
“Supposing is good, but finding out is better.”

—Samuel Clemens

Topics Covered in This Chapter

Selecting Techniques for Your Usability Test

Defining Your Usability Test

Conducting the Usability Test

Analyzing and Presenting Usability Test Results

After you design your software, hardware, or Web user interface, it’s time to put your interface to the test by letting users preview it and provide feedback so you can make changes as needed before you release it to the public.

You need to start by selecting techniques for your usability test. You will run into resistance, and this chapter discusses the different questions you may be asked and gives you some answers that you can give in response.

When you know what technique you want for your usability test, you need to define your test to determine what information you need from the users and how you will gather that information.

After you design the initial test, you need to conduct a pilot test that will allow you to hone your observational and interviewing skills. When you’ve worked out the kinks, you’re ready to conduct the real test.

When the test is over, it’s time to crunch the data and prepare a report and presentation for your stakeholders that tells them what you found and gives them your recommendations for improving the interface and the overall product.

Selecting Techniques for Your Usability Test

You can use several techniques for conducting your usability test (Hackos and Redish, 1998). Depending on your situation, you can use one or all usability techniques to get the information you need to make your product or documentation better.

Observing, Listening to, and Engaging Users

One of these techniques is to go onsite to visit the users in their natural habitat. You may run into resistance when you propose a site visit, especially if the trip to the customer costs money. If you do encounter the following questions (Hackos and Redish, 1998), which are fairly common, you can counter with the following arguments:

  • Why go at all?—We must challenge or verify our assumptions. After all, we haven’t seen how our customers work, and we may be surprised by what we find out. That information will affect our product and its documentation.
  • This is a new product, so why go out and test it?—We can challenge our assumptions to see how well the new product will fit in the customer’s workflow and how users approach new products, which will make the implementation process smoother.
  • We’re just changing one part (or feature), so why look beyond that?—Usability studies onsite can obviously affect the change in that one part. What’s more, the change in that one part could affect the users’ workflow, so there needs to be a holistic analysis of the change in that one part.
  • What will we learn from only a few users?—Usability testing studies by Neilsen (1993) and Virzi (1992) have shown that testers can glean a high percentage of user needs from a sample of six to eight individuals from each user group. Beyond eight users, we see repeated patterns with a few minor variations. Testing a small group not only brings us the information we need to analyze, but it is also cost effective.
  • Why not use the customer information we already have?—We need to test how well customers think this product functions, not what customers are doing now or have been doing.

As I said in Chapter 3, “Making the Business Case,” be sure to perform a return on investment (ROI) analysis, and include any site travel information in your cost estimate.

When you observe users in their natural environment, you should adhere to the following rules as you plan for any type of site visit (Hackos and Redish, 1998):

  • Plan ahead. Understand the site visit issues and objectives.
  • Select users to represent the diversity in the user group.
  • Treat the users as partners.
  • Watch, listen to, and talk with users. Usually, do this one at a time, and observe their work as they work in their own environment.
  • Make the conversation concrete by talking about what the users are doing or just did.
  • Take your cues from the users. You should also share your emerging understanding with the users to ensure that you are correctly interpreting what you see and hear.

If you also bring this information—particularly a plan for the site visit—to your decision maker, it will help make your case even stronger.

Other Methods of User Interaction

There are other methods of user interaction that you can employ either in place of or in tandem with site visits (Hackos and Redish, 1998). These methods, which will be familiar from related concepts in earlier chapters, include usability evaluations away from the customer site as well as more traditional marketing techniques:

  • Usability roundtables—The customers come to your site and bring their work with them so you can use the work as the context for evaluating your product’s usability.
  • Controlled usability evaluations—You can predesign your usability test and then conduct that test in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory with computers that have your product installed on them.
  • Focus groups—You can bring your customers to your site and facilitate a group of 8 to 12 people (the typical size for a focus group) to obtain attitudes, reactions, and opinions about your company’s products, ideas, and customer requirements.
  • Bringing users to requirements-gathering sessions—The product development team interviews the users to find out what they want to see in the product.
  • Include one or more users on the design team—Having users on the design team can help further users’ goals and desires throughout the production life cycle.
  • User surveys—You can conduct user surveys as discussed in Phase 3 of the Usability Engineering Life Cycle (UEL) and apply this information to future versions of the product.
  • Meeting users at trade shows—Trade shows and other professional association meetings can be great venues for gathering user information.

Each of these methods has drawbacks, generally falling into three categories: bias for lack of adequate feedback, lack of information provided by users, and misunderstandings. These misunderstandings are caused by confusion, miscommunication, or not being able to see how the users actually use the product.

There is no one best way of conducting a usability test. However, observing and engaging users onsite have been shown to be the most effective ways of gathering usability information from users (Hackos and Redish, 1998).

