Chapter 7
Improving the Quality of Anodized Parts

Even though defect reduction is often viewed as the overarching goal of a Six Sigma project, optimization is just as important. In this case study, we follow the efforts of your Six Sigma team as you work to both optimize an existing manufacturing process and reduce the number of defects it produces.

Your company is Components Inc., a manufacturer of aluminum components used in high-end audio equipment. The surfaces of these components are anodized and then dyed to produce a visually smooth, rich, black surface.

Unfortunately, Components Inc. currently has a significant problem with discoloration of their black components. Lot yields in manufacturing are extremely low, causing rework and compromising on-time delivery. Failure to fix this problem could cost Components Inc. its major customer and more than a million dollars in losses.

Management assembles a Six Sigma project team, and you are the black belt. You and the team are charged with improving the yield of the anodizing process. This case study follows you as you and the team go through all of the steps of the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process.

You make extensive use of dynamic visualization in achieving your goal. You identify four Ys and five Hot Xs that relate to yield. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) studies are conducted and the results are explored using variability charts. Specification limits for the four Ys are determined using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and visualization tools that include: distributions with dynamic linking, graph builder, scatterplot matrices, and scatterplot 3D displays.

To understand how the yield can be increased, you design an experiment that has to satisfy various constraints, some practical and some due to process limitations. You fit models to the four Ys, simultaneously optimize the Xs using the prediction profiler, and then conduct simulations to estimate capability at the new optimal settings. The predicted capability is explored using a goal plot.

The new settings for the Xs are implemented in production and the project moves into the Control phase. A control chart of post-implementation data shows that the process is stable and is highly capable, delivering predictable performance and high yields. The project is deemed a resounding success. The increased predictability of supply means that Components Inc. is able to retain its key customer, and the increased yield reduces annual scrap and rework costs by more than a million dollars.

The platforms and options used by you and your team are listed in Exhibit 7.1. The data sets are available at

Exhibit 7.1 Platforms and Options Illustrated in This Case Study

Menus Platforms and Options
Rows Colors/Markers
Clear Row States
Cols Column Info
     Column Properties
DOE Custom Design
     Save Factors and Responses
Analyze Distribution
     Frequency Distribution
Fit Model
     Standard Least Squares
     Effect Summary
Quality and Process Control Chart Builder
     Process Capability Analysis
Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart
Process Capability
     Goal Plot
Graph Graph Builder
Scatterplot Matrix
Scatterplot 3D
     Maximize Desirability
     Sensitivity Indicators
Contour Profiler
Other Local Data Filter
Column Switcher


Components Inc. is a manufacturer of aluminum components for high-end audio equipment. Components are anodized to protect against corrosion and wear, and the anodized parts are dyed to produce a smooth, rich, black surface that helps to make the final product visually pleasing. Components Inc. has one major customer and, given the premium price of the equipment Components Inc. assembles and sells, buyers are very sensitive to its workmanship and aesthetics, not just its audio performance.

In late 2014, Components Inc. begins to experience what becomes a significant problem with chronic discoloration of the components it is making. Lot yield, determined by an outgoing visual inspection, ranges from 0 to 40 percent, so there is substantial rework and scrap. The low yield means that on-time delivery of components in sufficient quantity is very poor. In addition, the quality of even the shipped components is often considered marginal when assessed by Component Inc.'s customers, so some lots that are shipped are returned. Unless Components Inc. can successfully improve yield and optimize the quality of its components, it stands to lose millions of dollars, as well as the business of its major customer.

Anodizing is an electrolytic process used to increase the thickness and density of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. The anodized surfaces are porous, and the pores may be filled with a dye or a corrosion sealer to improve corrosion resistance. In the case of Components Inc., the pores are filled with a dye to obtain the required black color.

The anodizing process used by Components Inc. is referred to as a Type II anodize, where the anodizing is done in a sulfuric acid bath. The parts are suspended in the acid bath and a direct current is applied in such a way that the parts become the anodes of an electrolytic cell (hence the term anodize). Oxygen is generated on the surfaces of the aluminum parts, causing a buildup of aluminum oxide. The parameters used in the anodizing process not only have a significant impact on the coated thickness, but also affect the shape and size of the pores that form in the coating. This in turn affects the ability of the anodized surface to retain dye or other coatings.

For Component Inc., a defect occurs and yield is reduced when the surface of an anodized part has either a purple or a smutty black appearance. The purple color varies from a very light to a deep purple while the smutty black appearance gives the impression that the finish is smudged and not blemish-free. An acceptable surface has a rich, black, clear, and blemish-free appearance.


In January 2015, a Six Sigma project team is assembled and charged with improving the yield of the anodizing process. As an accomplished black belt working for Components Inc., you are assigned the task of leading the Six Sigma project.

Along with your team, you initiate the Define phase of the project. In conjunction with the project sponsor, you develop the initial project charter, shown in Exhibit 7.2. You identify process yield as the Key Performance Indicator (KPI), realizing that if this process measure improves, so will delivery performance.

Exhibit 7.2 Project Charter

Project Title Improve Black Anodize Quality and Yield
Business Case Specialty anodizing is considered an area for substantial profitable growth for Components Inc. The ability to manufacture high-quality specialty anodized items will increase Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) and open new potential markets for Component Inc.'s products.
Problem/Opportunity Statement Currently, the black anodizing process has very low daily yields, usually below 40%, and averaging 19%. This results in high scrap and rework costs. Also, Component Inc.'s largest customer is threatening to find another supplier if quality and on-time delivery are not substantially improved. In the past six months, scrap and rework costs have totaled approximately $450,000 with on- time delivery below 60%.
Project Goal Statement and KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Improve the black anodize process yield from 19% to a minimum of 90% by July 2015 (a six-month timeframe).
The KPI is the lot-by-lot yield plotted on an Individual's control chart.
Project Scope The project will address only the black anodizing process. All other manufacturing steps are out of scope for this project.
Project Team Sponsor: John Good
Black Belt: This is you!
Team Members: Mike Knott, David Barry, Nancy Wiles, Bob Barr, Mary Kendall

You then begin working on the project by constructing a process map for the anodizing process. To do this, you enlist the help of manufacturing personnel. The resulting map, shown in Exhibit 7.3, contains the basic process steps as well as key inputs (the boxes below each step) and outputs (the boxes above each arrow connecting the steps) at each step.

List of Standard Deviations for Factors and Responses.

Exhibit 7.3 Process Map of the Anodizing Process

You then work to define critical to quality (CTQ) output variables. The key measures of quality are the thickness of the anodized coating and the color of the parts:

  • Anodized thickness is measured in thousandths of an inch using a backscatter radiation gauge.
  • Color is qualitatively assessed by inspectors and measured quantitatively with a spectrophotometer.

The spectrophotometer provides a color assessment based on the three-axis coordinate color scheme also known as the CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) color space. Using CIELAB units, every color can be uniquely defined in a three-dimensional space in terms of the attributes L*, a*, and b*, where:

  • L* is a measure of lightness of the color (the range is 0–100, with lower values indicating darker color).
  • a* is a measure of red/green (positive values indicate redness and negative values indicate greenness).
  • b* is a measure of yellow/blue (positive values indicate yellowness and negative values indicate blueness).

Thus, there are four continuous CTQs for the anodizing process: anodized coating thickness and the three color coordinates. Although the project charter identifies yield as the KPI, you believe that these four continuous Y measurements determine yield. You also realize that these measures will prove much more informative than would the attribute-based percent yield measurement in identifying the root causes of the problem.


Data collection is the usual focus of the Measure Phase of a Six Sigma project. Here, a team typically assesses the measurement systems for all key input and output factors, formulating operational definitions if required and studying variation in the measurement process. Once this is done, a team constructs a baseline for current process performance.

For the measurement process, you are particularly concerned about the visual inspection that classifies parts as good or bad. However, the measurement systems for the four Ys, namely coating thickness and the three color coordinates, should also be examined. You ask the team to conduct Measurement System Analyses (MSAs) on three measurement systems: the backscatter gauge, the spectrophotometer, and the visual color inspection rating that classifies parts as good or bad.

Backscatter Gauge MSA

Since the capability of the backscatter gauge used to measure thickness has not been assessed recently, the team members decide to perform their first MSA on this measurement system. They learn that typically only one gauge is used, but that as many as 12 operators may use it to measure the anodize thickness of the parts.

