Chapter 7

Innovative Luminescent Vitreous Enameled Coatings

Stefano Rossi*; Alberto Quaranta*; Linda Tavella*; Flavio Deflorian*; Attilio M. Compagnoni    * Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, via Sommarive 9, Trento, Italy
Wendel Email Italia, Via Bedeschi 10a, Chignolo (BG), Italy


Porcelain enamel is a vitreous inorganic coating. This coating is used both for decorative purposes and for corrosion protection of some metals, such as steel, cast iron, aluminium, and copper alloys. Due to its glassy nature, this kind of layer shows excellent resistance to high temperatures and excellent corrosion protection properties. In the first part of the chapter the most important characteristics and the corrosion behavior of this kind of coating will be illustrated.

In recent years, the research has tried to combine different functional properties, such as antibacterial properties and optical properties with corrosion and high temperature. Luminescence is the optical property of materials, which consists of the emission of visible light under irradiation with UV radiation. In the second part of this chapter the properties of innovative luminescent porcelain enamels are considered. In enamel the luminescent effect is obtained by the addition of pigments containing rare earths, such as europium and dysprosium. The luminescence in the pigments is guaranteed by the electronic transitions of europium ions, while dysprosium ions guarantee a long afterglow. The characteristics of layers with different amounts of europium and dysprosium are analyzed, and the method used to study luminescent properties are shown. The accelerated damage test is illustrated to highlight how these coatings maintain their protective properties together with their optical one.


Vitreous enamel coatings

Corrosion and wear protection

Luminescent effect

Smart coatings

Inorganic layer

Barrier layer

Colored layers

7.1 Introduction

Porcelain enamel is an inorganic coating of a vitreous nature that can be applied to both glass and metallic substrates, such as steel and aluminum alloys, using different techniques. Enamel is a term of medieval origin derived from the Germanic smaltjan, which means melt. This coating, in fact, is produced from vitreous flakes which, with the addition of pigments and additives, are fired at relatively high temperatures (between 780 and 850°C, in the case of steel substrate). Then, as a matter of fact, enamel is essentially glass and does not require the application of any kind of toxic substances, such as solvents or other chemical components.1

During the heat treatment there is fusion of the frit flakes and solubilization of most of the oxides and compounds added during the mill grinding. The vitreous flakes, called frit, are obtained by the melting, rapid cooling, and subsequent grinding with the other materials that constitute the glass. Porcelain enamel is an ancient material. Due to its characteristics of brightness and durability this material has been used for many centuries in artistic fields for manufacturing jewels, art objects, religious items, and other pieces, owing to its attractive appearance with brilliant colors. With the advent of the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century, the use of enamel began to spread, and it was used in several products on an industrial scale, such as household goods, furnishings, and interior decoration items.2 In recent decades vitreous enamel has been used both for decorative purposes and for protection against corrosion and for its engineering properties. Today there is a tendency to try to combine in a material, and particularly in the coating, more properties of different natures. These coatings are therefore called intelligent or smart materials or coatings. Even the enamels have followed this trend. In recent years, the research has tried to combine in these layers different functional properties, such as antibacterial properties and optical properties with corrosion and high temperatures.

The research to produce luminescent enamels, the object of this chapter, has the purpose of bringing together the excellent functional and aesthetic properties of this traditional type of coating with the luminescence characteristic, which could lead to new uses of the enamel. Luminescent materials, such as polymers, organic coatings, and inks are already on the market; however, these products are based on pigments that do not show corrosion resistance at high temperatures. In addition these materials do not often present resistance to natural weathering, UV radiation, and chemicals.

The luminescent enamel could have interesting commercial applications (components of outdoor furniture and interior design, architecture, applications in the safety field). Applications in fields in which luminescent paints are not suitable could be very interesting. Luminescent enamel is a not material that is much studied. In the literature, there are very few references to this material. The properties of these innovative materials are not well studied, especially considering their resistance to weathering. The purpose of this work is to study and characterize some types of luminescent porcelain enamel considering both microstructural and the luminescence properties.

To consider several possible applications, it is necessary to investigate the properties of the material using tests that simulate different types of aggressive environments in order to check the maintaining of the luminescent properties during exposure to aggressive environments and whether the addition of luminescent pigments could reduce or modify the excellent properties of traditional porcelain enamel. In addition, it is not known if the heat treatment of enamel curing could modify the behavior of luminescent pigments.

