
Accenture, 193

accountability, 184

affinity marketing, 4647

Airbnb, 155, 171

Akamai, 62

Alba, Jessica, 8890

Alibaba, 128129, 159

Alphabet, 19

Amazon, 5

Amazon Web Services, 15, 7374, 80, 133

American Specialty Foods, 131

Amicus, 125, 139, 212

APCO Worldwide, 118120, 138, 139

Apple, 17, 154

AppNexus, 5860, 6566, 74, 220221

ARC Document Solutions, 129130

Arnold & Porter, 118

Arvai, Peter, 127

asset-light businesses, 9495

autocratic behavior, 80

Bai Brands, 45, 32, 4142, 48, 52

customer dynamic at, 39

Bain Capital, 104

Bank of America, 47

Benchmark Capital, 190191

Ben & Jerry’s, 6, 93, 97, 99, 222223

Berners-Lee, Tim, 62

Berta, Norbert, 15, 64, 7778, 195196

Bezos, Jeff, 5, 73

Bischof, Chris, 137

Black, Benjamin, 73

Blakely, Sara, 5, 62

Blecharczyk, Nathan, 171

Blumberg, Matt, 45, 52

Bonfigli, Mark, 6970, 71, 80, 222

Box, 113

Bradley, Bill, 41

Breitman, Steve, 15, 35

Briggs, Katharine, 22, 236

Brin, Sergey, 18

Bristol-Myers Squibb, 20

Brulant, 4041

buffers, delegating to, 8485

Builder Personalities, 37. See also Captains; Crusaders; Drivers; Explorers

in action, 1719

as animating force, 2

archetypes of, 243248

benefits of understanding, 1214

challenges facing, 12, 10

choosing collaborators for, 153174

as controllable factor in success, 3

cross-type learning for, 22, 211230

determining yours, 89

financial sponsors and, 187204

growth dynamics and, 1012

hiring/recruiting and, 175186

hybrids, 235236

polar complements of, 22, 162, 215217, 237

research methodology on, 13, 2023, 231241

snapshots of, 208210

talent management and, 184186

Builder Personality Discovery (BPD) quiz, 89, 188

limitations of, 234236

Capital One, 20

Captains, 7, 118147

archetype of, 248

blueprint for, 146147

as corporate builders, 126127, 132133, 201203

as Crusader cobuilders, 168

customer dynamic and, 129131

decision making by, 168170

as Driver cobuilders, 164

elevate and delegate strategies for, 140145

expert strategy for, 225227

as Explorer cobuilders, 165166

foundational expertise of, 214

gifts and gaps of, 138140, 210

Hewlett and Packard, 19

hiring and, 182183

how they engage, 120138

as master builders, 226227

profile of, 119

scale dynamic and, 135138

solution dynamic and, 121124

sponsor dynamic and, 131135

sponsor selection for, 200204

team dynamic and, 124127, 182183

career stages, team members and, 176177

Cawley, Charlie, 15, 4647

Cell Phone Personality Typology, 239240

Cenergy International Services, 143

Center for Creative Leadership, 110

Central European Advisory Group, 3738, 228229

Chesky, Brian, 171

Choi, Grace, 15, 62, 80

Citibank, 20

coaches, 215, 221

cobuilders, 153174

choosing, 160

complexity and number of, 170, 171

conversation versus negotiation with, 172174

decision making and, 159170

issues to discuss with, 173

level of equality among, 157

management with, 159160

relationship with, 155157

Coester, Brian, 7576, 7879, 84

CoesterVMS, 7576, 7879

Cohen, Ben, 15, 99, 107, 108, 222223

collaboration, 14

Captains and, 124127, 182183

choosing collaborators for, 153174

Crusaders and, 91, 180182

Drivers and, 177179

Explorers and, 179180

recruiting for, 175186

complacency trap, 144

consensus, Captains and, 139140, 142143


Drivers and, 17, 31, 46, 49

Explorers and, 61, 65, 79, 82, 136165

conversation, negotiation versus, 172174

Coopersmith, Mark, 132133

corporate builders

Captains as, 126127, 132133, 201203

Crusaders as, 9697, 198199

Drivers as, 4243, 191192

Explorers as, 6465, 75, 195196

resources available to, 202203

strategic alignment and, 189190

CourseAdvisor, 110

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 13, 41, 48, 95, 101. See also early adopters

