Chapter 29: Getting Older Programs to Run


Recognizing old programs to avoid

Installing incompatible programs

Checking for compatibility

Using DOS commands in Windows 8.1

You can run almost any program that's installed on your computer just by clicking its tile on the Windows 8.1 Start screen. But there are always exceptions to the rule. Chief among the list of exceptions are old programs that were originally written to work with earlier versions of Windows. Or, even worse, programs that were written to run on DOS.

That's not to say Windows can't run old programs. Most of the time, it can run an older program as is, without any changes at all on your part. This is especially true if the program was written for Windows XP or later versions of Windows. So, before you assume that you have to do something to try to get an older program to run, try running the program normally. If it runs, you're done. If it won't run, then this is the chapter you need to (hopefully) get the program to run.

Understanding Program Types

A couple types of programs could be considered old in the context of this chapter:

  • DOS programs: These programs were developed to run under various versions of the Disk Operating System (DOS) that was the precursor to Windows.
  • 16-bit Windows programs: These Windows applications were written for Windows 98 and earlier versions of Windows.

What does “16-bit” mean? Three classes of Windows applications exist: 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit. The number of bits indicates the maximum amount of addressable memory supported by the program. Table 29.1 indicates the differences.

Table 29-1 Processor Technology and Directly Addressable Memory



Memory Addresses










Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP were all originally 32-bit operating systems. Windows XP was also offered in a 64-bit edition. Windows 98 and earlier were 16-bit operating systems. Windows Vista and Windows 7 were offered in two versions, 32-bit and 64-bit. Likewise, Windows 8/8.1 is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Suffice it to say, the higher the bits, the more capable the operating system. For the purposes of this chapter, the key point is that you can run a program on the OS it was designed for or (possibly) on a later version, but you can't go backward. For example, you can run a 32-bit application on a 64-bit OS, but you can't run a 64-bit program on a 32-bit OS.

DOS programs

Let's make a distinction between DOS programs and DOS commands that you can run in Windows 8.1. DOS programs are programs that were written specifically to run on a DOS without (and prior to) Windows. It's so unlikely that you would want to run an old DOS program on Windows 8.1 that we don't even cover the topic in this chapter (although we do have a copy of Zork lying around somewhere that would be fun to play again . . . ). That doesn't mean you can't run that DOS program under Windows 8.1 — many of them will run without any major problems.

DOS commands are developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Windows package, instead of being developed and marketed by third parties. We do cover DOS commands to some degree later in this chapter.

Old programs to avoid altogether

Windows 8.1 is a revision of the Windows 7 operating system, so almost all Windows 7 programs should have no problems running on Windows 8.1. Likewise, many of your basic Windows Vista and Windows XP application programs will work. But you should validate compatibility for other kinds of programs before attempting to run them under Windows 8.1. These include

  • Old disk utility programs: Older disk utility programs such as Norton Utilities (later it went by Symantec Norton Utilities) and various disk compression and partitioning tools should never be run on Windows 8.1. Many older DVD- or CD-burning programs are likely to cause problems, too. If you have such a program, you should really upgrade to the Windows 8.1 version of that program or find a similar product that's designed to work with Windows 8.1.
  • Old backup programs: If you have an older backup program, using it in compatibility mode could prove disastrous. Even if you're able to perform the backup, there's an outside chance you won't be able to restore from the backup if and when you need to. Consider using Windows File History, which comes with your copy of Windows 8.1.
  • Old cleanup programs: Older programs that purport to keep your computer running in tip-top shape, clean up your registry, and so forth should not be used at all in Windows 8.1. If you like the program, look into getting a version that's specifically written for or certified by the developer as compatible with Windows 8.1.
  • Old optimizing programs: Programs designed to make your computer run at maximum performance won't necessarily make Windows 8.1 run that way. In fact, they may do a lot more harm than good. If you use such programs, check to see if there's a Windows 8.1 version available before you install the old version.
  • Old antivirus programs: Virus detection and removal is dicey business and needs to be handled with great care. Antivirus programs written for pre–Windows 8.1 versions of Windows should never be installed or run on a Windows 8.1 computer unless certified by the developer as compatible. The same goes for anti-spyware and other anti-malware programs. Better to seek out a Windows 8.1 version of the program than to presume the older version will work. Better yet, use Windows Defender, which comes pre-installed on your computer.

cross-ref-icon.png Read Chapter 6 on how to deal with malicious software that attacks your computer.