7.2 The Most Important Properties of Vitreous Enamel

Porcelain enamel presents numerous properties that allow many applications in different fields. This type of layer is one of the best methods to guarantee corrosion protection in numerous environments due to its glassy nature, the absence of defects, and its high thickness and excellent adhesion. Figure 7.1 shows the typical cross-section of an enamel layer.

Figure 7.1 Typical cross-section of a vitreous enamel coating deposited on steel substrate (a) and the interface between glassy matrix and steel substrate (b).1

The excellent adhesion is obtained during the process of curing. During the thermal treatment the oxidation of the iron of the substrate happens with the formation of oxides with a dendritic growth. These physical-chemical reactions occurring at the interphase enamel/metal guarantee a strong adherence between the two materials, thus providing the enamel/metal system with good mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance.

The firing temperature is between 760 and 870 °C. During this process the different components interact in enamel glass, gas bubbles can be produced, and the layer surface is leveled. Then, a diffusion process of the melted frit is present, obtaining excellent adhesion properties thanks to the presence of oxides including cobalt.3,4

From Figure 7.2 it possible to observe the typical porosity formed during the curing process due to the development of gas and water vapor. The porosity remains limited to the layers closest to the substrate. In addition, this porosity is not interconnected and then the contact between aggressive environment and metallic substrate is avoided. Due to this aspect and to chemical inertia of the glass matter, this coating shows excellent corrosion protection. Thanks to the glassy nature, the coating is resistant to most of the solutions with the exception of strong basic solutions of fluoridric acid. The enamel shows also resistance to high temperature and it is easily cleanable.35

Figure 7.2 Typical porosity present in an enamel layer.

The glassy nature of the matrix and of the colored pigments produces an excellent resistance to UV radiation with the maintaining of the color.4

The hardness also provides good resistance to mechanical damage, the exclusion of impulsive collisions, due to the brittleness of the glassy matter. This coating, in addition to good protection properties, shows very interesting aesthetic qualities connected with its vitreous nature. Its smooth surface provides high gloss and a great color palette with different color shades and textures with special effects available.2,4

By modifying the frits chemical composition it is possible to control the properties of the layers, improving some aspects. For example, potassium feldspar and zirconium silicate are added in the frit composition to promote the pyrolytic properties at high temperatures and to improve flame resistance, avoiding unaesthetic surface changes.

Usually, in order to guarantee a very good adhesion a groundcoat enamel ensures the adhesion between the coating and the substrate; the followed covercoat enamels provide different surface properties.1

7.3 Luminescent Properties

Luminescent materials have the characteristic of emitting light when excited by cathode rays, UV radiation, or visible light.

The luminescence is a physical process derived from electronic transitions: only some materials exhibit this phenomenon, such as phosphors.6

Usually the luminescent material is formed by a matrix doped with activators, which can be a transition metal or rare earth ions that act as emitting centers. When the material is irradiated with a suitable wavelength, the activators absorb the energy, reaching an electronic excited state. The absorbed energy must equal to the distance between the two energy levels. This condition is unstable, and the system goes back to the ground state by releasing the energy in the form of radiation emission.7

To obtain materials that show at the same time luminescent properties and not radioactive or toxic aspects, the addition of rare earths to the oxide matrix is very frequent. The optical excitation of rare earth ions occurs by means of transitions between the 4f orbitals or form 4f to 5d levels. Some tetravalent ions (Ce4 +, Pb4 +, Tb4 +) and some trivalent ions (Dy3 +, Eu3 +) have transitions between 4f levels; while other trivalent (Ce3 +, Pb3 +) and bivalent (Sm2 +, Yb2 +, Eu2 +) ions have transitions between 4f and 5d levels.7

Luminescent materials, which exhibit the phenomenon of the afterglow, are particularly interesting. In fact, in these materials the luminescence can be observed for a long time after the end of the excitatory pulse. This phenomenon is possible by the storage of excitation energy in the lattice for a certain time period.7 This category includes the long-afterglow phosphors, which have a luminescence decay time ranging from seconds to minutes.

Considering rare earths, a phosphor can be obtained by exploiting the electronic transitions in the energy levels of europium and dysprosium ions, in particular the electronic transfer from Eu2 + to Dy3 during arousal and from Dy3 + a Eu2 + during the release.6 At this type of luminescent pigment often strontium is added, which helps to increase the emission intensity.8

7.4 Luminescent Porcelain Enamel Coatings

In this chapter luminescent porcelain enamel is considered, which emits a light radiation after being irradiated with UV or visible light due to the adding of pigments containing europium and dysprosium.

