Name and Size option, 920


bibliographies, 649

bookmarks, 582584

Building Blocks, 332

documents, 44

files, 6364

fonts, 563, 920

labels, 620

macros, 555, 950

mail merge fields, 677

placeholder citations, 652

Ribbon groups, 889

Ribbon tabs, 892

styles, 209, 555, 570

templates, 550

themes, 565

navigation, 579

bookmarks. See bookmarks

cross-references. See cross-references

gestures and touch, 7678

hyperlinks. See hyperlinks

summary, 601

Navigation Pane, 7778

Find results, 243244

non-text, 244245

Outlines vs. browsing headings in, 101102

overview, 241243

search options, 245246

searching for text, 244

network paths in AutoFormat, 319

New Address List dialog box, 675677

New Blog Account dialog box, 788789

New Comment option, 813

New Document button for label documents, 364

New Document dialog box, 51

new documents with hyperlinks, 593594

New Entry option for mail merge, 675

New Group button for Ribbon, 889

New Label dialog box, 620621

New Slide button, 858

New Style button, 202

New Tab button, 891

NewMacros module, 954

newspaper columns, 523

Next Column tool, 385

Next Endnote tool, 642

NEXT field, 698, 738

Next Footnote tool, 642

Next Page section breaks, 502, 527

Next Record control, 699

Next Row tool, 384

Next Search Result tool, 243

NEXTIF field, 698, 738

No changes (Read only) option, 807808

No Markup option, 817

non-heading styles, custom levels for, 100101

non-modal dialog boxes, 244

non-text searches, 244245

nonbreaking hyphens, 325

nonbreaking spaces, 251

nonprintable areas, 517

nonprinting characters and marks

displaying, 137138, 173

forms, 750753

settings, 906907

Normal.dotm template, 171

blank documents, 55

corrupted, 140

global add-ins, 964

macros, 951, 965966, 970

modules, 956, 958

paragraph line spacing, 182183

QAT, 881, 884, 887

saving, 925

shortcut keys, 868

Style Sets, 213

styles, 94, 171, 197, 201

Normal Word Document option, 686

Not operator (!), 260

Not equal to operator, 690

NOTEREF field, 736

notes. See footnotes and endnotes


ActiveX controls, 938

Clipboard, 238239

macros, 940

nudging graphics, 438

Num Lock key for tables, 379

Number format option, 520

number of columns setting, 524525

Number of pages setting, 90

number sign (#) parameter in switches, 728

Number Styles effect, 168

numbered lists in AutoFormat, 319

Numbering or Bullets tool, 188

numbering style, 502

numbers and numbering

captions, 621623

controlling, 140141

cross-references, 599600

equations, 488490

fields, 738740

footnotes and endnotes, 639640

legal and academic documents, 509510

lists of text, 188191, 319

pages. See page numbers

paragraphs, 173174

sections, 502

NUMCHARS field, 734

numeric form fields, 754756

numeric format switches, 728730

NUMPAGES field, 734

NUMWORDS field, 734


Object anchors option, 907

Object Browser window, 967

Object dialog box, 345, 852853

object linking and embedding (OLE), 345346

object-oriented formatting approach, 145

Object Zoom, 8485


Clipboard, 354555

Excel, 852854, 857

Go to function, 270

icons vs. content, 348349

inserting, 345346

linking vs. embedding, 346348

pasting, 354355

occurrences setting in wildcard searches, 260

Odd Page section breaks, 502, 527

Office 365 site, 828, 841843

Office 2003 menu keystrokes, 80

Office applications, 845

Clipboard. See Clipboard

Excel. See Excel

Outlook, 860861

PowerPoint, 858860

summary, 862

Office Background and Office Theme settings, 903

Office look, 1012

Office Presentation Service, 781784

Office theme, 550

offline editing options, 911

OLE (object linking and embedding), 345346

on the fly translation, 300

online files on SkyDrive, 837838

online help vs. local, 138139

online pictures, 427429

online presentations, 781784

online templates, 5758

online video, 449450

onscreen elements vs. printed, 534537

opacity settings, 192193

Open and Repair command, 119120

Open dialog box

favorites, 114115

Open and Repair, 119120

Organizer, 554

PDF files, 772773

Open e-mail attachments and other uneditable files in reading view option, 903

Open Existing option for blogs, 793794

Open Existing Post dialog box, 793794

open format, 68

Open Index AutoMark File dialog box, 632

open programs, dragging from, 353354

Open selected file types in Protected View option, 943

Open selected file types in Protected View and allow editing option, 943

opening existing files, 6062

OpenType features, 166

optimization of PDF and XPS files, 778

Optimize character positioning for layout rather than readability option, 923

Optional hyphens option, 907

Options dialog box. See Word Options dialog box

Or operator for mail merge records, 690691

ordinal switch for fields, 728

ordinals in AutoFormat, 318

ordtext switch for fields, 728

Organizer, 329330, 337, 465466, 554556


page setup, 498499

printing, 90

sections, 502

Original option for tracked changes, 817

Other Authors option, 817

Other Texture option, 541542

Outline effect, 168

Outline view, 83

master documents, 8687, 571

styles, 96100


vs. browsing headings, 101102

converting to PowerPoint presentations, 858859

for master documents, 8687, 571

shapes, 410

styles, 96100

tables of contents levels, 609

text boxes, 470

WordArt, 454

Outlining tab, 571

Outlook, 860

address book, 860861

mail merge, 681682


bookmarks, 584

pictures, 442

Overtype mode, 5253, 128130, 915

owner programs for objects, 345


Page break before option, 191

page breaks

bibliographies, 657

search codes, 250252

setting, 189191

tables of contents, 604

Page Color tool, 537

PAGE field, 739

Page Layout tab, 496

bibliographies, 657

columns, 528

hyphenation, 323324

indentation, 178

margins, 497

paragraphs, 175

sections, 506507

Page Margins option, 519

Page Number Format dialog box, 519520

page numbers, 517

cross-references, 598

deleting, 519

formatting, 519521

indexes, 630, 632

inserting, 517519

tables of authorities, 667

tables of contents, 618

Page Setup dialog box, 495496

line numbers, 509

margins, 497498

orientation, 498499

sections, 506510

size, 500501

Word Options dialog box from, 901

PAGEREF field, 736



formatting, 534537

removing, 547548

borders, 531533

cover, 341

display options, 905906

Go to function, 267

moving between, 78

numbering. See page numbers

Pages per Sheet setting, 90

panes on Word screen, 2728

paper size

printing, 90

sections, 502

Paper source settings, 501502

Paper tab, 500501

Paragraph dialog box

attributes, 175176

indents, 180

Line and Page Breaks tab, 189190

line numbers in legal and academic documents, 510

line spacing, 182

paragraph marks

displaying, 172173, 907

in searches, 251

Paragraph Spacing gallery, 565

paragraphs, 171

attributes, 175177

borders and boxes, 193195, 463

decoration, 187

dots at, 191

indentation, 178181

line and page breaks, 189191

making, 54

moving, 121, 223

numbered and bulleted, 173174, 188191

printing and viewing, 195

sections, 504505

shading, 191193

sorting, 121

spacing between, 183, 195

spacing in, 182183

spacing in themes, 564565

styles, 96, 146147

vs. styles, 171172

summary, 196

tabs, 183187

text alignment, 181

text boxes for, 463

text structuring with, 177178

tools, 172175

parental controls, 297

parentheses ()

bibliographies, 649

wildcard searches, 259

Pareto principle, 879

passim option, 665


applying, 809811

documents, 797

forms, 747748

No changes (Read only) option, 807808

PDF files, 777779

style restrictions, 806

Paste All option, 236238

Paste button on Ribbon, 224

Paste command for Clipboard, 222

Paste link option, 233

Paste Options button, 430

Paste Special dialog box, 232233, 499, 848852

pasting and paste options

bookmarked text, 584585

Clipboard pane, 221, 236237

default, 231232

Excel, 848849, 855857

objects, 354355

orientation, 499

overview, 229230

Paste Special, 232233, 848852

pictures, 430

sentence and word behavior, 136137

settings, 916918

text pictures, 233234

unformatted text, 112113

working with, 230232

Pasting between documents option, 916

Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict option, 916

Pasting from other programs option, 916

Pasting within the same document option, 916

paths in AutoFormat, 319


background, 542

shading, 192193

Pause Recording button, 949, 969

PDF. See portable document format (PDF)

