Appendix C

CSS Properties

This appendix is a reference to the main CSS properties that you can use to control the appearance of your documents.

The majority of the properties covered here are from CSS2. Because the full universe of CSS3 properties is large and still changing, only the CSS3 properties covered in this book are included here, which can be found in the section “Selected CSS3 Properties.”

For each property covered, you first see a brief description of the property and then an example of its usage. This is followed by a table that shows the possible values the property can take, along with the first versions of Internet Explorer to support these values, whether the property can be inherited, what the default value for the property is, and which elements it applies to.

These tables focus on Internet Explorer support because, with a few rare exceptions, any version of Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Opera that you encounter in the wild can support the full complement of CSS2 properties.

The CSS3 section contains a full set of compatibility tables.

Although browsers may support the inherit value of many properties, if the browser cannot set the property to some other value in the first place (perhaps because that value is not supported), then the inherit value is of little use.

At the end of the appendix are units of measurement.

Font Properties

The font properties enable you to change the appearance of a typeface.


This enables you to set several font properties at the same time, separated by spaces. You can specify font-size, line-height, font-family, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight in this one property.

font {color:#fc00f000; arial, verdana, sans-serif; 12pt;}


This enables you to specify the typefaces you want to use. It can take multiple values separated by commas, starting with your first preference, then moving to your second choice, and ending with a generic font-family (serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, or monospace).

p {font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif;}


This enables you to specify the size of a font. The font-size property has its own specific values:

  • Absolute sizes:xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, and xx-large
  • Relative sizes:larger or smaller
  • Percentage: Percentage of the parent font
  • Length: A unit of measurement (as described at the end of the appendix)


This enables you to adjust the aspect value of a font, which is the ratio between the height of a lowercase letter x in the font and the height of the font.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0001


This enables you to specify the width of the letters in a font (not the space between them).

  • Relative values:normal, wider, or narrower
  • Fixed values:ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, or ultra-expanded
    p {font-family:courier; font-stretch:semi-condensed;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0002


This applies styling to a font. If the specified version of the font is available, it can be used; otherwise, the browser renders it.

p {font-style:italic;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0003


This creates capital letters that are the same size as normal lowercase letters.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0004


This specifies the thickness of the text—its “boldness.”

  • Absolute values:normal or bold
  • Relative values:bolder or lighter
  • Numeric value: Between 0 and 100
    p {font-weight:bold;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0005

Text Properties

Text properties change the appearance and layout of text in general (as opposed to the font).


This specifies the distance between letters as a unit of length.

p {letter-spacing:1em;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0006


This specifies whether text is aligned left, right, center, or justified.

p {text-align:center}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0007


This specifies whether text should have an underline, overline, line-through, or blink appearance.

p {text-decoration:underline;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0008


This specifies the indentation in length or as a percentage of the parent element’s width.

p {text-indent:3em;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0009


This creates a drop shadow for the text. It should take three lengths; the first two specify X and Y coordinates for the offset of the drop shadow, whereas the third specifies a blur effect. This is then followed by a color, which can be any valid color value.

.dropShadow {text-shadow: 0.3em 0.3em 0.5em black}
[shadow effects]Defaultnone
noneApplies toAll elements

Browser Support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0011


This specifies capitalization of text in an element:

  • none: Removes inherited settings.
  • uppercase: All characters are uppercase.
  • lowercase: All characters are lowercase.
  • capitalize: First letter of each word is capitalized.
    p {text-transform:uppercase;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0012


This indicates how white space should be dealt with:

  • normal: White space should be collapsed.
  • pre: White space should be preserved.
  • nowrap: Text should not be broken to a new line except with the <br> element.
    p {white-space:pre;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0013


This specifies the gap between words.

p {word-spacing:2em;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0014

Color and Background Properties

The following properties enable you to change the colors and backgrounds of both the page and other boxes.


