

AAC format, 184–185, 187

ABC Player 211

about, 211

checking network schedule on, 214

commercials on, 216–217, 218

controlling playback on, 217

downloading, 212

giving feedback to, 216

keeping up with series’ episodes, 215

viewing episodes available, 214–215

watching featured favorites on, 212–213

addresses 25

adding to contacts from email, 25

typing shortcuts for, 28

Air Video. See also Air Video Server

controls for, 238, 239

converting video in, 236–237, 242

full-screen mode for, 239

obtaining, 231–232

operating in landscape orientation, 236

playing your video in, 236–239

setting up Air Video Server, 232–235, 236

streaming content to HD TV, 239

updating display, 239

using with AppleTV, 242

Air Video Server 231

about, 231

enabling access for, 236

installing, 232

setting up, 232–235, 236

AirPlay 242

converting content to AppleTV with, 242

Home Sharing vs., 240

speakers compatible with, 240

streaming audio and video with AirView, 240–241

AirView, 240–241

annotating PDF files, 102–106

Apple ID, 55–56

AppleTV, 239, 242

artist syncing options, 188–189

audio. See also music

narrating movies, 226–227

turning on/off alert sounds, 43

Auto-Lock setting, 137

automatic backup of iTunes, 51


BigOven, 119–126

downloading and creating account, 119–121

finding recipes in, 121–124

importing recipes into Pages from, 127–130

marking and finding favorites in, 124–125

sharing recipes from, 126

bookmarks 115

Epicurious recipe, 115

syncing, 9

browsers. See also Safari

finding iPad from, 57–58

installing Read it Later bookmarklet in, 108–109


calendars 41

assigning events to, 41

checking ABC Player network, 214

choosing default, 40–41

subscribing to, 40, 42–43

syncing, 7

camcorder movies, 226

Camera Roll album, 229

chords 177–178

adding to music tracks, 177–178

presetting, 173–174

strumming and finger-picking patterns for, 174–175

cloud services. See also Wireless Syncing Project

defined, 13

getting MobileMe account for, 12

color of text, 134

commercials, 216–217, 218

computer 7

calendar syncing from, 7

connecting iPad to, 3

contact syncing on, 5–6

emailing files to iPad, 81

installing Read it Later bookmarklet in browser, 108

keeping Wi-Fi connection to iPad alive, 75

MobileMe syncing from, 14–16

moving rented movies to and from iPad on, 210

preventing iPad syncing with, 3, 10

sharing iPad file with, 95

sharing iTunes Library using Home Sharing, 244

signing up for MobileMe on, 12

syncing files in Dropbox on, 84

transferring files to computer from, 92–95

wireless iPad syncing with, 13

Contact and Calendar Management Project, 38–47

about, 38

adjusting Time Zone Support settings, 44–46

choosing default calendar, 40–41

getting directions, 46–47

setting default contacts account, 39–40

sorting contacts, 38–39

subscribing to calendars, 42–43

turning on/off calendar alert sounds, 43

Contacts 20–24

adding contacts in, 20–24

creating contacts from email address, 21–23

data not shared on vCards, 27

default account for, 39–40

editing, 23–24

getting directions in, 46–47

New Contact form in, 22

other email data to add for contacts, 25–27

Sender window for, 21

setting Time Zone Support for, 45

sharing contacts, 26–27

sorting contacts, 38–39

syncing contacts, 5–6

transferring email info into, 24

cooking. 111–137 See iPad Chef Project

copy protection, 231

copying 132–134

recipe ingredients into scrapbook, 132–134

