Note: italics in page numbers indicates figures and bold indicates tables.

Accenture 6, 133

Adler Group 199

affirmative action 76, 142

ageism 83

Alimo-Metcalfe, Beverley 13

Amazon 81, 163

appraisals 185186

bias in 77

apprenticeships 43, 6062, 144

Apps for Good programme 37, 42

Asia, gender balance in technology education in 29

Athena SWAN Charter 56, 64, 78

attracting women into tech 106115, 130, 133174

attraction data of organisations 106108

challenges and barriers for 133135

debunking myths about women working in tech 137139

goals of organisations 109110

inclusive interview process for 159167

job advertisements and descriptions 139142

job offers for 152159

marketing and branding for 143144

methods of 137

positive action for 142143

project plan of organisations 111115

retention and development for 115117

sourcing diverse candidates 144152

attrition 11, 119

Autism at Work Programme 151

awards 97, 123

Baby Boomers 154, 155, 175

Banaji, Mahzarin 69

Barefoot Computing 42

Barsoux, Jean-Louis 79

BCSWomen networking group 184

diversity report 3, 56

Lovelace Colloquium annual conference 55, 5657

Behavioural Insights Team 38, 139


inclusion and 176177

sense of 34, 121

BetterUp 121, 176

bias 86, 176

affinity (in-group) bias 75, 8182, 160

algorithmic bias 8081

anchoring bias 8283, 160

in assessments or appraisals 77

attribution bias or error 83, 160

blind spot bias 8384

cognitive bias 8186, 161

confirmation bias 80, 82, 160

effect in retaining women in the technology workforce 7681

explicit bias 160

gender bias 83

halo effect 160

in images and terminology 76

impact on recruitment of women into technical education and jobs 7376

implicit bias see unconscious bias

institutional bias 160

interpretation bias 164

during the interview process 160

management of 8486

and names on CVs 7475

primacy bias 160

and the take-up of IT or computer science studies 74

training on 84

of women against computing as subject and career 45

see also unconscious bias

bidding rights, diversity and 17

Black, Sue 55, 56, 94, 125

Bletchley Park 12, 48

Bohnet, Iris 167

Boston Consulting Group 182

BRAID initiative (Building Recruiting and Inclusion for Diversity) 58

Brexit 90

British Journal of Management 187

‘brogrammer’ culture 187

BTEC qualifications 30

buddy schemes 124

Burn, Ian 83

Business in the Community (BITC) 148

Button, Patrick 83

Capability Jane 192

careers, management of 187

careers education 4243

careers fairs 145

Carlucci, Karen 18

Carnegie Mellon University 54

Carnegie Trust 192

Catalyst 157, 176, 177

Catalyst 135

Center for Talent Innovation 18

CEO Act!on, Diverse Representation Framework 167

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) 115, 152

Chartered Management Institute 157

Clarke, Beverly 125

Code Club 38, 41 28

CoderDojo 38, 3940

Coding Black Females 74

community outreach 150151

computer science 25

as an academic subject 4849

employment of graduates of 5859

enrolment of higher education students in 4952

experience of higher education student of 5253

higher education teaching and researching of 53

interventions to recruit women to courses and employment 5358

replacement of ICT with 26

Computer Weekly, Most Influential Women in UK Technology 94


definition of 25

education of 2447

image problem of 34

Computing At School (CAS) 25

CAS Include 3233

The Con Job (Doyle-Morris) 200

confidence 200

The Confidence Code (Kay and Shipman) 166

COVID-19 pandemic 9, 90, 93, 118119, 133

effects of 175

and working from home 156

customer satisfaction 14


bias and 7475

blind checking of 162

de Rojas, Jacqueline 94

decision-making 17

Dee, Hannah 57, 8081

deficit model 49

Dempsey, Rachel 77, 79

Developing Computational Thinking report 28

development, of talent 115128

Digital Her 114115

Digital Project Managers 101

digital skills gap 133

digital technology 27

discrimination 18

diversity 123

business case for 618, 9192

continuous learning about inclusion and 9697

dangers of diversity without inclusion 1820