You realize that it is not practical to use all 12 operators in the MSA. Instead, you suggest an MSA using three randomly selected operators and five randomly selected production parts. You also suggest that each operator measure each part twice, so that an estimate of repeatability can be calculated. The resulting MSA design is a typical gauge repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) study, with two replications, five parts, and three operators. (Such a design can easily be generated using DOE > Full Factorial Design.) Note that, since the operators are randomly chosen from a larger group of operators, the variation due to operator will be of great interest.

To prevent any systematic effects from impacting the study (equipment warmup, operator fatigue, etc.), the study is run in a completely random order.

The data table contains the run order and results. The first ten rows are shown in Exhibit 7.4. Thickness is measured in thousandths of an inch.

Snapshot showing the Data Table for Backscatter Gauge MSA.

Exhibit 7.4 Data Table for Backscatter Gauge MSA

The variability in measurements between operators (reproducibility) and within operators (repeatability) is of primary interest. You decide to use a variability chart, also called a Multi-Vari chart1 to better understand this variation (see Exhibit 7.5).

Snapshot showing the Initial Variability Chart for Thickness.

Exhibit 7.5 Initial Variability Chart for Thickness

The chart for Thickness shows, for each Operator and Part, the two measurements obtained by that Operator. These two points are connected by range bars, and a small horizontal dash is placed at the mean of the two measurements. Below the chart for Thickness is a chart showing the standard deviations of the two values for each Operator and Part combination.

Since there are only two values for each Operator and Part combination, and since the range is illustrated in the Thickness chart, you decide to remove the Std Dev chart. You also want to add some additional visual information to the Thickness chart: the group means, the overall mean, and lines connecting the cell means.

The resulting variability chart is shown in Exhibit 7.6. The chart shows that, for the five parts measured, Thickness values range from about 0.22 (Carl's lowest reading for Part 4) to around 2.00 (Lisa's highest reading for Part 3). However, this variation includes Part variation. In an MSA, the focus is on the variation inherent in the measurement process itself rather than on studying part-to-part variation.

Accordingly, the team members turn their focus to the measurement process. They realize that Thickness measurements should be accurate to at least 0.1 thousandths of an inch, since they need to be able to measure in a range of 0.0–1.5 thousandths of an inch. The Thickness plot in Exhibit 7.6 immediately signals that there are issues.

  • Measurements on the same Part made by the same Operator can differ by 0.20–0.45 thousandths of an inch. To see this, look at the vertical line (range bar) connecting the two measurements for any one Part within an Operator, and note the magnitude of the difference in the values of Thickness for these two measurements.
  • Different operators differ in their overall measurements of the parts. For example, for the five parts, Carl gets an average value slightly over 1.0 (see the solid line across the panel for Carl), while Lisa gets an average of about 1.4, and Scott averages about 1.2. For Part 1, for example, Carl's average reading is about 0.9 thousandths (see the small horizontal tick between the two measured values), while Lisa's is about 1.5, and Scott's is about 1.3.
  • There are differential effects in how some operators measure some parts. In other words, there is an Operator by Part interaction. For example, relative to their other part measurements, Part 2 is measured high by Carl, low by Lisa, and at about the same level as the four other parts by Scott.

Even without a formal analysis, the team knows that the measurement process for Thickness must be improved. To gain an understanding of the situation, three of the team members volunteer to observe the measurement process, attempting to make measurements of their own and conferring with the operators who routinely make Thickness measurements.

These three team members observe that operators have difficulty repeating the exact positioning of parts that they measure using the backscatter gauge. Moreover, the gauge proves to be very sensitive to the positioning of the part being measured. They also learn that the amount of pressure applied to the gauge head on the part affects the thickness measurement. In addition, the team members notice that operators do not calibrate the gauge in the same manner, which leads to reproducibility variation.

Armed with this knowledge, the team and a few of the operators work with the metrology department to design a fixture that automatically locates the gauge on the part and adjusts the pressure of the gauge head on the part. At the same time, the team works with the operators to define and implement a standard calibration practice.

Once these changes are implemented, the team conducts a new MSA study to see if they can confirm improvement. Three new operators are chosen for this study. The file contains the results (the saved script is Variability Chart). The variability chart for this new study is shown in Exhibit 7.7.

Snapshot of the New Variability Chart for Thickness.

Exhibit 7.7 New Variability Chart for Thickness

For comparison, you would like to see this new variability chart with the same axis scaling as is used in the chart shown in Exhibit 7.6. To accomplish this, you copy axis settings from the initial variability chart and paste these settings into the new chart.

The resulting chart (shown in Exhibit 7.8) now has the same vertical scale as used in the plot for the initial study. The plot confirms dramatic improvement in both repeatability and reproducibility. In fact, the repeatability and reproducibility variation is not discernable given the scaling of the chart.

Snapshot of the Rescaled Variability Chart.

Exhibit 7.8 Rescaled Variability Chart

The team follows this visual analysis with a formal gauge R&R analysis. Although there are no specification limits for Thickness, the gauge R&R analysis allows the team to estimate the variability in the improved measurement system.

Recall that the measurement process should be able to detect differences of 0.1 thousandths of an inch. The resulting analysis is shown in Exhibit 7.10. It indicates a Gauge R&R value of 0.0133. This means that the measurement system variation, comprised of both repeatability and reproducibility variation, will span a range on the order of only 0.0133 thousandths of an inch.

Snapshot of Gauge R&R Report for Backscatter Gauge.

Exhibit 7.10 Gauge R&R Report for Backscatter Gauge

This indicates that the measurement system will easily distinguish parts that differ by 0.1 thousandths of an inch. Thanks to the new fixture and new procedures, the Thickness measurement process is now extremely capable!

Having completed the study of the backscatter gauge, you guide the team in conducting an MSA on the spectrophotometer used to measure color. Using an analysis similar to the one above, the team finds the spectrophotometer to be extremely capable.

Visual Color Rating MSA

At this point, you address the visual inspection process that results in the lot yield figures. Parts are classified into one of three Color Rating categories: Normal Black, Purple/Black, and Smutty Black. Normal Black characterizes an acceptable part. Purple/Black and Smutty Black signal defective parts, and these may result from different sets of root causes. So, not only is it important to differentiate good parts from bad parts, it is also important to differentiate between these two kinds of bad parts.

You work with the team to design an attribute MSA for the visual inspection process. Eight different inspectors are involved in inspecting color. Three inspectors are randomly chosen as raters for the study. The team chooses 50 parts from production, structuring this sample so that each of the three categories is represented at least 25 percent of the time. That is, the sample of 50 parts contains at least 12 each of the Normal Black, Purple/Black, and Smutty Black parts. This is so that accuracy and agreement relative to all three categories can be estimated with similar precision. Each part is uniquely labeled, but the labels are not visible to the raters.

To choose such a sample and study the accuracy of the visual inspection process, the team identifies an in-house expert rater. Given that customers subsequently return some parts deemed acceptable by Components Inc., the expert rater suggests that he also work with an expert rater from their major customer to rate the parts to be used in the MSA. For the purposes of the MSA, the consensus classification of the parts by the two experts will be considered correct and will be used to evaluate the accuracy of the inspectors.

The experts rate the 50 parts that the team has chosen for the study. The data are given in the table You use Analyze > Distribution to create a distribution of the color ratings (see Exhibit 7.11; the saved script is Distribution). This confirms that all three categories are well represented, and you deem the 50-part sample appropriate for the study.

Illustration of Distribution of Parts Used in Color Rating MSA.

Exhibit 7.11 Distribution of Parts Used in Color Rating MSA

Your team randomly selects Hal, Carly, and Jake to be the three raters. Each rater will inspect each part twice. To minimize the potential for recall, the parts will be presented in random order to each rater on two consecutive days. The random presentation order is shown in the table The Part column shows the order of presentation of the parts on each of the two days. The order for each of the Days differs, but to keep the study manageable, the same order was used for all three raters on a given day. Ideally, the study would have been conducted in a completely random order. Note that the Expert Rating is also given in this table.

The team conducts the MSA and records the rating for each rater in the table. Part of the analysis of this data is shown in Exhibit 7.12.

Snapshot showing the Agreement Reports for Color Rating MSA.

