Data Structures and Algorithms for Biology

Biologists explore biological data and try to figure out how to do things with it based on its existing structure in living systems. Bioinformatics is often used to model that existing structure as closely as possible. (Bear with me; I'm speaking in generalities!)

Bioinformatics also can take a slightly different approach. It thinks about what it wants to do with the data and then tries to figure out how to organize it to accomplish that goal. In other words, it tries to produce an algorithm by representing the data in a convenient data structure.

Now that you've got the three datatypes of Perl in hand—namely scalars, arrays, and hashes—it's time to take a look at these interrelated topics of algorithms and data structures. We've already talked about algorithms in Chapter 3. The present discussion highlights the importance of the organization of the data for algorithms, in other words, the data structures for the algorithm.

The most important point here is that different algorithms often require different data structures.

A Gene Expression Database

Let's consider a typical problem. Say you're studying an organism that has a total of about 30,000 genes. (Yep, you're right, it's human.) Say you're looking at a type of cell that's never been well characterized under certain interesting environmental conditions, and you are determining, for each gene, whether it's being expressed.[1] You have a nice microarray facility that has given you the expression information for that cell. Now, for each gene, you need to look up whether it's expressed in the cell. You have to put this look-up capability on your web site, so visitors who read your results in your upcoming paper can find the expression data for the genes.

There are several ways to proceed. Let's look at a few alternatives as a short and gentle introduction to the art and science of algorithms and data structures.

What is your data? For simplicity, let's say you have the names for all the genes in the organism and a number for the expressed genes indicating the level of the expression in your experiment; the unexpressed genes have the number 0.

Gene Expression Data Using Unsorted Arrays

Now let's suppose you want to know if the genes were expressed, but not the expression levels, and you want to solve this programming problem using arrays. After all, you are somewhat familiar with arrays by this point. How do you proceed?

You might store in the array only the names of the genes that are being expressed and discard the other gene names. Say there were 8,000 expressed genes. Then, for any query, the answer requires looking through the array and comparing the query with each gene in the array until either you find it or get to the end of the array without finding it.

That works, but there are problems. Mainly, it's kind of slow. This isn't bad if you just do it now and then, but if you've got a lot of people hitting your web site asking questions about this new expression data, it can be a problem. On average, a lookup for an expressed gene requires looking through 4,000 gene names. A lookup for an unexpressed gene takes 8,000 comparisons.

Also, if someone asked about a gene missing from your study, you couldn't respond informatively, since you discarded the unexpressed gene names. The query gives a negative response, not an error message saying the gene being searched for isn't part of your experiment. This might even be a false negative if the query gene that wasn't part of your study actually is expressed in the cell type (but you just missed it). You'd prefer it if your program would report to the user that no gene by that name was studied.

So you decide to keep all 30,000 genes in the array. (Of course, now a search will be slower.) But how to distinguish the expressed from the unexpressed genes? You can load each gene's name into the array and then append the expression measurement after the name of each gene. Then you will definitely know if a gene is missing from your experiment. (Maybe the user simply mistyped the gene name!)

However, the program is still a bit slow. You still have to search through the entire array until you find the gene or determine that it wasn't studied. You may find it right away if it's the first element in the array, or you may have to wait until the last element. On average, you have to search through half of the array. Plus, you have to compare the name of the searched-for gene with the names of the genes in the array one by one. It will average 15,000 comparisons per query: slow. (Actually, on a modern computer, not too horribly slow, really, but I'm making a point. These sorts of things do add up with a program that runs too slowly.)

Another problem is that you're now keeping two values in one scalar: the gene name and the expression measurement. To do anything with this data, you have to also separate the gene name from the measurement of the expression of the gene.

Despite these drawbacks, this method will work. Now, let's think about alternatives.

Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search

You could store all the gene names in alphabetical order in the array and then use the following search technique. First, look at the middle element. (You can tell the size of the array, as we've seen, with the expression scalar @array). If your gene name is before that middle element alphabetically, you ignore the second half of the array and pick the middle element of the remaining half of the array. You continue, at each step narrowing the search to half the previous number of elements, until you find a match or discover there is none. Here it is in pseudocode:

Given a sorted array, and an element:

Until you find the element or discover it's not there,

    Pick the midpoint of the array, $array[scalar(@array)/2]

    Compare your element with the element at the midpoint

    If that matches your element, you're done.