Installing Incompatible Programs

To install an older program, first try installing it normally. For example, if it's on a CD, insert the CD and wait for the installation program to appear automatically. If nothing starts automatically, open your root folder (open File Explorer and choose the root folder or This PC). Then click the icon to open the drive that contains the installation disc and double-click the setup launcher program (typically setup.exe, setup, install.exe, or install). If Windows 8.1 determines that the program is older, you'll see the Program Compatibility Assistant.

If you believe that the program installed normally, just click the option that indicates that the program installed properly. Otherwise, click the option that specifies compatibility mode. Windows 8.1 assigns some compatibility mode attributes to the program and tries the installation again. With any luck, the second try will do the trick.

If you still have problems, here are some things to consider:

  • If you're installing from a standard user account, log out and log in to an administrative account; then try to install from that account.
  • If you have to create any file or folder names, use old 8.3 conventions (keep filenames to eight characters maximum with no blank spaces and provide a three- character extension).
  • If you get stuck in an installation program, use the Applications tab in Task Manager to end the stuck program.

cross-ref-icon.png See Chapter 32 for details on Task Manager.

If all else fails, contact the program publisher (if it's still in business) or look for information about that program online. Only the program publisher really knows if the program will even run in Windows 8.1 and what's required to get it to run.

To check out your installed applications and devices before upgrading to Windows 8.1 visit the program compatibility web page at Microsoft at

Using the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

Installing a program is one thing; getting it to run after it's installed is another. If an installed program won't start or isn't working right, try using the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter on it.

The Program Compatibility Troubleshooter provides a step-by-step means of configuring and testing an older program so that it will run in Windows 8.1. Before you bother to use it, try running the installed program without it. You could discover that the program runs just fine without any compatibility settings and save yourself quite a bit of trouble.

If you're sure an installed program isn't running, or is not running correctly, follow these steps to start the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter:

  1. Open Control Panel and click the Troubleshooting icon.
  2. When the Troubleshooting applet opens click the Programs option and then click on the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter.
  3. On the first page of the troubleshooter click Next. The troubleshooter will now gather a list of applications for troubleshooting (see Figure 29.1).
  4. If you want Windows 8.1 to try to determine the right settings on its own, click Try Recommended Settings. To specify your own settings, click Troubleshoot Program. The following steps assume you've selected the second option.

    Figure 29.1

    Program Compatibility Troubleshooter.

  5. Next, the wizard prompts you to answer questions about the program (see Figure 29.2). Selecting any of the first three options causes the wizard to prompt you with related questions. For example, if you choose the option The Program Worked in Earlier Versions of Windows But Won't Install or Run Now, the wizard asks you to specify on which version of the OS it worked previously. Likewise, choosing the option The Program Opens But Doesn't Display Correctly results in a list of questions similar to that shown in Figure 29.3.
  6. Complete the wizard by selecting options that relate to the problems you're having with the program.

    Figure 29.2

    Program Compatibility questions.


    Figure 29.3

    Display options for compatibility.


The process is mostly trial and error. If the program runs when you finish the wizard, great. Otherwise you can run it again to try some different settings until you can get the program to work right.

Here are some general guidelines to help you get your programs running:

  • If the program won't install or won't run, run the wizard, choose the option The Program Worked in Earlier Versions of Windows But Won't Install or Run Now and specify the operating system for which the program was written. For example, if it is a Windows XP game, choose that OS from the OS list provided by the wizard.
  • If you have problems with the program's display, choose the option The Program Opens But Doesn't Display Correctly and click Next. Choose the symptoms the program is exhibiting and click Next to let the wizard set display options as needed.
  • If you think the program is having permissions issues (for example, the program says it can't write a file), choose the option The Program Requires Additional Permissions. The wizard configures the program to run as an administrator, which should resolve the issue.

There's no guarantee that the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter will make the program run. Some programs are so old and so far removed from modern computing capabilities that there's just no way to force them to run. In those cases, the only hope is to contact the program publisher or search online to see if they have any solutions or a compatible version of the program.

Quick-and-Dirty Program Compatibility

The Program Compatibility Wizard provides an easy way to choose and test settings for program compatibility. Those settings are stored on the Compatibility tab of the program file's properties sheet. You can use the wizard to change compatibility settings, or you change settings manually right in the properties sheet by following these steps:

  1. On the Start screen, right-click the program you want to examine. Choose Open File Location at the bottom of the screen (see Figure 29.4).