PDF Reflow feature, 772

permissions, 796

persistent save as, 7071

Picture content controls, 744, 760

Picture Effects tool, 445

Picture (Enhanced Metafile) option, 850

pictures, 423

arranging, 458459

background, 446, 543544

borders, 445

copying, 233234

cropping, 442443

effects, 445, 448

file formats, 426427

formatting, 443448

inserting from files, 423426

moving, 436439

online, 427429

pasting, 233234, 430

positioning, 431436, 442

resizing and rotating, 439442

screen shots, 430431

search codes, 251

styles, 444

summary, 460

watermarks, 546547

Pictures folder for SkyDrive, 828

Pictures Library, 424

pilcrows, 173

Pinch gesture, 77

pinned templates, 57


File tab, 3233

Word to taskbar, 56

Place in This Document option, 593


citations, 652653

converting to sources, 653

hyperlinks, 593

numeric format, 728

templates, 60

Plain Text controls, 744, 759

Plain Text format, 749

plus sign (+) switch for fields, 729730

.png (Portable Network Graphics) format, 426

point size, 155156

portability of data, 673

portable document format (PDF), 771

creating, 776778

editing, 774

optimizing, 778

options, 778779

uses, 776

viewing, 772773

working with, 771772

Portable Network Graphics (.png) format, 426

portrait orientation

page setup, 498

printing, 90

Position gallery, 436

Position tab, 442


fonts, 165

pictures, 431436, 442

text boxes, 470472

Post to Blog feature, 788794


envelopes, 361

letters, 708

power user techniques, 110

applying styles, 114

GoBack command, 112

pasting unformatted text, 112113

updating styles, 110112

wrap to fit, 113

PowerPoint, 858

converting outlines to, 858859

converting presentations to Word documents, 859860

prefab text boxes, 465466

Preferred width setting, 382

Present Online window, 782784

presentations, online, 781784

Preserve fidelity options, 926

preserve fidelity when sharing this document option, 911

Preserve restricted permissions in XPS option, 779

preset watermarks, 544

Preview Endnote tool, 642

Preview Results option, 700701


Live Preview. See Live Preview feature

merge fields, 694

printing, 512, 610, 632

Previous Column tool, 385

Previous Footnote tool, 642

Previous Row tool, 384

Previous Search Result tool, 243

Print background colors and images option, 907

Print dialog box for merge documents, 705706

Print document properties option, 907

Print drawings created in Word option, 907

Print field, 733

Print field codes instead of their values option, 924

Print hidden text option, 908

Print in background option, 924

Print Layout view, 81

footnotes and endnotes, 640642

headers and footers, 511

Print on back of the sheet for duplex printing option, 924

Print on front of the sheet for duplex printing option, 924

Print only the data from a form option, 925

Print pages in reverse order option, 924

Print PostScript over text option, 924925

Print Preview option

headers and footers, 512

indexes, 632

tables of contents, 610

Print Screen keys, 430

Print XML tags option, 924

PrintDate field, 732

printed elements vs. onscreen, 534537

Printed Watermark dialog box, 545547


Advanced tab settings, 923925

documents, 9091

envelopes, 50, 355357

labels, 362, 364

letters, 4849

merge documents, 705706

options, 360, 907908

paragraphs, 195

Privacy Options settings, 944946

processes in Task Manager, 961962

Processes tab, 961

Professional equations, 484

Project Explorer, 954, 956957, 967968

Project Properties dialog box, 968969

Promote tool for Outlines, 9899

promoting SmartArt items, 406

Prompt before saving Normal template option, 925

Prompt me before enabling all controls with minimal restrictions option, 939

Prompt me before enabling Unsafe for Initialization (UFI) controls with additional restrictions and Safe for Initialization (SFI) controls with minimal restrictions option, 938939

Prompt to update style option, 915

Prompts for styles, 208

Proofing tab, 282285, 908


adding and reviewing, 107108

advanced, 109110

Properties dialog box, 109110

proportional fonts, 76

Protected View Message Bar, 774

Protected View settings, 940942

protection, 807. See also security

compared documents, 822

forms, 745748, 796

types, 796797

Provide feedback with animation option, 927

Provide feedback with sound option, 927

Public folder for SkyDrive, 828

Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box, 776779


blog entries, 790792

documents. See portable document format (PDF)