cross-type learning, 1516, 2122, 211230

Crowley, John, 123124, 125126, 139, 143, 212

Crusaders, 67, 88117

archetype of, 247

blueprint for, 116117

as Captain cobuilders, 169

charisma of, 108

as corporate builders, 9697, 198199

customer dynamic and, 101102

decision making by, 166168

as Driver cobuilders, 163164

elevate and delegate strategies for, 110115

expert strategy for, 223225

as Explorer cobuilders, 165

followers of, 80

foundational expertise of, 214

gifts and gaps of, 107110, 210

hiring and, 180182

how they engage, 91107

loyalty of, 181

Page and Brin, 18

polar complement of, 91

profile of, 89

scale dynamic and, 104107

solution dynamic and, 9397

sponsor dynamic and, 103104

sponsor selection for, 196199

team dynamic and, 97100, 180182

Cuban, Mark, 4, 193

culture, company

Captains and, 7, 120, 124125, 135138, 183

Crusaders and, 112

Drivers and, 178

Explorers and, 69, 72, 75

recruiting team members and, 176

Currier, James, 103

customer dynamic

Captains and, 129131, 140

Crusaders and, 101102, 113115

Drivers and, 31, 3941, 5354

Explorers and, 7072

customer segments

Drivers and, 41

Personality-Based Clustering approach to, 30

profitability of, 109110

scaling across, 10

Cutler, Elizabeth, 153154

Daltran Media, 36, 69, 71

decision making, 3, 233

Builder Type pairings and, 160170

by Captains, 119, 121, 143, 168170

cobuilders and, 157, 160170

by Crusaders, 89, 166168

by Drivers, 29, 162164

by Explorers, 59, 164166

Della Femina, Jerry, 77

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 104, 197

DiSC Profile, 13

Dixon, Tom, 36

Doctor On Demand, 4445, 219

Dorsey, Jack, 15, 9293

DoubleClick, 60

Dries, Chris, 140141

Drivers, 45, 2857

archetype of, 245

blueprint for, 5657

as Captain cobuilders, 168169

as corporate builders, 4243, 191193

as Crusader cobuilders, 166167

customer dynamic and, 3941

decision making by, 162164

definition of success by, 3738

elevate and delegate strategies for, 5055

expert strategy for, 217220

as Explorer cobuilders, 164165

foundational expertise of, 213

gifts and gaps of, 4750, 210

how they engage, 3147

Jobs, Steve, 17

as master builders, 218220

profile of, 29

recruiting and, 177179

scale dynamic and, 4447

solution dynamic and, 3234

sponsor dynamic and, 4143

sponsor selection for, 190194

team dynamic and, 3639, 177179

zero-sum games and, 134

Dr Pepper Snapple Group (DPSG), 39, 49

Dstillery, 6364, 68

early adopters, 41, 50, 53, 70

Crusaders and, 95

Eastside College Preparatory School, 137

elevate and delegate strategies

for Captains, 140145

for Crusaders, 110115

for Drivers, 5055

for Explorers, 8185

Emmelle, 3334

empowering others

Captains and, 120121, 128129, 138139

Drivers and, 34, 47

Explorers and, 8384

Endeavor, 104

Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder (Clifton and Badal), 240


