Edit—Run—Revise (and Save)

The most important thing about programming is that it's a hands-on learning activity such as dancing, playing music, cooking, or some other family-oriented activity. You can read about it, but you can't actually do it until you actually do it.

While learning to program in Perl, you need to read about how Perl works, as you will in the chapters that follow. You also need to look at plenty of examples of programs. But you especially need to attempt to write your own programs, as you are asked to do in the exercises at the end of the later chapters. Only this kind of direct experience will make you a programmer.

So I want to give you an overview of the most important tasks involved in writing programs, to help you approach your first programs with a clearer idea of what's really involved.

What exactly will you be doing at the computer? The bulk of a programmer's work involves the steps of writing or revising a program in an editor, then running the program and watching how it behaves, and on the basis of that behavior going back and revising the program again. A typical programmer spends more than half of his or her time editing the program.

Saves and Backups

Once you have even a few lines of code written, it's important to save it. In fact, you should always remember to save a version of your program at regular intervals during editing, so if you make a bunch of edits and the computer crashes, you don't lose hours of work. Also, make sure you back up your work on another disk. Hard disks fail, and when yours does, the information on it will be lost. Therefore it's essential to make regular (daily) backups of your work onto some other medium—tape, floppy disk, Zip disk, another hard disk, writable CD—whatever, just so you won't lose all your work if a disk failure occurs.

In addition to backups of your disks, it's also a good idea to save a dated version of your program at regular intervals. This will allow you to go back to an earlier version of your program should that prove necessary.

It's also a good idea to make sure the backups you're making actually work. So, for instance, if you're backing up to a tape drive, try restoring the files from your tape drive every once in a while, just to make sure that the software and the tapes themselves are all working. You may also want to print out ("make a hardcopy") of your programs at regular intervals for extra insurance against system failures. Finally, it's good policy to keep the backups somewhere away from the computer, so in case of fire or other disaster, the backups will be safe.

Error Messages

Fixing errors is an essential step in writing programs. After you've written and edited a program, the next step is to run it to see if it works. Very often, you'll find that you've made some typographical error, like forgetting to put in a semicolon. As a result, your program isn't valid, and you'll get various error messages from the system. You then have to read the error messages and reedit your program to repair the offending code.

These error messages are sometimes rather cryptic. In the event of an error, the Perl interpreter may have some trouble knowing exactly where you went wrong. It may only recognize that there is something wrong. So it guesses where the problem is, and in the process, it may give you some extraneous information.

The most important thing about using error messages is to look at the first one or two error messages and ignore the rest; fix the top problems, and try running the program again. Error messages are often verbose and can run on for several pages. Just ignore everything but the first errors reported. Another important point is that the line numbers reported in those first error messages are usually right. Sometimes they're off by a line, and they're rarely way off. Later on, we'll practice generating and reading error messages.


Perhaps your edits created a valid program, and the Perl interpreter reads in your program and runs it. You find, however, that the program isn't doing what you want it to do. Now you have to go back, look at the program, and try to figure out what's wrong.

Perhaps you made a simple mistake, such as adding instead of subtracting. You may have misread the documentation, and you're using the language the wrong way (reread the documentation). You may simply have an inadequate plan for accomplishing your goal (rethink your strategy and reprogram that part of the code). Sometimes you can't see what's wrong, and you have to look elsewhere (try searching newsgroup archives or FAQs or asking colleagues for help).

For errors that are difficult to find, there are programs called debuggers that allow you to run the program step by step, looking at everything that's happening in the program. (Chapter 6 takes an in-depth look at Perl's debugger.)

There are other tools and techniques you can use. For instance, you can examine your program by adding print statements that print out intermediate values or results. There are also special helper programs that can observe your program while it's running and then report about it, telling you, for instance, about where the program is spending most of its time. These tools, and others like them, are essential to programming, and you need to learn how to use them.

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