


About the Author


Who Should Read This Book

The Purpose of This Book

How to Read This Book

How This Book Is Organized

CHAPTER 1    Brief Histories

The History of Graphical User Interfaces

Xerox Alto

Apple Macintosh

Microsoft Windows


The History of Web Design

The Birth of the Internet


The Netscape Revolution

Internet Explorer and Its Impact on Design

Differences in Look and Feel

Windows GUI


Linux GUI

Web Pages

Java and Other Web Programs


Review Questions

CHAPTER 2    Concepts and Issues

Computing Terms

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Operating Systems

Parts of a GUI


World Wide Web

User Interface Models

Batch Interface

Command-Line Interface

The Text User Interface

Graphical User Interfaces

Web Interfaces

Interfaces That Integrate with These Models

Other Interfaces

Design Improvements and Aggravations

Windows Vista

Mac OS X


Web Design Improvments

What′s Still Not Fixed

Future Plans

Windows Vienna

Mac OS

Web Browsers and Their Impact on Design

Up-and-Coming Interfaces

Usability Terms

Usability Engineers

Usability Scientists

User Experience Professionals

Types of Usability Design

User Analysis Terms

The Goal-Directed Design Process

Testing Methods

User Analysis Trends

Accessibility Issues

Section 508 Accessibility

Web Site Accessibility

Operating System Accessibility


Review Questions

CHAPTER 3    Making the Business Case

Gaps Between Stakeholders

What Users Expect

What Engineers or Designers Expect

What Sales and Marketing People Expect

What Managers Expect

Developing a Business Case Framework

The Benefits of Good Design

Long-Term Production Costs

Lower Customer Support Costs

Greater Customer Retention

The Case for Profitability

Proving ROI

ROI Specifics

Calculate the Dollar Amount

The Usability Engineering Life Cycle

Phase 1: Requirements Analysis

Phase 2: Design, Testing, and Development

Phase 3: Installation and Feedback

The Never-Ending Process

The Case Study: Mike′s Bikes


Review Questions

CHAPTER 4    Good Design

Good Design Goals

Are Designers Against Users?

User Constraints

Designer Constraints

Bridging the Gap

Paper Prototyping and Storyboarding

What Paper Prototyping Is . . . and Isn′t

Overcoming Skepticism



Good Documentation Design

Create a Documentation Plan

Why You Should Care About Good Design

Case Study: Creating a Paper Prototype Test


Review Questions

CHAPTER 5    How User Behave

The Psychology of User Actions

Psychological Types

The Four Primary Temperaments

The Seven Stages of Human Action

Knowledge: Brain Versus World

Task Structures

Conscious and Subconscious Behavior

Transforming Difficult Tasks into Simple Ones

Creating a Conceptual Model

Case Study: Interviewing to Establish the Conceptual Model


Review Questions

CHAPTER 6    Analyzing Your Users

The Users′ Mental Model

The Result

Implementation Versus Mental Models

The Experience Bell Curve

Different Needs for Different Groups

Understanding the User′s Goals

User and Task Analysis

Constructing Personas

Watching Users in Action

Persona Evaluation

Case Study: Producing a Primary Persona


Review Questions

CHAPER 7    Designing a User Interface

Designing the Persona-Based Interaction Framework

Real-World Requirements

Defining the Framework

Interaction Design

Applying Design Imperatives



Software Postures

Interface Behaviors

Using the Mouse Pointer

Window Behaviors

Helping Users Find Information

Visual Cues

Audio Cues

Pop-Up Messages

Search Engines

Communicating with the Users

Making Features Easy to Find

Online Help

Assistants and Wizards

Refining the Form and Behavior

Case Study: Refining the Paper Prototype Test


Review Questions

CHAPTER 8    Designing a Web Site

Web Versus GUI: Similarities and Differences

GUI Rules

Web Rules

Internet-Based Applications

Web Myths




Web Postures

Different Types of Web Sites

Why You Need Web Engineering

″Back-End″ Programming

Form Processing


Web Standards

Colors and Text



Bread Crumbs

The Four Rules

Keep It Simple

Keep It Consistent

Keep It Current

Keep Navigability to Three Clicks

When Do You Break the Rules?

Breaking GUI Rules

Breaking Web Rules

Case Study: Interface Navigation Features


Review Questions

CHAPTER 9    Usability

Selecting Techniques for Your Usability Test

Observing, Listening to, and Engaging Users

Other Methods of User Interaction

Defining Your Usability Test

Goals and Concerns

Picking Your Test Participants

Selecting, Organizing, and Creating Test Scenarios

Determining How to Measure Usability

Preparing Test Materials

Conducting the Usability Test

Conducting a Pilot Test

Honing Your Observation Skills

Honing Your Interviewing Skills

An Ongoing Relationship

Caring for the Test Participants

Conducting the Real Test

Analyzing and Presenting Usability Test Results

Analyzing and Presenting the Data

The Report

The Presentation

Preparing a Highlight Presentation

Changing the Product and Process

Case Study: Implementing the Paper Prototype Test


Review Questions

APPENDIX A Answers to Review Questions

APPENDIX B Recommended Reading




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