Data Bank of Japan (DBJ), GenBank Files
data bank or data store, databases vs., GenBank
data structures (complex), creating in Perl, Complex Data Structures
data structures for biology, Data Structures and Algorithms for Biology, DBM, Gene Expression Data Using Unsorted Arrays, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes, Relational Databases
gene expression data, Gene Expression Data Using Unsorted Arrays, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
hashes, using for, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
sorted arrays and binary search, using, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search
unsorted arrays, using for, Gene Expression Data Using Unsorted Arrays
relational databases, Relational Databases
summary of, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
data, graphical representation of, Graphics Programming
databases, What Is Bioinformatics?, A Gene Expression Database, Relational Databases, Relational Databases, DBM, GenBank, PDB File Format, PDB File Format
biological data, What Is Bioinformatics?
data banks or data stores vs., GenBank
database management, DBM (see DBM)
gene expression, A Gene Expression Database
PDB files, PDB File Format, PDB File Format
record types, PDB File Format
referenced in, PDB File Format
relational, Relational Databases, Relational Databases
SQL (Structured Query Language), Relational Databases
DBI (Data Base Independence) module, Relational Databases
DBM (database management), DBM, Planning the Program, Indexing GenBank with DBM, Exercises, DBM Essentials, A DBM Database for GenBank, Relational Databases
database for GenBank, A DBM Database for GenBank
different implementations of, DBM Essentials
inadequacy for large projects, Relational Databases
indexing GenBank with, Indexing GenBank with DBM, Exercises
restriction enzymes, storing in, Planning the Program
dbmopen and dbmclose functions, DBM Essentials
DBREF record type, PDB files, PDB File Format, PDB File Format
example, PDB File Format
debuggers, Debugging
debugging, Comments, Fixing Bugs in Your Code, use warnings; and use strict; redux, The Perl Debugger, use warnings; and use strict; redux, How to start and stop the debugger, Debugger command summary, Stepping through statements with the debugger, Stepping through statements with the debugger, Setting breakpoints, Setting breakpoints, Fixing another bug, use warnings; and use strict; redux, A Bug in Your Program?, A Bug in Your Program?
comments, use in, Comments
Mutate DNA program (example), A Bug in Your Program?, A Bug in Your Program?
Perl debugger, using, The Perl Debugger, use warnings; and use strict; redux, How to start and stop the debugger, Debugger command summary, Stepping through statements with the debugger, Stepping through statements with the debugger, Setting breakpoints, Setting breakpoints, Fixing another bug, use warnings; and use strict; redux
breakpoints, Setting breakpoints, Setting breakpoints
command summary, Debugger command summary
my declaration, removing, Fixing another bug
starting and stopping debugger, How to start and stop the debugger
stepping through statements, Stepping through statements with the debugger, Stepping through statements with the debugger
use strict; and use warnings;, use warnings; and use strict; redux
decimal numbers, Randomly Selecting an Element of an Array, Numbers
declaring, Arrays, Exploding Strings into Arrays, Scoping, Scoping, Place a random nucleotide into a random position, A Bug in Your Program?, A Subroutine to Read FASTA Files
arrays, Arrays
my variables, Scoping, Scoping
enforcing with strict pragma, Scoping
variables, Exploding Strings into Arrays, Place a random nucleotide into a random position, A Bug in Your Program?, A Subroutine to Read FASTA Files
beginning of program vs. first use, Place a random nucleotide into a random position, A Bug in Your Program?