Exhibit 7.12 Agreement Reports for Color Rating MSA

You first focus on the kappa criterion in the Agreement Comparisons panel to evaluate interrater agreement, as well as agreement with the expert (these results are shown toward the bottom of the report window). Kappa provides a measure of beyond chance agreement. It is generally accepted that a kappa value between 0.60 and 0.80 indicates substantial agreement, while a kappa value greater than 0.80 reflects almost perfect agreement.

In the Agreement Comparisons panel, you see that all kappa values exceed 0.60. For comparisons of raters to other raters (the top report, in Exhibit 7.12) kappa is always greater than 0.72. The kappa values that measure rater agreement with the experts all exceed 0.80 (the middle report in Exhibit 7.12).

Next, you observe that the Agreement within Raters panel (bottom report in Exhibit 7.12) indicates that raters are fairly repeatable. Each rater rated at least 80 percent of parts the same way on both days.

The effectiveness of the measurement system is a measure of accuracy, that is, of the degree to which the raters agree with the experts. Loosely speaking, the effectiveness of a rater is the proportion of correct decisions made by that rater. An effectiveness of 90 percent or higher is generally considered acceptable. The Effectiveness Report (under the disclosure icon) reports the effectiveness of the measurement system (Exhibit 7.13).

Snapshot showing the Effectiveness Report for Color Rating MSA.

Exhibit 7.13 Effectiveness Report for Color Rating MSA

There is room for improvement, as Hal has an effectiveness score below 90 percent and Carly is at 91 percent. Also since these three raters are a random selection from a larger group of raters, it may well be that other raters not used in the study will have effectiveness scores below 90 percent as well. The Misclassifications table gives some insight on the nature of the misclassifications.

Based on the effectiveness scores, you and the team take note that a study addressing improvements in accuracy is warranted. You include this as a recommendation for a separate project. However, for the current project, the team agrees to treat the visual Color Rating measurement system as capable.

Summarizing progress to date, the team has validated that the measurement systems for the four CTQ Ys and for yield are capable. You can now safely proceed to collect and analyze data from the anodize process.


The anodize process is usually run in lots of 100 parts, where typically only one lot is run per day. However, occasionally, for various reasons, a complete lot of 100 parts is not available. Only those parts classified by the inspectors as Normal Black are considered acceptable. The project KPI, process yield, is defined as the number of Normal Black parts divided by the lot size, that is, the proportion of parts that are rated Normal Black.

The baseline data consist of two months' worth of lot yields, which are given in the file You have computed Yield in this file using a formula. To view this formula in the Formula Editor, click on the plus sign next to Yield in the Columns panel (Exhibit 7.14). To display Yield as a percentage, you apply the Percent format in the Column Info window.

Snapshot of Formula for Yield.

Exhibit 7.14 Formula for Yield

It might appear that Yield, which is intrinsically a proportion, would be monitored by a p chart. However, the process is not likely to be purely binomial (with a single, fixed probability for generating a defective part). More likely, it will be a mixture of binomials because there are many extraneous sources of variation. For example, materials for the parts are purchased from different suppliers, the processing chemicals come from various sources and have varying shelf lives, and different operators assemble the parts. All of these contribute to the likelihood that the underlying proportion defective is not constant from lot to lot.

For this reason, you choose to display the baseline data on an individual measurement chart.

Your team is astounded to see that the average process yield is so low—the average yield is 18.74 percent. The process is apparently stable, except perhaps for an indication of an upward shift starting at lot 34. In other words, the process is producing this unacceptably low yield primarily as a result of common causes of variation, namely, variation that is inherent to the process. Consequently, improvement efforts will have to focus on common causes. In a way, this is good news—it should be easy to improve from such a low level. However, your team's goal of a yield of 90 percent or better is a big stretch!

Data Collection Plan

At this point, you and your team engage in serious thinking and animated discussion about the direction of the project. Color Rating is a visual measure of acceptability given in terms of a nominal (attribute) measurement. You realize that a nominal measure does not provide a sensitive indicator of process behavior. This is why you focused, right from the start, on Thickness and the three color measures, L*, a*, and b*, as continuous surrogates for Color Rating.

Your long-range strategy is this: Your team will design an experiment to model how each of the four continuous Ys varies as a function of various process factors. Assuming that there are significant relationships, you will find optimal settings for the process factors. But what does “optimal” mean? It presumes that you know where the four responses need to be in order to provide a Color Rating of Normal Black.

No specification limits for Thickness, L*, a*, and b* have ever been defined. So you realize that the team also needs to collect data on how Color Rating and the four continuous Ys are related. In particular, you want to determine if there are ranges of values for Thickness, L*, a*, and b* that essentially guarantee that the Color Rating will be acceptable. These ranges would provide specification limits for the four responses, allowing you and, in the long term, production engineers to assess process capability with respect to these responses.

You decide to proceed as follows. Team members will obtain quality inspection records for lots of parts produced over the past six weeks. For five randomly selected parts from each lot produced, they will research and record the values of Color Rating, Thickness, L*, a*, and b*.

It happens that 48 lots were produced during that six-week period. The team collects the data on five parts from each of these 48 lots, resulting in a data table,, that contains 5 × 48 = 240 rows.


A visual analysis of the data that the team has collected ( will give some insight on whether certain ranges of Thickness, L*, a*, and b* are associated with the acceptable Normal Black value of Color Rating while other ranges are associated with the defective values Purple/Black and Smutty Black. You would like to conclude that good parts can be separated from bad parts based on the values of the four continuous Ys. If so, then those values would suggest specification limits that should result in good parts.

This is a multivariate question. Even so, it makes sense to you to follow the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap (Exhibit 3.30), uncovering relationships by viewing the data one variable at a time, then two at a time, and then more than two at a time.

Using Distribution

To begin the process of uncovering relationships, you construct plots for Color Rating and for each of Thickness, L*, a*, and b* using the Distribution platform (Exhibit 7.16).

Histograms for Distribution Reports for Five Response Variables.

Exhibit 7.16 Distribution Reports for Five Response Variables

The distribution of Color Rating shows a proportion of good parts (Normal Black) of about 20 percent. This is not unexpected, given the results of the baseline analysis. However, you are mildly surprised to see that the proportion of Smutty Black parts is about twice the proportion of Purple/Black parts. You also notice that the distributions for Thickness, L*, a*, and b* show clumpings of points, rather than the expected mound-shaped pattern.

You would really like to see the values of Thickness, L*, a*, and b* stratified by the three categories of Color Rating. There are many ways to do this in JMP. Start with the simple approach of clicking on the bars in the bar graph for Color Rating. When you click on the bar for Smutty Black, the 126 rows corresponding to Smutty Black parts are selected in the data table and JMP shades all open histograms to represent these 126 points. Studying the graphs in Exhibit 7.17, you begin to see that only certain ranges of values correspond to Smutty Black parts.

Image described by caption/surrounding text.

Exhibit 7.17 Histograms for Thickness, L*, a*, and b*, Shaded by Smutty Black

Next, click on the Purple/Black bar. The shaded areas change substantially (Exhibit 7.18). Again, you see that very specific regions of Thickness, L*, a*, and b* values correspond to Purple/Black parts.

Image described by caption/surrounding text.

Exhibit 7.18 Histograms for Thickness, L*, a*, and b*, Shaded by Purple/Black

Image described by caption/surrounding text.

Exhibit 7.19 Histograms for Thickness, L*, a*, and b*, Shaded by Normal Black

However, you are most interested in which values of Thickness, L*, a*, and b* correspond to Normal Black parts. Click on Normal Black in the Color Rating distribution graph (Exhibit 7.19). Note that there is a specific range of values for each of the four responses where the parts are of acceptable quality. In general, Normal Black parts have Thickness values in the range of 0.70 to 1.05 thousandths of an inch. For Normal Black parts, you note that L* values range from roughly 8.0 to 12.0, a* values from 0.0 to 3.0, and b* values from −1.0 to 2.0.

Using Graph Builder

You realize that it would be more efficient to see these distributions in a single display. The JMP Graph Builder is an interactive graphing platform for exploring many variables at a time, with zones for dragging and dropping variables and element icons for displaying various types of graphs. The Graph Builder template is shown in Exhibit 7.20.

Snapshot of the Graph Builder Template.

Exhibit 7.20 Graph Builder Template

Start by exploring how the values of Thickness differ across the three categories of Color Rating (Exhibit 7.21).

Snapshot of the Graph Builder with Thickness and Color Rating.

