
Note: ‘Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.’

Accessibility, 48
Accidental concept drift, 228–229, 232–233, 237
Accuracy, 6, 218
Activation function, 94
Active attack phenomena, 207, 207f
Adversarial networks, 185
AlexNet, 252
Alzheimer’s dementia
methodology for four-class characterization, 160
related work, 160–162
comparison of methods, 163t
worldwide development of, 158f
Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset, 161
Amazon, 38–39, 41
Apache Hadoop, 41–42
Apache MXNet, 187, 188t
Apache Spark, 43–45, 45f, 78
visualizations using Tableau, 45, 46f–47f
Application programming interface (API), 100–101, 209
AR Face database, 24
Area under curve (AUC), 144–145
Artificial intelligence (AI), 64–66, 71, 73–74, 83, 119, 130, 135, 138, 158–159
Artificial learning, 131f
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 135, 183–184, 213–214, 215f
Artificial neuron, 94–95, 96f, 213
Aspect extraction, 53–55
Attention-based aspect extraction structure, 54, 55f
Autoencoders, 51, 185, 187
network, 6–28
Availability, 209
Average or mean pooling, 247, 248f
Bag of features (BOF), 142–143
Basophils, 133–134
Bayesian hypotheses, 135
Bayesian networks, 73–74
Bernsen’s binary method, 15–16
Bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM), 52–53
Big data, 64–66, 74–77, 74f, 81
analysis, 38–48
data lake, 45–48, 48f
data warehouse, 45–48, 48f
distributed computing, 41–45
value of data, 41
variability of data, 41
variety of data, 39
velocity of data, 39, 39f
veracity of data, 40
visualization of data, 41
volume of data, 40
analysis, 82
learning, 72f
Vs of, 76, 76f
BigDL, 78
Binary image, 15–16
Biometric aging, 29
Biometric cryptosystems, 27–28
Biometric recognition, 2–6, 26
challenges in, 28
expectations from biometric security system, 5–6
identification vs. verification, 5
overview, 4–5
stages, 4f
Biometric security, 1–2
challenges in, 28
Biometric system, attack possibilities in, 25f
Biometrics, 1
Blood, 132, 134
cell types, 133f
smear imaging diagnostic methods, 129
Body sensor networks (BSNs), 115–116, 124
Bone marrow, 132
Botnet attack, 209
Brazilian Public Health System, 201–202
Cached system, 229
Cancelable biometrics, 26–27
Carcinoid tumor, 241–242
Casia.v4 iris database, 23
checking and recognition, 252
classification with ResNet-101, 257
detection, 242
using faster R-CNN, 255–257
methods, 251
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 158–159
Chronic diseases, 113–114, 118
Circulatory system, 134
Classification and Regression Tree (CART), 229–230
Classification stage, 269
phases, 269
Clustering, 73–74
algorithms, 56–57
Cognitive normal (CN), 161
color-based approach, 266
color-based image segmentation method, 271
features, 268–269
Color FERET, 23
Common voice (Mozilla), 24
Comparative analysis among different modalities, 28–29
Computed tomography (CT), 143
Computer vision, 66, 69f
Computer-aided diagnostic (CAD), 143
Concept drift, 228–230, 233
accidental, 228–229, 232–233, 237
instantaneous, 228–229, 232–233, 235–236
problem, 227–229
Concept-adapting Very Fast Decision Tree (CVFDT), 228–229
Conceptual architecture, 164f
Confidentiality, 208
Confirmatory data analysis (CDA), 37–38
Contextual learning, 104
Conventional rule-based models, 119–120
ConvNet, 162, 164, 169, 243–244
Convolution, 141, 164–165, 165f
Convolution layer, 162–165, 217–218
Convolutional neural network (CNN), 2–3, 5, 9f, 21–22, 51, 70–71, 76–77, 130, 139–141, 140f, 162, 170–172, 185, 190–193, 214–215, 216f, 242–250
accuracy, 149f
architecture, 25, 27, 147f
conceptual architecture, 164f
convolution layer, 162–165, 243–246
convolution operation, 10f
deep neural network, 7f