pull quotes, 464

punctuation characters in Find and Replace, 263


question marks (?) in wildcard searches, 257

Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), 879

buttons, 881883, 886

Customize Quick Access Toolbar dialog box, 883

defaults, 887

macros from, 951

overview, 879881

Redefine Style command, 112

storage location, 884885

tool removal, 887

Word Options dialog box, 884887

Word screen, 1921

Quick Layouts button, 415

Quick Parts, 327328

adding, 330333

vs. Building Blocks, 328329

inserting, 333334

Quick Parts gallery, 332, 335

Quick Styles, 199, 454

Quick Tables, 369370

Quickly access this number of Recent Documents option, 922

QUOTE field, 736

quotes in AutoFormat, 318, 320



chart data, 415

wildcard searches, 257258

RD field, 735

Read Mode, 8485

Read only option, 796

Readability Statistics dialog box, 286

Reading Highlight feature, 159160, 254

reapplying and resetting styles, 205

Recent documents, 3233, 6061

Recent Files option, 591

Recently used symbols list, 478479

Recheck Document option, 287288

recipients for mail merge, 687692, 708

Recognized Functions option, 485

Recognized Math Functions dialog box, 311312

Recommend tab, 215216

Recommended Minimum setting, 806

Recommended styles, 202, 215216

Record Macro button, 949

Record Macro dialog box, 876877, 950951

recording macros, 876877, 950953

Recover Text from Any File option, 120

Recover Unsaved Documents option, 118

Redefine Style command, 112

Redo command, 20, 33, 880

redundancy of bookmarks, 584

REF fields, 723, 725, 736

reference mark styles for footnotes and endnotes, 644

references for fields, 735736

References tab

bibliographies, 646651, 655657

captions, 619, 623624

citations, 649651

footnotes and endnotes, 638, 640642, 645

indexes, 627629, 632, 635

tables of authorities, 660, 663

tables of captions, 624

tables of contents, 604, 608, 611, 614617

Reflection effect, 168

Register Now option, 788789

registering with blog platforms, 788789

Reject All option, 316

rejecting changes, 818819

removable media, saving to, 118119

Remove All option

Document Inspector, 803804

styles, 204

Remove Background tool, 446

Remove content control when contents are edited option, 758

Remove from Style Gallery option, 215

Remove Hyperlink button, 596

Remove Link button, 596

Remove option for charts, 415

Remove Page Numbers option, 519

Remove personal information from file properties on save option, 946

Remove Signature option, 800

Remove Table of Contents option, 616


backgrounds, 547548

citations, 663

Clipboard pane items, 237

digital signatures, 800801

form protection, 748

labels, 623

page borders, 531533

page numbers, 667

QAT commands, 883, 887

style aliases, 555

styles from gallery, 215

tabs and groups, 894895

trusted locations, 935

watermarks and page backgrounds, 547548

Rename dialog box

Ribbon groups, 889

Ribbon tabs, 892

styles and macros, 555

Rename Field dialog box, 677


macros, 555

mail merge fields, 677

Ribbon groups, 889

Ribbon tabs, 892

styles, 555, 570

Repeat command, 880

Repeat Heading Rows option, 394

repeating character formatting, 150

Repeating Section controls, 744, 765

Replace dialog box for text highlight color, 160

Replace text as you type option, 105, 306307

Replace with box for search codes, 252253

Replace with codes, 261262

replacing text. See Find and Replace tools

replying to comments, 813814

Require Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher option, 937

Research Options dialog box, 296297, 946

Research pane

overview, 295297

translating text, 298299

Reset All Customizations option, 895896

Reset Form Fields option, 745

Reset Graphic command, 126

Reset Picture command, 127128, 447

Reset tab for Ribbon, 895896

ResetChar command, 153


direct formatting, 153

graphics, 126128

QAT defaults, 887

styles, 205

tabs, 895896

resizing pictures, 439442

restored screen state, 14

restoring mail merge documents, 686

Restrict Editing pane, 746748, 807

Restrict Formatting and Editing settings, 805

comments, 809

No changes (Read only) option, 807808

styles, 805807

tracked changes, 809

Restrict tab, 216217

restricted styles, 216218

Resume Reading feature, 8788

Resume Recording button, 969

return addresses for envelopes, 358

Reveal Formatting pane, 173175

Review AutoFormat Changes dialog box, 316317

Review tab

comments, 813

comparing documents, 819, 822

Show Markup option, 816

Track Changes, 814

REVNUM field, 739