Exhibit 7.21 Graph Builder with Thickness and Color Rating

The graph stratifies the Thickness measurements according to the three levels of Color Rating: Normal Black, Purple/Black, and Smutty Black. It is easy to see that the distribution of Thickness differs across the three color ratings.

You would like to see similar graphs for all four responses. There are a number of ways of doing this. One approach is to use the Column Switcher (select Scripts > Column Switcher from the red triangle menu) to view each of the four responses in turn. Another approach is to simply add all of the responses to the graph. You opt for the latter approach, which results in one display containing all four responses (Exhibit 7.22).

Snapshot of the Graph Builder Plot with Four Ys, Grouped by Color Rating.

Exhibit 7.22 Graph Builder Plot with Four Ys, Grouped by Color Rating

You study the resulting plot (in Exhibit 7.22) and conclude that Normal Black parts and Purple/Black parts generally appear to have distinct ranges of response values, although there is some overlap in L* values. Normal Black parts and Smutty Black parts seem to share common response values, although there are some systematic tendencies. For example, Normal Black parts tend to have lower Thickness values than do Smutty Black parts.

Although the dot plots reveal the differences in the distributions across the categories of Color Rating, a different graph type, such as a histogram or box plot, might be a better tool for highlighting these differences. Exhibit 7.24 shows box plots for each response across the three color ratings.

Snapshot of the Final Graph Builder Plot with Box Plots.

Exhibit 7.24 Final Graph Builder Plot with Box Plots

This is a compact way to view and present the information that you and your team visualized earlier by clicking on the bars in the bar graph for Color Rating. It shows the differences in the values of the four response variables across the categories of Color Rating, all in a single plot.

Using Scatterplot Matrix

A Scatterplot Matrix (found in the Graph menu) is another tool that might help in the effort to define specification ranges for the four Ys. This graph allows you to explore the color ratings across pairs of response variables (see Exhibit 7.25).

Illustration of Scatterplot Matrix with Row Legend.

Exhibit 7.25 Scatterplot Matrix with Row Legend

When you click on the text Normal Black in the legend (Exhibit 7.26), the points that correspond to Normal Black in all the scatterplots (the circles) are highlighted and are colored bright red (on a computer screen). Using the legend, click on each Color Rating in turn to highlight the corresponding points in the graphs. (To deselect points, click in the white space in any scatterplot.)

Illustration of Scatterplot Matrix with Normal Black Parts Selected.

Exhibit 7.26 Scatterplot Matrix with Normal Black Parts Selected

The regions that define each value of Color Rating are even more striking than when viewed in the histograms or box plots. The Purple/Black parts occur in very different regions from Normal Black and Smutty Black parts. More interestingly, whereas the Normal Black and Smutty Black parts were difficult to distinguish using single responses, in the scatterplot matrix you see that they seem to fall into fairly distinct regions of the b* and L* space. In other words, joint values of b* and L* might well distinguish these two groupings.

Using a Scatterplot 3D

The regions that differentiate Color Rating become even more striking when viewed in three dimensions. Scatterplot 3D (found in the Graph menu) provides this three-dimensional view of the data.

Exhibit 7.27 shows the plot with Thickness, L*, and a* on the axes, and with points showing colors and markers for the different color ratings. Recall that these were saved to the data table when we selected the Row Legend earlier.

Snapshot of Scatterplot 3D.

Exhibit 7.27 Scatterplot 3D

To explore where the color ratings fall, you use a local data filter for Color Rating. This works like a row legend, allowing you to display points on the Scatterplot 3D corresponding to selected color rating.

In Exhibit 7.28 the points corresponding to Normal Black (again shown by red circles) are displayed using the local data filter, while the points corresponding to Purple/Black and Smutty Black are hidden. You rotate the plot to get a better idea where the Normal Black points fall with respect to Thickness and a*.

Snapshot of Scatterplot 3D with Local Data Filter.

Exhibit 7.28 Scatterplot 3D with Local Data Filter

As you rotate the plot and use the Local Data Filter to explore the four responses, you can see patterns emerge. It seems clear that Color Rating values are associated with certain ranges of Thickness, L*, a*, and b* as well as with multivariate functions of these values.

Proposing Specifications

Using the information from the histograms and the two- and three-dimensional scatterplots, you feel comfortable in proposing specifications for the four Ys that should generally result in acceptable parts. Although the multidimensional views suggest that combinations of the response values successfully distinguish the three Color Rating groupings, you decide that, because they are easier to work with in practice, you will propose specification limits for each Y individually.

Exhibit 7.29 summarizes the proposed targets and specification ranges for the four Ys. The data indicate that these will generally distinguish Normal Black parts (good parts) from the other two groupings (bad parts), and in particular, from the Smutty Black parts. (You might like to check these limits against the appropriate three-dimensional scatterplots!)

Exhibit 7.29 Specifications for the Four CTQ Variables

Variable Target Specification Range
Thickness 0.9 ±0.2
L* 10.0 ±2.0
a* 2.0 ±2.0
b* 0.0 ±2.0

We note that, at this point, you could have used more sophisticated analytical techniques such as discriminant analysis and logistic regression to further your knowledge about the relationship between Color Rating and the four CTQ variables. However, the simple graphical analyses provided you and the team with sufficient knowledge to move to the next step.


This project was cast as a formal Six Sigma project, following the DMAIC structure. Let's take a step back to see how your application of the DMAIC cycle fits with the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process and with the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap (Exhibits 3.29 and 3.30).

  • Framing the Problem corresponds to the Define phase.
  • Collecting Data corresponds to the Measure phase. Here, you collected data for the MSA studies and for the baseline control chart. You also collated a set of historical data that relates Color Rating, the team's primary, but nominal, Y, to four continuous Ys, namely Thickness, L*, a*, and b*, that provide more detailed information than Color Rating.
  • Uncovering Relationships occurs in the Analyze phase. You first visualized the five variables using Distribution. You dynamically explored relationships between Color Rating and Thickness, L*, a*, and b*. You constructed a plot using Graph Builder that summarized this information. Then, you dynamically visualized the variables two at a time with a scatterplot matrix. Finally, you dynamically visualized the variables three at a time using Scatterplot 3D.
  • Modeling Relationships, which will occur in the next section, bridges the Analyze and Improve phases, where the team identifies and determines the impact of potential Hot Xs by modeling the relationships between the Xs and the Ys and optimizing settings of the Xs.
  • Revising Knowledge, where a team addresses the question of how new knowledge will generalize, is part of the Improve phase. Often, in revising knowledge, a team runs confirmation trials to assess if its expectations will be met.
  • Utilizing Knowledge includes part of the Improve phase as well as all of the Control phase. Here, the solution identified by the team is implemented together with a way to check that the improvement is real and to assure that it is maintained over time.


Together with process experts, you and your team reexamine the process map in Exhibit 7.3. You conduct brainstorming sessions to identify potential causes of bad parts. These sessions identify five possible Hot Xs:

  • Coating variables: Anodize Temperature, Anodize Time, and Acid Concentration.
  • Dye variables: Dye Concentration and Dye pH.

You need to determine if these are truly Hot Xs and to model the relationships that link Thickness, L*, a*, and b* and these Xs. So, you will guide the team in conducting a designed experiment. These five process factors may or may not exert a causal influence. The designed experiment will indicate whether they do, and, if they do, it will allow you to model the Ys as functions of the Xs. You will use the resulting models to optimize the settings of the input variables in order to maximize yield.

Although Color Rating is the variable that ultimately defines yield, using a nominal response in a designed experiment is problematic—a large number of trials would be required in order to detect real effects. Fortunately, you've learned that there are strong relationships between Thickness, L*, b*, and a*, and the levels of Color Rating. Accordingly, you decide to design an experiment where the four responses will be L*, b*, a* and Thickness. There will be five factors: Anodize Temp, Anodize Time, Acid Conc, Dye Conc, and Dye pH.

With the data from this experiment in hand, you will move to the Model Relationships phase of the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process (Exhibit 3.29). You will use the guidance given under Model Relationships in the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap (Exhibit 3.30) to direct your analysis.

Developing the Design

You now face a dilemma in terms of designing the experiment, which must be performed on production equipment. Due to the poor yields of the current process, the equipment is in continual use by manufacturing. Negotiating with the production superintendent, you secure the equipment for a single production shift, during which the team will be allowed to perform the experiment. Unfortunately, at most 12 experimental trials can be performed on a single shift (assuming that the team works very efficiently).