URLs to contacts from email, 25–26

CutePDF Writer, 199


data 25–27

found in contact emails, 25–27

recovering iPad, 51

wiping iPad, 58

dates 157–158

editing trip, 157–158

searching for flight, 164–165

default accounts 40–41

choosing calendar, 40–41

selecting contacts, 39–40

deleting 58

all iPad data, 58

calendar subscription, 42–43

email, 31–35

songs from playlist, 193

trashed emails, 31

digital rights management (DRM) 231

about, 231

AirPlay unable to transmit material using, 241

unable to stream copy-protected content from iTunes, 231, 234

display order, 39

documents. See also PDF documents

changing background color of, 134

creating PDF e-book, 197–199

placing images in Pages, 135–137

saving ePub, 199–201

Don’t Fall Asleep setting, 75, 137

downloading 212

ABC Player, 212

Air Video from iTunes App Store, 232

BigOven, 119

Dropbox, 84

files to GoodReader, 98–99

GarageBand app, 170–171

TV software for streaming video, 211–212

drafting email, 27

DRM. 231 See digital rights management

Dropbox, 83–92

about, 83–84

adding server to GoodReader, 95–97

closing folders, 100

downloading, 84

favoriting file in, 86–87

file sharing using, 88–89

folder sharing using, 89–92

logging in to, 84–85

My Dropbox, 85–86

on-demand syncing with, 87–88

syncing wiki with, 62

drum track, 182–183

duplicating Keynote slides, 148–149


e-books. See also Make Your Own E-Books Project; scrapbook

creating PDF documents for, 197–199

file formats for, 197

editing 23–24

contacts, 23–24

GarageBand recordings, 181–184

iPad techniques for, 149

Keynote slides, 148–149

placeholder text in Keynote, 146–147

song genres, 189

trip dates, 157–158

email 29

about IMAP and POP accounts, 29

checking for spam, 30–31

contact data available from, 25–27

creating contact entry from address of, 21–23

deleting, 31–35

drafting, 27

files via Dropbox, 88–89

importing recipes into Pages via, 127–130

invitation alerts via, 43

mailing files to self, 80–81

moving to different folder, 35–37

recovering from Trash, 31

sending recipe shopping list via, 118–119

sending wiki via, 62

sharing recipes from BigOven via, 126

song sharing via, 185

syncing account settings for, 8

viewing in Mail’s universal Inbox, 37

enabling/disabling. 43 See turning on/off

Epicurious 112–115

browsing recipes in, 112–115

favorite recipes in, 116–117

navigating in, 115

recipe searches in, 114–115

viewing and emailing recipe shopping list, 118–119

episodes. 206–207 See TV-show episodes

ePub format, 197, 199–201

events for calendars, 41

exporting 199

documents in ePub format, 199

flash cards, 153

songs to iTunes, 184–185


favorites 124–125

BigOven recipe, 124–125

featured on ABC Player, 212–213

marking Dropbox files, 86–87

marking Epicurious, 116–117

file formats 184–185

choosing song, 184–185, 187

compatible with iPad, 80–81

e-book, 197

video, 230

files. See also file formats; PDF documents

annotating PDF, 102–106

compressing song, 187

downloading to GoodReader, 98–99

emailing to yourself, 80–81

favoriting in Dropbox, 86–87

first time modifying PDF, 104

sharing via Dropbox, 88–89

transferring from computer to GoodReader, 92–95

Find My iPhone app, 57

finding lost iPad, 54–58

Flash Card Project, 138–153

about, 138

creating flash-card deck with Keynote, 145–149

exporting flash cards, 153

gathering images for, 141–143

printing flash cards, 152–153

