

Above option for cross-references, 599

academic documents, line numbering in, 509510

Accept All option, 316

Accept All Changes Shown option, 818819

accepting changes, 818819

Access files for mail merge, 683


blog, 788789

switching, 3637

types, 45

.acl (AutoCorrect list) files, 309

actions, 342343

enabling, 343344

undoing and redoing, 20, 33, 880

activation of Word, 139140

Active Application Add-ins option, 929

ActiveX controls, 744

forms, 745746

settings, 938939

Add a Digital Signature option, 798

Add a Signature Line button, 801

Add Choice dialog box, 761

Add Custom dictionary dialog box, 285

Add Field dialog box, 677

Add Help Text option, 752


macros, 963965

settings, 937938

Word Options, 929931

Add-Ins tab, 929931

Add option for charts, 415

Add New Placeholder option, 652

Add New Source option, 648, 651

Add New Tab option, 891

Add Services options, 296

Add Shape options, 409

Add Space After Paragraph option, 183

Add space for underlines option, 928

Add spell check option, 281

Add Template dialog box, 964

Add Text tool

tables of contents, 608609

text box shapes, 476

Add to Contacts option, 342

Add to Document option, 360361

Add to Field option, 725

Add to Quick Access Toolbar option, 882883

Add to Style Gallery option, 215

Additional Actions menu, 342343

Additional Signing Information dialog box, 798

Address Block tool

letters, 708

mail merge, 694696

address book in Outlook, 860861



cells, 395

envelopes, 356358

labels, 362

mail merge, 675678

validating, 691

Adjust line height to grid height in the table option, 928

Advance field, 735

advanced properties, 109110

Advanced tab, 913914

charts, 918

cut, copy, and paste settings, 916918

Display settings, 904, 921923

Editing options, 914916

Font dialog box, 164

General options, 927928

Image Size and Quality settings, 918

kerning, 165

Layout and Compatibility settings, 928929

OpenType, 166

Preserve fidelity options, 926

Print settings, 923925

Save settings, 925926

Show document content settings, 919921

Word Options, 3536, 901

Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box, 814815

After setting for paragraph spacing, 183

aliases for styles, 555

Align Left button, 181

Align Objects tool, 458

Align Right button, 181


graphics, 437438

tables, 382, 392

text, 181

text boxes, 472473

vertical page, 507509

WordArt, 458

alineas, 173

All Commands category, 871

All Commands option, 892

All Markup view, 811813

All Pictures button, 426

All Reference Books option, 296

All Research Sites option, 296

All Tabs option, 892

All Word commands option, 873

Allow AutoFormat to override formatting restrictions option, 806

Allow background saves option, 926

Allow carriage returns (multiple paragraphs) option, 759

Allow documents on a network to be trusted option, 936

Allow fields containing tracked changes to update before printing option, 924

Allow Office to connect to the Internet option, 945

Allow opening a document in Draft view option, 928

Allow overlap option, 442

Allow sending files to improve file validation option, 945

Allow spacing between cells setting, 393

Allow text to be dragged and dropped option, 915

Allow the Research task pane to check for and install new services option, 945

Allow Trusted Locations on my network (not recommended) option, 935

Allow users to search only the services that can block offensive results option, 297

