AI Artificial intelligence

BCS BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

BRAID Building Recruiting and Inclusion for Diversity

CAS Computing At School

CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

CS Computer science

CV Curriculum vitae

EBIT Earnings before interest and tax

DTS Digital Technology Solutions (apprenticeship)

EEO Equal opportunity employment

EESW Engineering Education Scheme Wales

ERG Employee resource group

EVP Employee value proposition

GDP Gross domestic product

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency

ICT Information and communications technology

IGDA International Game Developers Association

IoC Institute of Coding

IT A broad term used to reflect all parts of the technology industry and academia

KIT Keeping in touch

KPI Key performance indicator

MINT Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft and Technik

ML Machine learning

MOOC Massive open online course

NCCE National Centre for Computing Education

NPS Net Promoter Score or Net Promoter System

PMI Project Management Institute

ROE Return on equity

ShPP Statutory Shared Parental Pay

SME Subject matter expert

SPL Shared Parental Leave

STEAM Science, technology, engineering, arts and maths

STEM Science, technology, engineering and maths

UCAS Universities and Colleges Admissions Service

WES Women’s Engineering Society

WISE Women Into Science and Engineering

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