Ribbon, 3, 887

Clipboard, 223224


finding and adding, 892894

names on, 81

customizations, 887888

importing and exporting, 897

removing, 895896

display, 88

with Find and Replace dialog box, 246249

groups, 17, 889890

Office look, 1012

summary, 897


adding, 890892

missing, 138

removing, 894895

resetting, 895896

turning on and off, 894

Word screen, 1517

rich text controls, 744, 759

Right-align page numbers option

captions, 625

indexes, 632

tables of contents, 607

Right Indents option, 179

Rights Management Services (RMS), 797

RoamingCustom.dic dictionary, 284285

robustness of .docx files, 68

ROMAN switch for fields, 728

Rotate Objects tool, 458


pictures, 439442

text boxes, 468

WordArt, 453454, 458

Row tab, 384

rows, 372, 376

copying, 380381

deleting, 386387

inserting, 387388

moving, 381

selecting, 378379

size, 384385

sorting, 394395

splitting, 390391


columns, 526

indenting with, 178180

tabs, 187

rules for mail merge, 696698

Run-in index style, 633

Run Macro On option, 756757

Run Sub/UserForm button, 956

running macros, 967


safe mode, 910

Safe mode (helps limit the control's access to your computer) option, 939

Save Address List dialog box, 675676

Save As dialog box

favorites, 114115

first time file saving, 6364

format conversions, 6466

macros, 963

names, 44

Office 365, 841843

passwords, 809810

PDF files, 774

PowerPoint, 859

SkyDrive, 828830

templates, 550

Save as a New Style dialog box, 213

Save as a New Style Set dialog box, 211212

Save AutoRecover information every setting, 116, 910

Save command for QAT, 20

Save Current Theme dialog box, 565

Save files in this format setting, 909

Save form data as delimited text file option, 926

Save Image As option, 430

Save Selection to Equation Gallery option, 483

Save Selection to Quick Gallery command, 331

Save tab, 908912

Save To Cloud button, 831832

Save to Computer by default option, 911

SaveDate field, 732

SaveTarget As option, 9


Advanced tab settings, 925926

backups, 116120

bibliographies, 660

Building Blocks, 333

custom Math AutoCorrect entries, 485

equations, 483

files, 6267

letters, 4849

section formatting, 505506

SkyDrive files, 828836

SkyDrive Pro files, 841843

themes, 565566

Word Options settings, 908912

Scale content for A4 or 8.5 × 11 paper sizes option, 924

Scale setting for fonts, 164165

Scheme switching, 218

screen shots, 430431

ScreenTips, 20

enhanced, 26

hyperlinks, 591

language, 913

styles, 203, 903

translations, 300

Word Options dialog box, 901902

scroll bars

displaying, 922

Navigation Pane, 243

scrolling for Live Preview, 132


Help system, 3738

moving between results, 78

templates, 43, 5758

text. See Find and Replace tools

Windows 7 start menu search box, 9

search codes, 249253

search direction, 255

SECTION field, 739

Section start setting, 507


sections, 501502


automatic, 504

columns using, 526527

fixing, 507

inserting and deleting, 503504

overview, 502503

search codes, 250, 252


saving, 505506

styles and paragraph, 504505

Go to function, 267

headers and footers in, 512

page layout, 506507

vertical page alignment, 507509


Document Inspector, 803804

formatting and editing restrictions, 805809

Information Rights Management, 797803

macros, 958963

passwords, 809811

protection types, 796797

Security Warning, 936

Select All option for styles, 204, 216

Select All # Instance(s) option for styles, 204

Select Built-in button for styles, 216

Select Column command, 379

Select Contact dialog box, 681682

Select Data option for Excel charts, 850

Select Data Source dialog box

charts, 414415

mail merge, 686687

Select Image option, 802

Select Name dialog box

addresses, 357

Outlook, 860861

Select Recipients tool, 674

Select Row command, 379

Select Table dialog box, 683

selected text

searches within, 253254

typing replaces, 131


characters for formatting, 150

chart elements, 417

with mouse, 136

multiple text boxes, 470

tables, rows, and columns, 378379

text, 7477

Selection Pane for charts, 419420

SelfCert utility

documents, 798

macros, 958959

semicolon (;) switch for fields, 730

Send as PDF option, 780

Send as XPS option, 780

Send Backward tool

text boxes, 471472

WordArt, 458

Send E-Mail Messages option, 704, 706

Send Records options, 706

Sentence case option, 160

sentence cut and paste behavior, 136137

Separate numbers with option, 599600

Separate table of contents heading text from numbers using dot leaders (…) option, 607