The luminescence properties of these pigments is ensured by the electronic transitions of europium ions, while the presence of dysprosium ions is fundamental to obtain a long afterglow. In particular the latter ions act as hole traps capturing the gaps formed by the excitement of the europium ions.9

In europium and dysprosium doped matrices, Dy3 + is indispensable to obtaining a long luminescence decay time, and, in the same time, its concentration influences the emission spectra. This has been verified by Song et al.10 in Al2O3-SiO2 glasses doped with Eu and Dy, where an increasing of Dy concentration leads to an increase in green emission effect, which was attributed to the presence of defects in the lattice.

7.5 Materials and Experimental Procedures

Low-carbon steel panels (10 × 10 cm) were coated with different luminescent vitreous enamel systems made of three layers. The first was the ground layer, which functioned to guarantee good corrosion protection and adhesion of the coating;3 the second one guarantees corrosion protection; and the top layer shows the luminescent properties. The coatings are obtained by wet spraying in an industrial laboratory (Wendel Email Italia, Chignolo d’Isola—BG). Drying and firing treatments at a temperature of 850 °C were carried out (three applications and two firing processes).

The first two layers present a typical commercial composition based on SiO2, B2O3, Na2O, and other oxides; TiO2 was added in the intermediate layer as an opacifier agent. The total thickness of both layers together is 220 μm.

To produce the luminescent deposit a standard frit was used with an adding of 50% wt. of luminescent pigments, containing europium and dysprosium oxides, and of 1% wt. of visible color pigments. The other components of the frit were typical of enamel with the presence of Al2O3, SiO2, SrO, MgO, CaO, and B2O3.

The luminescent pigments are made of a vitreous matrix, 50% wt. Al2O3, 25-30% SiO2, 30% wt. SrO, 10-15% wt. MgO, 2% wt. CaO, 1-2% wt. B2O3 wt. with the addition of Eu2O3 and Dy2O3.

To permit the wet application to the frits are added 5% wt. clay, 0.5% wt. sodium aluminate, and 50% wt. water, producing the necessary slurry.

Three different types of samples are investigated considering the visible color and the luminescent effect produced with different Eu/Dy ratios, as shown in Table 7.1 In addition the dimension of luminescent pigments used for samples M1 and M2 are smaller than those used for sample M3.

Table 7.1

Characteristics of Luminescent Layers

Luminescent Enamel LayersM1M2M3
Ratio Eu/Dy1.240.6
Visible colorWhite/light yellowLight blueYellow
Luminescent emission colorSky bluesky blueBlue green
Thickness of luminescent layer [μm]17024095


The microstructural characterization was carried out on both the cross-section and the surface using an ESEM Philips XL30 microscope. The typical properties of traditional enamel, such as corrosion protection, resistance of color, and gloss and abrasion resistance, were evaluated to observe if the presence of luminescent can affect these properties. The luminescent properties of the different layers and their persistence during accelerated testing were also evaluated. Luminescent characteristics were evaluated measuring the emission spectrum (excitation wavelength of 350 nm) and excitation spectra (emission wavelength 500 nm), using a Jasco spectrofluorimeter FP6300. To evaluate the stability of the properties, different accelerated tests were then carried out, normally performed on coatings and enamels. An exposure to UV-A radiation for 500 h, following ASTM G154 standard, was made. Before and after the exposure the color was measured using a spectrometer CM-2600d Konica Minolta with illuminant D65/10° following the international method CIELab.1113 Several parameters were considered. The total color differences ΔE* before and after the test was calculated as follows in Equation (7.1):


si1_e  (7.1)

where L is the lightness (0 is black, and 100 is white), a is the red-green variation (positive values are red, negative values are green, and 0 is neutral), and b is the yellow-blue variation (positive values are yellow, negative values are blue, and 0 is neutral).

To check the endurance of the luminescent properties in case of cyclic stimulus, 24 cycles of alternate radiation exposure, consisting in 1 h of UV-A exposure followed by an hour without irradiation, were carried out. During this test, the performance of the luminescence as a function of time was continuously monitored using an Ocean Optics Spectrometer USB4000. To collect the emission, a 600 μm silica optical fiber was fixed in front of the sample. As reference sample, the light reflected from a white, not luminescent enamel was measured during the cycles. The spectra and the signal as a function of the time was analyzed by means of SpectraSuite. During the cycling test the intensity of the maximum peak of the spectrum (associated with a particular wavelength) in function of time test was monitored with a measurement every minute.