Crusaders and, 106

definitions of, 3, 189

Equinox, 154

Eventbrite, 155

executive coaches, 215, 221

expert builder strategy, 16, 213

Captains and, 225227

Crusaders and, 223225

Drivers and, 217220

Explorers and, 220223

Explorers, 56, 5887

archetype of, 246

blueprint for, 8687

as Captain cobuilders, 169

as corporate builders, 6465, 75, 195196

as Crusader cobuilders, 167

customer dynamic and, 7072

decision making by, 164166

as Driver cobuilders, 163

elevate and delegate strategies for, 8185

expert strategy for, 220223

foundational expertise of, 213

gifts and gaps of, 7981, 210

hiring and, 179180

how they engage, 6179

as master builders, 221223

polar complement of, 91

profile of, 59

scale dynamic and, 7579

solution dynamic and, 6165

sponsor dynamic and, 7275

sponsor selection for, 194196

team dynamic and, 6570, 179180

Zuckerberg, Mark, 18

Facebook, 18

Fairchild Semiconductor, 193

Fidelity, 20

financial support. See sponsor dynamic

Firestone, Marsha, 114115

Fleiss, Jenny, 6, 104, 105

Folio3, 112


Captains and, 128129, 142

Crusaders and, 9899, 104107

Drivers and, 44, 48

Explorers and, 6570, 80, 221223

Friend, Scott, 104

Gebbia, Joe, 171

Genentech, 20

Gilbert, Paul, 121123, 139, 144

Godiva Chocolates, 32

Google, 1819, 155

Goyal, Ajay, 84

Great Place To Work Institute, 145

Greenberg, Rick, 40, 49

Greenfield, Jerry, 15, 99, 107, 108, 222223

growth dynamics, 10. See also customer dynamic; scale dynamic; solution dynamic; sponsor dynamic; team dynamic

