

  1. absolute values, ranking
  2. Actual By Predicted plot
  3. Add-In
    1. missing data
    2. structure of
  4. Add-Ins menu
  5. Advanced Controls outline
  6. Agreement Comparisons panel
  7. Agreement within Raters panel
  8. All Pairs option
  9. All Possible Models option
  10. Alt key
  11. amounts, analyzing
  12. analysis
    1. of amounts
    2. baseline
    3. cluster
    4. conducting
    5. in JMP
    6. missing data
    7. results using Process Capability platform
  13. analysis data sets
    1. checking
    2. constructing
  14. Analysis of Variance table
  15. analysis sets
    1. constructing
    2. distribution of
  16. Analyze menu
  17. anatomy, of JMP
  18. Application Builder
  19. Augment Design platform
  20. automatic splitting
  21. Average Chart
  22. axis settings, copying and pasting


  1. baseline analysis
  2. baseline data
  3. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
  4. bias
  5. Bias Factors Std Dev, in Profiler
  6. BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion)
  7. bivariate plots, adding horizontal reference lines to
  8. black belt
  9. Boosted Tree model
  10. Boosted Tree report
  11. Boosting panel
  12. Box, George
  13. boxplots, displaying in Graph Builder
  14. broadcasting commands to all reports
  15. Bubble Plot (Graph menu)
  16. Bubble Size slider
  17. ButtonBox()
  18. buyer's viewpoint


  1. capability
    1. obtaining analysis of
    2. projected
    3. simulated
  2. Capability Box Plots
  3. case studies
    1. Classification of Cells
    2. Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process
    3. Improving the Quality of Anodized Parts
    4. Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing
    5. Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents
    6. Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier
  4. Categorical Profiler
  5. cause-and-effect diagram, constructing in JMP
  6. causes
    1. combining
    2. types of
  7. CDA (Confirmatory Data Analysis)
  8. Cell Plot script
  9. champion
  10. Char() command
  11. chunking variables
  12. CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage)
  13. classification models, comparing
  14. Classification of Cells case study
    1. about
    2. background
    3. Collect Data step
    4. comparing classification models
    5. constructing training, validation, and test sets
    6. data exploration
    7. Frame Problem step
    8. Generalized Regression platform
    9. neural net models
    10. prediction models
    11. recursive partitioning
    12. Stepwise Logistic Model
  15. clbChangeScript
  16. Clean task, in data management
  17. Clear button
  18. Clear Row States command
  19. closing reports
  20. cluster analysis
  21. Collect Data step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. in Classification of Cells case study
    3. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
    4. examples of
    5. in Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    6. in Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
    7. in Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
    8. in Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
  22. coloring points
  23. colors, changing in reports
  24. Colors and Markers script
  25. Column Contribution report
  26. Column Info command
  27. Column Info window
  28. Column Property
  29. Column Switcher
  30. Column Viewer
  31. columns
    1. adjusting structure of
    2. excluding
    3. grouping
    4. hiding
    5. inserting descriptions in
    6. properties of
    7. saving specification limits as
  32. Columns menu
    1. about
    2. displays in
    3. illustrated
  33. Columns panel (JMP)
  34. Columns Viewer report
  35. Combine task, in data management
  36. Combine Windows feature
  37. commands
    1. See also specific commands
  38. Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIELAB)
  39. Compare Means option
  40. Comparison Circles, obtaining
  41. Concat() command
  42. Concatenate (Tables menu)
  43. concatenating data tables
  44. concavity
  45. confirmation runs
  46. Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA)
  47. confirmatory study, exploratory study versus
  48. Confusion Matrices, constructing
  49. Confusion Matrix report
  50. Containers outline
  51. context sensitive commands
  52. Contingency Table
  53. contour plot, creating
  54. Contour Profiler (Graph menu)
  55. Control Chart Builder
  56. Control Charts
  57. Control key
  58. Control Limit property
  59. control limits
  60. Control Matrix
  61. control panel (Boosted Tree model)
  62. correlations
    1. pairwise
    2. Scatterplot Matrix and
  63. crisis yields, filtering
  64. critical to quality (CTQ)
  65. Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQs)
  66. Critical to Quality Tree
  67. CTQ (critical to quality)
  68. CTQs (Critical to Quality Characteristics)
  69. Cumulative Validation plot
  70. Current Estimates panel
  71. Custom Design platform
  72. customers, in data sets