A two-level factorial treatment structure for the five factors (a 25 design) would require 32 runs. Obviously, the size of the experiment needs to be reduced. You consider various options.

Your first thought is to perform a 25–2 fractional factorial experiment, which has 8 runs and is a quarter-fraction of the full factorial experiment. With the addition of two center runs, this experiment would have a total of ten runs. However, you realize with the help of the JMP Screening Design platform (DOE > Screening Design) that the 25–2 factional factorial is a resolution III design, which means that some main effects are confused with, or aliased with, the joint effect of two factors, which makes it impossible to tell them apart. In fact, for this particular design, each main effect is aliased with a two-way interaction.

You discuss this idea with your teammates, but they decide that it is quite possible that there are two-way interactions among the five factors under study. As a result, you determine that a resolution III fractional factorial design is not the best choice. As you also point out, with five experimental factors there are ten two-way interaction terms. You would need at least 16 runs to estimate the 5 main effects, the 10 interactions, and the intercept in any model. However, due to the limit of 12 runs, such a 16-run design is not feasible, so an appropriate compromise is needed.

You decide to continue this discussion with two experts, who join the team temporarily. Recall that the factors to be studied relate to two steps in the anodize process (Exhibit 7.3):

  • Anodize Tank, where the anodize coating is applied
  • Dye Tank, where the coated parts are dyed in a separate tank

The two experts maintain that interactions cannot occur between the two dye tank factors and the three anodize tank factors, although two-way interactions can certainly occur among the factors within each of the two steps. If the team does not estimate interactions between factors from the two anodize process steps, only four two-way interactions need to be estimated:

  • Anodize Temperature*Anodize Time
  • Anodize Temperature*Acid Concentration
  • Anodize Time*Acid Concentration
  • Dye Concentration*Dye pH

It is possible to estimate the five main effects, the four two-way interactions of importance, and the intercept in a model with only 10 runs. Given the 12-run limitation, this design is feasible. In fact, you can add two runs. If the effects are large relative to the error variation, the resulting design is likely to identify them. You are reasonably comfortable proceeding under the experts' assumption, realizing that any proposed solution will be verified using confirmation trials before it is adopted.

Another critical piece of knowledge relative to designing the experiment involves the actual factors settings to be used. With the help of the two experts that the team has commandeered, low and high levels for the five factors are specified. You are careful to ensure that these levels are aggressive relative to the production settings. The thinking is that, if a factor or interaction has an effect, you want to maximize the chance of detecting it.

You now proceed to design the experiment. The design requirements cannot be met using a classical design, so you generate a Custom Design (from the DOE menu). The Custom Design platform allows you to specify a constraint on the total number of trials and to specify the effects to be estimated. The platform then searches for an optimal design that satisfies your requirements.2 The custom design window, with the four responses and five factors, is shown in Exhibit 7.30.

Snapshot showing the Custom Design Window with Responses and Factors.

Exhibit 7.30 Custom Design Window with Responses and Factors

Initially, the Model panel shows the list of main effects. You add the required four two-way interactions manually. Then, you indicate the number of runs. You request 12 runs in all, reserving two runs for center points to provide an estimate of repeatability. The completed dialog is shown in Exhibit 7.31.

Snapshot showing the Completed Dialog Showing Custom Design Settings.

Exhibit 7.31 Completed Dialog Showing Custom Design Settings

The design appears in the Design panel (see Exhibit 7.32). It is constructed so that the runs are in random order. Note that the two center points appear as runs 10 and 12.

Snapshot showing the Custom Design Runs and Additional Options.

Exhibit 7.32 Custom Design Runs and Additional Options

The design that you obtain will very likely differ from the one shown in Exhibit 7.32. This is because the algorithm used to construct custom designs requires a random seed to determine a starting design. The algorithm then runs for a fixed number of seconds, during which a number of designs are constructed based on random starts. The final design is the best one found, based on the optimality criterion.

The script for the model that you will eventually fit to the data you collect, called Model, is located in the Table panel in the upper left corner of the data table (see Exhibit 7.33). This script defines the model that you specified when you built the design, namely, a model with five main effects and four specific two-way interactions (to see this, run the Model script).

JMP has saved two other scripts to this data table. One of these scripts, Screening, runs a screening analysis that fits a saturated model. You will not be interested in this analysis since you have some knowledge of the model that is appropriate and you have enough observations to estimate error for that model. The other script, DOE Dialog, reproduces the DOE > Custom Design dialog used to obtain this design.

Notice the asterisks next to the variable names in the Columns panel (Exhibit 7.34). When you click on the asterisks, you see that JMP has saved a number of Column Properties for each of the factors: Coding, Design Role, and Factor Changes. Clicking on any one of these takes you directly to that property in Column Info. Similarly, for each response, Response Limits have been saved as a Column Property.

Snapshot showing the Column Properties for Anodize Temp.

Exhibit 7.34 Column Properties for Anodize Temp

You will use the results of this experiment to identify the optimal settings for the four responses, and then to estimate the capability and PPM values at these settings. So, you add specification limits for each response as a Spec Limits column property. These are based on the values listed in Exhibit 7.29.

Conducting the Experiment

You are now ready to perform the experiment. You explain the importance of following the randomization order and of resetting all experimental conditions between runs, and the team appreciates the importance of these procedures. You plan the details of how the experiment will be conducted, and number the parts produced to mistake-proof the process of taking measurements of the responses.

The design and measured responses from the experiment are given in the data table (Exhibit 7.36).

Snapshot showing the Results of Designed Experiment.

Exhibit 7.36 Results of Designed Experiment

Uncovering the Hot Xs

It is time to analyze the data and you and your team are very excited! Since JMP has saved the Model script to the data table, you start by running this script. This takes you to the Fit Model Specification window. You see that JMP has included all of the responses and the model effects that you specified when you designed the experiment, so you select Run to fit the specified model to each of the responses.

At the top of the report (in Exhibit 7.37) is an Effect Summary table, which provides a summary of the significance of each of the terms across all of the models. Every term, except the interaction Anodize Temp*Anodize Time, is highly significant (with a PValue < 0.01) in at least one of the models.

Snapshot showing the Report for Full Model for All Responses.

Exhibit 7.37 Report for Full Model for All Responses

Since you are interested in understanding which factors and interactions are significant in predicting each of your four responses, you decide to identify significant effects by modeling each response separately. For each response, you follow this strategy:

  • Examine the data for outliers and possible lack of fit, using the Actual by Predicted plot as a visual guide. Check the Lack Of Fit Test, which can be conducted thanks to the two center points, in order to confirm your visual assessment of the Actual by Predicted plot.
  • Find a best model by eliminating effects, one at a time, that appear insignificant.
  • Save the prediction formula for the best model as a column in the data table.
  • Save the script for the best model to the data table for future reference.

Your plan, once this work is completed, is to use the Profiler from the Graph menu to find factor level settings that will simultaneously optimize all four responses.

The report for the model for Thickness, shown in Exhibit 7.38, shows no significant lack of fit—both the Actual by Predicted plot and the formal Lack Of Fit test support this conclusion (the p-value for the Lack Of Fit test is Prob > F = 0.4763). Note that this is a nice example of Exploratory Data Analysis (the Actual by Predicted plot) being reinforced by Confirmatory Data Analysis (the Lack Of Fit test).

Snapshot showing the Actual by Predicted and Lack of Fit for Thickness.

Exhibit 7.38 Actual by Predicted and Lack of Fit for Thickness

Since the model appears to fit the data well, you check the Analysis of Variance table and see that the overall model is significant (Exhibit 7.39). You could examine the Effect Tests tables to see which effects are significant, but you find it easier to interpret the Sorted Parameter Estimates table (Exhibit 7.39), which gives a graph where the size of a bar is proportional to the corresponding effect's significance.

Snapshot of the Effect Summary, ANOVA and Sorted Parameter Estimates for Thickness.

Exhibit 7.39 Effect Summary, ANOVA, and Sorted Parameter Estimates for Thickness

You examine the p-values provided under Prob > |t|, and see that two of the two-way interactions, Anodize Temp*Anodize Time and Dye pH*Dye Conc, do not appear to be significant (you use the 0.05 p-value guideline for significance).