Defining Your Usability Test

The first step in the testing process is to define and plan your usability test. If you don’t know how you are going to test and what you are testing for, then you will be wasting the time of a lot of people—not to mention the company’s money. You should keep good written records of what you are testing, the responsibilities of project and usability team members, and the decisions the team makes.

—Dumas and Redish, 1999

Dumas and Redish (1999) identify five tasks that you must complete as you define your usability test:

  1. Define your goals and concerns.
  2. Determine who your test participants are.
  3. Select, organize, and create test scenarios.
  4. Determine how you will measure usability.
  5. Prepare your test materials.

The following sections describe the tasks to complete (Dumas and Redish, 1999).

Goals and Concerns

After you have determined who your users are, you have to make choices when you create your test—for example, whether you want your usability test to be geared toward advanced users or the majority of users classified as intermediate. You create your goals by starting with general goals, and from there you build specific goals. These goals can come from several sources:

  • Your task analysis and quantitative usability goals, such as those you developed in your paper prototype.
  • Timely issues, such as having to produce a usability study to resolve a dispute about whether to add a feature.
  • A heuristic analysis or an expert review, such as concerns from an internal customer (for example, marketing) that need to be addressed.
  • Previous tests of this product or other products. One test may provoke concerns that require another test.

Picking Your Test Participants

You must be choosy when you determine who you want to participate in your usability test. When you create a persona, as you learned about in Chapter 6, “Analyzing Your Users,” you’re determining the characteristics that you want each user in your test to fit into. You need to think about two types of characteristics: those that all users share, and those that may cause differences between the users. Following are the decisions you need to make when determining characteristics:

  • Users’ experience with computers or the product you’re testing.
  • Users’ work experience
  • Users’ experience with your product
  • Users’ experience with similar products

You should think broadly about your users when creating profiles. Following are some examples of thinking broadly:

  • Consider new hires who are just coming into the job.
  • Think about new customers who will be using the product.
  • If the product is used internally within one group, think about what other groups in the company may be using the product in the future.
  • Think about differences within a category. For example, younger users may adapt more quickly to new technology than older ones.

From here, you can create groups and even subgroups of users who share the same characteristics so you can, for example, learn if there are differences between subgroups toward a new feature in your program.

Selecting, Organizing, and Creating Test Scenarios

Unfortunately, you can’t test every possible task that the user could do with the product. So how do you narrow it down? Use tasks that

  • Probe potential usability problems
  • Are suggested from your concerns and experiences
  • Are derived from other criteria
  • The user will do with the product

As you select tasks, you must also keep in mind how long the task will take for the user to do and what hardware, software, procedures, and other information are needed for the user to do the task. You should write down your tasks by giving each task a number and description (just as you did with paper prototyping). Each task should show the time it will take, the hardware and software needed, and the high-level instructions and procedures required to complete the task.

You can use a scenario to tell participants what you want them to do during the test. A scenario describes the task in a way that helps bridge the task (which is artificial) with what the user would be doing in the world. For example, “You have three new hires. Add accounts for them.”

A good scenario has the following characteristics:

  • It’s short.
  • It’s in the user’s words.
  • It’s unambiguous.
  • It gives participants enough information to do the task.
  • It’s directly linked to your tasks and concerns.

Your tasks and scenarios don’t have to be written. You can have human actors playing different roles, such as customers, support staff, or supervisors. You can also have the participants stop between each task, such as after a longer task or if you want to distribute a printed questionnaire to all participants after each task. However, you must provide audio cues to tell the participants to stop and start again because participants may become focused on the task and won’t remember when to stop and start.

Determining How to Measure Usability

Usability measures two dimensions:

  • Performance measures—These are quantitative measures of specific actions and behaviors that you observe.
  • Subjective measures—These are people’s perceptions, opinions, and judgments.

In the case of performance measures, you can easily log each time a user exhibits a certain behavior during the test, like expressing frustration. Subjective measures are harder to quantify unless more than one participant tells you the same thing, such as that the email button is hard to find on the page. There are commercially available programs for logging usability data, or you may want you or a programmer on your product team to create a program that meets your specific needs. If you can’t use a computer-based program, you can create a printed form to use.

As you create your logging form, you need to set criteria for performance measures. A typical criterion for performance measures is a four-point scale, which forces a choice toward positive or negative because there is no strictly neutral response. This four-point scale, in fact, has three passing grades and only one failing one. You must also set performance measures that are directly tied to your general and specific concerns. For example, if you’re concerned about how easy it is for a user to read a message, some of the measures you may want to add include the time it takes for the user to perform the task and the time it takes for the user to recover from errors.

You’ll want to follow the same performance measures for most tasks in the same test whenever possible to get a good idea of how users perform. However, different tasks within a test may require different performance measures. For example, a function that is available in one Web page may not be available in a sublevel Web page, so you wouldn’t log errors for that function in that sublevel page.