alphabetic switch for fields, 726

Alt key

indents, 180

margins, 498

picture resizing, 440442

text boxes, 466

Alt+clicking for selecting text, 76

Alt+dragging for selecting text, 76

alternative text, 474

Always create backup copy option, 925926

Always Show Reading Toolbar, 85

Always use these values regardless of my sign in to Office option, 903

American Psychological Association (APA) style, 646


object, 907

pictures, 442

And operator for mail merge records, 690691

angle brackets (<>) in HTML, 785

animated marquee in Excel, 847848

ANSI character search codes, 250

antivirus programs, 9

antonyms, 294

any character in wildcard searches, 257

APA (American Psychological Association) style, 646

Applications tab in Task Manager, 961

Apply Styles pane, 205

envelopes, 359

equations, 489

footnotes and endnotes, 644


character formatting, 149

passwords, 809811

Style Sets, 210212

styles, 114

Apps for Office window, 290292

Arabic switch for fields, 726

Around text wrapping option, 382

arranging pictures, 458459

art. See SmartArt; WordArt

Artistic Effects tool, 446

ASCII characters search codes, 250

ASK field, 697, 737

Aspect Ratio option, 442


multi-stroke keys, 868869

shortcut keys, 866867

asterisks (*) in wildcard searches, 260261

Attach Template dialog box, 553

attachments in email documents, 780781

attributes in paragraph formatting, 175177

AUTHOR field, 734

Auto-hide Reading Toolbar option, 85

Auto-hide Ribbon option, 88

AutoCaption dialog box, 623624

AutoCaptioning, 623624

AutoClose macro, 966

AutoComplete with AutoText Gallery entries, 335336

AutoCorrect As You Type feature, 588589

AutoCorrect feature, 103, 303

actions, 344

AutoFormat, 313

capitalization corrections, 141142, 304


adding, 105107

backing up, 309

removing, 105

sharing, 310

formatted corrections, 308309

fractions, 320322

limits, 309

Math AutoCorrect, 310312

operation, 103

options, 103105, 304305

overview, 103

replacing text as you type, 306307

summary, 326

symbols, 479

AutoCorrect Options dialog box, 140142

AutoCorrect tab, 304

AutoExec macro, 965

AutoExit macro, 966

AutoFit behavior in tables, 373374

AutoFit to Contents option, 376

AutoFit to Window command, 374

AutoFormat feature, 303, 312

vs. AutoFormat As You Type options, 312

bullets, numbers, boxes, and borders, 140141

preparing for, 313315

running, 315317

summary, 326

tips and techniques, 320322

working with, 312313

AutoFormat As You Type feature, 140

vs. AutoFormat, 312

hyperlinks, 589

options, 317319

AutoMark feature, 631632

automatic hyperlinks, 588589

automatic hyphenation, 323324

automatic macros, 965966

Automatic options for tables of contents, 604

automatic section breaks, 504

Automatically create drawing canvas when inserting Autoshapes option, 124, 915

Automatically update option, 207

Automatically update document styles option, 553

AutoNew macro, 966

AUTONUM field, 738

AUTONUMLGL field, 738739

AUTONUMOUT field, 739

AutoOpen macro, 965966

AutoRecover feature, 116120

AutoRecover file location setting, 910

AutoText fields

Building Blocks with, 339340

forms, 752

links, 735

Spike, 226227

AutoText Gallery entries, 335336

AutoTextList field, 736

AVERAGE function, 396

axes in charts, 417



charts, 418

color, 538

formatting, 534537

patterns, 542

pictures, 446, 543544

printed vs. onscreen, 534537

removing, 547548

settings, 903

vs. watermarks, 537

WordArt, 454455

backspaces in AutoFormat, 319

Backstage view

digital signatures, 799

online presentations, 781782

SkyDrive, 828


AutoCorrect entries, 309

AutoRecover, 116120

Building Blocks, 336338

Math AutoCorrect list, 312

options, 925926

backward-compatibility of .docx files, 68

Balance sBCS characters and DBCS characters option, 928

balancing columns, 528529

balloons for comments, 812814, 817

Banded Columns option, 398

Banded Rows option, 398

BARCODE field, 739

Before setting for paragraph spacing, 183

beginning of word in wildcard searches, 258

Behind Text wrap setting, 126, 432

below option for cross-references, 599

bibliographies, 645


editing, 654

existing, 651652

inserting, 656657

placeholder, 652653

converting to text, 658659

deleting, 658

inserting, 657658

saving, 660

Source Manager, 650651

sources, 646

deleting, 654655

external, 655656

inserting from scratch, 647650

styles, 646647

updating, 658659


Bibliography gallery, 660

binary format, 943944

Bing Image Search, 427, 429

Bing Video Search, 449

Bitmap option in Excel, 850

blank documents

creating, 5051

templates, 57

bleeds, printer, 536

Block Quick Style Set switching option, 806

Block Theme or Scheme switching option, 806

Block Theme switching, 218

Blog Post tab, 792

Blog post template, 57

blogs, 788

composing and publishing entries, 790792

Open Existing option, 793794

registering with platforms, 788789

tools, 792793

.bmp (Windows Bitmap) format, 426

body text fonts in themes, 562


AutoFormat, 318

index page numbers, 630

Bookmark dialog box, 580, 582583

bookmarks, 580

broken, 587588

copying and pasting text, 584585

cross-references, 600

displaying, 580581

fields, 587, 725726

Go to function, 268269

hyperlinks, 591

marking, 582583

names, 582584

navigating, 585586

overlap and redundancy, 584

unwanted and unexpected results, 587588

Word-created, 586587

working with, 585

Border and Shading Options dialog box, 533534

Border Painter tool, 403


adding and removing, 531533

AutoFormat, 319

controlling, 140141

paragraphs, 193195, 463

pictures, 445

tables, 402403

Borders and Shading dialog box

borders, 193195, 532

paragraphs, 176177

shading, 192

tables, 402

Borders gallery, 193

Borders Styles tool, 402

Bottom option for vertical page alignment, 508

Bottom of Page option for page numbers, 519


controlling, 140141

paragraphs, 193195

text. See text boxes

braces ({})

fields, 252

wildcard searches, 260

brackets ([])

bookmarked text, 580581

controls, 45

fields, 725

template placeholders, 60

wildcard searches, 257258, 260


line and page, 189191

overview, 502503

section. See sections

tables, 388

Bring Forward tool

text boxes, 471472

WordArt, 458

broken bookmarks, 587588

Browse dialog box for objects, 346

Browse for File tool, 592

Browse Object feature, 241

Browsed Pages option for hyperlinks, 591592

browsing headings vs. Outlines, 101102

Building Block Gallery

content controls, 764

forms, 744

Building Blocks, 327328

adding, 330333

with AutoText fields, 339340

backups, 336338

clearing formatting, 336

copying, 338339

cover pages, 341

deleting and changing, 339

inserting, 334335

Organizer, 329330, 337, 465466, 554556

vs. Quick Parts, 328329

sharing, 338

templates, 336339, 556

text boxes, 465466

Building Blocks.dotx file, 337338

built-in AutoCorrect entries, 105

Built-In Building Blocks.dotx file, 337

built-in keyboard shortcuts, 79


AutoFormat, 319

controlling, 140141

lists of text, 188191

paragraphs, 173174

buttons in QAT, 881883



form fields, 754

tables, 395397

canvas, dismissing, 124125


changing case feature, 160161

controlling, 141142

corrections, 304

drop caps, 462

fields, 726

Find and Replace, 255256

Capitalize Each Word option, 161

caps switch, 726

Caption dialog box, 619620

Caption Numbering dialog box, 621622


AutoCaptioning, 623624

inserting, 619620

labels, 620621

numbering, 621623

overview, 618619

styles, 623

tables, 624627

cardtext switch, 727

carets (^) in searches, 250, 257

case changing, 160161


Customize Keyboard dialog box, 871

fields. See fields

Quick Parts, 332

tables of authorities, 664665

cell markers, 373


addresses, 395

deleting contents, 386387

inserting, 387388

merging, 389, 392393

shading, 399400

size, 391

spacing, 392393

splitting, 390391

Center option

horizontal alignment, 181

vertical alignment, 508

centering paragraphs, 176

chaining text boxes, 468469

Change All spell check option, 281

Change Chart Type dialog box, 414

Change Colors gallery, 408

Change Colors option, 416

Change Icon button, 853

Change Picture tool, 447

Change Shape tool, 410

Change spell check option, 281

changes, accepting and rejecting, 818819

Chapter starts with style option, 520

character code symbols, 479480

character formatting, 146

applying, 149

changing case, 160161

clearing, 152153

copying, 151152

direct vs. styles, 146149

fonts, 153155

keyboard shortcuts, 168169

language settings, 161163

Mini Toolbar, 166167

repeating, 150

shading, 157158

techniques, 150

text color, 156160

text effects and typography, 167168

Character set setting, 479

character styles, 96, 146

CHARFORMAT switch, 727

charms, 42

Chart Elements settings, 413

Chart Filters button, 419

Chart Tools Design tab, 850851

Chart Tools Format tab, 128

charts, 411

Advanced tab, 918

background, 418

data, 414415

design, 413414

Excel, 850852

filtering, 418419

formatting, 417418

inserting, 411413

layout, style, and colors, 415416

Selection Pane, 419420

type, 414

Check Box controls, 744745, 765

Check for Errors option, 700, 703704

Check Microsoft Office documents that are from or link to suspicious websites option, 945