The Effect Summary table at the top of the window (Exhibit 7.39) repeats the p-values shown in the Sorted Parameter Estimates (displaying one additional decimal place). However, this table also provides an interactive way of refining the model. For example, nonsignificant terms can be taken out with the Remove button.

The caret (^) next to a p-value indicates that the corresponding term is involved in one or more interactions with smaller p-values. Significant or not, terms marked with ^ should be retained in the model if they are involved in significant interactions. This practice follows from the principle of Effect Heredity.3 The implication for reducing models is that nonsignificant higher-order terms are removed prior to removing main effects.

At this point, you start reducing the model, one term at a time. Dye pH and Dye Conc are the two least significant terms, but both are involved in the Dye pH*Dye Conc interaction. This interaction is the next least significant term. Remove the Dye pH*Dye Conc interaction term from the model using the Remove button. All of the results in the window automatically update based on the new model. You note that Dye pH is now the next least significant term and it is not a component of an interaction, so you remove it from the model. Next you successively remove Dye Conc and Anodize Temp*Anodize Time. At this point, all remaining terms are significant at the 0.05 level (Exhibit 7.40).

Snapshot of Report for Reduced Model for Thickness.

Exhibit 7.40 Report for Reduced Model for Thickness

You notice that the final Thickness model contains two significant interactions, and that only factors from the anodizing step of the process are significant. Thus, the team finds that the model is in good agreement with engineering knowledge, which indicates that factors in the dye step should not have an impact on anodize thickness.

You use this same approach to determine final models for each of the other three responses. Scripts that show results for all four models are saved to the Table panel in the data table (see Exhibit 7.41). Each of the models for L*, a*, and b* includes factors from both the anodizing and dyeing processes.

Snapshot of the Final Model Scripts for Four Responses.

Exhibit 7.41 Final Model Scripts for Four Responses


In the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process, the Model Relationships step is followed by Revise Knowledge (see Exhibit 3.29). This is where we identify the best settings for the Hot Xs, visualize the effect of variation in the settings of the Hot Xs, and grapple with the extent to which our conclusions generalize. Having developed models for the four responses and, in so doing, identified the Hot Xs, you and the team now proceed to the Revise Knowledge step.

Determining Optimal Factor Level Settings

Now that you have statistical models for the four responses, your intent is to identify settings of the five Xs that optimize these four Ys. You suspect that factor settings that optimize one response are likely to degrade the performance measured by another response. For this reason, it is important that simultaneous optimization be conducted to give a sound measure of overall performance.

In the Analyze Phase, your team defined target values and specification limits for the four Ys, hoping to guarantee acceptable color quality for the anodized parts. Using these targets and specifications as a basis for optimization, you will perform multiple response optimization in JMP.

JMP bases multiple optimization on a desirability function. Recall that, when you entered the responses in the Custom Design dialog, you noted that the goal for each response was to Match Target, and you entered the specification limits as response limits—see the Lower Limit and Upper Limit entries under Responses in Exhibit 7.30. You also assigned Importance values of 1 to each response (also Exhibit 7.30), indicating that the responses are of equal importance. (What is relevant is the ratio of these values; they could equally well have all been assigned as 0.25.)

The desirability function constructs a single criterion from the response limits and importance values. This function weights the responses according to importance, and, in a Match Target situation, places the highest desirability on values in the middle of the response range (the user can manually set the target elsewhere, if desired). The desirability function is a function of the set of factors that is involved in the union of the four models. In this case, since each factor appears in at least one of the models, the desirability function is a function of all five process factors.

In JMP, desirability functions are accessed from the Profiler, which is often called the Prediction Profiler to distinguish it from the several other profilers that JMP provides. The Profiler for a single response can be found in the Fit Model report for that response. When different models are fit to multiple responses, the Profiler can also be accessed from the Graph menu. But, you must first save prediction formulas for each of the responses; otherwise, JMP will not have the underlying models available to optimize.

Each of these columns is defined by the formula for the model for the response specified. For example, the prediction formula for a* is given in Exhibit 7.43.

Snapshot showing the Prediction Formula for a.

Exhibit 7.43 Prediction Formula for a*

Once the prediction formulas for the four models have been saved, you can profile the four prediction formulas together. The resulting Profiler is shown in Exhibit 7.44.

Illustration of the Prediction Profiler for Four Responses.

Exhibit 7.44 Prediction Profiler for Four Responses

The desirability functions for each individual response are displayed in the rightmost column. For each response, the maximum desirability value is 1.0, and this occurs at the midpoint of the response limits. The least desirable value is 0.0, and this occurs near the lower and upper response limits. (Since your specifications are symmetric, having the highest desirability at the midpoint makes sense.) The cells in the bottom row in Exhibit 7.44 show traces, or cross-sections, for the desirability function associated with the simultaneous optimization of all four responses.

Recall that the response limits for b* were −2.0 and +2.0. To better understand the desirability function, you double-click in the desirability panel for b*, in the rightmost column. The resulting dialog is displayed in Exhibit 7.45. You note that −2.0 and +2.0 are given desirability close to 0, namely, 0.0183, and that the midpoint between the response limits, 0, is given desirability 1. If you want to change any of these settings, you can do so in this dialog (click Cancel to close this dialog).

Snapshot showing the Response Goal Dialog for b.

Exhibit 7.45 Response Goal Dialog for b*

The Profiler is dynamically linked to the models for the responses. When the Profiler first appears, the dotted (red) vertical line in each panel is set to the average predictor value, which is the midpoint of the design interval. By moving the dotted (red) vertical line for a given process factor, one can see the effect of changes on the four responses. This powerful dynamic visualization technique enables what-if inquiries, such as, “What happens if we increase Anodize Time?” The team explores various scenarios using this feature, before returning to the goal of optimization.

To perform the optimization, you select the Maximize Desirability option from the red triangle next to Prediction Profiler. Results for the optimization of the four responses are shown in Exhibit 7.46. However, since there are usually many equivalent solutions to such an optimization problem, the results you obtain may differ from those shown in Exhibit 7.46 (these specific results can be obtained by running the Profiler 2 script in

Illustration of the Results of Simultaneous Optimization of Four Responses.

Exhibit 7.46 Results of Simultaneous Optimization of Four Responses

A wealth of information concerning the responses and the process variable settings is provided in this visual display. At the bottom of the display, you see optimal settings for each of the five process variables (the figures in red in Exhibit 7.46). These are vastly different from the settings currently used in production. To the left of the display you see the predicted mean response values associated with these optimal settings (also in red).

You note that the predicted mean levels of all four responses are reasonably close to their specified targets and are well within the specification limits. It does appear that further optimization could be achieved by considering higher values of Anodize Time and Acid Conc, since the optimal settings of these variables are at the extremes of their design ranges. You make a note to consider expanding these ranges in a future experiment.

Linking with Contour Profiler

Even though the optimal factor settings obtained are feasible in this case, it is always informative to investigate other possible optimal or near-optimal settings. You believe that the Contour Profiler would be useful in this context. You create a Contour Profiler to explore the four prediction formulas. The report in Exhibit 7.47 shows contours of the four prediction formulas, as well as small surface plots of those formulas.

Snapshot showing the Contour Profiler for the Four Prediction Formulas.

Exhibit 7.47 Contour Profiler for the Four Prediction Formulas

In the top part of the Contour Profiler report, the Current X values are the midpoints of the design intervals. Recall that these were the initial settings for the factors in the Prediction Profiler as well. You would like to set these at the optimal settings obtained using the Prediction Profiler. You learn that this can be achieved by linking the two profilers. After the profilers are linked, the settings for Current X in the Contour Profiler update to match the optimal settings found in the Prediction Profiler (Exhibit 7.48).

Snapshot showing the Contour Profiler after Linking.

Exhibit 7.48 Contour Profiler after Linking

Now, by choosing pairs of Horiz and Vert factors in the top corner of the Contour Profiler, and by moving the sliders next to these or by moving the crosshairs in the contour plot, you can see the effect of changing factor settings on the predicted responses. Since the profilers are linked, you can see the effect on overall desirability by checking the Prediction Profiler, which updates as the factor settings are changed in the Contour Profiler.

The Contour Profiler, with its ability to link to the Prediction Profiler, is an extremely powerful tool in terms of exploring alternative factor level settings. (In fact, all JMP Profilers, including the Surface Plot, link together.) In some cases it might be more economical, or necessary for other reasons, to run at settings different from those found as optimal by the Prediction Profiler. These tools allow you to find practically equivalent or superior alternative settings by assessing the loss in performance relative to the theoretical, but unworkable, optimum.

