Chapter 6

Hybrid Zinc-Rich Paint Coatings

The Impact of Incorporation of Nano-Size Inhibitor and Electrical Conducting Particles

András Gergely*; Zoltán Pászti*; Imre Bertóti; Judith Mihály; Eszetr Drotár*; Tamás Török§    * Department of Metallurgical and Foundry Engineering, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Miskolc, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Plasma Chemistry, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Biological Nanochemistry, Institute of Molecular Pharmacology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
§ Department of Metallurgical and Foundry Engineering, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Miskolc, Budapest, Hungary


In this chapter, corrosion protection performance of hybrid zinc-rich paints (ZRPs) formulated with zinc at 70 and 80 wt.%, and nano-size particulates at 3.21 and 1.75 wt.% contents is analyzed. The nano-size filler phase was composed of polypyrrole supported with either alumina or alumina/multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Durability of the coatings was tested with immersion and salt-spray chamber propagations. Protection mechanism of the hybrid ZRPs is discussed regarding structural and electrical properties of the particles and paint dispersions. Hybrid ZRPs indicate firm barrier nature, moderate inhibition, and restrained active galvanic function to steel substrates. Hindered mass transport and limited water uptake through the low porosity hybrid coatings combined with three-dimensional arrangement of nano-size particles at the statistical and kinetic percolation thresholds are key factors to provide well-balanced and highly efficient combined, complex protection to low carbon steel substrates. Nevertheless, incorporation of inhibitor particles results in completely different fundamental properties from those typical of traditional ZRPs.



Carbon nanotubes

Nano-size additive

Zinc-rich coating

Cathodic protection

6.1 Introduction

Application and investigation of zinc-rich paints (ZRPs) dates back a long time1 with an enormous amount of scientific and engineering achievements. There were some works aiming to characterize liquid ZRPs,2 working out their modeling by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS),2,3 analyzing the duration of active-passive protection terms4 andpretreatment of the surface of steel substrate rust converter5 and investigating the influence of salt contamination of the interface,6 pointing out the difference between the early-stage and later-stage diffusions of zinc and iron corrosion products impacting the overall protection performance. A number of studies have disclosed the effects of pigment volume concentration (PVC),712 the zinc grain size range from microns to the nanometer range1217 or the spherical and lamellar8,10,18 shape8,1820 of the pigments. Nonetheless, a combination of the spherical and lamellar pigments gives the best performance.10,21 To disclose the impact of the binders, several organic vehicles, inorganic binders, and organic-inorganic hybrid compositions were developed by the industry partly to substitute organic paint coatings with volatile organic carbon (VOC) components and seek long, service life-capable high performance solutions. Among the organic ones, epoxy2123 and alkyd binders24,25 are the most frequently used. However, there are many eco-friendly alternatives such as the inorganic silicates13,26,27 and alkyl-silicates15,23,2831 or alkyl-silicone modified silicates,18 featuring much more efficient and long-term service (meaning low VOC content and isocyanate-free technology). In comparison with organic coatings, these hybrids have many advantages, such as high durability, hardness, good gloss and color retention, along with resistance to atmospheric degradation and heat, and low chemical affinity toward oxidation (almost missing cathodic delamination during prolonged exposure). All these features come from the chemical structure and the increased stability of the inorganic substance used in considerable amounts, making these compositions more attractive compared to many other alternatives. Nevertheless, careful laboratory and field testing is needed every time to assess the actual delivery of these systems so as to appropriately meet application targets. However, strict VOC regulations can be met by another approach so the interest in a solvent-free powder is understandable. Powder coatings32,33 tested in flowing conditions34 were formulated with electrically conductive and semiconductive auxiliary particles such as carbon black35,36 and polyaniline37 to reach electrical percolation or render inhibition in the matrices. Some studies found di-iron phosphide a proper agent to enhance electrical conductivity and to improve the performance of inorganic ZRPs38 to a level similar to that of graphite and aluminum powders.39 Therefore, some degree of galvanic protection is allowed to occur at lower zinc contents than the critical PVC, depending on the relative amount of the conducting additive and the overall paint composition. The most favorable ratio of substitution of zinc was pointed out at quite high contents of 20, 15, and 15 wt.% for di-iron phosphide, graphite, and aluminum, respectively. However, the large content of such additives proved to be inappropriate or even far deteriorating, leading to greater rates of zinc self- and bimetallic corrosion for the same time scale.

Besides the use of pure zinc,21 development of the ZRPs included testing numerous zinc compositions with alloying elements of especially aluminum18,40 and in some cases magnesium.41 The latter type efficiently protects even aluminum alloys, which generally means a lower, inhibited corrosion rate of the pigments compared to pure magnesium-rich coatings. In addition, in some cases development led to the application of surface modified zinc with either derivatives of phosphoric or phosphonic acid, which helped to inhibit zinc corrosion and lowered galvanic activity of the coating.42 The application of additives such as zinc oxide8 and high-quality well-dispersed clay minerals16,32 at very low zinc content (as little as 10 wt.%)17 indicated firm barrier behavior and long-term galvanic function. Another evolution branch is to employ hybrid pigment-particle compositions based on the aspect of partial replacement of zinc dust with intrinsically conducting polymers like Polyaniline (Pani),32,38,43 Polypyrrole (PPy) supported either with carbon black44 or nano-size alumina,45 pristine,46 and modified carbon nanotubes (CNTs).47 The former semiconductors act as auxiliary corrosion inhibitors, and the latter ones were used to facilitate electrical percolation. Both additives led to improved protection characteristics on various scales. On the one hand, CNT-embedded stand-alone PPy48 and polyaniline films49 indicated minor positive results, whereas only poor protection was obtained by the CNT-poly(o-phenylenediamine) composite.50 In addition, thin waterborne polyurethane films containing oxidized CNTs showed moderate protection functionality.51 However, on the other hand, there were studies reporting lower corrosion resistivity of metals when connected to CNTs,5255 which was interpreted on the basis of microgalvanic action between metallic matrixes and the CNTs. Similarly, effective galvanic coupling between epoxy composites of graphite and metallic substrates immersed in either quiescent or flowing seawater are well known, and both the greater composite and fiber area aggravate the phenomenon.56 Galvanic corrosion can even occur when moisture absorption can take place through the epoxy outer-layer matrix to the graphite fibers. These composites are effective cathodes for oxygen reduction in seawater, featuring a similarity to a bimetallic setup composed of two dissimilar metals. So, successful application of especially the nano-size electrically high conducting carbon forms is expected to face some hardships. Furthermore, particles such as ultra-fine glass fibers deteriorate protection properties57 although hardness and adhesion of the coatings are positively affected. A very special approach was to encapsulate diisocyanate monomer resin with microsize nickel-zinc alloy shells to provide self-healing characteristics.58 Nevertheless, performance of this technology is not yet comparable to liquid ZRPs.

In general, electrical percolation of the ZRPs is necessary to activate their proper protection function. Pigments are usually assumed to be homogeneously distributed in organic coatings, and the voids may form not only when PVC is reached or exceeded by a critical degree but even below it. That was proven by a study that expounded on the basis of a phenomenological theory, pointing out the relevance of the coarseness parameter and the relationship with the smallest densely packed pigment clusters, leading to density fluctuations on the formation of voids below and above the CPVC.7 So, in relation to forestalling the formation of voids spanning coatings while obtaining electrical percolation, it is highly recommended to apply metallic grains of small size at lower contents than the critical PVC, which depends on the density of the vehicles and metallic pigments as well as their sizes and shapes. This is all in favor of attaining high barrier function with durable and efficient galvanic function in addition to complying with certain economical and environmental requirements.

In case of the nano-size zinc containing coatings, it must be noted that highly efficient galvanic activity (at reduced film permeability) is often due to the better connectivity of the pigments because of the lower average distance between the grains. Interparticle distance decreases with decreasing size of the particles,59,60 resulting in decreasing electrical percolation thresholds as a consequence of increasing spatial density of electrical coupling connections and infinite volume spanning cluster formation of the pigment-particles. Then osmosis-driven blistering should be absent because of the low coarseness, high packing density in the coating. This is obviously due to the large size of dense pigment clusters allowed by the favorable ratio of micron- and nano-size spherical grains despite the overall compositions close to the critical PVC. This finding agrees with the theoretical considerations discussed earlier.61 The concept of nano-size in relative amounts of grains has been proven.14 The ratio of nano-size metallic grains can and should be increased at the expense of the micron-size particles as the overall zinc content decreases15 for the sake of keeping high profile protection characteristics.

In this chapter, corrosion protection characteristics of two sorts of zinc-rich hybrid coatings containing either inhibitor or conductor types of nano-size particles are compared. All the main features of the hybrid coatings are compared with conventional liquid ZRPs represented by one typical formulation with an electrically percolating structure. The protective nature and performance of the zinc-rich hybrids are interpreted on the basis of electrical properties and spatial distribution of the nano-size particles. This work is part of an effort to find appropriate particles to enhance the protection performance of traditional liquid ZRPs with the electrically nonpercolating structure of the solid fillers.

6.2 Experimental

6.2.1 Materials and synthesis Preparation of the nano-size particles

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT-30 type nanotubes with average diameter of 40 nm, supplied by Shenzhen Nanotech Port Co. Ltd., China) were dispersed by ultrasonication in the mixture of aqueous ethanol and acetic acid (by the volume mixtures of 10:1:3) twice for 30 min. To ensure enhanced dispersity as well as stability of the dispersions and to facilitate exfoliation, poly(4-ammonium styrenesulfonic acid, 30%, Aldrich) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (98%, Aldrich) were used and are later referenced as PSS and SDS, respectively.