From the emission spectrum, detected by the optical fiber, was subtracted the reflected spectrum of the UV-A lamps from the white enamel in order to obtain as a result only the emission spectrum of the luminescent enamel. To evaluate the chemical resistance, the samples were subjected to both acid and alkaline attack. For the acid resistance test, the enamel specimens were immersed for 24 h in a 10%wt. citric acid solution at room temperature at around pH 2, following ASTM C282. For the alkaline solution resistance test, the samples were immersed in a 52.64 g/l solution of tetra potassium pyrophosphate at pH 10 for 6 h at 96 °C.

To evaluate the produced damage, color, gloss, and roughness were measured at the beginning time and after 3, 6, 9, and 24 h of immersion. A glossmeter digital Erichsen NL3A was used for the measurement of gloss. The roughness was measured using a MAHR MarSurf PS1 tester at a measurement length of 5.6 mm and a cut-off length of 0.8 mm. Ra was recorded as an average value of five measurements. The device measures at an accuracy of 0.01 μm. Using the spectrofluorimeter, luminescence characteristics were measured before and after the attack.

After immersion the surface and the cross-section were observed using an environment scanning electronic microscope ESEM Philips XL30 to observe the possible damage of the luminescent enameled surface.

To investigate the corrosion protective properties and to check the possible influence of the presence of luminescent layers, samples with an artificial linear defect of 2 mm wide were exposed in a salt spray chamber, according to ASTM B117, for a total of 1000 h. After 500 and 1000 h of exposure, the state of the surface close to the defect was observed using the optical microscope Zeiss Stemi 2000-C to evaluate the adhesion of the luminescent enamel and the possible presence of enamel detachment phenomena.

To evaluate the potential reduction of the luminescence characteristics, the luminescence was measured at the beginning, after 500, and after 1000 h of exposure, using the Jasco spectrofluorimeter FP6300. Finally the resistance to mechanical damage and maintenance of the luminescence properties were evaluated. An abrasion Taber test according to ASTM D-4060 with the use of Taber Abraser 5135 was carried out. H22 grinders with 1 kg applied weight were used.14,15 The wheels were composed of vitrified clay, silicon carbide, and alumina particles embedded in an organic matrix. After 1000 cycles the change of color, gloss, and surface roughness were measured to highlight the produced damage on the surface. The gloss measured at angle of 60° obtained from the average of more than 12 measures considered.

Roughness measurements Ra, 12 for each sample, were carried out. The decrease in luminescence was evaluated using a FP6300 Jasco spectrofluorimeter. Luminescence spectra were collected on each sample from several points.

To highlight the damage morphology, the samples surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. To study the change of the corrosion protection properties produced by mechanical damage, the abrasion test has been carried out up to the loss of protection. To highlight the protection properties loss, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were the carried out. This technique is widely used to evaluate the protective properties of coatings.1618

The measurements were carried out in a classic three-electrode system: the sample was the working electrode, a platinum counter electrode was used, and Ag/AgCl (0.205 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode SHE) was used as the reference electrode. The analyzed area was 30.43 cm2, corresponding to the circularly damaged area during an abrasion test. The electrolyte was a 3 wt.% Na2SO4 solution.

The electrochemical impedance measurements were carried out every 1000 abrasion cycles. The EIS measurements were carried out using a potentiostat and a Frequency Response Analyzer instrument (Princeton PARSTAT 2273) connected to a PC. The AC perturbation amplitude was 15 mV, the frequency ranged from 105 to 10− 2 Hz. The EIS data are fitted using a simple equivalent electrical circuit made of a capacity in parallel with a resistance R(RQ),16,18 using the Z SIMP WIN fitting program. The first resistance is the electrolyte resistance, the Rp is the coating resistance, and the Cp represent the coating capacity.

The Rp threshold of 106 Ωcm2 is considered as the limit of the loss of protection properties of the coating.2,14 Below this threshold, in fact, the coating could be considered not protective. After 8000 cycles of abrasion the samples surface were observed at an optical microscope Zeiss Stemi 2000-C to highlight the damage morphology and to highlight the difference among the luminescent samples.

7.6 Results and Discussion

7.6.1 Characterization of enamel layers

Figures 7.37.5 show the cross-section of the different samples. Considering the microstructural analysis of the samples, it is possible to observe the presence of rather large closed porosity (diameter up to 40 μm), in particular at the interface between the enamel ground layer and intermediate one; on the contrary in the ground layer and in the finish luminescent layer the pores were smaller and less frequent. These are the typical porosity results of the vitreous enamel formed during the curing process of the coating.1,3

Figure 7.3 Microstructural cross-section of sample M1.
Figure 7.4 Microstructural cross-section of sample M2.
Figure 7.5 Microstructural cross-section of sample M3.