You may also have to take into account the test situation, such as whether the participants have to read the instructions for each task. If you’re testing the time it takes users to complete a task, you have to add to the total time it takes the users to complete the task to account for the test situation. For example, you should add 30 seconds to the beginning of the test so the testers have enough time to read and absorb the task instructions.

Preparing Test Materials

Before you test, you must prepare legal forms for the treatment of human participants. As the tester, you are responsible for the following:

  • Creating a legal form that correctly states each party’s rights
  • Ensuring that all test participants have read and understand the form
  • Observing or witnessing all participants signing the form

You should consult with your company’s legal department or attorney (if possible) to produce these forms and possibly present them to your participants. If you are required to explain and present these forms, do so in a neutral but friendly tone.

You should also have a testing script so that you test all users in all groups the same way. If you remember standardized testing from high school, you’ll remember that all the teachers followed the same script to ensure that everyone was tested the same way so as not to skew the results and to make sure that all tasks were completed at the same time. The script should also include a checklist so you know that everything has been completed. If you have other team members with their own checklists, you must ensure that they have completed their checklists.

You may also want to distribute written questionnaires before the test, after each task, or at the conclusion of the test to get the following information from your users:

  • Pretest—Gather information about the participant’s background.
  • Posttask—Gather judgments and ratings about each task.
  • Posttest—Gather judgments and ratings about the test.

Written questionnaires are useful and efficient because you ask all participants the same questions, and you don’t forget to answer the questions. However, you must ensure that all the questionnaires ask the right questions so that you get the most effective answers. For example, if you want to ask a question about the difficulty of completing a task, it would be more effective if the question asked participants to rate the difficulty on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being very difficult) rather than being close-ended.

Conducting the Usability Test

It’s time to assess your preparations by first conducting a pilot test to see how well it works. After you have conducted the pilot test, you need to learn how to take proper care of your test participants before you start your actual usability test.

Conducting a Pilot Test

You should conduct a pilot test before you conduct the real usability test (Dumas and Redish, 1999). A pilot test allows you to “debug” your test and find out if there are any initial problems with the product or Web site you’re testing, its documentation, its test methods, and its test materials. Following are bugs you can encounter during the pilot test:

  • The participant can’t perform a task because of a bug in the hardware, software, or Web site.
  • The participant uses a procedure that you didn’t anticipate to complete the task.
  • The participant only finishes a portion of the tasks.
  • The participant keeps making the same mistakes.
  • The participant doesn’t have the materials needed to complete the task.
  • A question or answer confuses the participant.
  • Instructions in the documentation confuse the participant.
  • The participant can’t complete a task because of basic usability problems with the product.

Always conduct the pilot test exactly as you will conduct the full usability test, and use one test participant who represents the users you want to test. By mimicking the same conditions in the full usability test, your pilot test will give you the most accurate results. The pilot test will also let you test the way you approach your users.

To give yourself enough time to make any necessary changes, schedule the pilot test two days before the live usability test. That will give you a full day (and perhaps longer if you schedule the pilot test in the morning) to make any changes without feeling the pressure of an immediate deadline. If the pilot test exposes problems that require more substantive changes, you can also determine whether to escalate the issues.

Honing Your Observation Skills

From your pilot test, you will get clues that will help you hone your skills, especially if you’re going onsite at a customer’s location to view how users work and use your product. Many factors go into a successful site visit (Hackos and Redish, 1998). Before you go to the user site, keep the following in mind:

  • Don’t arrive unannounced. Always arrange the logistics of your visit with the managers and users onsite, and let them know what you’ll be doing in general terms.
  • Work through channels, including managers and unions, where necessary.
  • Work with the other site to schedule your site visit at a mutually agreeable date and time.
  • Confirm the visit with a fax as soon as it’s arranged and with a follow-up call the day before your visit.
  • Ask for directions to the site if necessary. You don’t want to be late.
  • Practice setting up any equipment at your headquarters to work out any setup bugs before you set up the equipment at the customer’s site.

When you arrive, do the following:

  • Greet the manager and the users, as well as the users’ colleagues if they share space.
  • Ask for permission to set up your space and the audio and visual equipment, if needed.
  • Verify the expectations about how long you’re visiting and what your agenda is for the visit.

Do the following while you are onsite:

  • Make the visit as cooperative as possible. Ensure that you build a good relationship with the users, and help them feel reassured when necessary. However, also be sure to let the users know that you’re interested in seeing how they do things, not to be an expert to explain how to do something.
  • Be flexible about users’ schedule and needs, such as restroom breaks.
  • Be sure that your language is friendly but neutral.
  • Take a lot of notes. You can never take enough notes.

When you leave, do the following:

  • Thank the users and the managers.
  • Give the users a gift, even if you are paying for the visit.
  • Pack up quickly and quietly.