For preparation of the nano-size particles, pyrrole (98%, Aldrich) was dissolved in water-dispersed sol of fumed alumina (AluC, BET surface: 100 m2 g− 1, Evonik Industries AG, Germany) and the colloid was stirred intensively for 2 h. In case of the alumina-supported PPy type particles, the procedures of polymerization and deposition were carried out in aqueous ethanol (at a content of 13% by volume) dispersed alumina sol. Initial pyrrole concentrations were 1.94 × 10− 2 and 1.192 × 10− 1 M, whereas alumina contents were 2.44 and 4.76 wt.% solely to the alumina and the nanotube containing dispersions, respectively. PSS content and SDS concentration of the nanotube containing mixture were 2.15 wt.% and 2.43 × 10− 3 M. For oxidative polymerization of pyrrole, the solution of iron(III) nitrate (97%, Fluka) was added to the vigorously stirred sol to obtain an iron(III)-pyrrole molar ratio of 8 × 10− 1. When the mixture became homogeneous, 1 M nitric acid solution (~ 1 ml) was added immediately to set the pH to 3. Then the mixture was stirred slowly for 6 h then let stagnant for 16 h. Suspensions were filtrated and the solid was washed 12 times (to remove SDS), then particles were dried and ground. Composition of the nano-size particles is summarized in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1

Composition of the Nano-Size Particles in Weight % Determined by Elemental Analysis Based on the Nitrogen Element (on the Average of Three Measurements)

SamplesAlumina Content (wt.%)Types of the MWCNTsMWCNT Content (wt.%)PPy Content (wt.%)Charging Efficiencya of PPy (%)
p196.6MWCNT-30-3.283.7 ± 5 × 10− 3
p277.9LS NC700014.014.482.1 ± 4 × 10− 1


a Coulombic efficiency of PPy was derived from the voltammetry charging currents normalized to the surface of platinum working electrode and mass of measured samples (on the average of five measurements). Preparation of paint coatings

Paint coatings were layered on standard low-carbon, cold-rolled steel panels (RS type CRS, roughness; 25-65 micro-inches, complying with ASTM A1008.1010, A-109 and QQS-698 standards) used as received from Q-Lab Ltd. Particles were dispersed by 20 min mortar grinding and milling in dissolved epoxy (at a polymer concentration of 50 wt.%).

The organic solvent was composed of 80:10:10 volume % of xylene (Fluka), 1-methoxy-2-propanol (Fluka) and 2-butanon (Aldrich). Suspensions of the particles were mixed with component A—stabilized zinc-rich masterbatch (HZO Farbenzinkstaub, Norzinco GmbH) in epoxy (Epoxidharz CHS141, bisphenol-A epoxy resin, Prochema). Component B—poly(amido amine) cross-linking agent (Durepoxy H15VP, USNER) was added to the suspensions, stirred to homogenize and diluted to get desired wet concentration. Primer coatings were roll-blade casted on steel panels in 90 μm wet thickness (35 ± 5 μm dry thickness) and let cure for a week at room temperature. Top-coatings were layered on hardened epoxy in an overall wet thickness of 120 μm (80 ± 5 μm dry thickness) with Macrynal SM 2810/75BAC hydroxyacrylic resin (CYTEC Industries Inc.) cured with aliphatic polyisocyanate resin: hexamethylene diisocyanate (Desmodur® N75MPA/X, Bayer Material-Science LLC) which was dissolved in the mixture of n-butyl acetate, xylene, and isobutanol (2:2:1). Coatings were let dry and cure for three weeks at room temperature. Scribes were made by a blade as X-cuts. Composition of the paint coatings is detailed in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2

Composition of the Hardened Paint Coatings

CoatingsParticlesWeight% and Volume Fraction of PPy in the PrimerWeight% and Volume Fraction of PPy in the Epoxy VehicleWeight% and Volume Fraction of MWCNTs in the PrimerWeight% and Volume Fraction of MWCNTs in the Epoxy VehicleZinc
Z-----90 (55.8)
H1ap10.107 (2.8 × 10− 3)0.364 (3.9 × 10− 3)--70 (25.8)
H2bp10.060 (1.9 × 10− 3)0.301 (3.2 × 10− 3)--80 (37.0)
H3ap20.144 (3.8 × 10− 3)0.493 (5.3 × 10− 3)0.450 (5.3 × 10− 3)1.542 (7.3 × 10− 3)70 (25.8)
H4bp20.079 (2.6 × 10− 3)0.408 (4.3 × 10− 3)0.245 (3.6 × 10− 3)1.275 (6.0 × 10− 3)80 (37.0)


a Nano-size particles were at 3.21 and 11.0 wt.% in the primer and the epoxy binder, respectively.

b Nano-size particles were at 1.75 and 9.1 wt.% in the primer and the epoxy binder, respectively.

6.2.2 Methods Characterization of the nanotube and the nano-size particles Elemental analysis

To obtain composition of the nano-size particles, elemental analysis was performed by a Vario EL III micro and macro CHNOS elemental analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Germany) with about 4 mg sample. Data were used to derive information given in Table 6.1. Electrokinetic potential

Zeta-potential characterization of the nanotubes was performed in water by Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS equipment at a dispersed phase content of 4 × 10− 2 M of carbon. Electrophoretic mobility of the particles was measured by Laser Doppler Velocimetry then Henry’s equation was used to determine electrokinetic potentials based on the Smoluchowski approximation. The values of density (2300 kg m− 3) and refractive index (2.000) were used for MWCNTs, whereas refractive index (1.330), density (998.21 kg m− 3), and dynamic viscosity (1.002 Pas, at 20 °C) of water were used for calculations. Measurements indicated electrokinetic potentials of − 17.6 mV of the pristine MWCNTs at pH of 6. Electrokinetic potential of the nanotubes with the applied quantity of surfactant and polyelectrolyte proved to be sufficient to stabilize dispersity of the mixture during preparation of the nanoparticles. Cyclic voltammetry

Three-electrode cell configuration was applied for the electrochemical measurements. A platinum spiral (A ≈ 13 cm2) and saturated calomel electrode (SCE) were used as counter and reference electrodes, respectively. A platinum disc working electrode (diameter of 13 mm) was incorporated in a Teflon tube. Pressed pellets of the particles were attached to the working electrode by a Teflon bracket and wetted with 0.1 M acetonitrile solution of sodium perchlorate (Aldrich) used as electrolyte for the measurements. PPy contents of the pellets were reduced at − 0.4 V for 30 min, then voltammetry scanning was performed at a rate of 10 mV s− 1. Capacitive current transients are normalized to unit mass of the particles and the surface of working electrode. Prior to repeatability of the measurements and to avoid limitations in ionic mass transport, around 0.15 g of the samples was pressed with a maximum pressure of 250 kg cm− 2. Half an hour dwell-time preceded voltammetry investigation to ensure proper wetting and swelling of the sample pellets. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy

PPy structure in the particles was investigated by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy using a Varian Scimitar 2000 FT-IR spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Inc., USA) equipped with a broadband Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) detector and a “Golden Gate” attenuated total reflection (ATR) unit with diamond ATR element. 128 scans were coadded with a spectral resolution of 4 cm− 1. All spectra were ATR corrected using the Varian Resolution Pro 4.0 spectral handling software package. Transmission electron microscopy

Powder form of the particle samples was crushed under ethanol and deposited onto copper grids covered by carbon supporting films. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data were acquired with a FEI MORGAGNI 268(D) microscope (FEI Co., The Netherlands) operated at 100 kV, with tungsten filament (top-entry; point-resolution = 0.5 nm). Rheology

To obtain complementary microstructure information beyond TEM observations based on interaction, the particles dispersed with dissolved alkyd binder were studied by basic rheology study. Owing to the difference between statistical and kinetic percolation thresholds, particle concentration (3.846 wt.%) was set to inferior content ranges for series of samples in epoxy resin of the cured hybrid ZRPs. Three-dimensional (3D) distribution and interaction of the particles in dispersions provides valuable information on the structure of the particles in the dry and cross-linked organic binder that is relevant to interpret protection function of the hybrid coatings.

Measurements were done by a HAAKE RheoSress RS1 rotational rheometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) equipped with a cone/plate sensor (2° angle, Ø 35 mm) used at a temperature of 25 ± 0.3 °C. After three days of swelling, particles were dispersed by half an hour mortar grinding of n-butanol and xylene (7:93) dissolved alkyd resin (distilled tall oil, SYLVATAL™ 25/30LT, Arizona Chemical, Gersthofen, Germany). Frequency and amplitude sweep tests were performed at a frequency of 1 Hz and the stress of 1 Pa, respectively. Between the stages of increasing and decreasing anisotropic mechanical load testing, steady rheology characterization with constant rate and stress dynamic measurements were carried out keeping deformation rate at 300 s− 1 and applied stress at 200 Pa constant for 33 and 5 s, respectively. Composition of the colloid mixtures are presented in Table 6.3. Particle contents in the rheology-characterized mixtures were set to inferior amounts in epoxy binder of the coatings because kinetic percolation is measured at lower solid phase content than electrical percolation relating to statistical geometric arrangement of solid inclusions at the same dispersity.62 This is because the volume exclusion effect of the highly anisotropic particles is more sensitively measured, and mobility restriction of dissolved polymer becomes more pronounced than 3D volume spanning electron conduction ability of the nanotube networks.63,64 At the same aspect ratio (~ 102), nanotube volume fraction above the geometrical percolation threshold (~ 5 × 10− 3) is a semidilute dispersion, implying the onset of nanotube interactions.

Table 6.3

Volume Fraction (φ) of the Rheology Characterized Dispersions Containing the Nano-Size Particles in Dissolved Alkyd Resin at a Solid Phase Content of 3.846 wt.%

ParticlesAlumina (φ)PPy (φ)MWCNT (φ)Thixotropya (Pa s− 1)sa (Pa)
D11.61 × 10− 21.32 × 10− 3-78,5227.4
D21.30 × 10− 21.76 × 10− 32.45 × 10− 328,3506.5


a Thixotropy index and yield stress were determined by constant rate and force mode measurements, respectively. Characterization of paint coatings and low carbon steel substrates Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

A platinum spiral, SCE, and glass-tube-fitted paint coatings covered steel panels (A = 5.3 cm2) were used as counter, reference, and working electrodes, respectively. Immersion tests were performed with an electrochemical cell configuration proposed by Kendig et al.65 which is known as “Rapid Electrochemical Assessment of Paints” method. The electrochemical cell and the Zahner IM6eX potentiostat-frequency analyzer (Zahner-elektrik GmbH and Co., Germany) were placed into two grounded Faraday cages wired to each other. OCPs were measured in an open cell configuration. Then impedance measurements were carried out in the frequency range of 10 kHz and 20 MHz applying sinusoidal perturbation of 20 mV. The most probable electrical circuits with the lowest number of discrete elements were used for modeling. In all cases, resistance of the electrolyte solution (Rs = 25 Ω) was assumed to be the same for all samples as measured with bare steel electrodes by the same cell geometry. Equivalent electrical circuits (presented below) used for impedance fittings are referenced as follows: Rs(Qc(Rp(Qdl(RctWs)))) (1), Rs(Qc(Rp(Qdl(Rct)))) (2), Rs(Rp(Qc)) (3), Rs(Qc(Rp(Qdl(RctWo)))) (4). Coating (Qc, denoted as Ccoat) and double-layer (Qdl, denoted as Cdl) capacitances were substituted and better described by constant phase elements because of some frequency dispersion, whereas pore (Rp, denoted as Rcoat) and charge-transfer (Rct, denoted as Rcorr) resistances were coupled parallel according to the capacitive elements as shown in the circuits of (1-4). To describe semiinfinite and finite type mass transport processes (as detected during the time scale of investigation) taking place through some of the coatings and fit diffusion related tail in low-frequency region of the impedance data, open (Wo) and short (Ws) Warburg elements were used for fitting. Impedance fitting was performed with the 3.1c version of the Zview program (Scribner Associates, Inc.). Applied electrical circuits with data summarizing figures are listed in appropriate place of the results section.