This is shorthand for specifying background properties for color, url, repeat, scroll, and position; separated by a space. By default, the background is transparent.

body {background: #efefef url("images/background.gif"); }
Tabular 340189bapp03-0015


This specifies whether a background image should be fixed in one position or scroll along the page.

body {background-attachment:fixed;
       background-image: url("images/background.gif");}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0016


This sets the color of the background. This can be a single color or two colors blended together. Colors can be specified with any valid color value. By default the box will be transparent.

body {background-color:#efefef;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0017


This specifies an image to be used as a background, which by default will be tiled. Value is a URL for the image.

body {background-image: url("images/background.gif");}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0018


This specifies where a background image should be placed in the page, from the top-left corner. Values can be an absolute distance, a percentage, or one of the keywords. If only one value is given, it is assumed to be horizontal.

  • The keywords available are top, bottom, left, right, and center.
    body {background-position:center;
          background-image: url("images/background.gif");}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0019


The position of a background image runs horizontally across the page. Values are the same as for background-position (default: top).


The position of a background image runs vertically down the page. Values are the same as for background-position (default: left).


This specifies if a background image should be repeated and if so in which directions. Values are repeat to repeat horizontally and vertically, repeat-x to just repeat horizontally, repeat-y to just repeat vertically, and no-repeat to prevent it from repeating.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0020

Border Properties

The border properties enable you to control the appearance and size of a border around any box.

border (border-bottom, border-left, border-top, border-right)

This is shorthand for specifying border-style, border-width, and border-color properties.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0021

border-color (border-bottom-color, border-left-color, border-top-color, border-right-color)

This specifies the color of a border; values can be any valid color value.

table {border-color:#000000;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0022

border-style (border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-top-style, border-right-style)

This specifies the style of line that should surround a block box. {border-style:solid;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0023

border-width (border-bottom-width, border-left-width, border-top-width, border-right-width)

This specifies the width of a border line; it can be a width or a keyword. {border-width:2px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0024


The dimensions properties enable you to specify the size that boxes should be.


This specifies the vertical height of a block element.

table {height:400px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0025


This specifies the height of a line of text. It is a way of controlling leading (space between multiple lines of text) because the line height may be more or less than the size of the font.

p {line-height:18px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0026


This specifies the maximum height of a block-level element (same values as for height).

td {max-height:200px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0027


This specifies the maximum width of a block-level element (same values as for width).

td {max-width:400px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0028


This specifies the minimum height of a block-level element (same values as for height).

td {min-height:100px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0029


This specifies the minimum width of a block-level element (same values as for width).

td {min-width:200px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0030


This specifies the horizontal width of an element.

td {width:150px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0031

Margin Properties

Margin properties enable you to specify a margin around a box and therefore create a gap between elements’ borders.

margin (margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-top, margin-right)

This specifies the width of a margin around a box.

p {margin:15px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0032

Padding Properties

Padding properties set the distance between the border of an element and its content. They are important for adding white space to documents (in particular table cells).

padding (padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top)

This specifies the distance between an element’s border and its content.

td {padding:20px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0033

List Properties

List properties affect the presentation of bulleted, numbered, and definition lists.


This is shorthand allowing you to specify list-style-position and list-style-type.

ul {list-style: inside disc}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0034


This specifies whether the marker should be placed inside each item of a list or to the left of them.

ul {list-style-position:inside;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0035


This indicates the type of bullet or numbering that a bullet should use.

ul {list-style-type:circle;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0036

Additional numbered list styles are available in CSS, but unfortunately they are not supported in any versions of Internet Explorer. Support exists in Chrome 1+, Firefox 1+, Opera 7+, and Safari 1+.

HebrewTraditional Hebrew numbering
GeorgianTraditional Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, . . . , he, tan, in, in-an, . . . )
ArmenianTraditional Armenian numbering
cjk-ideographicPlain ideographic numbers
Hiragana(a, i, u, e, o, ka, ki, . . . )
Katakana(A, I, U, E, O, KA, KI, . . . )
hiragana-iroha(i, ro, ha, ni, ho, he, to, . . . )
katakana-iroha(I, RO, HA, NI, HO, HE, TO, . . . )


This specifies the space between a list item and its marker.

ol {marker-offset:2em;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0038

Positioning Properties

Positioning properties allow you to use CSS for positioning boxes on the page.