    Figure 29.4

    Display program options.

  2. Right-click the program's icon and choose Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box that opens, select the Compatibility tab. You'll see the options shown in Figure 29.5.

    Figure 29.5

    Compatibility settings.

  4. Select the Run This Program in Compatibility Mode For check box, and then choose the operating system for which the program was written. If the program installs and runs, but exhibits other symptoms (such as display problems), leave this option unselected.
  5. If you're having problems with the program's display, choose appropriate display settings in the Settings group.
  6. If the program seems to have permission problems, select Run This Program as an Administrator.
  7. If you want to apply the settings for everyone who uses the program, click the Change Settings for All Users button to open a similar Properties dialog box and set properties there as needed.
  8. Click OK.

The compatibility settings stick to the program so you can just start the program normally, from the All Programs menu, at any time. Just keep in mind that there's no guarantee you'll be able to force all programs to run in Windows 8.1.

Using DOS Commands in Windows 8.1

If you've used personal computers since the DOS days, you might still want to enter the occasional DOS command. DOS commands will let you do things you can't really do in Windows. For example, in those rare instances where you can't delete a file in Windows, using a DOS erase or del command with the /F switch will often do the trick. You can use the DOS dir command to print filenames from a folder to paper or a text file.

There is one big catch to using commands in Windows 8.1. User Account Control (UAC) may prevent you from doing things you'd otherwise take for granted. You can get around many of those by using the Run as Administrator option to open the command prompt. Here are two different ways to open the Command Prompt window:

  • From the desktop, press Windows+X and click Command Prompt.
  • Display the Charms Bar, click Search, and type cmd. Choose cmd.exe or right-click cmd.exe and choose Run as Administrator (see Figure 29.6).

    Figure 29.6

    Open Command Prompt.


The Command Prompt window that opens is much like DOS. By default, you're taken to the home directory for your user account. But you can navigate around using the DOS cd command. For example, enter cd.. to go to the parent directory, or cd “program files” to go to the Program Files folders.

To see a list of all supported commands, enter help at the command prompt. For the syntax of a command, type the command followed by /?. For example, entering dir /? displays the Help for the dir command.

You can copy and paste a lengthy pathname to a cd command to simplify opening that folder in a DOS window. In Windows, open the folder in File Explorer, highlight the path in the address bar as in Figure 29.7, and press Ctrl+C to copy it.

Figure 29.7

Select a directory path.


In the Command Prompt window, type cd and a space. Then right-click the Command Prompt window and choose Paste. Press Enter, and you'll be in that folder.

Use the dir command with various switches to view, or optionally print, all the filenames in a folder and also its subfolders if you like. For example, let's say you navigate to the Music folder for your account (C:UsersyourUserNameMusic). From that folder, entering dir /s lists all file and folder names for all artists, albums, and songs in your Music folder.

You can use the /b, /n, and /w switches to choose how you want the information displayed. For example, entering dir /s /w. shows filenames in the wide format.

To send dir output directly to the printer, try dir /s /w > prn. You're probably better off sending the output to a text file rather than straight to the printer. That way you can open and edit the text file before you print or even import it into Excel or Access to make it more like tabular data. To send output to a file, end the command with a filename (or path and filename). For example, entering the following from the Music folder puts the output listing in a file named MyMusic.txt in the Music folder.

dir /s /w >MyMusic.txt

You can then open that MyMusic.txt file with any text editor or word processor to clean it up. If you have database management skills, you can import the data to Access or a similar program and treat it like any other tabular data.

To exit the Command Prompt window, enter the exit command or just close the window.


This chapter has focused on techniques for getting older programs to work in Windows 8.1. Windows 8.1 offers several tools to help with compatibility issues. Whether you have any luck with them depends on how old and how incompatible the program is. Most of your programs will run fine under Windows 8.1. A few won't, until you upgrade to the Windows 8.1 version, but those should be few and far between. The main points are as follows:

  • Most programs written for Windows Vista and Windows 7 are already compatible with Windows 8.1 and require no special handling.
  • When you attempt to install an older program, the Program Compatibility Assistant kicks in automatically to help out.
  • The Program Compatibility Wizard helps you with installed programs that won't start or run correctly.
  • Compatibility settings are stored in the program file's properties sheet on the Compatibility tab.
  • To use DOS commands in Windows 8.1 with minimal flack from UAC, choose Run as Administrator to open the Command Prompt window.
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