footnotes and endnotes, 645

page numbers, 520

QAT, 886

SEQ field

description, 740

equations, 488489

numbering, 622

series for charts, 417

services options in research, 296

Set As Default Layout option, 126

Set default target output to setting, 918

SET field, 698, 738

Set Program Associations dialog box, 903904

Set Proofing Language option, 277


cells, 399400

characters, 157158

fields, 716718, 750751

paragraphs, 191193

printing, 195

Shading gallery, 399

Shading tab, 192

Shadow effect, 168

Shape Fill tool

SmartArt, 410

text boxes, 470

Shape Outline tool

SmartArt, 410

text boxes, 470

Shape Style Gallery, 410


formatting, 443448

SmartArt, 409411

styles, 469470

text boxes, 470471, 474477

WordArt, 456457

Shapes gallery, 474475


AutoCorrect entries, 310

blogging, 788794

Building Blocks, 338

with emailing, 780781

HTML, 785788

online presentations, 781784

with SkyDrive, 830832

Shift key for text boxes, 466

Shift+clicking for selecting text, 76

short citations, 661

shortcut keys. See keyboard shortcuts

shortcut menus

fields, 721

Word screen, 2425

Show add-in user interface errors option, 928

Show additional places for saving, even if sign-in may be required option, 910

Show All option for charts, 420

Show All Bibliography Fields option, 649

Show all formatting marks option, 906

Show All Revisions Inline option, 812

Show AutoComplete suggestions option, 336, 916

Show AutoCorrect Options option, 104, 304

Show background colors and images in Print Layout view option, 919

Show bookmarks option, 580, 751, 920

Show changes at option, 819820

Show crop marks option, 920

Show document content settings, 919921

Show Document option, 568571

Show Document Panel option, 108

Show Document Text option, 516

Show document tooltips on hover option, 905

Show drawings and textboxes on screen option, 920

Show field codes instead of their values option, 920

Show/Hide option

form field shading, 750

nonprinting indicators/ formatting marks, 137138

Show highlighter marks option, 905

Show horizontal scroll bar option, 922

Show Level tool, 9899

Show levels 3 option, 607

Show Markup option, 816817

Show measurements in units of option, 922

Show Mini Toolbar on selection option, 902

Show Notes dialog box, 642, 645

Show Office Clipboard Automatically option, 235

Show Office Clipboard Icon option, 238

Show Office Clipboard Icon on Taskbar option, 236

Show Office Clipboard When Ctrl+C Pressed Twice option, 235

Show page numbers option

captions, 625

tables of contents, 607

Show Paste Options button when content is pasted option, 918

Show picture placeholders option, 919920

Show pixels for HTML features option, 922

Show Preview option, 203

Show readability statistics option, 286

Show Revisions in Balloons option, 812

Show shortcut keys in ScreenTips option, 922

Show Source Documents option, 822

Show Status Near Taskbar When Copying option, 236

Show Tabs option, 88

Show Tabs and Commands option, 88

Show text boundaries option, 920

Show text wrapped within the document window option, 919

Show the Message Bar in all applications when active content has been blocked option, 942

Show the Start screen when this application starts option, 903

Show this number of Recent Documents option, 922

Show this number of unpinned Recent Folders option, 922

Show vertical ruler in Print Layout view option, 922

Show vertical scroll bar option, 922

Show white space between pages in Print Layout view option, 905906

showing field codes, 718719

side margin material in headers and footers, 521

Sides and flipping option, 90

Sign dialog box, 798799, 802

Sign up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program option, 945

Signature Confirmation message, 798799

signature lines, 184, 801802

Signature Setup dialog box, 801803

signatures. See digital signatures

Signatures pane, 800801

Simple Markup view, 811812

Simulate the merge and report errors in a new document option, 704

single-cell tables, text boxes for, 463

Single File Web Page format, 788

single-quote (’) characters

AutoFormat, 320

fields, 730

Single spaced (blank) template, 57


cells, 391

.doc files vs. .docx, 69

envelopes, 358

fonts, 155156, 563, 920

gallery, 131132

Page Setup, 500501

paper, 90

pictures, 439442

sections, 502

tables, rows, and columns, 384385

text box shapes, 474

WordArt, 453

SKIPIF field, 698, 738

SkyDrive, 429, 827

online files, 837838

overview, 827828

recent documents, 6162

saving and viewing files, 834836

saving to cloud with, 828832

sharing with, 830832

syncing files, 836837

touching up documents, 839840

watermarks, 547

Windows application, 832834

SkyDrive Pictures folder, 425, 427

SkyDrive Pro application, 828

library, 841843

syncing and viewing files, 843844

Slide gesture, 77

Smaller tool for SmartArt, 410

smart quotes, 318, 320

smart shape features, 475476


graphics, 125126

inserting, 404407

items, layout, style, and colors, 407408

shapes, 409411

SmartArt Graphic dialog box, 404405

SmartArt Styles gallery, 408409

SmartArt Tools Design tab, 128

snaking columns, 502, 523

Snap feature, 14

social media functions, 1112

Sort dialog box, 394395

Sort Text dialog box, 121


mail merge records, 688689

paragraphs, 121

table rows, 394395

Sounds like option, 262

source documentation, 637

Source Manager dialog box, 648651, 653, 655656

sources for bibliographies, 646

converting placeholders to, 653

deleting, 654655

external, 655656

inserted from scratch, 647650

from scratch, 647650

Sources.xml file, 655

Spaces (regular and nonbreaking) option, 907

spaces with cut and paste, 136


cells, 392393

fonts, 164165

lines, 182183, 195

paragraphs, 175, 181183, 195, 508, 564565

vertical page alignment, 508

Spacing attribute, 175

Spacing Before setting, 508

Special Characters option, 875

Special Characters tab, 480481

Specific People option, 817

spelling, 278

AutoCorrect, 306307

correcting, 286288

flagged items, 279

language settings, 161163

options, 282286

Recheck Document option, 287288

summary, 302

working with, 279282

Writing Style option, 286287

Spelling pane, 279281

Spike, 226227

Split Cells dialog box, 390391


cells, rows, and columns, 390391

master documents, 569

views, 8889

square brackets ([])