fully connected layer, 169–170, 169f, 248–250, 249f
general architecture, 171f
monocyte classification, 150f
monocyte test image, 150f
network, 52
pooling layer, 166–168, 246–248
Convolutional neural network-fast (CNN-F), 16
Cosine similarity, 199
Creative Senz3D camera, 270
CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), 50
data mining stages in, 49f, 50
Cross-sectional MRI Data in Young, Middle-Aged, Non-demented, and Demented Older Adults (OASIS-1), 170, 171t
Cross-validation (CV), 106
CUDA deep neural network library (CuDNN), 187
Curse of dimensionality, 51
Customer relationship management (CRM), 56–59
Cyber security
using deep learning, 209–210
and privacy, 207
Cytoplasm, 133–134
Data, 63
analytics, 37
breaches, 208–209
cleaning, 195–196
collection and preparation, 100–104
tweet corpus creation, 100–101
tweet data cleaning, 101–102
tweet data preparation, 102–103
word expletive, 103–104
gathering, 193–195
governance, 37–38
integration, 195–196
integrity, 5–6
lake, 45–48, 48f
noise, 29
preprocessing, 195–196, 196f
quality, 37–38
reduction, 195–196
stream mining, 227, 228f
structure, 45
transformation, 195–196
value of, 41
variability of, 41
variety of, 39
velocity of, 39, 39f
veracity of, 40
visualization, 41
volume of, 40
warehouse, 45–48, 48f
Data mining, 49–51
data classification problem, 229–230
deep learning in, 51
aspect extraction, 53–55
CRM, 56–59
loss function, 56
multimedia data mining, 52–53
stages, 49f
Data stream-CART (dsCART), 229–231
Dataset description, 201–202
Decision trees (DT), 119–120, 135, 229–230
Deep autoencoders, 217, 217f, 222–223
Deep belief network (DBN), 76–77, 174, 217
Deep Boltzmann machine (DBM), 161
Deep CNN (DCNN), 12–13
Deep convolutional neural network, 160
experimental results, 174–178
confusion matrix result of proposed architecture, 175f
outcome of performance measures, 176t
materials and methods, 170–174
dataset description, 170
deep learning methodology for dementia detection, 170–174
Deep learning, 2–3, 63–65, 90–91, 94–95, 130, 159, 183, 211f
advancement, 29–31
algorithms, 4–5, 138
autoencoder network, 6–28
convolutional neural networks, 5, 9f
for securing networks, 214–218
recurrent neural networks, 5–6, 11f
Siamese neural network, 10–12, 12f
statistics, 213–214
applications, 81f
architectures, 185, 186t
basic functionality, 211f
big data, 74–76
biometric recognition, 3–6
birth and history of, 210–211
challenges in biometric recognition and security, 28
characteristics of common modalities, 30t
comparative analysis among different modalities, 28–29
concepts, 66–71, 135–139, 137f
in data mining, 51
aspect extraction, 53–55
CRM, 56–59
loss function, 56
multimedia data mining, 52–53
databases, 23–24
discussion, 79–82
framework, 93, 211–213
future trends, 83
libraries, 188t
machine learning, 71–74
methodology for precise recognition, 12–20
hard biometrics, 12–20
soft biometrics, 23
methodology for spoof protection, 24–26
methodology for template protection, 26–28
biometric cryptosystems, 27–28
cancelable biometrics, 26–27
methods, 143
for dementia detection, 170–174
model, 184, 184f
networks, 198
paradigm, 65f
performance measures for intrusion detection systems, 218
RNN-based framework, 219
role in IoT, 119–120
scientific review, 76–79
security aspects changing with, 219–223
Deep learning-based detection and classification of adenocarcinoma cell nuclei
CNNs, 243–250
experimentation, 257–261
dataset, 258–259
results, 259–261
literature review, 250–253
system architecture and methodology, 253–257
Deep learning-based frameworks, 212–213
Deep neural network (DNN), 66, 67f, 160, 251–252
Deep Patient, 189–190
Deep Record, 189–190
Deep similarity learning model, 189