This sets the vertical position of an element from the bottom of the window or containing element.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0039


This controls which part of an element is visible. Parts outside the clip are not visible. If value is rect(), it takes the following form:

  • rect([top] [right] [bottom] [left])
    rect(25 100 100 25)
Tabular 340189bapp03-0040


This sets the horizontal position of an element from the left of the window or containing element.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0041


This specifies how a container element will display content that is too large for its containing element.

p {width:200px; height:200px; overflow:scroll;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0042


This is the same as overflow but only for the horizontal x axis. This was first supported in IE5.


This is the same as overflow but only for the vertical y axis. This was first supported in IE5.


This specifies the positioning schema that should be used for an element. When an element is positioned, you also need to use the box-offset properties covered next (top, left, bottom, and right). Note that you should not use top and bottom or left and right together (if you do, top and left take priority).

  • absolute can be fixed on the canvas in a specific position from its containing element (which is another absolutely positioned element); it will also move when the user scrolls the page.
  • static will fix it on the page in the same place and keep it there even when the user scrolls.
  • relative will be placed offset in relation to its normal position.
  • fixed will fix it on the background of the page and not move when the user scrolls.
    p.article{position:absolute; top:10px; left:20px;
Tabular 340189bapp03-0043


This sets the horizontal position of an element from the right of the window or containing element.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0044


This sets the vertical position of an element from the top of the window or containing element.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0045


This sets the vertical positioning of an inline element:

  • baseline aligns element with base of parent.
  • middle aligns midpoint of element with half the height of parent.
  • sub makes element subscript.
  • super makes element superscript.
  • text-top aligns element with the top of parent element’s font.
  • text-bottom aligns element with the bottom of parent element’s font.
  • top aligns top of element with the top of tallest element on current line.
  • bottom aligns element with the bottom of lowest element on the current line.
    span.superscript {vertical-align:super;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0046


This controls which overlapping element appears to be on top. Positive and negative numbers are permitted.

p {position:absolute; top:10px; left:20px; z-index:3;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0047

Outline Properties

Outlines act like borders, but do not take up any space—they sit on top of the canvas.

outline (outline-color, outline-style, outline-width)

This is a shortcut for the outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width properties:

outline {solid #fc00f000 2px}

Note that outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width take the same values as border-color, border-style, and border-width.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0048

Table Properties

Table properties enable you to affect the style of tables, rows, and cells.


This specifies the border model that the table should use (whether adjacent borders should be collapsed into one value or kept separate).

table {border-collapse:separate;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0049


This specifies the distance between adjacent cells’ borders.

table {border-spacing:2px;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0050


This indicates which side of a table a caption should be placed on.

caption {caption-side:bottom;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0051


This specifies whether borders should be displayed if a cell is empty.

td, th {empty-cells:hide;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0052


This specifies how the browser should calculate the layout of a table; it can affect the speed of rendering a large or graphics-intensive table.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0053

Classification Properties

Classification properties affect how the boxes in the box model are rendered.


This forces elements, which would normally wrap around an aligned element, to display below it. Value indicates which side may not touch an aligned element.

p {clear:left;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0054


This specifies how an element is rendered, if at all. If set to none the element is not rendered, and it does not take up any space. This property can also force an inline element to display as a block or vice versa.

span.important {display:block;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0055

Although the default value of this property is inline, browsers tend to treat the element depending on its inherent display type. Block-level elements, such as headings and paragraphs, get treated as if the default were block, whereas inline elements such as <i>, <b>, or <span> get treated as inline.


Subsequent elements should be wrapped to the left or right of the element, rather than below.

img.featuredItem {float:left;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0056


This specifies whether an element should be displayed or hidden. Even if hidden, elements take up space on the page but are transparent.

Tabular 340189bapp03-0057

Internationalization Properties

Internationalization properties affect how text is rendered in different languages.


This specifies the direction of text from left to right or right to left. This should be used in association with the unicode-bidi property.

td.word{direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:bidi-override;}
Tabular 340189bapp03-0058


The unicode-bidi property enables you to override Unicode’s built-in directionality settings for languages.

td.word{unicode-bidi:bidi-override; direction:rtl; }
Tabular 340189bapp03-0059

Selected CSS3 Properties

This section covers a subset of CSS3 properties, focused on the ones covered in this book. Unlike the earlier tables, a full support matrix showing Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera support is included in addition to information about support in Internet Explorer.