Check spelling as you type option, 286

Checked styles are currently allowed option, 806

Checking and Reporting Errors dialog box, 703704

Chicago style, 646647

Choose commands option, 892893

Choose Display and Help Languages settings, 912

Choose Profile dialog box, 681

Choose the extensions you want Word to open by default option, 903

Choose Translation Language option, 300

CITATION field, 652


bibliographies. See bibliographies

tables of authorities. See tables of authorities

Classic WordArt, 451

Clear All option for Clipboard pane, 237

Clear Formatting option, 152153, 206

Clear Formatting of # Instance(s) option, 204

Clear Highlighting option, 254


Building Block formatting, 336

character formatting, 152153

direct formatting, 133135

styles, 206

Click and Type feature, 51

Click Enable remote viewers to download the document to check it option, 782

client programs for objects, 345

Clipboard, 221

Clipboard pane, 235238

Excel, 847850, 855857

heading styles and document organization, 227230

keyboard shortcuts, 224

objects, 354355

overview, 221222

pasting from, 229234, 236237

pictures, 430

removing items from, 237

Ribbon, 223224

search codes, 253

summary, 239

system tray icon and notification, 238239

tables, 380

working with, 222223

cloning for templates, 552553

closing File tab, 3031


integration with, 11

recent documents, 6162

SkyDrive. See SkyDrive

cloud-connected Microsoft accounts, 4

cloverleaf method for shortcut keys, 866867

Code window for macros, 967

Collapse Subdocuments option, 569, 573

Collapse tool, 99


Outlines, 99

subdocuments, 573574

Collated option for printing, 90

Collect Without Showing Office Clipboard option, 235236

colons (:) in indexes, 635


background, 538

borders, 193

cell shading, 399

charts, 415416

gradients, 540541

paragraph shading, 191193

patterns, 542543

pictures, 445446

printed vs. onscreen, 534537

SmartArt items, 407408

styles, 200

text, 156160

textures, 541542

themes, 539540, 561562

Track Changes, 815

Color Saturation setting, 446

Color Tone setting, 446

Colors dialog box, 538540

column breaks search codes, 250

Column tab, 385

columns, 523524

balancing, 528529

copying, 380381

deleting, 386387

footnotes and endnotes, 639

formatting, 523

horizontal ruler for, 526

indexes, 633

inserting, 387388

lines between, 526

moving and copying, 380381

number of, 524525

section breaks, 526527

sections, 502

selecting, 378379

size, 384385

splitting, 390391

tables, 372, 374, 376

Columns dialog box, 525527

Combine Documents dialog box, 824

combining documents, 823824

Combo Box controls, 744, 762

Comic Sans font, 161

comma-separated value (.csv) files, 680

command keyboard shortcuts, 1819

command-line startup switches, 971974


Customize Keyboard dialog box, 871872

QAT, 881882, 885886

Ribbon, 892894

Commands Not in the Ribbon category, 871

commas (,)

fields, 729

wildcard searches, 260

comments, 811

displaying, 816817

Go to function, 269

inserting, editing, replying to, and deleting, 813814

online presentations, 784

restrictions, 797, 809

search codes, 252

viewing, 811813

COMMENTS field, 734

Comments pane, 784

common formatting for paragraphs, 174175

Compare dialog box, 819

Compare Documents dialog box, 819820

COMPARE field, 733, 737

comparing documents, 819822

Compatibility Checker

pictures, 424

Word versions, 64, 6771

Compatibility Pack, 71

compiling indexes, 632633

Complete the merge, pausing to report each error as it occurs option, 704

Complete the merge without pausing. Report errors in a new document option, 704

composing blog entries, 790792

Compress Picture tool, 446

Compress Pictures dialog box, 446447


.docx files, 68

fonts, 165

Computer option for recent documents, 61

concordance files, 631632

Confirm file format conversion on open option, 928

Connect to dialog box, blogs, 791


styles for, 93

templates for, 55

Contact window, 342

containers for pictures, 432

Contains operator, 690


Document Inspector, 803804

objects, 348349

templates, 5960

Content control cannot be deleted option, 758

Content Control Properties dialog box, 758

content controls, 45, 744745, 757

Building Block Gallery, 764

Check Box, 765

combo box, 762

Date Picker, 762763

Design mode, 757758

drop-down list, 760762

equations, 483

overview, 758

picture, 760

plain text, 759

Repeating Section, 765

rich text content, 759

templates, 60, 550551

Contents cannot be edited option, 758


QAT, 880

shortcut menus, 2425

contextual command buttons, 2425

contextual tabs, 1213, 1719

continuation notices for footnotes and endnotes, 645

Continue from previous section option, 520

Continuous section breaks, 502, 527

Control AutoCorrect Options command, 304

controls. See content controls

Convert backslash characters into yen signs option, 929

Convert Existing Form option, 766

Convert Table to Text dialog box, 378

Convert Text to Table dialog box, 376377

Convert to Endnote option, 642

Convert to Footnote option, 642


bibliographies to text, 658659

.docx files into .docm, 71

files into master documents, 571572

footnotes and endnotes, 642643

formats, 6467

placeholder to sources, 653

PowerPoint presentations to Word documents, 859860

subdocuments into master document text, 572

tables of contents into text, 617

tables to text, 377378

text to tables, 375377

Word outlines to PowerPoint presentation, 858859

Copy option

Clipboard, 222

Ribbon, 223

Copy Picture option, 430

Copy remotely stored files onto your computer and update the remote file when saving option, 926


bookmarked text, 584585

Building Blocks, 338339

character formatting, 151152

Clipboard. See Clipboard

columns, 380381

dragging and dropping, 225

F2 key, 226

macros to new modules, 956958

rows, 381

settings, 916918

Spike for, 226227

styles and macros, 555

table matter, 380381

text pictures, 233234


AutoCorrect. See AutoCorrect feature

AutoFormat. See AutoFormat feature

Corrections tool for pictures, 446

corruption from master documents, 567

cover pages, 341

Create Custom Dictionary dialog box, 285

Create Digital Certificate dialog box, 958959

Create from File tab, 852853, 857

Create Handouts option, 860

Create Link button, 469

Create New Building Block dialog box, 331332, 335, 339, 505

Create New Category dialog box, 332

Create New Document option, 593594

Create New Style from Formatting dialog box, 209210

Create New Style option, 401

Create New tab

Excel, 852854

objects, 345

Create New Theme Colors dialog box, 561562

Create New Theme Fonts dialog box, 563

Create Shortcut Here option, 7, 353

Create Source dialog box, 646, 648, 650, 653

CreateDate field, 732

Creative Commons licensing, 427428, 430


pictures, 439, 442443

screen shots, 431

Cross-reference dialog box, 597600

Cross-reference tool, 619


bookmarks, 600

captions, 619

equations, figures, and tables, 601

footnotes and endnotes, 600601

headings, 598599

indexes, 630

master documents, 567

numbered items, 599600

overview, 596598

.csv (comma-separated value) files, 680

Ctrl key

dragging and dropping, 225

Excel, 846

picture resizing, 440442

safe mode, 9

text boxes, 466

Ctrl+Alt+Plus Sign keys, 866867

Ctrl+click keys

hyperlinks, 589590

selecting text, 75

curly braces ({})