After you leave, be sure to send a thank-you note to the users and the managers.

Writing Notes

When you take notes as an observer, write them on a form that ensures that you capture the important information about what the users are doing and that you answer the question you have. Although the form should be specific to your usability needs (and perhaps customized further to meet the needs of the users you’re testing), it should include the following:

  • The project name
  • The observation form number, because you may interview more than one user during your visit
  • The name of the observer
  • The date of the observation
  • The page number of the form and the total number of pages in this observation form
  • The user’s goals
  • The user’s task
  • Notes about the user
  • Notes about the environment
  • The situation at the starting point of the task
  • The time the task started
  • Observations about the user during the task
  • The time the task stopped
  • The situation at the end of the task
  • The end points of the task that will show that the usability goal has been met

You should also write down inferences and questions about the users and the task during the observation. Ask questions during the observation so you can get as much information as possible.

Honing Your Interviewing Skills

You can interview the users as they are performing the task, but you can also determine both from the users you’re interviewing and from the pilot usability test what interview methods and skills are best for your site visit. In addition to obtaining information while the users are performing the task, which is called a concurrent, contextual interview, you can also perform one or a combination of the following types of interviews (Hackos and Redish, 1998):

  • Immediate recall interview—Record what the users do, and then talk about what they did at the completion of the task.
  • Cued recall interview—Record what the users do, and then talk about it sometime later, perhaps with the assistance of video playback.
  • Process interview—Interview users individually or in groups to understand an entire process or workflow.
  • Ethnographic interview—Interview one user first as a key informant, and then later interview others and conduct observations with discussion during the observations.
  • Cued recall or discourse-based interview with artifact walkthrough—Collect artifacts from the user and then construct an interview around the artifacts.
  • Critical incident interview—Interview users about specific situations when you can’t observe them yourself.
  • Group interview or focus group—Interview users individually or in groups about attitudes, desires, preferences, and so on.
  • Usability roundtables—Interview users away from their work site.
  • Customer partnering—Work with a group of users over time, with interviews as one of the techniques.

No matter which interview process you decide to use, you should always keep three things in mind when you interview:

  • Treat the users as partners, not as research subjects.
  • Presume that the users know a lot about their work.
  • Listen far more than you talk. As the old saying goes, you have two ears and one mouth, and you should use them proportionally.
Fundamental Skills

Within this overall three-point philosophy about interviewing, there is a set of fundamental skills you should adhere to so you can get the most out of your interviews:

  • Set expectations about your respective roles and knowledge.
  • Plan the questions or issues for site visit interviews ahead of time.
  • Know what you are trying to learn.
  • Realize the power of different types of questions to get the answers you’re looking for. For example, you may want to ask general questions or specific questions at different points during the test to get the answers you need.
  • Ask neutral questions instead of leading or blaming questions.
  • Respect silence, and let your users think about their answers (or their questions) if they have to.
  • Watch body language and other signals from users, and be cognizant of cultural differences.
  • Capture exactly what the users say.
  • Stay close to your site visit plan.
  • Give users the opportunity to answer the questions you didn’t ask.
  • Treat users’ questions with respect, and always promise that you will take the users’ concerns, requests, praise, and other comments to the appropriate people. Then keep that promise.

An Ongoing Relationship

Sometimes your interviews may require you to create an ongoing relationship to track the progress of a product or document. As users progress from beginner to expert, they go through several stages (Kuniavsky, 2003):

  1. They makes mistakes.
  2. They create mental models of how the product operates or how the document reads.
  3. They set expectations as their familiarity with the product or documentation grows.
  4. They form habits that may or may not be efficient ways of completing a task.
  5. They form opinions, which they can change as they acquire more experience with a product. They may like or dislike a particular feature or subsystem.
  6. Finally, they develop a context for the product in terms of their goals, their job, and the relationship to other tools. This can result in a product becoming indispensable or relegated to a bookshelf or drawer to collect dust.

There are a number of methods for obtaining usability information over a longer period of time (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • Have the users fill out a diary questionnaire form, which contains several questions. The tester sends a new form to the users on a regular basis either on follow-up site visits, by email, by fax, or even by regular mail. The form can have many of the same questions as well as several specific questions so you can get answers.
  • Create an advisory board that meets regularly so users can provide direct feedback to the project team.
  • Telescope the research by bringing together users with different experience levels so you can see how different issues affect users.
  • If you’re looking at the usability of a Web site, you could capture user login information to create some metrics that answer questions such as what page the users spend the most time on.

Caring for the Test Participants

You need to ensure that you take care of your test participants. When you start the test, you need to ensure that your testers are comfortable and that you’re calm and focused on them. A checklist can help keep you and your testing team on track and ensure that you create a rapport with your testers from the beginning (Dumas and Redish, 1999).

