Reading DNA from Files in FASTA Format

Over the fairly short history of bioinformatics, several different biologists and programmers have invented several ways to format sequence data in computer files, and so bioinformaticians must deal with these different formats. We need to extract the sequence data and the annotations from these files, which requires writing code to deal with each different format.

There are many such formats, perhaps as many as 20 in regular use for DNA alone. The very multiplicity of these formats can be an annoyance when you're analyzing a sequence in the lab: it becomes necessary to translate from one format to another for the various programs you use to examine the sequence. Here are some of the most popular:


The FASTA and Basic Local Alignment Search Technique (BLAST) programs are popular; they both use the FASTA format. Because of its simplicity, the FASTA format is perhaps the most widely used of all formats, aside from GenBank.

Genetic Sequence Data Bank (GenBank)

GenBank is a collection of all publicly released genetic data. It includes lots of information in addition to the DNA sequence. It's very important, and we'll be looking closely at GenBank files in Chapter 10.

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

The EMBL database has substantially the same data as the GenBank and the DDBJ (DNA Data Bank of Japan), but the format is somewhat different.

Simple data, or Applied Biosystems (ABI) sequencer output

This is DNA sequence data that has no formatting whatsoever, just the characters that represent the bases; it is output into files by the sequencing machines from ABI and from other machines and programs.

Protein Information Resource (PIR)

PIR is a well-curated collection of protein sequence data.

Genetics Computer Group (GCG)

The GCG program (a.k.a. the GCG Wisconsin package) from Accelrys is used at many large research institutions. Data must be in GCG format to be usable by their programs.

Of these six sequence formats, GenBank and FASTA are by far the most common. The next few sections take you through the process of reading and manipulating data in FASTA.

FASTA Format

Let's write a subroutine that can handle FASTA-style data. This is useful in its own right and as a warm-up for the upcoming chapters on GenBank, PDB, and BLAST.

FASTA format is basically just lines of sequence data with newlines at the end so it can be printed on a page or displayed on a computer screen. The length of the lines isn't specified, but for compatibility, it's best to limit them to at most 80 characters. There is also header information , a line or lines at the beginning of the file that start with the greater-than > character, that can contain any text whatsoever (or no text). Typically, a header line contains the name of the DNA or the gene it comes from, often separated by a vertical bar from additional information about the sequence, the experiment that produced it, or other, nonsequence information of that nature.

Much FASTA-aware software insists that there must be only one header line; others permit several lines. Our subroutine will accept either one or several header lines plus comments beginning with #.

The following is a FASTA file. We'll call it sample.dna and use it in several programs. You should copy it, download it from this book's web site, or make up your own file with your own data.

> sample dna | (This is a typical fasta header.)

A Design to Read FASTA Files

In Chapter 4, you learned how to read in sequence data; here, you just have to extend that method to deal with the header lines. You'll also learn how to discard empty lines and lines that begin with the pound sign #, i.e., comments in Perl and other languages and file formats. (These don't appear in the FASTA file sample.dna just shown.)

There are two choices when reading in the data. You can read from the open file one line at a time, making decisions as you go. Or, you can slurp the whole file into an array and then operate on the array. For very big files, it's sometimes best to read them one line at a time, especially if you're looking for some small bit of information. (This is because reading a large file into an array uses a large amount of memory. If your system isn't robust enough, it may crash.)

For smaller, normal-sized files, the advantage to reading all the data into an array is that you can then easily look through at the data and do operations on it. That's what we'll do with our subroutine, but remember, this approach can cause memory space problems with larger files, and there are other ways of proceeding.

Let's write a subroutine that, given as an argument a filename containing FASTA-formatted data, returns the sequence data.

Before doing so you should think about whether you should have just one subroutine, or perhaps one subroutine that opens and reads a file, called by another subroutine that extracts the sequence data. Let's use two subroutines, keeping in mind that you can reuse the subroutine that deals with arbitrary files every time you need to write such a program for other formats.

Let's start with some pseudocode:

subroutine get data from a file

    argument = filename

    open file
        if can't open, print error message and exit

    read in data and 

    return @data

Subroutine extract sequence data from fasta file

    argument = array of file data in fasta format

       Discard all header lines
       (and blank and comment lines for good measure)
       If first character of first line is >, discard it

    Read in the rest of the file, join in a scalar,
        edit out nonsequence data

    return sequence

In the first subroutine that gets data from a file, there's a question as to what's the best thing to do when the file can't be read. Here, we're taking the drastic approach: yelling "Fire!" and exiting. But you wouldn't necessarily want your program to just stop whenever it can't open a file. Maybe you're asking for filenames from the user at the keyboard or on a web page, and you'd like to give them three chances to type in the filename correctly. Or maybe, if the file can't be opened, you want a default file instead.

Maybe you can return a false value, such as an empty array, if you can't open the file. Then a program that calls this subroutine can exit, try again, or whatever it wants. But what if you successfully open the file, but it was absolutely empty? Then you'd have succeeded and returned an empty array, and the program calling this subroutine would think, incorrectly, that the file couldn't be opened. So, that wouldn't work.