bookmarked text, 580581

controls, 45

fields, 725

template placeholders, 60

wildcard searches, 257258, 260

Square wrap text setting, 125, 432

Standard Colors settings, 157, 538

Start at setting for page numbers, 520

Start Enforcing Protection dialog box, 218, 747748, 806, 809

Start from a template option, 708

Start from existing document option, 708

Start Mail Merge settings

data documents, 684, 686

fields, 737

labels, 698

Mail Merge wizard, 707

recipients, 674675, 678, 681, 687

Start menu, 45

Start screen, 45, 13

starting documents in Mail Merge Wizard, 708

starting Word, 4

command-line switches, 971974

from File explorer, 8

status bar

command names, 81

form help, 752

Insert/Overtype modes, 129

Word Screen, 2830

Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard, 686, 707

Stop Protection option, 748

Stop Recording button, 951952

storage locations

macros, 963965

QAT, 884885

shortcut keys, 867868

Store macro setting, 951

Store random numbers to improve Combine accuracy option, 945

straight quotes, 318, 320

Stretch gesture, 77

stretching fonts, 165

structural formatting, 177

structures for equations, 486487

Structures galleries, 487

Style area pane width in Draft and Outline views option, 922

Style dialog box

indexes, 635

tables of contents, 611

Style gallery, 199201

Style Inspector, 147, 218

Style Set gallery, 210

Style Sets

applying, 210212

creating and deleting, 211214

themes, 564565

STYLEREF field, 622, 736

styles, 197

aliases, 555

applying, 114

AutoFormat, 319

benefits, 9394

bibliographies, 646647

captions, 623

character formatting, 146149

charts, 414416

clearing, 206

copying, 555

creating, 208210

custom levels, 100101

deleting, 218, 555

direct formatting with, 133135

displaying, 214215

envelopes, 359

footnotes and endnotes, 643644

vs. formatting, 9496

grammar, 287

headers and footers, 514

heading, 86

indexes, 635

keyboard customization, 874875

master documents, 570

modifying, 206208

Organizer for, 554555

Outlining view, 96100

vs. paragraph formatting, 171172

pictures, 444

reapplying and resetting, 205

recommended, 215216

removing from gallery, 215

renaming, 555, 570

restrictions, 216218, 796, 805807

ScreenTip, 903

sections, 504505

SmartArt items, 407409

Style gallery, 200201

Style Inspector, 218

Styles group, 197200

Styles pane, 202206

summary, 219

tables, 397402

tables of authorities, 665666

tables of captions, 626627

tables of contents, 611612

tables of contents headings, 604606

templates, 60, 550, 556

text boxes, 469470

vs. themes, 558

types, 96

updating, 110112, 916

WordArt, 454

Styles gallery, 9596, 112

Styles pane, 147148

applying styles, 202206

shortcut keys, 874

Styles tab, 554

Stylistic Sets effects, 168

subdocuments, 566, 570

converting into master document text, 572

expanding and collapsing, 573574

locking, 572573

merging, 572

moving, 574

subentries in indexes, 628630, 635

Subject field

document information, 734

email, 706, 781

Subset setting for symbols, 479

SUM function, 396

Super Tooltips, 153

superscripts in AutoFormat, 318

Suppress for Current Paragraph option, 510

Suppress line numbers option, 191

Swap Documents tool, 821

Swipe gesture, 77

Switch Row/Column option, 415


fields, 714, 725

combinations, 732

date format, 730732

numeric format, 728730

text format, 726728

startup, 971974

switching accounts, 3637

Symbol dialog box, 257258, 478480, 875876

Symbol field, 735

Symbol gallery, 477478


equations, 735

fractions, 320322

keyboard customization, 875876

math, 310

overview, 477478

Special Characters, 480481

Symbol dialog box, 478480

wildcard searches, 257258

syncing SkyDrive files, 836837, 843844

synonyms, 292294

syntax models for fields, 724

system tray icon for Clipboard, 238


TA field, 735

tab characters. See tabs and tab characters

tab leaders, 186

changing, 187

indexes, 632

setting, 185

tables of authorities, 665

tables of captions, 625

tables of contents, 186, 607

tab stops

equations, 489

tables, 374377

Table Column Width setting, 391

Table of Authorities dialog box, 663666

Table of Contents dialog box, 606608, 614617

Table of Contents gallery, 604605

Table of Contents Options dialog box, 607610

Table of Contents tab, 614

Table of Figures dialog box, 624627

Table Options dialog box, 392393

Table Positioning dialog box, 383

Table Properties dialog box

alignment, 392

breaks, 388

changing properties, 381382

column width, 374

rows and columns, 384

Table Row Height setting, 391

Table Style gallery, 398400

Table Tools Layout tab, 373, 378


alignment, 382, 392

AutoFit behavior, 373374

AutoFormat, 319

basics, 370371

borders, 402403

breaks, 388

calculations, 395397

captioned items, 624627

cells. See cells

columns and rows

inserting, 387388

moving and copying, 380381

selecting, 378379

sorting, 394395

splitting, 390391

converting to text, 377378

text to, 375377

copying contents, 380381

cross-references, 601

deleting, 386387

design, 397

eraser, 404

Excel, 854855

fields, 735

Go to function, 270

inserting, 374377

layout, 386

orientation, 499

properties, 381385

Quick Tables, 369370

from scratch, 371373

size, 384

spanning multiple pages, 394

styles, 397402

tabs vs., 184

text boxes for, 463

text direction, 392

text wrapping, 383384

tables of authorities, 660

categories, 664665

citations, 661662

formatting, 665666

inserting, 663664

passim option, 665

removing page numbers, 667

updating, 667

tables of contents

Add Text tool, 608609

converting into text, 617

creating, 603604

defaults and options, 606608

field codes, 617618

formats, 609610

heading styles, 604606

inserting, 614

marking entries, 613614

outline levels, 609

styles, 611612

updating and deleting, 615616

tabs and tab characters, 183

AutoFormat, 319

contextual, 1213, 1719

default, 54

in dialog boxes, 184186

printing, 907

Ribbon, 890892

removing, 894895

resetting, 895896

turning on and off, 894

with ruler, 187

search codes, 250

vs. tables, 184

Tabs dialog box, 184187

equations, 488

paragraphs, 176

Tag option for rich text content, 759

Tagged Image File Format (.tif) format, 426

tags in HTML, 785

Tap gesture, 77

Tap-hold gesture, 77

Target Frame option, 591

Task Manager, 960962

task panes for Word screen, 2728

taskbar, pinning Word to, 56

TC field, 735

Tell me if Microsoft Word isn't the default program for viewing and editing documents option, 903