In all three samples the presence of dendrites at the interface between the enamel layer and the steel substrate is observed: this interpenetration of the two materials provides good adhesion of the protective deposits, which show good corrosion protection properties.1,3

Observing the luminescent deposit, the particles of strontium oxide, light particles, are concentrated more in some areas and show a variable size with a maximum value of 35 μm.

For sample M2 the particles of strontium oxide are mainly concentrated in the inferior half thickness of the luminescent layer; toward the surface, in fact, few particles are present.

Only sample M3 shows the particles of pigments emerging on the surface; these particles are also not homogeneously distributed in the thickness but are concentrated in some areas.

Figure 7.6 shows the surface of the samples. It is possible to observe that in the case of sample M3, the luminescent particles are clearly present on the surface.

Figure 7.6 Surface of the studied samples: (a) sample M1, (b) sample M2, and (c) sample M3.

The presence or absence of the particles on the surface is likely due to the different nature of the luminescent pigments used in the three types of enamels. The luminescent pigments used in samples M1 and M2 present a small size and therefore are easily embedded in enamel deposition slurry. On the contrary, in the case of sample M3 the luminescent pigments present a significantly larger dimension and during the application some particles remain on the surface; during the firing process these particles are not completely incorporated in the glass matrix.

A mapping by EDXS analysis of the rare earths (europium and dysprosium) showed that these elements are fairly homogeneously dispersed in the luminescent layers. Figure 7.7 shows the emission spectra of the samples. From the emission spectra it can be concluded that these luminescent enamels are characterized only by the electronic transitions of Eu2 + ions since transitions related to Eu3 + are not observed.10 On the spectra, two broadbands are present, peaked at 467 nm (blue) and 491 nm (green), respectively. Moreover, as the concentration of dysprosium increases (M2 < M1 < M3) the contribution of the peak in the green, related to the defects in the matrix, increases.10

Figure 7.7 Emission spectra of the luminescent enameled layer excited by a radiation with 350 nm wavelength.

From the excitation spectra (Figure 7.8) it is possible to observe the presence of three peaks. Samples M1 and M2 show spectra with the same shape, with a main peak at 361 nm and two secondary peaks at about 325 and 400 nm. Sample M3 presents a slightly different and wider excitation spectrum, with the main peak with a higher relative intensity and shifted to 365 nm.

Figure 7.8 Excitation spectra of the luminescent enameled layers.

7.6.2 Trend of protective properties

The samples were exposed to 500 h of UV-A radiation. Figure 7.9 shows the total change of color: the difference of the color for all samples comprised between 2 and 2.6 points, hardly noticeable by the human eye. Therefore it is possible to affirm that the pigments which produce appearance of the enamel do not present sensible damage due to the resistance of the oxide compounds.

Figure 7.9 Color changes of luminescent enameled samples after 500 h of UV-A continuous exposure.

Considering the different color parameters, sample M1 becomes slightly darker, sample M2 slightly changes to green, and sample M3 changes towards yellow. However, in all cases the variations remain very limited.

Let us now consider the resistance to chemical solutions.

Figure 7.10 shows the variation of gloss before and after 3, 6, 9, and 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution.

Figure 7.10 Gloss change at 60° of the samples at starting time and after 3, 6, 9, and 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution.

For samples M1 and M2 the values of gloss did not show perceptible changes, indicating an excellent resistance of these samples to the acidic environment. On the contrary, sample M3 showed a sensible decrease of gloss. This decrease is observed already after the first 3 h of immersion; after this time, the value remained practically constant. It is possible to conclude that the damage of the surface starts in a short time. The roughness change values (Figure 7.11) confirm this result. In fact the roughness and the gloss are well connected.

Figure 7.11 Ra [μm] roughness values of the sample before and after 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution.

Considering the color change (Figure 7.12), only sample M3 presents a significant change in the color that turns into the blue and red.

Figure 7.12 Change of color of the samples after 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution.

From these experimental data, it is possible to conclude that samples M1 and M2 show a very good resistance to the acid environment presenting an unchanged surface aspect. Sample M3, instead, degrades in the acid solution.

Considering the aspects of surfaces of the samples after 24 h of immersion (Figure 7.13), sample M3 presents localized attacks mainly close to the particle emerged on the surface with consequent roughness increasing and gloss decreasing. The cause of this different behavior among the samples could be associated with the presence of emerged particles on the surface in the sample M3 and that increasing the roughness could facilitate the start of the chemical attack (Figure 7.14).