translating words and phrases for, 139–141, 149

using Keynote for, 138–139

viewing presentation, 151

folders 100

closing Dropbox, 100

creating Dropbox, 85

creating playlist, 191–192

defined, 20

moving email to different, 35–37

selecting in iTunes for syncing, 191

sharing via Dropbox, 89–92

formatting 134

fonts, 134

lists, 68–69

wiki text, 66–69

formatting-bar buttons (Trunk Notes), 66–67

full-screen mode (Air Video), 239


GarageBand 182–183

adding drum track, 182–183

adding new instrument to song, 178–181

choosing and autoplaying Smart Guitar, 173–175

getting, 170–171

looping selected region of recording, 181–182

preparing to record in, 175–176

recording tracks in, 176–181

resetting tempo, 183–184

saving and exporting song to iTunes, 184–185

setting up song in, 171–173

working in track view, 178–179

genres 189

editing song, 189

selecting from Netflix movie, 219–220

syncing options for, 188–189

Ghostscript, 199

Go to Meeting Project, 80–111

about, 80

annotating PDF files, 102–106

downloading and reading Dropbox files in GoodReader, 95–102

emailing files to yourself, 80–81

previewing Word file in Mail, 82–83

reading on the go with Instapaper, 108–111

sharing and syncing files with Dropbox, 83–92

transferring file from computer to GoodReader, 92–95

GoodReader 95–97

adding Dropbox server to, 95–97

annotating PDF text in, 102–106

navigation bar, 101–102

personalizing settings for, 102–103

reading PDF in, 100–102

transferring files from computer to, 92–95

Google 35

deleting archived Gmail, 35

Google Images, 141–143

Google Translate, 139–141, 149

wireless syncing with, 12

guitar 174–175

autoplaying Smart, 174–175

selecting style of Smart, 180, 181

setting up chords for, 173–174


Home Sharing Project, 239–244

Home Sharing vs. AirPlay, 240

sharing iTunes Library, 242–244

streaming between iOS devices, 240–242

streaming media with AirView, 240–241


iBooks, 197

iCal, 15–16

images 24

adding to contact, 24

converting to iMovie video, 226

gathering for flash cards, 141–143

importing into Pages, 135

Keynote guidelines for, 148

Keynote placeholder, 146

placing in Pages, 135–137

shortcuts for sending via Mail, 28

IMAP (Internet Messages Access Protocol), 20, 29

iMovie 223

about, 223

adding clips to, 225–226

naming movie project, 227–228

sharing movies, 228–230

using My Projects screen in, 224–225

importing 135

image into Pages, 135

recipes into Pages via email, 127–130

Information Syncing Project, 2–10

Instapaper, 108–111

installing Read it Later bookmarklet, 108–109

opening account on iPad, 106–107

saving content to read later, 107, 110–111

sharing Web content saved in, 111

instruments 178–181

adding new, 178–181

guitar, 173–175, 180, 181

looping GarageBand tracks for, 182

using drum track, 182–183

Internet. See also Streaming Internet Video Project; Wi-Fi connections

enabling access for Air Video Server, 236

keeping Wi-Fi connection to iPad alive, 75, 137

setting restrictions for Web sites, 53–54

streaming video over 3G connections, 222, 236

viewing featured favorites on ABC Player, 212–213

Web-based calendar subscriptions, 42–43

Internet Messages Access Protocol (IMAP), 20, 29

invitations 91

Dropbox Web sharing, 91

sending via email, 43

iPad 234

background video streaming on, 234, 235

connecting to computer, 3

creating playlists on, 194–196

Don’t Fall Asleep setting for, 75