fields, 252

wildcard searches, 260

Current Folder option, 591

Current Lists for bibliographies, 646, 649651, 653, 655656

Current Position option, 519

Custom color dialog box, 540

Custom Colors tab, 538

Custom Conversion option, 767

custom dictionaries, 283286

Custom Dictionaries dialog box, 284285

custom groups on Ribbon, 889890

custom indents, 180181

custom keystrokes, 80

custom levels for Outlines, 100101

Custom Margins option, 497

Custom Office Templates folder, 550, 552, 554

Custom Watermark option, 545

Custom XML Data option, 803

Customize Address List dialog box, 677

Customize Colors option, 561

Customize Columns button, 677

Customize Fonts option, 563

Customize Keyboard dialog box, 81

categories, 871

commands, 871872

List Commands command, 872874

macros, 876877, 951

multi-stroke key assignments, 869

shortcut keys, 866867

styles, 874

symbols, 875

Word Options, 870871

Customize Keyboard Shortcut dialog box, 866

Customize Quick Access Toolbar

commands, 881882

groups, 882883

macros, 951

Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu, 881882

Customize Ribbon dialog box, 895896

Customize Ribbon tab, 888

commands, 892

tabs, 894

Cut option

Clipboard, 221222

Ribbon, 223


sentence and word behavior, 136137

settings, 916918



AutoFormat, 318

pictures, 445

search codes, 250

data in mail merge

attaching, 686687

considerations, 672673

documents, 675678, 684686

fields, 673

file formats, 673674

records, 673

DATABASE field, 737

Date and Time dialog box, 715

date and time fields, 732733

DATE field, 715, 732

date format

switches, 730732

text fields with, 751753

date picker, 4647, 744, 762763

decimal point (.) switch for fields, 729

decorative formatting, 177

Decrease Font Size tool, 156

Decrease Indent tool, 178

Default Paragraph Font style, 171

Default paragraph style option, 916

Default personal templates location setting, 911

Default Programs button, 903

Default tray option, 924


file locations, 114, 911

paste method, 231232

QAT, 887

tables of contents, 606608

tabs, 54

themes, 566

Define tool, 289290

definitions, finding, 289292

Delete All Comments in Document option, 814

Delete Cells dialog box, 387

Delete Comment option, 814

Delete Label option, 620


bibliographies, 658

Building Blocks, 339

comments, 813814

dictionary items, 284285

footnotes and endnotes, 642

macros, 555

mail merge fields, 677

page numbers, 519

section breaks, 503504

SmartArt items, 406

sources, 654655

Style Sets, 211214

styles, 218, 555

tables, 386387

tables of contents, 615616

delimited files for mail merge, 680681

delivery addresses for envelopes, 356357


Outlines, 9899

SmartArt items, 406


Building Blocks, 332

macros, 950

Design mode

content controls, 757758

Date Picker, 762

forms, 747

Repeating Section content controls, 765

Design tab

charts, 413416

equations, 483, 486

fonts, 563

headers and footers, 513

page borders, 532

page numbers, 518519

SmartArt items, 406407

Style Sets, 211

tables, 397

themes, 561562, 564565

watermarks, 548

designing text boxes, 466467

desktop shortcuts, 68

Desktop tile, 5

Detect language automatically option, 162

Developer tab

Building Block Gallery controls, 764

content controls, 757, 759

Date Picker, 762

displaying, 138, 553, 894

drop-down lists, 761

forms, 743748, 750751, 753755

List Commands command, 872

macros, 876, 948950, 952953, 964, 969

templates, 553554

dialog boxes on Word screen, 2627


custom, 283286

definitions, 289292

excluding, 288289

spelling, 281

Different First Page option, 507, 515

Different Odd & Even Pages option, 507, 515516

Digital Certificate for VBA button, 958

Digital Signature dialog box, 959

digital signatures, 796798

macros, 958960

process, 798799

removing, 800801

signature lines, 801802

digits in search codes, 252

direct character formatting, 146149

direct formatting with styles, 133135

direction of table text, 392

Directory option for mail merge, 685

Disable all Application Addins (may impair functionality) option, 938

Disable all controls without notification option, 938

Disable all macros except digitally signed macros option, 940

Disable all macros with notification option, 940

Disable all macros without notification option, 940

Disable all Trusted Locations option, 935

Disable hardware graphics accelerations option, 923

Disable Linked Styles option, 205

Disable notification for unsigned add-ins (code will remain disabled) option, 937

Disable Trusted Documents option, 936

Disabled Application Add-ins option, 929

Disabled Items dialog box, 931

Discard editing data option, 918

discretionary hyphens, 907

dismissing drawing canvas, 124125

Display for Review settings, 817

Display mode for equations, 482

Display tab

Advanced tab, 921923

tables of contents, 613

Word Options, 904908


bookmarks, 580581

chart elements, 417

comments, 816817

equations, 482

File tab, 3031

footnotes and endnotes, 641642

styles, 214215

white space, 905906

Distribute Columns button, 391

Distribute Rows button, 391

Do not automatically hyperlink screenshot option, 916

Do not check spelling or grammar setting, 161, 163

Do not compress images in file option, 918

Do not embed common system fonts option, 911

Do not open selected file types option, 942

Do Not Show in Table of Contents option, 609

.doc files, 6970

.docm files, 71, 963

DOCPROPERTY field, 734

Document Building Blocks folder, 339

Document Inspector, 803804, 946

Document Panel, 108109

Document Related Add-ins option, 929

document text in headers and footers, 516


bibliographies. See bibliographies

endnotes. See footnotes and endnotes

headers and footers, 521

summary, 667

tables of authorities. See tables of authorities

documents, 40

automation fields, 733

blank files, 5051

Clipboard, 227230

combining, 823824

creating, 40–43

default tabs, 54

emailing, 780781

files from templates, 5561

form elements, 742

hyperlinks to, 592593

information fields, 734

jumping to locations in, 266270

launching Word from, 89

master. See master documents

merge. See merge documents

online presentations, 781784

opening existing files, 6062

paragraphs, 54

printing, 9091

saving and file formats, 6267

Style Sets for, 210214

typing text, 5152

Documents folder for SkyDrive, 828

DocVariable field, 733

.docx files, 68

converting to .docm, 71

vs. .doc, 6970

vs. .dotx, 553

macros, 963

structure, 7274

Does not contain operator, 690

dollartext switch, 727

Don't allow any apps to start option, 937

Don't allow apps from the Office Store to start option, 937

Don't expand characters spaces on a line that ends with SHIFT-RETURN option, 929

Don't hyphenate option, 191

Don't show the Backstage when opening or saving files option, 910

.dotm files, 71, 963

dots at paragraphs, 191

.dotx files, 71

vs. .docx, 553

macros, 963

styles, 214

double quote (") characters in AutoFormat, 320

Double-tap gesture, 77

Download a file periodically that helps determine system problems option, 945

Draft view

fonts, 920

footnotes and endnotes, 640642, 645

working in, 8283

wrapping in, 113, 919

dragging, 225

Excel, 857

from Explorer, 352353

graphics, 437438

from open programs, 353354

for selecting text, 75

Draw Table tool, 372

Draw Text Box option, 521

Draw underlines on trailing spaces option, 929

drawing canvas, dismissing, 124125

drawing layers, 432

drop caps, 462

Drop-Down Form Field Options dialog box, 753754

Drop-Down Form Fields, 745, 753754

drop-down list controls, 744, 753754, 760762

duplicate records in mail merge, 691692


E-mail Message option, 685

Edit Citation dialog box, 654

Edit Comment option, 812

Edit Data option, 850851

Edit Data Source dialog box, 687

Edit Document option, 839

Edit Field option, 350, 721

Edit Hyperlink dialog box, 596

Edit in 2-D tool, 410

Edit in Word App option, 839

Edit Individual Documents option, 705

Edit Links to Files option, 426

Edit Name dialog box, 649

Edit option for charts, 415

Edit Recipient List option, 678, 687

Edit Source dialog box, 653

Edit Wrap Points option, 435


Advanced tab, 914916

citations, 654

clearing formatting, 133135

comments, 813814

cut and paste sentence and word behavior, 136137

footnotes and endnotes, 641642

headers and footers, 512513

Insert/Overtype indicator, 128130

Live Preview, 131133

macros, 953955

merge documents, 705

missing Ribbon tabs, 138

mouse selection, 136

PDF files, 774

restrictions. See Restrict Formatting and Editing settings

typing replaces selected text, 131

editors, tracking changes by, 814816

EditTime field, 732


pictures, 445, 448

shapes, 410

text, 167168

themes, 564

Effects settings, 448

80-20 Rule, 879

electronic postage

envelopes, 361

letters, 708

ellipsis (…) on QAT, 885

Em dashes (--) in search codes, 250


documents, 780781

hyperlink addresses, 589, 594595

merge documents, 706

Embed fonts in the file option, 911

Embed linguistic data option, 926

Embed only the characters used in the document (best for reducing file size) option, 911


fonts, 155, 911912

vs. linking, 346348

.emf (Enhanced Metafile) format, 426

En dashes (-) in search codes, 250

Enable all controls without restrictions and without prompting (not recommended, potentially dangerous controls can run) option, 939

