The Genetic Code

The describes how the information in the coding regions of DNA is translated into the correct amino acids for the assembly of the cell's proteins.


Here is a short introduction for the nonbiologists.

As stated earlier, DNA encodes the primary structure (i.e., the amino acid sequence) of proteins. DNA has four nucleotides, and proteins have 20 amino acids. The encoding works by taking each group of three nucleotides from the DNA and "translating" them to an amino acid or a stop signal. Each group of three nucleotides is called a codon. We'll see in detail how this coding and translation works.

Actually, transcription first uses DNA to make RNA, and then translation uses RNA to make proteins. This is called the central dogma of molecular biology. But in this course, I'll abbreviate the process and somewhat inaccurately call the entire process from DNA to protein "translation."

The reason for this cavalier distinction is that the whole business is much easier to simulate on computer using strings to represent the DNA, RNA, and proteins. In fact, as shown in Chapter 4, transcribing DNA to RNA is very easy indeed. In your computer simulations, you can simply skip that step, since it's just a matter of changing one letter to another. (The actual process in the cell, of course, is much more complex.)

Note that with four kinds of bases, each group of three bases of DNA can represent as many as 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 possible amino acids. Since there are only 20 amino acids plus a stop signal, the genetic code has evolved some redundancy, so that some amino acids are represented by more than one codon. Every possible three bases of DNA—each codon—represents some amino acid (apart from the three codons that represent a stop signal).

Figure 8-1 shows each codon and its associated amino acid: the genetic code. There are many interesting things to note about the genetic code. For our purposes, the most important is redundancy—the way more than one codon translates to the same amino acid. We'll program this using character classes and regular expressions, as you'll soon see.[2]

The genetic code

Figure 8-1. The genetic code

The machinery of the cell actually starts at some point along the RNA and "reads" the sequences codon after codon, attaching the encoded amino acid to the end of the growing protein sequence. Example 8-1 simulates this, reading the string of DNA three bases at a time and concatenating the symbol for the encoded amino acid to the end of the growing protein string. In the cell, the process stops when one of the three stop codons is encountered.

Translating Codons to Amino Acids

The first task is to enable the following programs to do the translation from the three-nucleotide codons to the amino acids. This is the most important step in implementing the genetic code, which is the encoding for amino acids by three-nucleotide codons.

Here's a subroutine that returns an amino acid (represented by a one-letter abbreviation) given a three-letter DNA codon:

# codon2aa
# A subroutine to translate a DNA 3-character codon to an amino acid

sub codon2aa {
    my($codon) = @_;
       if ( $codon =~ /TCA/i )    { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TCC/i )    { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TCG/i )    { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TCT/i )    { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TTC/i )    { return 'F' }    # Phenylalanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TTT/i )    { return 'F' }    # Phenylalanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TTA/i )    { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TTG/i )    { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TAC/i )    { return 'Y' }    # Tyrosine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TAT/i )    { return 'Y' }    # Tyrosine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TAA/i )    { return '_' }    # Stop
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TAG/i )    { return '_' }    # Stop
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TGC/i )    { return 'C' }    # Cysteine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TGT/i )    { return 'C' }    # Cysteine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TGA/i )    { return '_' }    # Stop
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TGG/i )    { return 'W' }    # Tryptophan
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CTA/i )    { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CTC/i )    { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CTG/i )    { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CTT/i )    { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CCA/i )    { return 'P' }    # Proline
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CCC/i )    { return 'P' }    # Proline
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CCG/i )    { return 'P' }    # Proline
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CCT/i )    { return 'P' }    # Proline
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CAC/i )    { return 'H' }    # Histidine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CAT/i )    { return 'H' }    # Histidine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CAA/i )    { return 'Q' }    # Glutamine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CAG/i )    { return 'Q' }    # Glutamine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CGA/i )    { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CGC/i )    { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CGG/i )    { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CGT/i )    { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ATA/i )    { return 'I' }    # Isoleucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ATC/i )    { return 'I' }    # Isoleucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ATT/i )    { return 'I' }    # Isoleucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ATG/i )    { return 'M' }    # Methionine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ACA/i )    { return 'T' }    # Threonine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ACC/i )    { return 'T' }    # Threonine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ACG/i )    { return 'T' }    # Threonine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ACT/i )    { return 'T' }    # Threonine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AAC/i )    { return 'N' }    # Asparagine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AAT/i )    { return 'N' }    # Asparagine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AAA/i )    { return 'K' }    # Lysine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AAG/i )    { return 'K' }    # Lysine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AGC/i )    { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AGT/i )    { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AGA/i )    { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AGG/i )    { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GTA/i )    { return 'V' }    # Valine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GTC/i )    { return 'V' }    # Valine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GTG/i )    { return 'V' }    # Valine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GTT/i )    { return 'V' }    # Valine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GCA/i )    { return 'A' }    # Alanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GCC/i )    { return 'A' }    # Alanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GCG/i )    { return 'A' }    # Alanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GCT/i )    { return 'A' }    # Alanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GAC/i )    { return 'D' }    # Aspartic Acid
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GAT/i )    { return 'D' }    # Aspartic Acid
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GAA/i )    { return 'E' }    # Glutamic Acid
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GAG/i )    { return 'E' }    # Glutamic Acid
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GGA/i )    { return 'G' }    # Glycine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GGC/i )    { return 'G' }    # Glycine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GGG/i )    { return 'G' }    # Glycine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GGT/i )    { return 'G' }    # Glycine
    else {
        print STDERR "Bad codon "$codon"!!

This code is clear and simple, and the layout makes it obvious what's happening. However, it can take a while to run. For instance, given the codon GGT for glycine, it has to check each test until it finally succeeds on the last one, and that's a lot of string comparisons. Still, the code achieves its purpose.

There's something new happening in the code's error message. Recall filehandles from Chapter 4 and how they access data in files. From Chapter 5, remember the special filehandle STDIN that reads user input from the keyboard. STDOUT and STDERR are also special filehandles that are always available to Perl programs. STDOUT directs output to the screen (usually) or another standard place. When a filehandle is missing from a print statement, STDOUT is assumed. The print statement accepts a filehandle as an optional argument (as in Example 5-7), but by default prints to STDOUT. Here, error messages are directed to STDERR, which usually prints to the screen, but on many computer systems they can be directed to a special error file or other location. Alternatively, you sometimes want to direct STDOUT to a file or elsewhere but want STDERR error messages to appear on your screen. I mention these options because you are likely to come across them in Perl code; we don't use them much in this book (see Appendix B for more information).

The Redundancy of the Genetic Code

I've remarked on the redundancy of the genetic code, and subroutine codon2aa clearly maps several codons to the same amino acid. We can represent this redundancy another way. Notice that groups of redundant codons almost always have the same first and second bases and vary in the third. You've used character classes in regular expressions to match any of a set of characters. Now, let's rewrite subroutine codon2aa to make one test for each redundant group of codons:

# codon2aa
# A subroutine to translate a DNA 3-character codon to an amino acid
#   Version 2

sub codon2aa {
    my($codon) = @_;
       if ( $codon =~ /GC./i)        { return 'A' }    # Alanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TG[TC]/i)     { return 'C' }    # Cysteine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GA[TC]/i)     { return 'D' }    # Aspartic Acid
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GA[AG]/i)     { return 'E' }    # Glutamic Acid
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TT[TC]/i)     { return 'F' }    # Phenylalanine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GG./i)        { return 'G' }    # Glycine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CA[TC]/i)     { return 'H' }    # Histidine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AT[TCA]/i)    { return 'I' }    # Isoleucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AA[AG]/i)     { return 'K' }    # Lysine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TT[AG]|CT./i) { return 'L' }    # Leucine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /ATG/i)        { return 'M' }    # Methionine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AA[TC]/i)     { return 'N' }    # Asparagine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CC./i)        { return 'P' }    # Proline
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CA[AG]/i)     { return 'Q' }    # Glutamine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /CG.|AG[AG]/i) { return 'R' }    # Arginine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TC.|AG[TC]/i) { return 'S' }    # Serine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /AC./i)        { return 'T' }    # Threonine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /GT./i)        { return 'V' }    # Valine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TGG/i)        { return 'W' }    # Tryptophan
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TA[TC]/i)     { return 'Y' }    # Tyrosine
    elsif ( $codon =~ /TA[AG]|TGA/i) { return '_' }    # Stop
    else {
        print STDERR "Bad codon "$codon"!!