editing techniques in, 149

effect of e-book formats on, 197

finding lost, 54–58

installing Read it Later bookmarklet on, 109

iPod touch vs., 186

keeping it awake, 75, 137

kitchen uses for, 137

manually managing music syncing, 196

modifying documentation for, 201

moving rented movies to and from computer on, 210

opening Instapaper account on, 106–107

operating Air Video in landscape orientation, 236

passcode for, 49–51

preventing syncing with computer, 3, 10

printing PDF documents to, 198–199

protecting with plastic food-storage bag, 137

restricting app access on, 52–54

saving movie to Camera Roll album, 229

sharing file with computer from, 95

storage capacity of, 186

streaming audio and video from iPad to, 240–242

syncing files in Dropbox on, 84

Time Zone Support feature, 44–46

transferring files from iTunes to, 93–95

unable to create new calendars on, 40

wiping data on, 58

iPad Chef Project, 111–137. See also BigOven; Epicurious; recipes

about, 111–112

creating BigOven app account, 119–121

favorites in BigOven, 124–125

finding BigOven recipes, 121–124

finding Epicurious recipes, 112–115

making recipe scrapbook, 127–137

marking and displaying favorite recipes, 116–117

searching for recipes, 115–116

sharing BigOven recipes, 126

using iPad in the kitchen, 137

viewing and emailing recipe shopping list, 118–119

iPad Protection Project, 48–58

about, 48

finding lost iPad, 54–58

passcodes, 49–51

setting restrictions, 52–54

iPod touch, 186

itinerary 158–159

creating TravelTracker, 158–159

entering flight info in, 166–168

iTunes 194

about Smart Playlists, 194

choosing syncing categories in, 188–189

clearing all playlists before syncing, 189

exporting songs to, 184–185

making and syncing playlists on, 190–194

managing music syncing manually, 196

preventing iPad syncing with computer, 3, 10

recovering data from backup of, 51

reverting to automatic syncing, 203

Source list for, 4

syncing iPad items in, 3–4

turning on/off movie syncing, 203–204

unable to stream copy-protected content from, 231, 234

using Home Sharing with, 242–244

viewing sync settings in, 3–5

why sync using, 10

iTunes Store 232

downloading Air Video from App Store, 232

renting movies from, 210

restricting access to, 53


KAYAK, 162–165

entering travel dates to find flight, 164–165

setting flight routes, 162–164

key, 175, 176

Keynote 138

about, 138

acquiring, 139

creating flash-card deck in, 145–149

developing presentation in, 145–148

duplicating and editing slides, 148–149

image guidelines in, 148

making slide and completing deck, 149–151

navigating between Safari and, 139

viewing presentation, 151


landscape orientation for Air Video, 236

language flash cards. 138–153 See Flash Card Project

links in Markdown, 70–71

lists, 68–69

logging in to Dropbox, 84–85

looping recording region, 181–182


Mail 30–31

checking for spam, 30–31

deleting email with swipe, 35

drafting email, 27

previewing Word file in, 82–83

selecting emails for deleting, 32–34

sending wiki via, 62

shortcuts for addresses and photos in, 28

turning on Show To/Cc Label, 30–31

viewing universal Inbox in, 37

Mail Management Project, 19–38. See also email; Mail

about, 19–20

adding contacts, 20–24

deleting single email, 31

drafting email, 27

managing mailboxes, 28–29

moving email to different folder, 35–37

removing multiple emails, 32–35

mailboxes 20

defined, 20