Enable all macros (not recommended, potentially dangerous code can run) option, 940

Enable background repagination option, 928

Enable click and type option, 916

Enable Content option, 936

Enable Editing button, 774

Enable Live Preview option, 903

Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations option, 941

Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet option, 941

Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments option, 942

Enable Trust Center Logging option, 942

enabling actions, 343344

Encrypt PDF Document dialog box, 778779

end of word in wildcard searches, 258259

End Online Presentation option, 782

End Process option, 961

End task option, 961

endnotes. See footnotes and endnotes

Enforce accented uppercase in French option, 282

Enhanced Metafile (.emf) format, 426

enhanced ScreenTips, 26

Enter key for paragraphs, 54

Entry field for tables of contents, 613

Envelope Options dialog box, 358360

Envelope Size dialog box, 358


adding to documents, 361

creating, 4243

electronic postage, 361

filling in, 4546

formatting, 359360

mail merge, 685

options, 358360

printing, 50, 355357

return addresses, 358

Envelopes and Labels dialog

box envelopes, 356360

labels, 362

Outlook, 860861

Eq field, 735

Equal Column Width option, 526

Equal to operator, 690691

equals signs(=)

formulas, 734735

tables, 395

Equation gallery, 480483

Equation Options dialog box, 486487

Equation tool, 483

equations, 480481

cross-references, 601

formula fields, 734735

fractions, 322

Go to function, 270

Math AutoCorrect, 484486

numbering, 488490

options, 486487

Professional and Linear, 484

saving, 483

from scratch, 483

structures, 486487

text with, 486

working with, 483484

Eraser tool, 404

“Error! Bookmark not defined” message, 587, 726

“Error! Reference source not found” message, 587

Even Page section breaks, 502, 527

Excel, 845

charts, 850852

Clipboard, 847850

content from, 846

mail merge, 683

objects, 852854

tables, 854855

Word content in, 855857

Exceptions for proofing settings, 908

exceptions for spelling and grammar, 288

exclamation marks (!)