u06-01-9780124114678 Glow-discharge optical-emission spectroscopy

This technique was employed owing to its capability to detect elements in ppm quantities to have a clear overview on the effect of mass transport of the species found in the electrolyte used for the immersion test. The analysis was started with sample preparation; removal of the top coat by gentle polishing with emery paper (#600), leaving the epoxy primer intact (in a thickness of 40 μm). Elemental depth profiling experiments were performed using a GD-Profiler 2TM radio-frequency glow-discharge optical-emission-spectrometer (GD OES) instrument (HORIBA Jobin Yvon S.A.S., France). Samples were investigated under argon atmosphere at a constant pressure of 500 Pa. Prior to high sensitivity detection of the elements, sputtering was performed at a constant power of ~ 50 W. Settings were optimized to obtain ideal shape of the craters and acceptable resolution. Flushing time was 20 s, whereas the anode diameter was 4 mm. Depth profile data are presented over 40 μm of the primer coatings with an additional 20 μm sputtered depth in the steel substrates on average. Ion intensities were normalized to the maximum carbon intensity with the help of the intensity data from argon (Fi). Without standards of paint coatings and a well defined zinc-rich composition, depth-profile results with relative element intensities serve as a first-approach comparison before and after the immersion tests, whereas some of the element intensities were multiplied for the sake of comparison. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Although there are some limitations in the information provided by this technique due to the statistical manner of sampling and model based fitting evaluation results, this is a sensitive and very surface-specific detection method to provide valuable information on the presence, relative ratio, and chemical nature of the elements in the steel/coating interface. Immersion tested paint coatings on the steel panels were removed by three times of 5 min ultrasonication in the mixture of dichloromethane, methanol, toluene, and tetrahydrofurane (6:1:1:1). XPS spectra were recorded from the steel surface on a Kratos XSAM 800 spectrometer operated at fixed analyzer transmission mode using Mg Kα1,2 (1253.6 eV) excitation. Pressure of analysis chamber was lower than 1 × 10− 7 Pa. Wide scan spectra were recorded in the 100-1300 eV kinetic energy range, applying pass-energy (80 eV) in 0.5 eV steps with 0.5 s dwell time. High-resolution spectra of characteristic photoelectron lines of constituent elements, and the C1s region for carbon-containing layers were recorded at pass-energy (40 eV) by 0.1 eV steps with 1 s dwell time. Chemical states of the constituents were determined by XPS database.66,67 Kratos Vision 2000 software was used for quantifications with experimentally determined sensitivity factors. Spectra were referenced to the energy of C1s line of polymeric or hydrocarbon type adventitious carbon set at 285.0 eV binding energy and, if it was applicable,to the Fermi edge (0.0 eV binding energy) of the iron substrate. Immersion and salt-spray chamber corrosion tests

Immersion tests were carried out for 254 days with 1 M sodium chloride solution at room temperature, changing the electrolyte in a 42-day period. Corrosion tests were performed by a spray/prohesion/humidity cabinet (SF/MP/AB100, C + W Specialist Equipment Ltd., UK) installed with a Jun-Air (OF302, Gast Manufacturing Inc., USA) oil-free compressor. The 45 min cycles were divided into two phases. In the first 25 min, samples were exposed to salt fog combined with prohesion. Dosage rate of the sodium chloride solution (5 wt.%) was at 7 cm3 min− 1. Temperature of the chamber was set to 35 °C, and the salt solution was heat up to 45 ± 3 °C. In the second phase, the temperature was held at 35 °C for 20 min without application of salt mist. Test cycles were repeated for 142 days. Evaluation of the corrosion propagated samples was made according to the principles of the EN ISO 4628:2005 standard.

6.3 Results

6.3.1 Investigation of the nano-size particles Cyclic voltammetry

Cyclic voltammetry is able to reveal characteristic differences and minor changes in electrochemical activity of the intrinsically conducting polymers, including their derivatives and composites. In addition, due to the mechanism of mediated electron transfer reaction, anodic corrosion inhibition function of the particle samples is strongly influenced by redox activity of PPy and conductivity of the nano-size particles regardless of its free-standing or supported form, applied as a stand-alone film or in composites—paint coatings. Therefore, particles were voltammetry tested, and the most representative scanning results are shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Cyclic voltammmograms of the PPy modified alumina (p1) and the PPy modified alumina/MWCNT (p2), and base current measured with the bare platinum working electrode (Pt).

Moderate electroactivity of the PPy was noticed during investigation of the p1. The redox activity related capacitive current density well exceeded the double-layer capacitance and adsorption resulted background current measured with bare platinum electrode. The first capacitive current response and consecutive scanning gave similar curves with the location of oxidative peak potentials at − 0.1 V, but much lower oxidative-reductive charges, indicating good electrochemical reversibility. The low and progressively decreasing current transients by sequential scanning and the low charging efficiency (Table 6.1) are due to the very low electrical conductivity of p1, containing the undoped semiconducting type polymer as a thin superficial layer on the alumina at the contents (~ 4 wt.%) of just around the percolation threshold in the sample.68

In case of the p2 powder sample, orders of magnitude greater than anodic- cathodic capacitive current transients were measured not just as first scanning but as consecutive curves, which reflect far higher electrical conductivity. Oxidation peak potentials were easily recognized at 0.0 V, but reduction peak potentials could only be scarcely identified at − 0.35 V, meaning noticeable electrochemical reversibility of the PPy content. The voltammogram is less affected by the lower ohmic potential drop during the measurement as a consequence of high conductivity of the sample. This is due to the geometrical, statistical percolation of the MWCNTs and so the result was electrical percolation in the p2 at MWCNT content of 14 wt.%, whereas the onset of electrical percolation was found at 9 wt.% nanotube contents. The transient profile and the scale of capacitive currents with coulombic efficiency of 2.1 ± 3 × 10− 1 at low relative amount of PPy manifest altogether mediocre electrical conductivity of the partially doped PPy, supported partly by the PSS modified nanotubes. Shift of the peak potentials compared to neat and alumina supported PPy is partly attributed to a greater extent of conjugation and less electron deficient state of the PPy because of the high relative amount of the nanotubes and effective electron transfer from them. However, hindered charge mobility through the network is connected to the sterical structure of PPy deformed by PSS, causing limited conjugation in the polymer segments. This is because the low amount of homogeneously dispersed nanotubes was modified with large amount of immobile PSS complexed PPy film, and the polyelectrolyte limits the extent of conjugation in PPy by distortion and conformational adjustments leading to energy barrier to slow down electron conduction.69 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy

In Figure 6.2 FTIR spectra of the nano-size particles are compared to each other and the free-standing PPy samples prepared in water (PPy1) and aqueous ethanol (PPy2). In the PPy1 spectrum the characteristic bands of PPy are found at 1528 and 1467 cm− 1 corresponding to the νCglyph_sbndC and νCglyph_dbndN stretching vibrational bands of the pyrrole ring (arrows), respectively, while the bands at 1285 and 1142 cm− 1 belong to the Cglyph_sbndH deformations.70,71 The weak, but well-defined band at 1093 cm− 1 corresponds to the in-plane deformation mode of NH2+ of protonated PPy backbone.72 In case of the PPy2, a doublet at 1554 and 1531 cm− 1 in the Cglyph_sbndC stretching region was identified, which was attributed to the combination of intra-ring Cglyph_dbndC and inter-ring Cglyph_sbndC stretching vibrations.73 Furthermore, slight blue-shift of the peaks suggests a more compact 3D structure of the PPy2. As for the alumina supported PPy (p1), spectral features of the polymer film changed. The new bands at 1634 and 1340 cm− 1 are assigned to the deformation vibration modes of protonated species, NH2+ of doped PPy. The broad, intensive band around 1120 cm− 1 corresponding to the Cglyph_sbndH in-plane deformation vibrations suggest a compact 3D structure of the thin polymer film. The blue-shift of Cglyph_dbndC/Cglyph_sbndC inter and intra-ring vibration (arrow) can also be explained by enhanced electron delocalization in the PPy segments.74

Figure 6.2 FTIR spectra of the PPy modified alumina (p1) and the PPy modified alumina/MWCNT (p2) samples with the spectra of neat PPy prepared in water and aqueous ethanol mixture (PPy1 and PPy2).

In the spectrum of MWCNT incorporated particles (p2), the main Cglyph_dbndC/Cglyph_sbndC band of PPy inter- and intra-rings around 1550 cm− 1 (arrow) is slightly blue-shifted compared to the one of the neat polymer (around 1530 cm− 1).46 Supramolecular assembly is partly accounted for the effect, leading to more efficient, enhanced electron delocalization along the PPy network. However, suppressed Cglyph_sbndH deformations at 1294 and 1047 cm− 1 suggest a coplanar (characteristic) structure of the PPy segments throughout the backbone. Blue-shifted bands (at 1575 and 1220 cm− 1) agree with the deprotonated state of the PPy,75 resulting in moderate electrical conductivity but good electroactivity based on high redox activity and reversibility of the polymer. Typical thin PPy film structure is indicated by the low intensity bands of glyph_sbndCglyph_sbndH in plane bending and Cglyph_sbndN stretching at 1038 and 1173 cm− 1, respectively. As to the PPy/PSS complexes, lower PPy bands intensities were detected and partial incorporation of the PSS into PPy modified nanotubes-alumina was evidenced by the PSS bands in the spectrum. Despite the masking phenomenon of Sglyph_dbndO bands at ~ 1220 cm− 1, a well-defined νCglyph_sbndN stretching band was detected at 1180 cm− 1, which is in connection with the PPy conductivity mechanism undergoing via electron hopping by bipolarons near Nglyph_sbndC bonds.76 No sign of oxidative degradation, that is, the presence of carbonyl bands in the spectrum, was detected. Transmission electron microscopy

In Figure 6.3af, TEM images of the nano-size particles are presented. Figure 6.3a depicts the loosely aggregated flocs of the alumina-supported PPy particles at submicron- scale, interacting through moderate spatial density of interlinks at micron-scale. The highly and evenly dispersed particles exhibited markedly extended interparticle interactions, infinite association, and 3D cluster formation of the particles (p1). By taking observation at higher magnification (Figure 6.3b), the reason for the well-dispersed and associated distribution of the particles became obvious. PPy modification of alumina leads to a minor proportion of coalescencelike aggregation of the particles (arrowed by A), the majority of bridging type—loosely aggregated particles (arrowed by B) and some fraction of almost individually dispersed particulates with thin PPy film coatings. The latter ones were core-shell type particles (B and C) that were merged to give globularly structured multiphaselike structures (A) found in moderate proportion around the size range of 200 nm with weak tendency toward agglomeration. The complete coverage with thin PPy film could be well observed (Figure 6.3c), and size distribution of the aggregates showed smaller contribution around 200 nm (A), predominant fraction at 100 nm (B), and much smaller proportion below 100 nm (C).