architecture, 195f
materials and methods, 193–201
data gathering, 193–195
data preprocessing, 195–196, 196f
evaluation and prediction, 200–201
model training, 197–200
splitting data, 196
measure of performance model, 203t
results and discussion, 201–203
state of the art, 189–193
in domain of deep learning and disease prediction, 191t–192t
in domain of disease prediction, 194t
Deep-stacked autoencoder, 161
DeepCare, 189–190, 198
DeepIrisNet, 18–19
deeplearning4j, 187, 188t
DeepPore model, 15–16
Degree of subjectivity, 90
Dementia, 157
deep learning methodology for dementia detection, 170–174
neuroimaging categorizing, 158
research in molecular chemistry, 157–158
worldwide development of Alzheimer’s dementia, 158f
Denial of service (DOS), 209, 219
Depth image datasets, 267
Descriptive models, 50–51
Digital images, 131–132, 139
processing techniques, 66
Digital smear diagnosis of blood smears, 129
Dimensionality, 68–70
Discriminative models, 185
Distributed computing, 41–45
Apache Spark, 43–45, 45f
Hive Architecture, 42–43, 43f
MapReduce Framework, 42–43, 42f
Distributed denial of service attack (DDOS attack), 209, 221–223
Domain-specific (kidney-related) dataset, 193
Drosophila melanogaster muscles, 142
Dynamic signatures, 22
E-commerce, 82
Edge detection algorithm, 21–22
Edge intelligence, 83
Efficient Classification and Regression Tree algorithm (E-CART algorithm), 233–235, 234t
accuracy, 237f
computation time
comparison using hyperplane generator, 236t
comparison using SEA generator, 236t
for rotating hyperplane generator, 237f
for SEA generator, 236f
experiment, 235–238
Efficient-Concept-adapting Very Fast Decision Tree (E-CVFDT), 228–229, 231–232
algorithm, 232t
Electronic health records (EHRs), 189–193, 195
Electronic Product Code technology (EPC technology), 121
Emergent SOM, 57
Emoticons, 101
End-to-end deep learning, 2
Ensemble method, 174
Eosinophils, 133–134
Equal error rate (EER), 6
Erythrocytes, 132–133
deep learning methodology proposal, 145–147
Euclidean distance, 199
Exploratory data analysis (EDA), 37–38
F1-score, 260
Face recognition, 12–13
enrollment of facial biometric data, 15f
identification of facial biometric data, 14f
Facebook, 38–41, 89
Failure recovery, 209
False alarming rate (FAR), 218
False match rate (FMR), 6
False nonmatch rate (FNMR), 6
Faster R-CNN algorithm, cell detection using, 255–257
Feature extraction, 51, 63–64, 90, 92–93, 139, 271
and selection for making feature vector, 268
Feature map, 170–172
Feature-based machine learning, 18–19, 28–29
Feed-forward networks, 8–10
Feed-forward neural network, 187, 197–198
FEI, 23
Filters, 139
Finger pore detection, 15–16
Fingerprint recognition, 13–16
pore extraction, 17f
Flattened process, 250
Flow-based intrusion detection systems, 221
Four vs. of big data, 40, 40f
Frontal dementia, 157
Fully connected layer, 169–170, 169f
Fusion, 267
FVC2002, 24
FVC2004, 24
FVC2006, 24
Gait analysis, 21
Gait recognition, 21–23
signature recognition, 22
Gated recurrent unit (GRU), 161–162
Gaussian blur, 7
Gaussian decision tree (GDT), 233
Gaussian skin color model, 266
Generative adversarial networks, 217–218
Generative models, 97–99, 185
Geometric features, 269
Gluon, 212
Google, 38–41
Google dataset, 24
Google File System (GFS), 41
Gradual concept drift, 228–229, 232–233, 235
Graphics processing unit (GPU), 3, 187
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), 41–42
Hand gesture recognition studies, 265
Hand symbols, 265
classification mechanism, 267–269
literature review, 266–267
recognition, 266f
results, 270–272
work, 269–270
Handcrafted feature-driven basic machine learning classifiers, 97–98
Hard biometrics, 12–20
face recognition, 12–13