  1. data
    1. See also Collect Data step, in VSS Data Analysis Process; data quality
    2. baseline
    3. collection examples
    4. exploring
    5. free trade
    6. importing
    7. missing
    8. observational versus experimental
    9. scoping
    10. splitting
    11. validating
    12. verifying integrity of
  2. data analysis
    1. See also Visual Six Sigma (VSS) Data Analysis Process
    2. making lean
    3. obtaining
  3. Data Filter dialog
  4. data grid
  5. data management
    1. See also data
  6. data mining
  7. data quality
    1. See also data
  8. data table panels
  9. Data Table toolbar
  10. data tables
    1. adding descriptions for variables in
    2. concatenating
    3. creating views of
    4. dynamic linking to
    5. in JMP
    6. joining
    7. preparing
    8. saving
    9. using two
  11. Data Type
  12. Data View table
  13. dates, in JMP
  14. Decision Tree model
  15. Defect table
  16. Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate (DMADV)
  17. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control approach
    1. See DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach
  18. Define Abs [Amount] script
  19. democracy, trade policy and
  20. dendogram
  21. Derive task, in data management
  22. Describe task, in data management
  23. descriptions, adding for variables in data tables
  24. descriptive variables, using Local Data Filter for
  25. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
  26. design of experiments (DOE)
  27. Design panel
  28. designs, developing
  29. Desirability Functions
  30. desirability traces
  31. detective, statistics as
  32. DFSS (Design for Six Sigma)
  33. Diagram plot
  34. disclosure icons
  35. distribution
    1. about
    2. of analysis sets
    3. dynamic linking and
    4. dynamic visualization of variables using
    5. exploring
    6. using
    7. of variables
  36. Distribution (Analyze menu)
  37. Distribution Analysis, obtaining
  38. Distribution platform (JMP)
  39. Distribution plot
  40. Distribution report
  41. Distribution script
  42. DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate)
  43. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach
    1. application of
    2. defined
    3. using to deliver bottom-line results in short or medium term
  44. DOE (design of experiments)
  45. DOE Dialog script
  46. DOE menu
  47. duplicate rows, keys and
  48. dynamic linking
    1. to data tables
    2. distribution and
  49. dynamic visualization
    1. See also visualizing
    2. of multiple variables at once
    3. of prescriptions with tabular displays
    4. of sales reps and practices geographically
    5. using
    6. of variables one and two at a time
    7. of variables two at a time
    8. of variables using distribution


  1. Each Pair option
  2. Early Stopping
  3. EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)
  4. Edit toolbar
  5. Effect Summary report
  6. Effect Tests table
  7. effectiveness, of measurement system
  8. Effectiveness Report
  9. Elastic Net model, fitting
  10. Elastic Net Prediction Equation, saving
  11. EMP Gauge R&R Results panel
  12. EMP Gauge R&R Results report
  13. entry order, viewing by
  14. error
  15. Estimation Details outline
  16. ETL (extract, transform and load) processes
  17. Evaluate Design platform
  18. examples, of Collect Data step in VSS Data Analysis Process
  19. excluding
    1. columns
    2. outliers
    3. points on histograms
    4. rows
  20. executive committee
  21. experimental data, observational data versus
  22. experimental design
  23. experiments, conducting
  24. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  25. exploratory study, confirmatory study versus
  26. extract, transform and load (ETL) processes


  1. factors, specifying
  2. Factors panel
  3. File toolbar
  4. filtering
    1. crisis yields
    2. data values with Local Data Filter
    3. by month
  5. findings, summarizing
  6. Fit All Prediction Formulas script
  7. Fit Model (Analyze menu)
  8. Fit Model report
  9. Fit Special
  10. Fit Y by X (Analyze menu)
  11. fitting
    1. Boosted Tree model
    2. Decision Tree model
    3. Elastic Net model
    4. Lasso model
    5. lines
    6. logistic model
    7. models
    8. Neural Net models
  12. Fitting Options panel
  13. Fixed Effects Tests report
  14. FontColor()
  15. For() loop
  16. Formula column property
  17. Formula Editor
  18. formulas
    1. creating
    2. viewing in Formula Editor
  19. fractal dimension
  20. Frame Problem step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. in Classification of Cells case study
    3. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
    4. in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    5. in Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    6. in Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
    7. in Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
  21. free trade data
  22. frequency, of measurements
  23. Full Factorial Design platform