Figure 6.3 TEM images of the (a–c) PPy modified alumina (p1) and (d–f) the PPy modified alumina/MWCNT (p2) particles.

As it is shown in Figure 6.3d, the nanotube incorporated sample indicated much lower dispersity, more pronounced aggregation (A) of particles (p2), and loosely assembled arrangement on micron-scale (B) with finite size of aggregated particle-floc interactions (C). The PPy modified alumina was partly strongly (Figure 6.3e, A) and less coherently (B and C) aggregated with the nanotubes, but not evenly distributed along the MWCNTs (B and C). However, the nanotubes were almost evenly dispersed and their filaments supported microgel flocs with extended 3D interconnection of the particulates with low spatial density. PPy deposition resulted in reversible aggregation and some degree of coalescence of the alumina (Figure 6.3f, A) around the MWCNTs (B) but all of the alumina and nanotube support was completely covered with thin polymer film (C). Large-scale aggregation of the p2 compared to the p1 is due to the codeposition of PPy/PSS complexes causing a double-flocculent effect. The p2 sample is regarded as a nonuniform, inhomogeneous particle composed of anisotropic filaments and nano-size isotropic particles in the form of randomly distributed submicron voluminous island-like arrangements. Although cluster topologies and dispersibility of the p2 was far inferior to the p1, its electroactivity allows effective improvement of galvanic function of the ZRPs with zinc contents lower than critical PVC, while the p1 type particulates can only facilitate inhibition of the sacrificial metallic pigments and may enhance the barrier nature of the paint coatings. Rheology characterization of dispersion of the nano-size particles

Dynamic measurement results are presented in Figures 6.4a and b. Strong viscoelastic response of dispersion of the p1 (D1) is revealed by the high storage and the lower loss moduli over a wide-frequency domain (Figure 6.4a). Pseudo-solid flow behavior is associated with the medium spatial density interlinked, coherent microstructure of the sol. The elastic-viscous transition with an intersection at ~ 3 Hz reflects moderate stress-induced deterioration of the 3D associated colloid system. The steeply increasing loss factor also indicates such a quasi-solid and viscous transition. Considerable ramp in the complex viscosity is attributed to the large extent of interparticle interactions of the highly dispersed filler phase. The plateau between 10 and 100 Hz in the loss factor supports moderately high strain rate yielded deterioration in the colloid structure.

Figure 6.4 Dynamic rheology test of particle dispersions: (a) frequency and (b) stress sweep results measured at a stress of 1 Pa and the frequency of 1 Hz, respectively.

The amplitude sweep test revealed two stages of stress-activated attrition in the macro- and microgel structure of the D1 along with elastic-viscous transition signified by intersecting storage and loss moduli at 10 Pa (Figure 6.4b). The former is connected to the less extensively interlinked floc system and moderately coherent association of the particles within the microgel flocs, whereas the latter is most probably in accordance with the stress amplitude (critical stress level) induced collapse of the coherent pseudo-solid gel system. However, decreasing complex viscosity confirms effective shear-induced reorientation, disruption of 3D particle associations.

As for the D2, the wide angular frequency range constant ramp of low storage and somewhat higher loss moduli besides the high phase angle in the loss factor over wide range mean a viscous flow characteristic with the absence of effective 3D particle associations and coherent microstructure of the colloid system. Nonetheless, the intersection of moduli at 50 Hz and the sharply decreasing phase angle unanimously reveal a transition from sol to gel behavior that is associated with the straining caused structure build-up, loose and low spatial density interaction of the microgel flocs in the dispersion. This is confirmed by the stress sweep test that indicated out-of-range intersection of ~ 0.4 Pa.

The lack of hydrogen bonding between alumina and the dispersant led to inefficient interfacial interactions. So, hydrated alumina repels much of the alkyd matrix, since insignificant rheology control of unmodified alumina is connected to the weak van der Waals forces between the solid and the vehicle. Thus, Newtonian flow of dissolved vehicle and its dispersion with bare alumina gave constant complex viscosity with wide range linear ramp of storage and loss moduli associated with rapid relaxation processes. Greater loss and lower storage moduli evidenced viscous flow characteristic due to the lack of association of unmodified alumina and coherent microstructure of the colloid system. High surface/volume ratio and dispersity of the alumina led to increased hydrodynamic resistance, greater volume exclusion effect of the nano-size filler. Therefore, remarkable interfacial forces in the D1 are obviously related to the thin film PPy content interacting effectively with the lipophile matrix because of the match of solubility parameters.77 Enhanced interfacial attractive forces between the liquid phase-dissolved polymer matrix and the highly dispersed particles are responsible for the high mobility restriction of the polymer segments and the effective load transfer related massive flow resistance.

Constant rate and stress load results are shown in Figure 6.5a and b, whereas creep test data are presented Figure 6.5c. In case of the visco-elastic type D1, the high strain rate domain located large hysteresis and the different slope of shear-thinning effect are connected to the various strength and scale of particle associations and rearrangements (Figure 6.5a). The high forward (fw.) and backward (bw.) apparent dynamic viscosities at all strain rates leading to considerable thixotropy index mean moderate reorientation rate of the particles and slow recovery of the colloid structure. Besides the large thixotropy, continuous shear-thinning is connected to increasing deterioration and disruption of the interlinked flocs with subsequent gradual floc attrition-activation of bridging and coalescence aggregated or flocculated particles. Nevertheless, all interparticle interactions seemed to diminish with durable straining at high rates, leading to complete disruption of the microgel floc system which was indicated by the asymptotic hydrodynamic flow resistances at the heist rate (the same was measure to the alumina dispersion). The high yield stress (Figure 6.5b) and the remarkable creep resistance at low stress loading (Figure 6.5c) suggest a highly interlinked floc system, well-interacted microstructure of the highly dispersed p1 particles (featuring high, effective volume fraction).

Figure 6.5 Steady rheology test of particle dispersions: forward (fw) and backward (bw) test results; (a) the applied shear stresses, (b) strain rates, and (c) creep rates along with the apparent dynamic viscosities.

As for the rather visco-plastic type D2, the high shear-thinning in a pseudo-plastic viscous way suggests fast rotational orientation of the nanotube filaments with low hindrance to relax and build up (Figure 6.5a). Moderate thixotropic nature (28,350 Pa s− 1) and the lower yield stress (6.5 Pa, Table 6.3) also support the idea of rapid relaxation and fast reorientation of the nanotube-loaded p2 particles. Apparent viscosities were high despite volume fraction of the nanotubes with an average aspect ratio of 100 were under the rheology percolation threshold at volume fraction of 7 × 10− 3,78 in the semidilute regime of the bare MWCNTs. Furthermore, fast rupture of floc interactions (slow recovery) and the gradual minor attrition of anisotropic filaments (faster recovery) are concluded along with a mediocre particle dispersity and the resulted less effective load transfer, low stress threshold-resistance to yield to flow and creep (Figure 6.5c). In dispersions of the p2 type particles with lower relative amount of the nanotubes (between 8.5 and 14 wt.%), no effect of infinite cluster formation, geometrical (statistical) or kinetic percolation of the nanotubes and their filamentous particles but high thixotropicity was experienced by all measurement methods. So, electrical percolation of the p2 by its higher relative MWCNT content is suggested to transfer into statistical and kinetic percolation threshold measured by rheological methods.

6.3.2 Investigation of the paint coatings and steel substrates Immersion test with EIS monitoring

OCP and impedance data acquired during the immersion test are presented in Figure 6.6a and bf with assessment of the samples summarized in Table 6.4. Based on the evaluation of impedance data, fitting parameters of discrete elements of the most probable electrical circuits are given in Figures 6.7 and 6.8. The traditional type zinc-rich Z coated steel panel exhibited mixed potentials below − 0.9 V over the first half of the test (~ 3000 h), which means stable and viable galvanic function of the primer, cathodic polarization of the steel surface, and thermodynamic immunization protection of the steel substrate against corrosion. However, this should partly mean inefficient corrosion inhibition of the substrate by the interfacially precipitating corrosion products. This long-term stage of active protection was allowed by the highly porous primer and the intense anodic action of the zinc. Weak barrier nature of the Z is reflected by the small and decreasing impedance moduli besides the high low-frequency phase-angle minimum and breakpoint frequencies shifting toward the high-frequency range (Figure 6.6b), which is a consequence of inefficient pore-blocking effect. After an initial deactivation at 552 h, continuous drops in the impedance moduli correlated with the slowly anodic shifting OCPs. Uniform surface polarization, partially diminishing galvanic function of the Z became obvious after 3000 h, whereas evolving some mechanical blockage and recoveries of the barrier nature could be identified at 552, 4800, and 6100 h of immersion. Intense sacrificial and self-corrosion of part of the zinc pigments (around 30%) was appointed by cross-sectional SEM observations, finding corroded phase at grain boundaries. Thus, intense sacrificial action of zinc led to high rate of oxygen reduction reactions and obviously the evolution of strongly alkaline milieu especially at the interface. So, the primer severely delaminated relating to oxidative degradation,79,80 and saponification of the binder, no macroscopic corroded spots were detected on the steel surface. Interestingly, some degree of cathodic protection was even available at 6000 h, obviously in inhomogeneous lateral distribution as corrosion potential of the system remained around − 0.8 V, which is considered to be a threshold to provide enough anodic current output for cathodic immunization of steel substrates (under fairly protecting barrier coatings) even in performance demanding circumstances.81

Figure 6.6 Immersion test: (a) corrosion potential and (b–f) electrochemical impedance spectra (in Bode representation) of steel panels coated with the zinc-rich Z and the H1-H4 hybrid coatings.

Table 6.4

Evaluation of the Immersion Test Results

CoatingsDegree of Blistering Size and DensityDegree of DelaminationDe-Adhesion of Coatings
Z2 (few)ConsiderableInhomogeneous
H10 (none)None-
H20 (none)CompleteHomogeneous
H30 (none)None-
H41 (few)SlightInhomogeneous


Figure 6.7 Fitting results of the impedance data acquired in immersion test of (a and b) the traditional type zinc-rich Z. The following modeling equivalent electrical circuits were used for impedance fittings: Rs(Qc(Rp(Qdl(RctWs)))) (1), Rs(Qc(Rp(Qdl(Rct)))) (2).
Figure 6.8 Fitting results of the impedance data acquired in immersion test: (a–c) the H1-H4 samples and (d and e) parameters of the second parallel circuit elements modeling the H4. The following equivalent electrical circuits were used for impedance fittings to the H1-H3; Rs(Qc(Rp)) (3) and to the H4; Rs(Qc(Rp(Qdl(RctWo)))) (4).