TEMPLATE field, 734

templates, 12, 549

blank document and pinned, 57

Building Blocks, 336339, 556

content, 5960

files from, 5860

macros, 951

master documents, 567

modifying, 556

new documents, 4243

online, 5758

overview, 55

reviewing, 56

shortcut keys, 868

summary, 575

vs. themes, 559560

Templates and Add-ins dialog box

add-ins, 360, 964965

opening, 553554

Templates tab, 553554

terms, defining, 292

testing macros, 955956


alignment, 181

changing case, 160161

charts, 419420

color, 156160


bibliographies to, 658659

to tables, 375377

tables of contents to, 617

tables to, 377378

dragging, 353354

effects, 167168

with equations, 486

finding and replacing. See Find and Replace tools

footnotes and endnotes, 644

form fields, 745, 751753

formatting. See formatting headers and footers, 516

highlight color, 158160

inserting from files, 349351

layers, 432

lists, 188191

in margins, 521

paragraphs. See paragraphs pasting, 112113

replacing via Ribbon, 248249

selecting, 7477

SmartArt items, 406407

text box shapes, 476477

translating, 298301

typing, 5152

typing replaces selected text, 131

watermarks, 545546

word count, 301

WordArt. See WordArt

wrap to fit, 113

text boxes

aligning and grouping, 472473

chaining and linking, 468469

designing, 466467

fill outline, 470

Format Shape pane, 473

formatting, 467468

functions, 463

inserting, 463465

positioning and wrapping, 470472

prefab, 465466

rotating, 468

shape styles, 469470

shapes, 474477

text direction for tables, 392, 499

Text Effects and Typography gallery, 167

Text Effects tool, 454

text files in mail merge, 678681

Text Fill tool, 454

Text Form Field Options dialog box, 751756

text format switches for fields, 726728

Text from File option, 351

text labels in templates, 60

Text Outline tool, 454

text pictures, 233234

Text to display option, 591

text wrapping, 52

charts, 419420

graphics, 125126

pictures, 431436

tables, 383384

text boxes, 470

WordArt, 452

textures with color, 541542

Theme Colors for shading, 399

Theme Fonts gallery, 563

themes, 12, 549, 556557

color, 157, 539540, 561562

defaults, 566

description, 557558

effects, 564

elements, 560

fonts, 562563

overview, 558559

relationship to templates, 550

saving, 565566

settings, 903

style sets and paragraph spacing, 564565

vs. templates, 55, 559560

text, 157

thesaurus, 292294

.thmx files, 559560

3-D WordArt rotation, 454

Through text wrap setting, 433

.tif (Tagged Image File Format) format, 426

Tight wrap text setting, 125, 432

tiles for program, 4

Time field, 732

title bar, 10, 1415

title case, 161

Title entry for rich text content, 759

TITLE field, 734

To field for email messages, 706

TOA field, 735

TOC field, 617618, 735

tOGGLE cASE option, 161

Toggle Field Codes option, 719


Mini Toolbar, 2324, 166167, 902

QAT. See Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Tools Table Layout tab, 499


displaying, 905

hyperlinks, 589590

Super Tooltips, 153

Top and bottom text wrap setting, 433

Top of Page numbering option, 518519

touch-enabled systems, 25

touch navigation, 7678

touching up documents in Word Web app, 839840

Track Changes, 811

AutoCorrect, 316

combining documents with, 823824

Display for Review settings, 817

by editors, 814815

restrictions, 796, 809

Track formatting options, 816

Track moves options, 815

turning on, 816

viewing, 811813

Track Changes Options dialog box, 814815

transforming WordArt, 456457

Translate Whole Document confirmation dialog box, 299

translating text, 298301

Translation Language Options dialog box, 299300

triple-clicking for selecting text, 75

Trust access to the VBA project object model option, 940

Trust Center, 931932

macro settings, 72

macro signing, 962963

Trusted App Catalogs, 937

Trusted Documents, 936

Trusted Locations settings, 933935

Trusted Publishers settings, 933

Trusted App Catalogs settings, 937

Trusted Documents, 936

ActiveX, 938939

Add-ins, 937938

File Block Settings, 942944

Macro Settings, 939940

Message Bar, 942

Privacy Options, 944946

Protected View, 940942

Trusted Locations settings, 933935, 962

Trusted Publishers settings, 933, 962963

Turn on content filtering to make services block offensive results option, 297

two-sided printing, 90

Type option for indexes, 633

Typing replaces selected text option, 131, 914

typing text, 5152

typography, 167168

typos, AutoCorrect for, 104


Uncollated printing option, 90

underscores (_) for bookmarks, 600

Undo Automatic Corrections option, 304

Undo command, 20, 33, 880

unformatted text

Excel, 850

pasting, 112113

Unformatted Unicode Text option, 850

Unicode characters

Excel, 850

search codes, 252

units for formatting, 145

Unlink option for master documents, 569

Unlock Fields option, 587

Up One Folder tool, 592

Update automatic links at open option, 928

Update document content while dragging option, 903, 923

Update Field option, 721

Update fields before printing option, 908

Update Index tool, 627

update labels for merge documents, 698699

Update linked data before printing option, 908

Update page numbers only option, 615

Update Table button, 615

Update Table of Contents dialog box, 615


bibliographies, 658659

fields, 715716

indexes, 635

styles, 110112, 916

tables of authorities, 667

tables of contents, 615616

tables of figures, 627

Updating style to match selection option, 916

upper switch for fields, 728

UPPERCASE option, 161

usability issues with data, 672

Use a style to format text typed into the empty control option, 759

Use Ctrl+Click to follow hyperlink option, 915

Use Destination Styles option, 230, 917

Use Destination Theme option, 230

Use draft font in Draft and Outline views option, 920

Use draft quality option, 924

Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers in Web Layout view option