  1. Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (Gauge R&R) study
  2. Gauge R&R Std Dev
  3. gbUpdateScript
  4. Generalized Regression modeling
  5. Generalized Regression report
  6. Go button
  7. Goal Plot
  8. Goos, Peter
    1. Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach
  9. Graph Builder (Graph menu)
    1. about
    2. checking analysis data sets
    3. constructing a plot for two variables with
    4. using
    5. viewing outliers with
    6. visualizing two variables at a time with
  10. Graph menu (JMP)
    1. about
    2. displays in
    3. getting reports from
    4. illustrated
  11. GraphBox()
  12. graphs
    1. creating
    2. displaying elements of in Graph Builder
  13. green belt
  14. grouping
    1. columns
    2. predictors
  15. guidelines, Visual Six Sigma and


  1. Hidden Layer Structure panel
  2. hiding
    1. columns
    2. outliers
    3. panes in JMP
    4. points on histograms
    5. rows
  3. hierarchical processes
  4. histograms, selecting outliers on
  5. historical data, reviewing
  6. HListBox()
  7. horizontal reference lines, adding to bivariate plots
  8. Hot Xs


  1. Identify, Design, Optimize, and Validate (IDOV)
  2. importing data
  3. improvements
    1. confirming
    2. planning
    3. tracking
    4. verifying
  4. Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    1. about
    2. background
    3. forming teams
    4. Frame Problem step
    5. manufacturing process
    6. Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
    7. Model Relationships step
    8. reviewing historical data
    9. Revise Knowledge step
    10. typical crisis
    11. Uncover Relationships step
    12. Utilize Knowledge step
  5. Improving the Quality of Anodized Parts case study
    1. about
    2. background
    3. Collect Data step
    4. Frame Problem step
    5. Model Relationships step
    6. Revise Knowledge step
    7. Roadmap
    8. Uncover Relationships step
    9. Utilize Knowledge step
  6. In-Control Part Std Dev
  7. Individual Measurement chart
  8. Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
    1. about
    2. background
    3. Collect Data step
    4. promotional activity
    5. regional differences for
    6. scoping data
    7. Uncover Relationships step
    8. validating data
  9. infrastructure, of typical Six Sigma deployment
  10. Input/Output process map
  11. integrity, of data
  12. interactions
  13. interoperability, with R
  14. Intraclass Correlation
  15. IR charts, obtaining
  16. Is Missing() function


  1. JMP®
    1. about
    2. Analyze menu
    3. anatomy of
    4. application building in
    5. Columns menu
    6. data tables
    7. DOE menu
    8. dynamic linking to data tables
    9. featured analyses
    10. featured visual displays
    11. Graph menu
    12. opening
    13. personalizing
    14. programming in
    15. reports
    16. Rows menu
    17. scripts
    18. Tables menu
    19. techniques
    20. visual displays
    21. Visual Six Sigma Roadmap and
    22. VSS Data Analysis Process and
    23. window management
  2. JMP Home Window
  3. JMP Pro version 29
  4. JMP Scripting Language (JSL)
  5. JMP Starter Window
  6. Join (Tables menu)
  7. Jones, Bradley
    1. Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach
  8. JSL (JMP Scripting Language)


  1. kappa value
  2. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
  3. keys, duplicate rows and
  4. KPI (Key Performance Indicator)


  1. labelled rows
  2. Lack Of Fit Test
  3. Lasso model, fitting
  4. Lasso Prediction Equation, saving
  5. Lasso tool
  6. Lasso with Validation Column Validation
  7. launch platforms
  8. lawyer, statistics as
  9. Leaf Report
  10. Learning Rate
  11. Least Squares Mean Table
  12. Legend window
  13. lines, fitting
  14. LineUpBox()
  15. linking with Contour Profiler
  16. ListBox()
  17. Local Data Filter
    1. about
    2. filtering data values with
    3. finding relationships using
    4. using for descriptive variables
    5. using for response variables
  18. Lock Columns
  19. Lock Scales option
  20. logistic model, fitting
  21. long term