At this point, you close the Contour Profiler and the Prediction Profiler. Since you have been exploring various settings of the predictors, you rerun the script Profiler 2 to retrieve the optimal settings.


The Prediction Profiler report provides three ways to assess the sensitivity of the responses to the settings of the process variables: desirability traces, a sensitivity indicator, and Variable Importance. We illustrate the first two methods. The third method, Variable Importance, is an option under the Profiler red triangle menu. For each factor, Variable Importance provides an index of predictive variability that is based on a collection of simulated settings. See the JMP documentation for details.

Notice that the last row of the Prediction Profiler display, repeated in Exhibit 7.49, contains desirability traces for each of the process variables. These traces represent the overall sensitivity of the combined desirability functions to variation in the settings of the process factors. For example, the desirability trace for Anodize Temp is peaked, with sharply descending curves on either side of the peak. Thus, the desirability function is more sensitive to variation in the setting of Anodize Temp than, say, to Dye pH, which is much less peaked in comparison. Variation in the setting of Anodize Temp will cause significant variation in the desirability of the responses.

Illustration of the Desirability Traces in Last Row of Prediction Profiler.

Exhibit 7.49 Desirability Traces in Last Row of Prediction Profiler

Click the red triangle in the Prediction Profiler report panel and select Sensitivity Indicator. These indicators appear in Exhibit 7.50 as small triangles in each of the response profiles. (Note that the grabber tool has been used to rescale some of the axes so that the triangles are more visible; when you place your cursor over the ends of an axis, the grabber tool will automatically appear.) The height of each triangle indicates the relative sensitivity of that response at the corresponding process variable's current setting. The triangle points up or down to indicate whether the predicted response increases or decreases, respectively, as the process variable increases.

Illustration of the Prediction Profiler Report with Sensitivity Indicators.

Exhibit 7.50 Prediction Profiler Report with Sensitivity Indicators

For Anodize Temp, you notice that Pred Formula L* and Pred Formula a* both have relatively tall downward-pointing triangles, indicating that, according to your models, both L* and a* will decrease fairly sharply with an increase in Anodize Temp. Similarly, you see that Pred Formula Thickness and Pred Formula b* have upward-pointing triangles, indicating that those responses will increase with an increase in Anodize Temp.

You notice the horizontal traces and lack of sensitivity indicators for Dye pH and Dye Conc in the row for Pred Formula Thickness. Remember that not all factors appear in all prediction formulas. Specifically, the dye variables did not appear in the model for Thickness. So, it makes sense that horizontal lines appear, and that no sensitivity indicators are given, since the data lead to a model in which Dye pH and Dye Conc are unrelated to Thickness.

From this analysis, you conclude that the joint desirability of the responses will be quite sensitive to variation in the process variables in the region of their new optimal settings. The team reminds you that some process experts did not believe, prior to the experiment, that the anodize process, and especially color, was sensitive to Anodize Temp. It is because of this unfounded belief that temperature is not controlled well in the current process. The team views this lack of control over temperature as a potentially large contributor to the low yields and substantial run-to-run variation seen in the current process.

Confirmation Runs

The team now thinks it has a potential solution to the color problem. Namely, the process should be run at the optimized settings for the Ys, while controlling the Xs as tightly as possible. The Revise Knowledge step in the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap (see Exhibit 3.30) addresses the extent to which our conclusions generalize. Gathering new data through confirmation trials at the optimal settings will either provide support for the model or indicate that the model falls short of describing reality.

So, to see if the optimal settings actually do result in good product, you suggest that the team conduct some confirmation runs. Such confirmation is essential before implementing a systemic change to how a process operates. In addition to being good common sense, this strategy will address the skepticism of some of the subject matter experts who are not involved with the team.

With support from the production manager, your team performs two confirmatory production runs at the optimized settings for the process variables. The results of these confirmation runs are very favorable—not only do both lots have 100 percent yield, the outgoing inspectors declare that these parts have the best visual appearance they have ever seen. The team also ships some of these parts to Component Inc.'s main customer, who reports that these are the best they have received from any supplier.

Projected Capability

At this point, your team is ready to develop an implementation plan to run the process at the new optimized settings. However, you restrain the team from doing this until the capability of the new process is estimated. You point out that this is very important, since some of the responses are quite sensitive to variation in the process variables.

In Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) applications, estimation of response distribution properties is sometimes referred to as response distribution analysis. Predictive models, or more generally transfer functions, are used to estimate or simulate the amount of variation that will be observed in the responses as a function of variation in the model inputs.

The Simulator

The Prediction Profiler includes an excellent simulation feature. Even when set at their optimal values, most process variables will have some variation in their settings. Also, there is variation in the response that is caused by other process factors. You want to include both of these sources of variation in obtaining capability estimates. Once you have obtained these estimates of variability, you will use the Simulator in the Prediction Profiler to estimate the overall process capability at the new settings.

To obtain information on the variability of factors and responses, your team collects data on batches produced over a two-week period. The five factors are set to their optimal settings. They are measured at periodic intervals to obtain estimates of variation in those settings. Process engineers indicate that you can control Anodize Time with essentially no error, and so you can treat this factor as fixed during simulations. Standard deviations for the other process factors are computed.

The responses are also measured at the same time as the factors. You fit a regression model for each response using the data collected on the factors and responses. The root mean squared error (RMSE) from each model provides an estimate of the standard deviation of the response at the optimal settings. It represents the variation not explained by the five process factors.

These estimates of standard deviation for factors and responses are given in Exhibit 7.51.

Exhibit 7.51 Standard Deviations for Factors and Responses

Variable Variable Type Estimated Standard Deviation
Anodize Temp Factor 1.542
Acid Conc Factor 1.625
Dye pH Factor 0.100
Dye Conc Factor 0.323
Pred Formula Thickness Response 0.015
Pred Formula L* Response 0.200
Pred Formula a* Response 0.205
Pred Formula b* Response 0.007

Add these estimates as Sigma column properties for each of the four factors and for the four prediction formulas for the responses. Then return to the Prediction Profiler to run the simulation. When you add the Sigma column property for a factor or prediction formula, the Simulator default is to simulate random values with standard deviations equal to the specified values for Sigma. The default for factors is to set the mean equal to the Profiler setting for the factor.

When you click the Simulate button, JMP simulates 5,000 combinations of factor settings using the specified normal distributions. JMP calculates predicted values plus error variation, as specified by the Std Dev values, for each of the four responses (script is Profiler 4). Histograms in the rightmost column of the Prediction Profiler show the simulated values plotted against their specification limits (see Exhibit 7.53). Keep in mind that your optimal settings may differ from those shown and that simulated results will vary.

Snapshot showing the Simulation Results.

Exhibit 7.53 Simulation Results

Based on the simulation results and using the Spec Limits column properties, the Prediction Profiler calculates estimated defect rates for each of the four responses. The estimated defect rate for L* is 0.0064, or 6,400 parts per million, which is higher than the team would like. For the other three responses, at least to four decimal places, the estimated defect rate is 0.

Simulated Capability

Rerunning the simulation a few times indicates that the overall defect rate is not likely to exceed 0.008, corresponding to a PPM level of 8,000. To obtain an estimate of the capability of the process when run at the new settings, save the 5,000 simulated response values from one of your simulations to a new data table. Click Make Table under Simulate to Table. (See bottom of Exhibit 7.53.) This runs the simulation and creates a new data table with the simulated results and a Distribution script.

Open to see a set of simulated results. Run the Distribution script in this data table to see histograms and capability analyses for the four predicted responses. The capability analyses are provided because specification limits were saved as column properties for the original responses and JMP carried those forward to the prediction formulas.

Because the capability analyses are based on randomly simulated data, the results will change slightly each time you simulate. To reproduce the results shown here, use the simulated data in

The report for Pred Formula Thickness is shown in Exhibit 7.54. For Pred Formula Thickness, CPK is 2.66. Note that the process is slightly off center.

Snapshot showing the Capability Report for Predicted Thickness.

Exhibit 7.54 Capability Report for Predicted Thickness

You can use JMP's Process Capability platform to visualize capability-related data when several responses are of interest. Although you have only four responses, you are interested in exploring the simulated capability using this platform.