fingerprint recognition, 13–16
gait recognition, 21–23
iris recognition, 18–19
palmprint recognition, 16–18
vein recognition, 19–20
voice recognition, 20–21
Healthcare, 148
industry, 114
advantages and limitations of IoT, 124–125
IoT role, 115–118, 117f
security features of IoT, 123–124
Healthcare data, 193
Hematology, 132–134
Hidden layers, 94–95
Hierarchical convolutional neural network (HCNN), 18–19
for iris segmentation, 19f
High Complexity Procedure Authorization (APAC), 201–202
Histogram-based image segmentation, 268
Histopathological image analysis, 120
Hive, 37, 42–43
Architecture, 43f
Hoeffding tree, 230
Hog face detection, See Viola–Jones algorithm
Hospital Admission Authorization (AIH), 201–202
Hospital information system (HIS), 119–120
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), 123, 223
fuzzers, 223
Identification, 12–13
in biometric recognition, 5
Image preprocessing stage, 267
Image processing, 143
techniques, 265
Image recognition, 139
Image segmentation, 270
Inception-V3 model, 172–174
architecture, 172f
layers configuration, 173t
Inductive logic programming, 73–74
Industry 4.0, 80
Information and communication technology (ICT), 114
Insider threat, 220
Instagram, 41
Instantaneous concept drift, 228–229, 232–233, 235–236
Integrity, 208–209
Intel Core i3 processor, 145–147
Intelligence, 66
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), 200–201
Internet of Medical Things, 113
Internet of Things (IoT), 77, 113–114, 207, 222
advantages and limitations for healthcare technology, 124–125
architecture, 118–119
deep learning role in, 119–120
design for hospital, 120–123, 122f
discussions and future scope, 125–126
IoT-based healthcare system, 114, 116–118
role in healthcare sector, 115–118, 117f
security features for healthcare, 123–124
Internet Protocol spoofing attack (IP spoofing attack), 209
Internet systems, 118–119
Intraclass variations, 5
Intrusion detection systems, 219
performance measures for, 218
Iris recognition, 18–19
Iris Recognition Immigration System, 18
K-nearest neighbor classification, 229
Kaggle dataset, 24
Keras, 187, 188t
Kernels, 139
Labati’s model, 15–16
Labeled data, 72–73, 90–91
Language recognition, 135
Large-scale visualization, 38
learning-based deep-Q networks, 219
patient similarity, 190
trees, 73–74
Leukemia, 130
Leukocyte(s), 131–134
cell classes, 147f
deep learning methodology proposal, 145–147
T cells, 143–144
Leukocytosis, 151
Lewy body dementia, 157
Lexical semantics, 99
LibriSpeech, 23
Linear algebra, 213
Linear discriminant analysis, 54
Local direction pattern (LDP), 21–22
Long short-term memory (LSTM), 96, 161–162, 189–193
application, 106
architecture, 8–10, 105f
framework, 108
model, 99, 104
networks, 52, 105
neural network, 104–106
Loss function, 56
Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), 144–145
Lymph nodes, 132
Lymphocyte/leukocytes, 133–134
Machine learning, 2, 51, 63, 65–66, 71–76, 81, 119, 135, 136f, 139, 159, 210–211, 251
algorithms, 66
framework, 91–92, 91f–92f
implementation, 79
uses and applications of, 92–93
Macrophages, 132–133
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 158
Mainstream methods, 53
Man-in-the-middle attack, 209, 210f
Manhattan distance, 199
Mapping characteristics, 139
MapReduce Framework, 41–43, 42f
Massively parallel processing, 41
Max pooling, 247, 247f
McDiarmid’s inequality, 230–231
Mean blur, 7
Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), 20
Memory, 93
MENet, 29–31
Methodology proposal, 145–147
proposal modeling logic, 146f
results and discussion, 148–151
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, 187, 188t
Microsoft ResNet, 70–71