There are other options, such as returning the special "undefined" value. Let's keep what we've got, but it's important to remember that handling errors can be an important, and sometimes tricky, part of writing robust code, code that responds well in unusual circumstances.

The second subroutine takes the array of FASTA-formatted sequence and returns just the unformatted sequence in a string.

A Subroutine to Read FASTA Files

Now that you've thought about the problem, written some pseudocode, considered alternate ways of designing the subroutines and the costs and benefits of the choices, you're ready to code:

# get_file_data
# A subroutine to get data from a file given its filename

sub get_file_data {

    my($filename) = @_;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    # Initialize variables
    my @filedata = (  );

    unless( open(GET_FILE_DATA, $filename) ) {
        print STDERR "Cannot open file "$filename"


    @filedata = <GET_FILE_DATA>;

    close GET_FILE_DATA;

    return @filedata;

# extract_sequence_from_fasta_data
# A subroutine to extract FASTA sequence data from an array

sub extract_sequence_from_fasta_data {

    my(@fasta_file_data) = @_;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    # Declare and initialize variables
    my $sequence = '';

    foreach my $line (@fasta_file_data) {

        # discard blank line
        if ($line =~ /^s*$/) {

        # discard comment line
        } elsif($line =~ /^s*#/) {

        # discard fasta header line
        } elsif($line =~ /^>/) {

        # keep line, add to sequence string
        } else {
            $sequence .= $line;

    # remove non-sequence data (in this case, whitespace) from $sequence string
    $sequence =~ s/s//g;

    return $sequence;

Notice that nowhere in the code for extract_sequence_from_fasta_data do you check to see what's in the file: is it really DNA or protein sequence data in FASTA format? Of course, you can write a subroutine—call it is_fasta—that checks the data to see if it's what we expect. But I'll leave that for the exercises.

A few comments about the extract_sequence_from_fasta_data subroutine should be made. The following line includes a variable declaration as it is used in a loop:

foreach my $line (@fasta_file_data) {

You've seen this in for loops as well. It's often convenient to declare a loop's "index variable" (like $line) as a my variable, right on the spot in the loop, as they tend to have common names and aren't used outside the loop.

Some of the regular expressions deserve brief comment. In this line:

if ($line =~ /^s*$/) {

the s matches whitespace, that is, space, tab, formfeed, carriage return, or newline. s* matches any amount of whitespace (even none). The ^ matches the beginning of the line, and the $ matches the end of the line. So altogether, this regular expression matches blank lines with nothing or only whitespace in them.

This regular expression also has nothing or only whitespace at the beginning of the line, up to a pound sign:

} elsif($line =~ /^s*#/) {

This expression matches a greater-than sign at the beginning of the line:

} elsif($line =~ /^>/) {

Finally, the following statement removes whitespace, including newlines:

$sequence =~ s/s//g;

We've placed these two new subroutines into our module. Now let's write a main program for these subroutines and look at the output. First, there's one more subroutine to write that handles the printing of long sequences.

Writing Formatted Sequence Data

When you try to print the "raw" sequence data, it can be a problem if the data is much longer than the width of the page. For most practical purposes, 80 characters is about the maximum length you should try to fit across a page. Let's write a print_sequence subroutine that takes as its arguments some sequence and a line length and prints out the sequence, breaking it up into lines of that length. It will have a strong similarity to the dna2peptide subroutine. Here it is:

# print_sequence
# A subroutine to format and print sequence data 

sub print_sequence {

    my($sequence, $length) = @_;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    # Print sequence in lines of $length
    for ( my $pos = 0 ; $pos < length($sequence) ; $pos += $length ) {
        print substr($sequence, $pos, $length), "

The code depends on the behavior of substr, which gives the partial substring at the end of the string, even if it's less than the requested length. You can see there's a new print_sequence subroutine in the module (see Chapter 6). We remembered to keep the statement 1; as the last line of the module. Example 8-2 shows the main program.

Example 8-2. Read a FASTA file and extract the sequence data

# Read a fasta file and extract the sequence data

use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;     # see Chapter 6 about this module

# Declare and initialize variables
my @file_data = (  );
my $dna = '';

# Read in the contents of the file "sample.dna"
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");

# Extract the sequence data from the contents of the file "sample.dna"
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);

# Print the sequence in lines 25 characters long
print_sequence($dna, 25);


Here's the output of Example 8-2:


A Main Program for Reading DNA and Writing Protein

Now, one final program for this section. Let's add to the preceding program a translation from DNA to protein and print out the protein instead. Notice how short Example 8-3 is! As you accumulate useful subroutines in modules, programs get easier and easier to write.

Example 8-3. Read a DNA FASTA file, translate to protein, and format output

# Read a fasta file and extract the DNA sequence data
# Translate it to protein and print it out in 25-character-long lines

use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;     # see Chapter 6 about this module

# Initialize variables
my @file_data = (  );
my $dna = '';
my $protein = '';

# Read in the contents of the file "sample.dna"
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");

# Extract the sequence data from the contents of the file "sample.dna"
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);

# Translate the DNA to protein
$protein = dna2peptide($dna);

# Print the sequence in lines 25 characters long
print_sequence($protein, 25);


Here's the output of Example 8-3:

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