Document Inspector, 804

wildcard searches, 260

exclude dictionaries, 288289

existing citations for bibliographies, 651652

existing files

hyperlinks to, 591592

master documents from, 569570

opening, 6062

exiting Word, 3839

Expand all headings when opening a document option, 920

Expand Subdocuments option, 573

Expand tool for Outlines, 99

expanding subdocuments, 573574


files, 6667

Ribbon customizations, 897

Expression setting, 755


form fields, 755

wildcard searches, 259


.docx files, 68

settings, 903

external sources in bibliographies, 655656


F1 key, 752

F2 key, 226

F4 key, 150

F9 key, 716, 720

favorites, 114116

Field dialog box, 719, 721

bookmarks, 587

categories, 732740

tables of contents, 617

working with, 722725

Field Options dialog box, 634, 724725

Field shading option, 920

Field Specific Switches tab, 725


basics, 714715

bibliographies, 649

bookmarks, 587, 725726

citations, 652

date and time, 732733

description, 713714

document automation, 733

document information, 734

equations, 489490, 734735

Field dialog box, 722725

form. See forms

formulas, 734735

Go to function, 269

hide codes, 723725

indexes, 634, 735

keyboard shortcuts, 719720

links and references, 735736

locking, 587

mail merge, 672673, 677678, 693696, 737740

numbering, 738740

search codes, 252

shading, 716718, 920

shortcut menu tools, 721

showing and hiding codes, 718719

summary, 740

switches. See switches

tables, 735

tables of authorities, 663

tables of contents, 613, 617618

templates, 550

updating, 715716

user information, 740

figures and cross-references, 601

File Block Settings tab, 942944

File explorer

dragging from, 352353

starting Word from, 8

file formats

mail merge, 673674

pictures, 426427

File Locations option, 928

File tab, 30

displaying and closing, 3031

recent documents and pinning, 3233

FILENAME field, 734


AutoRecover and backup, 116120

converting into master documents, 571572

default locations, 114

dragging from Explorer, 352353

inserting, 345346

inserting pictures from, 423426

inserting text from, 349351

names, 6364

opening, 6062

saving and formats, 6267

from templates, 5561

FILESIZE field, 734


cropping, 442

gradients, 540541

patterns, 542543

pictures, 543544

shapes, 410

text boxes, 470

textures, 541

WordArt, 454

Fill & Line settings, 448

Fill command, 442

Fill Effects dialog box

gradients, 540541

patterns, 542543

pictures, 543544

textures, 541

FILL-IN field, 697, 737

filling in

envelopes, 4546

letters, 4648

Filter and Sort dialog box, 688691

Filter Records tab, 690


charts, 414, 418419

mail merge records, 690691

Find all word forms option, 262

Find and Replace tools, 241

bookmarks, 585586

citations, 663

formatting, 263266

Go to functions, 266270

Ignore punctuation characters, 263

Ignore white-space characters, 263

Match case, 255256

Match prefix and Match suffix, 262

More and Less buttons, 255

Navigation Pane. See Navigation Pane

Reading Highlight, 254

from Ribbon, 246247

search codes, 249253

search direction, 255

Sounds like, 262

special options, 253254

whole words only, 256

wildcards, 256262

Find dialog box

Outlook, 860

text highlight color, 159

Find Duplicates dialog box, 691692

Find Entry dialog box

mail merge, 676677

merge documents, 701702

Find Options dialog box, 245246

Find Recipient tool, 701702

Find results in Navigation Pane, 243244

Find what codes, 256261

First Column option, 398

First Line Indent symbol, 179

First Line Indent tab, 187

first line indents, 178179, 187

firstcap switch for fields, 727

Fit command for cropping, 442

Fixed Column Width option, 374

fixing section breaks, 507

Flag repeated words option, 282

flagged items, correcting, 279

Flickr service, 427428

floating pictures, 432

Font dialog box

character formatting, 149150, 163166

previewing fonts, 132133

Font group, 153155

Font Size tool, 156

Font Substitution option, 920921

Font tab, 163164


color, 157

Draft view, 83

drop caps, 462

embedding, 155, 911912

envelopes, 358

Font dialog box, 163166

formatting, 146

fractions, 321

Home tab options, 153155

Live Preview, 132133

monospaced and proportional, 76

OpenType features, 166

selecting, 155

size, 155156, 563, 920

SmartArt items, 406

styles, 200

symbols, 478480

themes, 562563

footers. See headers and footers

Footnote and Endnote dialog box, 638639

footnotes and endnotes

basics, 637638

converting, 642643

cross-references, 600601

deleting, 642

displaying and editing, 641642

Go to function, 269

inserting, 640641

options, 638640

reference mark styles, 644

search codes, 251252

separators and continuation, 645

styles, 643644

Footnotes under Location option, 639

forged signatures, 800

Form Field Help Text dialog box, 752753

Form Field Shading tool, 745

Format Page Numbers option, 519

Format Painter, 151152

Format Picture pane, 447448

Format Shape pane

text boxes, 473

WordArt, 456457

Format tab

pictures, 128, 234, 435436, 447448

text boxes, 466468, 474476

WordArt, 452453, 456

Format Text Effects pane, 468


captions, 625

converting, 6467

files, 6267

indexes, 632

mail merge, 673674

pictures, 426427

table of contents, 609610

formatted corrections in AutoCorrect, 308309

Formatted Text (RTF) option, 850


AutoCorrect. See AutoCorrect feature

AutoFormat. See AutoFormat feature

character. See character formatting

charts, 417418

clearing, 133135

column, 523

creating, 750753

envelopes, 359360

equations, 488490

Find and Replace, 263266

fonts, 146

hyphenation, 323325

letters, 4849

overview, 145146

page background, 534537

page numbers, 519521

paragraphs. See paragraphs

pictures and shapes, 443448

restrictions. See Restrict Formatting and Editing settings

section breaks, 504505

sections, 505506

shading fields, 750751

shapes for text boxes, 476

Show Markup, 817

SmartArt, 406407, 410

vs. styles, 9496

tables, 401

tables of authorities, 665666

text boxes, 467468

text issues, 351

units in, 145

WordArt, 452453

Formatting dialog box, 401

formatting marks, nonprinting, 137138

Formatting Restrictions dialog box, 805807

forms, 741

basics, 741742

content controls. See content


creating, 742743

date format in fields, 751753

drop-down lists, 753754

importing, 765767

legacy tools, 744745, 748754

nonprinting characters, 750753

numeric and calculation fields, 754756

protecting, 745748, 796

Run Macro On option, 756757

summary, 768

text fields, 751753

tools, 743746

Formula dialog box, 396


fields, 734735

tables, 395397


AutoFormat, 318, 320

equations, 322

symbols, 320322

Fragments and Run-ons option, 287

Frequently confused words setting, 286

from setting for symbols, 479

Full Screen Reading view, 512

functions with Math AutoCorrect, 311312


galleries, 12

AutoText, 335336

Bibliography, 660

Borders, 193

Building Block, 744, 764

Change Colors, 408

Cover Page, 341

Equation, 480483

headers and footers, 512513

Insert Citation, 649650

Live Preview, 131132

Margins, 497

Paragraph Spacing, 565

Position, 436

Quick Parts, 332, 335

Quick Tables, 369370

Shading, 399

Shape Style, 410

Shapes, 474475

SmartArt Styles, 409

structures, 486487

Style, 199201

style removal from, 215

Style Set, 210212

Styles, 9596

Symbol, 477478

Table of Contents, 604605

Table Style, 398400

Text Effects and Typography, 167

theme color, 157

Theme Fonts, 563

Word screen, 2122

WordArt Style, 451

General Options dialog box, 809810

General options for Advanced tab, 927928

General tab for Word Options, 3435, 901903

General Switches tab, 725

gestures, 7678

Get a Digital ID dialog box, 798

.gif (Graphics Interchange Format), 426

Gimp program, 427

global add-ins, 964965

Glow effect, 168

glyphs, 166

Go to Footer option, 513

Go to Footnote option, 642

Go to functions, 266270

Go to Header option, 513

Go To tab, 585586

GoBack command, 112

Google for image searches, 430

GoToButton field, 733

gradients, 540541

grammar checking

exceptions, 288289

language settings, 161163

proofing options, 908

Recheck Document option, 287288

Writing Style option, 286287

Grammar Settings dialog box, 286287

graphics, 123

charts. See charts

drawing canvas, 124125

Go to function, 270

gradients, 540

headers and footers, 522

pictures. See pictures

placeholders in templates, 60

printed vs. onscreen, 534537

resetting, 126128

search codes, 251

signature lines, 802

size and quality, 918

SmartArt. See SmartArt