Middleware system, 118–119
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 158
Minimum pooling, 247, 248f
Minutiae, 13–15
Minutiae extraction network (MENet), 16
Model training, 72, 197–200
representation learning, 197–198
similarity learning, 198–200
similarity score calculation, 199f
Modern-day technology, 119
Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST), 76–77
Monocytes, 133–134
classification, 150f
test image, 150f
Multibit planes, 19–20
Multilayer perceptron (MLP), 187
Multimedia data mining, 52–53
Multimodal biometrics, 29
Multiple-layer deep learning models, 120
Multiscaled fully convoluted network (MFCN), 18–19
MXNet, 212
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, 24
Natural language processing (NLP), 66, 68f, 79, 185, 215
Natural neuron, 94f
Neural networks, 63–64, 64f, 70, 131f
layers, 184
statistics, 213–214
Neuroimaging information, 159
Neuron, 70, 213–214
Neuropsychological information, 159
Neutrophils, 133–134
NIGHT-care RFID system, 121
Nonlinear diffusion, 26
One-shot enrollment, 12–13
Opcodes, 220
Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS), 170
Open System Interconnection model, 222
OpenEHRBenchmark Dataset (ORBDA), 193, 201–202
dataset, 200–201
Optimality, 266
Padding, 166, 246
Palmprint recognition, 16–18
Siamese network for palmprint recognition, 18f
Parkinson’s disease, 157
Passive attack phenomena, 207, 207f
Perceptron, 94–95, 213
Performance evaluation, 202–203
Phishing attack, 209, 210f
Physiological parameters, 114, 122
Plasma, 132
Platelets, 134
PMap, 253
Point of vulnerabilities, 209
PolyU database, 23
palmprint database, 16
Pooling layer, 139–141, 166–168, 246–248
average or mean pooling, 167, 167f
comparison of different pooling operations results, 168f
max pooling, 166–167, 167f
min pooling, 167, 168f
Positron emission tomography (PET), 158
Precise recognition, deep learning methodology for, 12–20
hard biometrics, 12–20
soft biometrics, 23
Precision, 218
Predictive analysis, 130
Predictive models, 50–51
Pretrained AlexNet network, 253
Privacy, 207–208
Proposed deep learning framework, 99, 100f
Python, 102
Python 3.7, 131–132, 145–147
PyTorch, 187, 188t, 212
QlikView, 38
Radial basis function neural networks, 185
Radio frequency identification device tag (RFID tag), 118–119, 121, 124–125
Random neural networks, 219
Real-time monitoring, 125
Recall, 218
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), 2–3, 5–6, 11f, 21–22, 52, 95–96, 104, 161–162, 185–187, 214–215, 217
Red blood cells, 132–133
Reference vectors, 58
Region proposal network (RPN), 256
Regularized stacked denoising auto-encoder-softmax layer (RSDAE-SM), 190–193
Reinforced learning, 73–74
Reinforcement learning, 73
ReLu, 164, 170–172
Representation learning, 197–198
ResNet architecture, 16
ResNet-101, cell classification with, 257
Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), 160
Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), 161, 185
Retweet, 89, 96–97
Retweet prediction, 90
data collection and preparation, 100–104
discussion, 108
generative models, 98–99
handcrafted feature-driven basic machine learning classifiers, 97–98
lexical semantics, 99
model parameters, 107t
model performance, 107t
proposed deep learning framework, 99, 100f
receiver operating characteristic plot, 108f
related work and proposed work, 97–99
research set-up and experimentation, 104–106
results, 106
tweet expletives, 107t
Reverse bandwidth floods, 223
RGB, 267
“RMSProp” Optimizer, 172–174
Robust algorithms, 21
Rule-based methods, 54
“SAME” padding, 246
Scientific review, 141–145
Security, 207–208
aspects changing with deep learning, 219–223
attacks, 207, 209
dimensions, 208f