Some of that rapport can include small talk and having the testing staff and testers introduce themselves by providing information about their jobs, their organization, and what they want to get out of the test. You should also talk with participants about the environment, and if you have a videotape, show it. If you have a testing room either at the user site or your own, you should show users the room and introduce them to any monitors who will be watching them and working with them throughout the test.

Conducting the Real Test

As you go through the test, remind your testers to think out loud whenever possible (Dumas and Redish, 1999). Thinking aloud helps focus the testers’ thoughts and helps them understand what they’re thinking. The success rate for thinking aloud can vary because some testers are more willing to share their thoughts than others.

Sometimes testing can go awry. Following are some common situations and what you can do in response (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • A tester refuses to participate in the test any longer. In this case, you should clearly understand why he doesn’t want to participate. If you can’t alleviate this situation, you must let that tester leave.
  • A tester is so nervous that he cannot continue with the test. You may want to take a short break and talk with the nervous tester one on one to see if you can resolve the problem. If not, you may have to let that tester go.
  • A tester is not qualified to participate in the test. You will usually learn if a tester isn’t qualified in the pretest questionnaire, but you may find out during the test. In any case, you have to immediately let the tester go.
  • A tester is taking too much time to complete a task. Before the test starts, you should be clear that the testing group will move on to the next task even if one or more testers haven’t completed the task. Also, make sure to point out that the timing problem isn’t with the tester, but with the product. If a tester is taking too long, it can be an indication that the interface is difficult to use.
  • If the product equipment or software fails, you should move the group to another room and explain what is happening while your other team members try to figure out what’s happening. If you decide to stop the test, you must determine whether to reschedule.
  • A tester is frustrated or nervous because the product is hard to use. In this case, you may want to talk with the affected tester one on one so you can determine if he wants to continue. You should point out that the difficulty he’s having is quite valuable, and his feedback is needed to resolve the problems.

Note that if you’re compensating testers, you’ll have to determine how to compensate any who leave on a case-by-case basis.

During the test, you should always observe problems and create a problem list. Those on your testing team should also create a problem list because everyone has a different perspective on what’s happening. Write down your observations, your hypotheses about the actions you observe, and your interpretations. Keep your observations as neutral as possible, and record all user problems. That way, you’ll get a complete list without discounting anything. After you write down all your problems, you may want to discuss some of them with your testers to get more information. After the test, you should talk with your testing and project teams about what you found.

Some of the information in this chapter repeats what has been covered in earlier sections and chapters, but now you should see how all the information fits together so you can conduct your usability test. After you complete your usability test, you must analyze and present your data and then recommend a plan of action, as we’ll discuss in the next section.

Analyzing and Presenting Usability Test Results

A usability test generates a lot of data that you need to go through (Dumas and Redish, 1999). After the test, your data can include one or more of the following:

  • A list of problems from the test
  • Quantitative data on times, errors, and other performance measures, including subjective ratings on questionnaires
  • Testers’ comments from logs, notes, and questionnaires
  • The testing team’s written notes
  • Background data on the participants
  • Videotapes of the test, perhaps from several different viewpoints in the room

Analyzing and Presenting the Data

The first step in analyzing the data is to tabulate and summarize quantitative data. This is something you can do with any spreadsheet program. You can also compile all the comments into a word processing program. More powerful software programs such as the ones found in Microsoft Office let you link your spreadsheet in Excel to the document in Word. When the spreadsheet is updated in Excel, it is automatically updated in Word.

After you have entered all the data, you can analyze it for trends and surprises. Spreadsheet programs are also useful in calculating statistical information about the data, such as the mean score for a question in a questionnaire. However, as Mark Twain said, there’s always the problem of “lies, damned lies, and statistics,” especially when it comes to inferential statistics. Inferential statistics take a sample from a larger set of data and make inferences about the larger data from the sample. This approach contrasts with descriptive statistics, which describe a set of data, like the average time it takes to complete a task.

A useful technique for processing data is triangulating it (Dumas and Redish, 1999). This involves looking at all the data together to see how each set of data supports the other sets. Each apex contains a different set of data:

  • The problem list
  • Quantitative data from logs and questionnaires
  • Testers’ comments and the testing team’s observations

You measure the data against your usability goals and the quantitative criteria you set before the test to determine what the problems are inside the triangle.

You may find some surprises that warrant further research. For example, you may find that one user had different reactions to several questions. Perhaps that user felt that performing a task was a lot harder than the other respondents thought. Because the number of users in a usability test is small, you should always treat this outlying data seriously. If the outlier may represent a large group of potential users, the data may suggest that you need to schedule another usability test with more users like the outlier to see if the problem is with that set of users or is confined to that one user for some reason.