in loops, A Subroutine to Read FASTA Files
decrementing variables, Arithmetic Operators
defined and undefined values, true and false
defined function, Using Hashes for the Genetic Code, true and false
DEFINITION field, collecting in GenBank annotations, Using Arrays, Using Arrays
definitions of subroutines, Writing Subroutines
dereferencing, Subroutines: Pass by Reference
designing programs, The Design Phase, Bottom-up Versus Top-down, Object-Oriented Programming
input and output, The Design Phase
object-oriented programming, Object-Oriented Programming
top-down vs. bottom up, Bottom-up Versus Top-down
die function, Output to STDOUT, STDERR, and Files
directives, printf function, The printf Function
directories, in different operating systems, A Low and Long Learning Curve
disease treatment, protein structure and, Protein Data Bank
divisions, GenBank libraries, GenBank Libraries
DNA, The Organization of DNA, The Programming Process, Comments, Representing Sequence Data, Representing Sequence Data, A Program to Store a DNA Sequence, Statements, Concatenating DNA Fragments, Concatenating DNA Fragments, Transcription: DNA to RNA, Transcription: DNA to RNA, Calculating the Reverse Complement in Perl, Calculating the Reverse Complement in Perl, Turning Arrays into Scalars with join, Counting Nucleotides, Counting Nucleotides, Operating on Strings, Operating on Strings, Writing to Files, Writing to Files, Writing to Files, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Mutations and Randomization, Exercises, Random Number Generators, A Program Using Randomization, Another Way to Calculate the Random Position, A Program to Simulate DNA Mutation, A Bug in Your Program?, Generating Random DNA, Turning the Design into Code, Analyzing DNA, Some Notes About the Code, The Genetic Code, Exercises, Reading DNA from Files in FASTA Format, A Subroutine to Read FASTA Files, Writing Formatted Sequence Data, Reading Frames, Exercises, What Are Reading Frames?, Background, Separating Sequence and Annotation, Separating annotations from sequence
bases, Representing Sequence Data, Operating on Strings, Operating on Strings
counting in strings, Operating on Strings, Operating on Strings
coding and noncoding, Counting Nucleotides
coding regions, What Are Reading Frames?
concatenating fragments with join function, Turning Arrays into Scalars with join
counting nucleotides in, Counting Nucleotides, Writing to Files, Writing to Files, Writing to Files, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays
global regular expression in while loop test, Writing to Files, Writing to Files
on the command line, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays
tr function, using, Writing to Files
cutting to insert a gene, Background
mutations, investigating with randomization, Mutations and Randomization, Exercises, Random Number Generators, A Program Using Randomization, Another Way to Calculate the Random Position, A Program to Simulate DNA Mutation, A Bug in Your Program?, Generating Random DNA, Turning the Design into Code, Analyzing DNA, Some Notes About the Code
generating random DNA, Generating Random DNA, Turning the Design into Code
program simulating mutation, A Program to Simulate DNA Mutation, A Bug in Your Program?
program using randomization, A Program Using Randomization, Another Way to Calculate the Random Position
random number generators, Random Number Generators
random sequences, comparing bases for identity, Analyzing DNA, Some Notes About the Code
reading from FASTA files, Reading DNA from Files in FASTA Format, A Subroutine to Read FASTA Files
regulatory elements in, program to count, The Programming Process, Comments
reverse complement of strands, calculating, Calculating the Reverse Complement in Perl, Calculating the Reverse Complement in Perl
separating from GenBank file annotations, Separating Sequence and Annotation, Separating annotations from sequence
sequences, Representing Sequence Data, A Program to Store a DNA Sequence, Statements, Concatenating DNA Fragments, Concatenating DNA Fragments
concatenating, Concatenating DNA Fragments, Concatenating DNA Fragments
program to store, A Program to Store a DNA Sequence
representing, Representing Sequence Data
storing in variables, Statements
transcribing to RNA, Transcription: DNA to RNA, Transcription: DNA to RNA
translating into amino acids and proteins, The Genetic Code, Exercises, Reading Frames, Exercises
reading frames, Reading Frames, Exercises
writing formatted sequence data, Writing Formatted Sequence Data
DNA computers, DNA Computers
do-until loops, do-until Loops, Control Flow, Loops
do-while loops, Loops
documentation, Finding Help, Using the Perl Documentation, Regular Expressions, Obtaining BLAST, Perl, Online Manuals, Basic Operators
BLAST, Obtaining BLAST
Perl, Finding Help, Using the Perl Documentation, Regular Expressions, Perl, Online Manuals, Basic Operators
online manuals, Online Manuals
perlop (for operators), Basic Operators
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
dot (.) operator, Concatenating DNA Fragments (see ., under Symbols)
double helix, The Organization of DNA
downloading, Who This Book Is For, Who This Book Is For, Downloading
(see also resources; web sites)
code examples from this book, Who This Book Is For
Perl, Downloading
droplet, Macperl application, A Program to Store a DNA Sequence
drugs, targeting proteins with, Protein Data Bank
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