financial business case for 1112

innovation business case for 1416

legal, compliance-based, governance business case for 1618

productivity business case for 1214

skills business case for 711

tips and tricks for companies and institutions 1920

Doyle-Morris, Suzanne 200

earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) 11, 12

education 134

of computing 2447

generalist master’s courses 62

to reduce stereotype threat and impact of unconscious bias 178

specialist education courses 112

see also higher education; schools

Emerich, Cynthia 77

empathy 182183

employee engagement 100, 118, 120

employee resource groups (ERGs) 9798

employee value proposition (EVP) 152157, 159


involvement with schools 4345

strategies to attract more women to IT 64


employment rate of women 5, 9

of graduate women in IT 5859

in higher education computer science 53

Engineering Development Trust 43

England, computing education in 26, 27

‘ENIAC Girls’ 1

Equal Pay Act 1970 154

Equality Act 2010 18

Equality Act 2010 (UK) 142

Equality and Human Rights Commission 158

equitable practices 153155, 185193

appraisals, feedback, development opportunities and promotions 185186

awareness of responsibilities in the home 188189

caring responsibilities 190191

flexible working 191193

internal recruitment 189

management of careers 187

maternity, paternity and temporary breaks 189190

menopause 193

pay 186187

presenteeism 187188

transparency 185

European Union

computer science education in 2829

number of women in IT in 3, 4

Eurostat 7

companies reporting technology roles that are hard to fill 8

evaluation criteria 135

expectancy-value model 34

external organisations 97

F International 7

face recognition systems 81

FDM Returners Programme 60, 146147

feedback 110, 185186

from cultural audit reports 118

interview feedback on the recruitment process 110

from leavers 118

personality and behavioural testing 165

on retention and development initiatives 118

on social media 110

Feminist Design Tool 51

Feminist Internet 51

Financial Times 166

Flavell, Sheila 60, 94, 147

Flesch reading standards 142

flexible learning 62

flexible working 112, 117, 127, 156, 191193

Forbes 14, 199

FTSE leadership 152

FutureLearn 51

gaming industry 1516


computing in schools and 3137

gender parity initiatives 183184

impact on how candidates look for a new role 168

take-up of computer science and ICT courses in schools by 2937

gender balance, in computing 3741

gender equality 134

2021 Report on Gender Equality in the EU 118

support of 155

gender inequality 135136

gender pay gap 6, 113, 117, 120

gender socialisation 136

gender stereotypes 35, 7172, 136

Generation X 155, 156

Generation Y (Millennials) 155, 192

Generation Z 155

Girls in Tech 112

Girls Who Code 149

glass ceiling 199

glass cliff 199

glass walls 199

Government Equalities Office 158

graduate recruitment 5859, 144

graduate schemes 149

Grainger, Coral 6162

grassroots initiatives 9798

Greenwald, Anthony 69

Grierson, Mick 51, 52

The Guardian 146

Hampton-Alexander 152

Harding, Sandra 49

Harro, Bobbie 70

Harvard Business Review 5, 18, 155, 158, 159, 163, 186

on anonymising job applications to reduce gender bias 162

on business case for diversity 14

on exclusion 176

on feedback 185

on interview questions 165

on male allies 182

on personal sponsors 195

on women leaving the SET fields 175

Hello World (magazine) 41

Hicks, Mar 2

higher education 4868

collaboration across institutions 5658

computer science employment in 53

ethnic diversity among computer science students 50

experience of women as computer science students 5253

gender imbalance of computer science in 49

interventions for recruitment, retention and progression of women in 5359

of IT in India 6364

strategies to attract more women to IT 6465

see also education; universities

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) 10, 31, 49

Hillston, Jane 54

home computers 2, 48

Hopper, Grace 1

Human Rights Careers 135

#IamRemarkable coaching programme 166