text wrapping, 125126

WordArt. See WordArt

Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), 426

gray field placeholders, 60

Greater than operator

mail merge records, 690

wildcard searches, 258259

Greeting Line merge field, 696, 708, 737


graphics, 438439

text boxes, 466

Group Objects tool, 458


QAT, 882883

removing, 894895

Ribbon, 17, 889890

text boxes, 472473


Hanging Indent tabs, 187

hanging indents, 179, 189

Header Record Delimiters dialog box, 680681, 684

header rows

mail merge, 678681, 684

tables, 394, 398

headers and footers

Different First Page option, 515

Different Odd & Even Pages option, 515516

distance from edge of page, 516517

document information, 521

document text, 516

editing, 512513

graphics, 522

inserting from galleries, 512513

layers, 432, 511512

Link to Previous option, 515

orientation, 499

overview, 510511

page numbers, 517521

sections, 502, 512

side margin material, 521

styles, 514

Heading number options, 599

heading styles, 86

AutoFormat, 319

Clipboard, 227230

tables of contents, 604606

themes, 562

Heading text option, 598


cross-references, 598599

expanding, 920

Go to function, 270

master documents, 567

moving between, 78

Height setting, 500501


form fields, 752

Help system, 3738

online vs. local, 138139

Visual Basic Editor, 967

Help button, 15

Help Key, 752

hex switch for fields, 727

Hidden and Empty Cells option, 415

Hidden Bookmarks option, 586, 600

hidden text in printing, 907908

Hide All button for charts, 420

hide codes for fields, 723725

Hide grammar errors in this document only option, 908

Hide Marks option, 317

Hide Source Documents option, 822

Hide spelling errors in this document only option, 908


field codes, 718719

rulers, 88

Highlight all search option, 246

highlight color, 158160

Highlight Merge Fields option, 700, 702703

Highlight Updates option, 817

highlighter marks, 905

Home Page tool, 792

horizontal font spacing, 165

Horizontal Position setting, 383

horizontal ruler, 526

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

mail merge, 683684

overview, 785

Word differences, 786788

HTML Format option, 850

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 589

Hyperlink field, 736

Hyperlink tool, 588

hyperlinks, 588

automatic, 588589

changing, 596

to current document, 592593

e-mail address, 594595

to existing files and web

pages, 591592

HTML, 785

inserting, 590591

new documents, 593594

tables of contents, 610, 618

text boxes, 469

working with, 589590

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

mail merge, 683684

overview, 785

Word differences, 786788

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 589

hyphenation, 323

AutoFormat, 318

automatic, 323324

manual, 324325

nonbreaking, 325

optional, 907

search codes, 251

Hyphenation dialog box, 323324

hyphenation zones, 323


I-beams, 580


objects, 348349, 853

system tray, 238239

IF field, 697, 733, 737

Ignore All spell check option, 281

Ignore Internet and file addresses option, 282

Ignore punctuation characters option, 263

Ignore spell check option, 281

Ignore white-space characters option, 263

Ignore words in UPPERCASE option, 282

Ignore words that contain numbers option, 282

Illustrations settings, 424

Image Search feature, 430

Image Size and Quality settings, 918

images. See graphics

Import Wizard, 766


forms, 765767

Ribbon customizations, 897

In Front of Text wrap option, 433, 452

In Line with Text wrap option, 432, 470

Inactive Application Add-ins option, 929

Include chapter number option, 520

INCLUDEPICTURE field, 424, 588, 720, 736

INCLUDETEXT field, 350, 588, 736

Increase Font Size tool, 156

Increase Indent tool, 178

Incremental find option, 245

Indent attribute, 175

Indent from left setting, 382

Indent Left button, 178

Indent Right button, 178

indentation, 178

AutoFormat, 319

custom and mirror, 180181

indexes, 635

paragraphs, 175

ruler, 178180

tables, 382

Indented index style, 633

Indents and Spacing tab, 180

Index dialog box, 633

INDEX field, 634

indexes, 627628

AutoMark feature, 631632

compiling and inserting, 632633

fields, 634, 735

marking entries, 628632

multiple, 635

page numbers, 630

subentries and styles, 635

updating, 635

indicators marks, nonprinting, 137138

INFO field, 734

Info screen

file conversions, 6465

properties on, 107108


content controls, 757

importing forms into, 765767

Information Rights Management, 797

Ink option, 817

Insert Address Block dialog box, 694696

Insert and Link setting, 425

Insert Caption feature, 488, 620

Insert Category tool, 793

Insert Chart dialog box, 411, 415

Insert Citation gallery, 649651

Insert Content Only option, 490

Insert Date and Time button, 714716

Insert Field dialog box, 652

Insert File dialog box, 349

Insert Frames option, 745

Insert Greeting Line dialog box, 696

Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 590595

Insert Index dialog box, 629, 632

Insert Index tool, 627

Insert Merge Field dialog box, 708709

Insert Merge Field tool, 693

Insert mode, 5253, 128130

Insert Online Pictures feature, 11

Insert option for master documents, 569

Insert Outline dialog box, 858859

Insert/paste pictures as option, 917

Insert Picture dialog box, 424

backgrounds, 543

signature lines, 802

Insert Pictures dialog box

online pictures, 428429

watermarks, 547

Insert Subdocument dialog box, 570

Insert tab

bookmarks, 582

Excel, 857

Insert Table dialog box, 372373, 375

Insert Table of Figures option, 624

Insert Video window, 449

Insert Windows window, 447


bibliographies, 657658

Building Blocks, 334335

captions, 619620

charts, 411413

citations, 656657

comments, 813814

cover pages, 341

equations, 482

footnotes and endnotes, 640641

headers and footers, 512513

hyperlinks, 590591

indexes, 632633

objects and files, 345346

vs. overtyping, 5253

page numbers, 517519

pictures, 423426

Quick Parts, 333334

rows, columns, and cells, 387388

section breaks, 503504

SmartArt, 404407

tables, 371377

tables of authorities, 663664

tables of contents, 614

text boxes, 463465

text from files, 349351

Insertions and Deletions option, 817

Inspect Document option, 796, 803

Integral theme, 558559

integration with Office applications. See Office applications

interface, 1213

Internet paths, 319

interoperability of .doc vs. .docx files, 70

Invite People option, 830831

Is blank operator, 690

Is not blank operator, 690


AutoFormat, 318

index page numbers, 630


Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format, 426

jumping to document locations, 266270

Justified option

horizontal alignment, 181

vertical alignment, 508


Keep bullets and numbers when pasting text with Keep Text Only option, 918

Keep lines together option, 191

Keep original formatting option, 665

Keep Source Formatting option, 230231, 917

Keep Text Only option, 112, 230231, 855, 917

Keep the last autosaved version if I close without saving option, 910

Keep track of formatting option, 916

Keep with next option, 190

Kerning setting, 165

keyboard customization, 865

boundaries, 865

macros, 876877

multi-stroke key assignment, 868869

styles, 874875

summary, 878

symbols, 875876

Word options, 870874

keyboard method for table selection, 379

keyboard shortcuts, 79

built-in, 79

character formatting, 152, 168169

Clipboard, 224

cloverleaf method, 866867

command, 1819

creating, 68

custom, 80

fields, 719720

Find and Replace, 265266

Office 2003 menu, 80

storage location, 867868

styles, 95, 200

KeyTips, 1819, 379

KEYWORDS field, 734


Label Options dialog box, 362363, 698699


captions, 620621

mail merge, 685, 698699

number of, 364

overview, 361362

printing, 364365, 685

removing, 623

text in templates, 60

types, 362363

landscape orientation

page setup, 498

printing, 90

Language dialog box, 277

Language tab, 912913

languages, 275

character formatting settings, 161163

choosing, 275278

display and help, 912913

editing, 912

indexes, 633

ScreenTip, 913

Large Operator gallery, 486487

Larger tool, 410

Last Column option, 398

LASTSAVEDBY field, 718, 734

launchers, dialog box, 2627

launching Word from Web, 89


header and footer, 511512

pictures, 432


charts, 413, 415416

importing, 766767

pictures, 434, 442

sections, 506

SmartArt items, 407408

tables, 386, 395, 442

Word Options, 928929

Layout & Properties settings, 448

Layout and Compatibility settings, 928929

