numbers form the three consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequences. Find the numbers.

Getting Ready for the Next Section

In Exercises 123–126, a statement Pn involving positive integers n is given. Write the statements P3 and P4. State whether P3 and P4 are true or false.

  1. Pn:n(n+1) is even.

  2. Pn:n3+n is divisible by 3.

  3. Pn:1+2+3++n=n(n+1)2

  4. Pn:2n>3n

In Exercises 127–130, a statement Pn involving a positive ­integer n is given. Write the statement Pn+1.

  1. Pn:n2+n is divisible by 2.

  2. Pn: 23n1 is divisible by 7.

  3. Pn: 3n>5n

  4. Pn: 1+4+7++(3n2)=12n(3n1)

  5. Show that k(k+1)2+(k+1)=(k+1)(k+2)2.

  6. Show that 16k(k+1)(2k+1)+(k+1)2=16(k+1)(k+2)(2k+3).

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