IBM, Reverse Mentoring scheme 198

ICT (information and communication technology) 24, 25

Imafidon, Anne-Marie 38, 45, 125

Implicit Association Test 6, 85

implicit bias see unconscious bias

imposter syndrome 76


and belonging 176177

continuous learning about diversity and 9697

inclusive policies, processes and facilities 127128

inclusive workplaces 6

and productivity of staff 1213

India, women in IT careers in 4, 6364, 93

informal learning 3841, 63

Institute of Coding (IoC) 5758

CTRL Your Future campaign 63

intern schemes 149

International Game Developers Association (IGDA) 15

internships 59

interviews 165167

exit interviews 181

inclusive interview process 159167

interview panel 161

personality and behavioural testing 165

preparation for 160161

psychometric tests 163165

selection criteria 161163

selection process 161

testing 163165

‘invisible knapsack’ 53

INvolve 149

Isaac Computer Science 41

job advertisements 139142

equal employment opportunity (EEO) statement 141

gender-coded words used in 140

gender-decoding of 141

job application processes 111

job descriptions 139

job offer 152159

job referral percentages 110, 120

job sharing 192

jobs fairs 145

Kandola, Binna 70

Kay, Katty 166

keeping in touch (KIT) days 190

key performance indicators (KPIs) 109110, 113, 180

Kocienski, Cressida 51

Kotter, John 91

Lane, David 77

leadership styles 13, 18

Lean In (Sandberg) 139

Let Toys Be Toys campaign 35

LGBT+ employees 151

Limb, Cherry 150

LinkedIn 139, 142, 199

Love, Gordon 55, 56

Lovelace, Ada 1

McIntosh, Peggy 53, 78

McKinsey 6, 11, 12

Manchester Metropolitan University 6062

ManpowerGroup 134

marginalised groups 72


to attract and/or retain women in tech 111

and branding 143144

Martell, Richard 77

Martin, Mark 44

Maslow, Abraham, hierarchy of needs 115116

MegaTrends: Flexible Working 127


engaging men in gender inclusion 182185

male allies 182, 183

networking with 200

supporting female-only networking groups 123

menopause 193

mentorships 124, 138, 195, 196198, 200

external mentoring 149

impact on career development and progression 120

Mosaic Mentoring Programme 148

online mentoring programmes 149

reverse mentoring 182, 198

styles of 197

micro-aggressions 7879, 121, 177

micro-behaviours 177

micro-inequalities 7879

micro-messages 78

minority groups, engagement problems in computing 44

Mitchell, Angela 94

mobile gaming 146

Modern Families Index 2018 187, 192

Mohr, Tara 139

National Autistic Society 151

National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) 37, 41

networks 59, 82, 199201

old boys’ networks 82

women-only 183

Neumark, David 83

NextGen Skills Academy 15

Northern Ireland

computing enrolments in 32

teaching of computing in 2728

O’Donohoe, Alan 35, 37

Open University 4, 50, 93

Oracle 18

organisational culture 9293, 118, 161, 179182


external reporting of progress of women in technology 113

organisation brand net promotor score/system 110

which run programmes to build connections with schools and universities 147148

women-in-technology communities 122

Pacelli, Lonnie 94

pair programming 193

parental leave 156, 190

parents, influence on subject choices 35

Pareto principle (80:20 rule) 19

part-time working 5

Patel, Lopa 94

PathMotion 143

pay 186187

pay scales 158159

pedestal effect 184185

peer pressure, influence on subject choices 36

performance management 117

positive action 76, 142

Pozniak, Helena 146

presenteeism 187188

Prince’s Trust 148

Programmed Inequality (Hicks) 2

project management 101

Project Management Institute (PMI) 92, 94

project teams 99100

business analysts 99

communications specialists 99

data analysts 99

project managers 99


to attract and/or retain women in tech 90132

celebrating successes 105

communication plan of successes and failures 104

continuous improvement and learning processes 104105

initiatives 102

managing and executing the project plan 102103

measuring progress 113

project plans 100102

project teams 99100

scope of 96, 103, 128

sponsorship of 9497