Layout and form fields options, 766767

Layout dialog box, 434, 442

Layout in table option, 442

Layout only option, 766

Layout Options settings, 413

Layout tab

sections, 506

tables, 395

leaders. See tab leaders

Left Indents option, 179

legacy fields in templates, 550551

legacy tools for forms, 744745, 748754

legal blackline, 819

legal documents, numbering lines in, 509510

Less button in Find and Replace, 255

less than operator

mail merge records, 690

wildcard searches, 258


creating, 4243

filling in, 4648

formatting, saving, and printing, 4849

mail merge, 685

previewing, 710

search codes, 252

Letters option, 685


indexes, 635

tables of contents, 608609, 613


galleries, 21

Pictures, 424

SkyDrive Pro, 841843

ligatures, 166, 168

Limit formatting to permitted styles option, 217

Line and Page Breaks tab, 189190

line breaks

manual, 173

search codes, 250

setting, 189191

Line Numbers dialog box, 509

Linear equations, 484


AutoFormat, 319

between columns, 526

Go to function, 268

legal and academic documents, 509510

spacing, 182183

table borders, 402403

LINK field, 233, 736

Link Here option, 353354

Link to File setting, 425

Link to Previous option, 515

linked styles, 146147


vs. embedding, 346348

fields, 735736

hyperlinks. See hyperlinks

text boxes, 468469

List Commands command, 872874

LISTNUM field, 739


AutoFormat, 319

mail merge, 675678

numbering and bulleting, 188191

live layout feature, graphics, 437

Live Preview feature, 12

borders and boxes, 193194

charts, 415

effects, 445

enabling, 903

Excel, 848

fonts, 154

items covered up by, 131133

lists, 188

pasted text, 112113

pictures, 444

shading, 191

Shading gallery, 399400

SmartArt, 408

Style gallery, 200201

style sets, 210211

table borders, 402

table styles, 397398

tables, 371

text boxes, 469470

themes, 556, 561, 564

Word screen, 2122

local accounts, 4

local files, hyperlinks to, 592

local help vs. online, 138139

locale codes in AutoCorrect, 309

Lock anchor option, 442

Lock Document option, 569, 572573

Lock Fields option, 587

Lock Tracking option, 816

locked macros, 968969


fields, 587

picture position, 442

subdocuments, 572573

Track Changes, 816

long citations, 661

Look in tool, 592

Lower switch for fields, 728

lowercase option, 160


Macro dialog box

List Commands, 872

opening, 949

Macro Security option, 949

Macro Settings tab, 932, 939940

MacroButton field, 733

macros, 947

automatic, 965966

copying, 555

deleting, 555

digitally signing, 958960

editing, 953955

file formats for, 71

global add-ins, 964965

keyboard customization, 876877

keyboard shortcuts for, 79

modules for, 956958

Organizer for, 554555

recording, 876877, 950953

renaming, 555

running, 967

security, 960963

settings, 939940

storing, 963965

summary, 970

templates, 55, 951

testing, 955956

tools, 948949

Trust Center settings, 049, 962963

viruses, 72

Visual Basic for Applications overview, 966970

Mail format field, 706

mail merge

Access, 683


attaching, 686687

considerations, 672673

documents, 675678, 684686

fields, 673

file formats, 673674

records, 673

description, 671672

Excel, 683

fields, 737740

HTML files, 683684

list creation, 675678

Mail Merge Wizard. See Mail Merge Wizard

merge documents. See merge documents

Outlook, 681682

recipients, 687692, 708

record filtering, 690691

record sorting, 688689

restoring documents, 686

rules, 696698

summary, 711

text files, 678681

Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, 678679, 682, 687688, 691

Mail Merge Wizard, 686, 707

completing, 711

document type selection, 707

letter previewing, 710

letter writing, 708709

recipient selection, 708

starting documents, 708

Mailing address option, 928

Mailing dialog box for fields, 737

Mailings tab

Check for Errors tool, 703

data document types, 686

editing documents, 705

email messages, 706

envelopes, 356

Greeting Line field, 696

Highlight Merge Fields tool, 702

labels, 361, 698699

letters, 710

list creation, 675

merge fields, 693696

options, 674

printing merge documents, 705

recipients, 687

mailto links, 589, 594595

main dictionary, 284

main documents in mail merge, 672

main index entries, 628

Main Tabs list, 948

Make hidden markup visible when opening or saving option, 946

Manage Sources dialog box, 646648, 655

Manage Styles dialog box, 215216

Manual Feed Tray, 501

manual hyphenation, 324325

Manual Hyphenation dialog box, 324325

manual line breaks, 173

Manual Table option, 604


cells, 392393

columns, 525

headers and footers, 516517

printing, 90, 536

sections, 502

setting, 497498

with word wrap, 52

Margins gallery, 497

Mark All tool, 628

Mark as Final option, 796

Mark Citation dialog box, 661662, 665

Mark Comment Done option, 814

Mark Entry tool, 613, 627631

Mark formatting inconsistencies option, 916

Mark grammar errors option, 286

Mark Index Entry dialog box, 629631

Mark Table of Contents Entry dialog box, 613614, 627


bookmarks, 582583

citations, 661662

footnotes and endnotes, 639

index entries, 628632

tables of contents entries, 613614

markup languages, 785

Markup options, 815

Master Document tools, 8687

Master Document view, 568

master documents

converting files into, 571572

creating, 568570

overview, 566567

subdocuments, 566, 570

converting into master document text, 572

expanding and collapsing, 573574

locking, 572573

merging, 572

moving, 574

summary, 575

Master Lists, 646, 649651, 653656

mastheads, 526

Match case option, 255256

Match Fields dialog box, 694696

Match prefix option, 262

Match suffix option, 262

Math AutoCorrect feature, 310312, 484486

math regions for equations, 483

MAX function, 396

maximized screen state, 14

Maximum length setting for form fields, 755


Office 2003 keystrokes, 80

shortcut, 2425

merge documents, 692693

Check for Errors tool, 703704

editing, 705

email messages, 706

Find Recipient tool, 701702

Highlight Merge Fields

tool, 702703

labels, 698699

merge fields, 693696

Preview Results option, 700701

printing, 705706

rules, 696698

Merge option for master documents, 569

Merge Formatting option, 230231, 917

Merge to E-mail dialog box, 706

Merge to New Document dialog box, 705

MERGEFIELD field, 737

MERGEFORMAT switch, 723, 727

MERGEREC field, 698, 738

MERGESEQ field, 698, 738


mail. See mail merge

subdocuments, 572

table cells, 389

Message Bar settings, 942

MHTML (MIME HTML) format, 788

Microsoft accounts, 45

Microsoft Office Activation Wizard, 139

Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet Object option, 850

Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box, 934935

Microsoft Services Agreement, 427

Microsoft Translator service, 299

Microsoft Word Document Object option, 354

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions) format, 788

MIME HTML (MHTML) format, 788

MIN function, 396

Mini Toolbar

character formatting, 166167

displaying, 902

working with, 2324

Mini Translator, 300301

minimized screen state, 14

mirror indents, 180181

missing Ribbon tabs, 138

Modern Language Association (MLA) style, 646

modes, spelling, 286

Modify Building Block dialog box, 339

Modify Location dialog box, 114

Modify option for indexes, 633

Modify Style dialog box

creating styles, 210

envelopes, 359

existing styles, 206208

outline levels, 100

shortcut keys, 874875

tables, 400401

tables of authorities, 665666

tables of contents, 611612

templates, 556

updating styles, 135

modules, copying macros to, 956958

monospaced fonts, 76

More button

Find and Replace, 255

table styles, 398

More Colors option, 399, 538539

More Columns option, 525

More controls button for QAT, 880

More items option for letters, 708

More Paper Sizes option, 500

More Symbols option, 478

mouse selection, 136

Move object with text option, 442

Move Up/Move Down option, 415

Move with Text option, 383384


columns, 380381

dragging and dropping, 225

F2 key, 226

paragraphs, 121, 223

pictures, 436439

rows, 381

SmartArt items, 406

Spike, 226227

subdocuments, 574

text box shapes, 474

WordArt, 453

multi-selecting text, 76

multi-stroke key assignment, 868869

Multilevel list button, 188, 621

multiple documents, combining, 823824

multiple indexes, 635

multiple pages for table spanning, 394

multiple undo or redo, 33

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format, 788

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