Dumas and Redish (1999) recommend that you adhere to the following guidelines to make statistical analysis as relevant as possible:

  1. Use inferential statistics only if you understand how to apply and interpret them.
  2. After you employ a statistical test, carefully explain what the test means.
  3. Describe your interpretation of key data values when you don’t compute statistical tests. This description will provide your readers with some guidance on the accuracy of “eyeball” tests.

Both your quantitative data analysis as well as the qualitative data from feedback and notes will help you organize the information into two areas (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • Scope—How widespread is the problem? It’s best to organize problems into general groups that indicate a significant problem that’s backed up by more specific results from the test. For example, a general group can be lack of user feedback produced by a program, and the specific results that support this group can include comments from testers about times when the program wouldn’t give them any feedback after they performed a task.
  • Severity—How critical is the problem? You can set up severity criteria as you analyze the data, or you can do so before the test takes place. It’s up to you to determine the criteria that are both easy for you and the people who will be reading your usability report to understand. For example, you could have a five-point scale where problems rated 1 are “show stoppers” that prevent completion of a task and need the project team’s immediate attention, and problems rated 5 are problems that the project team may want to look at in the next version.

The Report

Research is not an exact science, and there is bias in all facets of research. When you present your report, be sure to start with two questions in mind (Kuniavsky, 2003):

  • What are the data collection problems? You should acknowledge the problems with the data collection up front so no one in your audience points out a fundamental flaw in collecting data that could doom your effort.
  • What are the limitations of the analysis? This book has discussed some of these limitations. You should explain why you decided on the subsets of data to analyze.

By addressing these questions first, you can minimize any issues and not only help the data become clearer, but also lend weight to your arguments.

The type of report you create depends greatly on the audience. You may be presenting to one or more groups within your company, so your report language needs to be tailored for one or more of these audiences (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • Engineers—Engineers are problem solvers, so your report and recommendations need to focus on solutions.
  • Virtual designers—Virtual designers are problem solvers, too, so designers are also most interested in solutions.
  • Marketing—The report should focus on reasons behind people’s choices and the mental model of the users.
  • Upper management—The expectations of managers vary, so you should know the agendas of the managers involved in the review and approval of the report. You may also want to contact the managers directly to briefly discuss what’s important to them.

In addition, you should determine what format these audiences expect. You may need only a Word file attached to an email message and send the message to the appropriate people, or you may give your presentation at an executive board meeting and therefore need a printed paper report to present to board members. If you want to ensure that your format is acceptable, send a draft to the intended recipient(s) and get feedback.

After you have established the formats, you need to categorize the report’s information in the most effective manner for your audience. You may also want to produce several versions of the report depending on your audience (Dumas and Redish, 1999). For example:

  • The abridged report contains only need-to-know information that’s time critical. You may want to send this via email so that this information is available immediately.
  • The general report contains all the need-to-know information plus the should-know information that’s available to everyone.
  • The complete report contains need-to-know, should-know, and nice-to-know information so that everyone is aware of not only what needs to be done, but also some of the subtle feedback you received that your project team may want to implement (as part of the nice-to-know information).

Write your report in newspaper style—that is, structured like a newspaper story where the first sentence contains the most important fact, and the least important information is saved for last (Dumas and Redish, 1999). Break out the report into several sections or chapters, such as these:

  • Procedures
  • Evaluator profiles
  • Observations
  • Evaluator quotes
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

Begin the report with an executive summary that summarizes the information in the report on one page so people who don’t want to read the report can get a broad idea of what’s in the report and what your recommendations are.

The Presentation

When you get ready to give your presentation, adhere to the following guidelines for making that presentation successful (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • Prepare your audience so they’re in a mindset that helps them understand the information they’re about to receive.
  • Pick your points carefully. In formal presentations, you don’t have unlimited time to make all your points, so make sure the must-know topics are covered.
  • Use real examples to make your points. You may want to use video clips if you videotaped the usability test, or use participant names and quotations.
  • Emphasize the user market’s perspective when you present the results so that you illustrate the differences between the users’ ideas and the project team’s ideas.
  • Use terminology sparingly, and only after you define the term, to prevent confusion in your audience.
  • Use numbers carefully. Make sure presentation of numbers is backed up by hard data, because people see numbers as an absolute representation of an idea.
  • Leave one-third of your time for questions.

After you set up your presentation, practice. It’s best if you can practice in front of someone else, especially someone who is similar to your audience members.

Preparing a Highlight Presentation

You may not be able to give a formal presentation. What’s more, some people may never read the report because they’re too busy. The development of multimedia technologies has made it easy not only to create a video presentation, but also to publish that information in a streaming video file that you can attach to an email message or post on the company intranet. For example, when I worked as a contractor at Hewlett-Packard (HP), I created streaming audio and video files using software that was available for $50, which was within the manager’s discretionary budget for his department. The manager liked the production so much that we placed the file on our group page within the HP intranet.