The OCPs between 0.2 and 0.3 V and the high impedance moduli (Figure 6.6c) signify markedly slow initial activation by the electrolyte, evidencing a very efficient barrier character of the H1 lasting for around 1500 h. These data suggest significant resistance control of the coating (unfortunately masking the corrosion potential) besides a remarkable shrinkage in the specific anodic area of zinc. Although some activation of the primer and its zinc content with a highly restrained galvanic action are thought to take place based on the OCP having shifted to around − 0.3 V at the time of 2000 h, it should not be considered as a capacitive feature of the coating. Accordingly, the impedance spectra revealed ignorable changes in the inbound mass transport regime, that is, electrolyte infiltration processes. The wide range of nonideal capacitive phase response is attributed to the nonperfect geometry of the measuring cell with its inhomogeneous current distribution and the uneven coating surface both at the primer/top coat and the top coat/solution interface. After a minor activation at 2000 h, durable passive protection by the H1 coating seemed to recover at ~ 2400 h of the immersion and lasted for over 3000 h, owing probably partly to the very low amount of accumulation of corrosion products. Remarkable anodic shift of the OCPs to around 0.4 V and the considerable resistance control (above 1010 Ω cm2 by the coating) mean very low rate of oxygen reduction reaction undergoing at the steel substrate acting as an oxygen electrode as it was given by Evans.82 It was pointed out that corrosion potentials and oxygen reduction on passive films of metal oxides and thermal oxide electrodes occur at 0.4 V and in galvanic coupled cases at 0.2 V versus SCE.83 In comparison with the initial state of the primer, it means notably small active anodic areas and low rate of zinc dissolution. However, the firm barrier nature of the H1 seemed to deteriorate at 5000 h when OCPs turned to change to the cathodic direction and decreasing low-frequency impedance was accompanied with increasing low-frequency phase-angle minimum. According to the robust passive character, no impact of the corrosion processes such as delamination, blistering, and steel rusting were experienced.

Similar function of the H2 coating was noticed based on the slightly fluctuating but continuously increasing corrosion potentials and the durable highly resistive behavior (Figure 6.6d). A slightly altered protection characteristic of the H2 hybrid (with some similarities partly to the Z and the H1) is recognized both in the corrosion potential pattern and impedance data as a function of time. The measurement of more anodic OCPs at ~ 1000, 3000, and 4000 h all coincided well with the increasing capacitive nature of the coating, giving bit higher impedance amplitudes and a lower phase minimum in the low-frequency domain. Steady changing tendency of the OCPs toward the more anodic range supports the idea of progressively restrained anodic action of zinc (decreasing active surface) and galvanic function of the coating. Impedance spectra revealed coating activation at 1752 and 2520 h by the increasing low-frequency phase-angle even though impedance moduli remained practically unaffected, suggesting a minor proportion access by the penetrating electrolyte-slightly increasing volume and area of pores in the primer. In comparison with the H1, the more frequent activation and recovery of the coating can probably be attributed to the short-term pore-filling action by the smaller amount of accumulating corroded species in a bulk phase of the primer which should be hardly leachable. In addition, as almost the same strongly anodic shifted corrosion potentials were measured with lower resistance control in the case of H2 compared to H1 in the end (as a convergence), which obviously suggest more effective corrosion inhibition at the steel surface by the precipitating and insulating corrosion products and which should also mean the absence of evolution of alkaline milieu in the interface with an altogether low rate of oxygen reduction reaction. As a result, no corrosion spots on the steel surface could be detected (Table 6.4). Nevertheless, some oxidative deterioration might as well happen owing to complete delamination of the coating. This cathodic delamination phenomenon is in agreement with the interfacial electron transfer reactions undergoing even under firm barrier coatings as it was experienced to neat epoxy-top coated system. So, the highly dispersed PPy-coated alumina particles based primers provided efficient passive protection, long-term mechanical blockage besides the lack of evidence of cathodic protecting functionality in immersion tests.

In case of the H3 loaded with nanotube incorporated particles (Figure 6.6e), the OCP and impedance changes evidenced efficient barrier characteristics and some cathodic function in the early activation up to ~ 400 h and the latter steady periods from 2500 h. Considerable passive protection is well reflected by the high impedance amplitudes over the entire test along with the low phase minimum (between − 75° and 55°) either in the early and the late period of the test or the location of breakpoint frequencies in the low-frequency domain (over ~ 1 Hz) measured in the medium and late periods. The somewhat decreasing impedance moduli up to ~ 1300 h are related to very fast activation and blockage of the coating accompanied with anodic shifting corrosion potentials. As electrical percolation of the coating relies on the medium dispersed p2 particles (with far nonpercolating micron-size isotropic zinc), the nanotube supported filaments provide interconnections between both the zinc grains and the steel substrate. The insulation at spanning clusters seemed to slowly diminish as OCPs turned changing in steps toward the cathodic range at 1500, 2500, and 5500 h, ending in a suppressed cathodic potential of − 0.7 V. All these stages were followed with minor recoveries in the barrier function, which were highlighted by the more capacitive coating nature at ~ 1300, 2600, and 6100 h besides the slight anodic changes in the OCPs. The most efficient pore-blocking action was identified at around 2600 h probably resulting in improved cathodic function of the coating. This means some shrinkage in the active anodic surface of the sacrificial pigments in bulk phase of the primer but remaining electrical connection at the steel/coating region causing relatively high oxidative degradation of the epoxy binder in the interface (see Section

Similarly to the Z, the H4 coating led to the evolution of well stabilized corrosion potentials initially at − 0.4 V until ~ 2000 h, − 0.5 V up to 3500 h and − 0.6 V till ~ 4000 h. Based on the corrosion potential changes, moderate variations in the coating state are thought to take place at 500 and 4000 h. From 4000 h to the end of immersion test, OCPs remained − 0.4 and − 0.5 V. Impedance data indicated recoveries in the barrier function; a short-lived evolution at ~ 550 h and a prolonged one from 3000 h lasting to the end (Figure 6.6f). The first is attributed to a minor coating deactivation by the pore-filling corrosion products, which was followed by moderate extent of electrolyte infiltration over the next 2500 h. Rest of the term from 3500 h was recognized as partial inhibition and passive protection by the precipitation of corrosion products botat the coating/steel interface and bulk phase of the primer. The stable OCPs around − 0.5 V suggest moderate electrical interaction of the zinc facilitated by the nano-size particles, resulting in restrained galvanic function and some degree of cathodic protection. The small second time-constant at 0.1 Hz until ~ 550 h manifests redox reactions taking place at continuously decreasing proportion of the steel surface. Both the H3 and H4 coatings exhibited very good condition without blistering. No cohesion or adhesion loss of the H3 was experienced, whereas only minor de-adhesion of the H4 was noticed, hinting on the low rate (or short-term) and small extent (inhomogeneous) distribution of interfacial electron transfer reactions leading to partial cathodic delamination failure. Interestingly, no sign of precipitated zinc corrosion products at grain boundaries was found in cross-section of the H3 and H4 hybrid primers by SEM observations.

By analyzing impedance data based on the applied modeling circuits, pore resistance of the Z decreased until 4500 h in a similar way to the charge-transfer resistance with an absolute minimum around 5000 h (Figure 6.7a and b). Coating capacitance was found slightly affected but mostly following coating resistance changes in a reversed manner as a function time in accordance with our expectation. This was parallel with the continuously decreasing resistance of the finite diffusion element, indicating less hindered mass transport through the coating (represented in the low-frequency domain) whose effect on the impedance spectra could be identified up to 3500 h. Halved exponent of the Warburg element and by several orders of magnitudes greater diffusion coefficient between around 1000 and 1300 h are interpreted as more hindered mass transport of the electrolyte, which is typical porous diffusion through coatings. Interestingly, it did not translate into much greater coating capacitance, but found coincided with markedly increasing double-layer capacitance identified with local and absolute maximums around 1000 and 4000 h, respectively. So, lower scale of dispersion in the Warburg impedance describing finite diffusion should obviously result from the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of mass transport in the primer, partial dissolution and transport of corrosion products in the interface at higher pH (alkaline milieu because of the reduction reactions concentrated on the steel interface) and some precipitation taking place in bulk and outer region of the primer in a neutral or slightly acidic milieu.

Intermittent uptick in the pore resistance around 400, 2000, and 5800 h (measured as greater low-frequency impedances) concur with minor enhancement of the coating barrier nature by the corrosion products which lasted for short-term as a consequence of leaching, that is, outbound mass transport leading to faster depletion of the primer. In addition, double-layer capacitance tended to turn to local minimums as coating resistance became greater, which agrees with the previously mentioned hypothesis. Corrosion inhibition of steel by the precipitating corrosion products is supposed to happen and insulate partially the primer from its substrate between 3000 and 4500 h of exposure as OCPs manifested nonviable or incomplete cathodic polarization of the interface (positive shifted corrosion potentials) besides the enhanced coating activation by the electrolyte. This is in line with the easily detectable swelling spots over the coating and the large amount of corrosion products in cross-section and at the steel surface detected by scanning electron microscope and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Whilst the double-layer capacitance seemed to be well decreasing in the later stage, minor increase of the coating and charge-transfer resistances can be explained by a more stabilized recovery in mechanical blockage and lower rate of electron transfer reactions, especially oxygen reduction reaction in the coating/steel interface. Fading inhibition by the piles of accumulated corrosion products did not entail in ensuing evolving appreciable cathodic immunization. In fact, diminishing galvanic protection of the substrate is connected to partial fading of electrical percolation as a result of accumulation of pore-filling species inside the bulk primer and at steel interface. On the one hand, the several orders of magnitude higher charge-transfer resistance compared to bare steel under similar conditions (Rct ~ 3.5 × 103 Ω cm− 2)84 points out valuable corrosion inhibition efficiency throughout the entire test. On the other hand, exponent of the double-layer capacitance at 600 at 5800 h suggests clear impact of the mass transport regime in the coating/steel interface and near bulk region of the primer as parameters of the constant phase element can partially be transferred to parameters of the Warburg element.