    Else, ignore the half of the array that your element is not in

To compare two strings alphabetically in Perl, you use the cmp operator, which returns 0 if the two strings are the same, -1 if they are in alphabetical order, and 1 if they are in reverse alphabetical order. For example, the following returns 0:

'ZZZ' cmp 'ZZZ';

This returns -1:

'AAA' cmp 'ZZZ';

Finally, this returns 1:

'ZZZ' cmp 'AAA';

This algorithm is called a binary search, and it considerably speeds up the process of searching in an array. For example, to search 30,000 genes takes only about 15 times through the loop, maximum. (As compared to 15,000 comparisons, average, for the unsorted array.) Of course, you also have to sort the list, which might take awhile. If you need to keep adding elements, you have to either insert them in the right place or add them to the end and sort the array again. All that inserting or sorting might slow things down considerably. But if you're just sorting it once and then doing lots of lookups, a binary search might be worth doing.

While we're at it, let's look at how to sort an array. Here's how to sort an array of strings alphabetically:

@array = sort @array;

Here's how to sort an array of numbers in ascending order:

@array = sort { $a <=> $b } @array;

Many other kinds of sorting can be done, but these are the most common. For more details, see the Perl documentation for the sort function.

Gene Expression Data Using Hashes

You can also use hashes to find a gene in your data. To do so, you can load the hash so that the keys are the gene names and the values are the expression measurement. Then a single call on the hash, with the name of the desired gene as a key, returns the results of the experiment for that gene, and you've got your answer. This process is also cleaner than storing the gene name and the expression result in one scalar string; here the key is a scalar, and the value is a separate scalar.

Furthermore, due to how hashes are made, you get an answer back very quickly, because decent hashes don't have to search hard to find the value of a key. Using hashes is typically faster than binary searches. Plus, you'd know if the gene being searched for was in the data, because you can explicitly ask if a hash value is defined by saying something like:

if( defined $myhash{'mykey'} ) { ... }

Also, you'll get an error message if you have warnings turned on, and you refer to an undefined value.

Another advantage of hashes over binary searching is that you can add or subtract elements to hashes without resorting the entire array.

Finally, because hashes are built into Perl as a basic datatype, they are easy to use, and you won't have to do much programming to accomplish your goal. It is usually the case that it's more important to save time writing a program then it is to save time running it. I mention this in Chapter 3, but it's worth emphasizing. To a programmer, the lazy way is often the most efficient way: let the machine do the work!

Don't get the idea that hashes are always the right way to go, however. For instance, they don't store their elements in a sorted order, so if you need to look at the data that way, you have to explicitly sort it, like so:

@sorted_keys = sort keys %my_hash;

This is do-able, but it can be a bit slow on a large array. (You could also sort the values, of course.)

To conclude the discussion of data structures for our expression data example, here's an informal survey of the properties of some different data structures in Perl for searching, adding and deleting, and maintaining sorted order in a set of gene names:

  • Use a hash if you just need to see if something is in a set and don't need to list the set in order.

  • A sorted array combined with a binary search algorithm will do if you need an ordered set and pretty fast lookup and don't need to add or subtract elements very often.

  • An array, in conjunction with the Perl functions push and pop, works well if you don't need to sort the elements but do need to quickly get at the most recently added element.

  • A Perl array with the functions push and shift will serve if you don't need the elements sorted but need to add elements. It's especially useful to always remove the "oldest" element (the element that has been in the array the longest).

For more information, see Appendix A and especially Mastering Algorithms with Perl (published by O'Reilly).

Relational Databases

Databases are programs that store and retrieve large amounts of data. They provide the most common forms of datatypes to use in algorithms. There are several popular databases, some good ones that are free of charge (the best ones are very expensive), and Perl provides access to all the most popular ones. The Perl/DBI modules, for instance, provide convenient access to relational databases from Perl programs.

Most databases are called relational, which describes how they store data. Another common name for these types of databases is relational database management systems , or RDMS.

Relational databases store data organized in tables. The data is usually entered and extracted with a query language called Structured Query Language , or SQL, which is a fairly simple language for accessing the data in the tables and following links between the tables.

Relational databases are the most popular way to store and retrieve large amounts of data, but they do require a fair bit of learning. Programming with relational databases is beyond the scope of this book, but if you end up doing a lot of programming with Perl, you'll find that knowing the basics of using a database is a valuable skill. See the discussion in Chapter 13.

In particular, it's perfectly reasonable to store your gene expression data in a relational database and use that in your program to respond to queries made on your web site.


Perl has a simple, built-in way to store hash data, called database management (DBM). It's simple to use: after starting up, it "ties" a hash to a file on your computer disk, so you can save a hash to reuse at a later date. This is, in effect, a simple (and very useful) database. Apart from the initialization, you use it as you would any other hash. You can store your genes and expression data in a DBM file and then use it as a hash. There's more on DBM in Chapter 10

[1] For the nonbiologists: a gene is expressed when it is transcribed into RNA, so that a protein can be made from it.

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