managing, 28–29

moving email to different, 35–37

Make a Movie Project, 223–230. See also movies

about iMovie, 223

naming movie project, 227–228

narrating movies, 226–227

sharing movies, 228–230

starting your own movies, 224–227

Make Music Project, 170–185. See also music

adding drum track, 182–183

creating song in GarageBand, 171–175

looping selected region of recording, 181–182

preparing to records in GarageBand, 175–176

recording GarageBand tracks, 176–181

resetting tempo, 183–184

saving and exporting recording to iTunes, 184–185

using Smart Guitar, 173–175

Make Your Own E-Books Project, 196–201

about e-book file formats, 197

creating e-book PDF in Word, 197–199

saving ePub documents in Scrivener, 199–201

maps 25

adding to contacts, 25

getting directions with, 46–47

Markdown 58

about, 58

codes for, 69

linking to new pages in, 70–71

syntax for image, 72–73

Merge Contacts dialog (MobileMe), 18

metronome, 175–176, 178

Microsoft Exchange, 12

Microsoft Word, 197–199

MobileMe 12

creating account for, 12, 17–19

Find My iPad feature, 54–58

syncing from Mac to computer, 13, 14

System Preferences window for Mac OS X, 14

using with iCal, 15–16

wireless syncing with, 12

Movie and TV-Show Syncing Project, 202–210. See also movies; TV-show episodes

about, 202

choosing TV-show episodes for syncing, 208–209

moving rentals to and from iPad, 210

music videos, 210

reverting to automatic syncing, 203

selecting movies for syncing, 205–206

syncing all movies, 204

turning on/off movie syncing, 203–204

turning on/off TV-show syncing, 207

ways to sync movies, 202–203

movies. 205 See also specific video streaming projects

about recent unwatched, 205

adding clips to iMovie, 225–226

choosing options for syncing, 205

moving rentals to and from iPad, 210

music videos, 210

naming, 227–228

narrating, 226–227

selecting in Netflix, 219–220

sharing, 228–230

starting your own, 224–227

syncing selections and playlists, 205–206

turning on/off syncing for, 203–204

ways to sync, 202–203

music, 170–196

adding new instrument to song, 178–181

choosing syncing categories in iTunes, 188–189

compressing songs, 187

defining chord strumming and finger-picking, 174–175

designing Smart Playlists for, 194

editing song genres, 189

exporting songs to iTunes, 184–185

including songs on playlist, 192–193

iPad’s storage capacity for, 186

managing iTunes’ syncing manually, 196

presetting chords for, 173–174

setting up song in GarageBand, 171–173

sharing song files via email, 185

syncing iTunes’ Music library with iPad, 186–188

tempo for, 175–176

Music Syncing Project, 186–196. See also music

about, 186

choosing syncing categories, 188–189

creating iPad playlists, 194–196

making and syncing iTunes playlists, 190–194

manually managing music syncing, 196

sharing iTunes’ Music library with iPad, 186–188

Smart Playlists, 194

music videos, 210


naming 227–228

movie project, 227–228

playlist folders, 192

narrating movies, 226–227

NAT-PMP (Network Address Translation-Port Mapping Protocol), 236

navigating 101–102

GoodReader, 101–102

between Keynote and Safari, 139

Trunk Notes, 61

Netflix 211

about, 211, 218–219

getting started with, 219

playing queued media in, 221–222

searching for titles, 220–221

selecting genre and movie in, 219–220

NetRatings, 211

Network Address Translation-Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP), 236