In case of the hybrid samples, only one parallel circuit was used for fitting (Figure 6.8ae). The high barrier type H1 and H3 exhibited enhanced passive protection between 500 and 3200 h while the H2 and H4 showed decreasing efficiency of pore blocking over the same period. In addition, difference between the generally higher pore resistance of the nanotube free H1 and H2 coatings (~ 1011-1012 Ω cm− 2) compared to the MWCNT incorporating H3 and H4 counterparts (~ 108-1010 Ω cm− 2) was evidenced. Nevertheless, the H1, H2 and H3 coatings are regarded as highly cross-linked, homogeneous I type coatings, whereas the H4 based on its coating resistive behavior is respected as a lower cross-linked, inhomogeneous D type coating. So, greater zinc content with lower spatial density of cross-linking in the primer led to lower pore resistance (despite structure of the filler phase enclosed by the binder), whereas incorporation of increasing amount of surface modified nanotubes leads to the same effect on a much larger scale even though smaller relative amounts of particles and nanotubes were loaded in both the primer and the binder at higher zinc contents (Table 6.2). The profiles of capacitance changes, more exactly the constant changes of the constant phase elements, by time were found similar to the similar formulations, the H1 and H3 as well as the H2 and H4 (Figure 6.8b). Furthermore, pore resistance increases in most cases coincided with decreasing coating capacitance. Despite the lower particle content, constant phase element of the H2 remained consistently above that of the H1, which was comparable to the difference between particle contents of the primers, and some convergence to the end as resistance of the coatings showed intersection around 6000 h. This may be explained by the greater zinc content with its increased initial interfacial area and the effective interaction with the highly dispersed particles increasing porosity of the H2. Active zinc surface and porosity would surely decrease by time entailing in more positive OCPs as coating resistance was slightly affected in the meantime. Interestingly, coating capacitance of the less porous H3 was markedly greater than that of the H4, indicating an opposite tendency compared to the H1 and H2 hybrids. This can be attributed to increased content of the nano-size particles and their geometrically closely arranged aggregates in the form of percolating filaments in the H3. No double-layer capacitance type component could be assigned to the hybrid samples, so corrosion inhibition with interfacially deposited corrosion products can be surmised by comparing pore resistance, coating capacitance, and OCPs. So, remarkable inhibition function and slight cathodic surface polarizing ability of the H4 are suggested, but no such valuable action should be connected to other hybrids as their pore resistances were far higher. Exponent of the constant phase element was close to ideal capacitive behavior except for the H2 manifesting the highest porosity in the early test stage (Figure 6.8c), which became similar to the other coatings in the second half of the test period.

Compared to the electrically percolating H1, H2, and H3 coatings (on different scales), the H4 was both electrically percolating and electrolytically permeating as a consequence of combination of high zinc and specific particle (p2) contents. In comparison with the H3, coating capacity constant of the H4 decreased by the scale expected by the lower PPy and alumina contents in the binder even though its pattern over time was similar to the H2 featuring the same coating formulation. Permeable initial structure of the H4 formulation is reflected by the need of additional circuit elements giving with at least a second time constant in the lower frequency domain (Figure 6.8d and e). Although charge-transfer resistance assigned to the H4 remained at ~ 107 Ω cm− 2 between 1400 and 4000 h, its later stage magnitudes of ~ 108 Ω cm− 2 became appreciable connecting to more pronounced corrosion inhibition at the steel surface in comparison with the Z. Double-layer capacitance related constant phase element was more steady and at least an order of magnitude lower (Figure 6.8d) than that was measured to the Z (Figure 6.7a). In partial connection, the greater double-layer capacitance between 1000 and 3200 h correlated well with lower pore resistance of the H4. The exponent of the constant phase element describing double-layer capacitance was around 0.7 lower than the Z by 0.15 on average, which means highly porous interfacial range between the coating and the steel surface (Figure 6.8d). In case of the Z, such an exponent in the last stage of the test is connected to the considerable amount of corrosion products detected on the steel surface obviously affecting surface porosity and the mass transport processes through the porous layer coupled to its outer part in the bulk phase of the primer. This exponent of the H4 became ideal capacitive (~ 1) at 4000 h and accompanied with increased pore and charge-transfer resistance along with lower double-layer capacitance and anodic shifted OCPs, suggesting efficient pore sealing in the interface and the primer. The semi-infinite diffusion modeling type Warburg element was used for fitting mass transport related impedance contributions in the H4. Although its resistance was comparable to the Z, it showed opposite tendency to change from 1000 h. The very low exponent ~ 0.15 (Figure 6.8e) is partly attributed to the highly heterogeneous deterioration at the steel surface (as it was described with a number of unit cells to thick coatings by Mansfeld et al.85) and it probably means long spatial range of porous diffusion processes which are partly reflected by exponents of the constant phase elements associated with the coating and double-layer capacitance. However, in comparison with the Z, concentrating in the coating range near the steel surface, much higher dispersion of the Warburg impedance should be accounted as a result of higher pH gradient in the coating/steel interface and much hindered mass transport in the primer; insignificant dissolution and transport of the alkaline dissolved corrosion products and a large proportion of precipitation in the inner phase of the primer under a neutral or slightly acidic milieu.

Impedance data of the H1, H2, and H3 coatings showed low phase angle minimums over the low-frequency domain reflecting the absence of coating breakdown in accordance with the evaluation routines, degradation monitoring, and prediction of coating failures.86 This is corroborated by the impedance/frequency slope of − 1 over the 102-104 Hz range obtained to all coating samples, which is another evaluation routine of coating degradation.87 As for the ennobled OCPs measured on the hybrid samples in immersion tests (pronounced resistance control similarly to neat, un-pigmented epoxy), the observations can be explained by the effect of interfacial oxygen reduction reactions undergoing under electrolyte deprived, dry condition as a consequence of highly cross-linked, least penetrated coatings. According to literature data,82 oxygen reduction occurs around 0.4 V and (if galvanic coupled) at 0.2 V versus SCE on passive metal oxide electrodes and thermal oxide electrodes, respectively. This is in agreement with Evans;81 freshly exposed steel substrates with epoxy coatings feature excellent barrier function, exhibiting OCPs of around 0-0.25 V when polymer coated steel reacts as an oxygen reduction electrode. In this potential range, the ratio of corroding area can be lower than 10− 3% of the overall geometrical surface. As the proportion of the anodic area increases, potential of the coated steel must decrease converging to around − 0.65 V. So, the systems with very good barrier coatings experience considerable potential drops when surface area of the corroding metal substrate is small, since increasing potential is a useful degradation monitor. Because potential of pure zinc in seawater is approx. − 1.050 V11 iron must have acted as cathode in vicinity of the sacrificial pigments in all cases. According to the prediction of Evans,81 99.99% of the coating coverage is located in area of the Evans diagram under the current of ~ 10− 11 A cm− 2 over any OCP measured for the hybrids. On the other hand, voltage drops were defined in the range of 10− 3-10− 2 V to the Z and the H4, showing increasing and steady tendencies over measured periods, respectively. In case of the H1, H2, and H3, much greater voltage drops were calculated around 101 and 100-10− 1 at current densities of ~ 50 pA cm2, exhibiting overall decreasing tendencies. So, hybrid samples can be termed as high barrier coatings in agreement with engineering classification based on DC current measurement.88

To estimate dry effective relative permittivity-initial capacity of the ZRPs, the exponential mixture rule known as the Lichteneker-Rother model, which was successfully for epoxy matrix based systems of nano-size alumina89 and zinc oxide,90 was utilized91 to calculate dielectric constants of the primers composed of epoxy, nano-size alumina, PPy, CNTs, and zinc oxide. In accordance with the presumption and method of the Brasher-Kingsbury relationship,92 thickness of the coatings was assumed to remain constant during immersion tests even though polymers swell by moisture uptake. Estimated water uptake of the epoxy binder and the coatings of the samples using the impedance data defined CPE related capacities is as follows; the Z 22-33% and 10-14%, the H1 4-12% and 3-9%, the H2 9-19% and 6-14%, the H3 7-14% and 5-10%, the H4 2-10% and 1-6%, respectively. Furthermore, according to the analysis of a nested pair model based breakpoint frequency evaluation method,93,94 to make a prediction on relative increase in the defective area besides the standard classification evaluation procedure,95 breakpoint frequencies crossing at − 45° in the phase diagram of the Bode represented impedance data and estimated relative increase in the redox active area on the steel surface associated partly with delamination of the coatings were used to appraise coating/steel samples over immersion test periods, which are summarized in the following: the Z over 100-102 Hz with the increase of up to 5 × 104 (10− 5-10− 3% overall), the H1 over 10− 3-10− 2 Hz with the increase remaining below of 2 × 101 (lower than 10− 6% overall), the H2 over 10− 2-10− 1 Hz with the increase of up to 102 (lower than 10− 6% overall), the H3 over 10− 3-10− 1 Hz with the increase of up to 5 × 102 (lower than 10− 5% overall), the H4 over 100-102 Hz with the increase of just below the 105 times (10− 5-10− 2% overall). The latter is also referred to as surface ratio of the pores, percentage of total cell area with damage or defect area percentage of the coatings, which proved to describe well hybrid ZRPs but underestimate the traditional ZRP type Z. This is probably because evaluation requires proportional validity of the breakpoint frequency to the redox active surface area of the metallic substrate by satisfying the following requirements; (1) breakpoint frequency is independent of coating thickness so it is proportional to disbonded area, (2) the area of corroding metal is the same as the pore area, and (3) dielectric constant of the coating is constant over the corrosion propagation period. The second and the third assumption cannot be complied with by the Z but may well be met by the hybrid ZRPs after some days of exposure (at least constant or steady state of the pore and coating surface ratios). Glow-discharge optical-emission spectroscopy

Depth profile data of the main elements detected in primers of the H2 and the H4 are given in Figures 6.9 and 6.10. In line with the firm barrier nature of the coatings indicated by the impedance spectroscopy results, none of the coating elements especially zinc and oxygen was found depleted or enriched in entire cross-section of the primer after the immersion test. In comparison with carbon and zinc as the main elements in atomic % in bulk phase of the primers, no species of the electrolyte solution were detected in greater relative quantities after propagation but most of the elements such as aluminum, sodium, and potassium was found proportional to the zinc content obviously because they could be its impurities. This should mean very low ionic permeability-conductivity of the zinc-rich hybrid coatings including the H4 even though impedance data of the latter suggested porous nature of the coating with pore resistance between 107 and 108 Ω cm2.

Figure 6.9 Relative intensities of the elements detected by GD OES in cross-section of the H2: (a) before and (b) after the immersion test.
Figure 6.10 Relative intensities of the elements detected by GD OES in cross-section of the H4: (a) before and (b) after the immersion test. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

XPS detected regions acquired from the surface of steel panels of the immersion tested Z and H1-H3 samples are presented in Figure 6.11ad, where intensities of the peaks correlate with the element contents. Relative quantities of the detected elements and components are considered to be more adequate for qualitative analysis and the data are given in Table 6.5, whereas proportion of the main elements and components related to the result of corrosion processes are summarized in Table 6.6 to have overview on the function and characteristic of the coatings.