Using character classes and regular expressions, this code clearly shows the redundancy of the genetic code. Also notice that the one-character codes for the amino acids are now in alphabetical order.

A character class such as [TC] matches a single character, either T or C. The . is the regular expression that matches any character except a newline. The /GT./i expression for valine matches GTA, GTC, GTG, and GTT, all of which are codons for valine. (Of course, the period matches any other character, but the $codon is assumed to have only A,C,G, or T characters.) The i after the regular expression means match uppercase or lowercase, for instance /T/i matches T or t.

The new feature in these regular expressions is the use of the vertical bar or pipe (|) to separate two choices. Thus for serine, /TC.|AG[TC]/ matches /TC./ or /AG[TC]/. In this program, you need only two choices per regular expression, but you can use as many vertical bars as you like.

You can also group parts of a regular expression in parentheses, and use vertical bars in them. For example, /give me a (break|meal)/ matches "give me a break" or "give me a meal."

Using Hashes for the Genetic Code

If you think about using a hash for this translation, you'll see it's a natural way to proceed. For each codon key the amino acid value is returned. Here's the code:

# codon2aa
# A subroutine to translate a DNA 3-character codon to an amino acid
#   Version 3, using hash lookup

sub codon2aa {
    my($codon) = @_;

    $codon = uc $codon;
    my(%genetic_code) = (
    'TCA' => 'S',    # Serine
    'TCC' => 'S',    # Serine
    'TCG' => 'S',    # Serine
    'TCT' => 'S',    # Serine
    'TTC' => 'F',    # Phenylalanine
    'TTT' => 'F',    # Phenylalanine
    'TTA' => 'L',    # Leucine
    'TTG' => 'L',    # Leucine
    'TAC' => 'Y',    # Tyrosine
    'TAT' => 'Y',    # Tyrosine
    'TAA' => '_',    # Stop
    'TAG' => '_',    # Stop
    'TGC' => 'C',    # Cysteine
    'TGT' => 'C',    # Cysteine
    'TGA' => '_',    # Stop
    'TGG' => 'W',    # Tryptophan
    'CTA' => 'L',    # Leucine
    'CTC' => 'L',    # Leucine
    'CTG' => 'L',    # Leucine
    'CTT' => 'L',    # Leucine
    'CCA' => 'P',    # Proline
    'CCC' => 'P',    # Proline
    'CCG' => 'P',    # Proline
    'CCT' => 'P',    # Proline
    'CAC' => 'H',    # Histidine
    'CAT' => 'H',    # Histidine
    'CAA' => 'Q',    # Glutamine
    'CAG' => 'Q',    # Glutamine
    'CGA' => 'R',    # Arginine
    'CGC' => 'R',    # Arginine
    'CGG' => 'R',    # Arginine
    'CGT' => 'R',    # Arginine
    'ATA' => 'I',    # Isoleucine
    'ATC' => 'I',    # Isoleucine
    'ATT' => 'I',    # Isoleucine
    'ATG' => 'M',    # Methionine
    'ACA' => 'T',    # Threonine
    'ACC' => 'T',    # Threonine
    'ACG' => 'T',    # Threonine
    'ACT' => 'T',    # Threonine
    'AAC' => 'N',    # Asparagine
    'AAT' => 'N',    # Asparagine
    'AAA' => 'K',    # Lysine
    'AAG' => 'K',    # Lysine
    'AGC' => 'S',    # Serine
    'AGT' => 'S',    # Serine
    'AGA' => 'R',    # Arginine
    'AGG' => 'R',    # Arginine
    'GTA' => 'V',    # Valine
    'GTC' => 'V',    # Valine
    'GTG' => 'V',    # Valine
    'GTT' => 'V',    # Valine
    'GCA' => 'A',    # Alanine
    'GCC' => 'A',    # Alanine
    'GCG' => 'A',    # Alanine
    'GCT' => 'A',    # Alanine
    'GAC' => 'D',    # Aspartic Acid
    'GAT' => 'D',    # Aspartic Acid
    'GAA' => 'E',    # Glutamic Acid
    'GAG' => 'E',    # Glutamic Acid
    'GGA' => 'G',    # Glycine
    'GGC' => 'G',    # Glycine
    'GGG' => 'G',    # Glycine
    'GGT' => 'G',    # Glycine