There are advantages and drawback to making a highlight tape or streaming video file (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • The tape or file will provide viewers with all the data they will need about the test. However, you will have only 20 to 30 minutes to make your presentation, so viewers won’t be able to see all the exceptions and caveats in the report. Viewers also won’t be able to ask questions in real time, although you could invite them to contact you via phone or email.
  • Pictures and sound convey to people images that are more vivid and longer lasting than what they read in a report. Even so, your audience expects to see fast, snappy video pieces and may become bored quickly by a video highlight presentation.
  • The video presentation may be your only way to present your report to important stakeholders. Yet there is no guarantee that people who have access to your highlight presentation will see it, in contrast to the captive audience you would have in a formal presentation.

When you create your video, write down your plans using the following criteria:

  • Scope—Illustrate the most pressing problems and the most important recommendations for improving the current design. Keep it brief so you don’t dilute your message.
  • Objective—Determine your objective for the video.
  • Audiences—Who is the audience for the video?
  • What they will do with the information—What do you want the audience to do with the information presented in the video?
  • Constraints—How long will the video be, what needs to be added into the tape, and what are the deadlines?

Note that you may also need to buy hardware and software to produce your video, which could be another impediment. If you already took videos of your usability test and you have the video equipment to produce video and audio recordings of yourself or another person as the narrator, chances are that your company has the hardware and software you need to produce the video.

Changing the Product and Process

After you’ve imparted your information to the project team, how do you turn that information into action so you can improve the usability of your product and the process? You can be most helpful to managers, developers, and other stakeholders—especially those who are resistant to change—by keeping three things in mind (Dumas and Redish, 1999):

  • Keep open communication throughout the project. Work with all stakeholders from the beginning. If you’re open and up front with them, they’ll be more likely to come on board.
  • Help your stakeholders organize the required changes. By structuring the problem and recommendations in a way that’s easy to find and use in the report, you will go a long way toward convincing stakeholders to implement the changes.
  • Be realistic in your recommendations for changes. Time and money constraints may require you to negotiate ways to fix the problem. However, don’t settle for the word can’t when you hear it—keep making the business case, and let people know what will happen if the changes aren’t made.

These three guidelines also hold true for changing processes, because usability testing can well expose process defects that are leading to usability problems in your test(s). If you find that you need to change processes, your role goes beyond just testing the product—you’re now a change agent for the entire organization. And when you change the processes for the company, you’re helping not only to improve usability for one product, but for all future products that the company produces.

Case Study: Implementing the Paper Prototype Test

You’ve interviewed your testers and reviewed the existing applications. Now it’s time to create the draft of the paper prototype test, place the materials in the binder, and then have Evan conduct the pilot test.

In this pilot test, Evan will give the test to you, one observer, and one note taker as he will give it to the testers in the actual test. The remaining observers and note takers you hired will be observing the pilot test and will provide feedback about that pilot test in the debriefing session immediately following the test.

The pilot test is originally scheduled to run for 65 minutes with a 10-minute introduction at the beginning of the test, which includes an introduction of the primary persona and a 10-minute question and answer session afterward. Based on the information you have gathered, you have come up with nine tasks for the project team to test:

  • Searching for a product or customer using the Search box
  • Viewing the product or customer information in the appropriate page
  • Navigating to another page from the Product/Customer Information page
  • Displaying parts supply information in the Product Availability page
  • Accessing help from the Product Availability page
  • Viewing part unavailability alerts in the Parts Maintenance page
  • Viewing defective part alerts in the Parts Maintenance page
  • Opening the parts supplier Web site from the application
  • Calling the parts supplier from the application through the user’s VoIP phone

Each task will take no more than 5 minutes, so this will leave 45 minutes for the remainder of the test. Evan has the test binder ready (including the task sheets) as you and the other two pilot testers sit around a round table to take the test. The observers are Ann and Sam, and the note takers are Debbie, Jim, and Robyn. Ann and Jim took part in the pilot test as the testers.

The note takers and observers will be in corners of the room and out of the way of Evan and the other testers (see Figure 9.1).

Figure 9.1. Positioning of the “computer” and observers.


When the test starts, Evan shows the primary persona based on user feedback so the testers know where the paper prototype options are coming from. He then gives some brief instructions for the test:

  • Testers must show, not tell.
  • Evan clarifies that it’s okay to write on the prototype, but writing replaces typing, not clicking.
  • Evan is the computer. To make sure the computer is behaving properly, bring on 2–3 college interns as note takers/observers. Have them observe and take notes about the interactions between the user and the computer (Evan). These notes will be part of the debriefing process that you, Evan, and the note takers and testers will go through after the test.
  • If there is an unanticipated user action, Evan will note it or even mock up a new screen on a piece of paper quickly to reflect it.
  • If the paper prototype crashes, we’ll take a break.