Segmentation method, 143
Segmentation stage, 268–269
feature extraction and selection for making feature vector, 268
histogram-based image segmentation, 268
thresholding methods, 268
types of features, 268–269
Self-improvement, 135
Self-organizing maps (SOMs), 51, 57–59
emergent, 57
traditional, 57
training process, 58f
Semantics, 99
Semisupervised learning, 73, 80
Service attack, denial of, 220f
Session hijacking, 209
Seven Vs of big data analysis, 37, 40
SHA-512 cryptographic hashing, 12–13
Siamese networks, 21
model, 16–18
for palmprint recognition, 18f
Siamese neural network, 10–12, 12f
Siamese-LSTM, 22
Sign language recognition system, 266
Signature recognition, 22
data flow for, 23f
Similarity learning, 198–200
Simple Service Discovery Protocol, 123
Single neuron network, 94–95
Single perceptron, 93
Smartphone devices, 116
Snapchat, 41
Sobel edge detector, 7
Social media platforms, 89
Soft biometrics, 23
function, 250
Softmax-based framework, 200
Softmax-based supervised classification framework, 200
Software and hardware configuration, 202
Software-defined networking (SDN), 222
controller, 222–223
Sonnet, 212
classifier, 215f
detection, 215
filtering, 215
Spark ML, 44
Spatial constrained convolution neural network (SC-CNN), 260
Speech recognition, 66, 68f, 79
Spleen, 132
Splitting data, 196
Spoof protection, 24–26
Spoofing, 24
SQL database, 40
Squamous cell carcinoma of lung (LUSC), 144–145
Squared error of regression line, 25
SqueezeNet, 19–20
Stacked autoencoders, 220–221
Stacked denoising auto-encoder (SDAE), 190–193
Stacked restricted Boltzmann machines, 220–221
Stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE), 260
Stride, 165
Structured information, 75
Subsampling, 139
Supervised learning, 185, 189, 197–198
Supervised techniques, 54
Support vector machine (SVM), 119–120
classifier, 272
model, 160
SYN flood attacks, 223
Tableau, 37
Apache Spark visualizations using, 45, 46f–47f
Template protection, 26–28
biometric cryptosystems, 27–28
cancelable biometrics, 26–27
Tensor processing unit (TPU), 3
Tensor representation model, 77
TensorFlow, 187, 188t, 211–212
Theano, 187, 188t
Thresholding methods, 268
Traditional SOM, 57
Transcription factor binding site (TFBS), 142
Transcription factors (TFs), 141
Transfer learning, 83
Transmission Control Protocol, 123
Tumor development speed, 242
corpus creation, 100–101
word cloud of most frequent terms in corpus, 103f
data cleaning, 101–102
data preparation, 102–103
Twitter, 38–40, 89, 92, 97
Twitter Streaming API, 100–101
Two-phase strategy of feature fusion, 267
Ubiris.v2 iris database, 23
Unlabeled data, 73, 90–91
Unstructured data, 138
Unsupervised learning, 185, 197
URLs, 101
User Datagram Protocol, 123
Users, 47
V1 (Job Tracker and Task Tracker), 41–42
V2 (YARN), 41–42
“VALID” padding, 246
Value of data, 41, 75
Variability of data, 41
Variety of data, 39, 75
Vein recognition, 19–20
Velocity of data, 39–40, 39f, 75
Verification in biometric recognition, 5
Very Fast Decision Tree (VFDT), 228–229
VGG-Face CNN, 13
VGG16 network, 70–71, 256–257
VGGNet-based algorithm, 15–16
Viola–Jones algorithm, 12–13
Visual clustering, 56–57
Visualization of data, 41
Voice recognition, 20–21
dataflow for, 20f
preprocessing flowchart, 21f
Volume of data, 40, 75
Wang’s u-net model, 15–16
Ward distance, 59
Ward’s clustering, 59
Wearable devices, 116
Weber local binary, 25
Wellness tourism, 126
White blood cells, 133–134
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), 121, 123
based on Constrained Application Protocol, 122
Word expletive, 103–104
YouTube, 41
Zernike moment features, 269
Zero padding, 246
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