Figure 6.11 XPS spectra regions acquired from steel surface of the immersion tested samples: (a) Fe 2p, (b) Zn 2p, (c) C1s, and (d) Na 1s.

Table 6.5

Ratio of Elements Detected by XPS on the Surface of Immersion Tested Paint Coated Steel Panels

Coated SamplesElements (Region)Binding Energy (eV)Chemical State (Relative Proportion)Content (Atomic%)
ZFe 2p710.9FexOy (thin Fe(III) rich phase)7.5
Zn 2p3/21022.2ZnO4.5
O 1s530.2FexOy18.1
531.8glyph_sbndOH, Oglyph_dbndCglyph_sbnd19.7
C 1s285.0Cglyph_sbndC25.3
Na 1s1072.1Na2O, NaCl, Na2CO3 or phosphates1.7
K 2p3/2292.8Halogenide and phosphate0.3
H1Fe 2p711.5FexOy (thin Fe(III) rich phase)14.5
Zn 2p1021.7ZnO2.8
C 1s285.0Cglyph_sbndC27.4
O 1s531.5Oglyph_dbndCglyph_sbnd, HOglyph_sbndFe and Zn14.7
530.0Oglyph_sbndZn and Fe21.5
Na 1s1071.5Na2O, NaCl, Na2CO3 or phosphates0.8
H2Fe 2p711.1FexOy (thin Fe(III) rich phase)16.9
Zn 2p1021.7ZnO4.4
C 1s285.0Cglyph_sbndC25.5
O 1s531.5Oglyph_dbndCglyph_sbnd, HOglyph_sbndFe and Zn15.3
530.0Oglyph_sbndZn and Fe25.0
Na 1s1072.1Na2O, NaCl, Na2CO3 or phosphates0.2
H3Fe 2p710.7FexOy (thin Fe(III) rich phase)5.3
713.4Fe(OH)x (partial)1.6
Zn 2p1022.0ZnO and Zn(OH)28.1
C 1s284.8Cglyph_sbndC16.6
O 1s531.2Oglyph_dbndCglyph_sbnd, HOglyph_sbndFe and Zn16.8
530.4Oglyph_sbndZn and Fe10
Na 1s1072.1Na2O, NaCl, Na2CO3 or phosphates1.6
K 2p3/2292.8Halogenide and phosphate0.4


Table 6.6

Ratio of the Elements Derived from XPS Data Measured at the Surface of Steel Specimens of the Immersion Tested Samples

Total Zn/Fe content0.
Fe content/Total C0.210.390.490.17
O-bound C/total C content0.
Alkaline/Fe content0.


Iron was detected as a mixture of the 2+ and 3+ valence states in the Z and found predominantly in its 3+ valence state in the H1-H3 besides occasionally a small contribution of metallic iron which feature obviously came from the metallic phase under the thin oxide film (Figure 6.11a). Oxidized iron phase compared to traces of the binder (carbon) was found in much greater relative proportion in the H1 and H2 (Table 6.5) than in the Z and H3 comparable to each other. In case of the Z even severe delamination and de-adhesion was observed, since the enhanced amount of carbonaceous remnants can be connected to oxidative degradation of the epoxy, which is in accordance with prolonged intense galvanic function of the primer, interfacial electron transfer reactions, and oxygen reduction reactions. Some metallic zinc could be detected in the Z and the H1 but the majority of the zinc oxide was found as dominant phase with inferior contribution of the hydroxide species (Figure 6.11b). Very similar to what was found in connection with the carbonaceous matter, a relative amount of zinc oxide precipitated in the interface (with respect to iron-oxide) showed high ratios in the H3 and the Z and much lower in the H1 and H2 (Table 6.6). This is a sensitive measure of overall rate (over the entire test period) of electrically coupled bimetallic corrosion, that is, galvanic function of the primers, which confirmed intense action of the Z and the H3, and lower rates in the nanotube-free hybrid ZRPs. Although repeated measurements exhibited much lower zinc corrosion in steel/coating interface of the H3 formulation, such a ratio of corroded species generally exceeded the level found in the H1 and H2 type coatings on average (as a consequence of resistance control), which signifies impact of the electrically well percolating structure of the filler phase and the available corrosion preventing the ability afforded to the steel substrate. It is also closely connected to the anodic current output of the zinc-rich primer system and its utilization efficiency for cathodic protection of the steel substrate. In relation to the corrosion inhibition effect by the interfacially accumulating zinc corrosion products, this feature was obviously more efficient in the hybrids than in the Z where the generated alkaline milieu and high porosity of the primer allowed less efficient accumulation of the precipitated corroded species at the interfaces as suggested by the measured corrosion potentials and evaluated resistance and capacities of the coatings. Oxygen containing species indicated varied composition as a result of high relative amounts of oxides/hydroxides of iron and zinc. Regarding the oxygen region of the spectra of the H3, chemical state of zinc could not be resolved to components but corroded iron species were managed to assign to oxides and hydroxides. The facts that no iron corrosion spots were visually observed on the steel surface protected by the hybrids and the Fe 2p spectra showed the same characteristics as the native iron oxides formed under ambient conditions.96 This supports the presumption that most of the steel surface became oxidized before the immersion test and the hybrid coating must have provided viable corrosion prevention over the test period.

The overall oxidative conversion-degradation of the epoxy binder was almost the same in all investigated samples (Table 6.6). However, the ratio of oxidized carbon components indicated a characteristic deviation in the H3 in the form of more pronounced hydroxyl type degradation (rather than carbonyl or carboxyl type) when compared to other samples (Figure 6.11c). This obviously means that enhanced electron transfer reactions between the primer and steel substrate should have taken place, whereas catalytic effect of the MWCNTs toward ORR10 was not suppressed by the semiconducting PPy film.

According to the tendency of galvanic function of the coatings and oxidative degradation of the organic binder (besides the consequence of the various cross-linking degree of the binder depending on the relative amount of solid inclusions), considerable amount of sodium was found both in the Z and the H3 along with potassium (clearly above the detection limit and in greater ratio to sodium than in the electrolyte) (Figure 6.11d) but low amounts were found in the H1 and H2 close to the detection limit without any sign of potassium. Salt-spray chamber test

Evaluation of the samples after salt spray testing is summarized in Table 6.7, whereas photographs of the samples are shown in Figure 6.12. Test results of the H1 type coatings pointed out firm barrier function, considerable resistance against delamination and prevention of iron rust formation around the scribed areas. The scale and later stage deterioration of the coating suggested good protection. The H2 exhibited an altogether much better protection characteristic with very good active corrosion prevention around the scribed areas and resistance against delamination. Even buried areas seemed to be in a better preserved state with a lower scale of coating degradation, which supports the notion of quite good semiactive/passive protection nature. Only some proportion of the buried areas were scattered with a small size of blisters but only the larger ones, about half of them in number, were related to iron rust formation. These are the result of optimal hybrid formulation; high zinc and the low specific particle contents, leading to low porosity and electrolytic conductivity besides good utilization of the low anodic current output for steel protection. Robust protection nature is emphasized by the almost uniform way of small scale corrosion around scribes, lower degree of staining and the later stage of coating deterioration along with the very low migration progress of delaminating fronts.

Table 6.7

Evaluation of Salt Spray Chamber Test Results

CoatingsDegree of Blistering Size and DensityDegree (Ri) and Area (%) of Rusting over Intact SurfaceCorrosion Grade and Delamination Around Scribes
Z32 (few)Ri 3, 1Grade 3—slight
H133 (medium)Ri 3, 1Grade 2—slight
H223 (medium)Ri 2, 0.5Grade 2—very slight
H332 (few)Ri 3, 1Grade 3—slight
H432 (few)Ri 2, 0.5Grade 2—slight


Figure 6.12 Photographs of the cyclic salt spray tested paint coatings.

Both the nanotube-loaded H3 and H4 samples exhibited very good condition with the lowest scale of blistering over intact areas along with good and excellent resistance against delamination around scribed areas, respectively. Lower susceptibility to blistering over buried areas is in accordance with the directly non-interconnected or moderately interconnected structure of fillers (measured as threshold of rheological and electrical percolation by the nano-size particles), allowing to afford dominating passive protection feature of the coatings. Nevertheless, a notable difference was identified in their corrosion prevention functionality; the rate of staining, amount of iron rust formation was far the best in the H4, especially in the intersection and an altogether good condition of the H3 was noticed.

Due to the high zinc PVC, coating porosity and cross-linking density of the binder, the Z afforded only moderate resistance against blistering, but viable corrosion prevention at scratched areas. It also provided an acceptable degree of protection over the intact surface against rusting and blistering, but the latter was clearly inferior to most of the hybrids. This is the consequence of an increased rate of coating deterioration partly because of the accumulation and subsequent leaching of the massive amount of corrosion products, which was noticed to occur after 40 days of exposure.

6.4 Discussion

To interpret the protection mechanism of the nanotube-free hybrid ZRPs, the following assumptions are taken into account. Statistically even distribution of spheroids of both the zinc pigments and the nano-size particles are considered at average sizes of 3 μm and 30 nm, respectively. So, active interfacial area between the two sorts of particles is estimated of ~ 6% of the entire zinc surface, allowing electrical interaction within a distance volume range of 10 nm in vicinity of the metallic grains. The latter is the typical maximum interparticle distance where electrical percolation takes place in polymeric composites by an electron tunneling mechanism.97,98 This should be valid when the impact of solvation related swelling, unbundling, or bridging aggregation of the PPy segments partially restricts mobility and settling of the particles are neglected. By an average density of ~ 2 × 1020 m− 3, PPy covered nano-size alumina particles provide less coherent and low density paths across the binder, restricting highly the electrolyte ingress. Owing to the significant difference (at least 104 cm2 s− 1) between mass transport in bulk phase and interphase along grain boundaries,99 one can have a notion of full activation and partial passivation of the interacting zinc grains in the hybrid ZRPs. The overall zinc corrosion should be very limited and inhibited corresponding to the impact of nano-size particles on composites100 and the interfacial interaction ability of nano-size composites with metallic surfaces.101 Furthermore, semiconducting particles should affect the sacrificial anodic current output of zinc. So, the overall mechanism probably involves partial p-n junction regulation as a result of interconnected n- and p-type semiconductors of generated zinc oxide and PPy.102 This function was evinced leading to improved protection performance based on the mechanism of a semiconductor altered sacrificial function of the metallic pigments.8

On the other hand, anodic current output and its density must always exceed current density of the protected substrates. In ZRPs protected substrates, corrosion rate is cathodically controlled. Hence, corrosion potential of the system approaches anodic OCPs when current density is just above the equivalent corrosion current. In an immersion test zinc corrosion is controlled by diffusion processes because charge-transfer resistance in the coating/steel interface should be smaller than the Warburg impedance (even though it is affected by the marked voltage drop). Considering that 2-5 and 5-20 mA m− 2 cathodic current is needed to maintain stable protection of steel substrates under fair and poor coatings by impressed current systems in stagnant and low velocity conditions, respectively,103 such a range of anodic current output must be provided by the H2 (and the H4) formulation as it is learned from the salt spray test results. Thus, galvanic function of the hybrid ZRPs (with nonpercolating zinc content) should take benefit from moderate interaction and low spatial density of the nano-size particles. Nevertheless, a major part of the particles was dispersed at a size range of 50 nm, although they were surely not evenly distributed in the binder. The latter leads to facilitated electrical percolation, infinite cluster formation by the particles and the zinc pigments. Calculations suggest contributed electrical conductivity of the hybrid primers when particles are of 10 nm diameter, which is in agreement with the aspects of double and multiple percolation theory61,104 establishing a relationship between decreasing size of conducting particles and percolation thresholds of the composites.