New Contact form (Contacts, 22

notes 9

syncing, 9

yellow note marker, 105


On My Mac calendars, 15


Pages for iPad, 127–138

choosing document templates, 129

creating recipe scrapbook in, 127–134

customizing recipes with, 134–137

exporting documents in ePub format, 199

importing image into, 135

placing image in document, 135–137

selecting text in, 132–133

passcode 51

choosing, 51

resetting, 58

setting, 49–50

Passcode Lock screen, 49–51

pasting text into Pages, 128–130

PDF documents. 95–97 See also GoodReader

about PDF format, 197

annotating in GoodReader, 102–106

creating e-book, 197–199

downloading to GoodReader, 98–99

reading in GoodReader, 100–102

phone numbers, 25

Photos app, 144

playhead for GarageBand tracks, 176–177

playlist folders, 191–192

playlists 194

about Smart Playlists, 194

clearing all iTunes before syncing, 189

creating on iPad, 194–196

defined, 190

deleting songs from, 193

including movies on, 203

making and syncing iTunes, 190–194

selecting and syncing music, 191, 193

syncing movie, 205–206

using TV-show episode, 208

POP (Post Office Protocol) accounts, 29

printing 152–153

flash cards, 152–153

PDF documents to iPad, 198–199

using AirPrint for iPad, 151


Read it Later bookmarklet, 108–109

reading 108–111

content with Instapaper, 108–111

PDFs in GoodReader, 100–102

recent unwatched movies, 205

recipes. 112–115 See also Epicurious

copying ingredients into scrapbook, 132–134

creating scrapbook for, 127–134

defining template for scrapbook, 131–132

finding in BigOven, 121–124

finding with Epicurious, 112–115

noting source of, 34

tips for customizing, 134

using iPad in the kitchen, 137

recordings 177–178

adding chords to, 177–178

adding drum track to, 182–183

adding new instrument to song, 178–181

looping selected region of, 181–182

music tracks, 176–181

resetting tempo, 183–184

saving and exporting to iTunes, 184–185

setting tempo for GarageBand, 175–176

recovering data from iTunes backup, 51

renting movies. 211 See also Netflix

from iTunes Store, 210

reruns, 215

restoring iPad data, 51


Safari 53

disabling access to, 53

gathering images for flash cards, 141–143

installing Read it Later bookmarklet in, 108–109

navigating between Keynote and, 139

using Google Translate with, 139–141, 149

saving 107

content to read later, 107, 110–111

draft email, 27

ePub documents, 199–201

movie to iPad Camera Roll album, 229

Trunk Notes wiki, 73

scrapbook 132–134

copying recipe ingredients into, 132–134

creating in Pages for iPad, 127–134

defining template for, 131–132

Scrivener, 199–201

searching 121–124

BigOven for recipes, 121–124

Epicurious for recipes, 115–116

Netflix for movie titles, 220–221

Trunk Notes, 62–64

Sender window (Contacts), 21

servers 95–97

connecting to GoodReader, 95–97

setting up Air Video Server, 232–235, 236

sharing 239–240

about Home Sharing, 239–240

BigOven recipes, 126

contacts, 26–27

movies, 228–230

song files via iTunes or email, 184–185

videos from iMovie, 223

Web content saved in Instapaper, 111

wiki, 74–77

showing/hiding Instapaper bookmarks, 109

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 29

slides 148–149

duplicating and editing Keynote, 148–149

making flash-card, 149–151

using as flash cards, 145

Smart Guitar 173–175

autoplaying in GarageBand, 173–175

selecting style for, 180, 181

Smart Playlists, 194

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 29

songs. 170–196 See music

sorting contacts, 38–39

Source list (iTunes), 4

spam, 30–31

speakers compatible with AirPlay, 240

stand for iPad, 137

storage space 186

iPad’s capacity for music storage, 186

video requirements for, 230

Streaming Internet Video Project, 210–222

about streaming media, 210–211

checking network schedule, 214

commercials shown on ABC Player, 216–217, 218

controlling ABC Player video playback, 217

downloading TV software for, 211–212

keeping up with series’ episodes, 215

searching for Netflix movie titles, 220–221

selecting Netflix movies, 219–220

3G connections and streaming video, 222, 236

viewing episodes available, 214–215

watching movies and TV on demand, 218–222

Streaming Your Own Video Project, 230–239

about streaming media, 210–211

about video formats, 230

digital rights management and, 231, 241

getting Air Video software, 231–232

setting up Air Video Server, 232–235, 236

unable to stream copy-protected content from iTunes, 231, 234

using Air Video user interface, 236–239

subscribing to calendars, 40, 42–43