After the pilot test, you, Evan, and the observers and note takers share your information and thoughts about the test.

You: “I want to go last. I want to hear what you thought of the test.”

Ann: “I thought the test went well, but Evan was a bit rushed, so we didn’t finish the last test until 2 minutes before the end of the testing session.”

Jim: “I agree, and I think we need to add about 30 minutes to the test so Evan will have enough time to complete the test.”

Evan: “You don’t think the time should be extended to 15 minutes?”

Ann: “I think 30 minutes is about right, especially because our discussion about using the product availability page went too long. If you make changes to the product availability page, especially putting more information on the page, I think you’ll alleviate that problem.”

Robyn: “Especially if Evan needs to answer questions. I think he did a great job of that during the test.”

Debbie: “Evan, you did a great job with the audio cues that were the same as the current application, which Ann noted during the test. That helped the testers follow along and know when the users did something right or wrong.”

Evan: “This was a great test. I think we can tweak the interface a little bit per Ann’s suggestion and then run the real test.

Sam: “Giving an extra 30 minutes should cover any problems the testers find about the test, especially if they want to use the Q and A time to make suggestions.”

You: “I agree. I think we need to include a group of sticky notes for people to write down their suggestions, and then we can add more sticky notes from the observers and testers to make a to-do list for a follow-up session.”

Evan: “I’ll talk to Mike and get permission to extend the session to 95 minutes and have a second paper prototype test.”

You: “Be sure to tell him that we may need a third paper prototype session depending on what happens with the second paper prototype test. And then we’ll need to conduct a usability test when the draft of the application is ready for testing. Please work with Mike on the schedule, but if he has any problems, have him contact me.”

The interview with your pilot test team happened 6 weeks ago. You and Evan went through the paper prototype test and a follow-up prototype test with the entire project team. Happily, those tests were finished within one work-week, and the developers implemented the team’s recommendations into the draft upgrade of the application in only 12 working days.

You and Evan interviewed all members of the project team to learn how they used the draft upgrade of the application on the test site. They provided valuable information that you summarized in a report to Mike. That report included recommended changes that Mike approved. The coders made the changes quickly, and Mike approved the final changes to the application quickly.

Two days ago, the changes went online. And you visited Mike’s Bikes earlier today to follow up with him about how much users like (or dislike) the changes to the system.

As you opened the door, you noticed Mike and Traci sitting around Mike’s desk with big smiles on their faces. “The response has been incredible!” Mike exclaimed.

“We’re already on track to exceed our ROI estimates,” Traci added.

You smiled back, inwardly relieved that Mike was happy. “I’m glad you like it. Is there anything else you need?”

Mike folded his hands on the desk. “I’m glad you asked,” he said. “It’s time to have our customers test our new Web site that ties into our database application. When can you start usability testing?”


This chapter began with a discussion about selecting techniques for usability tests and the various types of tests available to you. There is no one best usability test; you will have to determine the best usability test for your situation. The primary usability test discussed in this chapter is observing, listening to, and engaging users. With this type of usability test, you learned that you may run into resistance and a number of questions. This chapter discussed arguments that you can use to answer these questions.

Defining your usability test was covered next. You learned about defining goals and measurements for the test, picking test participants, creating and selecting test scenarios, determining how to measure usability, and preparing test materials. When you create test scenarios, a scenario is short, unambiguous, and gives participants enough information to do the task. Although a scenario is in the user’s words, it is also directly linked to your tasks and concerns.

The section on conducting the usability test followed. You learned about conducting a pilot test before the real test, honing your testing skills, and caring for the test participants. You learned that you have to conduct a pilot test to work out any problems with the test before you conduct the test with real participants. When you conduct the test with real participants, you learned that you should encourage your testers to think out loud whenever possible and what to do when the testing goes awry.

This chapter ended with a discussion of analyzing the usability test results, ways you should present the results, and ways you can present the results to your intended audience. As with a usability test, there is no one best way to present the information to your viewers—that depends on your specific situation. This chapter discussed what you need to do to create a formal presentation as well as producing a highlight presentation if you can’t give a formal presentation. After you provide the information, you need to turn the information into action so you can improve not only the usability of the product, but also apply what you learned from your users to other company products.

Review Questions

Now it’s time to review what you’ve learned in this chapter. Ask yourself the following questions, and refer to Appendix A to double-check your answers.

1. What are the three general goals that a user looks for when he uses something?

2. What are the three phases of the UEL?

3. What rules should you adhere to as you plan for a usability test?

4. What types of scenarios should you test?

5. Why should you conduct a pilot test?

6. Why is it useful to conduct a worksite visit?

7. How many users are required for a useful and valid pilot test?

8. What are the possible sources of bias in your test results?

9. How should you address the question of bias in your report?

10. How do you ensure that your project team implements your recommended changes?

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