  1. Magnifier tool
  2. Make Validation Column script
  3. management
  4. manufacturing process, in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
  5. marking points
  6. Mast, Jeroen de
  7. master black belt
  8. Maximize Desirability
  9. mean fractal dimension
  10. Means Comparison report
  11. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) study
    1. about
    2. following-up with
    3. in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    4. for MFI
    5. for Xf
  12. measurement systems, fixing
  13. measurements
  14. Measures of Fit for Diagnosis report
  15. Minimum Size Split
  16. missing data
    1. add-in for
    2. analyzing
    3. application building
    4. identifying
    5. JMP 12 functionality for
    6. understanding
  17. Missing Data Pattern (Tables menu)
  18. Missing Data Pattern report
  19. Missing Value Clustering
  20. Missing Value report
  21. Missing Value Snapshot
  22. Model Comparison report
  23. Model Launch outline, panels in
  24. Model Launch panel
  25. Model NTanH(3) report
  26. Model NTanH(3) NBoost(10) report
  27. Model Relationships step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. conducting the experiment
    3. design development
    4. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
    5. Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    6. Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    7. Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
    8. uncovering Hot Xs
  28. Model script
  29. Model Summary report
  30. Model with Random Effect script
  31. modeling, planning for
  32. Modeling menu
  33. Modeling Type
  34. Modeling>Model Comparison (Analyze menu)
  35. Modeling>Neural Net (Analyze menu)
  36. Modeling>Partition (Analyze menu)
  37. models
    1. about
    2. building
    3. fitting
    4. prediction
  38. month, filtering by
  39. mosaic plots, creating
  40. MSA (Measurement System Analysis) study
    1. about
    2. following-up with
    3. for MFI
    4. for Xf
  41. Multiple Fits over Splits and learning rate
  42. Multi-Vari chart, creating
  43. Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Outliers option
  44. Multivariate Methods>Cluster (Analyze menu)
  45. Multivariate Methods>Multivariate (Analyze menu)
  46. Multivariate Methods>Principal Components (Analyze menu)
  47. Multivariate Normal Imputation
  48. multivariate outliers, identifying
  49. Multivariate Robust Outliers option
  50. Multivariate SVD Imputation


  1. Neural modeling
  2. neural net model launch dialog, obtaining
  3. Neural Net models
    1. about
    2. background
    3. Neural Net
    4. Neural Net
    5. Neural platform in JMP
  4. noise
  5. noise function
  6. Non Critical quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
  7. nonparametric fit
  8. notes, viewing for variables
  9. Notes Column property
  10. Number of Subgroups, in Profiler
  11. numbers, recoding


  1. Objects outline
  2. Objects panel
  3. observational data, experimental data versus
  4. one way plot, creating
  5. opening JMP
  6. Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach (Goos and Jones)
  7. optimal factor level settings, determining
  8. optimal strategies, identifying
  9. optimization
    1. simultaneous
    2. using Profiler for multiple
  10. options
    1. See specific options
    2. for Add-Ins menu
    3. in Classification of Cells case study
    4. for Decision Tree model
    5. in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    6. in Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
  11. Outlier Boxplot Option
  12. outliers
    1. checking for
    2. excluding
    3. hiding
    4. selecting on histogram
  13. overall process capability
  14. Overall Sigma Summary Report
  15. Overall Statistics report
  16. Overfit Penalty


  1. pairwise correlations
  2. PanelBox()
  3. panes, manipulating in JMP
  4. Parallelism Plots
  5. Parameter Estimates for Centered and Scaled Predictors report
  6. Parameter Estimates for Original Predictors outline
  7. Parameter Estimates report
  8. Pareto Plot
  9. Part Mean Shift, in Profiler
  10. Part Std Dev, in Profiler
  11. partition analysis, obtaining
  12. Partition platform
  13. Partition report
  14. partitioning, recursive
  15. Partitioning modeling
  16. PCA (principal components analysis)
  17. Percent format
  18. percentages, calculating using Formula Editor
  19. performance gap
  20. platforms
    1. See also specific platforms
    2. in Classification of Cells case study
    3. in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    4. in Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
  21. Platforms option
  22. Potential Outliers
  23. "The Power to Know™"
  24. Ppk
  25. prediction formulas
    1. entering as column properties
    2. saving
    3. saving to data table
  26. prediction models
  27. Prediction Profiler
  28. predictive analytics
  29. predictors
    1. assessing sensitivity to settings
    2. contribution of
    3. grouping
  30. Preferences menu
  31. pricing deficit
  32. pricing management process
  33. primary key, finding
  34. principal components analysis (PCA)
  35. Print() command
  36. Process Capability platform
  37. process maps
  38. process owner
  39. processes
    1. defining
    2. verifying stability
  40. Product Categorization Matrix
  41. Product Variation variance component
  42. products, in data sets
  43. Profiler (Graph menu)
  44. Profit Matrix
  45. project charters, developing
  46. projected capability
  47. projects, identifying
  48. promotional activity
  49. properties, of good measurement systems
  50. Properties outline
  51. Prune button