Figure 7.13 (a) Surface of sample M1 after 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution. (b) Surface of sample M2 after 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution. (c) Surface of sample M3 after 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution.
Figure 7.14 Cross-section of sample M3 after 24 h of immersion in citric acid solution.

A totally different behavior is observed during immersion for 24 h in an alkaline solution of potassium pyrophosphate at 96 °C. In this case, samples M1 and M2 show a considerable variation in both the gloss (Figure 7.15) and the roughness (Figure 7.16). Unlike the previous behavior in acid solution, in this case the decrease of gloss begins after 3 h, but a continuous decrease with immersion time is observed. The degradation process continues during immersion, producing at the test end a significant roughness increase. Sample M2 shows the highest variations. On the contrary, sample M3 produces a very limited decrease in gloss, which after 3 h remains unchanged.

Figure 7.15 Percentage gloss change at 60° compared to the initial value for the samples during immersion in alkaline potassium pyrophosphate solution (before immersion and after 3, 6, 9, and 24 h).
Figure 7.16 Ra [μm] roughness values of the samples at beginning and after 24 h of immersion in alkaline potassium pyrophosphate solution.

The roughness indicates considerable degradation of the surface for samples M1 and M2. Considering color parameters (Figure 7.17), only the sample M2 presents an observable color change appearing lighter and more yellow.

Figure 7.17 Color change of the samples of after 24 h immersion in potassium pyrophosphate solution.

The surface of the samples M1 and M2 after 24 h of immersion in alkaline solution appears highly degraded with the attack of the glassy matrix (Figure 7.18a and b). Sample M3, on the contrary, shows higher resistance to this environment with the presence at the end of the test of only localized attacks of small dimensions (Figure 7.18c). The alkaline solution tends to attack the glass matrix. The cause of this different behavior among the samples could be associated with the presence of particles emerged on the surface. The presence of these particles appears to help the chemical resistance of the enamel, hindering the dissolution of the glass matrix attacked by the alkaline solution and making a barrier between the solution and the glassy matrix (Figure 7.19a and b). M1 sample results less damaged than M2 one, probably due to the higher presence of unsolubilized particles in the upper part of the luminescent enamel layer.

Figure 7.18 (a) Surface of sample M1 after 24 h of immersion in alkaline solution. (b) Surface of sample M2 after 24 h of immersion in alkaline solution. (c) Surface of sample M3 after 24 h of immersion in alkaline solution.
Figure 7.19 (a) Cross-section of sample M2 after 24 h of immersion in alkaline solution. (b) Cross-section of sample M3 after 24 h of immersion in alkaline solution.

Considering the exposure to salt spray atmosphere, typical accelerated corrosion test, it is possible to observe that after 1000 h of exposure luminescent enamels show an excellent protection against corrosion, typically of enamel coatings. In all cases no detachment of the coating close to the artificial scratch is observed (Figure 7.20). This excellent behavior is due to the inertia of the glass matter together with the excellent adhesion with the steel substrate. Furthermore, the adhesion loss is not present even with corrosive phenomena of the substrate, in correspondence of the defect. This fact confirms that the chemical composition changes of the frit necessary to obtain the luminescent effect do not adversely affect the protective properties of the coatings.

Figure 7.20 Sample M3 with artificial scratch after 1000 h of salt spray exposure.

Finally the resistance of abrasion is considered. 1000 cycles of abrasion test produce a great surface modification of the samples with the removal of part of the luminescent enamel layer and with a formation of a widespread defectiveness. In all samples a remarkable increase of roughness was present (Figure 7.21). After the 1000 abrasion cycles, a corresponding high decrease in the gloss values equaled about 20 for all three samples (Figure 7.22).

Figure 7.21 Ra roughness values [μm] of the samples before and after 1000 abrasion cycles.
Figure 7.22 Gloss (60°) of the samples after and before 1000 abrasion cycles.

The abrasion action produced a significant change in the color of the enameled surfaces, highlighting visible noticeable differences (Figure 7.23). Samples M2 and M3 show the greatest variation in the color tone. The sample M2 tended to become lighter and changed to yellow. The sample M3 changed toward blue.

Figure 7.23 Color changes of the samples after 1000 abrasion cycles.

Considering the damaged surfaces in all samples, the abrasive grinders create grooves and scratches in the glass matrix (Figure 7.24). The typical texture of damage with the cross morphology could be recognized, typically produced during the abrasion caused by the grinding wheels.14

Figure 7.24 Surface of M1 sample after 1000 abrasion cycles. It is possible to recognize the typical cross scratches produced by the grinders.