promotions 120, 185186

Pulse of the Profession report 94

punch machines 2

purpose, sense of 136

Rashford, Marcus 7273

Raspberry Pi Foundation 40, 41

Reagans, Ray 18


events 145

internal appointments 189

programmes 54

sources 111

targets 110

responsibilities in the home 188189

retention and development of talent 115128, 130

attrition/turnover rate for women in technology roles 119

feedback on 118

goals for 119120

retention initiatives 54, 120

retention rate for women in technology roles 117, 119

sponsorships 195196

retraining 12, 59

return on equity (ROE) 11, 12

returners to IT after career breaks 5962, 145147

Richards, Deborah 198

risk management 17

Roehampton computing education report 26

role models 35, 135, 136, 193194

improving access to 124125

in networks 200

visibility of 111, 124125, 194

role-playing scenarios 165

Rowe, Mary 78, 79

Royal Society 26

Sandberg, Sheryl 139

Sandvik, Linda 41

Schmidt, Eric 2526

scholarships 149


attracting children into tech at 3537, 147149

computing education in 2447

subject choices in 34

see also education

science capital 35

Scotland, teaching of computing in 27

self-efficacy theory 34

share prices 11, 12

Shared Parental Leave 190

Shaw, Russ 94

Sheffield Digital 139

Shipman, Claire 166

Shut Down or Restart? 25, 26

social justice 78

social media 143144

socialisation 35, 7073, 190

sponsorships 123124, 128, 156157, 195196

Statutory Adoption Leave 190

Statutory Shared Parental Pay 190

Stemettes 3839, 112, 149

stereotype threat 76, 7778, 161, 164, 177179

stereotypes 69, 70, 73, 161

Stewart, Emma 192

stigmatised groups 164, 177

Stonewall 151

storytelling 143

subject matter experts 100

Successful Futures 27

supply chains 17

Sutcliffe, Clare 41

talent pools 151152

talent programmes 155

talent supplier performance 110

teacher training 35, 4142

Tech She Can Charter 4344

Tech Talent Charter 104, 109, 119

TechGirlz 137

Technocamps project 27

technology, history of women in 16

TechUK 146

TechUPWomen 74

Textio 141

Thomson Reuters Foundation 15

3Squared 150151

Time magazine 156

Timewise 192

Toegel, Ginka 79


and development 111

take-up of 117, 120

transparency, about salaries and gender pay gaps 155156

trust 182183

Turbitt, Dayne 94

unconscious bias 6, 10, 19, 59, 6989, 161, 177

definition of 6970

origins of 7073

reducing of 126127, 177179

training 121, 160, 178

types of 8186 see also bias

United Kingdom

Commission for Employment and Skills 192

Government Equalities Office 190

United Nations

HeForShe movement 155

Sustainable Development Goals Goals: Quality Education 134


attracting women into tech from 147149

Russell Group 10, 50

strategies to attract more women to IT 64

see also higher education

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) 10, 49

University of Durham 5556

University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics 54

University of the Arts London, Creative Computing Institute (CCI) 5152

upskilling 59, 145147

USA, computer science education in 28

Vainer, Anna 166

Valian, Virginia 6, 10, 69, 77


Engineering Education Scheme Wales (EESW) STEM Cymru 43

teaching of computing in 27

Walters, Robert 186

WeAreTechWomen 146

Webb, Charlotte 5152

websites, diversity policy on 144

Welsh, Jack 198

What Works for Women at Work (Williams and Dempsey) 79

Why Don’t More Young Women Study Computing? 32

Whysall, Zara 160161, 163

Williams, Joan 77, 79

Wing, Jeanette 25

WISE (Women Into Science and Engineering) 74, 140, 146

My Skills My Life programme 42, 74, 86, 149

People Like Me Campaign 42, 74


clusters in IT roles 4, 5

number in tech in the UK and Europe 207

retaining and progressing women within the technology industry 175206

Women Don’t Ask (Babcock and Laschever) 186

Women in the Workplace 2018 121

Women in the Workplace 2020 199

Women Matter series 6, 11

work experience placements 43, 59

working from home 156, 188189

work–life balance 187

World Economic Forum 133, 135

Xansa 7

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