The capability report for the four responses is shown in Exhibit 7.55. The Goal Plot displays a point for each predicted response. The horizontal value for a response is its mean shift from the target divided by its spec range. The vertical value is its standard deviation divided by its spec range. The ideal location for a response is near (0, 0); it should be on target and its standard deviation should be small relative to its spec limits.

Snapshot showing the Capability Report for Four Simulated Responses.

Exhibit 7.55 Capability Report for Four Simulated Responses

The slider at the bottom of the Goal Plot is set by default to a Ppk of 1.0. The slider defines a triangular, or goal, area in the plot, within which responses have Ppk values that exceed 1.0. The slider can be moved to change this threshold Ppk value and the corresponding goal area. Recall that a stable and centered process with a Ppk (long term or overall process capability) of 1.0 has a 0.27 percent defect rate; such a process is generally considered unacceptable. Assuming that a process is stable and centered, a Ppk of 1.5 (corresponding to a one-sided rate of 3.4 defective items per million) is generally the hallmark of an acceptable process.

When a Ppk of 1.5 is entered, the triangular region gets smaller, but three of the four responses still fall in (or on the border of) the goal area. Only Pred Formula L* falls outside the 1.5 Ppk region.

From the red triangle menu at the top level of the report, next to Capability, select Summary Reports > Overall Sigma Report Summary. This report shows summary information for all four predicted responses, as well as their Ppk values (Exhibit 7.57). It is clear that L* would benefit from further study and work.

Snapshot showing the Estimated Capability Values from Simulation.

Exhibit 7.57 Estimated Capability Values from Simulation

Note that some default summary information is not displayed in Exhibit 7.57, and that Expected PPM Outside has been added. You can control what appears in the Overall Sigma Capability Summary Report by right-clicking in the report, selecting Columns, and then making selections to add or remove summary information. The saved script is Process Capability 3.

The second plot in Exhibit 7.55 shows Capability Box Plots. These are box plots constructed from appropriately centered and scaled data that allow a fair comparison between responses. Because each of your responses has two specification limits that are symmetric about the target, the box plot is constructed from values obtained as follows: The response target is subtracted from each measurement, and then this difference is divided by the specification range. This scaling places the spec limits at 0.50 and −0.50. You see at a glance that the simulated responses fall off target. In the case of L*, which is the most variable relative to the specification range, some simulated values fall below the lower spec limit.

New Temperature Control System

As you reexamine results from the earlier sensitivity analysis, you recall that L* and a* are particularly sensitive to variation in Anodize Temp, which is not well controlled in the current process (Exhibit 7.51). You suspect that, if the variation in Anodize Temp can be reduced, then conformance to specifications will improve, particularly for L*.

Your team members engage in an effort to find an affordable temperature control system for the anodize bath. They find a system that will virtually eliminate variation in the bath temperature during production runs. Before initiating the purchasing process, the team asks you to estimate the expected process capability if they were to control temperature with this new system.

Conservative estimates indicate that the new control system will cut the standard deviation of Anodize Temp in half, from 1.50 to 0.75. To explore the effect of this change, return to and rerun the script Profiler 4. Change the standard deviation for Anodize Temp at the bottom of the Prediction Profiler panel to 0.75. The saved script is Profiler 5.

Now construct a new simulated data table, and again use the Process Capability platform to obtain capability analyses. The Overall Sigma Capability Summary Report is shown in Exhibit 7.58. Again, since these values are based on a random simulation, the values you obtain may differ slightly. To obtain the same results as in Exhibit 7.58, use the data table The saved script is Process Capability.

Snapshot showing the Estimated Capability Values Based on Reduction of Anodize Temp Standard Deviation.

Exhibit 7.58 Estimated Capability Values Based on Reduction of Anodize Temp Standard Deviation

The new capability analyses indicate that Thickness, a*, and b* have extremely high capability values and very low PPM defect rates. Most importantly, the PPM rate for L* has dropped dramatically, and it now has a Ppk value of about 1.074.

The team runs some additional confirmation runs at the optimal settings, exerting tight control of Anodize Temp. Everyone is thrilled when these all result in 100 percent yield! You wonder if perhaps the specification limits for L* could be widened, without negatively impacting the yield. You make a note to launch a follow-up project to investigate this further.

At this point, the team is ready to recommend purchase of the new temperature control system and to begin operating at the settings identified in the optimization. You guide the team in preparing an implementation plan. The team, with your support, reports its findings to a management team. Based on your rigorous approach, and more importantly the projected capability figures, management accepts your recommendations and instructs the team to implement their solution. With this, the project enters the Control Phase.


In a formal DMAIC project, the utilization of knowledge begins in the Improve Phase and continues into the Control Phase. As part of its Control Phase activities, the team prepares a comprehensive control plan for the anodize process. The plan includes specification of the optimum settings for the five Xs, as well as the new protocol for controlling the variation of these variables. The control plan also specifies the use of statistical process control to monitor the Xs, the four Ys, and the project KPI, process yield. Recall that the project goal was to improve the anodize process yield from 19 percent to a minimum of 90 percent, and to sustain that improvement.

About four months after the new process settings and controls are implemented, your team collects the associated data, including the final yield numbers. You add the yield values to a data table that contains yields for the initial 60-lot baseline period (

You continue to use an Individual Measurement chart to monitor process yield.

The chart is shown in Exhibit 7.59. The team is delighted! The chart shows that the process is yielding, on average, more than 99 percent! This greatly exceeds the team's goal of improving daily yield to at least 90 percent.

To better see the Control phase detail, you select Phase as a By variable in Control Chart Builder, rather than as a Phase variable. Exhibit 7.60 shows the resulting control charts (the script is Control Charts by Phase). The process is consistently yielding at least 96 percent.

Snapshot showing the Before and After Control Charts Plotted Separately.

Exhibit 7.60 Before and After Control Charts Plotted Separately

At this point, the project is deemed a success. Prior to celebrating and disbanding, the team members transition the process monitoring responsibility to the production manager, who will ensure that the process continues to perform at this new, high, level. You and the team also document what was learned and make recommendations for future improvement projects relating to this process.


Using this case study, let us review how the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process aligns with the DMAIC framework, and how the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap was used to make progress quickly:

  • Framing the Problem occurred in the Define phase.
  • Collecting Data began in the Measure phase, where the team collected data for its MSA studies and for the baseline control chart. Also, the team collected a set of historical data relating Color Rating, the team's primary, but nominal, Y, to four continuous Ys, namely Thickness, L*, a*, and b*, that were thought to provide more detailed information than Color Rating itself.
  • Uncovering Relationships was the goal of the Analyze phase. The team members first visualized the five Ys one at a time using Distribution, also using dynamic linking to start to explore conditional distributions. Then, they dynamically visualized the variables two at a time with a Scatterplot Matrix. Finally, they dynamically visualized the variables more than two at a time using Scatterplot 3D. From the relationships that they uncovered, they were able to define specification limits for Thickness, L*, a*, and b* that corresponded to nondefective Normal Black parts.
  • Modeling Relationships occurred in the Analyze and Improve phases. Here, the team studied five potential Hot Xs for the four continuous Ys. A customized experiment that allowed the team to identify which Hot Xs to include in each of the four signal or transfer functions was designed and conducted. The resulting models were visualized using the Prediction Profiler. New settings for the Hot Xs were identified that would simultaneously optimize all four Ys,
  • Revising Knowledge also occurred as part of the Improve phase. Confirmation runs were obtained to provide some assurance that operating at the new optimal settings was likely to deliver the expected results. Finally, the JMP Simulator was used to visualize the impact that variation about these optimal settings would have on the Ys.
  • Utilizing Knowledge was the goal of both the Improve and Control phases. Here, the knowledge developed by the team was institutionalized as the new way of running the process.

This case study shows how a Six Sigma team used exploratory visualization and confirmatory methods to solve a challenging industrial problem. The team's efforts resulted in a multimillion-dollar cost reduction for Components Inc. In addition, the elimination of rework resulted in significantly increased capacity in the anodize process. Components Inc. was able to use this newfound capacity to accommodate the increased demand for the parts that resulted from the dramatic improvements in quality and on-time delivery.

Our case study demonstrates how the dynamic visualization, analytic, and simulation capabilities of JMP played a prominent role in uncovering and modeling relationships that led to the resolution of a tough problem. Without these capabilities, and the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap to guide them, the team would have faced a much longer and more difficult path trying to find a workable solution.


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