Considering the cross-section of the abraded samples (Figure 7.25ac), it is possible to note that the mechanical damage is not homogeneous in the area where the grinders insist. In the more internal part the damage is higher with a sensible reduction of the luminescent layer thickness. On sample M3 in several areas the luminescent deposit was practically totally removed.

Figure 7.25 (a) Cross-section of sample M1 after 1000 abrasion cycles. (b) Cross-section of sample M2 after 1000 abrasion cycles. (c) Cross-section of sample M3 after 1000 abrasion cycles.

Thousand cycles of abrasion did not damage the intermediate layer and in all samples also the presence of cracks was not observed. The protective properties were thus preserved for all three samples. To have information about the mechanical damage necessary to have the loss of corrosion protection, other cycles of Taber test were carried out. Every 1000 cycles the protective capacity of the samples was evaluated by electrochemical impedance measurements.

Figure 7.26 shows the trend of the coating resistance obtained from fitting of impedance data in function of number of abrasion cycles. All three samples initially presented a high corrosion protective characteristic. The loss of these properties was obtained only after 7000 cycles for sample M2, 8000 cycles for M1, and 10000 cycles for sample M3. For protective properties loss it was necessary to completely remove the luminescent enamel layer and almost all of the intermediate enamel layer, which was the first layer responsible for the corrosion protection. A nucleation of cracks that reach the steel substrate was also necessary.

Figure 7.26 Rp coating resistance of the enamel luminescent samples in function of the number of abrasion cycles.

The different number of abrasion cycles required to compromise the protection properties of the enamel samples is not connected with the thickness values. Probably statistical nucleation of defects is the determinate aspect. Considering the high number of cycles needed for the protection loss, it is possible to affirm that the protective capacities of all three samples was very high and there was no difference between luminescent enamel systems in comparison with the traditional enamels.

7.6.3 Trend of luminescent properties

Figure 7.27 shows the value of the intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum of samples before and after 500 h of continuous UV-A exposure. No changes in intensity, shape, and position of the emission and the excitation spectra are observed. It is possible to conclude that UV-A exposure does not produce measurable modification on the luminescent pigments and then on the properties of the coatings.

Figure 7.27 Intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum (excitation wavelength 350 nm) of the luminescent enamel samples before and after 500 h of UV-A exposure. For every measured point, the values were normalized to the intensity of the initial peak of that point. For each sample, four tests in different areas of the surface were made.

A cyclic UV-A exposure test was carried out to highlight if the loading and unloading action led to a reduction in efficiency of the pigments. The exposure to cyclic UV-A radiation does not produce damage or alteration of the luminescent pigments such as to cause decreases in the emission intensity. Figure 7.28ac presents the trend of the intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum for each sample during the cycles of loading and unloading. For all samples neither decrease in intensity with increasing numbers of cycles nor delays of the response was observed. After 24 cycles, the intensity of the peak appeared to be the same as that of the first cycle. The difference in intensity between the samples can be ascribed to little variations of the fiber position during each measurement run.

Figure 7.28 (a) Trend of the intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum of sample M1 during cycles of loading/unloading of UV-A radiation (1 h lamps on + 1 h lamps off).(b) Trend of the intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum of sample M2 during cycles of loading/unloading of UV-A radiation (1 h lamps on + 1 h lamps off). (c) Trend of the intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum of sample M3 during cycles of loading/unloading of UV-A radiation (1 h lamps on + 1 h lamps off).

The effect of immersion tests in acid and alkaline solutions on the luminescence properties was also analyzed. The immersion of the samples for 24 h in citric acid solution did not cause any change in the excitation and emission spectra. Shape, position, and intensity of these spectra (Figure 7.29) remained within the range of the instrument reproducibility error. Considering these results, the removal of few micrometers in these enamel layers does not lead to measurable changes in luminescence characteristic. This conclusion is confirmed by the behavior of sample M3. In fact, this sample, after the acid immersion, shows small localized surface attacks with possible removal of pigments, but no decrease of the emission intensity was observed, indicating the maintenance of the homogeneity of the luminescent pigments.

Figure 7.29 Intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum (excitation wavelength 350 nm) of the enamel samples before and after immersion in acid solution. For every measured point, the values are normalized to the intensity of the initial peak of that point. Initial values (left) and after 24 h of immersion (right).

Even the immersion for 24 h of the luminescent enamel samples in potassium pyrophosphate alkaline solution did not produce changes in the excitation and emission spectra of the sample M3. Considering the decrease of light emission (Figure 7.30), only the sample M2 showed a decrease in some points, probably due to the higher roughness produced during the aggression alkaline, which hinders the absorption and emission process.