To interpret galvanic function of the nanotube-loaded hybrid ZRPs and the role of PPy modified nanotubes, the effects of the pristine nanotubes should be first examined. Simplified model interpretation, electrical circuit of the nanotube connected zinc and steel is as follows. The 3D network of zinc particles are connected together and to the steel by the CNTs. Longitudinal current conduction between the metallic electrodes of zinc and steel is called current drainage (ID) undergoing in a longitudinal direction through the axis of the nanotubes. Current conduction in a transversal direction (perpendicular to the axis of the nanotubes) is hereby named as current leakage (IL) between the anodic zinc and cathodic functioning steel electrodes. With similar properties, graphite is routinely used in impressed current based cathodic protection systems as it is an efficient anode105 but graphite incorporation into paint formulations is known to cause devastating consequences.57 In our approach, PPy film on the nanotubes is to alter perpendicular electrical conductivity, increase resistance on the surface of the MWCNTs by less conducting layers to the surrounding media, while the majority of their tips are thought to remain uncoated (resistance of the pristine CNTs in a longitudinal direction). The amount of nanotubes necessary for a spatially interconnected network is identified by percolation thresholds. Although there is usually a difference between kinetic and statistical percolation thresholds because of the particle movements and dynamic aggregation or a system with static paths of randomly distributed filler,62 some of the rheology terms are related to either of these percolation thresholds which are relevant to establish relationships between structure of the polymer composites and their electrical properties.106,107 In addition, further assumptions need to be made as follows: the nanotube-loaded hybrid ZRPs are uniformly accessed by the electrolyte and the reaction with the main depolarisator such as oxygen is limited by the rate of electrolyte infiltration activating sacrificial action of the thin oxide layer covered zinc pigments. MWCNTs with high surface and electrical conductivity behave as indifferent electrodes, leading to greater rate of anodic and cathodic reactions. Cathodic processes are due to the mesoscopic galvanic cell formation with metallic components.

MWCNTs are good electrical conductors (~ 1.8 × 103 S cm− 1)108 with the conductance of individual tubes up to G ~ 490G0109 where longitudinal conductance is quantified as G = nG0 and where n is an integer number and the G0 equals to ≈ 77.5 μS.110 Current-carrying capacity of up to 7.27 mA and the conductance of ~ 460 G011 are more than enough for hybrid coatings to afford comparable anodic current output to metallic substrates (~ 10− 1 mA cm− 1) as traditional ZRPs.111 Because CNTs facilitate electrical connection of zinc and the steel substrate, nano- and mesoscopic galvanic cells form from certain particle content. This should lead to decreasing utilization efficiency of anodic current output, causing lower protection by the coatings and ineffective immunization of the substrate. What is more, increased surface ratio by the cathodic nanotubes only aggravates the situation.

Although simple galvanic setup of zinc and steel electrically coupled by the nanotubes was discussed,96 nanotubes as uncoated conductors supplied by the electrolyte and depolarisator species act as cathodes, which results in a high rate of cathodic reactions offset by anodic reactions on zinc and iron. Potential drop along the nanotubes weakening longitudinal electron transport can be disregarded, since a high rate of cathodic reactions should take place and a large proportion of the anodic current output is wasted over the entire length of the nanotubes (as Rperp < Rlong). MWCNTs conduct an electrical current of huge density though efficiency of galvanic coupling is limited by conductivity of the low quantity of diluted electrolyte112 since the shorter the distance from individual metallic species is, the higher the probability of the reduction reaction should be, especially under the conditions of an electrolyte deprived and diluted milieu. Hence, CNT assisted corrosion of zinc and iron must be limited by mass transport of the depolarisator, resulting in a much shortened lifetime of the coatings and steel substrates. The formation of coupled electrodes can also be discussed by modified or unmodified drain-current systems, and then galvanic efficacy of nanotube-loaded traditional ZRPs should be very low because anodic current output of the zinc would not support steel protection, whereas low current drainage at junctions on both ends of the MWCNTs could occur in the neighborhood of zinc and steel electrodes. Acceleration by drain-current system depends on resistance of the wedging-in component, so the higher the resistance is, the higher the potential drop isand the lower the current between the two ends are. The efficiency of drainage of a sacrificial setup should be very low because of the low volume range perpendicular current leakage by the MWCNTs at the expense of parallel transport of coupling between the two electrodes (IL > ID). Thus, efficiency of this system to collect and drain anodic current to steel must probably fail. When CNTs are electrically coupled to either the zinc or steel surface then corrosion rate of both must be high. If orientation results in about the same distance from both types of electrodes, then their increased rate of corrosion should undergo parallel.

Exohedral modification of the nanotubes with a p-doped semiconductor such as a PPy aims at overcoming most of these shortcomings. Then the system is composed of two metallic electrodes; zinc and steel wired to each other by the modified MWCNTs as “plastic sheathed” current conductors. This is in agreement with the standard of impressed cathodic systems.105 So, the aforementioned mechanism is altered to a favorably decreased rate of perpendicular current leakage on the CNTs as a result of greater resistance of the normalized component passage (Rperp > Rlong so IL < ID). Thus, the ratio of longitudinal transmission increases or in other aspects the degree of current drainage increases since the rate of accelerated bimetallic corrosion becomes greater. This is a better view to construct galvanic cells with optimal setup properties, electrodes of varied nobility connected by isolated electrical conductors to eliminate cathodic behavior of the nanotubes.

Percolation or tunneling based junction potential drop, the resistance at junctions should be lower than resistance of the PPy film restricting the rate of reduction reaction of the depolarisator in transversal direction as a current leakage. The resistance at nanotube-zinc junctions is also related to tunneling as to the CNTs and zinc-iron electrodes. Thus, electrical connections of zinc and steel must take benefit from the 3D percolating arrangement of the highly anisotropic filaments of the nano-size particles. Moderate number and spatial density of the ionic conducting paths results in enhanced electrolyte penetration through the nanotube-loaded hybrid ZRPs (as it is reflected by EIS data). The higher conductivity electrolyte milieu in bulk phase of the primer leads to activation of greater scale. By that increased amount of anodic current output leads to efficient drainage by modified nanotube based galvanic coupling. Increased density of the nanotubes within an order of magnitude in binders (compared to compositions of the H3 and H4) is required to maintain acceptable efficiency of anodic current drainage, conduction of current provided by increased sacrificial action of zinc to the steel substrate at lower barrier capable coatings (the so called “fair coatings” with specific resistance of ~ 107 Ω cm2). So, higher proportion of the zinc grains is to be wired to each other and to the substrate to maximize drainage ratio of the anodic current output and minimize the leakage loss. However, this must be subject to optimize partly due to the fact that hydrophilic modified nanotubes increase enormously the electrolyte permeation but sacrificial current utilization can only keep up quite moderately. This suggestion is supported by the fact that electrical conductivity of the nanotube-loaded polymer composites generally improves with increasing number of junctions per unit area or volume, facilitating electron transport along networks and occupied paths.113,114 In addition, aggregated nanotube assemblies always give higher electrical conductivity of their composites when the relative amount of the nanotubes is close to the percolation threshold,115 whereas convergence to the quality of nano-size filler loaded composites results in the evolution of more advanced functionalities of the hybrid coatings.

Otherwise, there should be an upper limit in mass ratio of the MWCNTs and the zinc grains to obviate large-density mesoscopic galvanic cell formation with enhanced surface area of the cathodic part. In this aspect, the lower diameter type MWCNTs are more favorable to maintain appropriate electrical connection of the sacrificial grains at the lowest amount of solid filler resulting in a medium extent of cathodic surface area. On the other hand, segments of the electrically highly conducting particles provide a chance to alter surface area ratio of the zinc anodes and steel cathodes by varying the sum of electrically connected grains with substrates to set percolating thickness, volume ranges beside the traditional way to alter volume concentration, size, and shape of the anodic pigments. By the herewith delineated approach, ~ 20 wt.% decrease in zinc contents can be achieved in primers, depending on type of the nanotubes and composition of the particles, retaining or even enhancing protection performance of the conventional ZRPs. Galvanic function of all hybrid ZRPs with low zinc content can only be interpreted on the basis of multiple percolation theory.61 In a system composed of multiple phases, orientation of the lower dimension structure like the PPy film is preferential at the interface of at least two immiscible phases such as epoxy, alumina, and/or the MWCNTs. Owing to the fact that nano-size materials116 can form conducting paths without macroscopic percolation, 117 arrangement of the nano-size particles and composition of the primers result in decreased electrical percolation threshold.

6.5 Conclusion

There are a number of ways to improve traditional metal-rich coatings. When auxiliary conducting particles are applied, then dispersity of the particles should be preferably high, especially in the case of isotropic particles. Some meso-scale assembly and arrangement of the anisotropic particles are always preferred. However, the most relevant aspects of feasibility of the conducting additives are the high electrical conductivity and the slightest ability toward reduction of potential depolarisators.

According to the described interpretation relaying on the PPy modified nanotubes, the nano- and micron-size carbon allotropes with 1D elongated highly anisotropic concentric structure are identified as potential candidates to improve ZRPs in case of carefully designed particle compositions and coating formulations.

In the standpoint of spatial arrangement of meso- and nano-scale particles and finely balanced functionality, the mixture of nano- and micron-size particles should lead to emergence of nano-engineered “wise-coatings,” acting in accordance with actual circumstances set by barrier function of the coatings, diffusion rates of the electrolyte, and depolarisator species.

Thus, in comparison with the PPy modified alumina/CNT loaded hybrids and conventional ZRPs, the better protecting hybrid primers are represented as moderate permittivity, charge storage capacity systems with low dielectric loss by low water uptake.


Gábor Lassú is gratefully acknowledged for his GD OES measurements.


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