Hays, Katherine, 9596, 97, 9899, 103, 107, 109

Hewlett, Bill, 19

Hewlett Packard, 19, 155

Highland Capital Partners, 187

hiring and recruiting, 175186. See also team dynamic

Captains and, 135138, 182183

Crusaders and, 98, 104107, 111, 180182

Drivers and, 177179, 219

Explorers and, 179180

mission-based values for, 107

overhiring, 219

Hogan Assessments, 13

Holmes, Elizabeth, 100, 104, 108

Honest Company, 8890

Hornthal, Jim, 102

Hsu, Jonathan, 221

Hyman, Jenn, 6, 104, 105

IBM, 40

IgnitionOne, 48

incrementalism, 140, 144

innovation, 140, 144

innovators, 41

Intel, 154

internal rate of return (IRR), 189190

intuition, Drivers and, 33, 34

Intwine, 36

iSuppli, 6768

Jackson, Adam, 4445, 4849, 219220

Jiff, 90

Jobs, Steve, 17

Johnson & Johnson, 20, 30

Tylenol, 15, 64, 7778, 195196

Jung, Carl, 22

Kawasaki, Guy, 174

Kellner, Peter, 104, 197

Kepler Group, 40, 49

Khan, Umair, 112

Kissinger, Henry, 104

Kocher, Bob, 42

Kraus, Margery, 118120, 138, 139

Kravis, Henry, 104

Kuenne, Chris, 2830

Kutcher, Ashton, 41

laissez-faire style, 91

leadership, 3, 234

by Captains, 119, 141142

by Crusaders, 89

by Drivers, 29

by Explorers, 59

learning, cross-type, 1516, 22, 211230

for Captains, 225227

for Crusaders, 223225

for Drivers, 217220

for Explorers, 220223

strategies for, 213217

Lee, Mi Jong, 3334, 48, 227

Leighton, Tom, 62, 80

Lerman, Howard, 3233, 3637, 48

Levie, Aaron, 113

Lewin, Danny, 62

Lidow, Derek, 6768


Captains and, 130131, 142

by Crusaders, 109, 111112

lone-wolf approach, 65, 83

Ma, Jack, 128129, 159

MacIsaac, Sean, 36

Maeder, Paul, 187, 213

management, 3, 233

by Captains, 119, 121, 138

cobuilders and, 159160

by Crusaders, 89

by Drivers, 29

by Explorers, 59

of talent, 184186

Margiloff, Will, 48

Massive Inc., 96

master builder strategy, 16, 213217

Captains and, 226227

Crusaders and, 224225

Drivers and, 218220

Explorers and, 221223

polar complements and, 215217

Maximum Games, 104

MBNA, 15, 4647

McGraw, Phil, 44

McLaughlin, George, 131

Mead, Margaret, 114

MedAvante, 121123, 139, 144

mentoring, 184

by Captains, 119120, 141142

by Crusaders, 112

by Explorers, 82

Microsoft, 20, 154

Mink, 62

Mirapath, 113

Monroe, Cindy, 135136, 139

Moore, Geoffrey, 13, 41, 70, 95

Morris, Nate, 6, 15, 9495, 97, 101102, 104, 109, 197

motivation, 3, 233

of Captains, 119, 120

of Crusaders, 89

of Drivers, 29

of Explorers, 59

recruiting team members and, 176

Myers, Isabel Briggs, 22, 236

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 13, 238

National Venture Capital Association, 187

negotiation, 172174

Newell, Derek, 90

NFX Guild, 103

Novazyme Pharmaceuticals, 124

Oakleaf, 95

O’Kelley, Brian, 5860, 6566, 74, 220221

ownership issues, 158

Packard, Dave, 19

Page, Larry, 18

Pagon, Len, 4041

partners, 153174

complexity and number of, 170171

conversation versus negotiation with, 172174

level of equality among, 157

relationship with, 155157

PC Construction, 98, 106

Personality-Based Clustering, 2022, 30, 231240

personality research, 13, 2022

personality testing, 236240

Phillips, Tom, 6364, 68, 80

Pinkham, Chris, 15, 7374, 80, 133

Pinterest, 155

Pizzagalli, Angelo, 98, 106

PlayStation, 132

polar complements, 22

master builder strategy and, 215217

Pompe disease, 123124, 212

Prepay Nation, 84

Prezi, 127

product-market fit, 190194

Drivers and, 3234

product narcissism, 49, 5253

Rachleff, Andy, 190191

Raju, Dan, 53

Rent the Runway, 6, 104, 155

Republic Industries, 94

research methodology, 13, 2022, 231241

Ressler, June, 143

Return Path, 45

Rice, Julie, 153154

Richmond Global, 104, 197

Right Media, 58, 6566

risk, Drivers and, 43

Roberts, Bryan, 85

Rosemark Capital, 113115

Rosetta, 2022, 231240

Rubenstein, Michael, 221

Rubicon Global, 6, 9495, 101102, 197

sales cycles, 5354

Samsung, 20

scale dynamic

across customer segments, 13

Captains and, 135138

Crusaders and, 104107

Drivers and, 4447

Explorers and, 7579, 7980

SEBCO Laundry Systems, 35

Seelye, Christina, 104, 105

solution dynamic

Captains and, 121124

Crusaders and, 9397

Drivers and, 3234

Explorers and, 6165

Sony e-commerce, 132133

SoulCycle, 153154

Spanx, 5, 62

Spengler, Laurie, 3738, 48, 228229

sponsor dynamic, 187204

Captains and, 131135, 200204

Crusaders and, 103104, 196199

Drivers and, 4143, 5455, 190194

Explorers and, 7275, 194196

strategic alignment and, 189

Stevenson, Howard, 3, 189

Stone, Biz, 92

Suriyakumar, Suri, 129131, 134, 226227

talent management, 184186

team dynamic, 15

Captains and, 122, 124127, 138139, 182183

Crusaders and, 97100, 180182

Drivers and, 5, 3639, 5152, 177179

Explorers and, 6570, 80, 179180

recruiting, 175186

talent management and, 184186

TED Talks, 127

Theranos, 100, 104

Thirty-One Gifts, 135136, 139

Titus, Greg, 110, 111

Tradier, 53

Traitorous Eight, 193


Captains and, 121, 142143, 145

Crusaders and, 109

Drivers and, 38

Twitter, 9293

Tylenol, 15, 64, 7778, 195196

United Silicon Carbide, 140141


Drivers and, 5455

negotiating fair, 191

Venrock, 42, 85

ViVoom, 9899

Walmart, 94

Warby Parker, 155

Waste Management, 94

WebSphere, 41

Wegmans Food Markets, 94, 101102, 109

Weiss, Ben, 45, 32, 48, 49, 52

customer dynamic and, 39

sponsor dynamic and, 4142

Women Presidents’ Organization, 114115

Wozniak, Steve, 17

Yeh, Doris, 113

Yext, 3233, 48

Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), 233

Zuckerberg, Mark, 18

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