Figure 7.30 Intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum (excitation wavelength 350 nm) of the enamel samples before and after immersion in alkaline solution. For every measured point, the values are normalized to the intensity of the initial peak of that point. Initial values (left) and after 24 h of immersion (right).

Thousand hours in salt fog chamber exposure of luminescent enamel samples did not produce any modification of the luminescent pigments. No changes in intensity (Figure 7.31), shape, and position of emission and excitation spectra were observed in all types of deposits.

Figure 7.31 Intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum (excitation wavelength 350 nm) of the enamel samples before state (left), after 500 h, (middle) and after 1000 h (right) of salt spray exposure. For every measured point, the values are normalized to the intensity of the initial peak of that point.

Finally, an abrasion test is considered to evaluate if mechanical damage produces reduction of the luminescent characteristics. Figure 7.32 shows the trend of the intensity of the main peak before and after 1000 cycles of the Taber abrasion test. It is possible to observe that the mechanical damage causes a decrease in the luminescent properties. All samples, in fact, presented a decrease in the intensity of both emission and excitation spectra. The decrease of the intensity of the emission peak, in fact, followed the trend of the abrasion damage distribution, which were more marked in the inner part of the contact area where the thickness was more reduced.

Figure 7.32 Intensity of the main peak of the emission spectrum (excitation wavelength 350 nm) of the luminescent enamel samples before (left) and after (right) abrasion cycles. For each measured point, the values are normalized to the intensity of the initial peak at that point.

For every sample, the removed layer was of several microns, causing an appreciable reduction of the luminescence intensity, but the percentage of reduced intensity was different.

Sample M1 shows the higher emission reduction, with the loss of more than 90% of the initial intensity, while sample M3 shows a decrease of 40% and sample M2, 25%. Taking into account the thickness of the layers (M3 < M1 < M2), the difference in behavior is not fully understood, but it can be ascribed to different distributions and homogeneities of the luminescent pigments along the layer thickness.

7.7 Conclusion

The porcelain enamels are glass coatings deposited on steel that guarantee, at the same time, excellent technical properties and aesthetic-perceptive ones. The vitreous matter, which constitutes these coatings, is inert in many environments and aggressive substances. Thanks to the deposition and curing technologies, the adhesion between the enamel layer and the steel substrate is very good, and it remains even in the presence of defects and cracks in the coating and corrosive phenomena on the noncovered substrate.

The luminescent enamel layers obtained with an adding of rare earth compounds such as europium and dysprosium are an interesting example of smart coatings, which show very particular optical properties together with the traditional one, presenting at the same time eco-friendly and nonhazardous aspects.

In literature there are no studies on these innovative coatings. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to present experimental tests to check whether the presence of the luminescent layer would change the traditional enamel properties and to highlight the degradation resistance of these luminescent layers. Three different types of luminescent enamel systems were studied, which differ in the ratio between the rare earths, (europium and dysprosium), that produce the luminescent emission. Different size of the luminescent pigments was considered. The emission spectra were due to the contribution of two peaks (one in blue and one in green), and the increase of dysprosium increased the contribution of the green peak.

M1 and M2 luminescent enamels showed a different behavior to chemical solutions than did the M3 deposit. Only sample M3 was subject to attack by the citric acid solution with the formation of localized attacks, which produced a gloss decrease, increase in roughness, and color change. On the contrary, the particles, which were emerged in the surface, seemed to hinder the aggression on the glassy matrix in alkaline solutions. In this environment, sample M3 results showed much less damaged than that shown in samples M1 and M2, presenting only small localized attacks. These last two types highlight a heavy damage of the glass matrix with a dramatic gloss drop, roughness increasing, and degradation of color pigments. The dimension of luminescent pigments and their position in the enamel layers played a fundamental role in these behaviors.

The luminescent emission intensity remained constant after UV-A radiation exposures (both continuous and cycled tests) and also after salt spray chamber exposure, indicating that the luminescent pigments would not undergo any alteration in aggressive environments. From the experimental data, it is also possible to assume that the thickness of the enamel layer can affect the luminescent emission intensity, but that only great material removals may cause the appreciable decrease in intensity of luminescent emission; the removal of localized few μm does not involve measurable changes in luminescence.

The presence of the external luminescent enamel layer does not affect the excellent resistance properties of the traditional enamel systems. The corrosion protection properties are lost only with great mechanical damage caused by the total removal of the luminescent layer and almost all of the intermediate layer, and, at the same time, the production of cracks.


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