    if(exists $genetic_code{$codon}) {
        return $genetic_code{$codon};

            print STDERR "Bad codon "$codon"!!

This subroutine is simple: it initializes a hash and then performs a single lookup of its single argument in the hash. The hash has 64 keys, one for each codon.

Notice there's a function exists that returns true if the key $codon exists in the hash. It's equivalent to the else statement in the two previous versions of the codon2aa subroutine.[3]

Also notice that to make this subroutine work on lowercase DNA as well as uppercase, you translate the incoming argument into uppercase to match the data in the %genetic_code hash. You can't give a regular expression to a hash as a key; it must be a simple scalar value, such as a string or a number, so the case translation must be done first. (Alternatively, you can make the hash twice as big.) Similarly, character classes don't work in the keys for hashes, so you have to specify each one of the 64 codons individually.

You may wonder why bother wrapping this last bit of code in a subroutine at all. Why not just declare and initialize the hash and do the lookups directly in the hash instead of going through the subroutine? Well, the subroutine does do a little bit of error checking for nonexistent keys, so having a subroutine saves doing that error checking yourself each time you use the hash.

Additionally, wrapping the code in a subroutine gives a little insurance for the future. If all the code you write does codon translation by means of our subroutine, it would be simplicity itself to switch over to a new way of doing the translation. Perhaps a new kind of datatype will be added to Perl in the future, or perhaps you want to do lookups from a database or a DBM file. Then all you have to do is change the internals of this one subroutine. As long as the interface to the subroutine remains the same—that is to say, as long as it still takes one codon as an argument and returns a one-character amino acid—you don't need to worry about how it accomplishes the translation from the standpoint of the rest of the programs. Our subroutine has become a black box. This is one significant benefit of modularization and organization of programs with subroutines.

There's another good, and biological, reason why you should use a subroutine for the genetic code. There is actually more than one genetic code, because there are differences as to how DNA encodes amino acids among mammals, plants, insects, and yeast—especially in the mitochondria. So if you have modularized the genetic code, you can easily modify your program to work with a range of organisms.

One of the benefits of hashes is that they are fast. Unfortunately, our subroutine declares the whole hash each time the subroutine is called, even for one lookup. This isn't so efficient; in fact, it's kind of slow. There are other, much faster ways that involve declaring the genetic_code hash only once as a global variable, but they would take us a little far afield at this point. Our current version has the advantage of being easy to read. So, let's be officially happy with the hash version of codon2aa and put it into our module in the file (see Chapter 6).

Now that we've got a satisfactory way to translate codons to amino acids, we'll start to use it in the next section and in the examples.

[2] Also note that the genetic code in Figure 8-1 is properly based on RNA, where uracil appears instead of thymine. In our programs, we're going to go directly from DNA to amino acids, so our codons will use thymine instead of uracil.

[3] A key might exist in a hash, but its value can be undefined. The defined function checks for defined values. Also, of course, the value might be 0 or the empty string, in which case, it fails a test such as if ($hash{$key}) because, even though the key exists and the value is defined, the value evaluates to false in a conditional test.

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