  1. Quality and Process>Control Chart Builder (Analyze menu)
  2. Quality and Process>Diagram (Analyze menu)
  3. Quality and Process>Measurement Systems Analysis (Analyze menu)
  4. Quality and Process>Pareto Plot (Analyze menu)
  5. Quality and Process>Process Capability (Analyze menu)
  6. Quality and Process>Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart (Analyze menu)
  7. Quantile Range Outliers option
  8. Quantiles panel
  9. Quantiles report


  1. R chart, constructing
  2. Range Chart
  3. recoding numbers
  4. recursive partitioning
    1. about
    2. Boosted Tree model
    3. Decision Tree model
  5. red triangle icons
  6. Red X
    1. See Hot Xs
  7. Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
    1. about
    2. Collect Data step
    3. Frame Problem step
    4. identifying projects
    5. Uncover Relationships step
    6. uncovering Hot Xs
  8. Reformat Script option
  9. regional differences
  10. Regression Plot
  11. relationships
    1. exploring for two variables at a time
    2. finding using Local Data Filter
  12. REML Variance Component Estimates report
  13. Remove button
  14. Repeatability variance component
  15. reports
    1. See also specific reports
    2. broadcasting commands to all
    3. changing colors in
    4. closing
    5. defined
    6. in JMP
    7. sorting
  16. Reproducibility variance component
  17. Reshape task, in data management
  18. response distribution analysis
  19. Response Goal window
  20. response variables
    1. adding
    2. using Local Data Filter for
  21. responses, specifying
  22. results
    1. analyzing using Process Capability platform
    2. interpreting
  23. Revise Knowledge step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. addressing conclusions with
    3. confirmation runs
    4. determining optimal factor level settings
    5. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
    6. Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    7. Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    8. linking with Contour Profiler
    9. projected capability
    10. sensitivity
    11. Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
  24. RMSE (root mean squared error)
  25. Roadmap
    1. Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    2. JMP and
    3. Visual Six Sigma
  26. Robust Fit Outliers option
  27. root mean squared error (RMSE)
  28. row states
  29. rows, excluding and hiding
  30. Rows menu
    1. about
    2. displays in
    3. illustrated
  31. Rows panel (JMP)
  32. Run Script
  33. running scripts in JMP


  1. Sample Size and Power platform
  2. Save Formulas option
  3. saving
    1. data tables
    2. Elastic Net Prediction Equation
    3. Lasso Prediction Equation
    4. Logistic Prediction Equation
    5. Neural Net 2 Prediction Equation
    6. prediction formulas
    7. prediction formulas to data table
  4. Scale panel
  5. Scaled-LogLikelihood plot
  6. scatterplot, creating
  7. Scatterplot 3D (Graph menu)
  8. Scatterplot Matrix (Graph menu)
  9. Screening Design platform
  10. Scripting Index
  11. scripts
    1. See also specific scripts
    2. JMP
    3. running in JMP
  12. Second function
  13. Select Columns window
  14. selected rows
  15. seller's viewpoint
  16. senior executive
  17. sensitivity
  18. Sensitivity Indicator
  19. serial processes
  20. SetWrap()
  21. Shift Detection Profiler
  22. Sigma column properties
  23. signal function
  24. Simulate button
  25. simulated capability
  26. simulating process outcomes
  27. Simulator
  28. simultaneous optimization
  29. SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers) map
  30. Six Sigma
    1. See also Visual Six Sigma
    2. about
    3. background of
    4. beyond traditional
    5. common perceptions and definitions of
    6. DMADV approach and
    7. DMAIC structure and
    8. dynamic visualization
    9. infrastructure
    10. measurements
    11. models
    12. observational versus experimental data
    13. questions related to deployment of
    14. statistics
    15. variation
  31. SliderBox()
  32. Small Tree View option
  33. Solution Path report
  34. Sort (Tables menu)
  35. Sorted Parameter Estimates table
  36. sorting reports
  37. SpacerBox()
  38. Spec Limits column property
  39. specification limits
    1. saving as column properties
    2. setting
  40. specifications, proposing
  41. Specifications report
  42. Split button
  43. Split History report
  44. splitting
    1. about
    2. automatic
    3. data
    4. history for
  45. Stack command
  46. standard deviation plot, removing
  47. standard deviations, entering as column properties
  48. Statistical Discovery
  49. statistical modeling
  50. statistical significance
  51. statistics
    1. defined
    2. as detective
    3. as lawyer
    4. Six Sigma and
  52. Std Dev chart
  53. Step button
  54. Step History panel
  55. Stepwise Logistic model
  56. stepwise models
    1. checking and revising
    2. variable selection with
  57. Stepwise Regression
    1. control panel
    2. modeling
  58. Stepwise report
  59. Stop button
  60. Strategic Critical quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
  61. Strategic Security quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
  62. strategies, Visual Six Sigma
  63. structure, of Add-Ins
  64. Subgroup Size, in Profiler
  65. Subset (Tables menu)
  66. Summary (Tables menu)
  67. Summary Reports
  68. Summary Statistics report
  69. Summary tables
  70. Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers (SIPOC) map
  71. supply/demand balance, in data sets
  72. Surface Plot (Graph menu)
  73. Surface Profiler