captions, 625

tables of contents, 606607

Use line-breaking rules, 929

Use Normal style for bulleted or numbered lists option, 915

Use overtype mode option, 915

Use separator option, 520

Use smart cursoring option, 915

Use smart cut and paste option, 918

Use smart paragraph selection option, 915

Use subpixel positioning to smooth fonts on screen option, 923

Use the current document option, 708

Use the Insert key for paste option, 918

Use the Insert key to control overtype mode option, 915

Use TOC style formatting from the current template option, 607

Use wildcards option

AutoFormat, 320

Find and Replace tools, 256262

user information for fields, 740

User name and Initials setting, 903

USERADDRESS field, 740


USERNAME field, 740


validating mail merge addresses, 691

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

overview, 966970

programs, 947

Visual Basic Editor, 949, 954956, 959

version compatibility, 6771

vertical page alignment, 507509

Vertical Position setting, tables, 383

video, online, 449450

View Signatures button, 800


comments and tracked changes, 811813

local files, SkyDrive Pro, 843844

paragraphs, 195

PDF files, 772773

properties, 107108

shortcut keys, 866867

SkyDrive files, 834836

XPS files, 774775


Draft, 8283

nonprinting indicators/formatting marks, 137138

Outline, 8687

overview, 81

Print Layout, 8182

Read Mode and Object Zoom, 8485

Resume Reading feature, 8788

Ribbon, 88

rulers, 88

splitting, 8889

Web Layout, 86

viruses, 9, 72

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

overview, 966970

programs, 947

Visual Basic Editor, 949, 954956, 959

Visual Basic tool, 948


Warn before printing, saving, or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments option, 945

watermarks, 544

vs. background, 537

header and footer layers, 432

pictures, 546547

preset, 544

removing, 547548

text, 545546

Web Layout view, 86

Web Options dialog box, 928

web pages

hyperlinks to, 591592

launching Word from, 89

settings, 928

Web Preview option, 610

Weight option for pictures, 445

what field for searches, 250252

When correcting spelling and grammar in Word settings, 908

When correcting spelling in Microsoft Office programs settings, 908

When printing this document settings, 924925

When selected option for field shading, 717

When selecting, automatically select entire word option, 915

white space

displaying, 905906

Find and Replace, 263

search codes, 252

whole-word method for character formatting, 150

whole words only option in Find and Replace, 256

Widow/Orphan option, 190


pages, 500501

section columns, 525526

table columns, 374

tables, 382


Find what codes, 256261

searches, 249253, 256

Windows 7 start menu search box, 9

Windows Bitmap (.bmp) format, 426

Windows Clipboard, 222

Windows Live branding, 837

Windows Metafile (.wmf) format, 426

Windows Security dialog box, 798, 959


With Text Wrapping option, 470

.wmf (Windows Metafile) format, 426

Word activation, 139140

Word Count dialog box, 301

Word-created bookmarks, 586587

Word Help, 138

“Word is not responding” error message, 8

Word Options dialog box, 3334

Add-Ins tab, 929931

Advanced tab. See Advanced tab

AutoCorrect, 105

AutoRecover feature, 116

custom keystrokes, 80

Customize Ribbon tab, 888, 892, 894

Display tab, 904908

Draft view, 82

forms, 743

General tab, 3435, 902903

Insert key, 129130

keyboard customization, 870874

language settings, 161, 275277, 912913

macros, 948

Overtype mode, 53

proofing, 282285, 908

Quick Access Toolbar, 884887

Ribbon, 887888

commands, 892894

groups, 889890

tab settings, 138, 890892, 894896

Save tab, 908912

ScreenTips, 901902

summary, 946

Trust Center. See Trust Center

Word screen

contextual tabs, 1719

dialog boxes and launchers, 2627

enhanced ScreenTips, 26

File tab, 3033

galleries and Live Preview, 2122

keyboard shortcuts, 1819

MiniBar, 2324

Quick Access Toolbar, 1921

Ribbon, 1517

shortcut menus and contextual command buttons, 2425

status bar, 2830

task panes, 2728

title bar, 1415

Word version compatibility, 6771

Word Web app, 832, 839840

word wrap. See wrapping text

WordArt, 423, 450

3-D rotation, 454

arranging, 458459

background, 454455

Classic, 451

formatting, 452453

headers and footers, 522

moving, sizing, and rotating, 453

from scratch, 451452

from selected text, 452

shaping and transforming, 456457

styles, 454

summary, 460

text boxes for, 463

WordArt Style gallery, 451

WordBASIC language, 947

words cut and paste behavior, 136137

wrap points, 435436

Wrap Text setting, 125

wrap to fit, 113

wrapping text, 52

charts, 419420

graphics, 125126

pictures, 431436

tables, 383384

text boxes, 470

WordArt, 452

writing style settings for grammar, 286287


XE field, 630632, 735

XML editor, 74

XML format, 68

XML paper specification (XPS) files, 774

creating, 776778

optimizing, 778

options, 778779

uses, 776

viewing, 774775


zero placeholder (0) switch for fields, 729

zones, hyphenation, 323

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