For full support tables of all CSS3 modules, the interactive tool at can’t be beat.


The CSS3 Color module offers the ability to specify colors using the Hue Saturation and Lightness (HSL) scheme, as well as the ability to set an alpha channel to define transparency using both RGBA and HSLA notation.

.hsl {
  background-color : hsl( 333,50%,50% );
.hsla {
  background-color : hsla( 0, 100%, 50%, 0.5 );
.rgba {
  background-color : rgba( 255, 0, 0, 0.5);
Tabular 340189bapp03-0060

Backgrounds and Borders

The Backgrounds and Borders module extends the border and background properties introduced in earlier versions of CSS to include rounded corners and drop shadows.

border-radius (border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius, border-bottom-left-radius)

.rounded-corners {
  -webkit-border-radius : 12px; 
  border-radius : 12px;
[length]Applies toAll elements


The possible values for this property are

inset offset-x offset-y blur-radius spread-radius color
.drop-shadow {
// inset offset-x offset-y blur-radius spread-radius color
  -webkit-box-shadow : 0px 0px 4px 0px #000000; 
  box-shadow : 0px 0px 4px 0px #000000; 
[inset]Applies toAll elements
[offset-x] [offset-y]

Browser support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0063

*Indicates support with browser prefix.


The CSS Multi-Column layout module enables the definition of multiple columns of text.

.fixed-width {
  -webkit-column-count: 3;  
  -webkit-column-gap: 15px; 
  -moz-column-count: 3;     
  -moz-column-gap: 15px; 
  column-count: 3;
  column-gap: 15px; 
.percentage-width {
  -webkit-column-width: 100px;  
  -webkit-column-gap: 15px; 
  -moz-column-width: 100px;     
  -moz-column-gap: 15px; 
  column-width: 100px;
  column-gap: 15px; 


This defines the number of columns in an element.

[integer]Applies toBlock-level elements, table cells, and inline-block elements


This defines the gutter between the columns of a multi-column element.

[length]Applies toMulti-column elements


This defines the width of the columns of a multi-column element.

[length]Applies toMulti-column elements

Browser support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0067

*Indicates support with browser prefix.

Media Queries

The CSS Media Queries module enables the definition of styles based on device and browser characteristics.

#container {
  width : 940px;
@media screen and (max-width:999px) {
  #container { 
    width : 740px; 

@media screen and (max-width:480px)
  #container { 
    width : 400px; 

The module supports the following properties:

width Tests the width of the display area of the device in a browser. This is equal to the width of the browser window.
height Tests the height of the display area of the device. In a browser this is equal to the height of the browser window.
device-width Tests the width of the rendering surface of the device. In a browser this is equal to the full screen width.
device-height Tests the height of the rendering surface of the device. In a browser this is equal to the full screen height.
orientation Tests the orientation of a device.
aspect-ratio Tests the aspect-ratio as measured by the width and height properties.
device-aspect-ratio Tests the aspect-ratio as measured by the device-width and device-height properties.
color Tests the color depth of the device.
color-index Tests the number of entries in the lookup table of the device.
monochrome Tests the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer.
resolution Tests the pixel density of the target device.
scan Tests the scanning process of “tv” devices.
grid Tests whether the device is a grid or bitmap. An example of a grid would be a text browser such as Lynx run from the terminal.

Basic support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0069


The CSS Fonts Modules enable the use of custom fonts.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'InconsolataMedium';
  src: url('Inconsolata-webfont.eot'),
  src: url('Inconsolata-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
   url('Inconsolata-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
   url('Inconsolata-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
   url('Inconsolata-webfont.svg#InconsolataMedium') format('svg'),
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

Basic support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0070

2D Transforms

The 2D Transforms module introduces a new property that enables the rotation, translation, and scaling of a box, without changing its place in the flow of the document.