Summary pane (iTunes), 4

swipe gesture, deleting email with, 35

syncing. 2 See also specific syncing projects

about, 2

applying settings for, 9–10

calendars, 7

clearing all iTunes playlists before, 189

contacts, 5–6

files on demand with Dropbox, 87–88

iTunes Music library with iPad, 186–188

iTunes playlists, 189, 191, 193

from Mac with MobileMe, 13, 14

mail settings, 8

to MobileMe from Windows computer, 15–16

movie selections and playlists, 205–206

movies, 203–204, 205

notes and bookmarks, 9

reverting to automatic, 203

TV shows, 207, 208–209

using wireless, 12, 16–17

viewing settings in iTunes, 3–5

why use iTunes for, 10

wiki with Dropbox, 62


templates 129

choosing Pages document, 129

wiki pages, 62

tempo, 176, 183–184

text 68

adding bulleted lists, 68

adding to wiki entry, 64–66

changing font or color of, 134

editing Keynote placeholder, 146–147

formatting wiki, 66–69

highlighting PDF, 105

pasting from email into Pages, 128–130

selecting Pages placeholder, 133

translating words and phrases, 139–141, 149

TextExpander touch app, 69

3G connections. 11–19 See also Wireless Syncing Project

about cloud services, 12, 13

streaming video from, 222, 236

Time Zone Support feature, 44–46

track view (GarageBand), 178–179

transport controls (GarageBand), 176–177

Trash folder, 31

TravelTracker 154

about, 154, 155

add-ons for, 159

entering flight info into itinerary, 166–168

itineraries in, 158–159

scheduling dinner in, 159–162

setting up trip with, 155–159

Trunk Notes 71–73

adding image to, 71–73

additional features of, 78

configuring for wiki sharing, 74–77

formatting-bar buttons in, 66–67

limitations for some wikiwords, 66

modes in, 59

navigation bar for, 61

searching, 62–64

viewing, 59–62

turning on/off 43

calendar alert sounds, 43

Find My iPad, 56–57

Internet access for Air Video Server, 236

metronome during track playback, 178

movie syncing, 203–204

Show To/Cc Label, 30–31

Time Zone Support, 46

TV-show syncing, 207

wired syncing, 16–17

TV. See also Air Video; TV-show episodes

streaming Air Video content to HD, 239

streaming content to AppleTV, 239, 242

TV-show episodes 206–207

choices for syncing, 206–207

downloading software for streaming from Internet, 211–212

playing in Netflix, 221–222

reviewing viewing history for, 215

selecting in Netflix, 219–220

turning on/off syncing of, 207

viewing available, 214–215

viewing recent favorites on ABC Player, 212–213


updating Air Video display, 239

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), 236

URLs for contacts, 25

user feedback for ABC Player, 216


Vacation Planning Project, 154–168. See also KAYAK; TravelTracker

about, 154

entering flight info into itinerary, 166–168

finding flights, 162–165

getting TravelTracker and KAYAK for, 154–155

scheduling dinner, 159–162

setting up trip, 155–159

vCards, 26–27

video. See also movies

commercials for streaming, 216–217, 218

controlling ABC Player video playback, 217

file formats for, 230

viewing 118–119

Epicurious recipe shopping list, 118–119

favorite recipes in BigOven, 125

Keynote presentation, 151

Mail’s universal Inbox, 37

sync settings in iTunes, 3–5


Weave a Wiki Project, 58–78. See also Trunk Notes

about, 58–59

adding image to wiki page, 71–73

creating wiki page., 64–66

emailing wiki, 62

formatting wiki text, 66–69

sharing wiki, 74–77

using Markdown syntax, 69–73

working with Trunk Notes, 59–64, 78

Web browsers. 53 See browsers

Web content. See also browsers; Internet; wikis

invitations for Dropbox Web sharing, 91

linking to new pages with wikiwords, 70–71

saving images in Photos, 144

setting restrictions for sites and, 53–54

sharing Instapaper, 111

subscribing to Web-based calendars, 42–43

Wi-Fi connections. See also Wireless Syncing Project

about cloud services, 12, 13

maintaining live computer and iPad, 75

options for syncing, 12

sharing wiki via, 75–77

wikis 58–59

defined, 58–59

sending via email, 62

sharing, 74–77

wikiwords 60

defined, 60

linking to new pages with, 70–71

unable to create or edit notes for some, 66

Wireless Syncing Project, 11–19

creating MobileMe account on iPad, 17–19

options for wireless syncing, 12

signing up for MobileMe, 12

syncing contacts wirelessly, 13–14

syncing iCal with MobileMe, 15–16

turning off wired syncing, 16–17

word processing apps 197–199

Microsoft Word, 197–199

Pages for iPad, 127–138


yellow note marker, 105

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