
2D digital production timing, 21

2D rendered characters, 153

2D software programs for editing, 148

2D storyboards, 8

3D camera movement, 136137, 139147

3D digital images, 153

3D digital production timing, 21

3D software programs for editing, 8283, 148

3D storyboards, 8

24 frames per second speed, 1213, 45

25 frames per second speed, 19

101 Dalmations, 83


A Bug’s Life, 6

Accentuation of movement, 115

Acting (characterization), 120121

Actor-based program timing, 2223

Adams, Ansel, 154

Aesthetic and effects animation, 9495

Air resistance animation, 7879

Animal Farm:

accentuation of movement, 115

lip-sync, 130

pigeon hovering, 111

slow action, 47

‘take’, 142

Animal movements:

cats, 106107

cows, 104, 107

deer, 106107

donkeys, 4445

gallops, 103, 108109

horses, 104105, 108109

quadrupeds, 106107

Anticipation animation, 5657, 141

Arm movement, 4445, 6465

Arthur, 14

As the Wrench Turns, 7


Bailey, Greg, 14

Balloons, 3031

Bar sheets, 1617

Bird flight, 110111

Bottom-light effects, 94

Buscemi, Steve, 22

Butterfly Ball, 140


Camera movement:

3D, 136137, 139147

traditional, 134135

Cannonballs, 3031

Car animation, 61

Caricature and movement, 2627

Cartoons, 2627, 79

Cat family movement, 106107, 108109

Cause and effect, 2830

Characterization (acting), 120121


movement, 2526

reactions, 7475

Children’s programmes editing, 149

Cinematics of games, 151

Composition in Blue, 133

Cows movement, 104, 107

Crowd scenes, 8283

Cycles (repeat length), 8081


Deer movement, 106107

DeMille, Cecil B., 5

Depression (mood), 125

Digital effects:

animation, 9495

crowd scenes, 8283

production timing, 21

storyboards, 7


formats, 14

responsibilities, 11

‘slugging’, 15

timing, 1819

Disney, Walt, see Walt Disney pictures

Dope streets (UK), 19

Double frame animation, 5253, 123124, 133


perspective animation, 102103

spacing, 4244, 4546

Dreamworks Animation, 148

Drybrush (speed lines), 112115



animation, 148

children’s programming, 149

feature film, 148

internet downloads, 150

television episodes, 149

Energetic movements, 6869, 7071

Explosions, 9293

Eye movement in lip-sync, 128129


Facial expression:

characterization, 120121

features, 123

lip-sync, 130131

Fast action timing, 4849

Fast punches, 49

Fast run cycles, 118119

Feature films:

editing, 148

timing, 14

Fire burning animation, 80, 85

Fischinger, Oskar, 133

Flags, waving, 81

Flame animation, 77, 8485

Flexible joints and forces, 3839

Foldes, Peter, 152, 154

Follow through, 5859


flexible joints, 3839

jointed limbs, 4041

repeat action timing, 7374

sawing action, 7273

fps see frames per second


double, 5253

single, 5253

frames per second (fps) speed, 1213, 19, 45

Friction effects, 7879

Full animation timing, 1


Galloping movement, 103, 108109

Games, 151153

Good timing, 23

Gunshot effects, 114115


Hamilton (television series), 7475

Hammers, 6667

Head movement, 130131

Hitchcock, Alfred, 6


length, 5455

timing, 5051

Horses movement, 104105, 108109

Hunger, 152, 154


Ideas ‘readability’, 1

Inanimate objects:

repeat movements, 9697

timing, 25, 3435

Internet downloads editing, 150



flexible, 3940

limbs, 4142

Joy (mood), 125


Kicking donkey movement, 4445

Kung Fu Panda, 148


Larkin, Ryan, 143

Laws, movement, 2

Laws of Motion (Newton), 3, 3132

Limbs, jointed, 4041

Lip-sync, 126127, 128129, 130131


Massive software program, 82

Meaning of movement, 23

Michaelangelo, 154

Miming, 126

Miyazaki, Hayao, 76, 95

Monster House, 22

Mood suggestion, 122125

Motion blur, 112115

Mouth movement in lip-sync, 128129


accentuation, 115

arm, 4445, 6465

balloons, 3031


3D, 136137, 139147

traditional, 134135

cannonballs, 3031

caricature, 2627

cat family, 106107, 108109

characters, 2526

cows, 104, 107

deer, 106107

energetic, 6870, 7071

eyes, 128129

galloping, 108109

head, 130131

horses, 104105, 108109

inanimate objects, 9697

kicking donkey, 4445

laws, 2

meaning, 23

mouth, 128129

Newton’s laws, 3, 3132

oscillating, 6263

peg, 136138, 139147

quadrupeds, 106107

walk, 6465, 98100, 101

Multiple character scenes, 82

Music timing, 132133


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, 7677

Newton’s Laws of Motion, 3, 3132


Objects thrown through the air, 3233

Oscillating movement, 6263

Overlapping action, 6061

Overseas production timing, 20

Oxberry, John, 135


Paley, Nina, 94

Peep and the Big Wild World, 149

Peg movements:

3D animation, 139147

traditional animation, 136138

walk cycle, 136138

Perspective animation and spacing of drawings, 102103

Properties of matter and animation, 2425

Psycho, 6


Rain animation, 9091

Ranft, Joe, 6

‘Readability’ of ideas, 1

Repeat movements for inanimate objects, 9697

Responsibilities of director, 11

Rhythm & Hues, 83, 146147

Rope pulling, 6465

‘Rostrum camera’, 135

Rotating objects timing, 3637


Sawing action, 7273


digital crowd, 8283

multiple character, 82

Simple harmonic motion, 42

Single frame animation, 5253, 63

Sita Sings the Blues, 94

Size and timing, 7677

Slow action timing, 4647

‘Slugging’, 15

Smoke animation, 8485

Snow animation, 91

Spacing of drawings:

description, 4244, 4546

perspective animation, 102103

Speech synchronization, 124125

Spielberg, Steven, 5

Spirited A way, 95

Stanton, Nate, 6

Steamboat Mickey, 133


2D, 8

3D, 8

additional effects, 10

animated films, 6

description, 5

digital, 7

traditional, 56

Strobing, 116117

Stroboscope, 117

Surf’s Up, 8, 148

Suspicion (mood), 125

Synchronization of speech, 124125



Animal Farm, 142

character reactions, 7475

Television (TV):

episode editing, 149

series timing, 1

timing, 14

‘The Flood’ animation, 4

The Guardsman, 126127

The Insolent Matador, 144145

The Little Mermaid, 6

The Return of the King, 8

Time For Some Campaigning’, 150

Traditional animation timing, 1819

Traditional camera movements, 134135

TV see television


Unit of time in animation, 1213


Vaudeville (music hall), 120


Walking (film), 143


creature, 146147

style, 100101

Walt Disney pictures, 6, 83, 133, 148


animation, 8689

drops, 87, 91

pressure, 87

spillage, 88

timing for animation, 89

Waving flags, 81

Weight and force timing:

energetic movements, 6869

hammers, 6667

raising an arm, 6465

rope pulling, 6465

walking, 64

weight lifting, 7071

Weightless drawings, 2425

Whipcrack animation, 114115

Wind animation, 7879, 80


X sheets (USA), 19

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