#rotate {
  -webkit-transform : rotate(20deg);
  -moz-transform : rotate(20deg);
  -ms-transform : rotate(20deg);
  -o-transform : rotate(20deg);
  transform : rotate(20deg);
  background : #00ffcc;
  top : 100px;
  left : 50px;
#scale {
  -webkit-transform : scale(0.5);
  -moz-transform : scale(0.5);
  -ms-transform : scale(0.5);
  -o-transform : scale(0.5);
  transform : scale(0.5);
  background : #ccff00;
  top : 400px;
  left : 50px;

The following table lists the common functions of the transform property and gives a small example of each.

translateMoves an element up/down or left/right without changing the element’s place in the flow of the document. transform : translate( 10px, 10px );
translateXMoves an element left or right without changing the element’s place in the flow of the document. transformX : translate( 10px);
translateYMoves an element up or down without changing the element’s place in the flow of the document. transformY : translate( 10px);
rotateRotates an element around an axis. The rotation can be specified in degrees or using other values like the turn keyword.transform : rotate(180deg)
scaleScales an element without changing the element’s place in the document. Scale is set as a multiple of 1, so scale(2) tells the browser to make the element twice as big. transform : scale( 2 )
scaleXScales an element on its x axis without changing the element’s place in the document.transform : scale( 2 )
scaleYScales an element on its y axis without changing the element’s place in the document.transform : scale( 2 )

Basic support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0072

*Indicates support with browser prefix.

3D Transforms

The 3D Transforms module extends 2D Transforms with a perspective transform function.

#perspective {
  top : 200px;
  left : 200px;
  position : absolute;
  -webkit-transform : perspective(500px) rotateY(75deg);
  -moz-transform : perspective(500px) rotateY(75deg);
  -ie-transform : perspective(500px) rotateY(75deg);
  transform : perspective(500px) rotateY(75deg);
  width : 500px;
  height : 100px;
  background : #ccff00;

Basic support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0073

*Indicates support with browser prefix.


The Animations module enables you to assign an animation to an element. You do this by specifying the properties to animate, the timing, and the units to change during the animation.

#animated {
  position : absolute;
  width : 100px;
  height : 100px;
  background: #ffcc00;
  animation-name: scroll;
  animation-duration: 5s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
  animation-direction: alternate;

@keyframes scroll {
  to {
    transform: rotate(180deg);

The @keyframes directive defines named states that define standard CSS properties to use as animation keyframes.

The following table lists the subproperties of the animation property.

animation-nameDefines the name of the @keyframes rule that defines the animation’s keyframes.
animation-durationDefines the length of time the animation should take to run once.
animation-timing-functionDefines the transition of animations through keyframes using keyword-based functions.
animation-iteration-countDefines the number of times the animation should run.
animation-directionDefines whether the animation should reverse direction during each iteration.
animation-play-stateDefines the play/pause state of the animation.
animation-delay'Defines the animation delay.
animation-fill-modeDefines how an animation should apply target styles.

Basic support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0075

*Indicates support with browser prefix.


The Transitions module defines a property to animate the transitions between pseudo-classes, for example, when an element enters or leaves the :hover state.

#transition li{
  font:16px arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
  padding:2px 10px;
  width :  200px;
  list-style-type : none;
  height : 50px;
  background-color : #06F; 
  -webkit-transition-property: background-color,width,height; 
  -moz-transition-property: background-color,width,height; 
  -o-transition-property:  background-color,width,height; 
  transition-property:  background-color,width,height; 

  -webkit-transition-duration: 1s; 
  -moz-transition-duration: 1s; 
  -o-transition-duration: background-color 1s; 
  transition-duration: background-color 1s; 

#transition li:hover {
  background-color: #036;
  -webkit-transition-duration: 1s; 
  -moz-transition-duration: 1s; 
  -o-transition-duration: 1s; 
  transition-duration: 1s; 

The following table lists the transition properties.

transition-propertyDefines the property or properties to transition through.
transition-durationDefines the length of time the transition should take to run once.
transition-timing-functionDefines a keyword-based function used to shape the transition.
transition-delayDefines the transition delay.

Basic support is as follows:

Tabular 340189bapp03-0077

*Indicates support with browser prefix.


Following are the unit measurements for lengths that can be used in CSS.

Absolute Lengths


Relative Lengths


CSS3 Relative Length Properties

Tabular 340189bapp03-0080
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