  1. Table panel
  2. Table Variable
  3. tables, creating for summary statistics of variables
  4. Tables menu
    1. about
    2. displays in
    3. illustrated
  5. tabular displays, dynamic visualization of prescriptions with
  6. Tabulate (Analyze menu)
  7. tabulation results, producing
  8. Tactical Profit quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
  9. TanH
  10. teams, forming
  11. techniques, JMP
  12. test sets
    1. comparing models on
    2. constructing
  13. testing and inference
  14. Test-Retest Std Dev, in Profiler
  15. TextBox()
  16. timelines, setting new
  17. Tip of the Day window
  18. toolbars, customizing in JMP
  19. traces, visualizing
  20. trade policy, democracy and
  21. training sets, constructing
  22. transfer functions
  23. Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
    1. about
    2. background
    3. Collect Data step
    4. Frame Problem step
    5. Model Relationships step
    6. Revise Knowledge step
    7. Uncover Relationships step
    8. Utilize Knowledge step
  24. Transpose (Tables menu)
  25. tree map
  26. tree structure, in JMP
  27. Treemap (Graph menu)
  28. Trip, Albert
  29. Tukey HSD option
  30. two-way interactions, adding


  1. Uncover Relationships step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. in case studies
    3. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
    4. Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    5. Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
    6. in Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
    7. Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
  2. uncovering Hot Xs
  3. unhiding panes in JMP
  4. Utilize Knowledge step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
    3. Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
    4. Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
    5. Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study


  1. Validation Column
  2. Validation Method
  3. Validation Portion
  4. Validation report
  5. validation sets, constructing
  6. Value Colors column property
  7. Value Labels property
  8. Var Comps Model
  9. Variability Chart
  10. Variable Importance feature
  11. variables
    1. adding descriptions for in data tables
    2. chunking
    3. creating tables for summary statistics of
    4. distribution of
    5. dynamic visualization of multiples at once
    6. dynamic visualization of one and two at a time
    7. dynamic visualization of two at a time
    8. dynamic visualization of using distribution
    9. exploring relationships for two at a time
    10. response
    11. viewing notes for
    12. visualizing one at a time
    13. visualizing two at a time
  12. variance components
  13. variation
    1. defined
    2. Six Sigma and
  14. versions, JMP
  15. viewing
    1. by entry order
    2. formulas in Formula Editor
    3. notes for variables
  16. virtual column
  17. visual displays, in JMP
  18. Visual Six Sigma
    1. See also Six Sigma; specific topics
    2. about
    3. data analysis process
    4. data quality for
    5. guidelines for
    6. roadmap for
    7. strategies of
  19. Visual Six Sigma (VSS) Data Analysis Process
    1. about
    2. illustrated
    3. JMP and
  20. visualizing
    1. See also dynamic visualization
    2. about
    3. one variable at a time
    4. traces
    5. two variables at a time
  21. Vital X
    1. See Hot X
  22. VListBox()
  23. voice of the customer (VOC)


  1. Weight column
  2. Window List pane (JMP Home Window)
  3. windows, managing in JMP
  4. Wisconsin Breast Cancer Diagnostic Data Set
    1. See Classification of Cells case study


  1. XBar chart, constructing
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